cartea constructiei omv petrom deva


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Denumirea lucrarii / Project name:




Beneficiar / Beneficiary: S.C. OMV PETROM S.A. Proiectant Designer: S.C. ALPEBOCOM S.R.L

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Nr.crt. Denumire / Name Nr. de pagini

Number of pages

Nr. Desen

Drawing number

PARTE SCRISA / WRITTEN DOCUMENTS 1. Pagina de capat / First page 1 2. Lista de semnaturi / List of signatures 1 3. Lista documente / Table of content 2 4. Memoriu tehnic - romana/ Romanian technical memoire 6 5. Memoriu tehnic - engleza/ English technical memoire 6 6. Plan de inspectie si testari / Inspection and testing plan 4 7. Caiet de sarcini - romana/ Romanian tehnical

specification book 15

8. Caiet de sarcini - engleza/ English tehnical specification book



9. Plan de incadrare in zona / General layout 1 P-01 10. Plan de situatie / Location plan 1 P-02 11. Plan amplasare stalpi la caile ferate / Pole layout on

railroad 1 R-01

12. Detalii cofraje si armare fundatie F1 / Formwork and reinforcement details layout for foundation F1

1 R-02

13. Detalii cofraje si armare fundatie F2 / Formwork and reinforcement details layout for foundation F2

1 R-03

14. Detalii elemente inglobate pentru placile de baza / Anchor detail for column base plates

1 R-04

15. Sablon metallic pentru fixare buloane / Metalic moulder for anchors

1 R-05

16. Plan si elevatie amplasare stalpi la caile ferate / Pole layout on railroad

1 R-06

17. Plan amplasare stalpi la rampele auto / Pole layout for car ramps

1 R-07

18. Elevatie stalpi rampe auto / elevation for poles on car ramps

1 R-08

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19. Stalp intermediar tip SCF / Pole Type SCF 1 R-09 20. Stalp intermediar tip SCF detalii A - C/ Pole Type SCF

details A – C 1 R-10

21. Stalp intermediar tip SCF detalii D - F/ Pole Type SCF details D – F

1 R-11

22. Portal de capat tip PC/ End frame type PC 1 R-12 23. Portal de capat tip PC-Detalii A;B/

End frame type PC –Details A;B 1 R-13

24. Portal de capat tip PC-Detalii C-F/ End frame type PC –Details C-F

1 R-14

25. Stalp rampa auto tip SR/Auto acces type SR 1 R-15 26. Plan de imapmantare / Grounding layout 1 E-01 27. Plan de imapmantare rampe auto - elevatie/ Grounding

layout on car ramps - elevation 1 E-02

Intocmit: ing. R. Chilea

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1. Scopul lucrarii

Prezenta lucrare stabileste conditiile tehnice de executie si montaj pentru sisteme de

protectie impotriva caderii la depozitul de carburanti din localitatea Deva, judetul Hunedoara.

2. Descrierea investitiei

2.1. Date privind amplasamentul

Lucrarile ce vor fi executate sunt amplasate in incinta depozitului de carburanti situat pe str.Depozitelor nr.21, in localitatea Deva,judetul Hunedoara conform 3520-6/28/2. Suprafata totala a terenului este de 31905 m2. Conform ridicarii topografice realizate de Coneta S.R.L., terenul este plan si nu prezinta denivelari mari.

2.2. Date privind clima si fenomenele naturale

Din punct de vedere climatic, arealul geografic din care face parte localitatea Deva apartine sectorului cu clima moderata, caracterizat prin ierni blande si zapezi mici, cu strat de zapada mic grosime 4 cm si nu stagneaza mult pe sol respectiv veri nu foarte calduroase cu precipitatii medii.

Conform STAS 6054 – 77 – adancimea maxima de inghet in terenul natural este de 100 cm Conform CR 1-1-3-2005 (Evaluarea actiunii zapezii asupra constructiilor) in zona

amplasamentului valoarea caracteristica a incarcarii din zapada pe sol este: s0,k = 1,5 kN/m2

Conform NP-082-04 (Actiunea vantului), Viteza caracteristica a vantului in zona de amplasare este : V=27 m/s si corespunde unei presiuni qref = 0,3 kPa .

2.3. Date privind geologia si seismicitatea

In studiul geologic, in urma a doua sondaje facute la fata locului s-a intalnit urmatoarea succesiune litologica:

Strat A: 0,00 – 0,20 m – Umplutura de macadam Strat B: 0,20– 0,60 m – Umplutura de balast(pietris) Strat C:0,60-2,10-Argila cenusiu negricioasa,plastic vartoasa Strat D:2,10-2,60-Nisip fin,prafos,cenusiu galbui Strat E:de la 2,60-Nisipuri fine in amestecuri cu pietrisuri marunte In sondajele deschise executate in zona amplasamentului proiectat, apa subterana a fost

intalnita 3,00-3,50m. Compactarea straturilor este puternica si creste odata cu adancimea. Presiunea conventionala de baza pconv la o adancime de fundare fata de nivelul terenului

Dr=2,0 m si o latime a talpii fundatiei B=1,0 m este : pcon = 332 kPa.

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Conform P100-2006 (Cod de proiectare seismica), in zona amplasamentului acceleratia de

varf a miscarii terenul este ag = 0,08g, iar perioada de colt a spectrului de raspuns este Tc=0.7 secunde.

2.4. Categoria si clasa de importanta

Constructiile ce fac obiectivul investitiei descrise mai sus se incadreaza in categoria C‚ normala, clasa de importanta a constructiei fiind III.

2.5. Descrierea lucrarilor

Pentru montarea sistemelor de siguranta este necesara amplasarea de stalpi metalici. La depozitul de la Deva, cisternele de pe linia ferata pentru descarcarea produselor

petroliere, ocupa o lungime de aproximativ 150 m in momentul opririi in statie. De aceea sistemul de siguranta trebuie sa acopere toata aceasta distanta. Avand in vedere ca trebuie asigurat si accesul vehiculelor si personalului in diferite puncte, stalpii vor fi distribuiti pe distanta de 153 m. 2.5.1. Fundatii

La capetele sistemului de siguranta se vor monta 2 portale din stilpi realizati din teava

patrata. Structura metalica apartinand portalelor de capat este montata pe 2 blocuri de fundatie izolate din beton armat C16/20, cu dimensiunile in plan de 1,2 x 3,0 m si avand o inaltime de 1,00 m. Blocul de beton este turnat pe un strat de egalizare din beton C8/10. Blocul de fundare va fi cu 10 cm peste cota terenului natural.

Armarea acestui se va face cu bare din PC52 avand diametrul de 12 mm. Etrierii vor fi de asemenea din PC52 cu diametrul de 10 mm. In blocurile de fundare se vor monta carcase de buloane ce vor avea lungimea de 1,0 m si vor fi confectionate din bare de otel rotund cu diametrul de 25 cm. Carcasele vor fi inglobate in fundatie 1 m iar 20 cm vor fi scoase din beton pentru a permite prinderea stalpilor.

Stalpii intermediari vor fi montati pe fundatii izolate din beton armat cu dimensiunile in plan de 1,0 m x 1,2 m si avand o inaltime de 1,00 m. Blocul de beton este turnat pe un strat de egalizare din beton C8/10. Blocul de fundare va fi cu 10 cm peste cota terenului natural.

