catalogue 61 trade catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and...

Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues From the 19 th and 20 th Centuries High Ridge Books, Inc. P.O. Box 286 Rye, NY 10580 (914) 967-3332 (Fax) (914) 833-5159 email: [email protected] web:

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Page 1: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Catalogue 61

Trade Catalogues From the 19th and 20th Centuries

High Ridge Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 286 Rye, NY 10580 (914) 967-3332

(Fax) (914) 833-5159 email: [email protected] web:

Page 2: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental


RYE, NY 10580 USA (914) 967-3332

FAX: (914) 833-5159 e-mail: [email protected] web:

Catalogue 61 (Our 15th Catalogue of Trade Catalogues)

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7. If you desire additional detailed information or digital photos of any items, please ask. We are glad to be of help.

8. If you received this catalogue as a .pdf, we will be glad to send you a hard copy upon request. If you received a hard copy, please send us an e-mail to confirm your interest in continuing to receive our catalogues. We hope to transition to distribution purely by e-mail so we need e-mail addresses for everyone on our mailing list.

Sizes are approximate with the following guidelines: Folio - Larger than 8-1/2 x 11; 4to. approx. 8-1/2 x 11; 8vo., approx. 7x9; 12mo., approx. 5x7; 16mo., smaller than 5x7.

Categories used here are generally the same as used by Lawrence Romaine, A Guide to American Trade Catalogs, 1744-1900.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Category From # to # Category From # to # Category From # to # Agricultural Machinery ....................... 1 19 Alcohol & Tobacco ............................ 20 30 Architectural Building Materials............ 31 80 Artists' Materials & Supplies ................. 81 91 Automobiles ........................................... 92 .. 115 Barbers' Supplies .............................. 116 119 Bee Keepers' Equipment ............................ 120 Bicycles & Accessories ..................... 121 126 Boats & Marine Supplies .................. 127 132 Books, Booksellers, Publishers ........... 133 140 Carriages, Wagons, Accessories ....... 141 151 Celebration, Theatrical Goods .......... 152 160 China & Pottery ................................ 161 167 Clocks & Watches ............................ 168 177 Clothing ............................................ 178 227 Dental Instruments ......................... 228 237 Dept, Dry Goods, Misc. Stores ........... 238 254 Drugs & Pharmaceuticals ................. 255 256 Electrical Equipment ......................... 257 261 Fences ............................................... 262 267

Firearms ............................................ 268 274 Fire Engines ......................................... 275 . 278 Food & Drink ................................... 279 285 Furniture ........................................... 286 327 Gadgets ............................................. 328 ... 332 Glassware ......................................... 333 334 Hardware - Builders' & General .......... 335 365 Hardware - Tools & Machine Tools ........ 366 412 Hardware - Misc. Machinery ............... 413 433 Horse Goods ..................................... 434 448 House Furnishings ............................ 449 460 Jewelry ............................................. 461 478 Lighting by Candle, Oil, Etc.... ............ 479 487 Livestock .......................................... 488 490 Magic Lanterns, Stereo View Equip. ... 491 492 Medical & Surgical Supplies ............ 493 496 Musical Instruments. ........................... 497 . 512 Optical & Scientific Apparatus ............ 513 515 Ornamental Ironwork ... 516 519 Paint.................................................. 520 531 Pets and Pet Supplies ........................ 532 . 536

Photographic Apparatus 537 . .. 558 Plumbing 559.. .. 561 Printers' Specimens‟ & Equip ........... 562 567 Printers‟ Samples of Work ......... 568 569 Pumps & Water Wheels ................ 570 578 Railroad Equipment .................... 579 582 Refrigerators ..................................... 583 585 Scales & Weighing Devices .................... 586 Seeds, Nurserymens' Products ........ 587 602 Sewing Machines ........................... 603 605 Silverware ...................................... 606 614 Sporting Goods .............................. 615 650 Stationery & Paper Goods .............. 651 677 Stoves & Heating Equipment ......... 678 691 Telephones ..................................... 692 693 Toys, Games, Entertainment .......... 694 731 Typewriters & Business Equip. ....... 732 739 Undertakers Equipment .................. 740 744 Washing Machines ......................... 745 746 Miscellany ...................................... 747 811

Front cover: Item #749. State & Country Index on last page. Photos in the text depict the item described directly below or surrounding the photo.

Page 3: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Agricultural Implements & Machinery 1) American Agricultural Chemical Co., A Fortune in Potatoes. Boston,

MA: c. 1910. 4 pp., oblong 12mo. Small brochure with 5 photographs of

potato crops in fields in Fort Fairfield, Mapleton, and Caribou Maine. $35.00

2) American Agricultural Chemical Co., Money-Making Corn. Boston,

MA: 1916. 64 pp., 8vo. Wrapper. Spine weak. A how-to booklet for growing many different varieties of corn, emphasizing (of course) the importance of

good fertilizer. Many photos, tables of statistics and probable yields. $25.00

3) Atlas Portland Cement Co., Concrete on the Farm. New York, NY:

1919. 96 pp., 8vo. Illustrated promotional brochure for Portland Cement uses

in farming and building on or for farms. Uses include supports for barns, fence-posts, chicken houses, garage floors, etc. Many detailed diagrams,

instructional text and tables are included. $45.00

4) Avery, B. F., & Sons, The Genuine Avery Plow. Louisville, KY: 1887.

48 pp., tall 12mo. Original stiff printed wrappers, lacking bottom ¼ of back wrapper. Contents loose. Illustrated catalogue of plows (with one page of

barbed wire), with one model shown per page. Some of the versos comprise a

month-by-month calendar for 1887. A scarce Kentucky catalogue. $175.00

5) Bauer & Walter, Illustrirter Catalog von Farmgeratlischaten. St.

Louis, MO: 1882. 80 pp., 12mo. Catalogue of a wide range of tools and equipment for farms, published entirely in German. Stiff folding wrappers,

somewhat worn, corners of back wrapper clipped. Hinges torn and weak.

Illustrated throughout. $135.00

6) Belcher & Taylor Agricultural Tool Co., Catalogue No. 26. Chicopee

Falls, MA: c. 1910. 64 pp., 8vo. Original red wrappers, very good condition, front cover partially torn. Uncolored illustrations. Includes plows, harrows,

and other field equipment. Among the more interesting offerings are bobsleds

and “Goslee's Tobacco Ridger and Potato Coverer.” $50.00

7) Bowker Fertilizer Co., Stockbridge Special Complete Manures.

Boston, MA: 1890. 24 pp., 8vo. Promotional catalogue for manures, with illustrations (not of the manure, but of the produce enhanced by fertilization).

Illustrated wrappers. $35.00

8) Buffalo Fertilizer and Chemical Works, Honest Fertilizers -

Ammoniated Bone Super-Phosphate and Pure Ground Bones. Buffalo,

NY: 1878. 16 pp., 8vo. Wrappers, top corner of front torn off, most likely for the stamp. Full of text and testamonials for this fertilizer for vegetables, grains

and tobacco. $25.00

9) Buffalo Fertilizer and Chemical Works, Ammoniated Bone Super-

Phosphate and Pure Ground Bone. Buffalo, NY: 1883. 24 pp., 8vo. Blue

wrappers. Excellent condition. Full of text and testamonials for this fertilizer for vegetables, grains and tobacco. $25.00

10) DuPont, E. I., de NeMours & Co., Blasting Accessories. Wilmington, DE: 1925. 80 pp., 8vo. Catalogue/how-to booklet on blasting and explosives.

Minor stains to first leaves. Single-page price list of explosives laid in. $85.00

11) Kirstin, A. J., Co., Cheapest Way to Clear Land. Escanaba, MI: c.

1915. 95 pp., 4to. Extensive catalogue for stump pullers, with details on these

tools for farmers. Stiff wrappers, fine condition. $100.00

12) Lord & Burnham Co., Two P's or the Pleasure and Profit of Cold

Frames and Hot Beds. Irvington, NY: c. 1915. 32 pp., tall 8vo. Illustrated descriptive brochure of wood frames for planting in what amount to mini-

greenhouses. Provides hints for growing both vegetables and flowers. $50.00

13) Mast, P. P., & Co., The Scientific Grinding Mills. Philadelphia, PA:

1886. 40 pp., 12mo. An interesting specialty catalogue from this manufacturer

of a wide range of farm equipment. This catalogue contains several models of heavy duty grain mills which grind grain for feeding in several stages to

produce a softer product. Much text and many testamonials. Light stain on front wrapper. $60.00

14) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements -

Supplemental Catalog No. F64. Dallas, TX: c. 1905. 95 pp., 8vo. Front

wrapper detached, back wrapper highly defective. Some chipping. Illustrated

catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00

15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements -

Supplemental Catalog No. F65. Dallas, TX: c. 1905. 95 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of harrows, plows, cultivators and planters. Printed on horrendous

brittle paper, with surprisingly mild damage to wrappers and last leaf. First 5

leaves creased. Though this company was based in Canton, IL, this catalogue is from their Texas branch. $50.00

16) Robinson Clay Product Co., Robinson's Sanitary Poultry Feeders. New York, NY: 1925. 4 pp., 12mo. Small uncolored folder offering feeding

dishes for poultry and pets. $25.00

17) Shoemaker Incubator Co., Catalogue and Price List of Incubators,

Brooders, Exhibition Coops and a Complete Line of Poultry Supplies. Freeport, IL: c. 1897. 52 pp., 8vo. Illustrated wrappers. Illustrated catalogue of poultry supplies, with several pages showing the development of the chick.

Among the more interesting products is the Phildelphia Caponizing Set, with

accompanying text describing the financial benefits from its use. $50.00

18) Warder, Mitchell & Co., The Illustrated Champion, a Journal of

Progress in the American Agricultural & Mechanical Arts. Springfield, OH: 1874. 6 pp., folio. A promotional piece for Champion mowers disguising

itself as a newspaper. Last leaf has two cuts out. Light damage along center

fold. Much homespun wisdom is interwoving among the illustrations and testamonials for the mower. $45.00

19) Ziegler, P. R., & Co., Dairy Apparatus and Supplies, Dairy Barn

Equipment and Silos. Boston, MA: c. 1910. 116 pp., 8vo. Complete

catalogue for outfitting a dairy farm, including veterinary kits, electrical

generators, a telephone system, milking stools, bottle washers, and much more. $50.00

Alcohol & Tobacco

20) Austin, Nichols & Co., Imported Cigars, Special Price List. New York, NY: 1884. 1 pp., folio. 1-page price list for Cuban cigars, printed on

pink paper. Folded into quarters. $15.00

21) Briarwood Corp., Catalogue of Pipes. Cleveland, OH: 1936. 8 pp., 4to.

Wholesale catalogue of pipes, with most shown on store displays. There are

also one page each of punchboards, to be used as a sales promotion, and a water pipe. $35.00

22) Lichtenberg's Sons, I., Some Tobacco Incidents. New York, NY: 1902. 32 pp., 4to. Price list for all kinds of tobacco products used in the manufacture

of cigars. With a superb color lithographed wrapper with embossed

illustrations. Fine tight copy, extremely scarce. $750.00

23) Macardle, Moore & Co., Ltd., Descriptive Pamphlet of Mt. John St.

P. Macardle's Patents in Connection with the Brewing and Malting

Trade. Dundalk, UK: 1907. 32 pp., 12mo. The inventions described and

shown here include an air filtration system for brewers, a cask cleaner and a

malt wagon. Light wear to front wrapper, some color bleeding from cover to title page. $90.00

24) McTaggart Supply Co., The McTaggart System - A Treatment for

the Alcohol Habit Developed by A. McTaggart, M. D. in 1896. Detroit, MI:

c. 1937. 22 pp., 8vo. Brochure for a medicine which claimed to eliminate the

craving for alcohol. The formula is said to be “composed of harmless vegetable compounds plus minute quantities of strychnine and strophanthus ...

It is non-habit forming.” $35.00

25) Moehle Lithographic Co., Cigar Labels. Brooklyn, NY: 1906. 166 pp.,

12mo. Unillustrated catalogue of cigar labels, listed by the name of the cigar.

Pasted down on rear pages are update lists through May 1914. While there are

Page 4: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

no actual cigar labels included, this is an excellent reference for the cigar

brands of the period. $125.00

26) Nachfolger, Moritz Prescher, Atrio Cigars. Leipzig, GE: c. 1880. 4 pp.,

8vo. This group contains the illustrations which would be attached to a cigar box. These include 2 very bright embossed choromo-lithographic cigar box

covers, 2 smaller labels and a cigar band strip. There is also a small letterpress

sheet with manufacturers prices for the cigars. $225.00

27) Nachfolger, Moritz Prescher, Flor de Majo Cigars. Leipzig, GE: c.

1880. 4 pp., 8vo. This group contains the illustrations which would be attached to a cigar box. These include 2 very bright embossed choromo-

lithographic cigar box covers, 2 smaller labels and a cigar band strip. There is

also a small letterpress sheet with manufacturers prices for the cigars. $225.00

28) Nachfolger, Moritz Prescher, Julia Cigars. Leipzig, GE: c. 1880. 4 pp.,

8vo. This group contains the illustrations which would be attached to a cigar

box. These include 2 very bright embossed choromo-lithographic cigar box

covers, 2 smaller labels and a cigar band strip. There is also a small letterpress sheet with wholesale prices for cigars. $225.00

29) Pierce, J. H., & Co., Price List of Tobaccos. Boston, MA: 1886. 4 pp., 12mo. One sheet folded stiff orange folder with prices of approximately 20

grades and styles of tobacco listed in the center. $30.00

30) Smith, Johnson, & Co., “Home Brewed” Wines and Beers and

Bartenders' Guide - No. 1263. Detroit, MI: c. 1910. 32 pp., 8vo. Promotional

guide from a maker of small gadgets. Front wrapper illustrated. 2 pages of beer recipes. The remainder contains directions for wine and liquor-making.

The recipe for Scotch Whiskey involves adding creosote, ascetic acid, and

sugar to 40 gallons of proof spirits and letting stand for 48 hours. $65.00

Architectural Building Materials31) Alpha Portland Cement Co., Alpha Aids - No. 51. Easton, PA: 1927. 16 pp., 4to. Trade publication from a maker of Portland cement promoting the

product and describing projects which used it. $40.00

32) American Sheet and Tin Plate Co., Copper- Its Effect Upon Steel for

Roofing Tin. Pittsburgh, PA: 1927. 27 pp., 4to. Promotional brochure, with

some manuscript markings and soiling on covers, with text and technical information on roofing tin. $75.00

33) American Sheet and Tin Plate Co., Better Buildings - Tenth Edition,

Roofing Catalog. Pittsburgh, PA: 1932. 32 pp., 4to. Sheet metal for roofing

and siding, with diagrams and instructions for application. Shows usage in a variety of building types, featuring several barns. $40.00

34) Atlantic Terra Cotta Co., Chimney Pots of Atlantic Terra Cotta. New York, NY: 1925. 10 pp., 8vo. Disbound, lacking back wrapper. Price list laid

in. A small catalogue on an unusual category. Very attractive double-page

color plate illustrates styles and color. Line drawings provide information on exact sizes and specifications. $75.00

35) Bird, F. W., & Son, Practical Farm Buildings - Plans and

Suggestions by A. F. Hunter. E. Walpole, MA: 1905. 24 pp., oblong 8vo.

Plans and text descriptions of buildings for farms, with barns, stables, poultry

houses, and more. Uncolored illustrations, plans and cross sections. $35.00

36) Blanchard, Bartlett & Co., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, &c. Binghamton, NY: c. 1880. 7 pp., 16mo. Small unillustratred price list of

construction materials. Blue wrappers, excellent condition. The back half of

this piece contains blank lined paper. $30.00

37) Boston Lightning Rod Co., Modern Lightning Conductors and the

Protection They Afford. Boston, MA: c. 1920. 18 pp., oblong 8vo. Promotional text on benefits of using properly grounded lightning rods on

homes and other buildings. Shows equipment and houses using them. Inside

front cover is a letter from Thomas Edison extolling lightning rods. $65.00

38) Boston Sculpture Co., Largest Importers and Reproducers of Plastic

Art. Boston, MA: 1909. 24 pp., oblong 8vo. Stiff wrappers, light damage. Sculptures, primarily for ornamental uses outside of homes and businesses, are

offered, priced and fully illustrated. These range from gargoyles to busts of

famous people to bas reliefs. The largest is two feet high. $100.00

39) Bowens Sons, S., Pecora Mortar Stains. Philadelphia, PA: 1890. 24

pp., oblong folio. Light wear and holes at string binding, front wrapper torn and detached. This catalogue consists of full page photographic illustrations of

buildings which were built utilizing this mortar stain. There is a tissue overlay

to each photo with a testamonial from the builder or architect. Among the

buildings from around the country are one at Yale University and the SF

Academy of Sciences. $250.00

40) Central Alloy Steel Corp., Sheet Iron - A Primer. Canton, OH: 1928.

64 pp., 8vo. Promotional text describing the history, composition and uses of

sheet iron and steel, focusing in particular on this company's Toncan Copper Molybdenum Iron alloy. Uses include architectural and transporation

applications. $30.00

41) Copper & Brass Research Association, A Real Home, Suggestions to

Home Builders. New York, NY: 1927. 48 pp., 4to. 9th edition. Promotional

material for using copper and brass in home construction, with an attractive double-page plate at the center showing 12 different home styles. $35.00

42) Copper & Brass Research Association, A Real Home. New York, NY: 1930. 48 pp., 4to. Eleventh edition. Promotional material for using copper and

brass in home construction, with an attractive double-page plate at the center showing 12 different home styles. $70.00

43) Crow, WIlliam L, Construction Co., Service and Satisfaction. New York, NY: 1923. 43 pp., 8vo. Disbound. Promotional brochure for this

construction company, with photos and a list of buildings which it has

constructed. The photos are grouped by type, with residential, clubs, banks, churches, warehouses, hotels, office buildings and others represented. All are

around New York City. $85.00

44) Crucible Steel Company of America, Crucible Steel. New York, NY:

1925. 328 pp., 12mo. Hard covers, fine condition. Illustrated catalogue for steel. A wide variety of end-products is shown, including ball-bearings, tools,

sheet metal, safes and vaults, drill bits, etc. $65.00

45) Curtis Sash & Door Co, Catalogue 1912. Sioux City: IA: 1908. 456 pp., 8vo. Original light blue cloth, lightly worn, generally fine. An extensive

catalogue of millwork, primarily doors and windows. 16 pages of stained glass

panels for front doors are in bright color. An addition to residential doors, there are many pages of storefronts, with doors and windows for retail

establishments. $425.00

46) Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., Metal Mouldings and Shapes.

Jamestown, NY: 1913. 80 pp., 4to. Disbound, wrappers chipped. 68 pages of

moulding patterns in steel. Tab-indexed in 9 sections for different uses and styles. Plates at the back give details of uses in 3 different buildings: for

elevator cars in the DuPont Building in Wilmington, Delaware, for elevator

enclosures in the Franklin Simon Department Store in New York; for a semi-

circular watchroom in the Edison Power Station in New York. $125.00

47) Delafield Estate, Inc., Some Fieldston Views and Buildings. New York, NY: c. 1920. 8 pp., 4to. Disbound. A small portfolio of photos of

houses in “Fieldston,” now known as Riverdale in the western Bronx, in New

York City. The houses are all quite large and in the Tudor style. Among the buildings is one of the Barnard School. $75.00

48) Galt, John, & Sons, Slate Tables Designed for the Use of Slaters,

Quarrymen, Architects and Dealers, ... To Those Unacquainted with

Slate Roofing. New York, NY: 1896. 112 pp., 8vo. Cloth binding, worn,

contents shaken and loose. Some pages torn. Most of the text consists of tables defining the number of slate tiles required to cover defined amounts of roof

area. At the back are five pages of color plates demonstrating patterns for

ornamental siding. $125.00

Page 5: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

49) Gauger, John A., & Co., Vest Pocket Catalogue of ... Doors, Glazed

Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, ... Chicago, IL: 1904. 162 pp., tall 12mo. Original cloth, excellent condition. Very portable illustrated catalogue and price list of

doors, windows and related materials. Shows many “special” front doors with

etched glass elements. $85.00

50) Indiana Limestone Quarrymen's Association, Designs for Houses of

Indiana Limestone. Bedford, IN: 1920. 32 pp., 4to. Disbound. A promotional brochure from a reprint of an article from Architectural Review, together with

a series of plans for houses submitted to a design contest. 11 full plans, views,

and elevations are presented, along with several other views. $50.00

51) Interior Hardwood Co., Book of Designs of Ornamental Parquet

Floors and Borders - 18th Edition. Indianapolis, IN: 1892. 24 pp., 12mo. Illustrated wrappers, light soiling and discoloration at staples. Interior leaves

loose. Illustrated catalogue of wood floor designs, in limited color. Dozens of

different woods and patterns. $85.00

52) Jacobson & Co., Chimney-Pieces - Supplement No. 2. New York,

NY: c. 1913. 26 pp., oblong 4to. Disbound, wrappers chipped. One mantelpiece illustrated per page. This is Jacobson's third catalogue, with the

plates numbered from 41 to 66. Many of the examples are very ornate and

decorative, representing a wide range of architectural styles. $100.00

53) Jacobson & Co., The General Catalogue of Jacobson & Co., Vol. 2 –

1929. New York, NY: 1929. 255 pp., 4to. Hard covered catalogue of

decorative brickwork, ceilings, friezes, columns and caps and other plaster

ornamentation. Fully illustrated, with prices. Includes some small gargoyles,

faces, scenes, shields, grilles and other small exterior decorative elements. There are also several imitation mosaic ceilings, one of which is a very ornate

Pompeiian ceiling. $200.00

54) Jacobson and Co., A Few Plates of Geometric Ceilings Representing

Their Stock Models. New York, NY: c. 1925. 24 pp., 4to. Detailed, uncolored close-up illustrations of ceiling patterns. Each plate has a view of

the pattern and a cross-section of each rib. $50.00

55) Jacobson Mantel & Ornament Co., Chimney Pieces - Catalog and

Supplement No. 1. New York, NY: 1929. 34 pp., oblong 4to. Illustrated

catalogue of mantelpieces, shown one style per page. Price list laid in. One page torn with no loss of printed surface. $100.00

56) Jacobson Mantel & Ornament Co., Chimney Piece - Supplement No.

4. New York, NY: c. 1930. 30 pp., oblong 4to. Illustrated catalogue of

mantelpieces, shown one style per page. Uncolored photographic illustrations,

with dimensions shown graphically. There is a wide variety of architectural styles, including English, Italian, Colonial, Louis XVI and Adam. $100.00

57) Johns-Manville Co., Insulating Materials - DS Series 575. New York, NY: 1936. 200 pp., 4to. Extensive catalogue of a wide array of insulating

materials, many, though not all, utilizing asbestos. Much scientific

information, many tables and charts. Includes many very specialized insulators for industrial kilns, furnaces, refrigerated rooms and rail cars. $40.00

58) Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Plain Carbon Steels and Steel

Products - General Catalog. Pittsburgh, PA: 1941. 155 pp., 8vo. Catalogue

of steel, iron, tin and other metal products. Some illustrations. Includes mostly

sheet metal, though also some finished products such as barbed wire and other fencing material, steel barrels, wire rope, and spikes and nails. $35.00

59) Lupton's, David, Sons Co., Lupton Sheet Metal Products - Catalogue

No. 3 – SM. Philadelphia, PA: 1924. 27 pp., 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of

pipes, troughs, gutters of steel, copper and zinc. Lightly soiled. Distributed by

Moskowitz Bros. of Newark, NJ. $25.00

60) Macoustic Engineering Co., Inc., Macoustic Controls Sound.

Cleveland, OH: 1929. 16 pp., 4to. Partially illustrated brochure for an acoustical dampening material which was applied like plaster. One page has

six color examples of available shades. There is an extensive listing of

buildings on which this treatment has been applied. $65.00

61) McRoy, John T., Fifteen Million Feet Underground. New York, NY:

1900. 32 pp., 8vo. Promotional booklet for the company's vitrified clay pipe, to be used as a conduit for electrical wires and cables in the construction of

subways and other underground wiring. The primary examples are from the

New York City subways, but there are also views of use by utilties for burying wires in Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis and other cities. $100.00

62) Mutual Fir Column Co., Catalog No. 10. Tacoma: WA: c. 1920. 16 pp., tall 12mo. Small catalogue of building elements, columns, newel posts,

balusters, and railings made of northwestern fir. Most styles are shown. $50.00

63) Ornamental Products Co., Lignine (Wood) Carvings - Catalog No. 9.

Detroit, MI: c. 1925. 40 pp., oblong 4to. Printed wrappers, worn, first leaf

detached. Uncolored. Illustrations of hundreds of decorative elements for

homes and commercial building. Includes many stles for columns. $50.00

64) Palliser, Palliser & Co., Palliser's American Architecture; or Every

Man a Complete Builder. New York, NY: 1888. 94 pp., 4to. Architectural plans and elevations for a wide variety of buildings, from private homes and

cottages to schools to churches, designated by denomination. Disbound,

boards not present. Light wear. $200.00

65) Philadelphia Engineering Works, Ltd., Steel Plate Chimneys.

Philadelphia, PA: c. 1900. 8 pp., 8vo. Chimneys designed for use with blast furnaces, rolling mills and all kinds of factories. There is a partial list of

companies using these chimneys. There is a table of sizes, up to 132 inches

diameter and 300 feet tall. $65.00

66) Portland Cement Association, Designed for Concrete. Chicago, IL:

1936. 48 pp., 4to. Disbound, lacks back wrapper. Views and floor plans of many houses designed to be constructed with concrete, also using masonry,

ashlar or stucco. Examples of work from all over the United States are shown,

with the architects identified. $65.00

67) Ramp Buildings Corp., The Modern Multi-Floor Garage. New York,

NY: 1929. 36 pp., 4to. An early catalogue/desciptive text on urban multi-level automobile garages, featuring the d'Humy Motoramp system. The d'Humy

system consists of a staggered system of half-floors, connected by short

ramps, designed to increase the efficiency of auto storage. $150.00

68) Roddis Lumber & Veneer Co., Sterling Laminated Flush-Veneered

Doors - Catalogue C. Marchfield: WI: c. 1912. 32 pp., 8vo. Disbound. This catalogue is in two sections. The first section describes the doors in general,

with photos of buildings where they are in use and letters from satisfied

customers. The second section has colored illustrations, one per page, of their line of 18 different doors. $125.00

69) Seifert, Frank A., Plastic Relief Co., Illustrated Catalogue of

Composition Capitals and Brackets - No. 1. St. Louis, MO: c. 1912. 77 pp.,

4to. Disbound, lacks back wrapper. Designs for columns and brackets carved

in stone, with 2 designs illustrated per page. Includes very ornate ionic, doric, pilaster and rococo styles. Versos of pages give sizes available for each type.

Includes separate price list. $100.00

70) Southern Pine Association, Real Homes That Buy Themselves .New

Orleans: LA: 1921. 35 pp., 4to. Disbound. Promotional brochure with views

and floor plans of houses to be built of Louisiana pine. There is a colored center spread showing 8 pieces of pine varnished for use as trim. $75.00

71) Stearns, A. T., Lumber Co., Stearns' Cypress Greenhouse Material. Boston, MA: c. 1910. 48 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated catalogue for greenhouse

in 3 parts. Part 1 shows greenhouses built by the company, mostly in eastern

Massachusetts. Part 2 shows raw cypress logs and boards produced along the Jackson River in Florida. Part 3 shows the shapes of various pieces used in

greenhouse production. $175.00

72) Stereo Relief Decorative Co., Stereo Relief Ceiling and Wall

Decorations. Boston, MA: c. 1905. 32 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of plaster decorations for walls and ceilings, including wainscoting, friezes,

borders, panels, vignettes, etc. Stained at top of foreedge and top edge. $50.00

73) Union Mining Co., Pertaining to Fire Brick - Catalogue H. Mount

Savage: MD: c. 1920. 150 pp., 12mo. Partially illustrated catalogue in full

Page 6: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

cloth. Shows bricks for many specialty uses in custom shapes. Many tables

give heat and stress tolerances of the bricks, because of their anticipated use in industrial chimneys, furnaces, kilns and other high heat applications. $60.00

74) Union Mining Co., Pertaining to Fire Brick - Catalogue I. Mount Savage: MD: c. 1920. 150 pp., 12mo. Another brick catalogue, with the same

general description as Catalogue H, above. $60.00

75) United States Metal Products Co., The New Era in Building. New

York, NY: 1912. 94 pp., 4to. Disbound, lacks back wrapper. This is a

fascinating catalogue for metal doors, windows and partitions for office buildings. Features photographs and profiles of well-known buildings from

around the country built using the company's bronze-covered windows and

doors. Buildings include the Plaza Hotel, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., Macy's, the San Mateo Courthouse, etc. $175.00

76) Vermont Marble Co., Keeping Up with Marble - Sketching the

Growth of a Great Industry and Telling Why Marble Has Kept in the

Lead. Proctor, VT: c. 1913. 47 pp., 4to. Extensively illustrated to demonstrate

the uses and beauty of marble, particularly for cemetery pieces. There is also considerable space taken up with photos of the quarries and mills where the

marble is obtained and worked. $85.00

77) Voigt Company, Catalog of Voigt Company, Fourth Edition Revised

and Enlarged. Philadelphia, PA: 1928. 229 pp., 4to. Catalogue of plaster ornamentation, contents loose in original embossed cloth boards. Ex-library.

Includes designs for ceilings, panels for wall decoration, hundreds of

mouldings, columns and caps, etc. $225.00

78) Walter, G. E., Catalog of Capitals, Brackets and Compo Ornament

for Exterior and Interior. New York, NY: c. 1930. 125 pp., 4to. Disbound. Original stiff wrappers. Thousands of decorative elements in plaster for walls,

cornices, columns and mouldings. $100.00

79) Walter, G. E., Illustrating Our Capitals, Brackets and Compo

Ornament for Exterior and In. New York, NY: c. 1930. 67 pp., 4to.

Disbound, lacks wrappers. Thousands of decorative elements for walls, cornices, columns and moulding. $70.00

80) Watson Mfg. Co., Steel & Bronze Bank Equipment in the Language

of the Architect. Jamestown, NY: 1930. 16 pp., 4to. Consists of reproduced,

reduced blue prints for bank counters, cages and vaults in Houston, Cleveland,

Atlantic City, New Orleans, Wilkinsburg, Pa. , and Portland, Maine. Superimposed photos show the completed work. $60.00

Artists' Materials & Supplies

81) Burton, A. & E., Co., Revised Price List of Brushes, No. 35. Boston, MA: c. 1910. 113 pp., 8vo. A complete line of brushes, illustrated, featuring

paint, varnish and wallpaper paste brushes, but also including a large number

of household items including refrigerator, automobile, milk bottle, billiard table, and shaving brushes, among many others. Also whisk brooms and

feather dusters. $50.00

82) Dennison Mfg. Co., Weaving with Paper Rope. Framingham, MA:

1922. 32 pp., 8vo. How-to booklet for making baskets, vases, lamps and lamp shades out of paper rope. $25.00

83) Goodnow & Wightman, A Complete List in Miniature of Hope's and

Ware's Famous Designs for Scroll Sawing. Boston, MA: c. 1895. 12 pp.,

folio. A catalogue of designs for the then-popular pastime of fancy wood

sawing for furniture and other decorative uses. Hundreds of designs are offered. Wrappers, with light chipping at edges. $50.00

84) Lucchesi, Eugene, Plastic Reproductions of Antique and Medieval

Masterpieces of Sculpture for Garden and Interior Decoration. New

York, NY: c. 1920. 48 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of plaster and other stone

reproductions of classic European ornamental pieces, mostly for outdoor use.

Includes vases, urns, pedestals, benches, tables, flower boxes, statues, sun dial

pedestals and other decorative elements of stone. $85.00

85) Muir & Co., Pyrography Outfits and Materials. Boston, MA: c.

1910. 24 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of wood burning equipment and many

patterns for decorative items. $30.00

86) O-P Craft Co., Inc., A Catalog of O-P Craft. Sandusky, OH: c. 1940.

14 pp., 8vo. Disbound. Small catalogue of crafts projects for the home. Uncolored. $20.00

87) Plastex Industries, Plastex Products - Marblite Products. New York, NY: c. 1925. 22 pp., oblong 8vo. This company sold molds for small statues,

busts, etc. of imitation marble. Much of the brochure is devoted to explaining

the economics of buying these molds and selling the finished product as a way of making very good money quickly. Interesting both for the statues and the

aggressive business pitch. Mailing envelope included. $75.00

88) Pomeroy, A. H., Wild's Latest Designs. Hartford, CT: 1894. 40 pp.,

4to. Designs for elaborate scroll saw projects, from 7 foot grandfather's clocks to small boxes to picture frames to church decorations. Some chipping at

edges. The back cover offers music boxes and movements. $75.00

89) Schrack: c., & Co., Illustrated Catalogue of Brushes and Pencils.

