carrizozo ••• 'li1coln county's countyseat town' county·...

County· News; CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' , '.. VOLUME 76. NUMBER 48 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25, 1981 ESTABLISHED IN 1905 OFFICE 648·2342 EMERGENCY Bob Grant-- Speaks at FRWLC Payne Resigns .•. Reputation 'Saved' Industrial Revenue Bond Issue Turned Down ,.:::.- .. ... ",'" 91;- SHERIFF'S REPORT -- November 20 ACCident with IIljUneS at Riverside was reported. Injured (Name unknown) was taken to the Rwdoso Hondo Valley Hospital Brett Allen Campbell. 20 of RUidoso, New MeXICO was tran- sported to the New MeXICO State Perutentlary In Santa Fe, where he will serve lime on the burglary charge committed in Chaves County & Rludoso, Lmcoln ('.ounty Gene Wilson of Ruidoso reported to the Sheriff's Office of a B & E at his alto Village Office Deputies were dispatched to the Wilson residence in regards to that matter. A Juvenile from RlI1doso, NM was mcarcerated m the County jail on charges of allOWing self to be served. B-R-I-E-F - November 21 - Joel Pafford of Game & Fish reported of a fence torn down east of Camzozo. BenJamm Bradley. 25 (a hunter) of Albuquerque. NM ac· cidently shot himself on the foot, in the Corona area. AB & E was reported at the Rush residence in Alto Village. B & E is under investigatlon at this time. Sheriff's Deputies patroled different areas in the cmffity the 20, 21, & 22nd. Several citations were issued to h\fiters whom were hunting on posted land. Deputies also checked in many areas of the county in regards to gunshots being fired on \fiauthorized ar-eas. -- "November 19 -- Report of an aCCident Without IOjunes at Baca Campsite Vehicle apparently rolled over No CitatiOns were 188ued. A Burglary was reported In progress in RUidoso Downs. Turned out to be a family dispute There will be a deer hunters dance November 28th at the Corona Auditorium. The prpceeds from this dance will go to help the Corona Annual Staff. The Corona Annual Staff would really ap- preciate your support. A good time will be had by all. The dance will nm from eight o'clock to twelve o'clock ERNEST S. SANCHEZ SHER IFF OF LINCOLN COUNTY - November 22-- Pablo Lucero, (a hunter) reported 8 theft of his Camping equipment at the Cibola National Park. Bob Read, (a hunter) reported of his license plate taken off his vehicle while parked at the Valley of Fires State Park. -- November 18 -- Mrs Lydia I'rinell of San PatricIO reported aB & E at her reSidence. Joseph Krotsmer a hitchhiker reported to the Sheriff's Depart- ment' that all ruli belongmgs were stolen by persons whom had given him a ride up to Bmgham. NM. -- November 17-- Burglar Alarm reported going off at the Alto Village Country Club. Turned out to be a false alarm. Porter's of Nogal. NM reported to the Sheriff's Office of trespassers leaVing gate open at their residence Livestock getting out. environmental impact statements, Incorporation, prinCIpal and litigations can be discussed at length when it came time to act on The Bond issue. The resolution is a "free look" at a proposed industry Although the resolutIOn before the council did not require lhp public's okay, the people present demanded that they be allowed to express their objection With a sho .... of hands. Those holdmg hand.-; up declared that they objected to the resolution 100 percent F'ields said the counnl was obligated to honor the public's Wishes. pomting out that a new election .... ClS ('·Olllmg up. Arm- strong said the llU{lJence only represented a "SInClltlTlng" of people "These are the .... 11" care." FIelds added The questIOn' Do you know ho .... much money It takes to bwld a stet'l billet mill? .... as addressed from the audience to Hernandez CounCil research mdicatt'd a figure of 65 to 85 million dollars to be the ml11lmum. Payne said the mill mVlslonl'<1 m Carrizozo was a 10 mullon dollar IJroJect. "Not withholding aU tht· 'experts' here, most do not knov. what they're talklIlg about.' Payne said m rus final comments Payne, who was Carrlzozo's mayor m 1974-75, resigned after serving as legal counsel for the muniCipality for 9 yean, Payne IS associated V.lth the la .... firm of Payne, Mitchell and QUIgley. With offices In Carnzozo and HUidoso - THIIRSDAY_SO\:..2lL=--_ - Thanksgiving Da,,· - Sun Carnh al Parade. Channpl 9. El Paso. 10 a.m. <Set' C".ndi Fpntt'r) -Sl.'NDAY.NO\'.29- - Community Choir Practice . Methodist Church. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. (Contlnut>d through Dec. 20) - Organ MusIc by Burton Patterson, First Baptist Church, 1:45 p.m. -WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2- - Canyon Cowbelles, Gable Ranch, Noon Potluck - BoWling, mixed, 7 p.m. -TUESDAY, DEC.l- - County Commission, 10 a.m. - Chamber of Commerce. REA. Noon - Teacher Basketball Team vs California Cutles. 7 p.m. Bowling, Mixed, 7 p.m. - Lions, Four Winds, 7 p.m. -SATt'RDAY. NO\". 2S- Baskt'tball, Boys A and B. Girls A \'5 Wet'd Bulldogs. 4:30 p.m. -MONDAY. NOV.30- Girls Scouts, After School - Brownies, After School - Cub Scouts, Troop III, 406 "C" Ave, 4 p.m. - Bowling. Women's, 7 p.m. -TIlURSDAY,DEC.3- - Bookmobile, REA, 9:30 to 11 a.m. Rotary, Four Winds, Noon - Sunflower Extension ClUb, REA, 7 p.m. - Bowling, Men's, 7 p.rn. . Eastern Star, Masonic Temple, 8 p.m. - - o Q. ..Q recent meeting. Payne on behalf of his clients was instructed to give the town a $2,500 retainer fee for legal and other expenses in the event that the resolution passed No zoning ordinances would be requested to be amended or modified. Acting Town Attorney, Don Wall called many of the comments made by interested citizens. "premature complamts." The crowd felt that questions should not be answered after thl' resolution had been signed They questioned the legal jargon on the resolution and the draftmg Wall informed them that it was a 'form resolution' used throughout the state. The audience was concernt'<1 with 'fly-bY-night outfits' which would default on bond payment. glvmg the town of Carrizozo a bad reputation in the bond market At the begmnlng of the meetmg, Wall explalIled to the council and the audIence the ruf- ference between an industnal bond and a general obltgatlOn bond. The first IS entirely up to the counCil and the town IS not m a bmd, financially. In the latter bond, the people have a say so m the matter through the election process If thIS type of bond IS passt'<!, reSidents are reqUired to pay back the prinCipal and Interest Tht> resolutIOn only expresses mterest III a proposed steel mill IIldustry Company documentatIOn rom('s before fmal okay on the actual mdustnal bond Issue Wall said concerns regarrung New Honzons IlevPlopmental Center In Carrizozo has set Thursday December 17, 1981 as the date of their second annual arts and crafts bazaar. Hours will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; set up will begin at 8 a.m. All booths will be indoors and be approximately 3 feet deep by 6 feet long; participating craft- persons will have to provide their own set up materials. Booth space is $5.00. All area craftpersons and are welcome to come and join the fun and earn some much needed holiday money. More information may be obtained by calling Belinda Hernandez or Raynene Greer in Carrizozo at 648- 2379. A $5.00 check or money order accompanied by the exhibitors name, address, phone number and type of craft to be exhibited may be sent directly to New Horizons, Box 187 Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301 this will assure a booth reser- vation. This arts and crafts bazaar is a continuation of a year long effort by New Horizons to pay for land purchased in Carrizozo on whiCh the center plans to build a new group home for developmentally disabled adults. All monies generated from the bazaar by the center will go toward this end. New Horizons is a private non-profit agency which serves develop- 'mentally disabled adults in Lincoln County. Arts & Crafts The second special town meeting on November 23 to discuss the industrial revenue bond issue, was promptly adjourned following a motion by Armstrong which died for lack of a 'second' - the second time around. 2nd Annual Bazaar Set At the first spec lal meeting, November 17, Trustee Roy Har- mon, Betty Fields and Ernest Pitllllo rod not back-up Arm- strong's-motion, which approved the resolutIOn whIch may have or may have not meant 66 new jobs in the mill mdustry. Monday's hour-long meeting concernmg the proposed 10 million dollar steel billet mill ended un- favorably or favorably, depending on which Side a person stood on the controversial matter. The majority of the audience par· tlclpants objected to the resolution and lffiplled that prinCipals behmd the company seeklOg to operate a steel null did not ha ve all theIr cards on the table. Hernandez opened Monday's meeting addressing the council, saylIlg the meetmg was scheduled to give the matter a 'Becond wondering out loud if members of the counCil were ready "to give Mr BottlIlellt a break" It was brought out dunng the meetmg that Payne had earlIer turned m hiS reSignatIOn to the mayor "We're m the market for a town attorney," Hernandez reported. At the second special meetmg. Payne represented Dallas, Texas clients, Bottlnellt and Hargis. who were not present. Payne said Zia Steel would become incorporatNl depending on the outcome of the Acre 'and a Half Bob Grant .( .ulwrnatorial Candidat!" Ranchers and Forest Service officials breathed a sigh of relief after the first big game hunt ended Sunday. AlthoUgh a few minor problems surfaced, only one fire marred the 3 day hunt, late Sunday night a fire started on West mountain north of Capitan and burned an acre and a half of grass and ponderosa pine. A crew of 7 men battled high winds and rough terrain Sunday night and Monday before bringing it under control. Forest Service spokesman Tom Guck said the fire apparently started from a discarded cigarette or match from some hunter. He urged everyone to be extremely careful during the second hunt starting Friday and running through December 3. Sunday Night Mtn. Burns Fire on West (Con't. on P. 3) musical program goers who came together, "as a community, not as individual churches," as he>nored guest Rep, Maurice Hobson said in his prayer of Thanksgiving at the event held at Assembly of God Church. Hobson of Alamogordo is state representative for Otero and Lincoln Counties. Mr. Ray Wells, pastor of Assembly of God Church gave the welcoming remarks at the inter- denominational music program. Among the featured presentations were various piano, organ and trumpet numbers by musicians Phyllis Schlegel, Charles Adams, Arnold Boyce and Doug Jarrard, all of CarriZbzo. The Miller family musicians of Ancho' accompanied the congregational singing. Mrs. James Miller (Enid) sang 'We Gather Together' <Dutch Folk Song) in her native language. The group also dlscussNl plans for their annual Chnstmas party Tuesday, December 15. It will be a covered dish dinner at 6 PM and members may bnng escorts. Small gifts Will be exchanged and members will donate to a money tree, the proceeds of whIch wIll go to a chanty LocatIOn of the Chnstmas party wIll be dt>C1ded later For T':1:lre mfonTIatll)n, ('ontllet Hhonda Johnston. 257·Y571, or Dorothy Smith. 354·2499 pearance did not (.'Onstitute an endorsement by their organization. "We are presenting Mr. Grant as a means of making the public aware of all primary candidates," she said. "We hope to have the other candidates speak to us as well." Other announced GOP gubernatorial candidates thus far are John Inck, Hank Puhlmann and Bill Sego. A business meeting followed Mr. Grant's speech. Ctllef topic was the membership sherry-tea to be held Sunday afternoon, January 31, from 2 PM unlll4 PM at a site to be announced later. All GOP women 10 Lmcoln County are in- VIted. The flTst Thanksgiving Days were harvest festivals or days for thanking God for plentiful crops. For this reaSOn the holiday still takes place late in the fall, after crops have been gathered. During this time, people give thanks for the blessings they may have received during the year. In Carrizozo this regular yearly celebration became a time for serious Christian thinking and community sharing - sharing of food with needy towns people and sharing of God-sent musical talents. Carrizozo's First Annual Community Tllanksgiving Festival occurred last Sunday, November 22, which happened to fall on the 18th anniversary of the assination of 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. In keeping with the 'Share Harvest' theme, tables over- flowing with pumpkins, apples and canned goods were the gifts of the First Annual Community Thanksgiving Festival ARNOLD BOYCE and Doug Jarrard playa trumpet du('t. with Charlps Adams on th(' piano last Sunday ('v('nlng for the musical program ht'ld at Asst'JT1bly of God Church. G\,lbernawrial candidate Bob Grant spoke to a gathering of members and guests at the regular meeting of f"ederated Republican Women of Lincoln County (I'H· WLC) Tuesday, November 17 at Nottingham's, Ruidoso. Grant, a consult 109 geologist from Albuquerque, spoke of the state as bemg at an "economiC crossroads" and stressed that a governor needed to realize the state's assets m e{'onornlc planmng for the future. He cited these assets as benefits from resoun'ps such as oil, gas and solar as products trus state exports to othpr states He concluded, "You must {'l{Tt a governor Who understand.., thl' economic base and can also gl't along With the legislature" FollOWing h'1s address. Ill' answered questIOns' from thl' audience which mcludt'd pl'rsons from the bus mess l'ommumty as well as club rnembers TopiCS touched on mcludt'd air quality. t hI' state penitentiary. WI}'!> and tht' SUIt by 1::1 Paso. Texas against 1\1' .... Mexico over wati?r r.ght!\ FHWLC PreSident Hhonda Johnston emphaslzl'd hiS a p