2.5.2. Confectie metalica

Portalul e realizat dintr-un cadru din stilpi din teava patrata de 180 x 180 x 6 mm. Stalpi

vor avea inaltimea de 7 m iar grinzile portalului vor avea o lungime interax de 5,82 m.. Distanta intre portalele de intrare si iesire si stalpii curenti este de 20 m. Stalpul va fi in forma literei „L” si va fi prevazut cu o contravantuire care rigidizeaza cele

2 laturi. In zona rampelor auto se vor monta stalpi de sustinere similari cu cei din zona cailor ferate. Stalpii din zona rampelor auto sunt de de forma literei ‚L”; acesti stalpi vor fi montati pe

fundatie tip cuzinet avind aceleasi dimensiuni si aceeasi armare cu fundatiile stalpilor metalici de la rampa C.F.

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3. Standarde si normative de referinta

SR EN 1992-1-1:2004/NB: 2008: Calculul si alcatuirea elementelor din beton armat si beton precomprimat; SR EN 1993-1-1 :2006/NA:2008: Constructii civile, industriale si agricole. Calculul elementelor din otel; STAS 767/0-88: Constructii civile, industriale si agricole. Constructii din otel. Conditii tehnice si de calitate; SR EN 22768-1: Tolerante generale. Partea 1: Tolerante pentru dimensiuni liniare si unghiulare fara indicarea tolerantelor individuale SR EN 22768-2: Tolerante generale. Partea 2: Tolerante geometrice pentru elemente fara indicarea tolerantelor individuale STAS 10103-76 Constructii din otel. Principii generale de calcul; SR EN 10204: Produse metalice. Tipuri de documente de inspecţie. C 150-84 Normativ privind calitatea imbinarilor sudate ale constructiilor din otel; C 140-86 Normativ pentru executarea lucrarilor de beton si beton armat; C 112-84 Normativ pentru proiectarea si executarea hidroizolatiilor din materiale bituminoase la lucrarile de constructii.

4. Norme jurisdictionale si de asigurarea calitati

Fabricantul va respecta in totalitate prevederile proietului de executie.Pentru orice abatere de la documentatie se va cere avizul scris al Proiectantului;

Modificarile documentatiei de executie nu pot fi facute decat de Proiectant; Documentatia de montaj se intocmeste de catre Constructor in vederea realizarii constructiilor

metalice conform proiectului de executie

5. Conditii tehnice de executie si montaj

5.1. Materiale

Materialele ce se vor folosi in realizarea investitiei – marcile si standardele de produs – sunt precizate in documentatia de executie. Toate materialele introduse in executie sau puse in opera, vor fi noi si insotite de certificatele de calitate emise de producator. Daca aceste certificate lipsesc sau sunt incomplete, executantul sau constructorul, dupa caz, va emite certificate de conformitate bazate pe incercari si verificari efectuate in conformitate cu cerintele standardelor de material specifice. Utilizarea de materiale inlocuitoare sau echivalente va fi permisa numai cu acceptul proiectantului.

La imbinarea cu suruburi se vor folosi urmatoarele elemente : surub, saiba plata, piulita hexagonala si saiba grower. Suruburile vor fi conform STAS 11028 cu cap hexagonal cu diametrul tijei la diametrul exterior al filetului, partial filetate si din material grupa 8.8 5.2. Constructii metalice

Toate constructiile metalice de exterior sunt zincate la cald pentru a fi protejate impotriva coroziunii.

Nu este permisa fortarea (deformarea) pieselor pentru aducerea lor in pozitie de montaj; Filetul si suprafata frontala a piulitei (suprafata de frecare) vor fi unse cu vaselina consistenta;

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Toate gaurile pentru suruburi vor fi obtinute prin aschiere sau prin stantare si aschiere; Conditiile tehnice generale pentru asamblarile cu suruburi sunt conform 767/2-78 ;

Piulitele vor fi stranse la momentele de strangere indicate mai jos:

Diametru surub Moment de strangere , daNm

Grupa 8.8

M14 5

M16 5

M18 5

M20 10

M24 15

>=M27 20

5.3. Debitarea materialelor

Debitarea se va face prin mijloace mecanice sau termice. In cazul utilizarii taierii termice, suprafetele rezultate vor fi curatate prin mijloace mecanice (polizare), pentru eliminarea zonelor influentate termic, a stropilor de sudura si bavura.

Rugozitatea admisa pe aceste suprafete este cca. Ra 25. 5.4. Sudarea materialelor

Sudarea se va face folosind sudori atestati in conformitate cu cerintele STAS 9532/1,2-74 si procedeele de sudare omologate. Materialele de adaos pentru sudare vor fi alese de executant astfel incat sa fie compatibile cu materialul de baza si cu tehnologia de sudare. Daca nu se specifica altfel in desenele de detaliu, vor fi aplicate urmatoarele reguli: Cordoanele vor fi continue pe toata lungimea de contact a pieselor din imbinare; Sudurile cap la cap vor fi cu penetratie totala; Sudurile de colt vor avea dimensiunea nominala egala cu 0.7xgros. minima a pieselor din

imbinare, cand nu este altfel specificat. Toate sudurile vor fi controlate vizual 100%. 5.5. Tolerantele de fabricatie pentru piesele si subansamblele ale caror desene nu contin prevederi privind abaterile limita, vor fi stabilite astfel: Piese prelucrate mecanic, clasa medie, cf. SR EN 22768-1,2:1995; Piese taiate si indoite din tabla, clasa 2, cf. STAS 11111-86; Subansamble si ansamble sudate, clasa AE, cf. STAS 9101-1,3-91.

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5.6. Protectii de suprafata

Toate piesele si subansamblele, cu exceptia organelor de asamblare STAS si a pieselor protejate prin vopsire vor fi zincate termic in baie. Grosimea de acoperire va fi min. 80µm.

Organele de asamblare STAS vor fi zincate sau cromate conform cerintelor STAS 2700/8-82. Subansamblele ale caror desene de executie specifica vopsirea sau grunduirea, vor fi protejate astfel: Toate suprafetele vor fi curatate mecanic prin periere cu peria de sarma pentru indepartarea

urmelor de rugina si tunder, apoi vor fi degresate; Pe suprafetele curate si uscate se aplica prin pulverizare doua straturi de grund pe baza de

rasini alchidice si oxid de fier tip G5001, la interval de 6 ore; Grosimea finala a stratului de grund in stare uscata va fi min 80µm; Vor fi mascate zonele cu o raza de cca. 6cm in jurul gaurilor pentru suruburile de

impamantare. Aceste zone vor fi protejate anticoroziv prin aplicarea unui strat de unsoare consistenta.

5.4. Montajul

Montajul constructiilor din otel se face pe baza documentatiei tehnice elaborate de Constructor, cu respectarea proiectului de executie si a normelor in vigoare

Constructorul va alege procedeul optim de montaj in functie de mijloacele tehnice din dotare, experienta proprie si situatia din teren.

In timpul executiei montajului se va urmari realizarea verticalitatii elementelor si se va acorda atentie strangerii corecte a suruburilor de montaj

Inaintea inceperii montajului stalpilor se va verifica orizontalitatea suprafetei superioare a fundatiilor. 6. Masuri de protectia muncii si P.S.I.

La executarea lucrarilor de constructii – montaj vor fi respectate prevederile urmatoarelor legi si normative:

Legea nr. 319/2006 si Normele metodologice de aplicare Norme generale de protectia muncii/1996;

Ordinul 58/1991 – Echipamentul individual de protectie; NSSM pentru lucrul la inaltime; NSSM pentru alpinism utilitar; Regulamentul privind protectia muncii si normele de protectie contra incendiilor cf.

P188/99. Constructorul este obligat la executia sa ia toate masurile de protectia muncii necesare evitarii oricarui accident de munca.

