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Natural products for health, beauty, and youth.


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Every day we are attacked by free radicals that get into our body from the outside, from air, water and food, and destroy our cells. Precisely their adverse impact is one of the key factors that provoke ageing. Antiox+ is a powerful antioxidant complex that helps combat free radicals, which are able to destroy any cell within our body and lead not only to the premature ageing,

but to graver diseases as well. Antiox+ launches the cascade anti-oxidant reaction that helps neutralize not just a single type of free radicals, but lots of non-stable atoms and compounds that pose hazard for the whole body. It decelerates ageing processes and prevents cardiovascular diseases. It is also able to simulta neously support several systems of the body.

Ingredients: grape extract (Vitis vinifera), ginkgo biloba, selenium enriched yeast, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc oxide.


Shields from free radicals, slows down ageing processes


Purifies the body at the cellular level, strengthens the immunity

Purifies the body at the cellular level, eliminates toxins and harmful substances from every cell of the body. Enhances cellular immunity and lets natural cleansing systems of the body easily fight any toxic and bacterial threats. Being a powerful natural antibiotic, it possesses strong anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, thanks to which it can be used to overcome a wide variety of diseases. It is highly ef-

ficient against tumoral activity, as it prevents cells’ degeneration. It is an indispen-sable product to detoxify the body after synthetic medical drugs; it also alleviates side effects of radio- and chemotherapy. Purifies the body at all levels and extracts only harmful agents, allowing the wholesome elements remain within the body.

Ingredients: Un-caria tomentosa.

Vision Company provides unique natural products for health, beauty, and youth. The products contain exclusive formulas, developed by French company Ar-kopharma in accordance with European requirements for products’ effectiveness and safety. The products are manufactured in Ireland, and production is certified to meet GMP international quality standards. Only up-to-date technologies are applied in production, first of all the method of cryo-grinding, which allows to pre-serve the ultimate amount of all the vitamins and nutrients of the plants contained in the products. Vision products are certified by national agencies in all countries of presence. Their effectiveness has been clinically proved and confirmed by nu-merous positive references from customers and experts.




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Pax+ forte Daily protection from stress

Day by day stresses, like invisible killers, exhaust our body, destroying its cells. Pax+ forte is a powerful anti-stress complex that protects every cell from the hazardous impact of stresses. It relieves anxiety and anxiousness, alleviates excessive nervousness and excitability, improves body resistibility to stress, as well as the ability to withstand significant intellec-

tual, volitional and emotional overloads without any adverse impact on health. It promotes the feeling of calmness without impairment of working efficiency and blunting the reaction. Makes up for deficiency of vitamins and minerals that quickly “burn out” during stress, and first of all—of magnesium and vitamin B6, “elements of calmness”, whose deficiency can cause cramps, spasms, nervousness, souse feeling, pressure upswings and arrhythmia.

Ingredients: Melissa offici-nalis, Lavandula angustifolia, Va-leriana officinalis, magnesium, calcium, vitamins РР, В1, В2, В5, В6, В9, В12, Н.

Lifepac SeniorVitamin and mineral complex with probiotics

It is a well-known fact, that vitamins should be taken regularly, but when the intestinal microflora is da-maged, they are simply not assimilated. Lifepac Se-nior complex contains a unique combination of the daily allowance of required vitamins, essential micro and macroelements and living probiotic cultures.

Within a long period of time it helps maintain the natural balance of intestinal microflora, which facilitates faster and better assimilation of vitamins and minerals. It delivers nutrients to every cell, prolong-ing its life expectancy. It has a general bracing effect, fortifies the immune system and surges energy. Take this complex all year round, especially during autumn-spring period, to avoid illnesses and pre-serve healthy microflora of your body.

Ingredients: beta-carotene, vitamins С, Е, РР, В1, В2, В5, В6, В9, В12, H, zinc oxide, copper sul-fate, manganese carbonate, chro-mium orotate, sodium selenite, magnesium car-bonate, calcium hydrophosphate, Bifidobacterium bifidus.


Relieves inflammations, normalizes the urinary system performance

Any inflammatory process involves intoxication of the body. Microbes and bacteria poison the body and destroy cells. Nutrimax+ is a true inflammation-buster, it acts at the cellular level, ef-fectively fighting various acute infectious processes, directs its action towards the urinary system at the foremost. It provides an antiseptic, antimicrobial and

diuretic action, facilitates mild removal of sand and small stones from kidneys, renal ducts and bladder, and prevents their further forma-tion. Purification of kidneys facilitates removal of sodium and water excesses from the body and fights such symptoms as edema and puffiness of the face. It is very helpful against urethritis and pyelone-phritis; alleviates chronic diseases of the urinary system and enhances its performance.

