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Sustainability Report



2011 ShanghaiFashion Week Closing Event

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FOREWORD The 2011 Shanghai Fashion week closing event brought together 1200 people to celebrate the success of the 2011 Shanghai Fashion Week. Hosted by the Shanghai Fashion Week Organizing Committee with support from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and organ-ized by P1.CN and We Impact, the fashion show and after event party were explorations of the relationship between fashion, sustain-ability and the power of culture to influence ideas about new social concepts. Produced as an event designed to promote the concept of “E-Fashion: Ethical, Eco, and Exceptional”, ethical and eco fashion lines by Camilla Wellton were featured besides the newest line from China’s emerging designer Zhang Chi. The show itself was designed to immerse the audience in the contrasting possibilities of living in harmony with our planet and each other with the apocalyptic potential of living in opposition to one another.

Beyond the fashion show itself, we the organisers strived to produce the event following recognized sustainability principles. The ulti-mate purpose of this event was to showcase what the future of runway shows should be, as well as showing for the world the Chinese fashion industry, which is ready to take its place as a global trend-setter alongside more established international fashion industries like those seen in Europe.

As Ann Wang, the Director of Strategic Projects at P1, Co-Founder of We Impact and project lead explains, ‘We devised an event that would integrate the concept of E Fashion (Ethical, Eco, Exceptional) into a highly visible fashion event to set an example for China. We consulted with experts around the world to make sure that the messaging was correct and then secured the main sponsor Lexus who used the opportunity to launch their new hybrid car. The result was an event that enabled the embodiment of what it means to be styl-ish, Chinese, eco and modern.’

Sustainable events are a very new concept in Asia. As such, standard practices are fairly non-existent in the events industry in China. As a result, there were many systemic and structural challenges faced when trying to produce this event following sustainable event management principles. However, there were significant and notable achievements.

This report, created together with MCI Sustainability Services and We Impact, is the first ever sustainability report created for a fashion show in Asia. It provides an evaluation of the sustainability of the event management system and the logistical processes followed. It presents a summary of material actions implemented and indicators depicting the environmental performance of the event. The docu-ment closes with a list of practical recommendations that our next fashion show, or any other event, could follow to bring improved results and returns.

We hope that our actions inspire others in China and beyond to do more to show that fashion events can be inspiring experiences and still align with principles of sustainable development.

Team We Impact

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Sustainability Systems This was the first Chinese Fashion Show to incorporate sustainability into the organisa-tion of the event. To provide rigour and a structure (or system) for sustainable event organisation the organizers adopted the MCI Sustainable Event Management (SEM) framework. Continued use of the system will more easily allow future organisers to im-plement the new international ISO20121 sustainable event management standards.

Sustainability VisionTo create an exemplar for fashion shows across the world by illuminating sustainability as a guiding light for Shanghai Fashion Week, the premier fashion event in the world’s fastest growing economy.

Key Sustainability Issues• CarbonEmissionsresultingfromdelegatetransportandlocaleventoperations• Wasteproducedbystageandsetproduction• Lackofavailabilityandhighcostofsustainabilityfoodandbeverageoptions• Lackofefficientmunicipalrecyclingprogram.• Lowunderstanding of sustainability issues and product offering in the local meet-

ings and events industry• Time:startedtheeventplanningprocessverylate

Sustainability Principles: Eco, Ethical and Exceptional• · Reduce, Reuse and Recycle materials• · Eliminate persistent chemicals• · Account for carbon emissions • · Ensure good ethical labour practices• · Deliver an exceptional experience for participants, partners and employees• · integrate sustainability into the event concept and theme to increaseibility• · Target the concept to domestic and international media

Sustainable Event Management ActivitiesStrategic Planning: The planning team leaders met to identify a strategy for the sustainable performance of the event and created customized targets and Key Performance Indicators to help measure event success. Supplier Code of Conduct: Inspired by the United Nations Global Compact, a Supplier Code of Conduct was prepared for the event. The Code of Conduct outlined clear expectations for supplier compliance to ethical, responsible and sustainable business practices Event sup-pliers were asked to agree to the principles outlined in the Code of Conduct with a signature of a senior manager in the organization. Stakeholder Engagement: Through a series of interviews, key suppliers including thevenue, production agency, catering company and sponsors were engaged regarding sustainable practices and were offered coaching and recommendations for improved results. Sustainable Procurement: The event management team made a series of decisions in the pur-chasing of material and services. On Site Audit: Independent verification of actions on the part of the production company,venue, catering, and transportation suppliers followed by a documentation of results.

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PERFORMANCE TO SUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVES After reviewing event issues, risks and op-portunities, the following objectives were identified. In the right hand column of this chart, performance to these objectives is noted.