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Page 1: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter

County· News;

CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town'

, '..




Speaks at FRWLC

Payne Resigns .•.

Reputation 'Saved'Industrial Revenue Bond Issue Turned Down

\~~."r.~/-:. ,.:::.­.. ~...~_. ~';, ",'"


91;- '/~



- - November 20 _.~

ACCident with IIljUneS atRiverside was reported. Injured(Name unknown) was taken to theRwdoso Hondo Valley Hospital

Brett Allen Campbell. 20 ofRUidoso, New MeXICO was tran­sported to the New MeXICO StatePerutentlary In Santa Fe, where hewill serve lime on the burglarycharge committed in ChavesCounty & Rludoso, Lmcoln ('.ounty

Gene Wilson of Ruidosoreported to the Sheriff's Office of aB & E at his alto Village OfficeDeputies were dispatched to theWilson residence in regards to thatmatter.

A Juvenile from RlI1doso, NMwas mcarcerated m the County jailon charges of allOWing self to beserved.


- November 21 -

Joel Pafford of Game & Fishreported of a fence torn down eastof Camzozo.

BenJamm Bradley. 25 (ahunter) of Albuquerque. NM ac·cidently shot himself on the foot, inthe Corona area.

A B & E was reported at theRush residence in Alto Village. B &E is under investigatlon at thistime.

Sheriff's Deputies patroleddifferent areas in the cmffity the 20,21, & 22nd. Several citations wereissued to h\fiters whom werehunting on posted land. Deputiesalso checked in many areas of thecounty in regards to gunshotsbeing fired on \fiauthorized ar-eas.

-- "November 19 --Report of an aCCident Without

IOjunes at Baca Campsite Vehicleapparently rolled over NoCitatiOns were 188ued.

A Burglary was reported In

progress in RUidoso Downs.Turned out to be a family dispute

There will be a deer huntersdance November 28th at theCorona Auditorium. The prpceedsfrom this dance will go to help theCorona Annual Staff. The CoronaAnnual Staff would really ap­preciate your support. A good timewill be had by all. The dance willnm from eight o'clock to twelveo'clock


- November 22--Pablo Lucero, (a hunter)

reported 8 theft of his Campingequipment at the Cibola NationalPark.

Bob Read, (a hunter) reportedof his license plate taken off hisvehicle while parked at the Valleyof Fires State Park.

- - November 18 - -Mrs Lydia I'rinell of San

PatricIO reported a B & E at herreSidence.

Joseph Krotsmer a hitchhikerreported to the Sheriff's Depart­ment' that all ruli belongmgs werestolen by persons whom had givenhim a ride up to Bmgham. NM.

-- November 17--Burglar Alarm reported going

off at the Alto Village CountryClub. Turned out to be a falsealarm.

Porter's of Nogal. NMreported to the Sheriff's Office oftrespassers leaVing gate open attheir residence Livestock gettingout.

environmental impact statements,Incorporation, prinCIpal andlitigations can be discussed atlength when it came time to act onThe Bond issue. The resolution is a"free look" at a proposed industry

Although the resolutIOn beforethe council did not require lhppublic's okay, the people presentdemanded that they be allowed toexpress their objection With a sho ....of hands. Those holdmg hand.-; updeclared that they objected to theresolution 100 percent

F'ields said the counnl wasobligated to honor the public'sWishes. pomting out that a newelection .... ClS ('·Olllmg up. Arm­strong said the llU{lJence onlyrepresented a "SInClltlTlng" ofpeople

"These are the orw~ .... 11"care." FIelds added

The questIOn' Do you know ho ....much money It takes to bwld astet'l billet mill? .... as addressedfrom the audience to HernandezCounCil research mdicatt'd a figureof 65 to 85 million dollars to be theml11lmum.

Payne said the mill mVlslonl'<1m Carrizozo was a 10 mullon dollarIJroJect. "Not withholding aU tht·'experts' here, most do not knov.what they're talklIlg about.'Payne said m rus final comments

Payne, who was Carrlzozo'smayor m 1974-75, resigned afterserving as legal counsel for themuniCipality for 9 yean, Payne IS

associated V.lth the la .... firm ofPayne, Mitchell and QUIgley. Withoffices In Carnzozo and HUidoso

- THIIRSDAY_SO\:..2lL=--_

- Thanksgiving Da,,·- Sun Carnh al Parade.

Channpl 9. El Paso. 10 a.m. <Set'C".ndi Fpntt'r)

-Sl.'NDAY.NO\'.29-- Community Choir Practice .

Methodist Church. 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.(Contlnut>d through Dec. 20)

- Organ MusIc by BurtonPatterson, First Baptist Church,1:45 p.m.


- Canyon Cowbelles, GableRanch, Noon Potluck

- BoWling, mixed, 7 p.m.

-TUESDAY, DEC.l-- County Commission, 10 a.m.- Chamber of Commerce.

REA. Noon- Teacher Basketball Team

vs California Cutles. 7 p.m.Bowling, Mixed, 7 p.m.

- Lions, Four Winds, 7 p.m.

-SATt'RDAY. NO\". 2S­Baskt'tball, Boys A and B.

Girls A \'5 Wet'd Bulldogs. 4:30


-MONDAY. NOV.30­Girls Scouts, After School

- Brownies, After School- Cub Scouts, Troop III, 406

"C" Ave, 4 p.m.- Bowling. Women's, 7 p.m.

-TIlURSDAY,DEC.3-- Bookmobile, REA, 9:30 to 11

a.m.• Rotary, Four Winds, Noon- Sunflower Extension ClUb,

REA, 7 p.m.- Bowling, Men's, 7 p.rn.. Eastern Star, Masonic

Temple, 8 p.m.




recent meeting. Payne on behalf ofhis clients was instructed to givethe town a $2,500 retainer fee forlegal and other expenses in theevent that the resolution passedNo zoning ordinances would berequested to be amended ormodified.