Ingredients: witch-hazel leaf (Hamamelis virginiana), bearberry (Arc-tostaphylos uva-ursi), Angelica sinensis, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins PP, H, D3, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9,B12.

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Normalizes metabolism, helps lose weight

Excessive weight is conditioned by various reasons. That’s why it is bet-ter to use a complex remedy for weight reduction, that would address every one of these reasons. Complex Sveltform+ is unique thanks to its ability to address the primary cause of excessive weight—it normalizes metabolism at the cellular level. Ultimately balanced formula helps purposefully activate metabolism in

order to provide for the intensive fat burning and transformation of fats into energy. It decelerates processes of turning carbohydrates into lipids, removing the latter from the body. It prevents fluid re-tention and relieves edema. Sveltform+ reduces appetite and craving for sweets and pastry, enhances the effect of diets and accelerates weight loss, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.

Ingredients: Garcinia cam-bogia, Camellia sinensis (green tea), Fucus ve-siculosus, vitamin C, chromium enriched yeast.


Junior NeoThe best vitamin and mineral complex for kids

Junior Neo provides the child’s body with all necessary vitamins, micro and macro-elements. It guarantees balanced development of all body functions: physical, intellectual and mental. Ensures firmness of kids’ nervous system, enhances cognitive and physical activity. It prevents overstrain and over-excitation. Improves memory and is recommended in

case of extensive strains at school. It provides for full absorption of calcium and strengthening of bones and teeth. It enhances body resistibility to cold-related diseases and fortifies immunity. Ultimate combination of key vitamins and minerals facilitates proper and ver-satile development of children and maintains their health. These are chocolate-flavoured chewing tablets.

Ingredients: vitamins С, Е, РР, D3, В1, В2, В6, В9, В12, beta-carotene, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium, manganese, cop-per, lemon peel extract.


Boosts energy in every cell

Contemporary rhythm of life often tends to exhaust the body and drain forces. And even the long-awaited vacation doesn’t bring any relief, so in the morning you wake up tired as always. Multi-component energy tonic Chromevital+ will help you stay energetic and cheerful all day long. It helps to lead full-scale life, without feeling the decline of physi-cal and mental strength. It contains specifically selected ingredients

to facilitate cellular respiration and boost energy in every cell of the body. Chromium within its components participates in the processes of extraction of energy from lipids and carbohydrates. It interacts with insulin, providing glucose transfer into the cells, that leads to overall reduction of blood sugar. Chromevital+ doesn’t cause ex-haustion of the nervous system reserves, but increases them instead. Chromevital+ is pure energy!

Ingredients: Eleutherococ-cus senticosus, guarana, Cola nitida, spiru-lina, chromium enriched yeast, vitamin C.

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Safe-to-seeRelieves fatigue of eyes, preserves acute eyesight

Most of us are familiar with the visual fatigue syndrome: redness and feeling of “sand” in the eyes, dryness of the eyes. Safe-to-see com-plex will help deal with the visual strains and preserve perfect eye-sight. It is the first complex to combine all essential Omega-3 components for good eyesight in the same amount, as contained in one capsule of fish gelatin.

Safe-to-see prevents weakening and atrophy of the eye muscles, and consequently precludes myopia and hyperopia. It reduces the risk of cataract, glaucoma, and other eyesight pathologies. The product will help improve eyesight and eliminate the risk of inflammatory and degenerative changes in the retina, vitreous humor and lens, improve microcirculation and strengthen blood vessels’ walls, including those of the eye fundus.

Ingredients: omega-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids, bilberry extract (Vac-cinium myrtillus), lutein, zinc, beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin B2, sodium selenite, soy oil.


Brain-o-flex is a unique composition of ingredients that are indispen-sable for better brain performance. They are involved in restoration of brain cells and nerve tissues, and accelerate neural transmission, be-ing responsible also for such functions as reasoning, planning, atten-tion focusing, education, memory, and motion coordination. Brain-o-flex increases microcirculation in the cerebral blood vessels, which conse-

quently improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to brain cells, helps normalize blood pressure, relieves headache and dizziness, as well as noises and tingling in the ears, provides for mental alertness. This product increases the amount of effectively functioning cells in brain, including even the “sleeping” cells. As a result it strengthens memory, improves IQ and attention focusing, as well as the speed of thinking. Brain-o-flex protects cells from destruction and slows down ageing processes in brain.

Ingredients: soy lecithin, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA/DHA 20/50), gink-go biloba extract, milt of sturgeons, beta-carotene, vitamin E.