Philadelphia, PA: c. 1890. 26 pp., 8vo. Spine splitting, otherwise fine.

Illustrated catalogue of brushes for artists and house painters. $40.00

90) Universal School of Handicrafts, Supplies - Tools - Handicrafts,

Supply Service Catalog No. 4. New York, NY: 1937. 139 pp., 8vo. Arts and crafts supplies and materials for schools, hospitals and other institutions.

Includes small looms, beadcraft, clay, woodworking, basketry, pottery and

other pursuits. $20.00

91) Wild, H. L., Catalogue of Wild's Latest Designs for Scroll Saws. New

York, NY: 1905. 144 pp., 4to. Printed wrappers, chipped and detached. Internally good. This is the most extensive and interesting catalogue of scroll

saw designs we have seen, with everything from small photo frames and

shelves to huge models of European clock towers and elaborately scrolled pieces of furniture. $150.00

Automobiles 92) Austin Motor Co. Ltd., Seven Days with a 7. Birmingham, UK: c.

1928. 10 pp., 8vo. A very colorful brochure with lithographic illustrations for each day of the week depicting uses of this auto. All illustrations by Ben S.

Smith. $125.00

93) Auto-Kamp Equipment Co., The Call of the Wild. Saginaw, MI: 1916.

16 pp., 8vo. Promotional brochure for a trailer for early automobiles with a

portable tent for camping. The tent sets up in seven minutes and contains two

folding beds. Illustrated stiff wrappers. $75.00

94) Beaumont, W. Worby, Industrial Electric Vehicles and Trucks. London, UK: 1920. 194 pp., 8vo. Not a catalogue, though there are several ads

for electric vehicles at the back. This is a text on construction and utility of electric vehicles for industrial use. Chapters are devoted to types of electric

vehicles and scientific details on the electric motors and their batteries. $75.00

95) Brictson Mfg. Co., Brictsons - Dollars & Sense. Brookings: SD: 1912.

24 pp., 8vo. Early automobile tire catalogue, featuring Brictson's “Detachable

Tread” tires. Embossed wraps, with raised tire treads on the front and a photo of a visit by representatives of this company to a Montana Indian reservation,

complete with Native Americans wearing large headdresses. A scarce South

Dakota catalogue. $50.00

96) Buick Motor Co., Reference Book - 1924 Four Cylinder Series. Flint,

MI: 1924. 63 pp., 8vo. Self-wrappers, torn. This is the owner's manual for the 1924 line of Dodges providing information on the structure of the car and its

upkeep. $30.00

97) Congden & Carpenter Co., Automobile Supplies. Providence: RI: c.

1916. 124 pp., 4to. Original wrappers. Parts for 1916 models are listed. Fully

illustrated. Retailer's catalogue of auto parts, supplies and accessories

including driving gloves and robes, goggles, radiator cap ornaments. Some

chipping. $65.00

98) Cotta Transmission Co., Cotta Transmissions. Rockford, IL: 1919. 12

pp., 8vo. Truck and tractor transmissions are illustrated and offered. Several tables with dimensions and gear ratios. Transmissions are shown in cutaway

views. $40.00

99) Crescent Tire Co., Catalogue of Tubes and Tires. New York, NY:

1911. 8 pp., 4to. Flyer on inexpensive pink paper for tires, inner tubes and

other automotive accessories. Includes a wide array of tools, gadgets and equipment for working with early automobile wheels. Among this is Tire

Tape, which seems to have been an early version of duct tape. $25.00

Page 7: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

100) Crescent Tire Co., Automobile Tire, Supplies & Accessories -

Summer Cut Price Catalog No. 20, Season 1915. New York, NY: 1915. 62 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, stained and chipped at foreedge. Illustrated

catalogue, primarily of automobile parts and accessories. A relatively early

urban auto parts catalogue. $35.00

101) Ford Motor Co., New Features for Design. Detroit, MI: c. 1920. 2 pp.,

folio. The dating of this may be off as we are not fully versed in Ford's lines over the years. This folding promotional brochure features 4 models: the

touring car, runabout, coupe and four-door sedan. All have cranks for starting.

The name Model T is not mentioned at all. $45.00

102) Ford Motor Co., What Makes a Fine Car? Detroit, MI: 1936. 2 pp.,

folio. Large brightly colored folding brochure/poster for the new line of Ford V-8's. Demonstrates comfortable seating for six, leg and storage room, and

one panel describing why “Modern Motoring Requires At Least Eight

Cylinders.” $75.00

103) Ford Motor Co., The Thrifty Way to Travel First Class. Detroit, MI:

1937. 2 pp., folio. Large brightly colored folding brochure/poster for the new line of Ford V-8's for 1937, offering both 60 and 85 horsepower engines.

Some wear along folds. 4 body types of sedan are shown. $75.00

104) Ford Motor Co., '51 Ford - Ford Steps Ahead with 43 “Look Ahead”

Features Detroit, MI: 1951. 24 pp., oblong 4to. Brightly colored catalogue of

Ford sedans, convertibles and station wagons. Very good condition. Indicates

colors available for body paint and fabrics. This line beautifully illustrates the

transition from the huge pre-war sedans to the much sleeker lines of the

Fifties. $50.00

105) Ford Motor Co., For '55, Ford Presents 5 Smart New Station

Wagons Detroit, MI: 1955. 2 pp., folio. Large folding lithographed color

promotional sheet for quintessentially 1950's station wagons. The models

include the Country Squire, which went on to become one of the most popular station wagons ever produced. $40.00

106) General Automobile Supply Co., Inc., General Guide and Hand Book -

1914 Edition New York, NY: 1914. 128 pp., 8vo. Extensive illustrated

catalogue of parts, supplies, clothing and equipment for automobile owners.

Wrappers. $50.00

107) Jaguar Cars, Ltd., Jaguar 4.2 "E" TYpe & 2+2 Operating,

Maintenance and Service Handbook Coventry, UK: c. 1966. 81 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, excellent condition. 2 fold-out maintenance charts laid in.

The owner's manual and maintenance guide for one of the most popular sports

cars of its time. $25.00

108) Lincoln Motor Co., Leland-Built Lincoln. n.p., MI: c. 1921. 7 pp.,

oblong folio. Sumptuous soft leather binding with metal insignia on the front,

worn at extremities. No text. Contains 7 large photogravure images of the 1921 Lincoln line, set in very affluent surroundings. At one time, this volume

was used as a file album of some sort, so each photo has stitching holes

around 3 sides near the edges. This was Lincoln's first catalogue, possibly the

only one issued by the company before Henry Leland, also the founder of

Cadillac, sold to Henry Ford in 1922. $375.00

109) Maxwell Motor Co., New 1915 Model $695. Detroit, MI: 1915. 12 pp.,

16mo. 12 panel fold-out flier advertising the Maxwell Touring Car, Roadster and Cabriolet. Illustrated by drawings from photos. $85.00

110) Packard Motor Car Co., Why You'll Pick a Packard for 1939. Detroit, MI: 1939. 36 pp., oblong 4to. Brightly colored brochure for the Packard Six

and Packard 120. Minor damage to several leaves from adhesion. A wonderful

catalogue for this line of automotive behemoths. Most models have a 148 inch wheel base. On one page, Packard boasts that its styling does not change from

year to year. $50.00

111) Rolls-Royce Co., Rolls-Royce 1966. London, UK: 1966. 20 pp., oblong

4to. Brilliantly colored photographic sales brochure for Rolls-Royce Phantom

V, Silver Shadow and Bentley T Series automobiles. 6 8x11 photos of the cars inserted at the back. $50.00

112) Tide Water Oil Sales Corp., Veedol - Lubrication of Internal

Combustion Engines, Seventh Edition. New York, NY: 1924. 76 pp., 8vo.

A fairly in-depth, occasionally technical, treatise on motor oil and gasoline

and their use in internal combustion engines. Color illustrations throughout of the refining process and of engines and how they use motor oil. $50.00

113) Vehicle Equipment Co., Electric Vehicles. Long Island City, NY: c.

1904. 64 pp., oblong 4to. Original wrappers, string tie, excellent condition.

One page loose near the front with a small stain. Otherwise, excellent. A very

scarce catalogue entirely for electric vehicles. There are some automobiles at the front, but most of the vehicles shown are trucks for commercial use. One

spread shows two trucks for Anheuser Busch/Budweiser, with reproductions

of that company's letter placing the orders. Each vehicle is accompanied by data listing its capacity, average speed and range on one charge. Other

companies identified include General Electric, National Biscuit Co.,

Montgomery Ward, and Tiffany. There is a page of ambulances which shows one for Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. A great early electric truck

catalogue. Their factory burned in 1904, and was rebuilt. The company went

into receivership in 1906, and was resurrected after reorganization as the General Vehicle Company. $525.00

114) Walker Mfg. Co., Walker Jacks - Catalog J-35. Racine: WI: 1935. 40 pp., 4to. Hydraulic and mechanical jacks for cars, trucks, buses and garages.

Light wear. $20.00

115) Wayne Works, The Wayne School Cars - Horse-drawn, Motor-

driven. Richmond, IN: c. 1920. 24 pp., 4to. Stiff wrappers, light wear,

generally very good condition. Fully illustrated. Some pages with color

highlights. A most unusual and interesting catalogue. It shows a wide selection

of school buses, including many horse-drawn models alongside more modern

automotive styles. Some have vented heaters for the riders, while there are runner options for horse-drawn models in snowy climates. A wonderful piece

of Americana. $500.00

Barbers' Supplies116) Buerger Bros. Supply Co., Shining Parlor Furniture and Supplies,

No. 1 - A Catalogue for Those Who Shine. Denver: CO: c. 1915. 16 pp., 4to.

Blue wrappers, complete. Wear and light damage throughout, not affecting

legibility. A very scarce catalogue of furniture, equipment and supplies for

shoe-shine stands, including seats, footrests, cuspidors, brushes and polishes. Though not in pristine condition, catalogues for this type of merchandise are

very rarely seen. $250.00

Page 8: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

117) Maher & Grosh, A Good Razor. How to Choose It. How to Use It.

How Many Men Abuse It. A Little Tract upon Shaving and Shaving

Materials. Toledo, OH: c. 1900. 31 pp., oblong 12mo. Fully illustrated

catalogue of straight razors, brushes and strops. Uncolored, but printed on thin

colored paper. $75.00

118) Torrey, J. R., Razor Co., Ilustrated Catalogue. Worcester, MA: 1881.

21 pp., 4to. Hard covers, excellent condition with small tears to front endpaper. 19 photographic plates (not original photos) showing the company's

line of razors, strops and belts. Laid in are several price lists and an interesting

1928 letter from a Torrey Co. vice-president to Joseph Torrey dealing with a visit to the factory by Henry Ford. $750.00

119) West Electric Hair Curler Co., Guide to “Hairdressing at Home” Philadelphia, PA: c. 1910. 20 pp., tall 12mo. Small brochure for hair curlers,

with examples of styles achieved using these products. $40.00

Bee Keepers' Equipment120) Falconer, W. T., Mfg. Co., Bee-Keepers' Supplies - Hives, Sections,

etc. Jamestown, NY: 1901. 28 pp., 8vo. Very good condition, light creasing to back wrapper. The back has a view of the factory. Illustrated catalogue of

beekeeping equipment and books which also includes laundry equipment

(washing machine, drying rack and table, folding bath tub). $30.00

Bicycles & Accessories121) Childs, Chas. H., & Co., Savoy Bicycles, General Catalogue 1896. Utica, NY: 1896. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of safety bicycles,

excellent condition. Specifications for each model are listed on pages facing

the illustrations. The last two pages contain information on the League of American Wheelmen. $150.00

122) G & J Tire Co., G & J Tires. Indianapolis, IN: 1902. 8 pp., 12mo. Small partially illustrated brochure for bicycle tires, with a price list at the

back. Most of the illustrations depict women on bicycles. $30.00

123) Humber & Co,, Humber Bicycles MDCCCXCVI. Westboro, MA:

1896. 36 pp., oblong 8vo. Purple wrappers, loose. Light soiling throughout, worn. Many different models are shown, including one tandem. The inside

back cover lists many notable Humber owners, including the Prince and

Princess of Wales, the Kings of Italy, Greece, Denmark and Belgium, and others in Europe and the United States. Also includes 1 issue (May 18: 1896)

of the Humber Weekly. $225.00

124) Mead Cycle Co., One Thousand Endorsements. Chicago, IL: 1910. 32 pp., 8vo. Mailing envelope stuffed with 5 items, including the title

brochure, 2 letters from the company, a return envelope, and a flyer describing

the bicycles and other products from the company. The mailing envelope is illustrated with ads for products, torn at edges with some chipping. $75.00

125) Shone-Hanna Mfg. Co.: 1899 Catalogue of Cycle Materials, Frames

and Sundries of Every Description. Rochester, NY: 1899. 58 pp., 8vo.

Orange wrappers, light chipping at edges. Title page and one interior page clipped. Comprehensive catalogue of bicycles, parts and supplies, with a wide

selection of pedals, hubs, chains, frames, saddles, etc. $175.00

126) Wheelmen's Co.: 1899 - Pertaining to Cycles. Indianapolis, IN: 1899.

32 pp., 8vo. Blue wrappers, very good condition, light vertical crease.

Illustrated catalogue of supplies and replacement parts for safety bicycles, even including liniments for competitive cyclists. $125.00

Boats & Marine Supplies127) Hyde Windlass Co., Propeller Efficiency. Bath: ME: 1931. 52 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of propellers for motor boats, with illustrations both of

the propellers and a number of boats on which they were installed. Order form

included. $50.00

128) Lake Torpedo Boat Co., The Development of the Lake Type of

Submarine Torpedo Boat. Bridgeport, CT: c. 1912. 27 pp., 8vo. This is the

earliest, and one of the only, submarine catalogues we have seen. Illustrated

with photos throughout, showing both the works and many of the submarines constructed for the United States Navy, for Russia and for Austria. Among the

photos is one of the Argonaut, the first submarine to successfully operate in

the open seas. Quite unusual. $325.00

129) Perkins Marine Lamp & Hardware Co., Perko - Catalogue No. 70.

Brooklyn, NY: 1935. 175 pp., 4to. Accessories, equipment, supplies and spare parts for boats. One page colored. There is a wide range of lamps and lanterns

along with decorative hardware, motors, pumps, rudders, screws and other

essentials. Fully illustrated. $55.00

130) Pioneer Mfg. Co., Pioneer Metal Boats - Catalogue No. 78.

Middlebury, IN: 1939. 22 pp., oblong 8vo. Small boats for use on lakes. Different models powered by oars, outboard motors, or sail. $35.00

131) Syracuse Gas Engine Works, Syracuse Marine Motors - Catalogue

No. 18. Syracuse, NY: c. 1915. 30 pp., 8vo. Descriptive catalogue, with some

illustrations, of gasoline engines for small boats. Includes 4 and 6 cylinder

engines. One page shows spare parts separately, useful for reconstructing engines missing parts. $50.00

132) Willis, E. J. Co., Boat Equipment. New York, NY: 1930. 113 pp., 4to. Stiff printed wrappers with a fine illustration showing details of Willis's store

and warehouse. Illustrated are thousands of items needed by boat owners with

emphasis on stoves, paint, small fittings and furniture. An informative catalogue. $50.00

Page 9: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Books, Booksellers, & Publishers 133) Allyn & Bacon: 1944 Catalogue. Boston, MA: 1944. 234 pp., 12mo.

Text and other books for primary and secondary schools across the spectrum

of subjects. $15.00

134) Hurst & Co., New Catalogue of Standard Books, Games and

Stationery. New York, NY: c. 1890. 64 pp., 8vo. Original buff wrappers, rear wrapper loose. This is a catalogue for inexpensive books and pocket items

such as magic tricks, magnifiers, and joke books. The books include many

dictionaries, how-to volumes, anthologies, etc. $40.00

135) Knickerbocker American and Foreign Subscription Agency, Catalogue

for 1884. New York, NY: 1884. 48 pp., 16mo. This small booklet provides a fairly comprehensive listing of American weekly newspapers and the

American and British monthly magazines available at the time. Catalogue of

new books for sale at the back. $40.00

136) Lockwood, Howard, & Co., The American Bookmaker - Vol. XII, No.

4. New York, NY: 1891. 16 pp., 4to. Trade periodical for the printing industry, with 3 brightly colored advertisements for : Ault & Wiborg, Fuchs &

Lang, and H. E. Johns. Front wrapper chipped and loose. Internally tight.

Many ads for printers and makers of printing equipment. $35.00

137) Miller & Beebe, American and Foreign Newspapers. Penn Yan, NY:

1886. 84 pp., 16mo. This wholesale price list offers hundreds of publications

in almost every category for anyone selling magazines and newspapers to the public. Over 2400 different publications are listed with the subscription rate

and the rate charged to the seller. $40.00

138) N.A., Descriptive Catalogue of Standard & Popular Books and

Music. n.p.: NA: c. 1887. 226 pp., 8vo. Green wrappers, good condition, back

wrapper and last leaf torn with loss at outside corner. This is an extensive, though generic, catalogue of popular books and music. It was undoubtedly

issued by a publisher with the intent of having the retailer or wholesaler insert

his name into a blank spot on the front wrapper. $25.00

139) Wildy & Sons, A Catalogue of a Very Curious and Interesting

Collection of Trials, Ancient and Modern. London, UK: 1891. 24 pp., 8vo. June: 1891 catalogue of out-of-print and rare English trial pamphlets. Most of

the works are from the late 18th and early 19th centuries. $25.00

140) Wildy & Sons, New Law Books - A Catalogue of All the Most

Modern and Important Legal Publications ... 1873 to 1891. London, UK:

1891. 36 pp., 8vo. March: 1891 catalogue of English law books. Wrappers chipped. Hundreds of titles. $25.00

Carriages, Wagons, Accessories

141) Anderson Mfg. Co., I'm a Very Small Catalogue. Detroit, MI: 1897. 32 pp., oblong 16mo. A tiny catalogue of carriages and wagons. Light wear and

stains. Many of the line-drawing illustrations are printed in white on black backgrounds. One carriage illustrated per page. A very attractive piece in an

unusually small (2-1/2x3-1/2 inch) format. $175.00

142) Banner Buggy Co., Banner Buggies - Catalog No. 37. St. Louis, MO: c. 1920. 60 pp., oblong folio. This is among the last great carriage catalogues,

with an extensive article on the continuing importance of the horse, with a

double-page illustration of a car stuck on a muddy road. Modern buckram

boards over colored wrappers. Wrappers lightly chipped. This is also quite

likely the only buggy catalogue to utilize a cut of an airplane. $500.00

143) Buffalo Spring & Gear Co., Catalogue E - 1895-96. Buffalo, NY:

1895. 22 pp., oblong 8vo. Self-wrappers, top of spine splitting. 19 buggies and

wagons are illustrated, one per page. Printed in red and black. See Romaine p. 78 for 1898 catalogue from this company. $75.00

144) Columbus Buggy Co.: 1901 Catalogue. Columbus, OH: 1901. 112 pp., oblong 16mo. Lacks back wrapper. Illustrates, one per page, 94 different

models of wagons, carriages, phaetons, surreys, cabriolets, traps and other

horse-drawn conveyances. Front cover soiled. The company emphasizes that it is the only American carriage company to win a gold medal at the 1900 Paris

Fair. A very cute little catalogue. $225.00

145) Electric Wheel Co., Calkins Farm Wagon, Walton Farm Wagon,

Freight & Logging Wagons - Cat. #39. Quincy, IL: c. 1924. 36 pp., 8vo.

Wagons and carts for farm use predominantly. Illustrated, with one color plate at the center. At the back are two pages of self-propelled machines, two of

which are kerosene-driven, the others being track-driven machines. $100.00

146) Graf, Morsbach & Co.: 1892 19th Catalogue. Cincinnati, OH: 1892.

160 pp., oblong 8vo. Pictorial wrapper lacking the back cover. Some water

stains on a few pages and the wrappers. Most of the catalogue is comprised of illustrations of harnesses, in black, on horses in the background in light green.

Some saddles as well. Printed by Cohen & Co. See Romaine p. 208. $175.00

147) Haydock, T. T., Carriage Co., Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys,

Wagonettes, Road Wagons, Spring Wagons and Carts. Albany, NY: 1892.

60 pp., oblong 8vo. A broad array of carriages, all illustrated, including 2 commercial wagons, many pleasure vehicles and everyday buggies. Illustrated

wrappers, slightly chipped. Most of the carriages are available in three

different grades, with differences in materials used for seat covers and trim. See Romaine p. 84. $250.00

148) Muncie Jobbing & Mfg. Co., Special Catalogue No. 18. Muncie, IL: c. 1900. 26 pp., 16mo. Small catalogue of wheels, axles, hubs and other related

elements from a small midwestern manufacturer of wagon wheels. Minor

damage to top of last two and one other leaf. A huge number of sizes and options, all priced. $35.00

149) Portsmouth Wagon Stock Co., Sarven Warner Banded and Wood

Hub Wheels and All Kinds of Carriage and Wagon Wood Material.

Portsmouth, OH: 1888. 23 pp., 12mo. Original wrappers, slightly soiled.

Unillustrated. Offers all items for wagons, including wheels, spokes, tongues, rims, etc. $40.00

150) Studebaker Wagon Co., Studebaker Delivery Wagons for Your

Business. South Bend, IN: c. 1895. 14 pp., 8vo. Fully colored self-wrappers,

near mint condition. Wagons illustrated, one per page, in bright, beautiful

color. Includes general purpose commercial wagons and specialized vehicles for dairies and bakers. The last page has hand carts. Not in Romaine. $175.00

151) Sturtevant-Larrabee Co., Sleigh Catalog No. 47. Binghamton, NY: c.

1910. 84 pp., oblong 8vo. Beautiful catalogue of sleighs from one of

Binghamton's premier companies. Each page shows one model, most of which

are luxuriously appointed with very comfortable seats with cushions. Also includes delivery and express sleighs. A wonderful throwback to days before

streets were routinely plowed and horse-drawn sleighs were the only effective

means of transport in snow. $375.00

Page 10: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Celebration, Decoration, & Theatrical Goods

152) California Fireworks Co., 1895 Catalogue and Price List of

Fireworks. 32 pp., 8vo. San Francisco, CA: 1895. Very rare (no copies in

OCLC) pre-earthquake catalogue from San Francisco. Original printed wrappers, with a few small chips and light soiling. Many woodcut illustrations

showing both fireworks before being detonated and pyrotechnic displays

created. At the back are offerings of flags and bunting, balloons, inexpensive pistols, and lanterns. $825.00

153) Cincinnati Regalia Co., Uniforms and Equipments for Drill Team

and Parade Organizations - Catalog No. 803. Cincinnati, OH: c. 1920. 24

pp., 4to. Uncolored catalogue of uniforms for organizations and drill and

parade groups associated with them. Many of the outfits are military in

appearance, some with distinct character such as Spanish or Middle Eastern.

Mostly for men, though there are 3 pages (9 styles) for women. Also includes accessories such as belts, swords, caps, insigniae and flags. $325.00

154) Lilley Co., Knights Templar Clothing - List No. 274. Columbus, OH: c. 1915. 10 pp., 4to. Disbound. Small, uncolored fully illustrated catalogue of

uniforms for this order. $35.00

155) Masten & Wells, Price List of Tents. Boston, MA: c. 1890. 8 pp.,

12mo. Small illustrated brochure of tents for a variety of purposes. Uncolored.

Includes tents for camping and events. One illustration shows a large "lawn canopy" with a croquet course laid out in front. $30.00

156) Modern Woodmen of America, New Supply Dept. Catalog: 1905. Rock Island, IL: 1905. 94 pp., 12mo. An extensive uncolored catalogue of

uniforms, insigniae, caps, etc. for this fraternal order. The uniforms are all

very military in appearance. Excellent condition, with original mailing envelope and order slips. $100.00

157) Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co., Inc., I. O. O. F. Uniforms. Kalamazoo, MI: c. 1910. 32 pp., 4to. Disbound, illustrated and priced catalogue of uniforms

and accessories for Odd Fellows. Lacks wrappers. Pettibone Bros. was

competing with Henderson-Ames, Lilley and others in what was then a booming business of supplying fraternal organizations with their elaborate

costumes, uniforms and other paraphernalia. $50.00

158) Silk King Studios, Catalog No. 22. Tuscaloosa: AL: 1941. 60 pp., 8vo.

Magic supplies and equipment, loose bound. Some illustrations. This firm's specialty was a dazzling array of silks in a variety of colors and prints. $50.00

159) Stine, T. L., The Double Whirl. Trego: MD: c. 1920. 12 pp., 4to. This ride is described as having wave-like motions never before attempted. It is in

fact simliar to a merry-go-round where the platform tilts each revolution. The

machine is described in the text and fully illustrated. The center fold has a remarkable full color illustration showing the ride in place, ready for

customers. Includes original mailing envelope. $500.00

160) Waas & Son, Camp Amusement Supplies - Theatrical Department

Store. Philadelphia, PA: c. 1930. 8 pp., 4to. This brochure is crammed with

costumes, props, makeup, etc. for theatrical productions, minstrel shows, magic acts, etc. Previously folded at center. $50.00

China & Pottery161) Bourgeois, E., Grand Depot de Porcelaines Faiences et Verreries.

Paris, FR: c. 1890. 80 pp., 4to.

Hard bound with cloth, worn and

slightly warped from water exposure. With 32 magnificent

plates in color showing the many

floral designs on fine porcelain in a variety of useful shapes. Plates,

pitchers, floor tiles and others are

reproduced in full color. Another section of 8 pages illustrates many

designs in glassware and crystal.

All items have prices posted on the opposite page. $650.00

162) Doulton & Co., Royal

Doulton Figures - Collectors

Book Number One. Stoke-on-

Trent, UK: 1949. 32 pp., 8vo. First installment of this collectors'

guidebook series to Royal Doulton figures and pottery. Some color

illustrations, some uncolored. The last page shows available subjects from the Doulton Charles Dickens series. $50.00

163) Doulton & Co., Royal Doulton Figures - Collectors Book Number

Four. Stoke-on-Trent, UK: 1955. 68 pp., 8vo. Collectors' guidebook to Royal

Doulton figures and pottery. Beautiful color illustrations. Includes a section on

Toby jugs as well as one of Rouge Flambe and Sung Wares. $35.00

164) Laidacker, Sam, Standard Catalogue of Anglo-American China

from 1810 to 1850. Scranton, PA: 1938. 91 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers. A reference work/catalogue of prices for early American china. Some items

illustrated. Most of the china contain views or scenes. Ex-libris Rockwell

Gardiner, noted Connecticut antique and book dealer. $125.00

165) Manufacture de Faiences d'Art de St-Clement, Catalogue 1758. Paris,

FR: 1931. 32 pp., 4to. Uncolored, illustrated catalogue of decorative plates and platters, pitchers, vases, bowls, statuary, urns and bowls, all elaborately

painted. With a separate 30 page price list. $150.00

166) Royal Worcester China Co., The Royal Porcelain Book. Worcester,

UK: c. 1920. 20 pp., 4to. A beautifully prepared and printed description of the

mills of the Royal Worcester Works. Printed with lovely colored borders and

8 magnificent color plates of fine specimens of china as made by the “Works.”

A beautiful catalogue. $100.00

167) Worcester Royal Porcelain Co., A Guide Through the Worcester

Royal Porcelain Works. Worcester, UK: c. 1905. 45 pp., tall 12mo. A

guidebook to the works providing an extensive history of the company, with illustrations of many of its products and its marks. Published to coincide with

Worcester's acquisition of James Hadley's porcelain company. $75.00

Clocks & Watches168) Ansonia Clock Co.: 1886-7 Catalogue. Brooklyn, NY: 1886. 96 pp., oblong folio. Original wrappers, chipped at corners, back wrapper has some

damage and light waterstaining. Vertical crease at center throughout. Last 10 leaves have a small (1 inch) triangular notch at top center, receding from the

Page 11: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

last leaf. Four pages printed in color. Despite condition issues, this is a

wonderful catalogue of fine clocks, statues, figurines and candelabra. The company's factory was in Brooklyn, though they had offices in New York,

Chicago and London. $275.00

169) Benson, J. W., Ltd., Catalogue 2-B. London, UK: c. 1897. 202 pp., 4to.

Disbound, lacking covers. Illustrated catalogue of timepieces, silverware,

jewelry and other related items. One folding plate, of the Great Clock at Portsmouth Town Hall. Many of the clocks showns are commercial, with

designs for churches and stations. One page shows a large carillon for

churches and town halls which functions as a very large music box. $125.00

170) Benson, J. W., Ltd., Catalogue 3-B. London, UK: c. 1897. 72 pp., 4to.

Disbound, lacking covers. Illustrated catalogue of accessories and miscellaneous silver pieces such as dressing cases, combs and brushes, suit

cases, binoculars, picture frames, etc. $50.00

171) Hirst Brothers & Co, Ltd., Catalogue of Clocks, Bronzes, Barometers

& Thermometers, Electro-Plate, Canteens and Cutlery - Catalogue II. Oldham, UK: c. 1930. 151 pp., 4to. Disbound, lacking wrappers. Fully illustrated and priced clock and silver catalogue. $65.00

172) Kendrick & Davis, Supplement to Catalogue 5. Lebanon: NH: c. 1920. 24 pp., oblong 12mo. Tools and instruments for clock and watch repair and

maintenance, such as mainspring winders, balance staffs and other precision

pieces. Some soiling near foreedge of some leaves. Some leaves loose.

Illustrated. $35.00

173) May, Charles, & Son, Co., Catalogue of Systematized Swiss Watch

Materials. Boston, MA: c. 1935. 48 pp., oblong 12mo. Illustrated catalogue and list of movements and replacement parts for watches. Lists hundreds of

movements in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. $50.00

174) Pollhans, A. E., Tower Clocks. St. Louis, MO: c. 1885. 8 pp., 8vo.

Illustrated catalogue of movements for clocks in clock towers. Four different

clocks are shown. Good condition, with chipping at foreedge and corners. Very unusual. $150.00

175) Seikel, Robert, Cuckoo Clocks Oberstein, GE, n.d.. 1 pp., folio. Undated, but 20th century, folded sheet displaying 33 different models of

cuckoo clocks. The top edge is perforated, but it is not clear what this has been

detached from. Uncolored. Brief descriptive text for models in German, English, French and Spanish. $125.00

176) Waterbury Clock Co., Catalogue No. 149: 1904-1905. Waterbury, CT: 1904. 88 pp., 4to. Stiff wrappers, chipped at two corners, light waterstain at

spine. Last five leaves have small areas of red discoloration, likely from an

earlier exposure to water. View of factory on back cover. Offers primarily clocks for the home, including many mantle clocks. Also has some wall

models and four pages of tall hall clocks. All models are illustrated, uncolored,

inc excellent detail. This copy has an imprint on the front cover for a retailer, H. Bealmear in Baltimore. $175.00

177) Wittnauer, A., Co., Longines - The Observatory Watch New York,

NY: 1930. 40 pp., 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of wrist and pocket watches.

Printed stiff wrappers. Most pages illustrate 3 watches. $60.00

Clothing178) Black, H., Company, The Tailored Woman, Fall and Winter Edition.

Cleveland, OH: 1921. 12 pp., 8vo. Disbound. Original illustrated wrappers.

Describes and promotes woolen tailored suits for women. Many different styles are offered. An interesting catalogue for a custom tailor. $40.00

179) Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Catalogue 1896 and 1897. Boston, MA: 1896. 23 pp., 8vo. Very good condition. Chromolithographed plates

throughout, alternating between illustrations of shoes and scenes in Boston.

View of Bunker Hill Monument on front cover. $100.00

180) Brooks Brothers, School Clothes – 1940. New York, NY: 1940. 24 pp.,

8vo. Illustrated catalogue of clothes for boys, 8 pages in color. Excellent condition. Clothing is designed for wearing at preparatory, boarding, or other

private schools. Announces a newly organized department for “Lower, Middle

and Upper Formers.” $35.00

181) Dutton & Rhodes, Spring & Summer Fashion Guide for 1883. New

York, NY: 1883. 16 pp., 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of clothes for men and children. Wrappers, slightly soiled, one small chip in front. 11 different suits

for men and 13 for young men or boys are illustrated. This firm also offers to

make organizational uniforms for Masons or Odd Fellows and uniforms for railroad or steamboat officers. $75.00

182) Ehrich Brothers, Our Bargains - Fall: 1883. New York, NY: 1883. 24 pp., 4to. Though comprised mostly of fashions for women and children, this

newspaper-style catalogue also has books, jewelry, small tools and hardware,

and miscellaneous dry goods. $50.00

183) Etablissements Eugene Levy, 25 Projets d'Etalages pour Chemisiers.