1.Reduce, recycle and reuse waste and divert 50% of all waste from landfill

63% of all waste was diverted from the landfill.

2.Create a healthy smart dining experience by sourcing 50% organic and 50% local food

Not achieved. Catering company was switched at the last moment, and organic food was not available at an acceptable price point. The caterers were a local catering company based in Shanghai.

3.Support the local community by donating 50% of unused food, draping and carpets

100% of draping and carpets are in storage pending dona-tion. There was no left over food

4.Feature an ethical designer in the show Achieved. Camilla Wellton was the selected sustainable designer

5. 50% of total travel by organiser to be by train Not achieved: 33% of travel was by train

6.Find a sponsor to cover CO2 offsetting for event related cargo Achieved. We Impact paid for the offsetting of 150% of the carbon emissions produced by the event.

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HOW SUSTAINABLEWAS THE EVENT?Environmental Sustainability The MeetGreen® calculator was selected as the system to influence and evaluate the performance of selected planner and supplier actions. It analy-ses, measures and benchmarks over 160 facets of event policy, practices and outcomes across ten categories:.

· Audio Visual · Destination Selection· Accommodations · Meeting Venue· Transportation · Food & Beverage· Exhibition Production · Communications and Marketing·OnsiteOffice ·Offsets

The MeetGreen® Calculator was developed by MeetGreen® and was reviewed by a five member technical advisory committee (with backgrounds in the envi-ronmental and sustainability industries. Since its launch in 2004, MeetGreen® has been updated to align with aspects of the British Standard (BS 8901) for Sustainable Events and APEX/ASTM Green Meetings and Events Standards.

MeetGreen® Evaluation Using the MeetGreen system the event earned a total score of “30%” (of a possible maximum of 100%). This score is commendable for an event held in a non-conference location in China. However it is below the average score of 44 for business meetings and events. The chart below displays MeetGreen performance for business events organised in Hong Kong and Singapore, and a UN Conference in New York. The chart highlights that while progress has been made by the event organisers there is much room for future improvement (please see recommendations).

During the onsite audit, MCI Sustainability Services evaluated performance in nine MeetGreen® areas. The relative category scores can be observed in the top graph. The average event score for the Shanghai event is benchmarked against other sustainability focused events in the lower graph.

CSR SMMT, SG - 2009

ICCC, HK - 2009

Shanghai FW - 2011

UNGC Summit - 2010














30,28 %

















Meeting Venue




Onsite offic


Food & Beve




& Marketin


Audio Visual

Offs ats

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PERFORMANCE TOSUSTAINABILITY OBJECTIVES Carbon Emissions Footprint The event produced a measurable total of 56.98 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), or an average of 0.05 tons CO2 per participant. In practical terms, this is equal to the total annual emissions of three US residents or eight Chinese inhabit-ants (Source: European Commission 2011 Global Emissions report). Carbon Emis-sions in China have increased by over 200% since 2000, and increased carbon responsibility from the Events sector is crucial for sustainable development. As expected, the biggest CO2 emissions impact is from air transport with over 71% of total event-related emissions. It is worth noting that long distance train transport produces approximately 10% of the emissions of flying. For example the average emissions of a flight from Barcelona to Madrid is 140kg CO2 while the emissions from the high speed Ave train it is only 14kg CO2 (Source. RENFE). Hence event organisers should seriously advocate a switch to train transport on short haul fly-ing routes.

150% Carbon Offset88 Metric tons, or 150% of estimated carbon emissions related to the event, were offset through the purchase of carbon credits supplied by ClimateCare. ClimateCare is one of the longest established and leading environment-focused organisations in the carbon offset market. ClimateCare specialises in socially focused projects with tangible development impacts; renewable energy, energy ef-ficiency, improved cookstoves and clean water provision. Every project developed is designed to contribute towards fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The carbon credits will be retired from ClimateCare’s annual portfolio of projects, which includes the Mani Hydroelectric Power project in Sichuan Province China.

In the remote mountain village of Yonghong sits the Mani Hydro Power Station, on the banks of the Yinhe River, Sichuan Province.

Flights; 40,19; 71%

Venue; 3,10; 5%

Food; 9,60; 17%

Train; 0,58; 1%

Car/Taxi/Limo; 3,31; 6%

Water from the river is diverted steeply downhill via a 400m slope which surfaces at the power plant and is directed through two 7 MW water turbines. Production peaks during the rainy season (April to July), and on average produces 60GWh a year, the equivalent to supplying around 14,000 average homes in the UK with clean, renewable electricity.Mr Like Lazu, a local resident employed by the local county, told us how Mani has improved his family’s quality of living;“Our income has increased. We used to buy our clothes and salt with money from selling crops. All of our revenue came from selling bamboo shoots, potatoes and the corn my family planted. After I started working for Mani last year, I have had a monthly income of RMB 800, which is much higher than our regional average. We did not have a TV set before, but now we have one. Also, we have better clothes.”