Brain-o-flexExtends brain functions



Cupers NeoProtection, purification and renewal of liver cells

Even in cases of pathological processes, our liver doesn’t hurt. How-ever, if the liver functions are disturbed, it won’t be able to neutralize toxins, and they will uncontrollably get into the blood and spread all over the body, poisoning and destroying it. Cupers Neo helps pre-serve the health of liver and restore its functions. It ensures an overall comprehensive support of liver: carefully purifies it,

renews and restores its cells, thus launching the self-cleansing func-tion of the body. It stimulates bile synthesis and outflow, reduces bile viscosity, preventing the formation of stones. This product fortifies cells’ membranes of liver and protects them from external damages. It also improves digestion, thus reducing the load on liver.

Ingredients: milk thistle (Silybum marianum), fennel (Foe-niculum vulgare), artichoke (Cynara scolymus).

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After the age of 30 every woman begins to feel the deficiency of a key youth hormone—estrogen. With the course of time reduction of estrogen leads to visible age-related changes, slowly cour sing into the pre-menopause stage, and ultimately—to menopause. Fe-male youth may be prolonged with the help of phytoestrogens, which are essentially the analogues of natural female sex hormones.

Medisoya+ is a source of phytoestrogens that are vital for any woman. It contains effi-cient and safe phytoestrogens that possess hormone-like action, but without the side effects of hormones. Taken regularly, this product will postpone menopause. During menopause this product relieves its torturous symptoms—hot flashes, excessive sweatiness, vagi-nal dryness, mood swings. It also prevents washing off of calcium from the bones, and osteoporosis.

Ingredients: soy extract (enriched with isoflavones), calcium, vitamins D2, D3.


Postpones menopause, alleviates its symptoms


Helps maintain normal level and proper balance of hormones, which is the primary condition of female health and youthful look. Norma lizes menstrual cycle, reduces pain syndrome, and prevents inflammatory processes of the genital sphere. Helps prevent and alleviate PMS symptoms, such as irritability, fatigabi-lity, fluid retention, edema, engorgement and pains of

mammary glands. Restores the level of iron in blood, prevents anaemia. Normalizes metabolism of female sex hormones, preserving reproduc-tive (fertility) functions, prevents mastopathy, metrofibroma, endo-metriosis, hyperplasia of endometrium. Regular intake of this product prolongs reproductive phase and consequently—female youth.

Ingredients: an-gelica (Angelica sinensis), chaste-berry , bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), clover (Trifolium pratense), iron, vitamins A, E, B6.

Artemida NeoNormalizes endocrine profile, helps alleviate menstrual pains


Most women suffer from cystitis, which unconditionally causes damage to the intimate microflora and subsequently provokes other diseases, like coleitis, candidosis, vaginosis, and uterine cervix inflammation. And only iCBerry is able to break this vicious cycle of diseases. It is an innovative product with a unique formula. It contains

cranberry extract that prevents propagation of pathogenic microor-ganisms in the urinary tracts and helps avoid cystitis. Lactobacteria produce biologically active substances, that destroy pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, that provoke diseases of the urinary system. iCBerry restores intimate microflora after courses of anti-biotics, is efficient as part of the complex therapy against cystitis and to prevent relapse of diseases.

Ingredients: cranberry dry extract, lactic fer-ments Lactobacil-lus Acidophilus, rapeseed oil, se-lenium enriched yeast, vitamins C and E, silicon dioxide, zinc oxide, ascorbyl palmitate.

iCBerryImproves intimate health


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Real biological age of a human depends on the amount of coenzyme Q10 in the body—the more coenzyme, the smaller the age. Synthe-sis of coenzyme Q10 reduces with age, which provokes weaken-ing of heart, loss of resilience and sheen of the skin, and wrinkles. Granatin Q10 combines power and energy of coenzyme Q10 with the ultimate antioxidant—pomegranate. Together they

unite into a perfect rejuvenating tandem that facilitates renewal and regeneration of cells. Granatin Q10 slows down ageing processes and helps postpone age-related changes. It also improves metabo-lism and helps prevent diseases, related to it. It supports cardio-vascular system performance, boosts energy and helps preserve radiant complexion, protecting the skin from wrinkles.

Ingredients: coenzyme Q10, pomegranate fruit powder, grape marc extract, vitamins C and E, calcium phosphate.