Acting Town Attorney, DonWall called many of the commentsmade by interested citizens."premature complamts." Thecrowd felt that questions shouldnot be answered after thl'resolution had been signed Theyquestioned the legal jargon on theresolution and the draftmg Wallinformed them that it was a 'formresolution' used throughout thestate. The audience was concernt'<1with 'fly-bY-night outfits' whichwould default on bond payment.glvmg the town of Carrizozo a badreputation in the bond market

At the begmnlng of themeetmg, Wall explalIled to thecouncil and the audIence the ruf­ference between an industnal bondand a general obltgatlOn bond. Thefirst IS entirely up to the counCiland the town IS not m a bmd,financially. In the latter bond, thepeople have a say so m the matterthrough the election process If thIStype of bond IS passt'<!, reSidentsare reqUired to pay back theprinCipal and Interest Tht>resolutIOn only expresses mterestIII a proposed steel mill IIldustryCompany documentatIOn rom('sbefore fmal okay on the actualmdustnal bond Issue

Wall said concerns regarrung

New Honzons IlevPlopmentalCenter In Carrizozo has setThursday December 17, 1981 as thedate of their second annual artsand crafts bazaar. Hours will be 10a.m. to 8 p.m.; set up will begin at 8

a.m. All booths will be indoors andbe approximately 3 feet deep by 6feet long; participating craft­persons will have to provide theirown set up materials. Booth space

is $5.00. All area craftpersons andorgani~ationsare welcome to comeand join the fun and earn somemuch needed holiday money. Moreinformation may be obtained bycalling Belinda Hernandez orRaynene Greer in Carrizozo at 648-

2379. A $5.00 check or money orderaccompanied by the exhibitorsname, address, phone number andtype of craft to be exhibited may besent directly to New Horizons, Box187 Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301this will assure a booth reser­vation.


This arts and crafts bazaar is acontinuation of a year long effortby New Horizons to pay for landpurchased in Carrizozo on whiChthe center plans to build a newgroup home for developmentallydisabled adults. All moniesgenerated from the bazaar by thecenter will go toward this end. NewHorizons is a private non-profitagency which serves develop­'mentally disabled adults in LincolnCounty.

Arts &Crafts

The second special townmeeting on November 23 to discussthe industrial revenue bond issue,was promptly adjourned followinga motion by Armstrong which diedfor lack of a 'second' - the secondtime around.

2nd Annual

Bazaar Set

At the first spec lal meeting,November 17, Trustee Roy Har­mon, Betty Fields and ErnestPitllllo rod not back-up Arm­strong's-motion, which approvedthe resolutIOn whIch may have ormay have not meant 66 new jobs inthe mill mdustry.

Monday's hour-long meetingconcernmg the proposed 10 milliondollar steel billet mill ended un­favorably or favorably, dependingon which Side a person stood on thecontroversial matter. Themajority of the audience par·tlclpants objected to the resolutionand lffiplled that prinCipals behmdthe company seeklOg to operate asteel null did not ha ve all theIrcards on the table.

Hernandez opened Monday'smeeting addressing the council,saylIlg the meetmg was scheduledto give the matter a 'Becond~hance,' wondering out loud ifmembers of the counCil were ready"to give Mr BottlIlellt a break"

It was brought out dunng themeetmg that Payne had earlIerturned m hiS reSignatIOn to themayor "We're m the market for atown attorney," Hernandezreported.

At the second special meetmg.Payne represented Dallas, Texasclients, Bottlnellt and Hargis. whowere not present. Payne said ZiaSteel would become incorporatNldepending on the outcome of the

Acre 'and a Half

Bob Grant

.( .ulwrnatorial Candidat!"

Ranchers and Forest Serviceofficials breathed a sigh of reliefafter the first big game hunt endedSunday. AlthoUgh a few minorproblems surfaced, only one firemarred the 3 day hunt, late Sundaynight a fire started on Westmountain north of Capitan andburned an acre and a half of grassand ponderosa pine. A crew of 7men battled high winds and roughterrain Sunday night and Mondaybefore bringing it under control.Forest Service spokesman TomGuck said the fire apparentlystarted from a discarded cigaretteor match from some hunter. Heurged everyone to be extremelycareful during the second huntstarting Friday and runningthrough December 3.

Sunday Night

Mtn. Burns

Fire on West

(Con't. on P. 3)

musical program goers who cametogether, "as a community, not asindividual churches," as he>noredguest Rep, Maurice Hobson said inhis prayer of Thanksgiving at theevent held at Assembly of GodChurch. Hobson of Alamogordo isstate representative for Otero andLincoln Counties.

Mr. Ray Wells, pastor ofAssembly of God Church gave thewelcoming remarks at the inter­denominational music program.Among the featured presentationswere various piano, organ andtrumpet numbers by musiciansPhyllis Schlegel, Charles Adams,Arnold Boyce and Doug Jarrard,all of CarriZbzo. The Miller familymusicians of Ancho' accompaniedthe congregational singing. Mrs.James Miller (Enid) sang 'WeGather Together' <Dutch FolkSong) in her native language.

The group also dlscussNl plansfor their annual Chnstmas partyTuesday, December 15. It will be acovered dish dinner at 6 PM andmembers may bnng escorts. Smallgifts Will be exchanged andmembers will donate to a moneytree, the proceeds of whIch wIll goto a chanty LocatIOn of theChnstmas party wIll be dt>C1dedlater

For T':1:lre mfonTIatll)n, ('ontlletHhonda Johnston. 257·Y571, orDorothy Smith. 354·2499

pearance did not (.'Onstitute anendorsement by their organization."We are presenting Mr. Grant as ameans of making the public awareof all primary candidates," shesaid. "We hope to have the othercandidates speak to us as well."

Other announced GOPgubernatorial candidates thus farare John Inck, Hank Puhlmannand Bill Sego.

A business meeting followedMr. Grant's speech. Ctllef topicwas the membership sherry-tea tobe held Sunday afternoon, January31, from 2 PM unlll4 PM at a site tobe announced later. All GOPwomen 10 Lmcoln County are in­VIted.

The flTst Thanksgiving Dayswere harvest festivals or days forthanking God for plentiful crops.For this reaSOn the holiday stilltakes place late in the fall, aftercrops have been gathered. Duringthis time, people give thanks forthe blessings they may havereceived during the year.

In Carrizozo this regularyearly celebration became a timefor serious Christian thinking andcommunity sharing - sharing offood with needy towns people andsharing of God-sent musicaltalents. Carrizozo's First AnnualCommunity Tllanksgiving Festivaloccurred last Sunday, November22, which happened to fall on the18th anniversary of the assinationof 35th president of the UnitedStates, John F. Kennedy.

In keeping with the 'Share th~

Harvest' theme, tables over­flowing with pumpkins, apples andcanned goods were the gifts of the

First Annual CommunityThanksgiving Festival

ARNOLD BOYCE and Doug Jarrard playa trumpet du('t. withCharlps Adams on th(' piano last Sunday ('v('nlng for the musical programht'ld at Asst'JT1bly of God Church.

G\,lbernawrial candidate BobGrant spoke to a gathering ofmembers and guests at the regularmeeting of f"ederated RepublicanWomen of Lincoln County (I'H·WLC) Tuesday, November 17 atNottingham's, Ruidoso.

Grant, a consult109 geologistfrom Albuquerque, spoke of thestate as bemg at an "economiCcrossroads" and stressed that agovernor needed to realize thestate's assets m e{'onornlc planmngfor the future.

He cited these assets asbenefits from eneq~y resoun'pssuch as oil, gas and solar asproducts trus state exports to othprstates

He concluded, "You must {'l{Tta governor Who understand.., thl'economic base and can also gl'talong With the legislature"

FollOWing h'1s address. Ill'answered questIOns' from thl'audience which mcludt'd pl'rsonsfrom the busmess l'ommumty aswell as club rnembers TopiCStouched on mcludt'd air quality. thI'state penitentiary. WI}'!> and tht'

SUIt by 1::1 Paso. Texas against 1\1' ....

Mexico over wati?r r.ght!\FHWLC PreSident Hhonda

Johnston emphaslzl'd hiS a p

Page 2: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter






' ..

.. :,'" ;- te

. ". '. .. . '..

PHONE:Day or Night


of RUIDOSO, N.M.wUI continue to serviceall orUneoln County


Chapel ofRosesMORTUARY

Dark Mists' was available to theclub women.

Mrs. Zumwalt, a free-I~ce

writer and her husbsnd, are theparents of two grown daughters,Kathy and Mrs. Ace Porter (Llaa)

who both live in RosweU.December 5 is the da~ set for

the Woman's Club annualChriSlm85 Bazaar and Bake 8ale.

The club's annual familyholiday get-together will be heldSunday evening, December 13. Theevent tbla year is called the,'Family Christmas Posada'. A'posada' is the Spanish word forChristmas fesUvil:y.


writing. 'Stmdusl' is her 6rtit book for the teenreader~ Pictured with her above are I.,ft to'right: Cheri Goad,· treasurer; CharIoite wan,secretary and Viola Fenter, president.


A traditional turkey dinnerwith all the trimmings for yOU.'