Paris, FR: 1927. 40 pp., 8vo. Disbound, lacking back wrapper. This is a small promotional brochure with ads for many of Paris's most noted men's clothiers

intermixed with illustrated text on men's fashions. $35.00

184) Finchley Establishment, A Catalogue of Correct Apparel. New York,

NY: c. 1929. 16 pp., 8vo. Disbound. 8 pages in color, illustrating with prices

an assortment of men's clothing in many areas. Includes suits, ties, shirts, walking sticks, spats, hats, etc. $35.00

185) Funsten Bros. & Co., The Trade Follows this Flag. St. Louis, MO: 1904. 12 pp., 4to. Promotional material for a large consignment merchant of

furs, with text and photos detailing their operations. Minor damage at

foreedge. Uncolored. The text boasts that the firm dealt only in consignments, that it actually bought no furs. $30.00

186) Haas Brothers, Illustrations of Model Gowns Exhibited by Haas

Brothers, Fall 1907. New York, NY: 1907. 36 pp., folio. Disbound, wrappers

chipped. Catalogue of Paris high fashion dresses for the Fall-Winter 1907-

1908 season. Uncolored. One dress is illustrated on each page, with brief text description of materials used. Library stamp on verso of each page. $175.00

187) Haas Brothers, Illustrations of Model Gowns Exhibited by Haas

Brothers, Spring 1907. New York, NY: 1907. 30 pp., folio. Disbound.

Catalogue of Paris high fashion dresses for the spring season. Uncolored. One

dress illustrated on each page, with brief descriptions of materials. Library

stamp on verso of each page. High fashion catalogues are very scarce as they

were published for a very limited audience in very small numbers. $175.00

188) Haas Brothers, Model Gowns Spring 1908. New York, NY: 1908. 34

pp., folio. Disbound. Catalogue of Paris high fashion dresses for the 1908 spring season. Uncolored. One dress is illustrated on each page, with brief text

description of materials used. Library stamp on verso of each page. Among

the designers represented are Callot, Drecoll, Jean Hallee, Agnes, LaFerriere and many others. $175.00

189) John Wanamaker, Autumn Days. New York, NY: 1907. 32 pp., 12mo. Disbound, lacks back wrapper. Illustrated line of fashion hats for women.

Most are quite large and fairly ornate. Accompanying scenes show that these

hats are for relaxing jaunts in the country or on small sail boats. $40.00

190) Jones, Charles T., Price List of Gloves, Silk Hosiery, Underwear,

Handkerchiefs, Laces, Fans. New York, NY: c. 1890. 6 pp., oblong 16mo. Elegant little catalogue of women's accessories. All pages have a ¼ inch gilt

border. Some of the printed prices have been reduced by hand. Very attractive.

Clearly this was high-quality merchandise, with prices as high as $4.50 for a pair of gloves. $125.00

191) Jones, Charles T., Illustrated Price List of Kid Gloves and Silk

Hosiery. New York, NY: c. 1895. 16 pp., 12mo. Disbound. Small illustrated

catalogue of gloves and accessories, with umbrellas, parasols, lace and fans

also offered. Ex-library. Attractive blue and gold front cover. $100.00

192) Light, B., & Co., Descriptive Price List of Men's, Boys' and

Children's Fine Clothing - Fall and Winter Season 1899. New York, NY: 1899. 12 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers. Catalogue for a clothing store with 3

pages containing actual swatches of material. 18 samples in all. Hundreds of

different cut suits are available, including styles for boys. Prices for suits range from $2.00 to $9.00. It is scarce to see clothing catalogues such as this with

the fabric samples fully intact. $125.00

193) Lilley Co., Hotel and Theatre Employees Uniforms - Catalog No.

255. Columbus, OH: c. 1920. 24 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, chipped. Light

soiling throughout. Uniforms for a wide variety of jobs, including milk-truck drivers, ambulance drivers, office building doormen and porters, club waiters,

and more, in addition to the hotel and theater uniforms of the title. $150.00

194) Lilley Co., Lilley's Distinctive Uniform Designs - Catalog No. 353.

Columbus, OH: c. 1920. 40 pp., 8vo. Stiff yellow wrappers, lightly soiled.

Internally fine. Uniforms for men only in service positions, such as doormen, ushers, taxi drivers and chauffeurs, dining room servers, and bus drivers. One

style is shown per page. $225.00

195) Lilley Co., Satisfaction in Police Uniforms - Circular No. 588.

Columbus, OH: c. 1927. 6 pp., 8vo. Small circular for police uniforms, caps

and badges. Center leaf detached. Uncolored. Illustrated. $50.00

Page 12: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

196) Lilley Co., Regulation Uniforms and Equipment for Officers of the

United States Armies - Net Catalog No. 356. Columbus, OH: 1932. 36 pp., 8vo. A scarce uniform catalogue from the period between the world wars.

Illustrated, with uniforms, medals, boots, insigniae of rank, regimental colors

and flags, etc. Uncolored. Order form and promotional flyer laid in. $150.00

197) Manning Shoe and Rubber Co., Catalogue, Spring 1901. Boston, MA:

1901. 20 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of shoes for men and women. Some styles shown, others described. Includes “bicycle shoes” for both men and

women. $30.00

198) Meany, Joseph I., Inc., Shoes - Fall 1912. Philadelphia, PA: 1912. 40

pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of shoes for men, women and children, fully

illustrated. Most of the models utilize buttons, though there are some with laces. Some of the illustrations are tinted. $40.00

199) Military Sales Co., Wholesale Price List, Fall and Winter. Philadelphia, PA: c. 1915. 32 pp., 8vo. Original wrappers, creased and soiled.

A wide range of typical army-navy goods, including boots, sweaters, saddles,

leggings and puttees.One page offers pistols, including several of German manufacturers. $25.00

200) Moore-Smith Co., Winthrop Fur Coats and Robes. Boston, MA: 1910. 32 pp., tall 12mo. A wonderful relic of the early days of motoring:

specialty fur coats for driving. Many different furs are offered, including

opossum, seal, muskrat, raccoon, goat, dogskin, et. al. Includes coats and

robes for men, women and children. $50.00

201) National Association of Merchant Tailors of America, A Gentleman's

Wardrobe. New York, NY: 1920. 32 pp., 8vo. Disbound, lacks back wrapper.

A wonderful little illustrated guide to the elements which should comprise the proper wardrobe of a "gentleman" - morning coats with waistcoat, suits for

day wear and the country, outerwear, riding and hunting clothes, dressing

robes, etc.. All elements are illustrated with line drawings. $60.00

202) National Cloak & Suit Co., Our 20th Anniversary. New York, NY:

1908. 96 pp., 8vo. Ready-made clothing for women. Fine condition, fully illustrated. Features shirtwaists, long skirts, and overcoats. $65.00

203) National Cloak & Suit Co., The “National” Style Book. New York, NY: 1911. 224 pp., 8vo. Fashions, primarily for women, but also for children.

Extensive uncolored illustrations. Stiff wrappers, detached and chipped. The

front has a portrait of Lorna Doone. The styles of the time featured shirtwaists with microscopic waistlines. $125.00

204) National Cloak & Suit Co., National Made-to-Measure Garments. New York, NY: 1912. 40 pp., tall 8vo. “Off-the-Rack” suits for women,

illustrated in full color. Each suit, and the separate skirt or jacket from the suit,

is available in a variety of materials. A wide range of of different styles are shown, one per page, with description and chioces opposite. . A most

attractive catalogue for mail order fashion. $150.00

205) O'Neill, Francis, Illustrated Catalogue, Latest Styles in Fine Shoes.

New York, NY: 1884. 24 pp., 12mo. Fine condition, fully illustrated. Includes

high fashion shoes for men and women, most being high topped, going above the ankle. There are also 3 pages of shoes for children. $100.00

206) Parker & Tilton, Parker & Tilton Hat Establishment - Autumn and

Winter 1879-80. Chicago, IL: 1878. 30 pp., Small folio. Wonderful catalogue

in slightly rough condition. Front wrapper chipped at edges, back wrapper also chipped at outside corner. One other page has a small hole. Edges brittle

throughout. While primarily a catalogue of hats, this catalogue also has some

wonderful full-page plates, including one of the Duke of Edinburgh. This

company, while based in Chicago, had its factory in South Norwalk Connecticut. $450.00

207) Parker Holmes & Co., Spring Catalogue 1905. Boston, MA: 1905. 76 pp., 8vo. Wholesale catalogue of shoes for men and women, fully priced, with

full-page illustrations. The last 18 pages contains accessories and supplies for

retailers, including laces, polish, stands and display aids, furniture, and repair equipment and materials. $50.00

208) Parsons: c. F. & E. K, Cloaks, Ladies & Misses - 1886-7. Lock Haven, PA: 1886. 16 pp., 12mo. A lovely little catalogue with each page

depicting a full length figure of a model dressed in the latest styles of womens'

dresses. Most of the styles have bustles of various sizes. $50.00

209) Richards, William S., Business Announcement. New York, NY: 1849.

1 pp., 4to. 1-page printed letter announcement, by Richards, that he has opened up his own wholesale shoe and boot firm, having previously worked

for Lewis S. Bouton. This letter was sent, with a stampless cancellation, to a

customer in Cambridge, Vermont. $25.00

210) Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co., The Story of a Shoe. St. Louis,

MO: c. 1920. 20 pp., 12mo. The text provides, in a sort of factoid form, much information on the shoe manufacturing process, while at the same time

promoting their Patriot line of Star Brand shoes $25.00

211) Rockwell, Barrows & Winton, Straw Goods, Hats, Caps, Ribbons

.New York, NY: 1851. 1 pp., 8vo. Previously folded lettersheet announcing

the renaming of this firm and mentioning the many hats, caps, umbrellas, parasols and ribbons which they have for sale. $25.00

212) Russell Uniform Co., Uniforms and Liveries. New York, NY: 1915. 32 pp., 8vo. Stiff gray wrappers, fine condition. Illustrated catalogue of

uniforms for many occupations. Includes some U. S. Army regulation apparel, and offers uniform for doormen, chauffeurs, messengers, New York City

police officers, and others. Many specialized caps are shown. Most interesting

is a page of “court liveries” which look somewhat out of place in an American catalogue. These three costumes would be far more at home in the royal courts

of Europe. $125.00

213) Sears, Roebuck & Co., The Bargain Counter - Bulletin No. 354.

Chicago, IL: 1919. 52 pp., 4to. Uncolored promotional flyer offering items

which have been discounted from previous prices in the big book. Mostly clothes, though there are also small sections of jewelry, furniture, and other

household items. $25.00

214) Shayne, C. C., Furs New York, NY: c. 1900. 36 pp., 12mo. Unpriced

catalogue with beautiful chromolithgraphic illustrations of each of the styles

offered. Grayish green wrappers. Includes furs for men and women, with one style per page, and denoted by style number. Many, though not all, of the

illustrations here were used in other editions of Shayne's catalogue. $125.00

215) Shayne, C. C., Manufacturing Furrier. New York, NY: c. 1900. 16

pp., 12mo. Descriptive brochure with tinted illustrations showing every aspect

of the furrier's trade. The text consists largely of newspaper testamonials to the nature and extent of Shayne's business. At center is a double-page illustration

of the elaborate main salesrooms. $100.00

216) Shayne, C. C., Furs. New York, NY: c. 1905. 36 pp., 12mo. Unpriced

catalogue with beautifully executed chromolithographic illustrations of each

of the styles offered. String binding, pink wrappers. Includes furs for men and women, with one style per page, and denoted by a letter (e.g. Style 122, Style

127, etc.) $125.00

217) Stein-Bloch Co., Smartness - A Book of Good Clothes for Men,

Spring & Summer 1905. Rochester, NY: 1905. 16 pp., 12mo. A lovely

partially illustrated catalogue of high quality tailored clothing for men: top coats, business suits and evening wear. Front cover is a scene by Edward

Penfield of a man and woman riding horses, in full color. $85.00

218) Stewart, A. T., & Co., Ladies' Suit & Cloak Department. New York,

NY: c. 1890. 23 pp., 8vo. Minimally illustrated promotional brochure, with a

listing of undergarments and general lists of other items available. $40.00

219) Uncle Sam's Shoemakers, Uncle Sam Shoes. Boston, MA: c. 1905. 32

pp., 8vo. Manufacturer's catalogue of men's shoes. Illustrated, one style per page. Most are high-top, though some oxfords shown. $30.00

220) United States Rubber Co., Net Price List, Season 1927. Rochester, NY: 1927. 4 pp., 8vo. Price list for dealers printed on stiff stock, with two

models of gaiters illustrated. This price list is wholesale. $10.00

221) Vermont Native Industries, Woolen Skirts and Blankets. Bridgewater,

VT: c. 1940. 10 pp., 12mo. 2 brochures, order slip and small flyer for Vermont

Page 13: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

wool in original mailing envelope. Includes 14 small samples of knitted wool,

mostly felts and herringbone designs. $50.00

222) War Assets Administration, Leather and Rubber Footwear, Footwear

Products and Accessories. Washington: DC: c. 1947. 32 pp., 4to. Disbound, spine sliced, ex-library. The United States Government World War II going-

out-of business sale. Over 50 different shoe and boot styles are illustrated,

including the expected combat boots but also Oxfords, moccasins, waders, and mukluks. $25.00

223) Weber & Heilbroner, The Observer - Fall 1930. New York, NY: 1930. 22 pp., 8vo. Full color catalogue of men's attire. Disbound. The clothing

includes items for business and leisure, with suits, ties and shirts for the office

as well as pajamas, robes and slippers for home. $40.00

224) Weber & Heilbroner, The Observer - Spring 1930. New York, NY:

1930. 22 pp., 8vo. Full color catalogue of men's attire. Disbound. Details the wardrobe of the proper American gentleman at the start of the Depression.

Page 4 lists major sporting events such as competitions in golf, polo, trap

shooting, tennis and horse racing. $40.00

225) Whitney, Wm., & Co., What She Wore - A Pictorial History of

Woman's Dress. Albany, NY: c. 1900. 32 pp., 12mo. Disbound. A beautiful colorful chromolithograph history of costume, done in brilliant pastels in a

vaguely impressionistic style. Most fashions are from France, ranging from

the 14th century through 1900. Each gown or dress is described. The last 2 leaves have newspaper articles pasted down. $75.00

226) Winch Brothers, The Little Drummer: 1889. Boston, MA: 1889. 80 pp., 12mo. Unillustrated catalogue of shoes and boots. Front hinge gone, front

wrapper soiled. An interesting little catalogue issued to salesmen working

routes around the country. $35.00

227) Yamamoto, N., The Illustrated Catalogue. Yokohama: JA: c. 1910. 36

pp., oblong 12mo. Lovely little illustrated catalogue of kimonos, blouses and Chinese coats. Printed and distributed in English in Japan. Priced. Offers

household items such as fire and household screens, table covers, embroidered

pictures, and wall hangings. Fine condition, though some illustrations have become lightly washed out. $225.00

Dental Instruments 228) Bodee, Prof. George, Bodee Schools of Mechanical Dentistry.

Brooklyn, NY: 1921. 36 pp., 12mo. Unusual catalogue for an independent

dental school, promising proficiency in “Mechanical Dentistry” in a few

months. This proprietor had schools in Brooklyn and Philadelphia. $100.00

229) Codman & Shurtleff, Makers and Importers of Superior Surgical and

Dental Instruments and Kindred Articles. Boston, MA: c. 1880. 31 pp.,

8vo. This catalogue does not offer dental instruments, but rather is a treatise about, and catalogue of products for, the inhalation of atomized fluids. Good

condition, back wrapper has several short tears. Along with a large selection of atomizers, there are a couple of pieces of apparatus called “nasal douches”

which look particularly uncomfortable. $200.00

230) Consolidated Dental Mfg. Co., Triggs' System of Dental Charts. New

York, NY: 1897. 12 pp., 16mo. No wrappers, last leaf loose. Promotes a

system of record keeping for dentists, with preprinted cards showing teeth which the dentist could mark as work was done. Quite unusual. $65.00

231) Justi, H. D., Circular of Dental Specialties. Philadelphia, PA: c. 1894. 40 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of equipment and supplies for dentists,

including impression trays, alloys for fillings, nitrous oxide tanks, instruments

and many more. Fine condition. Lohse p. 176. $100.00

232) Pilling, George P., & Son, Illustrated Dental Catalogue – 1901.

Philadelphia, PA: 1901. 32 pp., 4to. Hard covers, uncolored illustrations throughout. Light warping to front board. Library of Congress blind stamp and

rubber stamp on page 2. Front hinge broken. General equipment, not furniture,

for dentists, with a large number of syringes and needles, lancets, genreators, bellows, and blow pipes. $225.00

233) Rice, L. C., How to Care for the Teeth. Chicago, IL: c. 1880. 7 pp.,

12mo. Not a catalogue, but a small promotional giveaway for this dentist in

downtown (Randolph & State) Chicago. The text describes the sort of

procedures and materials used by this practitioner. $150.00

234) Ritter Dental Mfg. Co., Ritter Dental X-Ray Machine - Directions for

Installation and Operation. Rochester, NY: 1926. 69 pp., 8vo. Stiff

wrappers, excellent condition. Instruction manual for a dental x-ray machine. Includes not just technical instructions, but also many pages of positioning

directions to highlight particular areas of the mouth and jaw. $85.00

235) Ritter Dental Mfg. Co., Dental Radiography - The Modern

Application of the X-ray in Dentistry. Rochester, NY: 1927. 32 pp., 8vo. Stiff wrappers, excellent condition. Promotional brochure which lays out the

benefits of x-rays in dentistry, with applications for both preventitve measures

and diagnosis. Illustrated, showing the Ritter machine and quite a few sample x-rays. $85.00

236) White, S. S., Dental Mfg. Co., S. S. White Dental Engines - Catalog B,

March 1915. Philadelphia, PA: 1915. 56 pp., 8vo. Many dental machines are

described, but the chief emphasis is on insturments driven by foot engines.

This catalogue is apparently to be kept in a loose leaf book as it is punched with three holes along the edges. Fully illustrated and priced. $100.00

237) White, S. S., Dental Mfg. Co., Electric Dental Apparatus. Philadelphia, PA: 1920. 12 pp., 8vo. Small catalogue of dental engines, mostly for mounting

brushes and drills, but also for other dental appliances. Two of the units and

several of the parts are illustrated. This is fairly early for electrical dental equipment. $65.00

Department, Dry Goods & Misc. Stores 238) Canfield, M., & Co., Copartnership Announcement. New York, NY:

1851. 1 pp., 4to. 1-sheet letter announcing the merger of Canfield with Robert

Hasbrouck and Stephen Lynes in the selling of Domestic & Foreign Staple Dry Goods, including linens, sheetings, flannels, twine, netting, and all other

sorts of textile, yarn and thread. $25.00

239) Charles William Stores, Fall and Winter 1926-27. New York, NY:

1926. 532 pp., 4to. Extensive catalogue, featuring clothing, but containing a

huge array of other goods, a la Sears. Several bright color plates, color wrappers lightly worn. Includes toys, furniture, hardware, bicycles, etc. etc.

etc. $125.00

240) Chicago Mail Order Co., Spring & Summer 1923 - Great Diamond

Jubilee Catalog No. 75. Chicago, IL: 1923. 298 pp., 4to. Original brightly

colored wrappers, chipped and torn on spine, internally fine. Predominantly a women's fashion catalogue with many colored plates of inexpensive clothing.

Also includes shoes, and clothes for men and children, though the bulk is

devoted toclothes for women. $90.00

241) Davisson: c. S., & Co., Latest Catalogue. New York, NY: 1899. 104

pp., 8vo. Illustrated manufacturer's catalogue of lace, linens, doilies, etc. with a small selection of inexpensive jewelry and pocket knives at the back. $50.00

242) Ehrich Brothers, Our Bargains - Fall: 1883. New York, NY: 1883. 24 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue, lacking wrappers, for women's clothing and

sundries. $35.00

243) Gibson-Snow Co. Inc., Wholesale Catalogue of Gibson-Snow,

Laboratory Supplies, Stationery, Soda Fountain Requisites, Confections,

Cigars, Sundries. Albany, NY: 1926. 378 pp., 4to. 30 pages in very bright

full color. Worn and slightly dog-eared. Illustrated wholesale catalogue of

provisions for drug stores or 5 & 10 type establishments. An enormous range of items which include, together with items in the title, perfumes, toiletries,

home medicinal supplies, store fixtures and display cases, and more. $125.00

244) Jordan Marsh & Co., Fall & Winter 1887. Boston, MA: 1887. 80 pp.,

4to. Paper wrappers with some chipping on the edges. An excellent picture of

the many varied items offered by this pioneer department store. Gives a fine view of the styles and customs of the period. Not in Romaine. $75.00

245) Jordan, Marsh & Co., Spring Catalogue for 1881. Boston, MA: 1881. 40 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, some discoloration at edges. Catalogue for mail

order ready-to-wear clothing, a relatively novel idea at a time when most

clothes were still made at home. Largely unillustrated. There are sections for men, women, and children. $65.00

246) Jordan, Marsh and Co., Fall Winter '93-'94. Boston, MA: 1893. 192 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, backstrip and front joint splitting, wrappers loose.

An expanded catalogue of clothing for women and children, dry goods and

furniture from Boston's most famous store. See Romaine p. 124. $40.00

247) Mandel Brothers, Holiday Suggestions 1914. Chicago, IL: 1914. 40

pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue, primarily of clothing and white sale-type items. Uncolored. Also includes a couple of pages of toys and games in

addition to other gift suggestions. $35.00

248) Montgomery Ward & Co., For the Lady of the House - March &

April Sale. Chicago, IL: 1911. 112 pp., oblong 8vo. White sale and household

Page 14: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

items. 4 bright color illustrations of rugs at the center, with light bleeding of

color. Some wear. Includes some furniture, lace, sewing machines, and clothing. A rare survival printed on flimsy paper. $40.00

249) Starks, Geo. L., & Co., A Catalogue of Comforts for Indoors &

Outdoors. Saranac Lake, NY: c. 1924. 88 pp., 4to. A very eclectic assortment

of goods, including lounge chairs, irons, snow shoes, axes, topcoats, a

mayonnaise mixer, private mail pouches, shoe polishing boxes, a playpen, etc. etc. There is not nearly the quantity of goods one would find in a Sears or

Ward catalogue, but covers as wide a range. The best description would

probably be a cross between L. L. Bean and Hammacher Schlemmer. $250.00

250) Thomas Mfg. Co., Catalog N211. Dayton, OH: c. 1912. 448 pp., 4to.

Illustrated catalogue of a wide variety of goods for the home, with large sections of jewelry, hardware, kitchen utensils and equipment, luggage,

clothing, etc. Uncolored. Not quite as extensive as Sears, but a very wide

range of merchandise nonetheless. $150.00

251) United Factories Co., Combined Catalogs 1912. Cleveland, OH: 1912.

270 pp., 4to. Stiff wrappers, some bumping and wear. Very large catalogue of a wide range of merchandise for home and farm including: Farm equipment,

buggies, china, stamped metal roofing and ceilings, sewing machines, jewelry,

vacuum cleaners, phonographs. This was an early buying club with a profit-sharing plan. $125.00

252) Walker, W. & H., Clothing and Dry Goods Bargains. Pittsburgh, PA: c. 1915. 96 pp., 8vo. Fine condition, original colored wrappers. Uncolored

internally, fully illustrated. A fine catalogue of contemporary popularly-priced

fashions. $30.00

253) Walker-Stetson Co., New for Buyers, Volume XXI, No.1. Boston, MA:

1902. 48 pp., 4to. Catalogue and product update aimed at traveling salesmen and department store buyers. Mostly womens' and childrens' fashions and

notions. $25.00

254) Wechsler & Abraham, Fashion Catalogue - 1887-88. Brooklyn, NY:

1887. 140 pp., 4to. Original illustrated wrappers, torn, front nearly detached.

Internally very good. Illustrated, showing clothes, shoes, and millinery items. Front wrapper shows a street scene at the front of the store. The back has a

rough map and short description of Brooklyn. Wechsler & Abraham was a

precursor to Abraham & Strauss. $125.00

Drugs & Pharmaceuticals 255) Neat-Richardson Drug Co., Premium Offers. Louisville, KY: 1899. 24

pp., oblong 8vo. 4 pages list elixirs and preparations for sale, with the

remainder of the catalogue offering items redeemable as premiums. The items

include furniture, harnesses, safes, medical apparatus. $100.00

256) Rudolphy, John, Pharmaceutical Directory of All the Crude Drugs

Now in General Use New York, NY: 1883. 119 pp., 8vo. Not a catalogue, but

a listings, in 4 parts, of drugs in use, listed and cross-referenced by English,

botanical, German and pharmaceutical names. Cloth binding. Third edition. A

most interesting reference. $100.00

Electrical Equipment 257) American Electric Heating Corp., The “Universal” Enamel Rheostat. Boston, MA: c. 1910. 6 pp., 8vo. Small folding brochure, with an example

rheostat illustrated on the front with tables of maximum amperages and ohms

in the field on the inside. $25.00

258) Engberg's Electric & Mechanical Works, Engberg Direct Current

Generating Sets - Catalogue No. 103. St. Joseph. MI: 1919. 32 pp., 4to Illustrated catalogue of generators for factories. Extensive text describes the

dynamos and armatures. Many different perspective views show the

machines and smaller parts. Front endpaper torn. $65.00

259) Engberg's Electric & Mechanical Works, Direct Current Generating

Sets - Catalog No. 105. St. Joseph. MI: c. 1930. 32 pp., 4to. Large direct current generators for industrial use. Includes schematic diagrams, weights

and dimensions of units, and descriptions of various models. $80.00

260) Huebel & Manger, Electrical and Brass Goods - Catalogue No. 5. Brooklyn, NY: 1900. 48 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of bells and push

buttons. Very good condition, light discoloration to front wrapper. The bells

are designed for call systems or for entryway notifications. Many of the buttons are quite decorative, not simply utilitarian. $85.00

261) Simplex Electric Heating Co., Simplex Electric Commercial Irons

with Complete Equipment for Laundries, Factories, Hatters & Tailors

Shops. Cambridge, MA: c. 1920. 24 pp., 8vo. Unusual illustrated catalogue of

irons for commercial uses. Specialized designs include ones for hatters, corset makers, tailors and others. Most models come with automatic regulator stands

as an essential safety feature. $40.00

Fences 262) Brown Fence & Wire Co., Bigger Better Bargains from Jim Brown

Fencing, Gates, Steel Posts. Cleveland, OH: 1922. 88 pp., 4to. Excellent

condition. Fully illustrated catalogue of steel fencing, including both barbed

and unbarbed wire. Laid in are an order form and reply envelope. $30.00

263) Brown Fence & Wire Co., Jim Brown's 1940 Catalog. Cleveland, OH:

1940. 256 pp., 4to. Brightly colored wrappers. Brown has expanded from fencing alone into other areas of tools, supplies and accessories for the home

and farm. Small sections of bicycles, radios and washing machines. $35.00

264) Carbo Corporation, Carbo Systems - Superior to Wood, Concrete

and Steel Posts for Supporting Fencing. Chicago, IL: 1916. 20 pp., 8vo.

Illustrated catalogue describing the benefits of this system which utilizes steel posts with diagonal stress-reducing supports. Includes designs for farm and

club use. $30.00

265) Hazard Mfg. Co., Champion Barbed Wire. New York, NY: 1881. 12 pp., 12mo. Accordian-style folded brochure for barbed wire. The outside

panels contain text describing and promoting the barbed wire; the inside

panels form a humorous tableau showing farm animals decrying the effectiveness of the wire. $250.00

266) Hub Wire Cloth & Wire Work Co., Everything in Wire - Fences,

Grilles, Guards, Enclosures -- Coil, Barbed, Twisted Ribbon Wire. Boston, MA: c. 1920. 32 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of wire and products

made from wire such as rubbish burners, wire matting and mesh, sieves, bank grillework and teller's cages, etc. $30.00

267) Michigan Wire & Iron Works, Price List of Wire Cloth. Detroit, MI: c. 1900. 32 pp., 12mo. Partially illustrated catalogue of wire mesh for screens,

sieves and filters for industrial use. One table defines the material necessary to

screen for various grades of coal. $35.00

Firearms 268) Coombes Co., Ltd.. Firearms and Ammunition, 1925-26. Rangoon.

Burma: 1925. 72 pp, oblong 8vo. Rifles and shotguns offered by this Burmese retailer. Most models are English, from Webley & Scott, Greener,

or Holloway & Naughton, though many guns are not attributed and may

have been made locally $250.00

269) Oriental Powder Mills, Oriental Smokeless Powder. Portland: ME: c.

1910. 24 pp., oblong 8vo. Brochure for gunpowder, with photos of the area around the firm's manufacturing facilities on the Presumpscot River in Maine

interspersed with text praising the qualities of this product over regular black

powder. The last two leaves show the different varieties of gunpowder and blasting powders available. Gunpowder catalogues are exceedingly scarce, let

alone one this attractive. $400.00

270) Powell, P., & Son. Muzzle & Breech Loading Guns and Gun

Goods. Cincinnati, OH: 1878. 56 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of shotguns and accessories for August, 1878. Generally good, but with light wear and

soiling at edges. Offers single and double barrel guns made both by Powell

and other makers. $250.00

271) Ritzman, Charles L.. Shooting Accessories and Fishing Tackle. New

York, NY: 1876. 48 pp., 4to.Very interesting and scarce catalogue of rifles and pistols, with a small section of other sporting goods at the back.

Woodcut illustration. Extensive manuscript notes on cover, related to rifles.

One of the more unusual offerings is the Remington Rifle Cane. It is offered in .22 or .32 caliber, with a choice of an optional ivory head. This is a

classic firearms catalogue. Not in Romaine. $650.00

Page 15: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

272) Ross, J. A., & Co., Catalogue and Price List of Firearms -

September: 1887. Boston, MA: 1887. 32 pp., 8vo. Self-wrappers, fine condition. Shotguns, rifles and revolvers primarily, with a few pocket knives

and watches at the back. Many of the shotguns are not “Name Brand”, though

there are models from Scott, Winchester, Stevens and other larger manufacturers. Not in Romaine. $175.00

273) Savage Arms Co., Military Sporting Rifles and Carbines. Utica, NY: 1899. 56 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated wrappers. With detailed illustrations of

rifles and shotguns. This is the first catalogue issued by the newly formulated

company. It also is the first after they started to make all their own guns. Very scarce. See Romaine p. 144. $375.00

274) Westley, Richards & Co., Ltd., Shot Guns for All Purposes. London, UK: 1927. 50 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of shotguns, single and

double barrel. Fine condition. Most of the guns are illustrated on the left-hand

pages, with descriptive text on the right. $150.00

Fire Engines 275) American Fire Engine Co., Steam Fire Engines - Illustrated

Catalogue 1902. Seneca Falls, NY, 1892. 96 pp., 8vo. Illustrated wrappers, spine lightly torn at top and bottom, otherwise excellent. Company logo in

color on first page. Shows several of the company's lines of fire engines,

including Ahrens, Silsby, Clapp & Jones, Button and Metropolitan styles. Full page illustrations of many models, with extensive text descriptions. $1,250.00

276) Cincinnati Regalia Co., Firemen's Uniforms and Equipment -

Catalog No. 685. Cincinnati, OH: c. 1910. 24 pp., 8vo. Very scarce catalogue of uniforms and related materials, specifically for fire departments. Fully

illustrated, uncolored. The first six pages show uniforms and coats, the next

five pages have hats and helmets, aluminum and leather. There are also belts, badges, and other insigniae. $375.00

277) General Fire Extinguisher Company, Manufacturers and Jobbers of

Wrought Iron and Brass Pipe. Providence: RI: 1903. 384 pp., 12mo. Hard covers. Illustrations show hundreds of valves, fittings, hydrants, pumps and

other items needed for fire-fighting systems. A fine tight copy of fittings and

fixtures for public, private and commercial uses. $75.00

278) Holloway, Charles T., Illustrated Catalogue - Latest Improved

Holloway Chemical Fire Apparatus and Hook & Ladder Trucks. Baltimore: MD: 1883. 47 pp., 8vo. Illustrated wrappers, vertical crease. A wonderful early fire engine catalogue with many chemical engines and ladder

trucks. The ladder trucks are not the later aerial ladders, but flat-bed carriages for carrying a variety of ladders. Many full page illustrations of fire engines

and extinguishers. $1,000.00

Food & Drink279) Armour Packing Co., Mystic Wheel Fortune Teller Kansas City, MO:

1902. 40 pp., oblong 8vo. Embossed stiff wrappers enclose many wonderful

lithographic ads by the American Lithographic Co. for some of the many preserved meat products made by Armour. The catalogue doubles as a fortune

telling device. From the era before Upton Sinclair, one wonders about the

exact composition of canned meats. $225.00

280) Bell, William G., & Co., Wholesale Provision Dealers. Boston, MA:

1866. 4 pp., 4to. Folding unillustrated price list for wholesale meats and grocery items. Also offers machines for butchers. $35.00

281) Cherry, J. G., Co., Special Creamery, Ice Cream and Dairy

Machinery - Catalog No. 616. Cedar Rapids: IA: c. 1915. 136 pp., 8vo. Fully

illustrated catalogue, with photographs and schematic diagrams, of

professional equipment for dairy farms and creameries. Includes ice cream makers, high volume butter churns, thermometers, etc. $65.00

282) Huntley Mfg. Co., Coffee Machinery - Catalog No. 66. Silver Creek, NY: c. 1921. 116 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of industrial-grade machinery

for roasting, grinding, mixing and otherwise preparing coffee beans for sale.