Granatin Q10Prolongs youth


NortiaSouls’ equilibrium for women

Attractive power of women is at its utmost level when they feel well. The unique formula of Nortia complex is based on herbs with calming properties, as well as microelements and vitamins, indispen-sable for the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems. The formula is enriched with iodine, needed for women’s nervous system. Iodine restores thyroid

gland functions and normalizes endocrine profile. All of it stabilizes psycho-emotional condition of women, alleviates anxiety, during PMS as well. The complex is able to regulate serotonin (hormone of happiness) level, relieve nervous tension and strengthen the nervous system, thus protecting the heart.

Ingredients: Hypericum perforatum, iodine, magne-sium, astragal root, hawthorn, vitamins B1, B6, B12.

Suppresses hunger, prevents overeating and doesn’t contain any calo-ries. Reduces appetite and helps eat less. Helps avoid late dinners and keep a diet. And most importantly it helps to gain a good habit of eating frequently, but in small amounts.

Ingredients: konjac powder (Amorphophallus konjac).

An effective “absorber” of excessive fat. It binds fats in the food well before its metabolism and removes them from the body. It activates the mechanism of energy formation from already existing fat deposits that facilitates weight reduction.

Ingredients: chitosan, chro-mium.

KG-Off Hunger Suppressant

KG-Off Fat Absorber


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True beauty is hidden inside

Active components of Beauty, thanks to their in-creased bioavailability, are delivered straight to the deepest layers of the skin (dermal structural elements). Beauty improves complexion, reduces wrinkles, moisturizes the skin, and restores its elasticity. It also evens, nourishes and tightens the

skin, enhances its resilience and density, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It protects cells from the adverse impact of free radicals and inner stress, thus slowing down ageing processes. Beauty efficiently fights skin imperfections, eliminates blackheads, micro-inflammations, dull skin tone, and reduces pores. It renews cells of the skin, nails and hair, activates regenerative processes. Beauty will enhance your attractive powers and help remain good-looking for many years to come.

Ingredients: ceramides, bor-age oil (Borago officinalis), wheat germ oil (Triticum sativum), cod liver oil, yellow beeswax, soy lecithin, methionine, beta-carotene, grape marc extract (Vitis vinifera), biotin (vitamin H), vitamin E.

Nature TanPerfect suntan, protection against photo-ageing

Beautiful suntan makes us look younger, more slender and fit. But ag-gressive sun rays tend to provoke ageing of our skin. If you want to sunbathe without any harmful impact of sun on your skin, Nature Tan is your perfect solution. Its balanced formula acts in two directions at once: cares for beautiful suntan and intensively pro-tects your skin from the impact of the UV-radiation.

As a result the suntan appears quicker, is even and radiant, without any pigmentation spots. Besides, the product protects the skin from the sun and enhances its internal defence barriers. It keeps up op-timal moisturizing of the skin, preventing its dryness and thinning. Thanks to these features, Nature Tan helps preclude early wrinkles and photo-ageing, and consequently facilitates cells’ renewal.

Ingredients: Curcuma longa, grape extract (Vi-tis vinifera), soy extract, selenium enriched yeast, beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc, cellulose.

Cheviton is your upgraded protection and building material for hair and nails. While it effectively protects hair follicle and reduces hair loss, it also activates hair growth, makes hair thick and full. Cheviton actively nourishes hair from the inside, provides for its resilience, elasticity and healthy structure, and makes hair strong and shiny. It blocks the effect of free radicals and prevents destruction of hair under

the impact of environment, aggressive components of shampoo and hair colour. It also stops formation of dandruff and effectively com-bats such problems as dry, thin, split and dull hair, heterogeneous hair structure, and thin brittle peeling nails. As a result your hair looks thick, voluminous and shiny, and nails become strong and even.

Ingredients: L-cystine, DL-methionine, biotin (vitamin H), zinc oxide, vitamins B5, B6, B12.

ChevitonGorgeous hair, strong nails


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Ingredients: poly-unsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (EPA/DHA 18/12), Evening primrose oil (Oenothera Biennis), vitamin E.

A complex, containing unique polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not generally synthesized in our body, but are just indispensable for nor-mal performance of all vitals and systems, most importantly—of heart, blood vessels, brain and skin. These acids possess unique ability to improve cells’ structure and create protective cover, thus preserving cells’ integrity. This way cells’ life is prolonged, whereas ageing pro-

cesses decelerate. Mega protects blood vessels walls, controls blood structure, puri-fies blood vessels, regulates heart beat, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It also protects eyesight and improves IQ. Mega precludes destruction of brain neurons, im-proves neural transmission from brain to all systems of the body. It is helpful in treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, helps formation of the protective adipose layer that prevents dryness of the skin, helps preserve its resilience and eliminate wrinkles. Reduces inflammatory processes, including those in joints. Strengthens the immunity.