YourmouthWill willer ilt thesl8htoh lusdoullt!late'ful ofsucculent 'roa't turkey, surrounded by nuny whitepotalOe!l and smolhe~ Itl rIdt hOmemade II;ravy. The$parkle of whole cranberrysauce WllI'be reflected by the

'graceful, atmosphere of t1ureleg;mttabfeietvlte. M;t~.e

Thanksgiving ill day of trtJ~ ,festivity wIth u,1 •

·,4-WINDS',.i :'. ; " ...

ResfalilaUlollnge .~848':;991"'-- ,-"'-c- ... ~-- ..:.

. ",' . ~..

. .. .-.. ,"._ • .; ,e.• ;,.' •. '," •• ·a·#' 6'=- m· " ·e". ·f ,. -, ., t r Ii Z ·r -:- t:

the-spot engraving on unIqueCbrlstmas tree decorations. whichthey handcrafted. carrizozo andaurromuling area crafts people andartiat8 can caD the center for~ \!>formalloD.

prefers to call ber writing'romantic ·suspense' instead of'IJO~', told her audience abouther experiences as a writer. Shebas been Interested in writing sincethe age of four or five. M an earlyage she leamed that wofda makemental pictures. She gives credit toher mother, a writer of poetry andher school teachers for instUUng inher the desire to write. Zumwalt,an Artesia high school graduatesaid she was fortunate that herteachers encouraged compositionin their instruction..

ZUmwalt, who has wriUen fivenovell, told the group abdut thetechnique she uses 10 preparing the81"st draft of her stories and thebeoefits of employing a literary&genL Sbe submits 50 pages and'synopsis' (partial manuscript) toa pubUsher.

"You don't have to eat anentire apple to tell if its raUon,"Zumwalt best described thedefmition of a 'synopsis'.

Her latest book, 'Mansions of



.C'ZOZO Womans Club

Eva Zum walt, writer of romantic:suspense novels was the pest speaker at theCanizozo Womb's Club medlng last week.Zwnwalttoldthe club women that she was" to5 years oid wbeD she first showed an blterest in

SecondGroup Home

The kondo FFA Chapter heldits fifth annual Hamburger Fry onNovember 5. Han1burgenl, chips,salada, cakes and. pies were servedto the Chapter members and theirparents. District V President,Chris Burden of the RoswellChapter gave an inspiring talk toall in attendance.

N'EWS Notes

A memorial was beid in honorof Mae Shafer and Mary Thorpe byCarrizozo Woman's Club memberslast week as part of their monthlymeeting. Both women had beenpast presidents of the club.

The theme of friendship as asource of We was used. A refiectlontime allowed those present torecall how the two women hadenriched their lives. Lit candlessymbolized the presence o( MaeShafer and M~ry Thorpe.Margaret Stearns, M~'8 daughterand Laveda Forbes Mary'smother, closest friends of thewomen being remembered, wereeach given a rose.

A closing song, 'Sing to theMountain' recalled the twodeparted women's love for natureand encomaged hope in those stillbere. Sister Gail Stackpole,devotional cbainnan was in chargeof the memorial.

Guest speaker at tileNovember club meeting was EvaZumwalt of Nogal. zumwalt, who

Greenhand Degrees andQlapter Fanner Degrees wereawarded. Those receiving theGreeoband Degree were Chris'Clements, Sean MuIIls, Jay Poseyand 8eDjie Romero. Receiving theClapter Farmer Award were AlIceBooky, Laura Gomez and RuueUPatterson.

~ E~E~T~IC.~ '& pumlf


Ron RO'PtlelJIiho4e 354439i .,

p.o. 80" NO.·"F'"Capitan, ~ew- .~exlt9.

New HorizoDa is a nonoopro6torganization serving thedevelopmentally disabled adults ofUnc:01n County.· This year' theCenter hal embarked on a projectto buDd a second group bome in

. carrizozo. 1hey need to raise$3.000 for the land. '

Booth fees from their secondBliDual arta and crafts bazaar to beheIdon Dec. 17 wiD go toward landpurcbase eoata: '!bey wUl serve alUagD8 dinner that same day. TheeIlents and staff of the center wUI

. have their own booth featuring on-

___-C.- ~,__ ",_, __

(Can't. on P. 4)




DomesUc Wells DrIlled II: Ceaned2 MUes EaBI orCarrlzozo-US 380

Ph. 6t8-Z428· Albe.... ZamoraFlnanclng Available Bk. A


P.O. BOII.314: Carrizozo, N. M. 88301

Hama ph. (505) 848-2524

.. , '.; '. ',.

i'" 'PiS_,10'.'''3'',0/!''; ""':'//'. :"::::~'\.; .'.,' i""' ,':: -I "~'~',": f ·\\:r!'\,<,/''r:::T'~'~''''


'memberl, Boy and Girl Staters,their parentlaod friends on'\1>1D'IldaY Nov. lB. Mr. RalpJ1 vigUof Tularoaa, \lice eotnrnander. wasimpressed with the C.arriiOzostudents who gave t.heJr reports ,about ...their experienc'e alNp1'8I8Dtaliveoi for Boy and GirlSlate !rom CarrIzozo,

'I1le oIx_-"' _ their~rs.that theY_.~d,m"",,"­about the govenunent and--the-­electioD proc8U 'lJut they were

HawaiiD women have been amazed at bow the city studentsmaklng beoutllu1 quills called. are - __ at Imprompm'kapaa' Iince the 1800's. While election speeches than the smaIlVemeUe was at the islands She . town studeDt. AttendiDg State thisvisited the 'Kapa Room' where year were Johnny Bob Steams,tbere was a diaplay of original Matt Ferguson, Randy Hollis, LisaHawaiin kapas. Because Vernelle Crenshaw, Rosie Lueras andknowa that I am a quilt fanatic she Denise Vega.picked up a brochure for me, wiIlcb HUg fOr Grandmawill go into my /SCrapbook. Thebrochure features the work of Two year old Mike Bragg ofartist, Mrs. Mealit Kalama. Her Roswell ran into Gambles lastartistry in designing and quilting is saturday to give bis grandmother,well known throughout the islands. Beverly a great big hug upon

-Many kapa quilters UBC the arriving in town. BeveI'Iy a young­pineapple design In their work looking gl"aadmother works atbecauae of il8 importance as one of Gambles.Hawaii's main induab1es. The Visitors in abe home .of Earltechnique Is a combination of an~ Beverly. Bragg thiS pastapplique and quilting, done by weekend were son, Thomas Bragghand with rows of stitching and his BOD, Mike; son. John andoutlinlDg the appUque 6hapes. The hiI wife Terry, their foW' month ol~patterns are large and syrn- BOD, Everett and Terry's sister,'JI1etrical, in contrast 10 the pieced B.J. Patron all of Roswell.patchwork quill8 that are commonon tbe mainland (US). Themajority of Hawallan quill8 aretraditionally made ofa a1Dgle largedesign in two colora which coversthe whole top.

Public SpeakingTraining in effective pubilc

speaking Is an essential part oftraining for leadership in any fleldof activity ..... this is one thing thatCarrizozo Boy and Girl Staterslearned during their b1p this year.

The American Legion andAuxiliary served refreshments to

dld not kDow of the _ 1lIIID17711, whom Capt, Cook of theBr1tlsh navy landed there In thatyear.) : Vemelle and her groU.p'toured a KoIIa coffee plantatioD.

1bey enjoyed every minute of·tbelr 2 weeks stay. VemeU,remarked that billboards do notclutter the roadsides, not evenmileage markers are in Bigbt.Travelers m,ust depeDd,OI!o·~P8.

HawaIIan Quilt .


back bome after 2 weeks in theooautiful and scenic 'RainbowIslands' where she toUred four ­Oahu, Kauai, Meui, and Hawaii ­spendtpg folD' days lit each. Shewent on the tAp with five femalerelatives from Texas. The fivewomen arrived at their de8tlnatlooafter a aeveo hour ffight from'Dallas.

'They stayed at Waiklld Beachin Oahu, where Pearl Harbor, theU.S. Naval base is located. ,Atkauai they saw the Fern Grotto,known for the wedding ceremonieswhich are performed there 2 to 3times a week. Kauai is called'Gardens Island' because of its richnatural greenery and beautifulgardens. At Maui was the whalingcapital of the pacific 150 years ago.

While in Hawaii (Big Island),VerneUe and her five womaneompanions stayed at Kona Coast,site of the Captain James CookMemorial. (The rest of the world

Jf'I'Irl) Happy21st

BirthdayDebbie! !

You're Stil ontile

telephone! !


Ii Visiting

In Aloha State

Vemelle Hightower of Ancho is

\ . '


Sister Adele Stommelpronounced her final vows in thecongregation of the Sisters Ser­vants of the Immaculate Heart ofMar~ on Friday. Nov. 20 at theirMotherhouse in Monroe. Michigan.Anyone wishing to send her a noteof congradulations can mail it to:408 W. Elm Ave., Monroe, Mich.48161.

Former resident, David Barozand SOIlS, Davie and Joe Ray of LaHabra, California accompaniedDavid's brother Bobby John Barozof Carrizozo on the fll'8t hliDt. Theirbrother Andy Baroz of EI Pasojoined them.

,~ I··,...,

, (, .... L.

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Page 3: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter

- -:' "'''-",'...- '.

. '

'Corona .Area N.ews..

-AM'II..~.glVlng FeatlvaJ <lell····pliGto):'Davi4")'lick .~ondpcJ">tIlt:I!olta'JU!.1I Cqmnllmlty 'ChoJr, 'Whoare sIs!Jwn h~.i,.:'Slngliig, ,~irJoUc'medley .of "~XOd'~8!" anduAmerlca the BeaUrw" (RonnHuff, Ilrranger). Me Members oftJu)cholrshown abOve ate CbarlesAdams. Joe Miller, Ray Wells. .Jerry Hailer! and Joe Orsllk. .