7. Protectia mediului Reziduurile si deseurile rezultate in timpul lucrarilor de constructii-montaj, se vor colecta in

locuri special amenajate si vor fi evacuate ritmic de catre executant, pentru evitarea poluarii zonei. Intocmit:

Ing. R. Chilea

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1. The scope of work

The actual project establish the technical conditions for erecting and execution for fall

protection system at fuel tanks terminal from Deva,jud.Hunedoara.

2. Investment description

2.1. Lay out dates

The works which are going to be executed are placed inside the fuel tank terminal perimeter situated on Street Depozitelor nr.21,Deva City, accordingly to nr top 3520-6/28/2.The total area is 31905 sq.m. Accordingly to the topographical survey realized by Coneta SRL the layout is flat.

2.2. The climate dates

From climatic point of view the geographical area to whom Deva belongs to, is characterized by mellow winters and snowfalls, with medium snow layers and with mellow summers having short rain periods.

Accordingly to STAS 6054 – 77 – the maximum frozen ground depth in natural soil is 100cm

Accordingly to CR 1-1-3-2005 (The evaluation of snow load over structures on the lay out the characteristic value of snow load is : s0,k =1,5 kN/m2

Accordingly to NP-082-04 (The wind load), the characteristic speed of wind is on lay out: vb=27m/s and correspond to a pressure qref=0,3kPa.

2.3. The seismicity and geological dates

In the geological dates, following the two geotechnical samples made on the spot we have the following litological succession:

Layer A: 0,00-0.20m-gravel layer LayerB:0,20-0,60-keystone filling LayerC:0,60-2,10-grey dark clay LayerD-2,10-2,60-fine,dusty grey yellow sand LayerE-from 2,60m below-fine sand mixed with fine gravel Into the open sample pits executed on the layout the underground water level was not

found. The compactation grade of layers is strong and increase with the depth. The conventional bearing capacity of soil pconv at a foundation level towards the existing

ground level of Dr=2,0 m and for a foundation width B=1,0 m is 332kPa.

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Accordingly to (Earthquake designing code) for the layout the acceleration ground is ag =

0,08g and the controlling time is Tc=0.7 seconds.

2.4. The category and class importance

The construction belonging to the investition objectives described above are C category and

belongs t the IIIrd clas of importance.

2.5. The works description

For the mounting of fall protection systems is necessary the placement of metallic poles. At the fuel tanks terminal in Deva the fuel wagons on the railroad occupy a length of circa

150 m starting from the moment of station atrrival.That’s why the safety system must cover the entire lenght.Regarding to what is a must to assure and also regarding to the access of vehicles and staff from diferent points the poles must be distributed on the distance of 153 m. 2.5.1. Foundations

At the limits of safety system will be mounted two end frames made of squared profiles.

The metallic structure belonging to the endframes is mounted on 2 concrete block foundation made of reinforced concrete C16/20,with dimensions of 1,0 x 2,5 m and with an elevation of 1,0 m. The concrete block is cast on a blind concrete layer of C8/10 class. The concrete block will have the level above the existing ground level with 10cm.

The reinforcement bars are of PC52 class having a diameter of 12 mm. The stirrups bars are of PC52 grade having a diameter of 10 mm. In the foundation blocks will be placed anchors with a length of 1,2 m and will be made of round bars with a diameter of 25 mm. The anchors system will be posed in concrete 1m and above concrete 20cm to permit the mounting of poles.

The intermediary poles will be mounted on concrete blocks foundations with dimensions of 1,0 m x 1,2 m and elevation of 1,00 m. The concrete block is casted on a blinding concrete layer of C8/10 class. The foundation block level will be 10 cm above the existing ground level.

2.5.2. The metallic structure

The frame is made of squared metallic profiles of 180 x 180 x 6 mm. The poles will have a

7 m height and the beam of the frames will have a interax length of 5,82 for each of endframe. The distance between pole axes are 18,20 m. The distance between the end frame and

current poles are 18,20 m.. The current pole will be in a shape of L letter and will have a bracing which strengthen the

sides. At auto access we have a system attached to the existing steel structures. At each end of the

squarred section joist where the corrugated metallic sheetthe fall protection system will be fixed with the help of two metallic plates system connected by bolts. Aditional a bracing will be mounted to strength the system.

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3. Codes and normative

SR EN 1992-1-1:2004/NB: 2008: The calculation and the composition of reinforced and prefabricated concrete elements SR EN 1993-1-1 :2006/NA:2008: Civil, industrial structures. The designing of steel structure. SR EN 22768-1: General tolerances.Part1: Tolerances for linear and angular tolerance without indication of individual tolerances. SR EN 22768-2: General tolerances. Part 2: Geometric tolerances for elements without the indication of individual tolerances. SR EN 10204: Metallic products. Types of inspection documents. .

4. Law and quality assurance norms

The producer will respect complete the requirements of the execution project. For any deviation from this documentation the written advice of the Designer will be required.

The modification of execution documentation will be made only by the Designer. The mounting documentation will be made by the Contractor regarding the metallic structure

manufacturing accordingly to the execution project.

5. The mounting and execution conditions

5.1. Materials

The materials used in investment execution-marks and standard products- are described in the execution documentation. All the materials used in execution will be new and certified with quality certificates issued by the producer.

If these certificates are missing and are incomplete the executants or the constructor after case will issued quality certificates based on try outs and verifications effectuated accordingly to the requirements of specific material standards. The use of replacement or equivalent materials will be permitted only with the designer agreement.

At bolted joints will b e used the following elements: bolts, plate washer, hexagonal bolt nut and grower washer. The bolts will be accordingly to STAS 11028 having hexagonal screw head with the adjuster diameter close to exterior fillet ,partially screwed and made of material grade of 8.8 class.

Metallic structures All the metallic structures mounted on exterior are hot-rolled zincked for protection against

corrosion. Is not permitted the deformation of metallic members in the scope of bringing them to

mounting position. The fillet and the frontal surface of the bolt nut(the friction surface) will be greased with

consistent vaseline.All the bolt holes will be obtained by chipping or by blanking and metal removal. The general technical conditions are accordingly to STAS 767/2-78 ;

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The bolt nuts will be tensioned with tension moments indicated as following below:

Bolt diameter Tension moment , daNm

Grade 8.8

M14 5

M16 5

M18 5

M20 10

M24 15

>=M27 20

5.3. Material cutting

The cutting will be made by thermal or mechanical methods. In case of thermal cutting, the resulted surfaces will be cleaned by mechanical methods(abrasion) used for the elimination of thermal influenced zones, welding remains and burr.

The admitted roughness on these surfaces is cca. Ra 25. 5.4. Material welding

The welding will be made using certified welders accordingly to the requirements of STAS 9532/1,2-74 and with the homologated welding procedures. The adding materials for welding will be choose by the executants such as to be compatible with the base material and with the welding technology. If is not specified in the detailed drawings the following rules will be applied: The welding bead will be continuous on the whole contact length of jointed members; The butt welds will be with total penetration; The single fillet welds will have the current dimension equal to 0.7xminimum thickness of

jointed members when is not specified. All the welding will be controlled visually 100%. 5.5. The manufacturing tolerances for members and member parts to whom all the drawings don’t have requirements for limit aberrancies will be established in this manner as below: The machine made parts medium class accordingly to SR EN 22768-1,2:1995; The cutted and bented parts made of plates, class 2 accordingly to STAS 11111-86; The member parts and members welded class AE, accordingly to STAS 9101-1,3-91.

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5.6. The surface protections

All the members and member parts with the exception of mounted bolts accordingly to Norms and of protected parts by painting will be zincked thermically coated. The coating thickness will be min.80µm.