MegaHealth and youth of every cell



LCBalanceControls and normalizes blood cholesterol

Excess of “bad” blood cholesterol may ultimately cause many di-seases, however, “good” cholesterol is essential for the body. Which means that keeping “bad” and “good” blood cholesterol in balance is of vital importance. LCBalance normalizes the amount of “bad” choles-terol, and prevents reduction of “good” cholesterol below normal level. LCBalance prevents assimilation of cholesterol through the intestine

and getting it into the blood, simultaneously blocking cholesterol synthesis in liver. It promotes elimination of cholesterol plaques from vessels that also excludes possible occurrence of the cardiovascular diseases—atherosclerosis, hypertension, thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes. It improves quality of blood and facilitates supply of oxy-gen and nutrients to the tissues.

Ingredients: phytosterols, sugarcane polycosanols (Saccharum officinarum).


Have you known that Frenchmen, while consuming the same amount of lipids as the Americans, don’t suffer from excessive weight as much and are less prone to heart attacks? The reason is that they drink red wine regularly. Vinex is a unique composition of red grapes that is much more wholesome, than the best red wine. It possesses a powerful antioxidant effect and enhances heart performance. It has

a boosting effect on the vessels and improves microcirculation by means of enhancing capillary circulation. It prevents oxygen de-privation of tissues and organs. Vinex nourishes the heart muscle with oxygen and strengthens walls of blood vessels and capillaries, simultaneously improving their elasticity. Vinex provides for a new quality of life: youthfulness, health, activity and longevity.

Ingredients: grape powder, grape marc extract (Vitis vinifera).

VinexSupports heart and muscles

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HiperNatural antidepressant

Everybody knows about the destructive consequences of depres-sion, but can never completely defeat it. Hiper is recommended to relieve depressed moods and nervous disorders. It restores damaged nerve fibers and improves neural transmission. It eliminates symptoms and after-effects of depres-sion mildly and effectively, fights feelings of dismay

and anxiety, oppression and melancholy, and gradually improves the quality of sleep. Herbal antidepressant Hiper charges you with optimism. Not only it helps overcome depression, but produces a beneficial impact on the general mental state. It has a tranquilizing and calming action, but doesn’t cause sleepiness in daytime. It en-sures habitual level of physical and mental activity, improves mood and social adaptation process.

Ingredients: St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), black horehound (Ballota nigra), hawthorn (Cra-taegus laevigata), magnesium, vitamins C, B1, B6, B12.

PassilatEases nerves, helps heart

Nervous tension provokes cardiovascular diseases, irrespective of the life-style. Passilat is a perfect remedy to relax nerves and support heart. It eliminates nervous overexcitement and restores blood flow to the heart muscle, which is commonly disturbed during stress. Passilat is recom-mended as a calming remedy against chronic functio-nal nervous system disorders, as well as against neu-

rosis and heart pains and vegetovascular dystonia. It restores nervous system performance and normalizes heart beat, helps to relax, relieves tension, simultaneously tones up heart (cardiac) muscle by improving the coronary blood flow to the heart. It exerts sedative effect, prevents nervous breakdowns, doesn’t produce a suppressive action on the ner-vous system and doesn’t blunt reactions.

Ingredients: passionflower (Passiflora incar-nata), hawthorn (Crataegus lae-vigata), valerian (Valeriana offici-nalis), vitamins B1, B6, B12.


RevienFights chronic fatigue syndrome

If you feel ready to drop, are exhausted, irritated by everything and drained… If sleep doesn’t help to restore forces, if you are tortured by devastating insomnia… These are symptoms of chronic fatigue syn-drome. Perfectly balanced, complex Revien is able to help you regain strength, stabilize emotions and over-come anxiety. Ingredients of this complex balance

“excitation—suppression” impulses of the nervous system, which helps it not only perform actively, but also rest fruitfully. Revien normalizes nervous system, helps to get rid of apathy and irritation. This complex will pick you up and boost energy in your body, signifi-cantly improve mood and enhance activity, helping to avoid sleeping disorders. Revien prevents nervous and physical exhaustion that are inherent in people, who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Ingredients: hop cones (Humulus lupulus), black horehound flowering tops (Ballota nigra), ginseng root (Panax ginseng), zinc, iron, sele-nium enriched yeast.

