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  • 7/26/2019 Cartas l5r Crab Print


    Dance the Razors Edge

    Hiruma Scout Rank 1

    You may add your Stealth Skill rank to the total o yourInitiative rolls (unless caught by surprise or otherwiseunaware). You can make all ood, water, and jaderations last twice as long as normal or a number opeople equal to your Hunting Skill Rank. While inthe Shadowlands, you gain +1k0 to Stealth rolls andalways know the direction o the Empire and roughly

    how ar away it is.

    Run Like the Wind

    Hiruma Scout Rank 2

    You may make Free and Simple Move actionswhile in the Full Deense stance. You can runat high speed or a number o hours equal toyour Stamina + School Rank, afer which you

    are Exhausted until you have one hours rest.

    Veil of the Spirits

    Hiruma Scout Rank 3

    As long as you do not move and have some orm ocover, concealment, or camouage available (GMsdiscretion), you may spend a Void Point to makeyoursel all but invisiblein mechanical terms, thisadds a number o kept dice to your Stealth roll equalto your School Rank. Tis effect lasts until you move

    or make a noise.

    Harness the Wind

    Hiruma Scout Rank 4

    You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead oa Complex Action when using any samurai weapons,knie, or bow. You may also attack as a Simple Actionregardless o weapon when ghting any Shadowlandscreature or other known ainted nonhuman (such as

    zombies or gaki).

    Strike of the Stalker

    Hiruma Scout Rank 5

    I you are striking a surprised or unawareoe, your Raises are not limited by yourVoid, and you can ignore 10 points o

    Reduction (rom any source).

    The Eternal Stone Unleashed

    Hida Pragmatist Rank 1

    You gain a bonus o +1k0 to any roll made to resistIntimidation or Fear effects. You also gain a bonuso +1k0 to the total o your attack and damage rollswhen ghting unarmed or with improvised weapons.However, you must always keep high dice with anyattack rolls or damage rolls that benet rom this


    Wearing Down the Mountain

    Hida Pragmatist Rank 2

    When ghting unarmed or with animprovised weapon, you may make theExtra Attack Maneuver or only 3 Raises

    instead o 5.

    Fury of the Avalanche

    Hida Pragmatist Rank 3

    You may make attacks as a Simple Actionwhen ghting unarmed or with animprovised weapon, or when wielding a

    Samurai keyword weapon.

    Stone Turns Steel Aside

    Hida Pragmatist Rank 4

    Regardless o your Stance, a number o times per skirmish equal to yourVoid, immediately afer you are attacked with a melee weapon (afer damageis rolled, i the attack hit) you may take a Free Action to make a ContestedRoll using Jiujutsu / Agility against your enemys (Weapon Skill) / Agility. Iyou win the roll, you immediately strike the enemy with his own weapon(thus, you use your own Strength when determining damage rolled with thisechnique). You may Raise on this Contested Roll to perorm the Increased

    Damage Maneuver.Tis technique cannot be used during an iaijutsu duel.

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    Fight to the End

    Hida Pragmatist Rank 5

    At the start o your urn you may spend a Void Pointto allow you to make an attack as a Complex Actionthat ignores your Wound penalties (including Downand Out) and any restrictions or penalties rom Statuseffects or physical Disadvantages you are currentlysuffering. You gain a +3k1 bonus to your damage roll

    with this attack.

    The Kaiu Method

    Kaiu Engineer Rank 1

    You gain a bonus o +1k0 when makingany School Skill Roll. When spending aVoid Point to augment a School Skill Roll,you gain a bonus o +2k2 instead o +1k1.

    Tese effects are not cumulative.

    The Path of Stone

    Kaiu Engineer Rank 2

    When constructing any large structure (temple-sizedor larger), you may make an Engineering Skill Roll atN 25 to add an additional number o Wounds to thestructure equal to your School Rank x 100. Also, whencommanding a siege engine, you may re-roll once anyo the siege engines damage dice that roll below your

    School Rank.

    The Path of the Shell

    Kaiu Engineer Rank 3

    When crafing any set o armor, you maydouble the crafing time and cost in orderto add your School Rank to the armorsReduction value. You may also add halyour School Rank (rounding up) to the

    armors Armor N bonus.

    The Path of War

    Kaiu Engineer Rank 4

    When you roll on the Mass Battle Chart, youmay modiy your result (up or down) by anadditional amount equal to hal your SchoolRank. Additionally, when ghting with akatana, dai tsuchi, or war an, you may makemelee attacks as a Simple Action rather than a

    Complex Action.