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The NEWSNovember 25, 1981




PII: 251"'~OOor2S1~Z1t21

Ruidpso, N.M.



'Published every Thursday at 309Ctmlral Ave., Carrizozo. NewMexico 88301

U:S.P.S.3134GOSecond Class Postage paid at Carrizozo. New Mexico.

Peter Aguilar ......•.....••••.••..•..••~•••••~.PubllsherJackie Vigil BookkeeperPeter Oaea , Compo"Ulon .Polly Chavez .......•.......•..••••. u~ •• , •••$taffWrlt"er



-'._ .. :_. -

··Do It the old·fashloned..way ••• with a traditional

family feast. We hope

you ,have many

joys this

Thanksgiving Day.. I. :..

Weare espeCially

thankful for the .. ,

privilege ~

.' serving you. .

.through9ut t~e year!

Mrs. Holleyman presentedprograms from the', Outline"Herltagtli and the Woman". Thefirst was "Of House and Homett

.. ' .

Here Isyour Tba,nkaglvingpie·P!'can: Mabel· So Easyl .

3 beatp eggs; 1 cup.' granulated or brovop sugari 1 teas.

'vanllbt"extract; 1 cup llght comslrupj 1cup pecan ha!.ves; Jk plainpastry.

Beat eggs and Bugar sUghUy,add com,itrup, DUta, vanilla. PourInto 9 Inch paatry Unl!Cl pl. pan •You might sprinkle a few more nutmeats over the top. Bake in slowoven about 325 1 hour.





ComingIn December

on •••The,'MOVIE

.··Cllannel.-....'.... ...,+-',1St' \\\ ..


Also (lQ' the' musical fesUvalwas the HosannB Communu.yChoir, whose conductor Is Rev.David Lynch, 'pastor of Trinity

- United Methodist Cburehes In Tbe 62nd Annual Convention orMabell I almost forgot to tell Carrizozo and Capitan. The the New Mexico Farm and

you a~ut- -communi~y ebolr is composld of• the fo1lowtng singers, who belong Livestock. Bureau will be

Tbis ia~he wayCongress works to various dnttcbes in the eem.. December 2-4 at the HUlon Inn ,in~ :'wm youteJHhne-$20.00 and only mUD!ty: Mary. Rich Adams, • Albuquerque; ~ew Mexico.gwemetenof them1 Tbatwayyou Juanita Brewer, Rosemary Farmers and ranchers fromwUl owe me ten, and I'n owe you BezmaD, Joan Means, Erenda across the sta~ wU1 gather totea - and we'D be straigbL" lW11er, EnId MIller, Naemd Miller

tdiscuss numerouS issues of con·cern, elect directors and develop

Pat :Moore. Joyce Persall. Petra policy lor the coming year.Witb the Women's Lib Sandoval, Phyllis Schlegel, Administration of New

Mountainair &: Willard: movementoominginso-slrong,one Darlene Scott, Rosemary Shafer, r=:::::::c===============:;-lcereal COIDpBDy had to change Terry Brazle, Satah Emma Mexico's vast amount o~' PUb1!C .:..........•..••••.••.....847~25t2 tbelr advertisement to, "Snap, Ewoldt, Hettie Graves, EUeen landlsUpec~tobeam3J01"toptcv~ughn &: Co:::~ _ CracJdl!! and~_A ... La b t E 'Cath' at thIs year B rqeeting and a top : •

-~~~~~.~. ~~~~:~~ ..83'·.......42ILl-if-._. __ . __'.~;;.:. ~l"- ,YI:~':~.3~:.ctiI:~-~Jf;r:.£ore:;;.: ;;~2:!:':E:- -~'"Grving-~ll1anls---_~-_,~"""i~fo::dgewood &: Sandia Knolls: memuc.L" 0 your IieWlDg an: 91 w.w.eI'", reillY UMIA., r'atsY i:NIll~ ..'

~ 932-1483 GOodness, D()llj She never sayS a chez Jane Shafer Lucia Vega three-day convention will beword Just 'sill there and sews." as';leaAdams,J~ Graves, J~ meetings of specltil"intm:est Farm

MUlerf Scott Shaler, Ro)" nOw, Bureau ComiItlttees Includingsteve Hezmall. 'Jerry Koller. Joe Rarm ,Bureau Women, Young0r8ak and Ray Wells. Farmers and Rancherg. alUl- '.

'!be next fDtet-denomlnatiOl1al several commodity comiDltteesi1iusieal celebration will be In wblch Include: beef catUe, pubUc,December at 'trinity United lands, cotten. alfalfa. dairy, wb~t.Methodist Churcli. A date will be. feed gralns, lJEWlUti and sugar.'aaaouneed later. The YOUl1g Farmers and. SUnday'. program Jncluded :Ranchers dlacu.ssiOh meet. Is setlnietpretiv. readlngB by Forrest f<>r B:3O Wednl:8day ev_. Th.~ofCarrizozo.Amongthem: ~t Is a round table debate 6rt

. agr!cuItur'" lBsu.. of the 40y,Peo'ple ate . lUoglc!ut, . ~ada:yfDecernbet. aid, the

.unreasooal?1e. ~" se1t~_ ..~esldei1t~-~~NewMexi~Farm.liWe aDd' trUst them a:nyww. ..,. and Livestock Bureau, L.E.

If you do. good, people will' uPe~" D8\r1i:j Of Cl()vls, wU1 'open...... you ., having _. ·tII.. ge..,,'" oossIo. 01 the. CCU>',uIterlottDot!VeIf. Dogood'bnyway.· ~~. at 9100· aJl1,. He::wiJ1 ~.

tt )tOil are sbCCes:sfU1; you whi followed '.'Y t~.e tJlrector (if.10le _asand IrU8 eneml...Natlol!"! AllolpllOr tIill _ ..._ lUlYWily'. Farm s...... ·Fl!CI..oUon, V.""e .." 'lb.Ogood~u·cIoto<!aY will be <lI_~_i.ha..a mFo.....torgotteii tOmOrrow. ))0 good ~ureau. Wasbiligtotl. ~.O. oUlci!!

, ..,4. will _t a. .¢at<> oll

,~. bflgeat In'a wItIt tIIB· ..uaoallogioIative Ia"'.... ·~ ideaa can be shot clown bY' . .lIIjplIighla elf the Tburadaythe "';aIIoat"'..with theOlnalloal evanhlll banqual will In<:lu<lO ..miDlla. _ bill anyway. . ""_ bY lb. AllmiDIOtrotor of

"PeoPterealb'.doneedhe1p, but the- American: YatlU: .1JureauiiIay••ttaclc lly<>l1'dO boIp tbem. • 1'Odat;dlOO. JoIlIt Dati and .....'"H81p _ anyway.'" owarcIB lncludinll: FBrm

Give the_IiIthe' \'OiIlI'OU II_Ii 1"0In1Jt 01 tile Year•. Top_'oia! you'lillBll<ld<Od mthe Y_ atnI ltaucher·..d'.,<lIve.the_Id t.... bliatyou lb. Olatl.,.IBh.d .fl.•hol••. to....:'E"ay.: , . ~...,,~" AgriOll\tUro liIWI.... '. .

w..ll'Olt.peiI"~".uu........ .. 1MclIly, llBoembet 4th, tbemaybOcIiOa~ ...~t. IlUlId' . ·..iIlU..... wtl1 ••"olu.e withanyway.. ", . . Bl""t1o.eIf . 4ltect... Bna

.._Iel\l~,~..t III i\OlIBl' tilt' mi.. .' .~.' ... ' - •...







Page 4: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter






.CALL 848"2232(Alter hours call M80227S)



- . . ., "

CALL .FOR A QUOTE (648-2232).• HOMEOWNERS 1 Compar~ our .

. • BUSINESS .. }. RalaslMllh .YOUIS.

HOI.ldaVHelpful Hints

" "". -,. "

, Dudns: the ThanksgivinghoUday b.p UtUe Idle honds buoymokiDg deUghltul, easy,to-molreChrlltma8 cards using pa,per,paint, glUB and odds and ends,

.. fiom aropnd 'the house.- Tomakea'coUageeard,-cut

out obJects, shapes, words orletterllrom old greeting cards ormagaziDea and paste them ontoindex cards, 81rt~wrapplng

paper, ataUooary, typing paper,.conlStrUctlon or shelf paper. 'Ihenadd ribbon, tape, star sUckers orgUtta'.

