casr 121 ftdt module 2 v1.0

CASR 121 FTDT A Generic Interpretation Understanding CASR 121 FTDT Flight Time, Duty Time and Rest Requirements Version 1.0 Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

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CASR 121 FTDTA Generic Interpretation

Understanding CASR 121 FTDT 

Flight Time, Duty Time and Rest Requirements

Version 1.0

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

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Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

The documentation is provided “AS IS” and is solely intended to provide a general understanding of the author’s interpretation of CASR 121 FTDT as amended on 01-Sep-2012.

The author makes no representations and disclaims any and all responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the documentation.

The author reserves the right, at his discretion, to change or modify the documentation as deemed appropriate.

Copyright © 2014-2017, Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation. All rights reserved.

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Module 2:

Concept Model

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Flight Duty Period (FDP)



Duty TimeRelease Time

Arrive Time

Report Time

Note:Difference between Duty Time and FDPOperational Ferry

For an OCM assigned to a duty period that contains flight time:• The start of the FDP is at the report time (UTC) of the duty period.• The end of the FDP is at the arrival time of the last operating (working) flight

(UTC) before the start of a rest period.• Ferry Flights are considered working flights.


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Rest Period:A Rest Period begins when a crew member is released from duty until the crew member reports for the next duty. When the airline is responsible to provide a rest accommodation, Travel time to/from the accommodation and Sleep opportunity must be considered.

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

Rest Period and Breaks

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Previous Duty Ends at 13:00

24 hour Look Back Period

24 hour Look Back Period

Start of Look Back Period


Arrival Time of Flight 3 (12:00)

Arrival Time of Flight 4 (14:15)

Start of Look Back Period


End of Rest Period / Report Time of Duty (0:00)

Look Back Rest Period:• Is a continuous rest period that must fall within a window of time looking back from the arrival of an

operational flight. • The portion of Rest Period that Starts before the start look back window is not included.

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

1 2 3 4

Look Back Rest (11:00)

Look Back Rest (9:45)

Rest Period and Breaks

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Intervening Rest (11:00)

End of Rest Period / Report Time of Duty (0:00)

Intervening Rest Period:• Is a continuous rest period that must occur immediately before the start of duty period.• The required amount of Intervening rest is based upon the accrued amount of flight time in any 24

hour period.• The intervening rest must be given before reaching the accrual limit of flight time since the end of

the previous rest period.

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

5 6 7 8

Rest Period and Breaks

Start of Rest Period / Release

Time of Duty (13:00)

1 2 3 4

Accrued amount of flight time in a 24 hour window

Accrued amount of flight time since the

last rest period

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Required Rest Period After a Duty Period:• Is a continuous rest period that must occur immediately upon completion of a duty period.• The required amount of rest after is based upon different factors:

o Length of FDPo Extension of FDP by Split Dutyo Double Crewo Accrued Flight time in 48 or 72 hour windows

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

Rest Period and Breaks

Start of Rest Period / Release

Time of Duty (13:00)

1 2 3 4 Required Rest after (9:00)

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Break:A Break - is not considered a Rest Period, it is used to extend FDP limitations using Split Duty rules. The minimum time for a Duty Break is 4 hours.

Author’s note: The operator should specify the times in its Operations Manual (OM) the minimum durations of:• Post-Flight Duty (eg 0:30)• Pre-Flight Duty (eg 1:00)• Travel Time to/from accommodation, (eg

0:15/0:15)The operator should consider airport, time of day, aircraft type when specifying the minimums above.

Example: 4:00 = 6:00 – (0:30 + 1:00 + 0:15 + 0:15)

Rest Period and Breaks

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

Page 10: CASR 121 FTDT Module 2  v1.0

Applied Crew SchemesCrew Schemes are also known as crew complements. The positions Captain (CA) and First Officer (FO), refers to individuals who hold the Required Qualifications to Operate in that specific position, versus the Rank of the individual. Individual Airline designations may apply differently.

When any additional Operating Crew Member is carried to provide in-flight relief with the intent of extending an FDP, that individual shall hold qualifications which are equal or superior to those held by the crew member who is to be rested.