The mounted bolts will be zincked and chromed accordingly to the requirements of STAS 2700/8-82. The parts to whom the execution drawings specifies the painting or priming will be protected as below: All the surfaces will be cleaned mechanically by brushing with wire brush for the removal

of rust and dross and then they will be ungreased. On clean and dried surfaces it will be applied by spraying two filler coats based on

alchidics raisins and ferrum oxides type G5001, at an interval of 6 hours; The final thickness of filler in dry stage will be minimum 80µm; All the zoned will be covered with a rayon of cca. 6cm around bolt holes. These zones will

be protected against corrosion by applying of a consistent grease layer. 5.4. The mounting

The mounting of steel structures will be made on the technical documentation elaborated by the Constructor, with the abiding of the execution project and of current norms.

The constructor will choose the optimal mounting procedure related to technical equipments, self experience and site situation.

During mounting execution it will be followed the complitation of verticality of elements and of mounting bolts correct tension compression.

Before the start of pole mounting the smoothness of upper foundation surface will be verified. 6. HSE and firefighting measures At the mounting execution works the requirements of next law and norms it will be followed: Law no. 319/2006 and The methodological norms of appliance. The general safety execution

norms/1996; Order no. 58/1991 – Personal protection equipment; NSSM for working at height levels; NSSM for utilitarian climbing working; The regulation regarding work safety and protection norms against fire accordingly to

P188/99. The constructor is obliged at the execution to take all measures for work safety needed for avoiding all kinds of work accidents.

7. Environment protection The residues and garbage resulted during the mounting works it will be collected in special

improved places and it will be evacuated daily by the executants for avoiding the zone pollution. Written:

Eng. R. Chilea

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Furnizare si implementare sisteme de siguranta impotriva caderii la depozitul de carburanti din loc. Deva, jud Hunedoara


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1. SCOPUL LUCRARII Prezenta documentatie stabileste conditiile tehnice pentru fabricatia, controlul

calitatii, montajul si receptia confectiei metalice a sistemelor de siguranta impotriva

caderii destinat protejarii personalului de deservire a zonelor de decarcare in zona

rampelor C.F. si de incarcare in zona rampelor auto.

2. DATE CONSTRUCTIVE Sistemele de siguranta au inaltimea de 7,00 in zona cailor ferate.

Sistemele de protectie in zona rampelor de descarcare sunt alcatuite din

doua portale avand distantele interax de 5,82 si 7 semistructuri intermediare de


Portalele sunt alcatuite din stalpi si rigle avand sectiunea de 180x180x6 si

sunt imbinate prin buloane pretensionate. Imbinarile la colturile portalelor se

realizeaza prin sudura. Portalele vor avea pe directie longitudinala contravintuiri

de140x140x4 prinse de portale cu buloane pretensionate.

Semistructurile sunt alcatuite din stalpi de 140x140x4 si rigle de 120x120x3 si

sunt imbinate prin buloane de inalta rezistenta.Imbinarile la colturile semistructurii

se realizeaza cu sudura.

Sistemele de protectie din zona rampelor auto sunt alcatuite din 10 suporti

realizati din profile U-200 prinse cu ancore chimice.

Structura va fi executata din teava (OL37) avand imbinari cu flanse si gusee

(OL 37). Caracteristicile elementelor constitutive se regasesc in proiect si in

desenele de executie.

La partea superioara a sistemelor de siguranta se vor monta sisteme de

siguranta de tip Honeywell.

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3. DOCUMENTE DE REFERINTA STAS 767/0: Constructii civile, industriale si agrozootehnice., Constructii

din otel. Condiţii tehnice generale de calitate.

STAS 11111-86: Abateri limita pentru dimensiuni fara indicatii de

toleranta ale pieselor obţinute prin taiere, îndoire sau ambutisare.

SR EN 10204: Produse metalice. Tipuri de documente de inspecţie.

SR EN 22768-1: Tolerante generale. Partea 1: Tolerante pentru

dimensiuni liniare si unghiulare fara indicarea tolerantelor individuale.

SR EN 22768-2: Tolerante generale. Partea 2: Tolerante geometrice

pentru elemente fara indicarea tolerantelor individuale.

Legea 10/1995-Legea privind calitatea in constructii.

C150-Normativ privind calitatea îmbinărilor sudate din otel ale

construcţiilor civile, industriale si agricole.

4. NORME JURISDICTIONALE SI DE ASIGURAREA CALITĂŢII Constructiile metalice se pun in lucrare numai dupa verificarea conform

cerintelor A2 MLPAT.

Fabricantul si Constructorul isi vor insusi documentatia de executie, din punct de

vedere al posibilitatilor tehnologice de realizare, iar eventualele observatii vor fi

aduse la cunostinta Proiectantului, inainte de inceperea fabricatiei sau


Fabricantul va respecta in totalitate prevederile proietului de executie.Pentru

orice abatere de la documentatie se va cere avizul scris al Proiectantului.

Modificarile documentatiei de executie nu pot fi facute decat de Proiectant.

Documentatia de montaj se intocmeste de catre Constructor in vederea

realizarii constructiilor metalice conform proiectului de executie .

Prescriptiile prezente completeaza prescriptiile tehnice cuprinse in


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5. MATERIALE Materialele ce intra in construcţia turnului metalic (marca si clasa de calitate) sunt

indicate in listele de materiale ce insotesc desenele de ansamblu si subansamblele ce

fac parte din proiect.

Tevile vor fi conform STAS 404/1-87 categoria A, iar tablele vor avea garantata

limita de curgere.

Caracteristicile fizico-mecanice ale materialelor prevazute in documentatia de

executie trebuie garantate de uzina constructoare pe produsul finit, conform

standardelor de produs.

Toate materialele introduse in executie vor fi noi si insotite de certificatele de

calitate emise de producator. Daca aceste certificate lipsesc sau sunt

incomplete, Fabricantul va emite Certificate de Conformitate bazate pe

incercari si verificari efectuate in conformitate cu cerintele standardelor de

material specifice. Utilizarea de materiale inlocuitoare sau echivalente va fi

permisa numai cu acceptul proiectantului.

La imbinarea cu suruburi se vor folosi urmatoarele elemente : surub, saiba plata,

piulita hexagonala si saiba grower. Suruburile vor fi conform STAS 11028 cu cap

hexagonal cu diametrul tijei la diametrul exterior al filetului, partial filetate si din

material grupa 8.8.


Debitarea materialelor se va face prin mijloace mecanice sau termice .

In cazul taierii termice, suprafetele rezultate vor fi curatate prin mijloace

mecanice (polizare) pentru eliminarea zonei influentate termic , a stropilor de

sudura si a bavurilor.

Rugozitatea admisa pe aceasta suprafata este cca. Ra.25


Indreptarea si indoirea pieselor se va face la cald sau la rece cu respectarea

conditiilor impuse prin STAS 767/0.

Laminatele cu grosime mai mica de 10 mm pot fi indoite la rece, raza interioara

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de indoire fiind cel putin egala cu grosimea lor.

Laminatele cu grosime mai mare de 10 mm pot fi indoite la rece, raza interioara

de indoire fiind cel putin egala cu de 2,5 ori grosimea lor. Indoirea la o raza mai

mica decat aceasta se poate face la rece, dar cu tratament termic de


Indoirea la cald se poate face la orice grosime de material, dar cu raza cel putin

egala cu grosimea.


Sudarea materialelor se face de catre sudori atestati conform cerintelor din SREN

278-1: 2004 , folosind numai proceduri de sudura omologate. Daca nu se specifica

altfel in desenele de detaliu, se vor aplica urmatoarele reguli:

Cordoanele vor fi continue pe toata lungimea de contact a pieselor din


Sudurile cap la cap vor fi cu penetratie totala;

Sudurile de colt vor avea inaltimea egala cu 0.7 din grosimea minima a pieselor

din imbinare.