.. WrIte mes8ages on cardswith soap flakes and water mixedto the ,coDBlatency or wblpped





'. '



'1, ,

Whet1*' YCll1 Uso m~~J'::Ud CheWY pruner as .. tlAvo:tullnlrt- omel1 m ap ~n. rl , . TQWosa, N,M. taa&Z;dleDt-, at· tasty _ rtsht trosn tbe PiICIcBse. you.IJJ~ Alto:, 'L1nc~;" Carr1zo~, ~uldOJO and lives 'tn:Fort Stanton~ the .. .(S") ••..• "._

thof"O pI... '.. ...dlIuldoOODowoS.oxdumSod. II...:!')'::..··:_:.:oI:.:th:"_.:deo:..:'~ri:n:o~~=::t~::':-:~::~==:::OUUOTn~~ , ", variety of ideas. A ltaStW'S table' 'r

IlIUJ.IIIfIoar H; O1IPIIhrel1cJo4ClDOODl1l W.~'1(la!le4 ,with ,hom.madeleap ...... ·I: 'f.eMpOoDt baIdtar poriel' K IlIIP~Data candies, c:ookies, .cakes~'~ and• _ ","a.mOD I L-a:"-.. arrotoI .cheeljeb.lls. Recipes were

..---- 0 • avaUable.II~.- 1_,-10011II .............I «IUP ,<aboDlS OIIIlOl!IIl a 1lI,- '

COU'lely chupped pKt.ed.1llrIIIHW IS teNpoou vauIIIa

In 1arp bowl combine 1I0W'. mIN'. bBklnc powder, «'.bm"::i .nutmea' and aalt. Add pnmes, cooon.ut and nuta. '1'OIlI to'~. Me! CNrOtrI, on, qp ~'vanDla.~ Jut until'blended. 'l'Um. .Into sreuec1 and' ;t!oUre4 II x5 xa..1nch lad pm.smooth top, Bate In 350 dqree~ about 1 hOur aDd 16mJnute& unw. bread is IPrIn8Y to the touch and beIlI1I to pun,awar ttcm Iddca of pan. 0001 10 mJnute&. Tum out onto rack.

... 0 wrap whOo- aUghUJ' warm. Pot belt 1lavor. store" boun before ........._Uoof. .'


Survjy·jng The Sneezin' SeasonHay .fever vlctiml, take tant8 .ueb as hair aprayl,

heart.l Even though the faU -perfumll8, wave lotion., to·aller8)' IedOn II In fuD bacco smoke, in.seotlctdea.'Iwing. tellcr is; JUit. around paint. fumes and chlorinatedthe corner. 0 water in Iwimmln, pool••

nlaht now. ragweed plahts 7. If your allergy II non·are dtatrlbutlng close to a sodonal (IIperennial allel'llcquarter-mUlion tons at pol· rhinitis"). you may have toIlIIn into the air across the say goodbye to FidQ, sieepnation•• Hay fever _uUere" an a toam In.tead of aknow Utll all too well from feather pillow. ebanKO co,·their Ituffed·up, Itchy or metica or encase your mat-runny noses, Iwollen, itchy tre.. in. pldtic.and watering eyes, snee:tlng ""''''''''''''''''''''''''Jand coughlJ1l1. •

[f you are one of the 14mUHon Americans atnlctedwith hay fever, here arelome things you ean dowhUe waiting for the firstfrosl.: . .

1. E,icapel The centralAdirondacks, the southern 8. Spray musty, mold·Up of Florida, northern prone areas (such as base·Minnesota, New HamlHihire, menla) with an anU·fungalMaine, northern Michigan, disinfectant. it you are aller-CtJifomia and fue northern pc to mold spores•

-- .~- -- -Cascade--mount&IDI-olIre-uJa,,-," --9.--ConlUlt<--you~'1'ba~ ..~-~__~= -

lively ragweed-tree. cllt tor an effective anUbis-2. Stay at homll!'. Close tamine or· decongestantl

_.- - - .. -.._-. yuurila.'~d-'VIIJ!~DWI;- iinti~iitiiiimii'- "i:!Oblblnllttcm ..Invest. In an lillt conditioner sueb as Cblor-Trlmeton@or electrostatic air purifier. for prompt, temporary re­Get some professlona1 ad· lief of allergy ayrnptorm.vice about what typ4!! to 10. Have your allergybuy, though, becaUie some diagnosed by a generalbrands at air filters do not physician or allergy special­remove all the poUsn Patti· ist. You may- be a candidatedes rrom the liir, and some for immunotherapy-a longof them generate atone. process, but well worth thewhich can make your years of relief.iymptoms worse! 11. Once yoili' physle1an

3. Avoid uncut, weedy has speeltied the 10Urce ofnelda and rutal areas. Pu.t· the allergen that (laPSes yourpone your- drive Itt the coun' hay fever, teallt to recognl2etry until potlbilltion Is over. it and sWer dl!!at of It

4; Do not let yollr, alr wheMvetPoliible!conditioner any colder than Goo.dolu~ and~d bless-.12" b~low the alt tempera· Rememberj your pharmacilttute outside. E:lttl'eme cold is jUlt arOund the corner.tends 10 IrrItate! the ndle And around-'-the rud corner

: afid throat areas;' - - --18 the .,.m11en-killing trOllt-t6. Take a walk iit nilht. .

__ when there~s I. pollen in *A11ergy infomi§l;ion cour·the air. &!joy the tali»' tesY lif the &t6ma & Al·dAy,t •' 'lergy 1i'outlodatioo at Alnet-'

G. Avoid known riiljil'Trr-':' 'leL


+ CHIlIS'1'MASDEcoll,4IJ'IONS -Ioi' yo.. ..., IlANDMADE AllTlt;LES - tot y... ",_ 10

" + l'L~& - tor thOle whd1i,ii.V1t" ,evit)iid..-+' BAKED aOOD~ ~'lbr yo"" p .... '" t...lJy.


Do Your Christmas shopping with US!.. . . .


... ,


Neav.y.. •


... ,•


November 27 • Dec. S


, ," .'

. Supportthe.CGrriZOZQ Woni'an'~ .ellll)• • 0 0 '.,

~ Wo .up............ oIl.....4o~ oilI ho.obIS· ...~ W• ..ot.Odd a polebtW I••a Ii 0'8","" toWldallon lJl too .

• .bPI... , .'. '. • ..~ W. glv. "\&olarobJl!B', ' . .

, 0 ~ Wif .~_t So Oitdi:_ tor SUll' Ci/,i1tlv..l •~,_...................4-...-.._.~_---:- ..;- ~_~_ .... , . .__, ._


., .,'

".,-, ""



PAUE FOR INFORMATION..............•.. ' ....'.,.'- ..~-




To Be Free(Gl


A,LIONnewsand... . . . notesFIGHTING FOR THEIR "LIGHTS"

For many bllnd or near- feet, In a crowded ,elevator·Iy blind peraom, the dog It will lit alertly waitingguide can be a Jlttle Il1ce a Cor the door to open.light. In the darkneSl. 'l'he .dog helpa them increasetheir freedom-freedom totravel Independently and'toearn a living. to beconte Insome ca&eI, taxpayers in~

ltead of burdens on theirfamilies or society.

Llolll Clubs International. r;;~~~~~;:;;;:.:~ organization of lervlO8- The Lions are helpinglIunded men who want .to people with °dog guidesserve their communities g."~'~I~n~t~• .,..lm~.~rC!,~p~J~• .' reward. urge people ': .who control public f.clllties Croaittl' a busy atreet, Dr Into' permit dOli guides to any situation. it wlll remainentel'. Lion. Clubs programs totally unfiap.P4ble.contribute .ubstantlally to In addition to supportingdog guide aooll .. part dog tralnbsg" !JODI ClubBof their public service. have establiShed gtaueoma

, screening cllnlca. eye blObThe dog gulde-some- and rehabWtation institutes.

tlmcs called the seeing.eye They support workshopior leader dog-ill a thorough. and help pay acholatlhipa ,Iy trained professional. It II for deserving blind students.­at home in even the most The familiar "whltecanea"crowded or noisy situation. were lntroduced by the

Lions and eluhs provide dogIn a reataurant, the dog ruidea and other mobUlt,y

will lie quietly at ib owner'B needs,

Novem.b~ 11 • Dec. a

'carrizozoWoman;s Club

. 1981 .

..Christmas/," RummageBazaar . Sale .

" 0 .~' ••• ,

Dec. '5~1981'.;'"..


1"0 .... YerII417"'UJr SIERRA \



,, ,

,.'.. '

. _----

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, PllI\lP~IN.SPIC~~AlIlCAJ<E$2-1/a cup.BiIIi...iokb,akingM.i.x l"9UP Ql,ilk2 table'.IJOOQ' .upr- e.... '-1/4 teppoon BOund c::lnnamon t/D .,up canned PQh:apJ£in:1/4 teupOQD ground nutmeg: 1/4 C1,1P Yetetable aD .1/4 teupoOn'gronnd ,BInger M.pte·Nut Syrup (below) .

, . .Beat aU,IntreeUents except "SY11l.p with band bl!fl. untO _.

lDlooth. For each psneak., pour ICJDt 1/4 cup...b!!t~onto""'\.-~------>h",o".'ipidDh'"d1ibo'"'i(fiGhere:......-griddle if u• .-axy.) eookun

pancakea are dry llJ'Qund edl'd. 'fuml cook othe, 'I~"until golden brown. Serve,wlth Maple-Nut Srmp. Aba",t18 pancakes. . .

Mty!le-Nut S:rrup: Heat '1 (lap maple-flavored .lytup and1 ~ab1esp(Jon' m81'prinllJiOr butter until hot; tem~ve fromh••t. ,Stir In 1/4 cup.chopped p&can.l.

High' AltitudG DlteCtic>na (3600 to 6600 feet): Noadjuatmenware De<leMU')'.

Page 5: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter


.......-.. 1Ieo;-~-. --.., .


. ·.ROllat..--·.,1203 Ave Cph. '48~2910

Hours -EiilIlV1:3.0-6:00 .


S' am ; t 'sam dt

KennethD... :HueVCo•.

-llIIItLlfGCCHJIIAClOIt'WAtn~ ..iIIlLWtrS1'.0."'-... ea,.....N.M.