At the back is a table listing most of the available coffee types at the time, with

their characteristics. Includes most items necessary for equipping a factory for

preparing coffee. $175.00

283) Huntley Mfg. Co., Monitor Peanut Cleaning, Shelling, Grading and

Roasting Machinery - Catalog No. 69. Silver Creek, NY: c. 1925. 43 pp.,

8vo. Illustrated catalogue of machinery for peanut processing plants. Shows and describes a wide range of equipment, most offered in a variety of sizes. A

rarely-seen specialty equipment catalogue. $85.00

284) Mills, Thomas, & Brother. United States Confectioners' Tool

Works, Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue. Philadelphia. PA: 1888.

47 pp., 8vo. Original wrappers. This fine catalogue of equipment for candy makers is not the frequently seen Catalogue 31 from this company which

was issued at least 25 years later. This catalogue, with olive drab wrappers,

offers candy molds and equipment such as coconut graters and cutters, almond peelers, scales, kettles and various other choppers, cutters and

presses. See McKinstry 1121. $175.00

285) Twitchell, S., Co., Washington and President Carbonators - Revised

Second Hand List. Philadelphia, PA: 1904. 16 pp., oblong 8vo. Bottling

machinery and carbonators for bottlers of carbonated beverages. Illustrated. A scarce catalogue of hard-to-find machinery. $200.00

Furniture 286) Bagby Furniture Co., Furniture from Bagby - Spring 1925,

Catalogue No. 67. Baltimore: MD: 1925. 48 pp., 4to. Furniture for the whole

house, including bedroom, dining room and living room suites, kitchen

cabinets with integral counter top,, office desks, etc. Includes mailing envelope. $75.00

287) Baker, H. O., Company, Furniture, Queensware, Rugs and Matting. Charleston: WV: c. 1905. 90 pp., 4to. Refrigerators, bedsteads, oak tables and

an endless variety of the ugly furniture of the early 20th century. Although the

title calls for queensware, rugs and matting we are unable to locate any such in the catalogue. Baby carriages and office furniture are included. $75.00

288) Bent, G. W., Co., Trade Price List for 1908 Catalog. Boston, MA: 1908. 34 pp., 12mo. Unillustrated price list for beds, couches, mattresses,

pillows to accompany Bent's larger catalogue, not present here. $25.00

289) Bent, S., & Bros., Chairs and Setees - Catalogue 1901. Gardner, MA:

1901. 92 pp., oblong 8vo. Stiff embossed wrapper, lacking back wrapper.

Disbound but otherwise complete. Price list laid in. Light waterstain at

foreedge, minor soiling at spine. Aside from the condition issues, this is a fine catalogue of wooden chairs and stools, some plain others quite ornate. $75.00

290) Bittner, Hunsicker & Co., Triplicate Mirrors, Umbrella Cases and

Display Tables. Allentown, PA: 1908. 12 pp., 12mo. Accordian-style folding

brochure offiering, with illustrations, three pieces of furniture designed for use

in clothing stores. The standing mirrors are for fitting rooms, the umbrella cabinets and merchandise cabinets for retail floors. The largest cabinet has a

capacity of 234 umbrellas. $75.00

291) Brachvogel, C. H., Co., Wholesale Catalog of Picture Frame

Makers' Supplies. Seasons 1901-1902. New York, NY: 1901. 64 pp., 4to.

Illustrated wrappers, front soiled. Materials for picture frames, and vises and

Page 16: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

mitre machines to make them, along with inexpensive prints to fill them.

Includes mat cutting equipment. Illustrated and uncolored. Also offers wooden items such as clock shelves and medicine cabinets. $200.00

292) Brunovan, Inc., Through the Salons of France of the XVIIIth

Century. New York, NY: c. 1920. 6 pp., 8vo. 4 color plates of rooms

decorated in the 18th century French style. Disbound. The mounted plates

depict a salon, reception room, boudoir and bedroom. $35.00

293) Brunovan, Inc., Through the Salons of France of the XVIIIth

Century - Part II. New York, NY: c. 1920. 6 pp., 8vo. Furniture catalogue with 4 color plates of rooms decorated in the 18th century French style.

Disbound. The plates are mounted inside printed borders and depict a salon,

dining room, bedroom. $35.00

294) Buckley of Binghamton, A Catalogue of Antiques. Binghamton, NY:

1927. 70 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of American and Continental antique furniture, crystal, china, prints by Currier & Ives, and silver. Priced. Minor

adhesion damage to some pages. $30.00

295) Columbia School Supply Co., School Furniture. Indianapolis, IN:

1930. 32 pp., 8vo. Tinted illustrations. Includes furniture for classrooms, desks

for teachers and students, lab furniture, book cases, filing cabinets, and auditorium seating. $40.00

296) Come-Packt Furniture Company, Sectional Furniture. Toledo, OH:

1912. 74 pp., 4to. An odd furniture catalogue featuring quarter sawn oak

furniture in a wide variety of styles. All the needed items for furnishing a

home in oak are illustrated including pianos, Mission lamps and bed springs. A memorable catalogue from the “Oak Age.” $125.00

297) Derby, P., & Co., Illustrated Catalogue of Chairs: 1900-1901. Boston, MA: 1900. 200 pp., oblong 8vo. Lacks back wrapper. Water stain at

top edge. An extensive selection of chairs, stools, rockers, highchairs, etc., mostly for home use. Most have cane seats. $175.00

298) Ferguson Bros., Fall 1900 Catalogue. Hoboken, NJ: 1900. 108 pp., oblong 8vo. Lacks wrappers, appears to be complete otherwise. Disbound.

Unusual catalogue of wooden room accessories. Features room screens but

also includine nesting tables and chests, shelves, box seats, unbrella stands, racks, broom and pipe holders, mirrors, easels and other odd pieces. An

unusual assortment of offerings. $150.00

299) Gathright-Burton Co., Spring Catalogue of Low-Priced Chamber

Suits and Bedsteads. Richmond: VA: c. 1890. 2 pp., folio. One folding sheet,

printed on both sides, showing 25 different styles of wooden, primarily oak, dressers and bedsteads. Uncolored. A rare survival of a late 19th century

southern catalogue. $175.00

300) Hamilton Mfg. Co., Modern Cabinets, Furniture and Materials for

Printers - Catalogue No. 14. Two Rivers: WI: c. 1925. 192 pp., 4to. Stiff

embossed wrappers, front detached. Fully illustrated, including a view of the company's offices in Rahway, New Jersey. Huge catalogue of furniture and

equipment for the printing trade, including a substantial section of materials

for bookbinders, engravers and associated trades. Dozens of specialized workplace storage cabinets and desks. A snapshot of all the furniture used in

the printing trades of the time. $250.00

301) Hamilton Mfg. Co., Modern Printing Office Furniture - Catalog No.

15. Two Rivers: WI: c. 1925. 172 pp., 4to. Comprehensive catalogue of

furniture for printing operations, from small print shops to huge composing rooms such as that at Curtis Publishing Co. which is shown. Good condition,

with tear at the base of the spine along the front cover. Furniture includes

composing tables, type storage cabinets, work tables, newspaper make-up tables, and much, much more. $225.00

302) Hamilton Mfg. Co., Printing Plant Equipment, Catalogue No. 20 -

1937 Catalogue. Two Rivers: WI: 1937. 72 pp., oblong 4to. Wood and metal

furniture and equipment for large industrial printing plants, with large

composing tables, type storage cabinets, letterboards, and more. Fully illustrated. $175.00

303) Hamilton Mfg. Co., Newspaper Composing Room Equipment -

Catalog No. 21. Two Rivers: WI: 1939. 48 pp., oblong 4to. Furniture, of

wood and metal, specifically designed for newspaper composing rooms. A

monument to the days of hot lead in publishing newspapers. $125.00

304) Harrisburg Woven Wire Mattress Co., Woven Wire Mattresses, Bed

Springs, Cots, Mattresses, Husk and Bedding Supplies. Harrisburg, PA: 1890. 8 pp., 16mo. Unillustrated price list and catalogue from a small

manufacturer of bedding. The first two pages are prices, the remainder

contains some text describing various mattresses with available sizes and ticking styles. $35.00

305) Heilman, A. H., & Co., Chamber Suits, Sideboard and Chiffoniers.

Williamsport, PA: 1902. 56 pp., oblong 8vo. Catalogue of bedroom furniture in stiff red wrappers. Some damage throughout from adhesion and water.

Most photos of furniture are still quite legible. $30.00

306) Heywood Bros. & Co., Price List of Rattan and Reed Furniture.

Gardner, MA: 1886. 16 pp., tall 8vo. August: 1886 unillustrated price list of

furniture from this predecessor of the famous Heywood-Wakefield Company. The first section is for rattan items, the second for reed furniture. Contains a

listing of Heywood's merchandise with catalogue page and price printed next

to the item and item number. $25.00

307) Hooker, H. M., Framed Mirrors - Reference Book No. 7: 1918-1919. Chicago, IL: 1918. 56 pp., oblong 8vo. Covers detached but present.

Uncolored illustrated catalogue of mirrors for use in bathrooms, bedrooms, parlors and living rooms. 3 or 4 styles are shown per page. The bathroom

models are on medicine cabinets. Most of the other models come in a variety

of frames and materials. $150.00

308) Industrial Works, Child's Nursery Chair. Springfield, VT: 1874. 4 pp.,

12mo. Promotional flyer for a manufacturer of wooden items and baskets. The front shows a style of stacking highchairs for small children. Also offered are

market and picnic baskets, toy trunks and wood table mats. $40.00

309) Kaiser, Jacob, & Co., Mattresses and Lounges. St. Louis, MO: c.

1895. 10 pp., oblong 8vo. Chaise lounges, illustrated one per page. Very

heavily upholstered. These lounges all have an extensive panel along the back side, much taller than a usual armrest. $125.00

310) Karpen, S., & Bros., Upholstered Furniture - 44th Semi-Annual

Edition. Chicago, IL: c. 1900. 68 pp., folio. Fair condition only, disbound,

with deterioration from water along top edge throughout. This deterioration

has led to slight loss to some illustrations, but the overwhelming majority of the text and illustrations are untouched. It is not possible to tell whether this is

a complete catalogue or whether there are pages missing at the back.

Nonetheless, this is a most useful catalogue of heavy upholstered furniture with coverings in leather and cloth. $75.00

311) Karpen, S., & Bros., Upholstered Furniture - 50th Semi-Annual

Catalogue. Chicago, IL: 1905. 168 pp., folio. Fair condition only, lacking

back wrapper, front wrapper soiled, last four leaves detached, light water stain

at upper inside corners. Despite the condition, this is a useful illustrated catalogue of heavy upholstered furniture. Some of the couches and benches

would be seen in offices or hotel lobbies while many other pieces would be

suitable for home use. Pieces were upholstered in cloth or leather. $100.00

312) New York Couch Bed Co., Romelink Swinging Couch Hammocks.

New York, NY: 1913. 15 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of hanging couches and hammocks. Unlike usual string hammocks, these have mattresses and

springs. Front cover and two pages are fully colored, the remainder of the

catalogue is tinted. Slightly soiled, vertical creasing to covers. Asmall card laid in shows prices. $75.00

313) Phoenix Chair Co., The Drawer That Draws Trade. Sheboygan: WI: c. 1915. 4 pp., tall 12mo. Small folding brochure for a list of chairs which

have a swing-out drawer under the seat for holding small items such as needle,

thread, buttons, etc. It is not evident that these chairs ever caught on. $25.00

Page 17: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

314) Pierce, W. B., Illustrated Catalogue of Chairs, Stools, and Cradles

South Ashburnham, MA: c. 1900. 16 pp., oblong 8vo. Original red printed wrappers. Defective, with a section torn off at the foreedge throughout.

Almost no loss of any illustration, but the loss does detract from the

catalogue's appearance. Offers wooden chairs and stools with two or three styles shown per page. $35.00

315) Pompeiian Garden Furniture Co., Garden Furniture. New York, NY:

1931. 32 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of stone garden furniture. Also includes small statuary, ornaments, fountains, pedestals, etc. Price list laid in. $125.00

316) Popular Shop, The, Some Pictures of Quaint Things Which Are Sold

at the Sign of the Popular Shop. New York, NY: 1898. 32 pp., 8vo. Disbound. An eclectic selection of wallpaper and furniture, with considerable

text which pontificates on elements of interior design. The text generally

consists of reprints of New York Tribune articles quoting the owner of this store. $40.00

317) Roda, A., Illustrated Catalogue of Solid Wood Furniture Carvings,

Carved Heads, Carved Drawer Handles, Mirror and Frame Carvings, ... Rochester, NY: 1879. 56 pp., 8vo. Wrappers, excellent condition. All kinds of

carvings for additions to basic furniture. Hundreds of different styles are

illustrated. One tipped-in sheet illustrates carved ornaments for hearses.

Another has furniture carvings. A third, from April: 1879, discloses a change inownership of the firm. Pages 44-56 contain carved wood items from James

Payne. Very scarce and early. McKinstry 969. Not in Romaine. $425.00

318) Sauer, Dwyer & Co., Wholesale Furniture. Chicago, IL: c. 1915. 2 pp., folio. Huge (92x120 cm.) folding broadsheet with dozens of illustrations

of chairs, bedsteads, china closets, each illustrated. Uncolored except for title

panel. Folds to 23x30 cm., many tears and separations along folds. A very large, unusual one-sheet catalogue. $75.00

319) Schliebener, W., Erganzungsmobel - Entwurfe fur Klein-und

Ziermobel, Gebrauchs-und Luxusmobel. Berlin, GE: 1924. 40 pp., oblong folio. A portfolio of uncolored plates in original printed stiff folder. Designs

for furniture with a leaf of explanatory text. 96 separate pieces are shown.

Includes desks, dressers, coat hooks, hat racks, and a variety of tables and lamps. A most interesting design book. $425.00

320) Schulz, Carl, Preis-Liste mit Abbildungen uber Patent-Matratzen,

Eiserne Bettstellen, Messing-Bettstellen, Kinder-Bettstellen ... Berlin, GE: 1906. 88 pp., 4to. Printed wrappers, detached. Uncolored illustrated catalogue

of metal beds, cribs, cots, etc. All text is in German. Priced in marks. The front

wrapper indicates a date of 1906, though the title page has an 1908 date printed over 1907. $100.00

321) Schumacher, F., & Co., Your Home & the Interior Decorator - An

Expert Service that Costs You Nothing. New York, NY: 1925. 15 pp., 4to. Disbound. Brochure focuses on how a decorator can use the color in fabrics to

help design a room. Much of the piece describes how a decorator functions

and can be of use in planning a scheme for a room or whole house. $50.00

322) Snow, W. A., Iron Works, Italian and French Garden Furniture.

Boston, MA: c. 1925. 12 pp., 8vo. Fold-out catalogue for outdoor furniture,

with one item illustrated per panel. Offers chairs, tables, benches and sun dials. $50.00

323) Standard Chair Co.: 1908 Catalogue. Union City, PA: 1908. 112 pp.,

tall 12mo. Photographically illustrated catalogue of wood chairs for home and office. Includes stools and rockers as well as dining room, living room and

other styles of chair. No text, though there are many manuscript price

notations throughout. $65.00

324) Sutter Funiture Co., Extension Tables. Supplement to August: 1900

Catalogue. Shelby, OH: 1900. 12 pp., oblong 8vo. Printed wrappers, slightly loose, minor soiling. Heavy tables all designed to be extended by means of

leaves. $75.00

325) Trorlicht-Duncker Furniture Co., Wholesale Furniture – 1918. St. Louis, MO: 1918. 192 pp., Oblong folio. Comprehensive illustrated catalogue

of furniture for home and office in a wide variety of styles, from Chippendale

to Mission to William and Mary, et. al. Also ncludes wicker baby carriages, cedar chests, and reed chairs and rockers. $125.00

326) Vernay, Arthur S., Christmas 1938. New York, NY: 1938. 12 pp., 8vo.

Small catalogue of antique accessory pieces offered as gift ideas. Includes

magazine racks, stools, candlesticks and other companion pieces. Most are

illustrated. $25.00

327) Whitney, W. F., Co., Wood, Cane, Saddle, and Leather Seat Chairs

in Staple, Mission and Period Designs. S. Ashburnham, MA: c. 1910. 62

pp., 4to. A wide variety of chairs, many in Mission style, illustrated four per

page. Also includes stools, high chairs, rockers and school chairs. $100.00


328) Moore, S. H., Illustrated Catalogue of Staple and Fast-Selling Goods

for Agents. New York, NY: c. 1882. 16 pp., folio. Newspaper-format

catalogue of inexpensive items such as shotguns for $4.50, $5.00 imitation gold watches, novelty gadgets like needle-threading thimbles, magic

matchboxes, various polishes and other items. Fine condition. $75.00

329) Gadgets Nason, E., & Co., WHolesale Price List and Catalogue of

Notions, Novelties, Watches and Jewelry New York, NY: 1881. 32 pp., 8vo.

Self-wrappers, excellent condition. Printed on newsprint, as typical of this

type of catalogue. Ctontains the usual array of cheap jewelry, household gadgets, stove polish, magic tricks, pens, etc. No knives in this one. $35.00

330) Nason, E., Co., Wholesale Price List, Spring 1891. New York, NY:

1891. 32 pp., 8vo. Throw-away catalogue, printed on poor paper, for a wide

variety of inexpensive items at wholesale. Includes jewelry, toys, magic tricks,

wigs and beards, one magic lantern, and one mechanical bank, “Nason's

Plantation Darkey Savings Bank,” illustrated. $50.00

331) Rideout, E. G., & Co., Semi-Annual Illustrated Catalogue. New York,

NY: 1881. 32 pp., 4to. A flimsy wholesale catalogue of inexpensive jewelry,

books, household items, watches, musical instruments, etc. Three smaller ads for the company are laid in. $50.00

332) Smith, Johnson, and Co., Novelties - 1950 Catalog. Detroit, MI: 1950.

496 pp., 8vo. Thick illustrated retail catalogue of inexpensive items such as magic tricks, cameras, toys, games, novelties, jewelry, radio and telegraph

sets, etc. Front wrapper torn at top corner. $25.00

Page 18: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Glassware 333) Macbeth-Evans Glass Co., Flasks and Beakers for the Chemist - No.

75B. Pittsburgh, PA: c. 1915. 31 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of glass for chemical laboratories, including beakers, flasks, funnels, moist chambers, petri

dishes and watch glasses. Each is offered in a wide variety of sizes. $75.00

334) Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Glass - Paints, Varnishes and Brushes.

Their History, Manufacture and Use. Pittsburgh, PA: 1923. 184 pp., 4to.

Hard cover near mint copy of this famous catalogue filled with bright color

plates and uncolored illustrations of brushes, tools, ladders and patterns for painted glass. The color plates are of stained glass windows. Also in color are

depictions of paint cans. The paint section has color chips. $175.00

Hardware - Builders' & General Hardware 335) Atlas Tack Corporation, Atlas Tack Corporation. Fairhaven, MA:

1922. 132 pp., 8vo. A series of color plates show the upholstery nails made by

Atlas. Also 12 bright color plates illustrate the boxes in which the tacks are sold. Uncolored illustrations show the enormous number of different designs

in which their product is available. $75.00

336) Buffalo Steel Co., Rail Steel Products. Buffalo, NY: c. 1930. 56 pp.,

12mo. The products here are not steel for rails, but rather “recycled” steel

from rails. It is reheated and rerolled and used as reinforcing bars for concrete, fenceposts, and a variety of rolled shapes. $35.00

337) Caverhill Learmont & Co., Wholesale Hardware and Metal

Merchant. Montreal: QU: 1901. 990 pp., 4to. Hard bound, cloth boards and leather corners. This is one of those enormous heavy catalogues which carries

a very wide variety of items. The index alone covers 20 pages. Large sections

are devoted to locks and keys, pocket knives, guns and gun accessories, table utensils, hand tools and many, many more classifications. Hundreds of

illustrations accompany the descriptions. A fine tight copy. $850.00

338) Chase, F. A., & Co., Concerning Shuttle Irons. Providence: RI: c.

1915. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Spindles for shuttles in weaving looms, with 9

different types illustrated. An unusual product line. $40.00

339) Colson Corp., Colson Casters - Catalog No. D-275-R. Elyria, OH:

1945. 64 pp., 4to. Fully illustrated uncolored catalogue of casters for metal furniture, wood furniture, and wheels for many other institutional, commercial

and industrial uses. $25.00

340) Corbin, P. & F., Cerraduras y Ferreteria Para Construccion -

#K160. New Britain, CT: 1920. 176 pp., 4to. Spanish-language catalogue of

locks, keys and other builder's hardware such as escutcheons, door handles, etc. Fully illustrated, 4 pages in color. An interesting catalogue for the export

market which was starting up again after the difficulties of shipping during

World War I. $150.00

341) Corbin, P. & F., Corbin-Newton Checking Pivots - A.I.A. File No.

27-B. New Britain, CT: c. 1935. 24 pp., 4to. Some wear and soiling from earlier exposure to water. Checking pivots are used on swinging doors such as

toilet stall doors. $35.00

342) Corbin, P. & F., Special Hardware for Metal Cabinets - Catalog

K396. New Britain, CT: c. 1937. 16 pp., 4to. Knobs, locks, hinges for metal

cabinets such as lighting panels, fire hose boxes, lockers, steel bookcases with doors, etc. Very minor adhesion damage $35.00

343) Corbin, P. & F., Residence Hardware - Catalog K558. New Britain, CT: 1938. 48 pp., 4to. Stiff bright wrappers, very minor stiffening from

moisture exposure. Hardware includes shutters, door knobs and locks, and all

other household purposes. Some pages printed in color, others are tinted. Unpriced. $30.00

344) Corbin, P. & F., Hardware for Commercial Entrances. New Britain, CT: 1941. 36 pp., 4to. Pull, closers, hinges, push bars for stores. Many stylized

chrome designs $35.00

345) Corbin, P. & F., Semi-Concealed Door Closer No.400 for Interior &

Inswinging Exterior Doors. New Britain, CT: c. 1945. 16 pp., 4to.

Promotional brochure with detailed schematic diagrams for a new model of door closer. $25.00

346) Corbin, P. & F., Automatic Exit Fixtures and Hardware for Schools,

Theatres ... - Cat.#K560. New Britain, CT: 1947. 50 pp., 4to. Stiff wrappers,

lightly worn. Price list for 1947 laid in front cover. Also includes door checks,

handles, knobs, etc. $35.00

347) Corbin, P. & F., Corbin Specialties, Some of the Newer and More

Prominent Articles in the Corbin Line ... - Catalog K112. New Britain, CT:

c.1930. 50 pp., 4to. Transoms, automatic exit fixtures, mechanical window

hardware, shutter works (with schematic diagrams). The last page shows 9 decorative knobs with escutcheons. $85.00

348) Craftsmen, The, Colonial Wrought Iron Hardware. Boston, MA: 1936. 4 pp., 4to. Small catalogue of hinges, door pulls and similar wrought

iron hardware. Price list and letter laid in. $20.00

349) Dent Hardware Co., Refrigerator Trimmings and Similar Items.

Fullerton, PA: 1901. 63 pp., 8vo. Black wrappers, front joint torn, chipped at

foreedge. Hinges, catches, latches and fasteners for refrigerators (i.e. ice boxes)., many quite elaborate and ornate. Many of Dent's catalogues have

been reproduced, but this is an original. $75.00

350) Eaton, Lovett & Wellington, Catalogue of ... American English and

German Hardware, Wooden Ware, Stationery and Fishermen's Outfits. Boston, MA: 1861. 64 pp., 16mo. Wrappers, scorched at spine and lower edge, not affecting text. This unillustrated catalogue lists a wide variety of

items from axes to whips and has a special section for wooden ware, sta-

tionery and fishermen's outfits. $150.00

351) Eutectic Welding Alloys Co., Eutectic Low Temperature Welding.

New York, NY: 1945. 36 pp., 4to. Rods and fluxes for specialized welding. Colored wrappers, very good condition with light wear at spine. $15.00

352) Hobbies Ltd., Hobbies Handbook of Bent Iron Work London, UK: 1896. 88 pp., 12mo. Illustrated manual for working with delicate pieces of

iron to produce flower holders, picture frames, wall brackets, etc. $45.00

353) Hungerford, U.T., Brass & Copper Material. New York, NY: 1900.

244 pp., 12mo. Hard bound and profusely illustrated. Front hinge gone, worn

at corners. Everything needed by workers in metal. There are rivets and oil cans, buckets and brass tubing as well as dozens of other metal items.. $50.00

354) Lincoln Electric Co., The Lincoln Weldirectory. Cleveland, OH: 1944. 56 pp., 4to. Welding equipment and supplies, including electrodes, tanks,

clothing, etc. $20.00

Page 19: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

355) Linde Air Products Co., Oxweld Welding and Cutting Apparatus.

New York, NY: 1938. 106 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated, including some color, catalogue of welding attachments and bench machinery. Includes all gauges,

tanks and accessories for industrial welding. $25.00

356) Logan-Gregg Hardware Co, .Wholesale Distributors of Hardware -

Catalogue No.25. Pittsburgh, PA: 1905 1,178 pp., 4to. Original cloth, fine

condition. An enormous catalogue of a complete range of hard goods, from tools and builders' hardware to sporting goods. There is a very large sporting

goods section with an extensive selection of name-brand and unlabeled

shotguns, rifles and handguns. There are pocket knives, buggies, harnesses, gas lights, coal bins and many, many other items. $325.00

357) MacKay & Newcomb Co., Hardware for Colonial Furniture. Boston, MA: c. 1910. 96 pp., 8vo. Disbound, lacking covers, title page, and possibly

last leaf of index. Company name comes from manuscript note on first page.

Internally intact. Decorative elements in brass, with many drawer pulls and escutcheons. Also includes some door knobs and knockers, candlesticks,

andirons and other brass accessories. $40.00

358) Masbach Hardware Co.: 1910 Catalogue. New York, NY: 1910. 156

pp., 8vo. Cloth, front board soiled. Internally fine. Illustrated catalogue of a

general hardware store, from building materials such as hinges and door locks to tools to pocket knives. $75.00

359) Nashua Lock Co., Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of the Nashua

Lock Company. 1868. Nashua: NH: 1868. 135 pp., 8vo. Original cloth over

stiff wrappers, light wear and bumping at corners. Excellent condition. 18

page unillustrated price list for June: 1870 attached inside front cover. Fully illustrated, mostly with one item shown per page, featuring locks, escutcheons,

door knobs and hooks. Printed in New York. This is 11 years earlier than the earliest catalogue from this company listed by Romaine on p. 172, though the

text indicates that the company had issued a catalogue in 1867. $375.00

360) Pacific Hardware and Steel Co., Hardware, Sporting Goods, Iron and

Steel - No. 12. San Francisco, CA: c. 1915. 1,176 pp. 4to. Fully illustrated,

excellent condition. A huge, thick catalogue with a vast array of hard goods. Many pages of builders' hardware (hinges, furniture handles and locks, bolts,

etc.) household goods (pots, pans, rat traps, toasters, bone and coffee mills, ice

cream freezers, etc.) sewing machines, pocket knives, rifles, shotguns and handguns, sporting goods, fishing tackle and much more. $650.00

361) Patch, F. R., Mfg. Co., Specialists in Stone Working Machinery. Rutland, VT: c. 1915. 34 pp., 4to. Heavy equipment for working quarries, tile

manufacturers or others working with large slabs of stone. Items include

planers, tile makers, diamond-edged circular saws, and others. The most

expensive machine offered is a heavy granite lathe for $35,700. Light

waterstains at corners. $75.00

362) Sargent & Co., Hardware 1901. New Haven, CT: 1901. 1,222 pp., 4to.

HUGE catalogue of builders' hardware, original limp leather binding, front

cover has a large chip at the bottom corner. Very good internally, though lacking last leaf. Hundreds of pages of locks and keys as well as tools and

other hardware. The page count above is very low, as there are many

supplemental pages, bring the actual total closer to 1,500 pages. Fully illustrated. Some updates dated 1905 $850.00

363) Taylor, H. D., Co., Imported and Domestic Upholstery and Drapery

Fabrics, Upholsterers' Supplies, Cabinet Hardware. Buffalo, NY: c. 1920.

134 pp., 4to. Equipment, upholstery and hardware for furniture makers. Many

pages of locks, hinges, pulls etc. for desks and cabinets. Six pages in color showing materials for drapes and accessories. Fully illustrated. A fine

comprehensive catalogue of furniture components and tools for furniture

restorers and reupholsters.. $100.00

364) Whitman & Barnes, Inc., Twist Drills, Reamers, Cutters - Catalog No.

95. Detroit, MI: 1936. 194 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue with index tabs for a wide variety of drill bits. One full page in color. Others have colored

depictions of drill bits. $25.00

365) Yale Lock Mfg. Co., Price List No. 3 - February: 1871 Stamford, CT:

1871. 32 pp., 8vo. Original cloth over stiff wrappers, light wear, excellent

condition. Trade discount slip tipped in at the back. This is the first illustrated

catalogue from Yale, for many years America's leading lock maker. It is also

the earliest catalogue from Yale listed in Romaine, at page 176. We have seen one earlier (1869 and titled Catalogue No. 1) catalogue from Yale, which had

been founded in 1851. A very rare, important lock catalogue. $525.00

Hardware - Tools & Machine Tools 366) Atkins, E. C., & Co., Saws and Saw Tools - The Sawyers' Hand Book,

January: 1905. Indianapolis, IN: 1905. 220 pp., 12mo. Catalogue of saws of all types, from cross-cut saws to lumber-mill equipment. Stiff wrappers, good

condition though some stiffness to pages. Scattered throughout are directions

for proper use of saws. $100.00

367) Atkins, E. C., & Co., Saws. Indianapolis, IN: 1906. 236 pp., 8vo. Saws

of all varieties, from hand saws to circular saws to table saws to equipment for making and sharpening saws. Many pages in bright color. Very

comprehensive. $100.00

368) Bangor Edge Tool Co., New Improved Peavey Patent Cant-Dog.

Bangor: ME: 1887. 2 pp., 4to. Illustrated double-sided flyer for lumbermens'

tools: cant hooks, pick poles, and axe heads. Priced. $50.00

369) Barlow Hardware Co., Ltd., Wholesale Iron and Steel - Net Price List

No. 9. Corry, PA: 1902. 208 pp., 8vo. Red wrappers. An extensive line of tools, supplies and materials for blacksmiths, millmen and lumbermen. Also

shows much gear and parts for carriages, wagons and bicycles. Heavily

illustrated. $60.00

370) Barnes, W. F. & John, Co., Price List and Descriptive Catalogue of

Barnes' Patent Foot-Power Machinery. Rockford, IL: 1885. 88 pp., 8vo. Original printed wrappers, spine chipped and torn. Illustrated catalogue with

many early foot-powered machine tools, including lathes, mortising machines,

rip saws, etc. There are two different pedal styles: a treadle-style and a

bicycle-style, complete with molded metal seat. Bound in are two full-page

circulars for specific machines. $525.00

371) Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem Tool Steels - Catalog L-1. Bethlehem,

PA: 1931. 110 pp., 12mo. Illustrated catalogue, with some color, of steel designed for tools and machine tools. Many tables defining weights and

hardness numbers of various steels. Cloth-covered stiff wrappers. $50.00

372) Boker, H., & Co, Inc., Pliers and Hardware Specialties. New York,

NY: c. 1930. 32 pp., 8vo. A fine selection of more unusual tools, with a wide

range of pliers and wire cutters designed for dozens of specialized trades. There are also gimlets, wood screw cutters, a sportsman's scale, punches,

planes, a page with 8 varieties of corkscrew and 3 pages of needles for

mattressmakers and upholsterers. $50.00

373) Bond, Harold L., Co., Contractors Machinery Tools and Supplies -

Catalog C. Boston, MA: 1910. 288 pp., 8vo. Tools and supplies for construction sites, including portable forges, hods, one page of dynamite and

blasting supplies, carts and barrows of various sorts, rock drills, hoists, drill

bits and much other equipment. $100.00

374) Campbell Wood Products Co., Wood Specialties - Catalog No. 241.