Carbon Emissions Total - 56.98 tons CO2

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KEY SUCCESSES AND LEARNINGSRaising AwarenessSustainability is very new to the Chinese Fashion and Events Industries. A noteworthy success of this year’s sus-tainability program was in raising awareness among the event organisers, suppliers and participants. The concept and challenges of environmental and social sustainability was discussed through a series of interviews with the venue, production company, sponsors and catering company. The growing importance of event sustainability was discussed and practical actions were identified to improve the event experience and results.

To raise awareness among the 1200 Fashion show guests, Guy Bigwood, the Past-President of the Green Meetings Industry Council, together with Ann Wang, Co-Founder of We Impact and China’s 2012 spokesperson for Al Gore’s Reality Project 24 Hours of Reality, presented the Event Sustainability program during the opening of the Fashion Show.

Importantly, the show organizers also conducted filmed interviews with various attendees to clearly understand their views and understanding about sustainability. This allowed attendees the opportunity to reflect on the ways in sustainability can enhance their guest experience and their lifestyles more generally. It also served the important purpose of showing that Chinese people are aware and engaged in the tackling climate change—something which is crucial for gaining traction within the lifestyle industry in China.

Strong governmental supportThe challenges and successes of producing the Shanghai Fashion Week closing fashion show and after party ac-cording to international standards of sustainable events is described by the Event Director and Co-Founder of We Impact, Joseph Oliver:

‘Coming from five years of experience in organizing green events across the world, I found the challenges we all faced in China to be unique to the territory complex and ingrained. However, the receptivity to new ideas and deter-mination to learn was a crucial ally in making aspects of sustainability for the event succeed. We found in particular the governing bodies to be enthusiastic and supportive of integrating core environmental mitigation into the pro-ject. The two major challenges that I’d plan for next time would be extensive training of these issues and solutions with the contractors and clients and in-depth work with the supply chain for all procurement and hires.’

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Consider the teamThe fashion industry has a fantastic opportunity to leverage its influence to advance sustainability for more responsible lifestyles. This responsibility should be in-corporated steadily not only into the design and manufacturing of the clothes, but also into fashion Shows. One particular risk area is caused through the use of vast quanti-ties of hairspray to prepare the models for the catwalk. Aside from the environmental waste cause by the pressurised cans, the contents bring health risk for the models and makeup artists. While the chronic health implications of hairspray ingredi-ents are somewhat controversial, many of the individual components have cancer-causing properties. In addition, inhalation of denatured alcohol, hydrofluorocarbons and other hairspray ingredients can lead to

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, ReportIn the event design phase, the organisers paid particular attention to rethinking how to reduce the amount of waste go-ing to the landfill. Wooden construction was eliminated, and 90 square meters of carpet and 160 square meters of curtain draping were collected for donation.

The organisers were able to reuse the event staging, 30 sofa seating blocks and eight bar counters from a previous event saving a huge amount of materials and money through the reuse of perfectly good event production items that otherwise would’ve been thrown away.

Catering waste was reduced by using hand passed ‘finger foods’, rather than full buffet service. China plates and glasses were used as opposed to disposable products.

Car/Taxi/Limo 84%

Flights 7%

Train 4%

Bus 5%

Participant Travel By Transport Type

Event Waste Total - 280kg

Glass Recycled; 135; 48%

Metal and Plastic Recycled; 10; 4%

Landfill; 105; 37%

Paper Recycled; 30; 11%

The venue did not have a formal waste management sys-tem. Instead, the cleaning team recycled waste by sorting, packaging and measuring the different waste streams. Over 940kg of waste was diverted from the landfill for a com-mendable recycling/diversion rate of 63%.

Electricity usage and cost was minimized through com-munication with the venue to switch off unused lights and ensuring the use of low voltage light bulbs. However, the electricity management system did not allow for full control of individual lighting zones. In total 3.1 kwh of energy were consumed at the venue from set up to break down.

Location, Location, LocationThe selection of the event destination and location is one of the most important decisions in terms of sustainability. Carefully selecting a venue close to public transport links or within walking distance to event facilities can significantly reduce carbon emissions.