Pentru asamblarea prin sudura a pieselor, Fabricantul are libertatea sa prevada

solutii tehnologice adecvate (de exmplu gauri sau urechi de aliniere).

Daca proiectantul isi da acordul, piesele auxiliare sudate in acest scop nu vor mai fi


Toate sudurile vor fi controlate vizual 100%.

Nu vor fi admise :

o Fisuri;

o Lipsa de patrundere;

o Cordoane incomplete ;

o Arderea materialului de baza ;

o Suprainaltari ale cordonului de sudura.

Cordoanele respinse la controlul efectuat, vor fi reparate prin excavare si


Se admit maximum doua reparatii in acelasi loc.

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Zonele in care au fost executate reparatii vor fi reexaminate.

Observatie importanta:

Se vor folosi electrozi ciu invelis bazic iar regimul de sudare va fi continuu.


Conditiile tehnice generale pentru asamblarile cu suruburi sunt conform 767/2-78.

Toate gaurile pentru suruburi vor fi obtinute prin aschiere sau prin stantare si


Este admisa gaurirea numai prin stantare daca executantul foloseste tehnologii

omologate ce produc sistematic rezultate satisfacatoare, adica :

o Incadrarea in cerintele dimensionale si de toleranta;

o Obtinerea de gauri lipsite de bavuri sau microfisuri marginale

Tolerantele la diametrul gaurilor vor fi:

+0/-0.5 mm pentru gauri pana la Ø 20 mm inclusiv ;

±0.5 mm pentru gauri mai mari de Ø 20 mm.

Piulitele vor fi stranse la momentele de strangere indicate mai jos:

Diametru surub Moment de strangere , daNm

Grupa 8.8

M14 5

M16 5

M18 5

M20 10

M24 15

>=M27 20

- Filetul si suprafata frontala a piulitei (suprafata de frecare) vor fi unse cu vaselina

consistenta (de preferat cu continut de MoS2).


Intreaga constructie metalica a turnului sau a altor constructii (sacri, platforme)

vor fi preasamblate in fabrica , inaintea operatiei de zincare.

Eventualele nepotriviri constatate in aceasta faza vor fi comunicate

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Proiectantului pentru a fi solutionate.

Nu este permisa fortarea (deformarea) pieselor pentru aducerea lor in pozitie de


Se va acorda o atentie deosebita sudarii flanselor de la partea superioara a

tronsonului unde se face trecerea de la o sectiune variabila a turnului la o

sectiune constanta.

Se va tine seama la montajul turnului, de imperecherea corespunzatoare a

montantilor turnului.


Subansamblele si piesele vor fi marcate in corespondenta, astfel incat la

montarea pe santier sa fie asigurata asamblarea corecta a acestora.

Marcarea se poate face inainte de zincare, prin poansonare pe o zona a piesei

folosind vopsea rezistenta la intemperii.

Pentru subansamble complexe, Fabricantul va intocmi o fisa de marcaje, pentru

asamblarea facila pe santier.

Recomandam ca pe fiecare subansamblu sudat sa se marcheze dupa

premontaj , pe mijlocul elementului, cu urmatorul cod: T YY-ZZZZ unde:

YY – numarul de tronson (01...13)

ZZZZ – numarul de reper (din lista de materiale).

Executantul are posibilitatea sa faca marcarea conform normelor sale interne,

cu conditia ca marcarea sa asigure identificarea precisa a fiecarui subansamblu

si fara posibilitatea de confuzie intre subansamblel asemanatoare de la turnuri


Codul de marcaj se va poansona pe subansamblu, spre exteriorul turnului si se

va proteja impotriva vopsirii. La montaj, subansamblul va fi pozitionat cu marcajul

spre exteriorul turnului.

Zona marcata prin poansonare va fi incadrata in chenar alb si nu se va vopsi

decat dupa montaj.

Piesele marunte vor fi identificate prin marcarea cu etichete atasate piesei cu

sarma galvanizata.

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Poansoanele utilizate vor avea varfuri rotunjite, astfel incat operatia de

poansonare sa nu conduca la aparitia unor concentratori de eforturi sau la

posibile amorse pentru exfolierea acoperiirii cu zinc.


Abateri limita admise la forma si dimensiunile pieselor ale caror desene nu contin

indicatii de toleranta vor fi conform:

a. STAS 767/0 :pentru elemente din categoria B;

b. STAS 11111: pentru piese clasa 2 ( piese taiate si indoite din tabla);

c. SR EN 22768 : Tolerante generale

Abaterile la excutie se vor prelua prin premontarea si gaurirea in corespondenta a

elementelor care se asambleaza. Abaterile la lungime ale montantilor tronsoanelor

se vor prelua la premontaj, prin compensarea diferentelor si apoi sudarea flanselor

de teava.

Pentru tronsoane de turn abaterea de la verticalitate va fi de maxim 5 mm la 5.0 m

inaltime .

Pentru un turn (executat din mai multe tronsoane), abaterea totala de la

verticalitate va fi de maxim 9 mm pentru 10.0 m inaltime.


Controlul calitatii lucrarilor descrise in prezentul document va fi efectuat de catre

fabricant , prin personal specializat (CTC).

Cerintele generale privind regulile si metodele de verificare a calitatii sunt in

conformitate cu STAS 767/0.

Se vor urmari in special urmatoarele :

o Existenta Certificatelor de Inspectie ;

o Respectarea cerintelor dimensionale si a abeterilor limita ;

o Respectarea cerintelor de montaj si a criteriilor de acceptare .

Clientul sau reprezentantul autorizat are dreptul sa efectueze inspectii la Fabricant,

pe toata perioada realizarii lucrarilor, cu scopul de a verifica respectarea cerintelor

de fabricatie, montaj si control. Inspectiile si verificarile facute de aceasta nu

elimina raspunderea Fabricantului privind calitatea lucrarilor.

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Toate piesele si subansamblele, cu exceptia organelor de asamblare standardizate,

vor fi zincate termic in baie .

Conditiile termice generale sunt conform SR EN ISO 1461:2002.

Inainte de operatia de zincare suprafetele vor fi curatate mecanic, prin perierea cu

peria de sarma, pentru indepartarea urmelor de rugina si tunder si apoi vor fi


Acoperirea cu zinc va avea grosimea minima de 80 μm.

Toate tevile turnului (montanti, diagonale) vor fi zincate si la interior.

Zincarea va fi obligatoriu urmata de pasivare.

Organele de asamblare standardizate vor fi zincate conform cerintelor STAS 2700/8.

Tronsoanele turnului vor fi vopsite – pentru balizare – pe toate suprafetele exterioare.

Tronsoanele vor fi vopsite alternativ in rosu sau alb, tronsonul din varf fiind vopsit in


Sistemul de vopsire va consta in aplicarea, prin pulverizare, a unui strat de grund pe

baza de pulbere de zinc si a doua straturi de email de culoare rosie sau alba.

Intervalul de timp intre aplicarea starturilor de vopsea va fi in conformitate cu

instructiunile furnizorului .

Calitatile de material recomandate sunt urmatoarele :

o Grund V351-3, NTR 90;

o Email rosu E.235-10, NTR 1703;

o Email alb E.109-1, NTR 1707;

o Diluant D.005-1, STAS 3123

Grosimea totala a straturilor de vopsea si grund, in stare uscata, va fi de minim



In cazul receptiei in fabrica se verifica si se examineaza :

o Continutul documentelor de atestare a calitatii materialelor ;

o Continutul documentelor de atestare a calitatii fabricatie;

o Documentele referitoare la incercarile facute de Fabricant

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o Documentele Proiectantului.