New York, NY: 1941. 32 pp., tall 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of a wide array of eclectic wooden tools and products such as mallets, axe handles, dowels,

wedges, plugs, rammers, boat hooks, etc. $45.00

Page 20: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

375) Collison, George A., Collison's Universal Puller. Burlington, VT:

1917. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Small illustrated brochure for a little tool apparently invented by a garage mechanic in Burlington. It is a sort of 3-

pronged wrench/vise designed to clamp onto cylinders, rods, etc. and help in

pulling them out. $25.00

376) Constantine, Albert, and Son, Inc., Constantines Master Manual for

Wood Workers. New York, NY: 1947. 112 pp., 8vo. An interesting catalogue of wood and tools for woodworking and inlay work. Many color

pages of inlay work. Includes tools for all manner of artistic woodwork. Spine

splitting. $35.00

377) Disston, Henry, & Sons, 1911 Catalogue. Philadelphia, PA: 1911. 206

pp., 12mo. Fully illustrated with an assortment of saws, levels, bits and other tools needed by carpenters and builders. Four pages of saws illustrated in

color. A group of items seldom seen are 3 pages of cane knives and machetes,

with models named the Louisiana, Cuban, Hawaiian Special, etc. Small hole in spine. This years' catalogue not in Romaine. $100.00

378) Folding Sawing Machine Co., Folding Sawing Machine. Chicago, IL: 1908. 48 pp., 8vo. Red wrappers, very good condition, minor bleeding from

wraps. Original illustrated and stamped mailing envelope, ends torn.

Illustrated catalogue for a machine which assisted in sawing logs, though not a power saw in any sense. Many testamonials. $125.00

379) Fulkerson Bros. Handle Co., Ax Handles. Puxico, MO: 1927. 8 pp.,

8vo. Catalogue of handles for axes, picks, adzes and hatchets. One page

illustrates 13 different styles. Revised price list stapled in. Creased vertically at

center. $40.00

380) General Motors Co., Hand Tools - Their Correct Usage and Care. Detroit, MI: 1943. 51 pp., 8vo. A manual of tool usage prepared for the armed

forces servicing military vehicles. There are basic "how-to" rules for using

screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, chisels, files, etc. $25.00

381) Hoe, R., & Co., Patent Chisel Tooth Saws. New York, NY: 1897. 21

pp., 12mo. Small booklet of descriptions and testamonials for Hoe's circular saw blades. $25.00

382) Hopkins, Henry, Handy Notes and Queries. A Manual of Useful

Information, of Especial Importance to Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and

Tinware. New York, NY: 1883. 120 pp., 12mo. Not a catalogue, but a small

reference work for the hardware trade, with many tables of sizes, weights, thicknesses, etc. for a huge array of hardware. On the left-hand pages are ads

for different hardware manufacturers and retailers. $45.00

383) Little Giant Mfg. Co., Schofield's Little Giant Clamp and

Combination Tool and Partable Mortising Machine. New Haven, CT: c.

1870. 12 pp., 8vo. Catalogue of a ratcheting tool which could serve a variety of purposes, all illustrated. These include use as a morticer, floor clamp, carpet

strectcher, saw clamp, lifting jack, crate opener, etc. $50.00

384) Lucas Machine Tool Co., Saving Set-ups. Cleveland, OH: 1915. 23 pp.,

8vo. Illustrated descriptive brochure for Lucas boring and milling equipment

used in machine shops. While specifications are given for three models, this is more a general promotion for Lucas machinery with closeup photos of the

equipment. Small chips to wrappers. $45.00

385) Machinery Company of America, Saw and Knife Fitting Machinery

and Tools - Catalogue No. 30. Big Rapids, MI: c. 1930. 224 pp., 12mo.

Extensive illustrated catalogue of saws and knives as machine tools. Includes large rip saws, band saws, and circular saws along with a number of industrial-

grade saw sharpening machines. $35.00

386) Mail Products Co., Your Catalogue of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools.

New York, NY: c. 1920. 32 pp., 8vo. Red wrappers, chipped at corners. An

interesting little catalogue with metal items primarily for home use. Includes hand-tools, razors and strops, pocket knives, and lawn mowers. There are

sections of small electric appliances, garden hoses and implements. $35.00

387) McMann, James R., Co. Inc., Supplies and Equipment for Railroads,

Factories, Mills. Wrought Iron, Cast Iron, Brass Pipe ... New York, NY:

1921. 336 pp., 8vo. Hard covers. Retail catalogue of hardware, pipes, pipe cutting machines, pumps, radiators, and tools and parts for industry. $50.00

388) Moody, Edward H., Catalogue and Price List of Scroll Saws and

Scroll Saw Material. Hartford, CT: 1884. 34 pp., 8vo. Lacks wrappers,

stained at bottom. Several models of standing scroll saws are offered, with

hand tools and accessories for delicate woodwork. There is a substantial sporting goods section, with baseball, tennis and gymnasium goods. $50.00

389) Nicholson File Company, Nicholson. Providence: RI: 1934. 36 pp., oblong folio. Heavy cardboard wrappers. Text tinted yellow background with

many illustrations of a variety of files. Excellent condition. A range of hand

files and saw files, for all uses, are shown in detail. $75.00

390) Northwestern Mfg. Co., Logging Tools and Sleighs. Duluth, MN: c.

1915. 20 pp., oblong 4to. Illustrated catalogue of tools for loggers, with many pike poles, peavies, cant hooks, pickaroons, skidding tongs, timber carriers,

etc. Light wear to wrappers, otherwise fine. $100.00

391) Norwich Belt Mfg. Co., American Pulley Co. Pulleys Norwich, CT: c.

1915. 8 pp., 12mo. Partially illustrated small folding price list of steel split

pulleys. $20.00

392) Ottawa Mfg. Co., The Ottawa Wood Sawing Encyclopedia Ottawa:

KS: c. 1935. 24 pp., 4to. Extremely attractive catalogue for a very large, though transportable, power saw for cutting large logs. Many of the

illustrations have been highlighting in color. Also includes a separate flyer for

a rolling buzz saw, the “Buzz Master”, along with the original used illustated mailing envelope, worn. $75.00

393) Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co., Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of

Tinsmiths' Tools and Machines and Hardware. Southington, CT: 1890. 504 pp., 4to. Huge catalogue of tools and hardware, including large sections of

hardware for building such as sash lifts, bell pulls, handles, and other

decorative items. Also includes many other metal implements such as tobacco cutters, sausage fillers, andirons, roof seamers, whip sockets and hundreds of

other products. Many styles shown are ornate and highly decorative. The front

cover names the Supplee Hardware Co. as the distributor of this catalogue. Peck, Stow & Wilcox's offices were in New York. $525.00

394) Rixford, O. S., Scythes & Axes. East Highgate, VT: 1887. 68 pp., oblong 12mo. Stiff blue illustrated covers. Fine condition.Throughout most of

the catalogue, there are illustrations of tools on the left-hand pages with

specifications and descriptions on the right side. Features scythes, axeheads and similar cutting tools. $100.00

395) Salem Iron Works, Hege's Improved Circular Saw Mills. Salem, NC: 1884. 1 pp., oblong 12mo. Small folding flyer for a saw mill. Recto has an

illustration of the saw mill printed on yellow tissue paper. Verso blank. One

tear repaired. Scarce Southern advertising. $75.00

396) Salem Iron Works, Hege's Improved Circular Saw Mills with Log

Beam, Rectilinear Simultaneous Set Works Salem, NC: c. 1884. 6 pp., 8vo. Folding flyer in good condition. One panel is an illustration of the mill. Inside

panels have a long list of customers, most in the South, but with users as far

away as South America and Utah Territory. $75.00

397) Schuler, L., Falschner-un Klempnerer Maschinen. Wurttberg, GE:

1926. 128 pp., 8vo. Weimar-era catalogue from Germany for sheet metal working machinery. Fully illustrated. Fine condition. Each machine is shown,

with prices for different models. $50.00

398) Shimer, Samuel J., & Sons, Now and Then about the Shimer Cutter

Head. Milton, PA: 1904. 16 pp., 8vo. Cutter heads for planing mills.

Illustrated. Light soiling. $30.00

399) Shimer, Samuel J., & Sons, The Shimer Cutter Heads. Milton, PA:

1905. 192 pp., 8vo. Original wrappers, some damage to cover and first few leaves. Cutting heads for creating architectural elements of wood, including

edge and door mouldings, floors, wainscoting, $40.00

Page 21: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

400) Smith Engineering Works, Telsmith Mining, Quarry and Gravel Pit

Machinery - Bulletin 266F. Milwaukee: WI: c. 1930. 27 pp., 4to. Heavy machinery for quarrying operations, including screeners, washers, sorters,

conveyors and other large machines. There are illustrations, text descriptions,

and specifications of each type of equipment. $75.00

401) Smith Welding Equipment Corp., Smith's Welding Equipment -

Catalog No. 149. Minneapolis, MN: 1948. 40 pp., 4to. Uncolored illustrated catalogue of torches, tools, regulators and other accessories for acetylene

welding. $25.00

402) Standard Electrical Tool Co., Standard Electric Grinders, Buffers,

Drills - Catalog No. 43. Cincinnati, OH: c. 1945. 36 pp., 4to. Grinders,

polishers, lathes and floor equipment for machine shops. $30.00

403) Starrett, L. S., Co., Fine Mechanical Tools - Catalog No. 22. Athol,

MA: 1938. 352 pp., 12mo. Red wrappers. Extensive catalogue of precision tools. In addition to Starrett's usual calipers, gauges, speed indicators, rules,

etc., there are also some surveyors' and draftsmen's instruments Fully

illustrated. $40.00

404) Starrett, L. S., Co., Precision Tools, Steel Tapes, Dial Indicators,

Hack Saws, etc. - Catalog No. 26. Athol, MA: 1938. 288 pp., 12mo. Red wrappers. Extensive catalogue of precision tools, calipers, gauges, speed

indicators, etc. Fully illustrated. $40.00

405) Starrett, L. S., Co., Starrett Precision Tools, Steel Tapes, Dial

Indicators, Hack Saws. Athol, MA: 1938. 288 pp., 12mo. Catalogue of tools

for builders and factories. Red covers, fine condition. $35.00

406) Starrett, L. S., Co., Precision Tools, Steel Tapes, Dial Indicators,

Hack Saws, etc. - Catalog No. 26a. Athol, MA: 1953. 288 pp., 12mo. Red wrappers. Extensive catalogue of precision tools, calipers, gauges, speed

indicators, etc. Fully illustrated. $25.00

407) Torrey, William A., & Co., Planing Saws. New York, NY: c. 1880. 6

pp., 16mo. Small unillustrated catalogue for circular saw blades. Light wear. Includes prices for planing saws with diameters from 6 to 68 inches. $25.00

408) Wilkinson, A. J., & Co., Wood-Workers' Catalogue. Boston, MA: c.

1885. 118 pp., 8vo. Original illustrated stiff wrappers, front wrapper torn in 3 places, with bottom corner gone. Internally good. Fully illustrated catalogue of

hand tools for woodworking including hammers, gouges, braces and bits,

planes, clamps, etc. A very good tool catalogue. Not in Romaine. $325.00

409) Wilkinson, John, Co., Complete List in Miniature of Bowman's

Latest Scroll Saw Designs. Boston, MA: c. 1887. 60 pp., 4to. Sold with:

Complete List of Russell's Designs and Complete List of Russell's World-

Renowned Designs. All published by WIlkinson in the same format. Original

wrappers, considerable wear and chipping. From the hay-day of home scroll-sawing with extensive designs for furniture, small statues (including the Statue

of Liberty), and other decorative items. $125.00

410) Williams, J. H., & Co., Tools of Industry - 21st Edition. Buffalo, NY:

1936. 214 pp., 12mo. Tools and small hardwarey for railroad work. Includes a

wide range of wrenches, vises and clamps. Front hinge broken. $35.00

411) Wilson, Herbert S., The Practical Tool-Maker and Designer.

Philadelphia, PA: 1901. 208 pp., 8vo. This is a treatise on the design and manufacture of machine tools and metal working machinery. Original cloth

covered boards. At the back is a 32-page catalogue of books published by

Henry Carey Baird, all of which are of a scientific or technical nature. $100.00

412) Winnie Machine Works, 16th Annual Catalogue of the Latest

Improved Barrel Hoop Machinery, Cooperage Goods and Cooperate

Stock. Chicago, IL: 1889. 32 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, gnawing damage at

bottom edge with minor text loss on some pages. Illustrated machinery and

supplies for making barrels, accompanied by considerable text on the barrel-making process. Many planers, stave saws, etc. $65.00

Hardware - Miscellaneous Machinery, Engines & Supplies 413) Allis, The Edward P., Co., Flour Mill Machinery Milwaukee, WI: 1900. 32 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated with pictures showing machinery made by

Allis. Text describes the advantages of the Allis machines. Machines includes

roller mills and shaker feeders for large-scale flour milling factories. $75.00

414) American Blower Co., Venturafin- Unit Heater Catalog and

Engineering Application Guide. Detroit, MI: 1935. 48 pp., 4to. Detailed

descriptions, views and plans of ventilation and air mixing systems for

commercial and industrial buildings. $25.00

415) Archer Iron Works, Steel Wheelbarrows. Chicago, IL: c. 1915. 14 pp.,

16mo. Fold-out brochure of barrows for carrying coal, construction materials,

mortar, etc. One model is shown per panel. $30.00

416) Barlow Hardware Co., Champion Blowers. Corry, PA: c. 1900. 16 pp.,

8vo. Catalogue of tools for small machine shops, including blowers, forges, exhaust fans, tire benders and post-mounted drills. $25.00

417) Colorado Iron Works Co., Concentration Mills & Machinery -

Catalogue NO. 7-E. Denver, CO: 1907. 92 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers,

bottom of spine torn, otherwise fine. Illustrated descriptive catalogue of machinery for mining and ore separation operations. Includes crushers,

screeners, belts and other necessary equipment. Relatively early Western industrial catalogue. $225.00

418) Cork Insert Co., Cork Inserts. Boston, MA: c. 1925. 48 pp., 12mo. Illustrated catalogue for an obscure use for corks, as inserts into facings for

industrial belts, clutches, winding cones, pulleys, etc. The cork inserts provide

friction to keep belts from slipping. $35.00

419) Duncan & Sons, Saddlery - Shoe Findings. Seattle: WA: c. 1920. 110

pp., oblong 4to. This appears to be one section of a larger catalogue, though bound separately. Original red wrappers. Equipment and supplies for

shoemakers and leather workers. Focsed primarily on shoemaking, it has

many lasts, polishing machines, heel and sole cutters, etc. A scarce early northwest manufacturing catalogue. $225.00

420) Eaton & Glover Co., Engraving That Pays. New York, NY: 1901. 32 pp., 8vo. Engraving machinery catalogue with one color plate showing 2

models. Aimed at jewelers who were doing engraving by hand. Many

examples and accessories are shown. Order form and reply card laid in. Front wrapper chipped. $75.00

421) Farquhar, A. B. Ltd., Farquhar Engines and Boilers. York, PA: c. 1925. 8 pp., 16mo. Illustrated with pictures of various types of steam and

traction engines and locomotive power plants. The illustrations show engines

in a variety of uses. There is a rubber stamp for a retailer, W. G. Runkles Machinery Co. of Trenton, NJ. $25.00

422) Johns-Manville, Johns-Manville Products for the Water Works

Industry. New York, NY: 1946. 70 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of ceiling

and insulation products for municipal water supply systems. Bound with a

second catalogue of Industrial Products with roofing, siding and other construction products as well as linings for brakes and drilling rigs. $25.00

423) Matchless Metal Polish Co., Catalog of Buffing and Polishing Wheels

and Composition. Chicago, IL: c. 1930. 36 pp., 8vo. Clasp-bound publication

for materials and wheels for buffing and polishing metal. Illustrated. This

company had a factory in Glen Ridge, NJ. $40.00

424) Oil Well Supply Co. Ltd., Supplementary Catalogue of Tools,

Machinery and Supplies for Boring, Equipping and Operating Oil, Salt,

Gas and Water Wells. Petrolia, ON: c. 1910. 20 pp., 8vo. Specialized

Canadian catalogue of drilling equipment. Title page discolored by bleeding

from front wrapper. Chipping at bottom corner of first several leaves. The last two pages have illustrations of portable drilling rigs. $150.00

Page 22: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

425) Pedrick & Ayer, Illustrated Catalogue of Special Tools for Railway

Repair Shops, Boring, Milling, Grinding, Planing and Shaping Machines Philadelphia, PA: 1891. 114 pp., oblong 4to. Stiff wrappers, some chipping.

Internally very good. Specialized machine tools for fabricating parts for

locomotives and railroad equipment. Dozens of machines are shown, with extensive text descriptions. $150.00

426) Rodney Hunt Machine Co., Descriptive Catalogue Orange, MA: 1897. 184 pp., 8vo. Original stiff wrappers, worn and rubbed. Internally fine.

Illustrated catalogue of machines, pulleys, and other parts for machinery used

in factories for the textiles industries. Includes machines for washing, dyeing, stretching cloth among many others. $75.00

427) Skinner, E. W., & Co., Sorgo Hand Book to E. W. Skinner's Patent

Adjustable Sugar Mills, Embracing a Treatise on the Northern Sugar

Plant ... Madison: WI: 1864. 32 pp., 8vo. Catalogue of sugar mills with an

essay on the Cultivation and Manufacture of Sorgum Sugar Cane. Printed wrappers, corners bent. Growing sorghum for sugar arose as a result of the

Civil War, as Southern sources of sugar were not available to the North. Not

in OCLC. $250.00

428) Squier, Geo. L, Mfg. Co., Fabricantes de Maquinaria para

Haciendas. Buffalo, NY: 1888. 148 pp., 8vo. Illustrated printed wrappers, front wrapper detached, otherwise fine condition. Printed entirely in Spanish.

Catalogue of machinery for agricultural industries in Latin America. Offers

items for the processing of rice, coffee and sugar with engines and turbines for powering them. A scarce, fascinating catalogue. Not in Romaine. $425.00

429) Stehling, Chas. H., Co., Hide and Leather Working Machinery -

General Catalogue 1914. Milwaukee: WI: 1914. 150 pp., 8vo. Equipment and supplies for tanneries, with photos of tanneries built and equipped by

Stehling. Lacks one leaf. Many pages of large drums and vats for washing,

drying and treating skins. An unusual catalogue topic. $100.00

430) Sterling Mfg. Co., Inc., The Sterling Line of Concrete Mixers,

Combination Brick & Block Machines. La Crescent, MN: c. 1910. 16 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue of cement mixers and brick-making

machinery, available with and without engines. Several of the models have a

mixer mounted on a chassis next to the engine which is housed in a small shed, for use at constructions sites. $75.00

431) Vanden Broeck, F., Grand Magasins de Quincaillerie, Coutellerie,

Articles de Menage. Brussels, BE: 1902. 2 pp., folio. Large double-sided

sheet offering a wide range of tools, cookware, kitchen, hunting and utility

knives, park benches, farming tools, axes, etc. There is one large area devoted to trapping supplies, from mousetraps to snaptraps for larger animals. $75.00

432) Whitin Machine Works, Descriptive Catalogue of ... Combing

Machinery. Whitinsville, MA: 1910. 46 pp., 12mo. Illustrates and provides

specifications for a variety of industrial cotton combing machinery. Cloth-

covered boards. $25.00

433) Whitin Machine Works, Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of ...

Cotton Combing Machinery. Whitinsville, MA: 1916. 47 pp., 8vo. Fifth

edition of this catalogue which Illustrates and provides specifications for a

variety of industrial cotton combing machinery. Cloth-covered boards. $25.00

Horse Goods 434) Barnard, Edward, Co., Barnard Saddlery - 1916 (Harness, Saddles,

Strap Work, Season Goods ... Rome, NY: 1916. 234 pp., 4to. An extensive

horse goods catalogue comprised mostly of harnesses, bridles, collars, etc.

Very few saddles. Fully illustrated. Fine conditon. Some automobile supplies at back. $175.00

435) Bingham Harness Co., Strap Work Catalogue No.5A - Harness,

Horse Collars, Saddlery & Strap Work. Rome, NY: 1913. 24 pp., 4to.

Illustrated catalogue of leatherwork for horses, concentrating on straps. 2

different price lists laid in. Stiff wrappers, bent at one corner. $75.00

436) Emmons-Hawkins Hardware Co., Special Harness Catalogue Season

1910 and 1911. Huntington, WV: 1910. 64 pp., 4to. Brown wraps, chipped at corners and edges of front. Illustrated catalogue of goods for horses, with

many harnesses, buggy whips, hames, and collars, There are also seven pages of saddles. $65.00

437) Fisher Carriage Co., Harness List - Full Size and Pure Oak Tanned

Leather, #159, March 1898. Cincinnati, OH: 1898. 2 pp., folio. One sheet,

printed on both sides on banknote paper, illustrating 16 different harness rigs

for carriages and buggies. Priced. $25.00

438) Gleckner, W. W., & Sons Co., Harness Collars Saddlery. Canton, PA:

1940. 80 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of harnesses and collars for draft horses. This was among the last generation of equipment for working horses

on farms as mechanization replaced horse-power after WWII. $35.00

439) Grossmann & Hooe Saddlery Co., Price List No. 1: 1902 - Harness,

Saddles, Bridles, Collars. Cincinnati, OH: 1902. 48 pp., 8vo. Yellow

wrappers, excellent condition. Unillustrated, except for an engraving of a saddle on the back cover, price list of leather goods for horses and riders.

Some of the items are offered individually, others by the dozen. $40.00

440) Hamley & Co., Cowboy Catalog No. 40. Pendleton, OR: 1940. 160 pp.,

8vo. Stiff yellow wrappers, fine condition. Uncolored. Fully illustrated

catalogue of cowboy goods, with extensive sections of saddles, Stetson hats, boots, chaps, belts, spurs, etc. A fine cowboy leather goods catalogue. $250.00

441) Hill & Hill, Premier Horse Boots Boston, MA: c. 1890. 20 pp., oblong 12mo. Protective boots for trotting horses. Also offers several bits and halters.

Illustrated. Back wrapper slightly loose. $65.00

442) Jones, L. A., Co., Harness Manufacturers Bangor, ME: c. 1925. 44

pp., 4to. This catalogue is a trimmed-down version of a J. F. Parkhurst

catalogue, also from Bangor. It is identical to that except for the company name on the cover and the fact that prices have been hand-written through

much of it. Offers harnesses, bridles and parts for buggies. $85.00

443) Koehler Brothers, The Horseman's Guide for Horsemen

Everywhere. Saginaw, MI: 1915. 16 pp., 8vo. Promotional brochure for

Howell Steel Horse Collars. Provides details on the construction and use of this collar. Also general rules and advice for horse owners. $30.00

444) Murray, Wilber H., Mfg. Co., Murray $55.25 Buggies - $5.25 Harness. Cincinnati, OH: 1890. 165 pp., oblong 8vo. Plates in green, blue, brown and

uncolored. With a fine assotment of saddles of every kind over 28 pages as

well as large selections of harnesses and other leather horse items. There are also many buggies and delivery wagons. Romaine p.87. $450.00

445) Prosser Martin, Official Catalog No. 40. Del Rio, TX: c. 1940. 96 pp.,

8vo. Stiff black wrappers, like new condition. Order form and envelope laid in. Uncolored. Extensively illustrated catalogue of premium goods for

cowboys, including many elaborate handmade saddles with extensive silver

and embroidered decorations. Also includes beautiful belts and belt buckles, chaps, holsters, bridles, saddle blankets, and boots. A great catalogue of

leather goods for cowboys from one of the most renowned makers of saddles

of the 20th century. $275.00

446) Schwahn-Seyberth Co., Harness and Harness Parts - Illustrated

Catalogue No. 42. Eau Claire, WI: c. 1925. 256 pp., 4to. Heavy embossed cloth boards, light wear. Fully illustrated catalogue of horse goods, featuring

harnesses and reins, though also with saddles, blankets, tools and materials for

leather repairs, whips and more. $100.00

447) Sell Horse Goods Co., Catalogue No. 57 - Everything for the Race

Horse & Stock Farm. Canton, OH: 1914. 208 pp., 4to. Original stiff wrappers, light wear at top edge. Photos of many harness champions of the

day, including Dan Patch, with testamonials from the owners of those horses.

All equipment for racing and breeding harness horses except sulkies is offered and illustrated. $175.00

448) Wiesenfeld, “Little Joe,” Co., English Super Saddlery - No. 106. Baltimore: MD: 1933. 80 pp., 8vo. An interesting catalogue of saddles, bits

and bridles for hunting horses, but also includes hardware and implements for

race horses. Also pages of crops, polo equipment. $45.00

Page 23: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

House Furnishings 449) Association of United Fraternal Buyers, Inc., Save As You Spend –

1937. Philadelphia, PA: 1937. 24 pp., 8vo. Catalogue of discounted household

items available through this buying cooperative. Includes appliances, furniture, sporting goods and other standard merchandise. $25.00

450) Bancroft, Joseph, & Sons Co., Bancroft's Sun-Fast Hollands Wilmington: DE: 1922. 19 pp., 12mo. Sample book of window shade

materials. No text. One sample has been torn out. The samples are in a wide

variety of colors. Inside the back cover is a view of the factory. $35.00

451) Breeden, H. S., A World of Progress. Patent Spring Scissors and

Shears New York, NY: c. 1890. 1 pp., tall 8vo. One sheet promotion for a new style of spring-loaded scissors, with 3 illustrations. $20.00

452) Copenhaver, Laura, Rosemont Marion: VA: c. 1930. 44 pp., 12mo. Coverlets and other decorative reproductions of colonial Virginia crafts.

Illustrated. Fully illustrated. Includes furniture, rugs, samplers, etc. $45.00

453) Enterprise Mfg. Co., The Enterprising Housekeeper - Second

Edition Philadelphia, PA: 1898. 80 pp., 12mo. A cookbook with catalogue

offerings scattered throughout. Items shown include meat and coffee grinders, sad irons, etc. Most items are crank-operated appliances. Some minor soiling

and wear. The cookbook includes meat, fish, vegetable, dessert and beverage

recipes. $75.00

454) Feldmann, L., & Co., Aluminum Ware, Cordage, Twine, Enameled

Ware ... - Catalogue A San Francisco: CA: c. 1920. 339 pp., 4to. Stiff red wrappers, excellent condition, slightly bumped corners. Fully illustrated, 8 in

bright full color. A large catalogue filled with a very wide array of household goods, leaning heavily on all manner of cookware, but also including

stationery supplies, lamps, knives, tableware, beds, baby carriages,

wheelbarrows, and much, much more. $275.00

455) Haseltine, S. A., Death to Pests. S. A. Haseltine's Moth Catcher

Springfield, MO: c. 1908. 10 pp., 8vo. Brochure for this device, with

descriptions of the various moths, bugs and flies on which it is effective. The text provides testamonials as well as illustrations of various pests. $40.00

456) Larkin Co., Inc., The World's Greatest Premium Values - 97 Ed. Buffalo, NY: 1927. 224 pp., 4to. A panoply of goods for sale by Larkin,

followed by premium items. Most of the items for sale are household goods,

small appliances, dishes, soap, etc. The premium section includes clothes, furniture, rugs, and larger appliances. Several color plates. Light wear and

chipping to brightly colored wrapper $75.00

457) Nonotuck Silk Co., Pillow Covers for Spring: 1903 Chicago, IL: 1903.

16 pp., 8vo. Excellent condition. Four pages of decorative pillows in bright

full color, the remainder is uncolored. Features Corticelli Brand silk. $125.00

458) Sexton, Thos., & Co., Specialties for the Hotel Kitchen Trade St.

Louis, MO: c. 1895. 41 pp., 16mo. Illustrated wrappers. 2 pages of coffee urns in color. The cover title calls for ranges, but there are none here. Instead, there

is a wide range of equipment, cookware, utensils and small gadgets for hotel

kitchens, with many ice picks, can openers, chafing dishescookie cutters, specialty kitchen knives, etc. $75.00

459) Smith, Isaac, Son & Co., Fall Trade List 1867 New York, NY: 1867. 4 pp., 8vo. Attractive uncolored illustrated flyer for fabrics, lace, chintz and

other soft goods. Also lists umbrellas and walking canes. Includes a trade card

and original used mailing envelope. One of the interior pages is blank.; the other lists hotels, railroads and times of departure for mail packets. $150.00

460) St. Louis Stamping Co., Granite Iron Ware Cookbook St. Louis, MO:

1877. 64 pp., 12mo. Chromolithographic wrappers, uncolored internally.

Good condition, some abrasion to title page. A general cookbook with pages showing the company's line of pots, pans and other stamped tinware. $35.00

Jewelry 461) Baird-North Co., Catalog for 1912 Providence: RI: 1912. 192 pp., 4to.

Illustrated red wrappers, creased. Extensive uncolored illustrated catalogue with thousands of items of jewelry. Also includes leather items such as books,

wallets, personal items, pocket knives, brushes, mirrors, silverware. $50.00

462) Bedichimer, I., Masonic Marks, Society Emblems and Jewelry

Philadelphia, PA: c. 1890. 14 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of elaborate

masonic medals and other society emblems. Wrappers lightly soiled. One bright, colorful double-page plate of medals with extensive gilt

highlights.Other organizations whose medals are shown are Odd Fellows,

Knights of Pythias, Red Men, American Mechanics, Locomotive Engineers. There are one or two medals each for baseball players, Irish organizations,

firemen, etc. $125.00

463) Burr, Patterson & Auld Co., The Book for Modern Greeks - 1931

Detroit, MI: 1931. 48 pp., 4to. Disbound., spine cut. Orange wrappers. An

extensive line of college fraternity pins and jewelry. Also shows a variety of clocks, stationery and other jewelry. $40.00

464) Curtin Jewelry Co., Our Latest Catalogue 1899 Attleboro, MA: 1899. 44 pp., 8vo. Blue wrappers, minor damage at corners of back wrapper.

Wholesale catalogue of a wide array of inexpensive jewelry. $40.00

465) Folger, Stephen Lane, Club and College Pins and Rings - Medals -

Jewelry New York, NY: 1920. 24 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue, mostly

of high school rings. Minor damage from adhesion with light loss. $30.00

466) Grouse: c. K., & Co., Catalogue - School, Club and Society Pins

Rochester, NY: c. 1907. 44 pp., 12mo. Uncolored illustrated catalogue of pins and emblems for schools, fraternal organizations, etc. Also included are

badges for athletics, including golf, bowling, tennis. $35.00

467) Hammel, Riglander & Co., “Quick-Fit” Modern Swiss Material

System Including Other Highly Essential Products for the Watchmaker

and Jeweler New York, NY: 1937. 64 pp., 4to. Stiff printed wrappers, fine condition. Illustrates hundreds of replacement parts for watch movements,

with other watchmaking equipment. $30.00

468) Horn, Fred F., Lapidist and Manufacturing Jeweler - 1891

Catalogue Colorado Springs: CO: 1891. 8 pp., 8vo. Two vertical creases,

otherwise good. Early Colorado unillustrated price list of cut and uncut gemstones. This company's specialty is Western Gems, which Horn says he

prospects for and cuts himself. $75.00

469) King & Eisele, Illustrated Catalogue of Tools, Materials, Jewelers'

and Watchmakers' Findings, Optical Goods. Buffalo, NY: 1890. 390 pp., 8vo. Original cloth, worn, hinges broken, text block detached from binding.

Huge catalogue of supplies, tools, materials and equipment for jewelers and

watchmakers. Also includes a large section of eyeglasses. $350.00

470) Lapp & Fiersham, Busiest House in America - Illustrated Catalogue

1891 Chicago, IL: 1891. 623 pp., 4to. Hard covers, light wear with minor damage to front board, generally excellent condition. Exhaustive catalogue of

jewelry, silver, cutlery, watches and clocks. Fully illustrated. Uncolored. Also

includes sections of eyeglasses, binoculars, microscopes and magnifying glasses, umbrellas, gold-headed canes, pens and pencils, etc. Lapp &

Fiersham's name doesn't actually appear on this catalogue, which was

distributed by A.D. Bennett, of Hydetown, PA. $375.00

471) Lynn, J., & Co., Catalogue for 1891. New York, NY: 1891. 64 pp., 8vo.