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MistikNatural safe remedy for good night’s sleep

We never pay attention to sleep, so long as we sleep well. But when sleeping disorders appear, we are ready to pay any price for a good night’s sleep. Mistik helps improve the quality of sleep as it mildly decreases excitability of the nervous system. It will help to fall asleep quickly and wake up easily. It produces a mild seda-tive action, relaxing and alleviating mental pressure

and relieving anxiety. It deals with the problem of interrupted sleep and prolongs profound sleep phase, thus making the sleep deeper and calmer, banishes nightmares, reduces sensitivity to noises and light. It takes care of good night’s sleep at any age, without using any other synthetic drugs. It doesn’t build up tolerance or cause broken feeling in the morning and daytime sleepiness.

Ingredients: Eschscholzia californica, lime flower (Tilia cordata), camo-mile (Tanacetum parthenium), vitamins B1, B6, B12.



When joints are constrained, crunch or ache, the innovative complex EnjoyNT proves to be just in-dispensable. It contains glucosamine and chon-droitin that prevent destruction of the cartilaginous tissue and facilitate its natural regeneration. MSM enhances their action, stimulates the synthesis of

sinew-water, and alleviates inflammation and pains. Bamboo ex-tract provides for active re-mineralization of the bone tissue and prevents its deterioration. EnjoyNT helps restore joints, regain their flexibility and agility, alleviate pain and constrained movements in the morning. In order to ensure complex action, it is advisable to combine EnjoyNT food supplement with EnjoyNT Harpago-gel. This is a strongly effective anti-inflammatory and warming-up gel for topical use that enhances the action of EnjoyNT food supplement.

Ingredients EnjoyNT food supplement: glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (methylsulfo-nylmethane), bamboo extract.

Ingredients EnjoyNT Harpago gel: Extract of Devil’s Claw, Groundnut vegetable oil, Warming agents: capsicum fru-tescens, methyl nicotinate.

EnjoyNTHealth of joints


To fight osteoporosis increased amounts of calcium are highly advisable. However, as it turns out, after getting inside our body, calcium firstly de-posits in the blood vessels that can cause serious cardiovascular disea-ses. OsteoSanum is a perfect solution to this problem. Not only it is rich in calcium and vitamin D3, that are traditionally used to prevent osteopo-rosis, but also contains a new revolutionary vitamin K2 that directs cal-

cium straight to the bone tissue and prevents its depositing inside the blood vessels. OsteoSanum improves bone structure, increases their mineral density, and prevents washing out of calcium from the bone tissues. It promotes fast knitting of bones after fractures, prevents de-formation of the spine and precludes incorrect posture.

Ingredients: calcium, vitamins K2, D3, shilajit extract, folic acid, vitamins B6, B12.

OsteoSanumPrevention of Osteoporosis



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Stalon NeoImproves potency

Stable potency is a possibility to prove to be a real man. Besides, regu-lar sexual activity is provided only by stable potency and has an overall vivifying effect on the body. Sexual life improves blood flow and has a beneficial impact on the performance of all vital sys-tems of the body. Stalon Neo helps a man lead full-scale healthy life and remain self-confident. Stalon Neo

stimulates spinal cord’s ganglions that regulate erection and activate sexual function, enhances blood flow in male genitals, and provides for optimum synthesis of male hormones. As a result it leads to improve-ment of potency and helps prolong sexual intercourse, improve sexual endurance and enrich sex sensations.

Ingredients: gin-seng root (Panax ginseng), ginger root (Zingiber of-ficinale), Ginkgo biloba, kola seed (Cola nitida), zinc, vitamins E, PP, B1.

LaminSource of manliness and strength

In order to manage everything well, remain successful, radiate energy and confidence, men need an unfailing source of vitality. Lamin is the best existing energy tonic for men. It charges you with energy from the very beginning of the day, significantly enhances physical and mental working capacity, increases en-durance and resistance to stress. Most importantly,

it enhances synthesis of body testosterone that is so vital to suc-ceed in social and sexual life. High testosterone is responsible for manliness, attractiveness to women, is a key to self-confidence and success. Lamin prolongs male youth, improves sexual and repro-ductive health. It increases the amount, vitality and fertilizing ca-pacity of spermatozoa, allowing to become father at any age.

Ingredients: Eleutherococcus senticosus (root), mate leaf (Ilex paraguariensis), pollen powder, L-carnitine, vitamin C.

UrsulAnti-inflammatory remedy for men

Visiting a urologist seems to be a true nightmare for men. How-ever various urogenital diseases frequently affect men, as well as women. Ursul is a specifically created complex that helps solve problems, typical of the male body, and has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. It successfully fights viruses, fungi, and bacteria that

provoke prostatitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other urogenital diseases. This product’s natural ingredients are enforced by copper, gold, and mainly—colloidal silver, which is able to com-bat about 650 types of bacteria. Ursul alleviates the risk of infec-tious diseases of the urinary tracts and prevents chronic diseases. While enhancing the immunity it also reduces the risk of being in-fected by veneral diseases.