This event was organised in the newly opened Shanghai In-ternational Fashion Centre. Prior to renovations; it was an old factory for cotton and textiles that had not been in operation for over one hundred years. While not yet a showcase of green features, the centre management demonstrated commitment to improving environmental standards. Aside from the energy and waste management processes already discussed, the venue collects and reuses “grey water” from rainfall to flush the toilets. The retrofit and continued use of old building in China is a laudable endeavour, especially when most develop-ment initiatives are created by levelling the existing site and building a totally new proposition on the site, causing a huge need for new materials and creating substantial waste.

symptoms like low blood pressure, breath-ingdifficulty,andirritationoftheskin,eyesor lungs. Designers and Fashion stylists would be well advised to investigate the sustainability of hair products using a site such as, which evalu-ates environmental, societal and health risks for thousands of products.

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Engaging SponsorsSelection and collaboration with sponsors can significantly increase awareness and engagement about sustainability. Lexus was one of the key sponsors for Shanghai Fashion Show and they launched their new CT Coupe in mainland Chi-na, one of the world’s largest automobile markets. As the world’s first full hybrid luxury compact car, sustainability was presented as a smart and stylish lifestyle choice – full of concepts of design, innovation and quality. This educates people away from the old concept of green as ‘hippy’, ‘crunchy’ or flowery. The benefit to Lexus was not only association of sustainability and fashion but also in a ground braking event for China.

Train and CommunicateAll suppliers and partners showed an eagerness to implement more sustainable processes. If the organising agency would have had more time to organise the event, greater results could have been delivered. The Catering agency explained that more time would have allowed greater collaboration with local producers and would have resulted in the delivery of local, fresher and more healthier menu items. There is a lack of Chinese language training tools on sustainable events and by producing some of these tools there could be on-going training for the persons involved and template examples for the industry in China.

The concept of the evening was E-Fashion: Ethical, Eco, and Exceptional. Swed-ish designer Camilla Wellton showcased her line of eco couture made from Oe-kotex certified Hemp-silk mixtures , Bamboo, organic cotton, and Modal (Fabric made out of Beech trees).

To create a beautiful garment in harmony with the land is a distinct type of happi-ness for us and we believe, also for the wearer. - Camilla Wellton

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Recommendations for Improved Performance 1. Standards: Consider using the ISO20121 Sustainable Event Management System in the

planning of the event, in conjunction with the APEX/ASTM Environmentally Sustain-able Meeting standards. The Global Reporting Initiative Event Organisers Supplement used for this report provides useful guidance for the transparent reporting of sustain-ability impacts and initiatives. Use of standards will reduce time investment, provide processes for goal setting and give practical suggestions for action.

2. Start early: Discussing sustainability from the first conversations with the event man-agement team, suppliers and partners will improve desired outcomes.

3. Teamwork: Create a ‘virtual sustainability team’ consisting of representatives from key suppliers to the organisation of future events. Meet regularly, set and track goals, share successes and failures, document results and learnings for future planning ef-forts. Ask them to collaborate and identify innovative ways to partner, and showcase their green and sustainable products.

4. Policy: Create a sustainability policy and include sustainability expectations when sourcing and contracting with suppliers such as the agencies, venues, production and catering companies. In the Request for Proposal, outline an expectation to select eco-certified organizations and show preference for those suppliers who have earned certification. Don’t forget to share your policy with your sponsors.

5. Contract: Include a requirement for environmental action in supplier requests and con-tracts. If you are going to measure include a clause requesting that suppliers provide measurement data. This information, which is important for event sustainability report-ing,isdifficulttogetfromsuppliersafteranevent.Don’tpaysuppliersuntilthedataisreceived.

6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Consider waste in the design of the fashion show. Eliminate trash, innovate and create new ways to wow your audience. Make sure the venue has anefficientwastemanagementprogram.Duringinitialeventplanningdiscussions,identify a charitable organization to accept donations.

7. Wellness: Source a sponsor of organic cosmetics and hair products for make up andstyleproductsusedbymodels.Ensuresufficientventilationandgoodrecy-cling/disposal of chemical products and packaging.

8. FLOSS: Work with catering teams to create a menu that is Fresh – Local – Organic – Seasonal and/or Sustainable. It is currently unrealistic to expect 100% local organic food. Balance menus with local conditions and prices. For example it is better to have a local fruit from with 100miles than fly in Mangos from an exotic location.

9. Showcase: Invite a sustainable fashion designer or community project/charity representative to participate in the show. Showcase their designs as an effective way to raise awareness and inspire more sustainable lifestyles. Introduce methods to communicate the aspects of the designs, which make them sustainable. Help audiences understand the value of any innovations in products selected. Consider creating a web based video channel where interested parties can ‘dig deeper’ into the topic with interviews with designers, models and stylists who are influencing sustainability in fashion. Accentuate the positive by highlighting the improve-ments to products, which do not represent added costs to business or consumer.