Wholesaler of inexpensive jewelry, watches, pocket knives, purses, and much more. Chipping of wrappers, with minor loss to front. $40.00

472) Mayers, L. & C., The New York Wholesale Jewelry Catalog -

Number Twenty Three. New York, NY: 1923. 72 pp., 4to. Disbound. Fully

illustrated catalogue of watches, clocks, jewelry and cutlery, with many pages

in color. $40.00

473) Mayers, L. & C., Wholesale Jewelry Catalog - 1925 New York, NY:

1925. 104 pp., 4to. Front wrapper has one crease and short tear. Pagination irregular but apparently complete. Includes a large section of clocks with table

and banjo clocks. Many watches. There is a large section of high quality

jewelry with diamond bracelets. $50.00

474) Mayers, L. & C., Wholesale Jewelry Catalog - 1934 New York, NY:

1934. 386 pp., 4to. Large, extensively illustrated catalogue of luxury items, ranging from 18-inch pearl necklaces to leather goods, diamond rings to

electric appliances, including silver and silverplate items. Many pages in

color, including a briliant 4-page spread of pens. The binding is loose, as are several of the pages. Split starting at bottom of front joint. $85.00

475) Ryrie Bros. Ltd., Precious Gems - Their History Toronto: ON: c. 1925. 36 pp., oblong 12mo. Describes the history of gems and gem mining, with a

particular emphasis on diamonds. Gives the histories of several of the most

famous individual diamonds. At center is a small folding panoramic view of Toronto. $50.00

Page 24: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

476) Tiffany & Co., Tiffany & Co. New York, NY: 1970. 144 pp., 16mo.

Glazed stiff wrappers in the familiar Tiffany Blue. Although this is a quite recent catalogue the marvelous color illustrations make this a highly

collectible item. Though just 40 years old, these are quite scarce. The jewelry

is magnificent. $30.00

477) Wood, J. R., & Sons, Diamond Cutters - Plain Solid Gold Rings,

Engraved Rings, ... New York, NY: 1904. 20 pp., 8vo. Original wrappers,

somewhat worn. One page cut. Offers high quality rings, specializing in

diamonds and plain gold rings. Hundreds of styles illustrated. $45.00

478) Wood, J. R., & Sons, Elwood Rings - 1931 New York, NY: 1931. 98

pp., 8vo. Rings of all descriptions, from diamonds to class and signet rings. There are 11 color pages of birthstone and other semi-precious stone rings.

The back section is class rings, and athletic pins, medals and charms. $45.00

Lighting by Candle, Oil, ... 479) Adams, Frank, Electric Co., The Control of Lighting in Theaters. St. Louis, MO: 1928. 68 pp., 8vo. Catalogue and promotional material for

switchboards, dimmer panels and other lighting control equipment for

theaters. Many theaters and auditoriums using this equipment are pictured. Two pages in color. $125.00

480) Art Metal Co., Lighting Creations for Better Commercial

Illumination - Catalog C139. Cleveland, OH: 1938. 64 pp., 4to. Illustrated.

Chandeliers for commercial establishments, with many light distribution

schematics. $35.00

481) Baker & Fox, Catalogue of Focusing Arc Lamps, Stands, Rheostats,

Reflectors, Lens Boxes, Etc. Brooklyn, NY: c. 1902. 16 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, with residue of brown paper on edge of front. Light wear. Illustrated

catalogue of lighting instruments and equipment for theatrical and other

specialized uses. Other lights include one for illuminating photo-engraving and another for electric fountains. Letter enumerating discounts is tipped into

front wrapper. $125.00

482) Best Light Co., The “Best” Light - Catalogue No. 45. Canton, OH:

1906. 48 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of gas chandeliers for home and commercial use. Also single lamps. Uncolored, light wear. $175.00

483) Buyers' Reference Co., The Buyers’ Reference for Central Lighting

Stations and Large Isolated Plants. New York, NY: 1898. 80 pp., 4to.

Printed red wrappers, light chipping at edges, vertical crease at center. An

advertising compendium for buyers of electrical lighting supplies, with dozens of companies contributing illustrated advertisements. Products shown include

many light bulbs, generators, voltmeters, switches, insulators, etc. There is

also an extensive listing of suppliers, divided by product. $250.00

484) Gibson Gas Fixture Works, Album No. 15 - Electric Fixtures.

Philadelphia: PA, 1900. 120 pp., 4to. Original cloth, well worn and stained, detached. Last leaves are detached and stained. Appears to be complete, but

could be lacking a final leaf or two. An early catalogue devoted to electric

lighting fixtures, includine ceiling and wall fixtures and chandeliers. One or two fixtures are illustrated, uncolored, per page, many quite ornate. $350.00

485) Gibson Gas Fixture Works, Album No. 16 - Gas Fixtures. Philadelphia: PA, 1901. 162 pp., 4to. Original cloth, very good condition.

Two letters from the company regarding discounts laid in. Gas-powered

lights only, including many chandeliers, wall units and table lamps. A relatively late catalogue to be devoted to gas lighting as electricity was

becoming more and more widespread at this time. $575.00

486) Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., The Pintch Gas Lighted Buoys.

New York, NY: c. 1895. 14 pp., 8vo. Illustrated brochure for nautical lighting

buoys. 2 different models are shown with details of weight and capacity. The buoys were powered by gas and burned continuously for from 85 days to a

year, depending on size. A catalogue for a most unusual product. $225.00

487) Standard Light Co., Guide No. 8: 1924. Milwaukee: WI: 1924. 26 pp.,

8vo. Self-wrappers with original mailing panel and stamp. Uncolored

illustrations of lighting fixtures, parts and supplies for home and office, interior and exterior. Wholesale prices. $40.00


488) American Horse Exchange, Woodburn Yearlings New York, NY:

1892. 57 pp., 8vo. Original yellow wrappers. Auction sale of 26 thoroughbred colts, 22 fillies and 4 stallions which was held on May 21: 1892 "At night by

Electric Light." Minor chipping. Each colt's lineage is traced back at least 10

generations. Sires represented here are Falsetto, Powhaten, Lisbon and King Alfonso. $75.00

489) Jenkins, L. N. F., Dana's Stock Labels ... Marking, Numbering &

Registering Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Colts, &c. Temple: ME: c. 1883. 2 pp.,

4to. 2-sided advertisement for this maker of equipment for tagging livestock.

Includes a lamb tail docker, bull nose punch, sheep toe shears and spring ear

punches. Also includes tags for sheep, cattle, sows and hogs. Some wear and light loss along center horizontal fold. Most unusual. $35.00

490) Patchen Stock Farm, Ninth Annual Catalogue of Trotting Stock,

January 1: 1891 Waterloo, NY: 1891. 32 pp., 8vo. Original stiff wrappers,

front detached. Breeding catalogue with full-page illustrations of 3 standard

bred stallions: Seneca Patchen, Kaiser, and Sunrise Patchen. Several of the stallions and fillies show Hambletonian in their bloodlines. $100.00

Magic Lanterns, Stereo View Equipment 491) Knott, L. E., Apparatus Co., The Projection Lantern in Educational

Work Boston, MA: c. 1900. 18 pp., 16mo. Well-illustrated catalogue of early

projection lanterns, including models with microscope attachments. Lamps are

available in either electrical or acetylene. $60.00

492) Reflex Engineering Co., The Reflex Hi-Efficiency Projection Lamp

for Motion Pictures Newark, NJ: c. 1925. 8 pp., 8vo. Small brochure for this

early commercial-grade movie projector. One page illustrates and describes an

attachment for stereopticons. $35.00

Medical & Surgical Supplies

493) Allison, W. D., Co., The Allison Line of Physicians Appliances -

Operating Tables and Chairs Indianapolis, IN: c. 1920. 41 pp., tall 8vo.

Lacks back wrapper. Disbound. Each page contains color illustrations of furniture for use in doctors' offices. Includes an extensive line of tables,

including a popular model for which 11 different positions are shown. Also

chairs for examination and waiting rooms and instrument cabinets. $65.00

494) Heise, Henry E., Co., Inc., Illustrated Catalogue of Domestic and

Imported Surgical Instruments Philadelphia, PA: c. 1934. 132 pp., 4to.

Hard covers, fine condition. Includes 12 pp. Supplement No. 1 for October:

Page 25: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

1934. Offers an extensive line of surgical instruments, illustrated. Includes a

large section of gynecological instruments as well as many other specialized lines. $150.00

495) Kny-Scheerer Corp. of America, Surgical Instruments - 22nd Edition New York, NY: 1921. 1026 pp., 4to. Thick, hard cover catalogue. Generally

very good condition, though title page and first 4 leaves chipped. Fully

illustrated catalogue in 5 esctions: 1) Dissecting, microscopic and diagnostic instruments; 2) General operating instruments, anaesthesia, etc. 3) Eye, ear,

nose, throat and dental instruments 4) Male urethral instruments and catheters

5) Obstetric and gynecological instruments. $175.00

496) Standard Bandage & Truss Co., Truss Catalogue in Yiddish New

York, NY: c. 1915. 12 pp., 12mo. Self-wrappers. An unusual catalogue of trusses and other bandages and similar items, with the text almost entirely

printed in Yiddish, using Hebrew characters. The text reads right to left and

the pages are numbered accordingly. Illustrated. The only use of English is the name of the company on the cover. $150.00

Musical Instruments497) Aeolian Company, The Aeolian Company's New Piano-Player, The

Pianola New York, NY: c. 1900. 24 pp., 12mo. Descriptive catalogue, mostly

text, from the extensive roll-out of Aeolian's recently perfected Pianola, the first “modern” player piano. Testamonials include one from Paderewski. The

list of “Aeolian Patrons” is topped by Queen Victoria and Pope Leo XIII and

also includes J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, Cornelius Vanderbilt and many others. $100.00

498) Carpenter, E. P., Co., Carpenter Organs Brattleboro, VT: 1900. 8 pp., 8vo. Folding brochure with full-page illustrations of 5 different models. Listed

also are 15 different options of actions. $35.00

499) Chickering Brothers, The Acoustigrande Player Piano Chicago, IL: c.

1915. 12 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of player pianos, fine condition. One style shown, with an illustration of a second model laid in. $75.00

500) Detroit Music Co., French Light Piston Band Instruments Detroit, MI: c. 1895. 2 pp., folio. Large (43x27 cm.) yellow broadsheet with text on

one side and illustrations of 10 band instruments (2 drums, 2 cornets, 6 tubas)

on the other. The text promotes a price reduction sale of the inventory of the defunct Michigan Musical Mfg. Co. $100.00

501) Ditson & Co., Catalogue of Over 2,200 Music Books - Catalogue No.

3 Boston, MA: c. 1890. 300 pp., 8vo. Lacks back wrapper, front wrapper torn

at bottom, with some loss. Unillustrated catalogue of hundreds of books of and

about music. $35.00

502) Henderson & Co., Band Uniforms and Equipment - Catalogue No.

128 Philadelphia, PA: c. 1915. 48 pp., 4to. A wonderfully illustrated catalogue of band uniforms, uncolored, with 24 full page illustrations of elaborately

tailored band uniforms, many of which have very military styling. Virtually all

have intricate braiding. Several drum major uniforms are shown, with epaulets and high shako hats. One page has three styles for women. A wonderfully

evocative catalogue. $350.00

503) Hohner, M., Inc., Hohner Harmonicas New York, NY: 1950. 8 pp.,

8vo. Small illustrated brochure of harmonicas, with 31 styles offered. $25.00

504) Jacot & Son, Musical Boxes New York, NY: 1899. 24 pp., 8vo. Fully

illustrated with pictures of many types of music boxes all of which are

collectors' items today. They offer tiny personal boxes, interchangeable tune boxes and even whimsical boxes such as a box with a singing bird. Very

scarce. Not in Romaine or McKinstry. $500.00

505) Lyon & Healy, New and Enlarged Catalogue of Band Instruments,

Trimmings, Etc. Which Also Includes a Short Guide for Amateur Bands. Chicago, IL: 1891. 120 pp., 4to. Large illustrated catalogue of band instruments and uniforms. Uncolored. The inside back cover contains a

testamonial from John Philip Sousa. The original wrappers are torn and have

considerable chipping. The internal pages are excellent. Includes instruments of American, French and German manufacture. This is among the most

complete band catalogues we have seen from this period. See Romaine p. 246

for similar catalogue from the following year. $325.00

506) Miller, Henry F., Pianofortes Boston, MA: c. 1915. 29 pp., 8vo.

Illustrated catalogue in excellent condition. Stiff wrappers with string-tie at

spine. 9 models are illustrated, one per page, with specifications on facing

page. The text describes the pianos and provides a brief history of the

company. $65.00

507) National Musical String Co., Catalogue of Steel & Wound Strings

New Brunswick, NJ: c. 1920. 56 pp., 4to. Beautiful catalogue for instrumental

strings, with 5 bright, vivid color plates of packages and displays. Includes strings for guitars, violins, zithers, banjos, etc. Many inserts and pastedowns

with price changes. There are no illustrations of instruments, but there are 10

pages of photographs of the factory in New Brunswick. $125.00

508) Patterson, James T., Patterson Organs Bridgeport, CT: c. 1880. 2 pp.,

12mo. Oversized trade card with chromolithographic illustration on the front and text on the back. $35.00

509) Peloubet, Pelton & Co., Price List of Standard Organs and

Melodeons - January 1871 Toledo, OH: 1871. 16 pp., 12mo. Uncolored

illustrated folding brochure of organs. 8 models shown, including three large pipe-front organs. $85.00

510) Prince, Geo. A, & Co., Illustrated Catalogue of ... Melodeons Buffalo, NY: 1860. 40 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, light soiling and wear to wrappers.

Illustrated catalogue of melodeons which were the immediate predecessor of

the reed organ. In fact, there is one item, the New Organ Melodeon, which is touted as an entirely new instrument with 2 keyboards, pedals, and other

features associated with standard organs. See Romaine p. 248 for later

catalogue. $475.00

511) Steinway & Sons, Pianofortes New York, NY: 1930. 32 pp., 12mo.

Stiff green embossed wrappers, excellent condition, some contemporary notes in pencil. Six models are offered, five grand pianos and one upright.

Testamonials include notes from Liszt, Wagner and Paderewski. $70.00

512) Wurlitzer, Rudolph, Co., The World's Standard - Catalog No. 131

Cincinnati, OH: c. 1926. 136 pp., 4to. Catalogue of musical instruments for

orchestra and band. 12 full color plates and 6 more with gold accents for brass instruments. Particularly strong in brass band instruments such as

sousaphones, saxophones and trumpets. Also large sections of violins and

banjos. At the back is a page of radios and parts. There are promotional passages here which might as well have come from The Music Man. $150.00

Optical & Scientific Apparatus513) Chemical Catalog Co., Chemical Engineering Catalog - 1919 (Fourth

Annual) Edition New York, NY: 1919. 1199 pp., folio. A huge compilation

of available materials from hundreds of different companies. Arranged by

company, with descriptions of their products. There is also an index by product. $125.00

514) Spencer Optical Mfg. Co, Detection and Correction of Visual

Imperfections with Test-Type, by C. A. Bucklin New York, NY: c. 1890.

86 pp., 12mo. Gilt-stamped cloth, light wear. Minor damage at bottom inside

edge. Not a catalogue, but a short treatise on this diagnostic technique for optometrists. Ads at front and back for products. $100.00

Page 26: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

515) Taylor Instrument Co., A Catalog of Taylor Instruments Rochester,

NY: 1937. 56 pp., 4to. Printed wrappers, slightly warped. Specialized measurement instruments, featuring thermometers, but also including such

items as gas leak meters, barographs, rain gauges, sphygmomanometers,

compasses, et. al. $75.00

Ornamental Ironwork

516) Barnum, E. T., Iron Works, Catalogue No. 288 - Jail Cells Detroit, MI:

c. 1895. 20 pp., 4to. Well, maybe they're not ornamental, but they are

ironwork. Classic iron or steel bar jail cell units, some multi-story, all illustrated. Offers other cell features, such as commodes, doors, window

guards, bunks, handcuffs and leg irons. $125.00

517) Carpenter, F. E., Co., Iron Railing and Wire Fencing - Catalogue No.

82 New York, NY: c. 1915. 40 pp., oblong 8vo. Fences and railings of all

types, but featuring complex heavy iron fences for cemeteries, estates, etc.

Each page shows one fence in use. Most of the properties shown are in either New York or New Jersey, including a view along the Boardwalk in Atlantic

City. $65.00

518) Ferreria Encarnacion, Photographic Catalogue Encarnacion: ME: c.

1890. 34 pp., 4to. Informal catalogue of ironwork, ornamental and utilitarian,

illustrated totally with 58 original photographs of the products with manuscript titles beneath. Original marbled boards, loose and very well worn.

Stray manuscript notations throughout. The name of the firm is taken from an

imprint on a photo of a light post. There is no formal title page. Mostly ornamental ironwork, but also including park benches, iron pots, grates,

handtrucks and other miscellaneous items. (Photo at left) $1,750.00

519) Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Prospectus for Catalogues New York, NY: c.

1890. 1 pp., 4to. One page flyer advertising Mott's catalogues of fountains.

Catalogue H offers a line of garden-type fountains, while Catalogue K embraces drinking fountains. 17 styles of fountain are shown around the

border of this sheet. Short tears at ends of horizontal center fold. $50.00

Paint 520) Brunner Mfg. Co., Spray Painting Equipment - Catalog 23A Utica,

NY: 1927. 16 pp., 4to. Equipment for large-scale industrial spray painting, such as for cars on an assembly line or other industrial uses. Price list. $35.00

521) Detroit White Lead Works, Rogers Stainfloor Finish has Uses in

Every Room Detroit, MI: c. 1925. 18 pp., 8vo. Colorful brochure for paint

and stain, lacks color chips. Many room treatments are shown in color. $25.00

522) Johns, H. W., Structural Decoration New York, NY: 1883. 48 pp.,

12mo. Terra cotta wrappers, fine condition. Some illustrations, many

testamonials. Johns, which later became Johns-Manville, made outdoor paints utilizing asbestos. $25.00

523) Martin-Senour Co., Salesman's Book Chicago, IL: c. 1910. 70 pp., 4to.

Hard covers, loose leaf style. This is a sample book with unmounted can labels, small brochures, and seven beautiful chromolithographic plates

showing houses coated in the company's paints. Some pieces have been

removed, but there are still roughly 75 items mounted. Many pages are loose. Most of the pieces were printed for Martin-Senour, which had locations in

Chicago and Montreal. There are a few for other paints, including the Pullman

White Lead Works and the Everett Paint Works, both of Chicago. $350.00

524) Mound City Paint & Color Co., Colored Houses St. Louis, MO: 1902.

24 pp., oblong 12mo. Small, but brilliantly colored, catalogue demonstrating color schemes on Victorian-era houses. Each illustration shows a bright,

colorful use of paint, with each shade identified by number. Illustrated

wrappers, very lightly creased and soiled. In all, there are 12 beautiful illustrations. $575.00

525) National Lead Co., The Exterior Color Scheme New York, NY: c. 1925. 16 pp., 4to. Brochure for Dutch Boy Paint utilizing 6 color plates to

demostrate home exteriors painted in attractive styles. $50.00

526) Pratt & Lambert, Test It with a Hammer – “61” Floor Varnish New

York, NY: c. 1915. 6 pp., 12mo. Small brochure of floor varnishes, with chips

for 8 colors. The colors are bright and vivid as the original tissue guard is intact. $15.00

527) Schmidt, Conrad William, Lack- und Firnis-Fabrik Dusseldorf, GE: c. 1910. 146 pp., 8vo. Hard covers, fine condition. Catalogue of paints,

varnishes, and lacquers. There are 18 brightly colored plates showing paint

cans and containers. There are no paint chips, but this is nonetheless a striking catalogue. $125.00

528) Sherwin-Williams Co., The Sherwin-Williams Paint Cleveland, OH: c. 1900. 12 pp., 12mo. Folding brochure for paints, good condition, somewhat

weak at some folds. Recto has 12 bright color plates showing representative

Victorian houses painted in multiple colors. This pamphlet was dsitributed by a paint dealer in Dexter, Maine. $85.00

529) Sherwin-Williams Co., Paints & Varnishes Quebec City: QU: 1910. 12 pp., 8vo. Fine color plates showing the various effects that may be had by

using Sherwin-Williams products for painting residential exteriors and

interiors. A Canadian agency sponsored the catalogue. On the front is a

Page 27: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

calendar for April through December 1910. One color chip, of an original 20,

remains in a small envelope affixed to the back cover. $75.00

530) Sherwin-Williams Co., The Sherwin-Williams Paint Cleveland, OH: c.

1910. 12 pp., 12mo. Folding brochure with 6 very attractive color illustrations demostrating home exterior paint combinations. $85.00

531) Standard Varnish Works, Lacqueret - “The Dainty Decorator” New

York, NY: c. 1910. 16 pp., 8vo. Attractive illustrated color front wrapper, with an uncolored view of the company's Staten Island factory on the back.

Uncolored illustrations inside demonstrate the use of Lacqueret varnish in

different rooms of the house. $50.00

Pets and Pet Supplies 532) Lindemann, O., & Co., Catalog of Japanned, Brass and Tinned Wire

Cages New York, NY: 1918. 64 pp., oblong 4to. Printed wrappers, torn and

loose, otherwise good. A very extensive manufacturer's catalogue of bird cages with a small selection of other pet care products. Pasted in is a 1-page

supplement, printed in 4 colors, showing new canary cages. This is as

extensive a wholesale cage catalogue as we have seen. $200.00

533) Magnesia Products Co., Canaries for Pleasure and Profit Milwaukee:

WI: 1931. 32 pp., 8vo. Brightly colored wrappers, uncolored internally. Offers supplies and cages for pet birds. Also describes requirements of a number of

different parrots, parakeets and other birds. $45.00

534) Philadelphia Bird Food Co., Book of Cage Birds Philadelphia, PA:

1925. 120 pp., 12mo. Acatalogue which the company tries to disguise as a

treatise on cage birds. Many of the tropical birds are shown with prices. There

is also a 9-page section of cages and accessories. Frontispiece plate of seven

birds is in color. $50.00

535) Vahle, H. W., Descriptive Catalogue - Season 1894 Philadelphia, PA:

1894. 36 pp., 12mo. Fine little catalogue of pets and pet supplies, back cover slightly torn at bottom corner. 15 illustrated pages of bird cages, 3 of aquaria.

Also offers many breeds of bird, fowl and dogs. A scarce early birdcage

catalogue. Not in Romaine. $200.00

536) Winthrop Packard, For Your Garden Canton, MA: c. 1940. 16 pp.,

12mo. Illustrated catalogue of outdoors bird houses and feeders. Models are shown specific for robins, wrens, blue jays, woodpeckers, et. al. Most of these

were hand-made in New England. $50.00

Photographic Apparatus 537) Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., What Lens Shall I Buy? Rochester, NY:

1917. 36 pp., 8vo. Informational booklet for choosing camera lenses, depending on the sort of photography to be pursued. $45.00

538) Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., What Lens Shall I Buy? Rochester, NY: 1920. 34 pp., 8vo. An informational booklet on purchasing lenses for cameras.

Laid in are a price list, small brochure for Bausch & Lomb binoculars, and a

letter from the company. $50.00

539) Century Camera Co., Century Cameras Rochester, NY: 1905. 48 pp.,

8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue with many cameras of advanced design to suit the advanced as well as the beginner. Mahogany, brass, red leather and black

are used as basic materials in the construction of these cameras. $150.00

540) Eastman Kodak Co., Premo Cameras Rochester, NY: 1915. 48 pp.,

8vo. Original wrappers with a color photo of a young woman carrying a

camera on front. Catalogue of cameras from the simplest for beginners to commercial models. Tripods and other accessories offered at the back. $85.00

541) Eastman Kodak Co., Eastman Professional Films Rochester, NY:

1921. 32 pp., 8vo. Catalogue for films and developing chemicals, with

examples of photos taken with various type of film. Describes differences in

grades of film. $75.00

542) Eastman Kodak Co., Kodaks and Supplies 1923 Rochester, NY: 1923.

64 pp., 8vo. Cameras for home photographers, including a large line of Brownies and folding models. Includes supplies for home developers. $50.00

543) Eastman Kodak Co., Vitava - The Paper for Distinctive Portraiture Rochester, NY: 1928. 24 pp., 8vo. Original wrapper, pastedown slip for

Canadian Kodak inside front wrapper. Unillustrated. Extensive technical detail

on photographic paper for preoducing portraits. $45.00

544) Hammer Dry Plate Co., Hammer's Little Book - 9th Edition. St.Louis,

MO: c. 1927. 48 pp., 12mo. Unillustrated text on negative making with a price list of equipment and supplies. Wrappers slightly soiled. $25.00

545) Hyatt Supply Co., Kodaks and Photographic Supplies - Catalog

No.20 St.Louis, MO: c. 1914. 176 pp., 8vo. Original wrappers, crudely

repaired at spine. Cameras, equipment, and developing materials primarily for

professionals, though Brownies are also included. Quite a few models of magic lanterns and balopticons, with several pitched at home users. $100.00

546) Imperial Dry Plate Co., Ltd., Imperial Handbook for 1915 London, UK: 1915. 28 pp., 8vo. Wrappers chipped, tape repairs to spine. An interesting

wartime work on photographic developing, with photographs of world leaders

used as illustrations. Among the leaders are King George, Czar Nicholas II, Kaiser Wilhelm, and a very young Emporer Hirohito. $40.00

547) International Photo Sales Co., Ipsco Cameras, Plates, Papers New York, NY: c. 1910. 64 pp., 8vo. Color photo of Oriental women on cover.

Fully illustrated catalogue of equipment, primarily cameras, including stereo

cameras and other commercial equipment as well as miniature cameras, pocket cameras and others designed for individual use. $75.00

548) Johnson, Iver, Sporting Goods Co., Kodaks - Motion Picture

Cameras and Projectors Boston, MA: c. 1920. 72 pp., 8vo. Original blue

wrappers. Catalogue of photo equipment, including early movie projectors.

Also lists a number of Keystone Comedies and other films for sale, with many by Charlie Chaplin but also featuring Tom Mix, Ben Turpin, William S. Hart

and Billie West. There are also 2 pages of lantern slide projectors. $125.00

549) Kodak, Eastman, Picture Taking with the No. 3A Autographic

Kodak Special Rochester, NY: 1929. 46 pp., 12mo. Illustrated stiff wrappers.

Instruction manual for this popular series of Kodak camera. $30.00

550) Kodak, Eastman, Picture Taking with the No. 3A Autographic

Kodak Special - Kodak Anastigmat Lens f.6.3 Rochester, NY: 1929. 40 pp., 12mo. Illustrated stiff wrappers. Instruction manual for this popular series of

Kodak camera. This manual differs from the similar manual above. $30.00

551) Life-Photo Film Corporation, Money and the Movies - A Whole New

Line of Millionaires New York, NY: 1914. 16 pp., 12mo. Reprint of an

article from Collier's Magazine documenting the growth of films as a money-making venture. “Salaries have soared. There was a time when the actor was

glad to get $5 a day. Now many get from $20 to $30 a day while favorites ...

draw down $10,000 a year.” $85.00

552) Multi Speed Shutter Co., Multi Speed Shutters for the Professional

and Amateur Photographer New York, NY: 1912. 32 pp., 8vo. Shutters shown with diagrams of their workings. Illustrated with action photos, each of

which identifies the speed at which it was taken. $75.00

553) Oberlin School of Retouching and Photography, Catalogue Oberlin,

OH: 1896. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Brochure for a school whose existence rests

on the premise that a photograph is only as good as its retoucher. A photo of the latest graduates features men and women. The school touts its proximity to

Oberlin College and high wages earned by retouchers. $75.00

554) Reflex Engineering Co., The Reflex Hi-Efficiency Projection Lamp

for Motion Pictures Newark, NJ: c. 1920. 12 pp., 8vo. Brochure for a new

arc lamp for movie projectors, more efficient than existing models. $20.00

555) Voigtlaender & Son Optical Co., Catalogue of Photographic

Objectives - Collinears, Heliars, Apochromats, Dynars, Telephotos and

Euryscopes New York, NY: 1905. 28 pp., 8vo. Wrappers detached. Excellent

catalogue of lenses, illustrated by photos including one of Theodore Roosevelt

and his family and another being a series depicting early racing cars. $100.00

556) Waide, Milton, Metropolitan School of Photography, Prospectus New

York, NY: 1906. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Info on a school to train professional photographers. Courses include lighting, posing, developing, etc. $75.00

557) Weidenthal Photo Supply Co., Catalogue of and Supplies - No. 58 Cleveland, OH: 1905. 48 pp., 4to. Fully illustrated with cameras made by

Ansco and many other early suppliers of photographic needs. Everything is

offered from film and chemicals for developers to long bellows cameras, lenses and box cameras. Stiff wrappers in fine condition. $85.00

558) Wollensak Optical Co., Photographic Lenses & Shutters Rochester, NY: 1922. 32 pp., 8vo. Lenses and filters, all priced in a variety of sizes.

Includes portrait, wide-angle and diffused focus lenses. $85.00

Page 28: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Plumbing559) Good Mfg. Co., Catalogue G - Plumbing Goods New York, NY:

1925. 135 pp., 8vo. Green gilt-stamped cloth, fine condition. Illustrated

offering of pipes, fittings, washers, valves and faucets. $40.00

560) Mott, J. L., Iron Works, Illustrated Catalogue of Plumbers' Cast Iron

Ware, Plain, Galvanized and Enameled New York, NY: 1874. 136 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue of sinks, bathtubs, pipes and other plumbing

fixtures. Includes sections of stable goods and ranges. 4 color plates. This is

among the earliest catalogues from Mott, one of the foremost manufacturers of

iron goods of the 19th century. This is 7 years earlier than the first Mott

plumbing catalogue in Romaine and only one year later than the first Mott catalogue listed. $650.00

561) Mueller Brass Co., Solder Fittings and Copper Pipe for Plumbing,

Heating & Industrial Use - Catalog G Port Huron, MI: 1937. 64 pp., 4to.

Copper pipes, couplings and fittings in a huge variety of shapes. $20.00

Printers' Specimens & Equipment562) American Type Founders Company, American Line Type Book

Supplement #2 New York?: 1911. 128 pp., 4to. Stiff wrappers. With many

new type faces previously not shown in any of the firm's previous catalogues. With many ads tinted with special equipment. FIne tight copy. $100.00

563) Crowell Mfg. Co., Catalogue of Boot and Shoe Gummed Labels

Boston, MA: 1899. 12 pp., 4to. Bright, colorful catalogue of labels for shoes.

Most pages printed in full color, rectos only. At least 12 labels are illustrated

per page. Extensive manuscript notations in pencil on versos of many pages. A fine example of late 19th century American color printing. $400.00

564) Hoe, R., & Co., Single Large Cylinder, News and Job, Flat-Bed

Newspaper Presses New York, NY: 1901. 12 pp., oblong 4to. Original

wrappers. Weakened throughout by a vertical crease. Pencil notations

unrelated to the catalogue's subject matter. 5 full-page illustrations of flat-bed

presses with text and specifications opposite. Many Hoe catalogues appear in

Romaine, p. 280, but none devoted to newspaper presses. $100.00

565) Intertype Corp., Intertype Model C-3 Brooklyn, NY: c. 1940. 8 pp.,

4to. Promotional brochure for commercial printing presses, with illustrations

of both the C-3 and C-1 models. These hot type presses could also be used by newspapers. $50.00

566) Keystone Type Foundry, Paragon Steel Chases Philadelphia, PA: c. 1920. 12 pp., 12mo. Small brochure for steel type chases, frames for holding

hot type on flat bed cylinder presses. $25.00

567) Ruxton, Philip, Printing Inks - Catalog Number 13: 1923-24 New

York, NY: 1923. 90 pp., 12mo. Brilliantly colored catalogue of printers' inks.