Ingredients: Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), purple coneflower (Echi-nacea purpurea), colloidal silver, gold powder, copper.

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ArtumHealth of the prostate

Pain, inflammation, necessity to wake up at night, and further… prostatitis, adenoma, impotency—problems, which not a single man wants to face. In order to prevent them, take Artum. It contains all known and clinically tested ingredients for the health of the prostate gland. Artum has a targeted action: alleviates inflammation, reduces pain and edema,

restores normal urination and helps regain potency. It improves blood flow to the small pelvis organs, and subsequently eliminates stagnant processes and restores functions of the prostate. It is also effective against prostatitis, prostate and bladder enlargement, as it combats factors that regulate the growth of adenoma. Artum is a comprehensive protective remedy for prostate, which also helps normalize its performance.

Ingredients: stinging nettle root (Urtica dioïca), Saw Palmetto fruit (Serenoa repens), pumpkin seeds (Cucur-bita pepo), zinc, beta-carotene, vitamin E.


D i Guard nanoDetoxification of the body

Today’s ecology often prevents our immune system from dealing with such amounts of harmful substances that get into the body from the external environment. D i Guard nano protects and shields the body from salts of heavy metals, decay products, poisons, pesticides and allergens. It reduces the adverse impact of environmental factors, in-cluding increased radiation that is everywhere (cell

phones, household appliances). It binds and mildly removes aller-gens from the body and actively influences antioxidant processes, as well as detoxification processes that help remove harmful substances completely. It protects against inflammatory diseases and allergies, renewes hepatic cells and enhances liver detoxifying functions.

Ingredients: opuntia, chlorella, alpha-lipoic acid, DL-methonine, magnesium, folic acid, vitamins C, B6, B1.


Our immunity is a strong multi-level structure. DiReset helps “restart” and renew the immunity at all levels. It launches the process of synthesis of new immune cells, saturates them with nutrients and prolongs life-span. This complex can improve functionality of macrophages, which are es-sentially the cells of the first level of the immune cascade. Thus these cells will be able to destroy even more bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. The

product restores microflora profile once it has been disturbed, and helps maintain it at the necessary level for as long as possible, thus stimulating the “intestinal immunity”. It is recommended to take the product daily, not only during cold seasons. It won’t deteriorate the immunity, but will nourish it and let the immune system function to the full extent

Ingredients: beta-glucan, inulin, spirulina, sele-nium, vitamin E

DiResetActivates general immunity, strengthens “intestinal immunity”


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BeeskFast restoration of the body

Effectively tones up and restores the energy status of the body, has an anti-inflammatory and bracing effect, increases body resistibility to infections. It is recommended as a preventive and bracing re medy during the cold seasons, and is effective against the first symptoms of colds and flu. It alleviates the course of illness, helps fast treatment and allows to

avoid complications. It supports respiratory system functions. Fa-cilitates fast restoration of the body after the illness. The product can be taken to boost physical and mental working capacity, and helps overcome fatigue and stress, while simultaneously regulating energy metabolism.

Ingredients: Schisandra sinensis, propolis extract, royal jelly, iron gluco-nate, potassium iodide.



This is a legendary highly effective anti-age product. It has a rejuvenating action, activates microcirculation processes, nourishes cells and stimulates their renewal. Gel is a perfect moisturizer, improves complexion and reduces pores. It visibly smoothes the skin and makes it supple, alleviates irritations and micro-inflammations,

effectively fights skin imperfections. Suitable for all skin types and doesn’t cause allergic reactions. Thanks to their ultimate bioavailability, gel ingredients penetrate into the deepest layers of derma and ensure quick and steady rejuvenating results. The product significantly improves tone and elasticity of skin, smoothes wrinkles and secures youthful sheen of the skin. Helps preserve youthfulness and beauty of the skin for years to come. Doesn’t contain parabens or phenoxyethanol.

Ingredients: hydrolyzed wheat protein, sodium hyaluronate, vi-tamin E (Tocoph-eryl acetate), Aloe barbadensis extract, ginkgo biloba extract, Panax ginseng extract, Equi-setum arvense extract, Camellia sinensis extract, Centella asiatica extract.