• Receptia lucrarilor se va face de catre Client, Fabricant si Proiectant, avand la

baza caietul de sarcini intocmit si difuzat in prealabil de catre Client.

• In cazul in care se vor constata deficiente de executie, se vor propune masuri de

remediere si se va proceda la o noua receptie.

• Concluziile receptiei sunt inscrise in Procesul verbal de receptie in fabrica .


Cartea tehnica intocmita de Fabricant va contine minimum urmatoarele documente:

- Proces verbal de receptie calitativa

- Fisa de urmarire a fabricatie

- Tabele cu proceduri de sudare utilizate

- Tabele cu sudorii autorizati

- Buletine de examinare vizuala a sudurilor

- Fisa de marcaj

- Certificate de calitate pentru zincare

- Fisa de masurare si examinare tevi

- Certificate de inspectie (certificate de caliatate materiale).

- Buletine de analiza chimica


• Depozitarea elementelor si coletelor se va face pe o platforma special

amenajata , astfel incat acestea sa nu fie in contact cu pamantul, sa permita

scurgerea apelor si sa respecte normele de tehnica securitatii muncii.

• Depozitarea se face pe tipuri de elemente constructive.

• Rezemarea trebuie facuta astfel incat sa nu produca deformatii remanente

ale elementelor si sa asigure stabilitatea stivei.


• Fabricantul va intocmi proiectul de ambalaj (plan de coletare, lista de coletaj)

tinand seama de transport la client.

• Ambalarea se va face in conformitate cu procedurile fabricantului.

• Ambalarea se va face, in principiu, pe tronsoane, fiecare tronson va fi un colet

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• Coletul va purta eticheta cu numarul turnului si numarul tronsonului.

• Piesele marunte (suruburi, piulite, etc.) se vor expedia ambalate separat intr-o


• Ambalarea se va face astfel incat , in timpul transportului, elementele

constructiei metalice (metalul, stratul de zinc si vopseaua) sa nu se deterioreze.


• Transportul se va face cu mijloace de transport adecvate , in functie de

greutate si de gabarit.

• Se vor lua masuri pentru evitarea deformatiilor, a deteriorarii elementelor

asamblate si a protectiei anticorozive.


Garantiile se stabilesc prin contractul de livrare a constructiei metalice.


• Montajul constructiilor din otel se face pe baza documentatiei tehnice

elaborate de Constructor, cu respectarea proiectului de executie si a normelor

in vigoare.

• Se va amenaja corespunzator zona de acces si de lucru a mijloacelor de


• Constructorul va alega procedeul optim de montaj in functie de mijloacele

tehnice din dotare, experienta proprie si zona de amplasament a turnului.

• Inaintea inceperii montajului constructorul isi va elabora tehnologia de montaj ,

precizand etapele de executie a lucrarii, echipamentele, materialele si

mijloacele tehnice de ridicare.

Pot fi alese una din urmatoarele metode de montaj:

a) Montaj pe tronsoane :

• Se fixeaza tronsoanele de baza in buloanele de ancoraj;

• Se executa independent fiecare 2 tronsoane de turn cu toate

elementele anexate (scara, suporti, etc.);

• Se monteaza succesiv cele 2 tronsoane incepand de la baza.

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b) Montajul element cu element prin fixarea in suruburi:

Aceasta metoda se recomanda pentru montajul turnului in zone greu accesibile si

fara spatiu suficient de montaj.

In timpul executiei montajului se va urmari realizarea se va urmari realizarea

verticalitatii turnului folosind doua teodolite, si se va acorda atentie strangerii corecte a

suruburilor de montaj.

Inaintea inceperii montajului turnului se va verifica orizontalitatea suprafetei

superioare a fundatiei turnului.


• La receptia elementelor pe santier trebuie sa se tina seama de reglementarile

tehnice in vigoare privind receptia lucrarilor precum si stabilirea raspunderii

expeditorului, carausului si destinatarului. Cu aceasta ocazie se incheie procese

verbale de receptie.

• Daca la receptia pe santier se constata o neconcordanta intre calitatea executiei si

atestarile de calitate date de Fabricant, elementele respective se resping in

conformitate cu reglementarile legale in vigoare.

• Receptia la terminarea lucrarilor si receptia finala se vor face in conformitate cu HGR

273-1994 Regulament de receptie al lucrarilor de constructii si instalatii aferente



• Proces verbal de predare – primire a turnului

• Proces verbal de predare – primire a frontului de lucru

• Ordin de incepere a lucrarilor

• Proces verbal de trasare

• Proces verbal de lucrari ascunse

• Proces verbal pentru faze determinante

• Proces verbal de receptie calitativa

• Proces verbal de receptie la terminarea lucrarilor

• Proces verbal de receptie finala

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8. PROTECTIA MUNCII Pe tot timpul lucrarilor de fabricatie si constructii-montaj trebuie respectate

prevederile normativelor de mai jos :

• Legea nr. 319/2006 si Normele metodologice de aplicare ;

• Norme generale de protectia muncii din 1996;

• Regulament privind protectia si igiena muncii in constructii din 1993, republicat in 1995


• Ordinul 58/1991 – Echipamentul individual de protectie ;

• N.S.S.M. pentru lucrul la inaltime ;

• N.S.S.M. pentru alpinism utilitar.

Firmele de fabricatie, constructie montaj, exploatare, revizie, reparatii, precum si

Clientul, vor elabora instructiuni proprii specifice punctului de lucru.

Pe tot parcursul derularii lucrarii, factorii responsabili vor lua toate masurile de protectia

muncii necesare evitarii accidentelor de munca , in functie de situatia de pe teren , si se vor

consulta cu proiectantul daca considera necesar asupra oricarui aspect legat de protectia


9. RECEPTIA FINALA In cadrul receptiei finale se verifica si se examineaza :

- Continutul documentelor de atestare a calitatii fabricatiei;

- Continutul documentelor de atestare a calitatii montajului;

- Documente referitoare la incercari si probe

- Documentele proiectantului;

- Procese verbale

• Receptia finala se face de catre Client, Constructor si Proiectant, avand la baza

caietul de sarcini intocmit si difuzat in prealabil de catre Client.

• In cazul in care se vor constata deficiente de executie, se vor propune masuri de

remediere si se va proceda la o noua receptie .

• Concluziile receptiei finale sunt inscrise in Procesul verbal de receptie finala .

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10.GARANTII Garantiile se stabilesc prin contract.

11. CONDITII DE EXPLOATARE • Constructia metalica nu va fi supusa altor incarcari in afara celor prevazute in


• Modificarea schemei de incarcare se poate face numai cu acordul scris al

proiectantului in urma refacerii calculelor.

• Dupa receptia finala si montarea antenelor in conformitate cu proiectul, se vor avea

in vedere urmatoarele verificari ale constructiei, verificari care sunt in sarcina

beneficiarului :

- Controalele periodice oficiale cel putin odata pe an ;

- Verificarile constructiei dupa primele sase luni de la exploatare ;

- Verificarile la reviziile periodice ale instalatiilor;

- Verificarea dupa evenimente de forta majora: incendii, inundatii, tasari,

cutremure, etc.

Verificarea si controalele se efectueaza cu personal tehnic de specialitate care

verifica printre altele :

- Suruburile;

- Fundatiile;

- Fixarea elementelor de acces;

- Fixarea suportilor de antena.

• Defectele constatate cu ocazia verificarilor vor fi consemnate in procese verbale,

urmand a se lua masuri de remediere.