Shows two different hues per page. Printed on rectos only, each page utilizes the same design to highlight and contrast two shades. Light soiling and

manuscript markings, in no way affecting the clarity and sharpness of the

colors. One page is a color wheel with 9 shades and combinations. $350.00

Printers' Samples of Work 568) Republican Publishing Co., The Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book Hamilton, OH: 1907. 434 pp., 4to. The first annual year book with

information and illustrations regarding the progress of the printing business. With profuse illustrations in color to demonstrate the many advances being

made in the industry. Leather bound with slight defects on spine. $175.00

569) Stern, Edward, & Co., The Printing Art - Vol. 21, Number 3. May:

1913. Cambridge, MA: 1913. 200 pp., 4to. A fascinating miscellany of

samples of printing arts done for many different companies and publications. Many tipped in items, including color plates, advertising stamps, and many

other forms of artistic printing. Interspersed throughout is text on the history

and development of printing techniques. A most unusual item. $250.00

Pumps & Water Wheels 570) Goulds Mfg. Co., Efficient Power Pumps for Every Service Seneca Falls, NY: 1909. 192 pp., oblong 8vo. Lacks front wrapper. Illustrated

catalogue, mostly of large power pumps for municipal and large industrial

water works, with some heavy duty pumps for deep wells. $40.00

571) Lewis, P. C., Mfg. Co., High Grade Spraying Pumps Catskill, NY: c.

1890. 36 pp., 8vo. Promotional booklet promoting the use of sprayers for agricultural applications. Many pages are devoted to detailing the enhanced

output of fruit trees which have been sprayed. Illustrated wrappers, torn on

front and at spine. $25.00

572) McLauthlin, Geo. T., & Co., Rider's Turbine Water-Wheel Boston, MA: 1865. 7 pp., 12mo. Printed wrappers, moderate soiling, small tears at

edges. One folding plate of current prices. These wheels were designed

primarily to drive saw mills. $50.00

573) McLauthlin, Geo. T., & Co., Steam Engines and Boilers. Air Engines

... Water Wheels, Burglar and Fire Proof Safes Boston, MA: c. 1880. 14 pp., 4to. Printed wrappers, soiled, fair condition. One folding plate (of two??)

Describes a full line of water wheels. $50.00

574) Myers, F. E., & Bro. Co., Water in Abundance for Homes, Farms,

Country Estates, Public and Private Institutions, Golf Courses, Etc.

Page 29: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Ashland, OH: c. 1925. 20 pp., 4to. Water pumping and delivery systems for a

variety of uses. These pumps function to deliver water from available ground water, some for deep wells, others for shallow. $30.00

575) National Utilities Corporation, National Fresh Water System for

Farm and Suburban Homes Milwaukee: WI: 1928. 32 pp., 4to. Many

different methods of pumping water are described and the pumps illustrated.

No mention is made about the source of the water since it was evidently assumed that water would be abundantly available everywhere. $50.00

576) National Water Purifying Co., The National System of Purifying

Water New York, NY: 1889. 32 pp., oblong 8vo. Catalogue and brochure for

a water purifying system. Colored wrappers, moderate water stain at top

corner of front wrapper and first few leaves. One page has an illustration of a

water filtration plant in Sioux Falls, Dakota. $85.00

577) Tyler, John, Tyler Improved Water Wheel West Lebanon: NH: 1869.

40 pp., 12mo. Original green illustrated wrappers, moderately worn and rubbed, spine tearing. Pencil notations on one table. Several uses for the wheel

in driving mill or factory equipment are shown. Romaine p. 300. $125.00

578) Tyler, John, Tyler's New Improved Turbine Water Wheel

Claremont: NH: 1877. 64 pp., 12mo. Original illustrated brown wrappers.

Fine condition. Many illustrations of parts and uses of the water wheels. Also many testamonials. Update slip inside front cover. Not in Romaine. $100.00

Railroad Equipment 579) American Brake Co., Descriptive Circular of the System of Freight

Train Brakes St. Louis, MO: 1882. 14 pp., 4to. Disbound, front wrapper detached. Pages not numbered. Short tears to several leaves. Illustrates the

workings of the brakes, at rest and on moving railroad cars. Also illustrates

brakes for locomotives. $75.00

580) American Locomotive Sales Corporation, Detalles de Locomotoras

Ligeras - Catalogo No. 10055 New York, NY: c. 1925. 177 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of locomotives and parts, printed entirely in Spanish. 18

models of steam engine. Cloth binding, backstrip gone. The locomotives are

illustrated photographically, the parts with line drawings. $150.00

581) Superheater Co., Elesco Locomotive Superheaters - Instructions for

Installation, Operation ... 4th Edition New York, NY: 1925. 87 pp., 12mo. Illustrated instruction book for this part for increasing speed and performance

of steam engines. “Superheating the steam increases its temperature and the

volume of steam per pound of water, but it does not increase pressure.” $25.00

582) Union Pacific Railroad, Railroad Signaling Omaha: NE: 1907. 39 pp.,

oblong 8vo. A beautiful little brochure issued by the Union Pacific to promote the efficiency and modernity of its switching and signaling systems. Illustrated

throughout with 17 full color photographic plates showing the lines, usually

with trains on the tracks. $325.00

Refrigerators 583) Eclipse Refrigerator Works, Eclipse Cleanable Refrigerators -

Catalogue 1902 Burlington, VT: 1902. 24 pp., 12mo. Printed wrappers,

original mailing envelope. Both catalogue and envelope have a small area

missing at the bottom right. Several models of iceboxes, not electric refrigerators, are illustrated. $25.00

584) General Electric Co., 3 Years of Performance Hve Proved What 15

Years of Research Promised - 8th printing n.p.: NA: c. 1935. 22 pp., 8vo.

An early catalogue, attractively illustrated in full color, for electric

refrigerators. This was among the first generation of this appliance, replacing the previous iceboxes. All units feature the large honeycomb shaped "Monitor

Top." One short tear to the first leaf. $75.00

585) Kelvinator Co., It's a Kelvinator in 1940 n.p.: NA: 1940. 20 pp., 4to.

Early sales brochure for Kelvinator refrigerators, at a time when ice boxes still

dominated kitchens. One of the major selling points is the extra-large 8.2 cubic foot interior. $35.00

Scales & Weighing Devices 586) Kershaw & Edwards, Descriptive List of Single and Folding Door

Fire-Proof Sages, Secured with Powder-Proof Locks Montreal: QU: c.

1880. 1 pp., folio. Original cloth folder containing one large (41x61 cm.) sheet

folded, dissected and backed with linen. The sheet illustrates 38 different safe

models with details printed and prices written in. A most unusual format for a

catalogue. $275.00

Seeds & Nurserymens' Products587) Black, Jos. H., Son & Co., Illustrated Descriptive Catalog of Village

Nurseries - Fall 1901 Hightstown, NJ: 1901. 16 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers,

light soiling, lightly illustrated catalogue of fruits and flowers. $20.00

588) Black, Jos. H., Son & Co., Illustrated Descriptive Catalog of Village

Nurseries - Spring 1901 Hightstown, NJ: 1901. 48 pp., 8vo. Printed

wrappers, light soiling, illustrated catalogue of fruits and flowers. $30.00

589) Black, Jos. H., Son & Co., Illustrated Descriptive Catalog of Village

Nurseries - Spring 1902 Hightstown, NJ: 1902. 48 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers. Lightly illustrated catalogue of fruits and flowers. $30.00

590) Black, Jos. H., Son & Co., Illustrated Descriptive Catalog of Village

Nurseries - Spring 1906 Hightstown, NJ: 1906. 32 pp., 8vo. Printed

wrappers, lightly soiled. Illustrated catalogue of fruits and flowers. $30.00

591) Childs, John Lewis, Childs' Spring Catalog: 1926 Floral Park, NY:

1926. 136 pp., 4to. Illustrated seeds catalogue, with bright color wrappers and

8 chromolithographic plates (4 leaves with plates on both sides). $50.00

592) Hallock, V. H., & Son, Complete List of Named Gladioli and Other

Bulbs - Spring 1892 Queens, NY: 1892. 12 pp., 8vo. Uncolored price lists of bulbs from a wholesaler. Light soiling to front wrapper. Just four years later

Queens would be incorporated into New York City. $65.00

593) Henderson, Peter, & Co., Price List of Celery, Cabbage, Caulifower

and Pot-Grown Strawberry Plants - Summer of 1887 New York, NY:

1887. 26 pp., 8vo. A relatively early catalogue from Henderson who would become one of the giants of this field. Uncolored. Henderson broke off with

his previous partner, Fleming, in 1871. By 1900 he was issuing huge, colorful catalogues. At this point he was still peddling celery and strawberries. $75.00

594) Jessamine Gardens, Catalogue of Rare Florida Flowers - Season of

1893. Jessamine: FL: 1893. 64 pp., 4to. Original wrappers, ragged at spine,

front wrapper torn with blank paper loss at foreedge. Light wear throughout. Fully illustrated with cuts of various plants, including two full-page

chromolithographic plates. A scarce 19th century Florida catalogue. $275.00

595) Jones, Hiram T., Union County Nurseries - Wholesale Price List,

Fall 1902 Elizabeth, NJ: 1902. 16 pp., 12mo. Excellent condition. Price list,

with one illustration, of shrubs from this central New Jersey nursery $30.00

Page 30: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

596) Kellogg, R. M., Co., Great Crops of Strawberries and How to Grow

Them Three RIvers, MI: 1913. 64 pp., 8vo. Uncolored catalogue of strawberry plants, with extensive advice on how best to grow them. $25.00

597) Maule, William Henry, Maule's Seed Book for 1935 Philadelphia, PA: 1935. 96 pp., 4to. Illustrated seed catalogue, largely uncolored. Some pages

have coloring. though the only chromolithographs are the covers. $25.00

598) Maule, William Henry, Maule's Seed Book for 1936 Philadelphia, PA:

1936. 96 pp., 4to. Illustrated seed catalogue, largely uncolored. Some pages

have coloring. though no bright chromolithographic plates. $25.00

599) Parry, John R. & William, Parrys' Pomona Nurseries - Spring: 1896

Parry, NJ: 1896. 56 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, excellent condition. Uncolored catalogue of fruits and shrubs, illustrated. $35.00

600) Parry, William, Pomona Nurseries - Fall 1895. Parry, NJ: 1895. 58

pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, excellent condition. Order sheet and 8 pp. flyer of specialties laid in. Uncolored illustrated catalogue of nut-bearing and

ornamental trees, with fruit trees and bushes. Excellent condition. $50.00

601) Rogers Nursery Co., Money in Fruit - Spring: 1896. Moorestown, NJ:

1896. 24 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, light soiling, uncolored photographic

illustrations. Rural at the time, Moorestown is now a well-developed suburb of Philadelphia. $35.00

602) Vredenburg & Co., Chromolithographic Plate Book. Rochester, NY: c. 1910. 80 pp., oblong 8vo. Original cloth, front hinge gone, many plates

loose. The company name shown above is the lithographer: no nursery name

is given for these wonderful bright color plates of fruits, shrubs, and flowers. Not sold as complete but as a collection of horticultural plates.. $150.00

Sewing Machines & Accessories 603) American Raveller Co., Price List and Illustrated Catalogue of

Machines and Parts Philmont, NY: 1899. 44 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue

in original unaddressed mailing envelope. Sold with: 12 page catalogue of Special Machinery for Knitting Mills and 13 page catalogue of spare parts for

Raveller machines. These 3 items are all in mint condition and provide a close

look at both the machines and the parts made by this small company. $100.00

604) New Home Sewing Machine Co., The Song of the Shirt by Tom Hood

Orange, MA: 1893. 12 pp., 8vo. String-bound booklet with color lithograph

wrappers. Inside is a poem of a woman lamenting the hard work of sewing

shirts by hand. The ending is the introduction into her life of the New Home

Sewing Machine, ending the drudgery. Each page is illustrated. $100.00

605) Perry Mason Co., The New Companion System Boston, MA: 1914. 24

pp., 4to. Lacks wrappers (?) Light stain at top corner. Describes the features

and advantages of the New Companion sewing machine with closeup views of

its construction. 4 models are illustrated. $35.00

Silverware 606) Gorham Company, A Handful of Silver New York, NY: 1902. 146 pp., 12mo. 6 stories written by Horace Townsend, President of Gorham, relating to

silver, with 6 color plates illustrating them. Hard bound in vellum and distributed to a small number of friends and customers of Gorham. $125.00

607) Kirk, Samuel, & Son, Sterling Silverware by Kirk Baltimore: MD: 1935. 64 pp., 8vo. Disbound, spine cut. Uncolored. Fully illustrated catalogue

of Kirk's line, including flatware and other items in silver. Price list at back.

Printed for David and Hawley Co. of Bridgeport, Conn. $40.00

608) La Gerbe d'Or a Paris, Le Ceremonial du Bapteme Paris, FR: c. 1920.

18 pp., 8vo. Stiff illustrated wrappers. Price list included. A most unusual catalogue illustrated with ceremonial items needed for the baptismal

ceremonies of children. Included are medals, cups, teething rings and many

other silver and gold plated gifts. $50.00

609) Landers, Frary & Clark, Illustrated Catalogue of Table Cutlery New Britain, CT: 1882. 114 pp., 4to. A beautiful catalogue of silverware, with all

pages printed in black with one other color. Most pages have the cutlery in a

green tint; others, containing sets in boxes are in blue or red. Original cloth,

excellent condition. In addition to table pieces,there are also many pages of

hunting, putty and carving knives. A brilliant 19th century cutlery catalogue.

Not in Romaine. $850.00

610) Reed & Barton, Illustrated Catalogue and Price List of Electro Silver

Plate ... and Heavily Silver Plated Hard White Metal and Nickel Silver Taunton, MA: 1877. 224 pp., folio. Original cloth, worn. Front board slightly

warped and corners well worn, hinges broken. Internally, the first two

signatures are loose. Some pages discolored from residue of early use as a scrapbook, but most pages are clean and untouched. One page in full color.

This is a worn but still complete copy of one of the best silverplate catalogues

ever published. It contains page after page of elaborately tooled serving

pieces, display items, trays, vases, candlesticks, tea services, tureens, etc. This was the first of Reed & Barton's elaborate and extravagant catalogues.

Romaine p. 342. $750.00

611) Sterling Silversmiths Guild of America, The Vogue for Matched

Sterling New York, NY: 1930. 24 pp., 8vo. Disbound, lacking back wrapper.

Promotional piece for the silver industry denigrates the use of mismatched silver cutlery or serving pieces, urging instead complete sets together with

harmonious china and furniture for the dining room. $30.00

612) Towle Mfg. Co., The Colonial Book Newburyport, MA: 1898. 40 pp.,

8vo. Disbound. This book, which was designed by Will Bradley, features the

Colonial pattern of silverware on pages of text and illustrations relating to the history of Newburyport, Mass. $60.00

613) Towle Mfg. Co., Life & Services of Benj. Franklin with ... Proverbs

of Poor Richard and a Catalogue of the Benj. Franklin Pattern of Sterling Newburyport, MA: 1905. 88 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated. Original wrappers,

detached but present. Contains a lengthy biography of Franklin along with illustations of the sterling silver flatware pattern bearing his name. $75.00

614) Towle Mfg. Co., Hardwood Chests for Silverware Newburyport, MA: c. 1910. 50 pp., 8vo. Disbound, lacking back wrapper. An unusual catalogue

devoted not to silver, but to the chests which hold it. One color plate,

illustrating the woods from which the chests are made. Many models, from flat plain chests to large ornate models, sold with their own tables, designed to

hold over 200 pieces. $65.00

Page 31: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Sporting Goods 615) Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Play Hours New York, NY: 1939. 40 pp., 8vo. Equipment for a variety of games and sports including archery,

badminton, croquet, golf and tennis. Also includes summer attire and

furniture, beach accessories, playground equipment, bicycles, picnic sets, portable radios and game tables. $50.00

616) Abercrombie, David, Camp Outfits New York, NY: 1934. 48 pp., 8vo. Everything needed by the outdoor camper, from tents to knives and sleeping

bags to lanterns. Fully illustrated and priced. $50.00

617) Abercrombie, David T., Camp Outfits - Sleeping Robes, Blankets,

Tents, ... New York, NY: 1928. 85 pp., 8vo. Stiff boards, reattached.

Illustrated catalogue of all materials necessary for setting up camp out of doors. Includes clothing, with boots, raincoats and ponchos, coats, etc. $75.00

618) Arbogast, Fred, Hawaiian Wigglers Akron, OH: c. 1940. 14 pp., 4to. Fishing lure catalogue with numerous photographs serving as testamonials to

the phenomenal success amateur fishermen have had with Arbogast's flies.

Bright, colorful wrappers, uncolored inside. $40.00

619) Bailey & Himes, Athletic Equipment Spring and Summer 1931

Champaign, IL: 1931. 64 pp., 8vo. An excellent all round sporting goods

catalogue but with 13 pp. devoted to baseball items, 10 pp. to golf and 4 to

tennis items. The balance of the catalogue deals with trophies and assorted

track and field equipment including pole vault poles. $50.00

620) Bancroft, F. J., Co., Tennis Rackets Pawtucket: RI: c. 1921. 40 pp.,

8vo. Stiff wrappers, fine condition. Illustrated catalogue of tennis rackets, court tennis bats and squash racquets. 14 models of tennis racket are

illustrated, one per page. Several pages detail the laws of lawn tennis. There is also a photo of Bill Tilden celebrating his victories in 1920. $175.00

621) Barney & Berry, Skates - 1906-1907 Springfield, MA: 1906. 32 pp., 12mo. Stiff wrappers, fine condition. Many different styles of skate blades are

illustrated. Uncolored. None are sold with boot attached but are designed to

secure to a shoe via straps or attach permanently by screws. Dozens of styles shown. Post card showing the Barney & Berry factory is laid in. $150.00

622) Cummins, W. J., Fishing and Fishing Tackle - 24th Edition Bishop Auckland, UK: c. 1910. 190 pp., 4to. Bright orange wrappers, fine condition.

Fuly illustratated, with 4 color plates. Contains a complete line of fishing

products, from rods to flies, baskets to clothing. Specializes in lures and gear for salmon and trout. $175.00

623) Dame, Stoddard & Kendall, The Playing Rules of Lawn Tennis ...

and Badminton Boston, MA: 1887. 60 pp., 12mo. Very rare booklet, the first

half of which is the rules of lawn tennis, the second half being a catalogue of

tennis equipment and supplies. Worn, with corners bent down, one page torn with no loss, lacking back wrapper. 9 different styles of racket are offered

along with balls, court marking machines, nets and posts, shirts, coats, jackets

and striped suits for players. A remarkable catalogue. $600.00

624) Draper Maynard Co., Samples of Baseball Uniforms Plymouth, MA:

1921. 12 pp., 8vo. Fair condition only, with significant leeching damage, weakening, chipping and extensive damage to the lower outside corners

throughout. Pasted into this catalogue are 50 (of 53) original swatches of the

woolen flannel fabrics used for baseball uniforms. The swatches are in good condition. There is a photo and implied endorsement by Babe Ruth on page 3.

In spite of the condition problems, this is a wonderful piece of baseball

ephemera, containing very scarce pieces of contemporary uniforms. In catalogues of this sort the swatches are most often either missing or severely

deteriorated. $300.00

625) Ederer, R. J., Co., Sienes, Trammel Nets, Hoop Nets - Cotton and

Linen Netting, Twines, Ropes. February 1929 Chicago, IL: 1929. 8 pp.,

8vo. Folding brochure in excellent condition. Partially illustrated. Offers several different lines of fishing nets, with some accessories, for commercial

fishermen. All nets are offered in a variety of sizes, meshes, and styles. $65.00

626) Gateway Sporting Goods Co., 1940 Sporting Goods Bargain Catalog

No. 22A Kansas City, MO: 1940. 134 pp., 4to. Heavy emphasis on fishing

equipment, including rods, reels, 4 colored pages of lures as well as accessories such as creels, fly boxes and clothing. Also has sections of

equipment for other sports including baseball, baseketball and golf. $40.00

627) Golf Ball, Inc., Brand New 1935 Stock of Famous Scot Family of

Golf Balls Chicago, IL: 1935. 2 pp., folio. Large folding flyer for 3 styles of

golf ball. The promotion is directed to buyers for sporting goods stores. 2 panels of the verso are printed, one is blank, one is a mailing panel. $35.00

628) Griffin & Howe, Inc., Sportsmens Equipment New York, NY: 1927. 96 pp., 8vo. Stiff wrappers, contents loose. 4-page letter with illustrations of

rifles laid in. Goods for outdoorsmen, but with a significant section of movie

cameras and projectors, binoculars, sights and other optical equipment. Includes tents, ammunition, but no weapons. $75.00

629) Hardy Bros., Ltd., Hardy's Anglers' Guide - 49th Edition Alnwick, UK: 1927. 374 pp., 8vo. Very extensive catalogue of fishing supplies and

equipment, accented by 22 color pages of flies and lures. Tab-indexed. Many

pages of rods, bags and creels and reels. Slightly loose in binding. A comprehensive catalogue from one of the world's foremost dealers in fishing

equipment. $175.00

630) Harley Wickham Co., Harley's Bulletin of Supervalues for

Sportsmen Erie, PA: 1931. 8 pp., 8vo. Clothing for hunters and fishermen.

Some color. Vertical crease at center. $25.00

631) Hawkins Co., Price List and Catalogue of Blake's Patent Game

Traps South Britain, CT: c. 1925. 14 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue for 8 different models of spring traps for taking small animals. The smallest is

designed for rats or gophers; the largest for beavers or “almost any animal

smaller than a bear.” $125.00

632) Hulbert Bros. & Co., Athletic Catalogue No. 4 New York, NY: 1893.

74 pp., 8vo. Fine early sporting goods catalogue containing extensive sections of baseball, football, tennis, fencing and ice skating equipment. Original green

wrappers, front wrapper lacking bottom corner. One half of page 12 is a

description and offering of equipment for basketball which had only been invented a year or two earlier. The description assumes that the reader has

never heard of the game. This catalogue has a rubber stamp from Smith & Richardson, Factory Agents in Richmond, Virginia. $325.00

633) Lau, J. H., & Co., Fencing Goods New York, NY: c. 1910. 20 pp., oblong 8vo. Stiff wrappers. Though this catalogue includes a small selection

of other sporting goods including one shotgun and boxing gloves, most of the

catalogue is devoted to fencing equipment. 5 pages of foils and 3 of sabres along with masks, jackets, gloves, shoes and more. This is the only catalogue

of this period we have seen devoted to fencing. $200.00

634) Lund, C. A., Co., Lund Skis, Toboggan, Snow Shoes, Ice & FIeld

Hockey Sticks Hastings, MN: c. 1921. 48 pp., oblong 12mo. Small, very

attractive catalogue of winter goods. Illustrated, with a section of instructions

for skiing and ski jumping at the back. Includes skis and ski poles, ice and field hockey sticks, toboggans, and two pages of snow shoes made by this

company, which was renamed the Northland Ski Co. shortly after this

catalogue was issued. $275.00

635) Medart, Fred., Mfg. Co., Useful Information for Architects and

Others Planning Gymnasiums St. Louis, MO: c. 1915. 32 pp., oblong 8vo.

Catalogue and design planner for gyms in schools and YMCA's. Also has a

couple of pages about the design of swimming pools. Provides sample floor

plans as well as photos of finished gyms. $85.00

636) Mills, William, & Son, Fishing Tackle of All Descriptions, H. L.

Leonard Split Bamboo Rods - Catalog 123 New York, NY: 1923. 160 pp.,

16mo. Beautiful illustrated wrappers with flies shown on back and inside

covers and a great fly fishing scene on the front. One crease in front cover, otherwise very good. Complete with original mailing envelope. This catalogue

features rods and other equipment, and while it has many flies, flies do not

dominate this catalogue as they often do other fishing catalogues. $250.00

637) Mills, William, & Son, Spring Tackle Booklet - 1930 New York, NY:

1930. 80 pp., 8vo. Flies, rods and reels for trout and salmon fishing.

Page 32: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Uncolored illustrations. Includes creels, waders, fly cases and other necessities

for fly fishing. This is a reduced version of Mills' larger catalogue. $75.00

638) Monarch Gymnasium Apparatus, Monarch Gymnasium Apparatus.

NP: c. 1910. 148 pp., 8vo. Extensive catalogue of sporting goods and apparatus for gyms and playgrounds. The equipment is geared towards

schools and other institutions, with an extensive selection of swing sets, slides

etc. One of the more interesting sections is of basketball equipment, with a laced ball and a net which closed at the bottom. $50.00

639) Noll, H. J., Fly-Tying Materials - 1939 Catalog Philadelphia, PA: 1939. 36 pp., 8vo. Partially illustrated catalogue of hooks and other fly-tying

materials and equipment. Most of the photos are of various styles of hooks.

Priced. Fine condition. $50.00

640) Northland Ski Mfg. Co., Northland Skis, Toboggans, Snow Shoes,

Hockey Sticks St. Paul, MN: 1929. 56 pp., 12mo. An early catalogue from Northland, one of the leading American makers of skis, snow shoes and

hockey sticks. Northland was founded by Christian A. Lund. Initially, Lund

operated the C. A. Lund Co., but the company name was changed to Northland in the 1920's. It appears that the Northland brand was used for the

higher quality products and the Lund name for an economy line. $150.00

641) Northland Ski Mfg. Co., Northland Skis, Ice and Field Hockey Sticks,

Toboggans, Snow Shoes St. Paul, MN: 1935. 64 pp., tall 12mo. Catalogue of

winter sports equipment (excepting ice skates) along with a brief primer on

skiing techniques. Includes text on downhill skiing and jumping. There is also

a section on field hockey, including the layout of the field. $100.00

642) Penn Fishing Tackle Mfg. Co., Penn Reels - Catalog No. 28

Philadelphia, PA: 1966. 36 pp., oblong 4to. Exclusively fishing reels. Bright colorful wrappers, some color inside. Light wear. $25.00

643) Pittsburgh Fire Arms Co., Guns, Rifles, Fishing Tackle and General

Sporting Goods Pittsburgh, PA: c. 1880. 60 pp., 4to. Original illustrated

wrappers, lightly chipped, moderate waterstaining. This catalogue could have

been placed in either firearms or sporting goods, as over 1/3 of it is given to general sporting equipment, including baseball, bowling, roller skates, and

gymnasium equipment. The firearms include many Colt pistols, Remington

and Parker shotguns, and other firearms and shooting accessories. $350.00

644) Singer & Co., Fall & Winter 1924/1925 New York, NY: 1924. 64 pp.,

4to. Though we list this under sporting goods, the catalogue illustrates and offers in addition clocks, watches, musical instruments, toys and several other

catagories of merchandise. Illustrated wrappers, light chipping. $75.00

645) South Bend Bait Co., South Bend Trade Catalog No. 90 South Bend,

IN: 1940. 100 pp., 4to. Fully illustrated catalogue of fishing gear with 11

pages in color. A wide range of lures and rods, with reels and spare parts. Indexed. Brightly colored wrappers, with several tears. $45.00

646) Spalding, A. G., & Bros., Spring & Summer Sports - No. 404, Season

1904 New York, NY: 1904. 112 pp., 12mo. Lacks wrappers, first page

creased. The largest sections are of golf, tennis and baseball goods, with

smaller sections of boxing, gymnasium and other goods. Uncolored illustrations, worn. $75.00

647) Taylor, Alex, & Co., Inc., Fall and Winter Sports, Catalog No. 30 -

1921-22 New York, NY: 1921. 108 pp., 8vo. Among goods for football and

basketball, there are 14 pages of golfing equipment, 7 pages of skates and

supplies, 5 of skis and many other less popular sports represented. The back cover has a short statement on athletics from President Harding. $40.00

648) Tuveson Mfg. Co., Inc., Tuveson's Cork Decoys and Hunter's

Supplies St. James, MN: c. 1930. 28 pp., tall 8vo. Original wrappers, some

soiling, corners bumped. Uncolored illustrated catalogue of duck decoys and

other items for duck hunters, such as duck calls. Decoys of nine different types of duck are shown, including mallard, canvasback, and blue bill. A most

unusual catalogue. $250.00

649) Winslow, Samuel, Skate Mfg. Co.: 1889-1890 Price List of Ice Skates

Worcester, MA: 1889. 24 pp., oblong 12mo. Printed wrappers, light wear, two small chips near spine. An early catalogue of ice skates for men and women,

including styles for strapping on and others affixed to boots. $175.00

650) Woodcraft Equipment Co., Ltd., York Archery Equipment for 1932

Independence, MO: 1932. 24 pp., 8vo. Bows, arrows, targets and other

equipment for archery. 3 illustrated pages of lessons for using a bow. $60.00

Stationery & Paper Goods 651) Ackermann-Quigley Lithographic Co., Pocket Catalog and Price List

of Stock Lithograph Paper Kansas City, MO: c. 1905. 103 pp., tall 8vo.

Interesting catalogue from a commercial lithographer and paper producer.

Most of it is given to small black and white reproductions of its lithographic

efforts. Includes lines of advertising for minstrel shows, motion pictures,

patriotic themes, and manymore. $325.00

652) American Writing Paper Co., Acceptance Bond Holyoke, MA: c.

1920. 45 pp., oblong 8vo. Sample book of writing papers, in 11 colors, each in a variety of weights. Light soiling at upper right corner. This catalogue was

issued for the Garrett-Buchanan Company in Philadelphia. $40.00

653) American Writing Paper Co., Eagle-A Agawam Index Bristol

Holyoke, MA: c. 1930. 10 pp., oblong 8vo. Sample book of writing papers, in

6 colors, in a variety of weights. This catalogue was issued for Megargee Brotherse in Scranton, Pa. $25.00

654) American Writing Paper Co., Eagle-A American English Finish Book Holyoke, MA: c. 1930. 24 pp., 4to. Sample book of slick finish papers, with

attractive illustrations to demonstrate the look of the paper. The front cover

has an Edward Penfield depiction of Benjamin Franklin Arriving in Philadelphia in 1723. $50.00

655) Austin, F. W., Illustrated Price-List of Latest Styles of Concealed

Name Cards - Season of 1890 New Haven, CT: 1890. 4 pp., 4to. Uncolored

sample sheet with 20 different styles of illustrated calling cards and 4 styles of

unillustrated cards. $40.00

656) Bardeen School Supplies, Inc., The Bardeen Guide Book - 1929-30

Syracuse, NY: 1929. 82 pp., oblong 8vo. A full range of school supplies and equipment, including bells, playground equipment, diplomas, wastebaskets,

and inkwell fillers. Contains 2 pages of globes, 4 of maps. $125.00

657) Bogert, R. R., & Co., A Complete Price Catalogue of Post Cards -

First Edition, March 1889 New York, NY: 1889. 42 pp., 8vo. A very scarce

philatelic item, listing postcards with postage affixed issued by the various countries and territories of the world. Lacks back wrapper. $100.00

658) Bond, J. W., & Co., Johnston's Wall Maps with the Eclectic Map

Case Baltimore: MD: c. 1885. 4 pp., 8vo. 1 sheet folded, on yellow paper.

Wrappers are illustrated, the front with 2 different views of the maps and case,

the back with a view of Bond's building. The inside has a description, with

prices of the 6 maps contained in this wood case (the world and 5 continents).

The maps offered are by W. & A. H. Johnston and are of a uniform size,

50x42 inches. $125.00

659) Boston School Supply Co., Catalogue of Geographical and

Educational Works, Globes, Maps, Charts - September: 1880 Boston,

MA: 1880. 64 pp., 12mo. Printed wrappers, excellent condition, minor

abrasion to top edge of first two leaves. Excellent illustrated catalogue of globes, maps, anatomical charts and other materials for classrooms. Some

illustrations, particularly the section on globes and classroom items such as

blackboards and inkwells. The globes are not attributed, but the maps and charts are by Colton, Mitchell, Guyot, Pelton and others. $225.00

660) Byron Weston Co., Samples, Price-List, Sizes & Weights of ... Ledger

and Record Papers Dalton, MA: c. 1910. 19 pp., oblong 8vo. The “pages”

are actually samples of paper to be used in business ledgers. The back cover is

a bright color illustration of such a book. One page cut. $30.00

661) Canterbury Art Guild, The Canterbury Cards for Coloring - 1927

Edition Boston, MA: 1927. 32 pp., 8vo. A line of uncolored Christmas cards

Page 33: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

with directions for coloring. This catalogue was for retailers, calling attention

to the line's virtues. $35.00

662) Cross, Mark, Co., Leather Goods and Accessories New York, NY: c.

1930. 56 pp., 4to. A miscellany of top-quality items, including luggage, travel kits, humidors, wallets, wickerware, desk sets, gloves and canes. Stiff brown

wrappers, good condition. Price list laid in. $50.00

663) Dennison Mfg. Co., Party Book for 1918 Framingham, MA: 1918. 36

pp., 8vo. Mint condition catalogue with original unused mailing envelope.