10. Ethical: In addition to featuring fair trade products, conduct a review of wages paid to event staff to ensure that they are competitive with the regional market. Work to ensure that the contracting policy and partner selection process is transparent and fair to all participating event suppliers. Adopt a Code of Responsible and Profes-sional Business Ethics, which outlines a zero tolerance for graft, harassment or illegal behaviour.

The following recommendations are provided to help other Fashion shows organise more eco, ethical and exceptional events.

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2011 SHANGHAI FASHION WEEK CLOSING EVENT SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PERFORMANCE INDICATORSGRI Performance IndicatorsPerformance Indicator Description Page number or reference

Number of participants 1200

EN7 Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption and reductions achieved. Worked with venue to switch off lights and use half lighting during set up. Low voltage lighting used in venue. Reductions not measured

EN8 Total water withdrawal by source, conservation and improvement initiatives and results. 36m3

EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight in tons of CO2TrainCar/Taxi/LimoFlightsBusVenueFoodTotalCarbon Emissions per Participant- tons CO2

Page 80,583,3140,190,193,109,6056,980,05

EN18 Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reductions achieved. Encouraged participants to switch to high speed train from Shangahi. 33% of staff used train. Reduced waste and energy con-sumption (EN7 and EN22)

EN22 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method, and including initiatives to manage waste and their results in kg

Paper RecycledGlass RecycledMetal and Plastic RecycledLandfillTotal KgWaste per participant - Kg

Worked with venue staff to set up recycling system. Diverted 90m2 of carpet and 160m2 of curtain away from landfill.Page 1030135101052800,23


Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of events, products and services, and extent of impact mitigation.. Page 8, 9 – 11. 150% of event emissions were offset

EN28 Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environ-mental laws and regulations.

No fines incurred

EO2 Modes of transport taken by attendees and participants as a percentage of total transportation, and initiatives to encourage the use of sustainable transport options. TrainCar/Taxi/LimoFlightsBus

33% of staff used train for travel between Shanghai and Beijing


LA7 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender.

No major injuries or incidents recorded

EO7 Number and type and of injuries, fatalities and notifiable incidents for attendees, participants and other relevant stakeholders

No major injuries or incidents recorded

EO9 Type and sustainability performance of sourcing initiatives. Sustainability policy created and discussed with venue, AV company, catering companies, organisers and sponsors. Results displayed in MeetGreen chart Page 6

EO11 Number, type and impact of sustainability initiatives designed to raise awareness and impact behavior change. Sustainability presented to all participants via email, opening keynote presentation and fashion show. Page 9

EO12 Nature and extent of knowledge transfer of best practice and lessons learned. See page Page 13

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AuthorsThis report was prepared by Guy Bigwood and Michael Luehrs of MCI Sus-tainability Services and Simon Kubski and Michelle Yang of We Impact.

MCI is proud to be seen as industry thought leaders in sustainable event management and consulting. MCI is actively engaged in efforts to change the way the world meets through the promotion of smart, sustainable business solutions. MCI is the Sustainability Guide for some of the world’s leading events on sustainable development and the renewable energy sectors, including: The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15), The World Business Summit on Climate Change, the International Climate Change Conference, the GRI Global Conference on Sustainability and Trans-parency, and the United Nations Global Compact Leaders Summit.

We Impact is a sustainability social enterprise dedicated to making sustain-able lifestyles a reality by creating cultural and business engagement op-portunities. We Impact planned and coordinated the entire event and were responsible for collecting the data used in this report.

WithofficesandprojectsinChinaandtheUK,WeImpactispioneeringthedevelopment of global sustainable lifestyles. We Impact works with clients from around the world to create business opportunities by engaging in sus-tainable business practices that make sustainable consumer and cultural experiences accessible and relevant to young people. For more information on We Impact, please visit

PartnersThe sustainability efforts presented in this report would not have been possible with-out the valuable contribution and support of the event host P1.CN. As China’s leading private social network, P1.CN combines unique online and offline social networking opportunities that allow its members to socialize through sharing exceptional life-styles experiences. P1.CN is dedicated to promoting the idea of social responsibility within its network and it is through their support of the concept of E-Fashion that it was possible to create this event and write this report.

ContactIn the interest of constant improvement, all ideas and comments about this report are welcome. Please address comments to Guy Bigwood, MCI Group Sustainability Direc-tor - [email protected]

Photo CreditsPhotos were provided by Erin O’Hara (Methodcn) and P1

Graphical DesignMCI Creative Services Barcelona

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