• Lucrarile cu caracter de reparatii si consolidari se vort face numai in conformitate cu

legislatia in vigoare privind proiectarea si executia, si cu respectarea legii nr.10-1995

Calitatea in constructii.


Ing. Tudor Stefan

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For fall protection system in Deva terminal, Hunedoara County


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1. THE PURPOSE OF WORS The actual documentation establish the technical conditions for

manufacturing,quality control,mounting and steel works check-up regarding the fall

protection system used by the operating personel around discharging zones from

the railway ramps and around charging area from the auto ramps.

2. CONSTRUCTIV DATAS The fall safety sistem having a height of 7,00m on discharging ramps and a

height of 5,09m on charging ramps.

The fall protection system on discharging ramps are composed by two

double portals having an interax distances of 5,82m and also of 7 intermediate

sustaining semistructures.

The endframes are made of poles and beams having a section of 180x180x6

and they are joined by fastened bolts. The endframes corners are joined by

welding. The endframes are stiffened by longitudinal bracings of 140x140x3

connected to frames with fastened bolts.

The semistructures are made by poles of 150x150x5 and beam of 120x120x3

and they are joined by fastened bolts. The parts at semistructure corners are

joined by welding.

The fall protection system around auto charging ramps are made by 3

semistructures and by 3 joinings of croos-beam system made by U-200 profiles

joined by fastened bolts and anchored with chemicak anchors.

The structure will be executed by square section made by S235 steel grade

having gusset-plates and endplates made by the same material. The

characteristics of mettalic parts are found in designing project and in execution


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At the top level of endframes the Honeywell fall system protection will be


3. MANDATORY NORMS STAS 767/0: Industrial and civil structures .Steel structures.General

technical quality condition.

STAS 11111-86:The limit aberration for dimensions without tolerances

indications for parts obtained by cutting,bending or cambering.

SR EN 10204: Metallic products. Inspection document types.

SR EN 22768-1: General allowances.Part 1: Allowances for liniar and

angular dimensions without indication of individual allowances.

SR EN 22768-2: General allowances. Part 2: Geometrical allowances

for elements without the indication of inividual allowances.

Law 10/1995-Law regarding the quality in construction.

C150-Norms regarding the quality for welded joints of steel structures

of civil&industrial structures.

4. JURISDICTIONAL NORMS AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The metallic construction will be put on site onl after the check-up accordingly to

A2 MLPAT requirements.

The manufacturer and constructor will appropriate the execution

documentation from the technological possibilities point of view and the next

observations will be notificated to the Designer before the starting of

manufacturation or mounting.

The manufacturer will abide totally the requirements of execution project.Any

declination fom the documentation will be approved by the Designer only in


The modifications to execution documentation can be applied only by the


The mounting documentation will be made only by the Constructor regarding

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the execution of steel works accordingly to execution documentation.

The present prescriptions complete the technical prescriptions untroduced in


5. MATERIALS The materials which are part of the falling safety sistem are indicated in material

tables whom followed the ansembly and subansembly drawings included in project.

The squared sections will be accordignly to STAS 404/1-87 , and the plates will

have the required yielding limit.

The mechanical-phisical characteristics of required materials indicated in

execution documentation must be proved by the manufacturing unit on the

finished article accordingly to production codes.

All the materials introduced in execution will be new and followed by the quality

certificates issued by the manufacturer. If these certificates are mising and

incomplete the Manufacturer will issue Conformity Certificates based on try-outs

and verifications effectuated accordigly to the requirements of specific materials

standards. The use of replacement or equivalent materials will be permitted only

with the approval of designer.

At bolted joints the next elements will be used:bolts,plain washers,hexagon nuts

and grower washer.The bolts will be accordingly to STAS 11028 with hexagonal

thread having the screw diameter to exterior screw diameter,partially threaded

and made of group 8.8 grade material.


The material cutting will be done through mechanical ior thermal methods.

In the case of thermal case the resulted surfaces will be cleaned through

mechanical methods(polishing) for the elimination of thermical influenced zones,

of welding drops and of burrs.

The admitted roughness on this surface will almost Ra.25.

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The alignment and bending will be done at hot or cold with the imposed

conditions imposed by STAS 767/0.

The laminated profiles havinh a thickness lesser then 10 mm can be bent at cold

and the inner rayon must b at least equal to their thickness.

Th laminated profiles having a thickness bigger then 10 mm can be bent at cold

and the inner rayon must be at least equal to 2,5x their thickness. The bent at a

rayon smaller then the rayon established above can be done at cold but ith

detension thermical treatment.

The bent in hot environment can de done at any material thickness but with a

rayon at least equal to thickness.


The material welding will be done by certificated welders accordignly to the

requirements of SREN 278-1: 2004 , by the use of homologated weldings.If is not

specified differently in detailed drawings the next rules will be applied:

The bead welds will be continous on the whole contact lenght of parts from the


The butt welds will be with total penetration.

The single-fillet weld will hale a height equal to 0.7 x minimum thickness of part


For welded connections of members, the Manufacturor has the libery to provide

adequate technological solutions(for examples holes or alignment points).

If the designer approve the auxiliary parts welded to this parts will not be removed.

All the welds will be controlled visually 100%.

It will not be allowed:

o Cracks;

o Lacks of material penetration;

o Incomplete weld beads ;

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o The support material burnings;

o Overlaps of weld beads.

The rejected weld beads at efectuated check-up will be repaired by carving

and rewelding.

It is allowed only to weld repairs on the same spot.

The zones where the repairs will be executed will be re-examined.

Important observation:

Only alcalin coverage welding electrode will be used and the welding regime will be



The general technical conditions for bolted connections are accordingly to


All the holes for bolts will be obtained by chipping or by blanking and chipping.

It is allowed the boring only by blaniking only if the executant use homologated

technologies which produce satisfacatory results in a sistematic way, in these


o The framing betwen the dimensional and allowance requirements;

o The obtaining of holes without burrs or marginals micro-cracks

The allowances for holes diameters will be:

+0/-0.5 mm for holes diameyters up to Ø 20 mm inclusively ;

±0.5 mm for hole diameters bigger thenØ 20 mm.

The washers will be tensioned with torque moments indicated as below:

Bolt Diameter Torque moments , daNm

Grade 8.8

M14 5

M16 5

M18 5

M20 10

M24 15

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>=M27 20

- The threads and the frontal surface of the washer(friction surface) will be luricated

with consistent vaseline(preferabily with a content of MoS2).


The entire structure of subassemblies will be zinked in the manufacturing unit.

The eventual mismatches on this phase will be comunicated to the designer to

be solved.

It is not allowed the enforcement(deformation) of parts for bringing them in the

mounting position.

It will be mandatory to acquire a specil attention to the washer welding on the

top part of the zone where the passage beween different parts of aassemblies is



The subassenblies and parts will be labeled in such order that at the mounting on

the site the aasemblage will be done correctly.

The labeling can be done before the zink operations by punching on a zone of a

metallic member using anticorrosion painting.

For the complexed subassemblies the Manufacturor will made a labeling table

for an easy assembling on the site.

It is recomended that each welded subassembly to be marked after the

premounting on the members middle position with the next typ of code: T YY-

ZZZZ where:

YY – premounting assembly number (01...13)

ZZZZ – pointing number (from the material list).

The executant has the possibility to realise the labeling acordingly t his usage

norms with the cndition that he labeling to assure the precise indentfication of

each subassembl and without confusion between the sibling subassemblies from

other structures.

The labeling code will be punched on the subassembly on a visible point and it

will be protecting against coating.At the mounting the subassembly will be put

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with the label part to seen clearly.

The labeled zone by punching will be framed into a white border and it will not

be painted only after the mounting.