    The Path of Steel

    Kaiu Engineer Rank 5

    When crafing any weapon, you may choose to conereither a +1k0 bonus to all attack rolls made with thatweapon, or a +0k1 bonus to all damage rolls madewith that weapon. I the weapon is a katana, you mayexpend all your Void Points (a minimum o one pointmust be spent) to make the blade unbreakable (as perthe Sacred Weapon: Kaiu Blade Advantage). Doingso renders you unable to recover Void Points or one


    To See the Darkness

    Kuni Witch-Hunter Rank 1

    You may attempt to detect the aint in another person by holding yourjade pendant (or another piece o jade) and staring intently at them. Tisis a Complex Action and requires your to make a Contested Roll o yourInvestigation (Interrogation) / Awareness against the targets Sincerity(Deceit) / Willpower. You gain a +1k0 bonus to this roll or every ull Rank oaint the target possesses. I you succeed in the roll and the target is ainted(has at least 1 Rank o aint), you are able to sense the presence o the aintand its approximate strength. I you ail this roll or the target is not ainted,you gain no inormation. In addition, you gain +1k1 to your rolls to resistthe Shadowlands aint and to your attack rolls when attacking a oe who is a

    Shadowlands creature or who you know to be ainted.

    To Ride the Darkness

    Kuni Witch-Hunter Rank 2

    Any time you are conronted by a Shadowlandscreature, you may take a Free Action to roll Lore:Shadowlands / Intelligence at N 20 to recall eitherone specic strength (such as Invulnerability) or onespecic weakness (such as jade) or that creature. Youchoose whether you recall a strength or a weakness,but the GM chooses the exact inormation. Youmay Raise on this roll to learn additional pieces o

    inormation - one strength or weakness per Raise.

    To Strike the Darkness

    Kuni Witch-Hunter Rank 3

    You may make melee attacks as aSimple Action when your opponent is aShadowlands creature or when you know

    your opponent to be ainted.

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    To Repel the Darkness

    Kuni Witch-Hunter Rank 4

    You gain a +3k0 bonus to all rolls or your Rank Oneability to detect the aint and to the roll or your Rankwo ability. In addition, you may learn one Kiho. (Ithe optional rule allowing Kiho or non-Brotherhoodmonks is in effect, this Kiho does not count against themaximum number o Kiho you can learn, although itis subject to their other mechanical limitations such as

    Mastery Level.)

    To Shatter the Darkness

    Kuni Witch-Hunter Rank 5

    You gain +4k1 bonus to your attackand damage rolls against Shadowlandscreatures and against oes you know to beainted. Tis stacks with the attack bonus

    rom your Rank One echnique.

    The Flames of Purity

    Defender of the Wall Advanced School Rank 1

    Creatures with the Shadowlands aintmay not reroll 10s on attack or damage

    rolls against you.

    Hidas Strength

    Defender of the Wall Advanced School Rank 2

    You gain Reduction 8. Tis stacks with anyother echiques or armor which grant you


    The Crab are the Wall

    Defender of the Wall Advanced School Rank 3

    Once per round, you may immediatelynegate one Condition on yoursel

    (other than Mounted or Grappled).

    Berserkers Rage

    Crab Berserker Rank 2 Alternate PathOnce per skirmish, you may enter your rage during the Reactions Stage.Once begun, the rage lasts or a number o Combat Rounds equal to doubleyour Earth Ring. (You may end it during an earlier round by spending aVoid Point during the Reactions Stage.) While in your rage, you cannot takethe Center, Deense, or Full Deense stances, and cannot use any non-Bugeiskills. While in the raging state, you ignore all penalties and effects o WoundRanks. You also gain a +2k1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls. I you arekilled while raging, you remain alive and can continue to attack until therage ends, but you cannot be healed (unless you are rst targeted with theForce o Will spell) - you are dead, your body simply does not know it yet.Te rage ends i you sustain Wounds equal to twice the amount that would

    normally kill you.

    Warrior of Earth

    Crab Defender Rank 2 Alternate Path

    Rather than try to strike aster than theiropponents, Deenders learn to call on their ownEarth to endure the oes rst strike, allowingthem to deeat their enemy in a longer ght.During the Strike step o an iaijutsu duel, youare considered to have additional Reduction

    equal to your Earth x 3.

    The Crabs Eyes

    Hiruma Sniper Rank 4 Alternate Path

    You may attack with a yumi as a simpleaction. When making a ranged attack witha yumi, you may ignore all o the targetsnatural Reduction (e.g. Reduction romarmor or natural protection) and hal that

    much Reduction rom magical effects.

    One Blade, Both Hands

    Crab Knife-Fighter Rank 3/4 Alternate Path

    When ghting with one open hand and atanto, you add +3k1 to your damage withtanto and may ignore all effects o youropponents armor. (I your opponent isa creature with inherent Reduction, you

    may ignore 5 points o that Reduction.)

  • 7/26/2019 Cartas l5r Crab Print


    Spotting the Prey

    Falcons Strike Rank 2 Alternate Path

    When making a range attack with a bow,you may use your Perception in place oyour Reexes or attack rolls. When usinga yumi, you may also use your Perceptionin place o the bows Strength or damage


    Deny the Horde

    Hiruma Slayer Rank 4 Alternate Path

    You suffer no penalties or using a masakari in youroff-hand (although you still suffer normal penaltiesor wielding two weapons). You may attack as a SimpleAction with a masakari. When using a masakari inthe Full Attack Stance against any oe, or in the AttackStance against a Shadowlands creature or a oe youknow to be tainted, you gain an additional +3k0 bonus

    to your damage rolls.