Standard 2 Pilot - Flightcrew:• Flight operations which operate with only one (1) CA and one (1) FO.• Any aircraft that lacks a Class 1, 2 or 3 on-board rest facility, orStandard 2 Pilot/FE - Flightcrew:• Flight operations which operate with only one (1) CA and one (1) FO and one (1) FE.• Any aircraft that lacks a Class 1, 2 or 3 on-board rest facility, orExtended 2 Pilot - Flightcrew:• Flight operations which operate with only one (1) CA and one (1) FO and one (1) RP.• Are permitted to be assigned to an aircraft that lacks a Class 1, 2 or 3 on-board rest facility.• The additional pilot occupies a flight deck observer seat during take-off and landing , orAugmented Flightcrew:• All flight operations within the FDP must operate with at least, one (1) CA and one (1) RP and one (1) (FO).• Augmented Flightcrew must be assigned to an aircraft that has a Class 1, 2 or 3 on-board rest facility. • Is limited to 3 sectors, orHeavy Flightcrew:• All flight operations within the FDP must operate with one (1) CA’s and one (1) RP and one (1) FO and one (1) SO.• Heavy Flightcrew must be assigned to an aircraft that has a Class 1, 2 or 3 on-board rest facility.• Is limited to 3 sectors.

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Applied Crew SchemesCrew Schemes are also known as crew complements.

Standard Cabin crew:• Flight operations, which operate with the minimum required cabin crew, based upon seating capacity and operating

requirements.• Any aircraft that lacks a Class 1, 2 or 3 on-board rest facility. or

Augmented Cabin crew:• Flight operations which operate with the minimum required cabin crew based upon seating capacity and operating

requirements plus additional cabin crew and allows for each cabin crewmember to be relieved of required tasks during a flight

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In-flight Rest RequirementsPermits extension above scheduled Flight Deck Duty and FDP limits.

May not be combined with Split Duty Extensions.

Augmented and Heavy Flightcrew Schemes:• An in-flight rest period is only applied during cruise, not during the take-off or landing phases of a flight.

o Takeoff phase - is generally the first 30 to 45 minutes of a flight.o Landing phase - is generally the last 30 to 45 minutes of a flight.

• An in-flight rest period for each flight crew member must allow for each crewmember to remain below the following Flight Deck Duty Limits limits:

• Example: 3 pilots, 15:00 total Flight Time will require each pilot to be given 3:00 in-flight rest.• Example: 4 pilots with two bunks, 18:00 total Flight Time will require each pilot to be given 6:00 in-flight rest. • Best Practices:

o The in-flight rest periods also allow for the impacts of 'sleep inertia', 10-15 minutes. o The in-flight rest should be divided equally as possible amongst all crew members.

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.

Flight CrewCompliment


Flight DeckDuty Limit

CA/FO/RP Seat or Bunk 12:00CA/FO/SO/RP Seat 12:00CA/FO/SO/RP Bunk 14:00

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Split Duty Period



ReportArrival of Last

Operating Flight

Split Duty:• Is a FDP which contains a Break of at least 4 hours in a ground rest facility.• May be applied to a FDP at any time of the day.• Break is less than a Required Rest Period.• Break is considered FDP as well as Duty.• FDP is measured from Report to Arrival of Last Operating Flight.• Is only applied to duties that operate under Standard Crew Schemes.

Permits extensions above the scheduled FDP limits by 50 % of the break.


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Cumulative Flight Time

• All cumulative values are across calendar periods.• The calendar day periods should use UTC time or Home Base time.• Only the portion of the Flight Time that falls within the calendar day/month period.• Flight time is accumulated across 7, 30 and 90 calendar days, across 12 consecutive calendar months and

within a single (1) calendar month.• When a flight crosses from one calendar period to the next calendar day period, two checks are required:

o The first up to midnight, o The second to the end of the flight.

• DHD time, ground transportation, time on reserve and other duties are not applied towards the totals.

Day 5Day 4Day 3Day 1 Day 6Today Day 7 Day 2 Day 8 Day 9

Is a Lookback from point of evaluation

Uses Actual values for previously performed activities. Scheduled values for activities to be completed

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CASR 121 FTDTA Generic Interpretation

Understanding CASR 121 FTDT 

Flight Time, Duty Time and Rest Requirements

Version 1.0

Copyright © 2012-2017 Understanding CASR 121 FTDT – A Generic Interpretation All rights reserved.