The small parts will be indentificated by labeling with lbels attached to the part

with wire.

The punching tools will the rounded caps in such manner that the punching will

not lead to the appearence of tension points or to situation issued for exfoliation

of zink coating.


The limit allowancies are admitted for the shape and part dimensions which

drawings don’t contain allowancies indication such as below:

a. STAS 767/0 : foir elements of B categories;

b. STAS 11111: for elements of class 2 ( cutted and bent parts from sheet metal);

c. SR EN 22768 : General allowancies

Execution allowancies will be taken from the premounting and boring pahse

accordingly with the element that will be connected. The allowancies for member

lenghts will be tken into account at the premounting by compasantion of

differencies and then by the endplate welding to the element.


The control of quality described works in the present document will be eectuated

by the manufacturor through experienced staff(CTC staff).

The general requirements regarding the rules and methods of quality verification are

accordingly to STAS 767/0.

The nest issues will be checked:

o The existance of Inspection Certificates;

o The abidance of dimensional and limit allownacies requirements;

o The abidance of mounting requirements and acceptance criterias.

o The client or his deputy has the right to do inspections at the Manufacturor on

the whole periode of realisation of project with the purpose to veriy the

abbidance of manufacturing,mounting and control requirements.The

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inspections and the verification made by client doesn’t eliminate the

responsability of the Manufacturer regarding the quality of works.


All members and subansamblies with the exception of connecting

parts(bolts,wahsers,etc.) will be zink coated in hot bath.

The general thermic conditions are accordingly to SR EN ISO 1461:2002.

Before the zink coating the surfaces are going to be cleaned mechanically, by

brushing with wire brush for the removal of rust and dross remains and then they will

be ungreased.

The zink coating will have a minimum thickness of 80 μm.

The zink coating will be followed mandatory by passivation.

The connecting parts will be zink coated accordingly to the requirement of STAS


The coating sustem will be an application of zink powder based primer by

atomization .

Calitatile de material recomandate sunt urmatoarele :

o Grund V351-3, NTR 90;

o Email rosu E.235-10, NTR 1703;

o Email alb E.109-1, NTR 1707;

o Diluant D.005-1, STAS 3123


In case of quality control in the plant the next tms will be checked and verified:

o The documentation content for quality material certification;

o The documentattion content for quality manufacturing certification;

o The documentation regarding the try-outs made by the Manufacturor.

o The Designer documentation.

• The work verification will be done by the Client,Manufacturor and Designer, having

at the base the technical specification realised and published by the Client.

• In the case that execution deficiencies will be seen, repairing measures will be taken

into account and a new verification will be proceed.

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• The verification consclusions will be written in the inspection certificate of quality

control for the plant.


The technical specification made by the Manufacturor will contain at leat the next


- Quality control inspection certificate

- The follow-up manufacturing list

- Used welding procedures tables

- Certified welders tables

- Welding visual examination chart

- Labeling

- Zink coating qulity certificates

- Squared cross section measuring and testing list

- Material quality inspection certificates.

- Chemical analisies charts Buletine de analiza chimica


• The member storage will be done on a specialised improved pltfor in such ay

that all the materials will not be in contact with dirt, to permitt the water

drainage and to respect he technical safety norms for site work.

• The storage will be done on memeber onstruction types.

• The storage ill be done in such manner that will not produce remaning

deformation on memebers and to asure the stability of the memeber pack.


• The manufacturor will issue the packing project(packing draft,packing list)

regarding the transpost type towards the client.

• The packing will be done accordingly to manufacturer procedures.

• The packing will be done on subanssamblies;each subansambly will be a


• The package will have the label regarding the position of each structure.

• The small parts(bolts,washers,etc.)will be packed differently in a bin.

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• The package will be done in such manner that during transportation the

mettalic memeber will not suffer any damage.


• The transportation will be done with adequate transport vehicles regarding to

member weight and mould.

• Measures will be taken for avoiding the deformation and degradation of

metallic members and anticorosion coating.


The assurances will be established by the delivarance contract of steel structures.


• The mounting of steel structures wil be done on the basis for technical

documentation issued by the Constructor, with the abbidance of execution

project and current norms.

• The acces zone will be improved accordingly to work flow and hoist vehicles.

• The constructor will choose the optimal mounting regarding the technical

methods used, the self experience and the location of the execution site.

• Before the starting of the mounting procedures the cosntructor will elaborate

the mounting technology by mentioning the execution phases, equipments,

materials and hoist vehicles .

One of the following method can be choosen:

a) Subansseblies mounting :

• The base subassembly will be fixed into anchorage bolts.

• Then the next subassemblies will be fixed on the position using

connection bolts.

b) The mounting member by member using bolt connections:

This method is recomended in site with climb sites and without sufficent mounting


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During the mounting the vertical erection of the structure will be followed and a

mandatory attention will be awarded to the correct torque moments of connection


Before the mounting start the planeity of fondation upper surface will be checked.


• At memebers verification on th site must be taken into account the current technical

norms regarding the work verifications and the responsabilty of the sender,of the

transporter and of the receiver. With this ocasion quality control inspection certificate

will be issued.

• If at the site verification a discrepancy will be observed between the quality

execution and the quality certifications issued by the Manufacturer, those

memberswill be rejected accordigly to the legal current requirements.

• The verification at the work ending and the final verification will be done accordingly

to HGR 273-1994: Inspection Code for construction works and instalations associated.


• The taking over document for structure.

• The site taking over document.

• The starting work document

• The laying-out inspection certificate

• Hiden works inspection certificate

• Precised phases inspection certificate

• Quality control inspection certificate

• The work ending inspection certificate

• The final inspection certificate

8. WORK SAFETY During the manufacturing and mounting-construction works the next norms must be


• Law no. 319/2006 and Methodological Norms for appliance;

• General norms for work safety from 1996;

• The norm regarding the work safety and industrial sanitation in construction field from

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1993, republished in 1995 – MLPAT

• Order no. 58/1991 – Individual protection equipment;

The manufacturing, mounting-construction, exploitation,auditing and repairing

companies and also the Client will elaborate their own instruction regarding the production


During the execution process the responsable factors will take all the needed work

safety measures for avoiding the work accidents, accordingly to the site situation and they

will consult with the designer if is neccesary on every items related to the work safety.

9. FINAL VERIFICATION: During the final verification the next items will be verified and examinated::

- The content of manufacturing quality certificates;

- The content of mounting quality certificates;

- The documents regarding the try-outs and samples.

- The designer documents;

- The inspection certificates

• The final verification it will be done by the Client,Constructor and Designer having at

the base the technical specification book issued and made in time by th Client.

• In case that execution deficiencies will be noticed remediation measures will be

proposed and a new inspection will be issued.

• The final inspection conclusions are written in the Final inspection certificate.

10.ASSURANCIES The assurancies are established by contract.

11. EXPLOITATION CONDITIONS • The mettalic structure will not be subjected to other charges beyond those required in

the project.

• The modification of charges will be done only with the written advice of the designer

after the recalculation.

• After the final verifcation accordigly to the project, the next construction

verificationwill be taken into account:

- Official cyclic inspection at least once a year;

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- The construction inspection after the first six months of exploitation ;

- Verification after events: fires,floods,settlements,earthquakes, etc.

Verification and controls will be followed with specialist technical staff whom will verify:

- Bolts;

- Foundations;

- Connections

• The flawless noticed with the ocasion of verification will be written in unspection

certificates followed by remediation measures.

• The repairing and consolidation works will be done accordingly with the current laws

regarding the designig and execution and wit the abbidance of law no. 10-1995

Construction Quality Verification.


Ing. Tudor STEFAN

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