Lake'Lucero'. ..Auto Caravan

. participated In the Veteran's ..DayobsetVuee 'kl'Dubuque, The four8

member guard. is composed of two11111 barrie" and two weaponbarriers... ',TheUniversity of Dubuque is a .coeducational Jlbe:ral m;ls college . ,and theological seminary with s'-· . ,eom~ined enrollment of 1....300students. Undergraduates- .at theUniversity ofDUbuque may chooSefrOm mc)re than 30 majors and pre8

profesldonal areas of study offered• •by the Presbyterian8 re1atedcollege.

An auto- caravan to LakeLucero, a part of the area that isthe source of the white sandS, IsaeheduledforSaturdaYtNovember "28, 1981. Tbe caravan Is limited to30 cars and reservations arerequired. Interested; persons'

. should . call monumentheadquarters at 437-1058,

'lbetripwill begin at10A.M. atthe small Missile Range roadinfersection with U.S. Highway 71)­82, 25 mUes west of White sandsNational Monument headquarters.Park Rangers and military policewill brief the group on regulationsthat apply during the trip, Thecaravan will proceed over pavedroads t1u'ougb the White Sands

bJ.l"';;' It1W!&~L~,tile_~aiJhea,d,_~_ .. -LiiIre1AicierO.AOOmlwo110m Wilt~_' at Ibe lMe~J.Q..~~_~"_,

time for a 'one-mDe, conductedwalk. for pb)llogr.phy. slght'-g8I1dluncb.~ caravilD will retumto U,S. Highway 7O-B2 by 2 p.m.

Participants wll1 need to be at -the Small Missile Range gatepromptly by 10 A.M. because theyeannotenter through the gate after

-- thecaravan leaves for the lake. Allpersons sIio'u1d come preparedwith enough gasoline, 8 spare tire.'drinking water. stout walkingshoes, suitable dress for theweather, 'iuu8:1aiSea tlild a'Tuncl1. --.... I

PetSOi18 are. aI80 reminded thatLab Luceto is il IfrhiUtivo area'

.. Wllllotlt.JIOI1!lill'Y .facilid.. 01 80ykind. cam..are en(k)ilrtlgecHot ',7"arft,.butnt~ytlOt'be

used -wlJllio pa..lug through the.-' ridB&i1e' range•.



9:00 A.M. ·6:00 P.M,MON. thru SAT.

TETTer:-- ?'wspm

C.III.n.e1· ".. 'I'"~, , , ,;'••••••.•••• , •• lliil ..

Lo.i tpa tti I .' .. 118111~l/CIIIi'liiiiiift •••• H.;,l •••••


.......................-; .• Imarl PlCIG~fWlGClL"COVPOJl ..• •I Covered Box i••• •I ~ 4 BB "• ~.. 1::' WJthoutCOl.'POJ:l, == ~ With oupon n.t. •

'It"..elIwllkIIDO • CouponE«ecUV'llhru =~ 1II.'ltlI'ltll'lllP"olpfthlllr • Wed.December2 ..I- ..II,.. ""'1ll,allaPt_ n .." .


S E"rri '",2 'm,


BoloDDlan... ."90ChlcktllrIIo~Cp~.~2 0.. :. - _

Pimento ..s13'MoM1wadCb....~rea' 14o••

, • twe)

.~1.. .. .. ."'I.·..oil'·'0iiliIal""" ' ullli.. " ..-:""" . '. '- .'.. , , " ,

l'IlI l .." . .. Sl88~, H.' •• -i- ..H ..~.•,<.....U"f.!" ....' '. _ .



..........IlClOLf WlllOl.1 c;ovJCl~ ..

=EtCCOETEFW( =~= II 12" Saute Pan I; 'Slp9 •-, Ijeg, Price $13.99

. . CouponEltectlvetbru,In•• WJH1 • Wol"""""""

.........,;,.. • fIO(IL1'WIaot'fCl:lWOllI~.~ a••••••••••••~

", _~, - _r __• --"-\-_.~_•• ,



- '--, ",--



:'~~~ .......... 59C:

CABBAGE" 15°GtMA •••••••'••• lb.. 7"_ '

. .

,'~ '.~_:-:-;_::. <-::'.. ;, ::':'';:''':'_'__:;'''';",__L ...,.. __.~~..::.-;: .:,,,

.__DVBVQ~~~jpWA. ~ ~irl~mt-~·,

--,~, ~~c:t~:il~r:n~: ..-;.- --aJriWribeJ:'o(theROTC color gUard'.'

at '!ho 4.lveroity .f Dubuque. AJ~ior at UD~·1:Ien' active in

.'... til.· ROTC prClgram ~nd will bel:C)m~nedinto. the o!\I'my'aftervaduation from UP. ~he is

1- .- majoriJlg in, ~cial Education;t .and iJJ a 1978 graduate of··Copllon IlIib SChool. . I

, '!'be. Uliiver.s!ty JJf ..DulnuJll.e . ~cblor guard JI'l'- the i:ol......befol;e home football . and .

~alJ..~~',:.;I~ 189 .




"hllllhrhll .. ': 'SllIlt.Di,1aw..e,' •••'." , , •• , ·Pt· .II"M.Clilld,· '.. . S'l"'''iJita-Of'''ilt';I~;'.. ; ..... i., •• i'IU/, ._01•.., ,:


-' -'. -"- '-'-,. '--

.-'<1''' •• dbr un. s : '5,,10«

Prices effectiveThurs. thru Wed.

Nov. 28 thru Dec. 2, 1981

, .



.s '. 57 etnl Is,' "




. ..


. .


'" ,

," ..