    The Crabs Shell

    Hiruma Yojimbo Rank 3 Alternate Path

    Afer making a successul melee attack, you mayimmediately perorm the Guard Action as a FreeAction (i your charge is close enough or you toGuard). I you do so, you may add the amount bywhich your attack roll exceeded your opponentsArmor N to the Armor N o your charge until your

    next urn.

    The Hammer of Kaiu

    Kaiu Siegemaster Rank 5 Alternate Path

    During a siege, you may add or subtract your entireSchool Rank to the total o your rolls on the MassBattle able (this replaces the Kaiu Engineering Rank4 ability to add or subtract hal your School Rank).I you are on the deending side in a siege, you gain+2k0 bonus to any Engineering (Siege) rolls you maketo operate siege weaponry, and the Reduction o anystructures on your side o the siege is increased by


    Strike of Purity

    Kuni Crystal Master Rank 4 Alternate Path

    When you learn this technique, one piece o crystal which you possessbecomes awakened and is then used to empower your spells with the essenceo Crystal. (I this piece o crystal is lost or destroyed, you cannot use thisechnique until you acquire another one - it is the GMs discretion howmuch time and effort this will require.) When casting a Fire or Earth spellthat inicts damage (e.g. Jade Strike, Fury o Osano-Wo, etc) you may spenda Void Point to channel the spell through your awakened crystal and inuseit with the essence o crystal. Tis adds one additional Complex Action to thecasting time o the spell. Te spell do es an additional +1k1 damage is is nowconsidered to be Crystal or the purpose o what oes can be damaged by it,whether it can penetrate Invulnerability or Creature Reduction, and so orth.

    Bound by the World

    Oni Slayer Rank 3 Alternate Path

    You may expend an Earth spell slot and make a Spell CastingRoll (without N, see below) in order to ritually prepare abinding circle, a process which takes an hour. Tis circle mayencompass a maximum area equal to your School Rank x 5in square eet, although you may combine efforts with otherKuni to encompass larger areas by adding your School Rankstogether (ony one o you make the Spell Casting Roll). Once anoni enters the circle, it becomes active. Te oni may not leavethe circle without rst succeeding at a Willpower rait Rollagainst a N equal to the total o your Spell Casting roll. While

    the circle is active, you gain one less Earth spell slot per day.

    Strength of Bamboo

    Severed Hand Rank 4 Alternate Path

    When rolling to resist an opponentsSocial Skill or Courtier echnique, youmay use Willpower as your rait instead

    o the rait normally used.

    Purge the Darkness

    Toritaka Exorcist Rank 2 Alternate Path

    You can sense the presence o dangerous spirits (ghosts, gaki, yokai, creaturesrom the spirit realms, e tc) by making an Investigation (Notice) / Perceptionroll. Te base N or this roll is 20, but may be increased by the GM orspirits who are exceptionally diffi cult to notice. You may make 2 Raises onthe roll to learn the specic nature o the spirit you detect (e.g. a yorei, a gaki,etc). You may take a Complex Action to attempt an exorcism on someonewho is possessed by a ghost, gaki, oni, kitsune-tsuki, or similar entity. Youexpend one spell slot and make a Contested Willpower roll against the spirit;i you rst place an exorcism ward on the target, you gain +2k2 on the roll.With a success, you orce the spirit to leave the body it is poss essing; it cannot

    attempt to re-possess that same person or at least 24 hours.

    Gentle Encouragement

    Yasuki Enforcer Rank 2 Alternate Path

    You may make a Contested Roll against any individual, usingyour Willpower / Intimidation against their Willpower /Etiquette. I you are successul, you gain a bonus o +1k0 onall attack rolls made against that individual during the rstRound o combat against them during your next skirmish.Each successul Raise made on this Contested Roll increasesyour bonus by an additional +1k0. I this echnique is activatedduring a skirmish, the initial Contested Roll is a Complex


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    Do Me a Favor

    Yasuki Extortionist Rank 4 Alternate Path

    I you have supplied something your target needs, whether money ormaterial goods (this coudl be achieved through role-play and/or by usingthe Yasuki Rank 1 and Rank 3 echniques), you may make a ContestedSocial Roll o your Intimidation (Control) / Willpower against theirEtiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. With a success, they nd the arrangementhas lef them deeply in debt to you. You may either inict an Obligation onthat person (i the GM judges they have the ability to pay you back) or aBlackmail on them (i the GM judges they cannot pay you back). Te deaultpoint value o the Disadvantage in either case is 3, but the GM may modiy

    this i circumstances make it appropriate.

    Fear is a Gift

    Yasuki Taskmaster Rank 3/4 Alternate Path

    Te askmasters embrace Intimidation as a skill with manymore applications than others might expect. You treatIntimidation as a Bugei Skill rather than a Low Skill. You mayuse Willpower as your rait on any Battle Skill roll, and mayuse your Intimidation Rank in place o your Battle Rank whenrolling or Step 2: Determination on the Mass Battle able.Finally, any soldiers (samurai, peasant, or otherwise) underyour military command may add your Intimidation Skill Rank

    to the total o any rolls they make to resist Fear effects.