Millenium Neo gelAnti-age remedy for the skin

Healthy KissIntegral lip care 24 hours a day

Healthy Kiss Day and Healthy Kiss Night—innovative multi-function lip care system with hyaluronic microspheres with an additional aromatherapeutic effect. Hya-luronic acid microparticles in

contact with moisture penetrate deep into the skin cells and replenish lips with vitality, provide youthful look, increase elasticity and resilience of skin of lips and reduce the smallest lines, making lips full. Exerts anti-inflammatory effect, restores lips’ skin, cures small wounds.

Ingredients Healthy Kiss Night: hyaluronic filling spheres, oligopeptide palmitoyl, la-vender essential oil, vitamins A, E, squalane, shea butter, sun flower oil, soy oil, corn germ oil, carrot oil.

Ingredients Healthy Kiss Day: hyaluronic filling spheres, oligopeptide palmitoyl, orange and vanilla essen-tial oils, vitamins A, E, squalane, shea butter, sun flower oil, soy oil, corn germ oil, carrot oil.

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QuadrActiv Bracelets

QuadrActiv bracelets are unique in combining stylish design and in-novative technologies. They are manufactured from high-quality Japa-nese surgical steel and their surface is selectively coated with 23-carat gold. Thanks to the bioceramic and magnetic inserts bracelets provide a health-promoting interaction of the body with four natural elements: oxygen ions, infrared rays, germanium electrons, and magnetic waves. Acting integrally these inserts improve overall body resistibility, boost

energy, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism, ensure tissues’ regeneration and slow down ageing processes, simultaneously providing an anti-inflammatory ef-fect. Bracelets also help stabilize blood pressure.


D4X My UnitDose® Tasty product for new life

“Smart” food, created specifically applying nano-technologies that al-low to include tiniest particles of useful substances in the products. The size of these particles doesn’t exceed 100 nanometers. Due to this fact particles of D4X My UnitDose® can get into most difficultly acces-sible areas of the body and coordinate performance of all systems. It protects organs-targets from excessive

strains and revitalizes the whole body. It also has a beneficial impact on the brain performance. The product shields the body from free radicals and intoxication, facilitates cells’ regeneration, and supports the immune system. D4X My UnitDose® boosts energy and norma-lizes cell metabolism.

Ingredients: honey, extracts of the most valuable fractions of wild rose, hawthorn, hibiscus, succinic acid.

Stylish, beautiful, healthy

Tea for Her • Refreshes, rejuvenates and helps stay attractive.

Tea for Him • Bracing tea for successful men. Boosts energy.

Wild Rose and Thyme • Improves immunity, stimulates defence barriers of the body.

Hibiscus and Wild Berries • Reduces blood pressure and normalizes blood circulation.

Lemongrass Green Tea • Removes toxins from the body, decelerates ageing processes.

Melissa and Wild Rose • Improves digestion, fights flatulence and bloating.

Linden and Mint • An effective remedy against flu and cold. It improves body resis-tibility, produces a diaphoretic and antipyretic action, reduces mucous membranes’ inflammation.

Generation Y Mommy • Stimulates secretion of breast milk, improves its quality.

Herbs for Vision herbal teas are harvested in the ecologically safe regions of Lithuania. Their secret lies in the wisdom of ancient recipes, as well as in the most advanced tech-nologies of production.


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Consultant code:

Be big, smart and healthy!A whole line of French vitamin and mineral complexes, created specifically for kids, in strict compliance with European standards of efficiency and safety of the products for children. Indispensable for proper balanced development of kids. Children will like the flavour, parents will be pleasantly surprised with results.


Junior Be Wise+ Contains selenium and iodine that are in charge of mental health and energy flow. Regulates metabolism, performance of nervous system and brain. Beneficially influences the mood, alleviates ir-ritability, improves sleep quality. Enhances diligence, attention fo-cusing, and memory, improves reflexes. Good for digestive tract, improves appetite.

Lifepac Junior Be Big Strengthens child’s body in the period of active growth. Is a vital source of calcium, silicon and vitamin D3 that fortify the musculoskeletal sys-tem and teeth enamel, and prevent caries. Reduces excessive nervous and muscle activity.

Lifepac Junior Be SmartEnhances child’s intellectual capacities. Is a source of omega-3 fatty acids that support balanced development of brain, nervous system, eyesight, improve memory and attention focusing. These polyunsaturated acids accelerate brain growth thus stimulating mental development in early years. Lifepac Junior Be Smart raises intelligence and reduces hyperactivity and impetuosity, what con-tributes to a better behavior.

Lifepac Junior Be HealthyStrengthens the immunity, is perfect for preventing colds and flu, and viral infections. Alleviates the course of illnesses, reduces the risk of complications, and quickly restores the body after the illness. Is able to suppress growth of harmful microorganisms.

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Oleg Müller
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