: 5 $

Page 6: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter

, .,

~~~ ~

li I 'J


J...I/f ,.l",_

Heavy OulyMechanic Tools"...""w...... s..

u·u""w"ncJ\ Se"2f-tJC Wrtteh ....".tjllC writtlC.ft Stu52-12"" ............ eo.'MlSS--~.,,. Sock,. $tit2:1~..KNt W,.nchH12"."'. Richels2s.e.11t1otl

. clI'-JJi..SO<b~'· ._. ~ ...1141,c"""- .soc....U~ SO<lt.\ Sola:D-2tpe Drill I'"

.. ..,. Iodj.Wriii<II..-li , .


S.;IIiSoln150124 iie'YJ'e:-l..e..I1t1._2-8 ..1t.-OtUI ". .&-Dhc Grind.,.n._IlfII.11-".......


,,,.Itd...,•.~.. T.,. , 01.lD·lIoIlCulltl12t."'~.... C_tI).teet Boltl, ...tlAl Cut-o" 5 .....·Ct.,~,.


HugeIndustrIal 'rools

1·\''''''' Soe... Sol1-1'~' I .......'.• s.:rli.ji, Ci!ii&n2.r Otte CrtnMn~~Hott'.S:-.IumltO"rtnt1't.S.\,.. 1cli r1• ..ontt .2..taN ..~t· dSoe....

Mllcellaneouseooo....e....'".«hesOIefiOnarilt•ttra.. ftem.ToYsSiht' ...",."",""roc..'11_.

. . ~ . / ,_ _ .'., " '. " ~ I t

OIIIIZO%O, N.M; 8'30·1 ~'/


•••••mpKt $0(""2·1S,.e Cotlttt. S.I.""'Sod!.•• St:tt.

I ...... Soc"'~".,'",'-. Soc..r•lS.I; S.d.1 Sol.

Tools forEveryone

'Ot.Io00Il' c.blet2.t·t.. sa.",,_, Sol.......,Wrl~1

l00cr.·...U ... Bid............ s.a..,3-4Cpc. T... 0...-UI-4~ fIi,.e W,..fdwtioo-BUI'IdItS of DKtriQI'T.,.-a2.CMI'I:Mu.oc...__

t$2.PmnI aru.....sK-J'tlthhlf'll'(Joe_ToolsKAL. .,.11:", co-t',..41. ai'5ft.U·IOG' T....... u...72·"'~s..ehUtU$4:O.....tiHc:t...• ·eatte'1 OatWffS2C).s. .. 12.:lO ......... J",,"

Machinists Tools(f.... ~ ... Vi••1S-Drnf Pr... YI...

NOTE A~.qu.lAtiI'O;,OCft"'...heftCon..ftHlOlMlOdl...MoI••"'f,...iftltnVtl ...TM,.WiU•••o,uu,..,..o,tI~,.wo.""Iof Induttrtit toot Mft4 too~. 8nd mhC;. l&.mJ. 'fbttt'~ ... MaftJ'lob Iott tOW. SO ......t1.. 111111\0.....",. ."'!l.!-l~bur-'.M tu... to.......



• AIr 1'ools • Farm Supplies •• AIr Compressors-Drill Pr.lles •

~ • VIses-Band Saws·Cul off saws •

Sockets,t·W" 0.....11..,....--....1"''''I~tSoc."",............._....

AUcnONUR'.UlOre J'JII.lIil.· ... _ 01 .....rQi.l ..le... blt I"ullrlol Nne! 1001., _, tool.Incf IIHt inirt:hlridiM eft' held .., 'ills ,r... . ,

Oon'(M,."",0nL Tenns c.~ or KUpttd cheCk.


Air CompressorsAir Tools~ AJt COfft.,.tlOf.21.", lUI tmpKtWr~...••1 Att I".xt2'" Alt,_...... - Ail ".eh.e1s,...-.ut1~. ~

2.Sltol"'l UN lanoI...U.S' 01lIlUI AIt s.-.2J.A1t ChiMlII ....· AltDtill.".AIt .....""",.~~

Farm Toolln-......o_~h.Jt;C~ -.;" ..1 left ee...A-.Ufttl1.., bl CcftYIU _llIfIfo..~T_1~..._


107·_'"c.........f1OOt hd.... 2 ~1'll,IOft


Frida;, December 4 - 7:00 P.M.·Recreation Center 1 Block South of 380 Hwy., . .

Carrizozo, New Mexico.". . '

,',, I

.. ,


Legal Notice



Margo Lind$ay.. District Court Clerk

Published in the, LincolnCounty News for . four (4) con"secutivewee~only, November 25,December 3, 10. & 17, 1981.

The Town of carrizozo, onbehalf of appllCahts to the com:munity development VoluntaryGrant-Loan Program. is Solicitingbids for .home repair and inl­provement contracts. Biddocume.nts; sp'ecifications, andaddresses of homes to be repairedare available at the HomeRehabilitation Office in City Hall,100 Fifth Street, Carrizozo, New~exico.~edbids procedure willbe observed and bids for Ap.plication No. 017 and ApplicationNo. 1021 will be opened at 7:30 pmin the Home Rehabilitation Officein City Hall of the Town ofCarrizozo, New Mexico on Thur­sdayJ December 10. 1981. The Townof Carri%Ozo and owners resentethe right to reject any and all bidsat their sole discretion. No bids for .Application No. 017 and Ap·plication No. 021 will be acceptedafter 7:30 pm. Thursday,December 10, 1981.

Published in the LincolnCounty News one time only...November 25. 1981.








NOTI·cE, .. ' . . ,

-Notice 01 llQ.$tlng. Paris 'of ~heErratnouspeRan~h have beenclosed to public hUntlng and 1sindicSlted by No. Hunting or'~elipassingslgns.·, .' ,..No ~lliDpbtgilgh'have ~~tiJPut

up onotber pitH. of the R~nch anel'~ople are ~skedto pleatle comply "

. 'and respect- tltell~ slgnll.. ,.' ..

Erramouspe Ranch,.' Inc<l\ " .•

COt0l18, N'.N\. '8831 II~ubU.be4 ·In the LincolnCOunty :News lor· fom' (4)

. ·' .• weeks ' only; .,NOVtelUbet &, 12. 19r 'llPd26.198 <" '> '

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that the undersigned )las been

appointed personal representat~ve,of this estate~All pefSOns against this .estate arereqUire~ ,to present their claimswithin two months after the date ofthe first publication of this Noticeor the claims will be forever'barred. ClaimS muSt be presentedeither to the undersigned persolltll'representative at 1200 IndianaAvenqe. ,P.O. Box 594.Alamogordo, New Mexico ,437-8050. or fil.ed with theClerk of the District Court. LincolnCounty C~urthouse. Carrizozo.New Mexico.

r' DATED: October 21st, 1981.CILLE DOCKERY

P.o. Box127Lincoln, New Mexico­

88338. Published In the Lincoln

County News for three consecutiveweeks only, Novem'ber 12,N!>vember 19,,/and November 26.1981. .

\' .',

" (" ~

eV'eryfhirig., Mar'ke~'-"Down'

Attention Hunters& Trappers .


~o0U!' many friends ... foryour gifts. well wishes and forthe .many helpful deeds ...which made our wedding sowonderful. Your many kifitl­nasses - will always berememberedll

Wlllie&Tami Vega

.-Fur buyer will be inCarri~~zo at" 4-WindsRestaurant each Tuesdayfrorfl 4:15 p.m. tlll .5:00 p.m.beginning November .26 • • •also in Capitan from 3:00 to3:45 tm.•.• .also Three Rivers 'from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.

-We buy green and dry fursof all kinds. Skin case all fur!!.<like oppossums). not ~pen up' .the middle. We buy deer hides.Well handled furs bring TOPPRICESlNORTHWESTERN FUR CO~

Colorado City. Texa's

, HeLeN1S'. OUTLE~:'

-Tryfug to llquidlde '" alichandlse. . .,

I·', I




Thank You

The Bond & Bell Ranch~ South of:Corona on ·Hwy. 54 have been legallyposted. Anyone hooting or trespassingwithout permission, will be prosecuted to·the full extent of the law•.

-The Flying "W" Ranch, North of Capitan.has

Published in the Lincoln Cotmty News:for seven consecutive· weeks, Octo~r '22':'

. " ,tht'oQghDecember S, ,1981. -

~ .

Published in the Lincoln County News forthree consecutive weeks, November 19,November 26 and December 3, 1981.

been leg'ally posted: Anyone bunting ortrespas-sing: without ·permission .. will . b,eprosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The Family of T .0.(Lefty) Hays would like tothank the eoIiiirnmity for thefood, flowers & expressions oflove and kindness followingthe loss of their loved one.



-KobU. oil lite • Bring yourbome or buy one QP lite: - orjuat buy • 'k' or 1 acre Lot. ItWon't 10 downl - Comtry llviDgwith city utillt1el. 1~ Mi. fromdowntO}Y.D Capitan. N.M.. offRuidolo Hwy. 48. - As litUe as10 percmt down. 12 percentfinaDcln8 fOf: 10 yra.



~. eltsl U402U'CAPITAN. HIEW MIEIUCO ...



,.. ... ~ -

Zozo Che,vronHywy.54 & 380 ,

CHEVRON PRODUCTS - Diesel.Ph. 648-9991

HOURS7:0(f- 9:00

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ~_ ~-NOTlCE.lS.HEREBY~GlVENthat the undersigned have beenapJ!9inted personal represen­tatives of this estate. AU pi"rsonshaving claims against the estateare reqUired to pres,ent theirclaims within two rnonths after the NOTICE AND WARNINGdate of the first publication of this Notice is hereby given that in

'notice or the clabns Will be forever accordance with section 53-4-5 ofbarred. Claims must be presented the New Mexico Statutes An~r----------------....;.;,;....--~-..;.· either to the undersigned personal notated. Compilation of 1953, Therepi'e8eDtatives at the addresses Laura McDonald Estate andshown irl. this .notice or in care of Robert cr~l desire to protect the

..thEL ·,gntatl~'

attorneys. Martin, Lutz. Cresswell . their enclQ8Ufes; said enclosures·& Hubert, P.A., 2100 No~Main'bemg rnore.particU1arly.dP~bed

, ,Street. P.O. Drawer W, Las as follows: f . ;r----Gru~jNew Mexico. 88004. orfiledwith the court.

DATED this 1st .dayofNovember.198i. . '


. E. Frank'Adams;_ 'Personal Representative1301 Ram TraU'Las Cruces; NM '88001

Published in the" LincolnCounty .News ,. for two (2) c~n"

secutive WeekS oDly, November 25,..~IIIIIIIII ~ ...;.. --........1 .and lJecernbel' 3. 1981. ,

For Sale: 197314 x 72 WesteI11Mansion 2-bdnn. 2-bath mobilebome. Call354-2512 after 5 p.m. 2tp

1 Bedroom & Efficiencyapts.for rent. $165- $185 per rno All'bills paid, free cable T .V.- Call :J54.,

2755 - eveIiings. tfn.

, ." FOR SALE: Two lots on I'D"

Avenue, directly south ofC8saManaf!8 Apattments.Fenced and •

n rea~fo~mobi.\e.home-QCCUpancy

.- 'Inquire !It 'Citizens State Bank.

POSTED NOTICE-The .' O-Bar-O~ ~anch; 011 Rt. '~380 East ·of

. ··c:a,rrizozo; New'Mexitohafi been legally posted.AnY~~~, .hunting or tres'passillg without pet;. .Rlis~ion ;wiD be prosecuted to: the tuD extent 01' .the law., '

--. - ~

, .. .... ·PubUs~~dm.the Lineol.. CoontyNews for' ,3or ·CollsecutiYe. week.s, Novemb~r' 19, November 26

and December 3f' ~981.. f


(':, '

Page 7: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter

,, -

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c"~Aioos. D'I'". 12-oz. PKG. _

SUNsHINE 19-0z. PKG. ,', ,

VIENNA FINGER :......., ...... $1.29

, ..,"

"j .' -;", I,, '


C 0 P'PEE .. B!t.11!!.~li.1!.q~~~S!n,liE;, '~ PUCCINO, CAFE FRANCAIS. CAFEV1EN!'lA,CAFE

liipa ii2iii1i iQ ' ,, .lIIIiiiiiiJMELLOW ROAST $ ,, " INSTANT COFFEE 4-oz...... ... 1.79.',

. , .. • t·., " .c _. ,. >,-'- -.- ----~--_..... ;__.-. - < '~~'F --...... -

-.,. - ,;'._-

. '. . . ..

... YORKSH)RE••",,"AN _ IIII.,FRANKS'. CHEESE' LB. .12-oz.PKG.,


'-, " "

" ;. . :


" -~' ,-

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;. :-', . "'- --',', . "-,


'11-"- ,


22-oz. 20' OFF LABEL.




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!.i.S.D.A. CHOICE . 'aONELE;SS ,( . ,


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,'-- -~-

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Page 8: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter





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.I"RE~H our WHO!..I:'




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GREEN BEANS.. ,;.NO.303.0ANS -~.__.-




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." .. ---. .~



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·MACARONI-&·'CHEESE DINNER'" '" . . 7.25.QZ.··BOX '.




18-":.DEOKI:RAL~MEAf' .

LB.' . BOLOGNA12.oz. PKG. ' .

•••,••". 411!•••:••.••••"_!It.••...!I'."ft.,!It ~~~•• • ~••..~. ,••••••••••••••••. .' '" .

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Page 9: CARRIZOZO ••• 'Li1coln County's Countyseat Town' County· News; · 11/25/1981  · Wilson residence in regards to that matter


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