Contains suggestions for decorations for Valentine's Day, Easter, St. Patrick's Day and patriotic holidays. The center spread has a colored photo of costumes

made from crepe paper. $35.00

664) Dennison Mfg. Co., Sealing Wax Craft Framingham, MA: 1919. 8 pp.,

8vo. Small brochure for Dennison sealing wax with a color spread illustrating

36 different colors of wax. $25.00

665) Dennison Mfg. Co., Art & Decoration in Crepe and Tissue Paper -

23rd Edition Framingham, MA: 1921. 102 pp., 8vo. Uncolored catalogue of crepe paper with samples of brightly colored papers bound in. Very good

condition. $35.00

666) Dennison Mfg. Co., How to Decorate Halls, Booths and Automobiles

Framingham, MA: 1927. 40 pp., 8vo. Front cover nearly detached, light

waterstain at gutter. Brightly colored center spread. The rest of the text

describes how to use paper products for decoration. $45.00

667) Dick, A. B., Co., The Edison Diaphragm Mimeograph Chicago, IL: c. 1910. 49 pp., 12mo. Descriptive, and partially illustrated, brochure for this

reproduction method which would eventually vault A. B. Dick to prominence.

This early version does not utilize the drum as later models did, but the ink was transfered through the stencil to paper by a roller. This invention is not

usually associated with Thomas Edison. $150.00

668) Dorman, J. F. W., Co., Vulcanizers for Making Rubber Stamps and

Rubber Type - Catalogue No. 7 Baltimore: MD: c. 1911. 48 pp., 8vo. Stiff red wrappers, excellent condition. An unusual catalogue, not offering rubber

stamps but the equipment and typeface molds for making them. Includes

vulcanizers and molding presses with many varieties of type faces and cuts for stamps. There is also a section of accessories for printing shops. $60.00

669) Eastern Mfg. Co., Specimen Book of Systems Bond - The Rag-

content Loft-Dried Paper at the Reasonable Price New York, NY: c. 1930.

36 pp., 4to. Disbound catalogue of paper for personal and corporate stationery.

Includes examples of letterhead from particular companies, including Sunkist

and Beech Nut, and color embossed letterhead for Cadillac. There is also one

page of checks. $75.00

670) Emerson & Co., Rubber and Metal Marking Devices Boston, MA:

1920. 32 pp., 8vo. Paper wrappers on a catalogue illustrated with all types of marking devices, stencils, numbering machines, rubber stamps and similar

other machines and devices. $40.00

671) Haverfield Publishing Co., New Sample Book of Greeting Cards

Cadiz, OH: c. 1885. 14 pp., 12mo. Folding sample sheet of

chromolithographed cards. 5 actual samples are pasted down, 4 of which are in bright color. Each sample measures 10x5.2 cm. The remainder of this sheet

illustrates available styles of chromos, though without samples attached. A

very rare survival given the flimsy and ephemeral nature of the piece. $175.00

672) Hurd, George B., Catalogue of Fine Stationery New York, NY: c.

1890. 78 pp., 12mo. Hard covers, very good condition. Price list of printed and unprinted stationery, with some line illustrations showing sizes and shapes of

different papers. Many contemporary manuscript notations throughout. $50.00

673) Lockwood Trade Journal Co., Lockwood's Directory of the Paper,

Stationery and Allied Trades - 27th Annual Edition New York, NY: 1901.

612 pp., 8vo. Hard covers, bumped at corners and lightly worn. Extensive listings of all elements of the trade in paper, from paper mills to makers of

blotters or egg cases and fillers. Listings are arranged by specialty and

geographically. Ads at back. $75.00

674) Moss, Henry, & Co., Inc., Catalogue No. 60, Type List - Rubber

Stamps Brooklyn, NY: c. 1920. 98 pp., 8vo. Lettering, designs and cuts which were put onto rubber stamps. Fine condition. Stiff wrappers. This particular

copy was distributed by Henry Moss & Co. of Philadelphia. $60.00

675) Pacific Paper Co., Catalogue and Wholesale Price List of Papers

and Other Merchandise: 1902 Portland: OR: 1902. 85 pp., 8vo. Price list of stationery, cardboard, printing ink and other printers' supplies. 2 small

illustrations. Bright red wrappers. $65.00

676) Palm Letter Co., Price List of Palm's Patent Transfer Letters for

Wood, Metal, Paint, Glass, Etc. Cincinnati, OH: c. 1890. 20 pp., 8vo.

Original wrappers, creased vertically at center. Offers a wide variety of fonts and styles for lettering for commercial uses. Not stencils, but used for the

same puposes. $50.00

677) Vernon, Paul E., & Co., Venetian Colored Coated New York, NY: c.

1925. 18 pp., 8vo. Sample book of coated papers in a variety of colors. Printed

wrappers with illustration on front. $25.00

Stoves & Heating Equipment 678) Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co., Standard Acetylene Ranges New York, NY: c. 1911. 4 pp., 4to. Folded brochure offering 3 styles of acetylene ranges,

3 hot plates, and 2 room heaters. Each model is illustrated. Worn along center

fold. $25.00

679) Adams & Westlake Mfg. Co., Every-Day Cookery, Table Talk, and

Hints for the Laundry Chicago, IL: 1884. 96 pp., 8vo. Unbound, lacking wrappers. The first forty pages of this work are a catalogue for Adams &

Westlake stoves. A slip attached in front of the title page indicates that this

was sent by the company or its agent to women as a promotion. Illustrated. Offers a wide variety of stoves and burners along with a small number of gas

lamps. $250.00

680) Brown, Edward, List of Gauges and Fittings Required about Blast

Furnaces Philadelphia, PA: 1870. 2 pp., 4to. Partially illustrated broadside,

folded to fit in an envelope, for a wide range of steam and mercury gauges, pyrometers, engine counters. $25.00

681) Clark, Henry N., Co., Clark's General Supply Catalogue - July 1:

1918 Boston, MA: 1918. 142 pp., 4to. Extensive catalogue of stoves, ranges

and parts, along with other iron and metal goods such as tea kettles, furnace

fittings and fireplace equipment. An errata slip indicates that prices might be subject to fluctuation due to the war. $75.00

682) Clark, Henry N., Co., Clark's General Supply Catalog Chicago, IL: 1935. 126 pp., 4to. Stiff wrappers, with string for hanging. Illustrated

catalogue of a wide range of stoves for heating and cooking, pipes, furnaces,

water heaterse and radiators. There is also a section of refrigerators. Discount sheet laid in. $50.00

683) Colliau Furnace Co., Furnace and Cupola Builders Detroit, MI: 1882. 4 pp., 8vo. Small brochure for an industrial furnace, with a letter laid in

from the company touting its effectiveness. $30.00

684) Favorite Stove & Range Co., Favorite Stoves and Ranges - General

Catalog No. 80 Piqua, OH: c. 1915. 320 pp., folio. A very extensive catalogue

of stoves, with many striking full-page illustrations of the product line. There

is substantial damage to pages in the first half, mostly from tears and adhesion resulting from the glossy pages having gotten wet at some point in its history.

Lacks 3 leaves. Despite the damage, this is nonetheless a great catalogue of a

very elaborate and ornate line of stoves. $200.00

685) Florence Stove Co., Florence Oil Ranges Gardner, MA: 1937. 81 pp.,

tall 12mo. Partially colored catalogue printed on glossy stock, rectos only. Shows mostly oil ranges, ovens, stoves and water heaters, with some gasoline-

powered models available. $25.00

686) Littlefield Stove Co., The Morning Glory of 1870 Albany, NY: 1870.

57 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, two stains, light soiling. Illustrates and

describes a line of stoves for heating parlors, though also showing a much larger industrial brick furnace and a portable hot air furnace. Many

testamonials. Includes a section on choosing the correct type and size of coal

to burn. See Romaine p. 360. $100.00

687) New England Stove Co., And So It Came About - Mrs. Whalen

Found Help Manchester: NH: c. 1920. 16 pp., 12mo. Folding brochure for the Nesco Perfect Oil Cook Stove. Four different models are shown in color

illustrations. $35.00

688) Peninsular Stove Co., The Peninsular Furnaces Detroit, MI: 1888. 18

pp., 8vo. Furnaces for industrial and residential applications, with cross-

sectional views of all models. Blue wrappers, very good condition. $50.00

689) Sears, Roebuck & Co., Radiant Acetylene Gas Machine and Fixtures

Chicago, IL: c. 1920. 4 pp., 4to. Folded brochure for at-home generators powered by acetylene. The system provides for lighting in homes and gas-

powered hot plates. The text describes the advantages and safety of acetylene.

Wear and short tears along some folds. $25.00

Page 34: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

690) Smith & Thayer Co., Winchester and Dragon Boilers Boston, MA: c.

1910. 10 pp., oblong 8vo. Boilers, for steam heating or hot water production, for home and commercial use. 5 pages in bright, attractive color. Lacks back

wrapper. $50.00

691) Stove Repair Corp., Stoves, Ranges, Boilers, Furnaces, Gas Ranges,

Gas Cookers, Gas Plates New York, NY: c. 1925. 88 pp., 4to. Repair parts for stoves from a large number of manufacturers. Wrappers, chipped and

crudely repaired. Offers new stoves and furnaces for sale as well. $40.00

Telephones 692) Electric Gas Lighting Co., School & College Telephone Systems -

Bulletin No. 6 Boston, MA: 1904. 28 pp., 8vo. Telephone, intercom and

alarm systems designed specifically for schools. Many systems are shown, along with additional telephone, transmitter and receiver units. $100.00

693) Electric Goods Mfg. Co., Telephone Section of Our Ninteenth Edition

Catalogue Boston, MA: c. 1910. 67 pp., 8vo. Complete line of telephone

equipment, including annunciators, batteries, wall and desk phones, wiring equipment, intercom-type systems for apartment buildings, swtichboards and

more. Stiff wrappers. Illustrated and uncolored. $175.00

Toys, Games, & Entertainment 694) Advance Machine Co., Advance Vending Machines - Catalog No. 37

Chicago, IL: c. 1935. 8 pp., 4to. Self-wrappers, wear along previous folds, center staples no longer hold. Almost 4 dozen varieties of vending machine

and spare parts. Includes machines for gumball, peanuts, postcards, stamps, matches, wrapped and unwrapped candy, sanitary napkins, etc. Also shows

coin-operated games and pay toilet locks. $125.00

695) Advance Vending Co., Vending Machine Brochues New York, NY: c.

1940. 12 pp., 8vo. 6 illustrated promotional flyers for a variety of coin-

operated machines including: gum ball machines, peanut vendors, candy machines, novelty and photo vending machines, and a crocker sandwich

vendor. Most noteworthy is a baseball amusement machine named "Bat-a-

Peny", which appears to be somewhat earlier than the others, possibly from the early „30's. $250.00

696) Aeolian Co., The Aeolian-Vocalion - A New Musical Instrument of

the Phonograph Type New York, NY: 1915. 24 pp., 4to. Catalogue of early

phonographs which double as attractive furniture. All units are built into

attractive wood housing so that the working parts are not visible when the unit is closed. In a pocket at the back is a smaller, separate 20 page catalogue with

illustrations and details about the specific models available. Includes original

used mailing envelope. $250.00

697) America's Hobby Center, HO and N Model Railroad Catalog New

York, NY: 1976. 144 pp., 8vo. Comprehensive catalogue of trains, buildings, scenery and all accessories for HO and N scale model trains. $10.00

698) Associated Phonograph Supply Co., Build Your Own Phonograph -

Complete Instructions for Building and Finishing Cincinnati, OH: 1920. 24

pp., tall 8vo. Unusual catalogue for a company selling kits for building

phonographs from scratch. Printed in blue, with many instruction pages in blueprint form. In addition to the plans are many pages offering the

component parts. Laid in are an order form, return envelope and additional

sheet of tone arms. $225.00

699) Auto-Wheel Coaster Co., Auto-Wheel Coasters, Auto-Wheel

Roadsters and Heetwing Steering Sleds - 1922-23 Catalog North Tonawan-da, NY: 1922. 16 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of childrens' wagons, in full

color. There are no pp. 7-10, though it is not clear that they were ever bound

in. In spite of that, this is an attractive catalogue of wagons and sleds. $50.00

700) Auto-Wheel Coaster Co., Inc., Auto-Wheel, Health Builders for

Children N. Tonawanda, NY: c. 1935. 22 pp., 4to. Heavy-duty toys for children, including red wagons of various sorts, racers, sleds and scooters.

Illustrated but uncolored. Also playpens and gates for small children. $35.00

701) Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., Rules for Playing the Various Games

of Billiards & Pocket Billiards Also Illustrating Brunswick Billiard

Tables for the Home Chicago, IL: 1914. 48 pp., 12mo. Stiff printed

wrappers. 12 pages at the middle are a beautiful catalogue of pool tables and

accessories with 9 brightly colored plates illustrating the tables. The rest of the text is a comprehensive review of the rules of billiards and pool. $450.00

702) Burrowes, E. T., Co., Rule for Pool Games Adapted for Burrowes

Miniature Pool Table Portland: ME: c. 1920. 16 pp., 12mo. Not a catalogue,

but a rule book, likely provided with the miniature pool table, to translate

many standard pool games to the smaller table. $75.00

703) Burrowes, E. T., Co., Burrowes Combination Billiard and Pool

Tables - Toy and Junior Pool Tables - Catalog No. 221 Portland: ME:

1922. 15 pp., oblong 8vo. Excellent condition. All tables offered are below

standard size, ranging from toy tables to seven-eighth size models. The inside back wrapper lists balls, cues and all other accessories. $150.00

704) Clawson Machine Co., Tailless Star Kites Flagtown, NJ: c. 1920. 12 pp., oblong 8vo. Original wrappers. Kites are all shown in color, with an

attractive color plate showing the company's headquarters and factory. All the

kites are star-shaped. It is not made clear whether these kites are for scientific experiments or for childrens' toys. An unusual specialty catalogue. $150.00

705) Columbia Graphophone Co., The Columbia Disc Graphophone

Grafonola Bridgeport, CT: c. 1918. 36 pp., 8vo. An early catalogue of players

of phonograph records, as opposed to the earlier cylinders. Offers both players

and the furniture in which to house them. Colored illustrated wrappers, nearly detached. Fully illustrated. $150.00

706) Dent Hardware Co., Iron Toys Fullerton, PA: c. 1910. 39 pp., 8vo. A fabulous catalogue of iron transporation toys, from pony carts to battleships,

with a large selection of fire engines. Heavily illustratrated. Many of the

catalogues of this company have been reprinted, but we guarantee that this is an original issue from the imprint on the back cover and the rust on the staples

of the binding. $325.00

707) Fife, R. A., Corp., Everwear Play Apparatus for the Home

Mamaroneck, NY: c. 1920. 15 pp., 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of playground

equipment for the home, including swings, slides, seesaws, etc. Includes one flag pole. $25.00

708) Garden City Billiard Supply, Billiard Supplies San Jose: CA: c. 1950. 6 pp., 4to. Folding illustrated 8-1/2x11 flyer with 3 panels printed front and

back. Includes all types of accessories, but no specific table models are

offered. $45.00

709) Heineman, Otto, Phonograph Supply Co., Spring Motors for Talking

Machines and Accessories New York, NY: 1917 c>. 44 pp., 8vo. Stiff wrappers, lightly soiled. Internally fine. Illustrated catalogue of replacement

parts, needles, arms, turntables and parts for motors. A very early catalogue of

this type. The back wrapper has a view of the company's factory in Newark, New Jersey. $275.00

710) Lionel Corp., Lionel Trains New York, NY: 1937. 48 pp., oblong 4to. Brightly colored comprehensive catalogue of the Lionel line for 1937-38.

Includes complete sets, individual cars and engines, track and accessories for

O and O27 gauges. Excellent condition. $75.00

711) Lionel Corp., Lionel Trains New York, NY: 1940. 52 pp., oblong 4to.

Brightly colored comprehensive catalogue of the Lionel line for 1939, expanded from the 1937 edition above and including many different items.

Excellent condition. $75.00

712) Lionel Corp., Lionel Trains (That's the Scale Model for Us, Son!)

New York, NY: 1940. 64 pp., oblong 4to. Brightly colored comprehensive

catalogue of the Lionel line for 1940, greatly expanded from the 1939 edition. Includes complete sets, individual cars and engines, track and accessories for

O, O27, and OO gauges. Excellent condition, bright and colorful. $75.00

Page 35: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

713) Mace, L. H., & Co., Toys New York, NY: 1900. 80 pp., 8vo. Embossed

wrappers, generally very good condition, but two leaves torn, no loss of text. Illustrated wholesale catalogue of toys, dolls and childrens‟ furniture. $250.00

714) Metal Cast Products Co., Illustrated Catalog of Toy and Novelty

Casting-Forms New York, NY: 1927. 32 pp., 4to. Printed wrappers, creased

vertically, slightly fragile. Illustrated catalogue of cast metal forms for toy

animals, religious subjects, novelty ash trays, bookends, statuary, and other similar items. $100.00

715) Metzler & Cowperthwaite, Spring Leaping Horses, Spring

Horizontal Cradles .. Rocking and Chair Horses New York, NY: c. 1890. 8

pp., 12mo. Unillustrated folding wholesale brochure and price list for rocking

horses, perambulators, cabs & gigs. There are short one-panel essays on their Spring Leaping Horses, Spring Horizontal Cradles, and Perambulators.

Stained at bottom and back panel. Not in Romaine. $125.00

716) Noble & Cooley, Toy Drums, Banjos,Tambourines and Zithers

Granville, MA: c. 1898. 128 pp., 12mo. 85 pages are devoted to a wide variety

of toy drums. The balance have illustrations of banjos, zithers etc. The illustrations of drums are all uncolored and have prices per dozen given. Two

of the drums reference the Spanish-American War: one has portraits of 3

admirals, including Dewey, another shows the Maine. Embossed illustrated wrappers. Very scarce, not in Romaine or McKinstry. $425.00

717) Richter, Dr., Art Department, Richter's Designs for Architectural

Models - No. 14 Leipzig, GE: c. 1910. 26 pp., oblong 8vo. Construction

manual for building blocks. 18 pages of brightly colored illustrations showing

designs for buildings, towers, bridges, etc. $60.00

718) Schiercke, Henry C., Casting Molds for Making Toy Soldiers,

Indians, Buffalo Bills, Wild Animals and Others Brooklyn, NY: c. 1880. 8

pp., folio. 8 pages of illustrations of the many different types of lead castings

for toys. An early example of do-it-yourself toy making. There are also molds for making Indians, many kinds of animals and a large cannon. The text

advocates the making of these figures for sale as a business. $175.00

719) Schoenhut, A., Co., Instructions for the Schoenhut Toy Piano

Philadelphia, PA: 1916. 24 pp., oblong 12mo. With color lithographed paper

wrappers. Included is music for the instruction of children learning to play the toy pianos. Also many dolls, circus sets, baby toys and other items are seen in

this very scarce toy catalogue. $200.00

720) Schoenhut, A., Co., Schoenhut's Marvelous Toys. The Humpty

Dumpty Circus. Philadelphia, PA: 1918. 48 pp., 4to. This is a truly super Schoenhut catalogue with 22 pages illustrated (11 double-page spreads) in

color. A very fine example, with very mild creasing and chipping to wrappers.

This is the original, not one of the reprints issued several years ago. $375.00

721) Selchow & Righter, Wholesale Catalogue 1892-93. New York, NY:

1892. 144 pp., 8vo. Extensive illustrated catalogue of toys, games and

recreations from one of the pre-eminent American manufacturers. Printed in

Jersey City, NJ. Original wrappers, slightly chipped, with later label.

Manuscript marks inside. Also offers magic lanterns, novelties, ouija boards, toy instruments and banks, and a large number of board games. $650.00

722) Strasburger, Oscar, & Co., 1880 Catalogue of Fancy Goods, Toys,

China, Glass and Lava Ware, Notions, Etc. New York, NY: 1880. 346 pp., 8vo. Original cloth, rebacked. Lacks title page. One page clipped. This is a

spectacular illustrated wholesale toy catalogue, showing a wide variety of

mechanical banks, moving toy chimes, trains and boats, tin kitchen sets, toy glassware and china, china dolls, musical instruments and much more. Prices

by the dozen or gross. There is also an early depiction of Santa Claus, draped

in an American flag. $1,500.00

723) Swope, Coxson & Brothers, Centennial Juvenile Carriage Works

Philadelphia, PA: 1876. 16 pp., 8vo. A Centennial catalogue with illustrations of baby carriages as seen at the height of the Victorian period. Paper illustrated

wrappers, vertically creased at center. Also illustrated are sleds, velocipedes

and goat wagons. Doll carriages are also included. Not in Romaine or McKinstry. $225.00

724) U. S. Playing Card Co., Card Games and How to Play Them Cincinnati, OH: 1901. 140 pp., 12mo. Stiff purple wrappers, excellent

condition. The first 124 pages contains instructions for playing a wide array of

card games. The last 16 pages are a catalogue for playing cards and supplies, including 7 pages in full color of playing cards. Several dozen different decks

are illustrated. $125.00

725) U. S. Playing Card Co., Official Rules of Card Games - Hoyle Up-

To-Date Cincinnati, OH: 1926. 256 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers, fine condition.

Most of the book contains rules of card games. The last 16 pages is a catalogue of playing cards and related items such as dominos, setups for

duplicate whist or bridge, and fortune telling cards. There is also a page of

poker chips. $100.00

726) Union Carriage & Rattan Co., The Union Line, The Line That Sells -

Children's Vehicles. Ohio Falls, IN: c. 1890. 68 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated

catalogue of baby carriages/strollers, all in rattan with parasols. These are

some of the most ornate, and arguably least attractive and safe, vehicles in which one could conceivably put a small child. Carriages are shown one per

page, with prices for options. Full leather, front joint split, with the name J. W.

McDonald on the front. $350.00

727) Vermont Novelty Works Co, 1872 Supplement to Thirteenth Annual

Illustrated Price List of Children's Carriages and Toys. Springfield, VT: 1872. 17 pp., 12mo. Printed wrappers with a full-page promotion for invalid

chairs on the back. Prices laid in. Illustrated price list of carriages,

wheelbarrows, toy furniture, building blocks and sleds for children. Excellent condition, attractive. This company succeeded Ellis, Britton & Eaton. $350.00

728) Vermont Novelty Works Co., Annual Catalogue of Children's

Carriages and Toys - 1879 Springfield, VT: 1879. 48 pp., 8vo. Printed

wrappers with an illustration of a child's carriage on the back. Many wonderful

baby carriages are illustrated one per page. Also many toy wagons and carts, toy furniture. Very similar to the 1878 edition, but with many different models

illustrated. The two together provide a much more complete pictorial view of

the company's line. $400.00

729) Vermont Novelty Works Co., Catalogue of Toys, Invalid Chairs,

Sleds, &c. - 1881 Springfield, VT: 1881. 24 pp., 8vo. Printed wrappers with an illustration of a child's carriage, 2 carts, and a sled on the back. This

catalogue has a far greater portion to sleds and invalid chairs than the 1878-79

issues. There is also a page with rocking horses and a backammon set. Price list laid in. $400.00

730) Victor Talking Machine Co., Victor Red Seal Records - A Library of

Famous Voices Camden, NJ: 1923. 105 pp., 8vo. Embossed red wrappers.

Partially illustrated, very extensive listing of recordings available, grouped by

artist. Over 6 pages of recordings by Enrico Caruso. $35.00

731) Wild, WIlliam J., Ship Model Making - Catalogue No. 45A New

York, NY: 1943. 64 pp., 8vo. Entirely dedicated to model ship plans and the

supplies and small parts necessary to construct them. Colored wrappers,

uncolored internally. Includes a wide range of ships from historic sailing

vessels to World War II Liberty Ships. $35.00

Typewriters and Business Machines 732) Addressograph Co., The New Class 900 Addressograph Cleveland,

OH: c. 1936. 4 pp., folio. Large folding brochure for a new model of Addressograph, touted as smaller, quieter and more versatile than previous

models. $25.00

733) American Writing Machine Co., The Caligraph Hartford, CT: 1888. 24

pp., 12mo. Small catalogue for an early, pre-QWERTY, typewriter. Capital letters each have their own keys, with no shift. Original illustrated wrappers,

minor damage at corner. Also 6 pages of furniture for typewriters. $35.00

Page 36: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

734) Corona Typewriter Co., Inc., How to Use the Corona Personal

Writing Machine Groton, NY: 1922. 15 pp., 8vo. Instruction book for early portable typewriter. It had only 3 rows of keys, with separate shift keys for

capital letters and the expanded key set (numbers and other characters.) $35.00

735) McCaskey Systems Ltd., Instructions for Installing and Operating

McCaskey Credit Register System for Retail Merchants Galt: ON: c.

1915. 24 pp., oblong 12mo. Small brochure describing this system for keeping track of retail bills outstanding and payments made. At the back are offerings

of one cash register and one adding machine. $35.00

736) McCaskey Systems Ltd., Instructions for Installing and Operating

McCaskey Credit Register System for Retail Merchants Galt: ON: c.

1915. 24 pp., oblong 12mo. Small brochure describing this system for keeping

track of retail bills outstanding and payments made. At the back are offerings

of one cash register and one adding machine. $35.00

737) Remington Rand Inc., Lightest Ten-Key Adding Machine with Direct

Subtraction Buffalo, NY: 1935. 4 pp., 4to. Illustrated folding flyer, printed in black and yellow, for a small desk model adding machine. $25.00

738) Remington Rand Inc., The New Remington Portable Adding

Machine Buffalo, NY: 1935. 4 pp., 4to. Illustrated folding flyer, printed in

blue and orange, for a portable adding machine weighing 11 pounds. $25.00

739) Root, Charles J., Illustrated Catalogue of Machines that Count -

1901 Bristol, CT: 1901. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Printed wrappers, lightly soiled.

Illustrated catalogue of small counting machines designed to be attached to industrial equipment to track the number of items produced. The text touts, in

particular, its use in the printing industry. $50.00

Undertakers Equipment 740) Chase, Frank H., The Sunnyside - The Pioneer of Undertaking Trade

Journalism, Vol. IV, No. 39 New York, NY: 1888. 28 pp., 4to. Trade publication for undertakers, enbalmers, and others in the funeral trade.

Contains articles, stories and ads. Good condition, with some weakness along

the horizontal center fold. Some of the ads are in what we might now consider

to be bad taste, such as one for a coffin company which asks, in large letters at

the top of the ad, “Who Will Go Next?” $50.00

741) Darling, J. E., Darling's Monumental Design Book Springfield, MA:

1860. 40 pp., folio. Original cloth, front detached. Internally fair to good As

this book at one time had been used as a scrapbook, most pages have a couple

of small areas of glue residue. Title page has 6 small areas of residue from tape. The contents are lithographic depictions of dozens of different designs

for grave monuments, headstones and markers. There is a full page ad for a

marble cutter. $450.00

742) New York Granite Co., Catalogue of Monuments n.p., NY: c. 1920.

300 pp., 8vo. Stiff leather boards, chipped. Illustrated catalogue of monuments, tombstones and markers. There is no title page or identification of

any sort. The name L. W. Frink is printed in gilt on the front cover. Most of

the stones appear to be from the New York Granite company, though many

stones from others are pasted in. $125.00

743) Omaha Casket Co., Illustrated Catalogue No. 1 - Wood and Cloth

Covered Burials Cases and Caskets, and Undertakers' Supplies Omaha:

NE: c. 1893. 140 pp., oblong folio. Wrappers soiled and chipped at edges, some tears. Interior very good except for soiling on title page. A wonderful

catalogue with large illustrations of ornate caskets and handles, ornaments,

linings, robes, etc. Enbalmers' tools and materials as well. There is a large selection of horse-drawn hearses. Includes descriptions and prices. Among

the finest funeral goods catalogues of the 19th century, as well as being a

scarce Nebraska imprint. Not in Romaine or McKinstry. $1,750.00

744) Willison, E. C., Art Monuments - 1895 Boston, MA: 1895. 52 pp.,

folio. Beautifully illustrated catalogue of cemetery monuments and other stones. Original cloth binding, front hinge gone. Each page has one or two

marble or granite monuments, showing extensive detailing. A very scarce

catalogue of stones. Not in Romaine. $650.00

Washing Machines 745) American Wringer Co., Illustrated Catalogue No. 6 (Second Edition)

New York, NY: 1902. 88 pp., 8vo. Some damage and soiling at top of front cover, joint weak. Net wholesale price list and supplement (12 pp.) laid in.

Illustrated catalogue of a large line of wringers, rubber rolls and dry bars for

home and institutional use. Most attach to wash tubs. $100.00

746) Fearless Dishwasher Co., The Fearless Dishwashing System

Rochester, NY: c. 1916. 20 pp., 8vo. An early commercial-grade electric dishwashing machine. These dishwashers are comprised of baskets for the

dishes which move through two or three basins of water for cleaning. This is

quite early for an appliance which utilized both water and electricity. $100.00

Windmills 747) Phelps & Bigelow Wind Mill Co., The IXL Wind-Mill Kalamazoo, MI:

1878. 16 pp., 16mo. Small folding brochure for pumps, with one panel devoted to a view of a windmill in a field. Good condition, but with light

soiling. Possibly the earliest publication of this long-lasting company

(continued at least into the 1930's), founded formally in 1877, with

testamonials dated from 1876 to 1878. Earlier than any publication for this company in Baker (North American Windmill Manufacturers' Trade

Literature). $150.00

Page 37: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

Miscellany748) Acme Trading Co., Army-Navy Goods, General Merchandise -

Catalog No. 22 Louisville, KY: 1923. 32 pp., 4to. An eclectic array of goods

including much World War I army surplus (tents, escort wagons, folding forges, tarpaulins, horse brushes, anvils, etc.). There are also tires, sinks, water

heaters, lathes and gears. Some wear, particularly at the corners. $50.00

749) American Can Co., Canco Sample Book New York, NY: c. 1910. 19

pp., oblong 4to. Leather binding with company's name gilt on front, somewhat

worn and loose. Contains 19 brilliant glossy color plates illustrating cans which the company has made for a variety of manufacturers. Includes tins for

candy, talcum powder, cigars, bath and face powders, cocoa and other items.

All pages are backed by stiff linen. A truly spectacular suite of plates, each one easily worthy of display on its own. $1,750.00

750) Baker & Clark, Austen's Forest Flower Cologne New York, NY: c. 1885. 2 pp., 4to. Advertising flyer for perfume, with a large illustration of a

12-bottle store display on the recto. The verso has a list of establishments

carrying the cologne. Small hole at left side. Very attractive. $125.00

751) Bosselman, A. C., & Co., Postal Cards, View Books, Novelties and

Souvenirs of Every Description New York, NY: c. 1905. 28 pp., oblong 8vo.

Wholesale catalogue of souvenir items including beer steins and mugs,

enameled plates, charms, embossed trays, postcards and display frames and

stands, paperweights, etc. Uncolored illustrations. $100.00

752) Brauer Bros. Mfg. Co., Leather Goods St. Louis, MO: c. 1910. 80 pp.,

8vo. Fullly illustrated catalogue of leather goods in fine condition, wrappers slightly loose. Includes standard items such as harnesses and trunks, but also

such unusual pieces as holsters, money belts, dice cups, rifle cases, scabbards,

watch fobs, dog harnesses collars and whips, and much more. $125.00

753) California Perfume Co., CPC Book New York, NY: 1912. 64 pp., tall

12mo. An early catalogue from the predecessor to Avon. Uncolored and much smaller than this company's later magnificent and lavish colored productions,

it is likely scarcer than those. Many illustrations of the product line

accompany text descriptions of them. There is a small “Five Percent Certificate” from the company laid in, some sort of premium coupon. Fine

condition. $225.00

754) Carusa Feather Company Inc., Carusa Feather Co. New York, NY:

1914. 32 pp., 4to. Laws prohibiting the sale of wild bird feathers forced the

fashion trades to use ostrich plumes instead. There was still some residual

trade in bird-of-paradise feathers. An early indication of attempts to protect

endangered birds. $100.00

755) Century Post Co., The Why and the Wherefore of the Century Post

Company's Mail Box - Ours, Yours and Uncle Sam's Favorite Tecumseh,

MI: c. 1905. 12 pp., 12mo. This small brochure with illustrated red wrappers touting the merits of a metal mailbox for home use. Front cover has the

mailbox highlighted in silver. $50.00

756) Certified Milk Cases, Are All Milk Cases Alike Today? n.p.: NA: c.

1935. 6 pp., 12mo. Small folding brochure, with the title asking the pressing question on everyone's lips. A table details the advantages of this line of 3

different models of milk case. $25.00

757) Cleveland Rubber Co., All Kinds of Rubber Goods for Mechanical

Purposes Cleveland, OH: c. 1895. 28 pp., 12mo. Back wrapper torn and

soiled, light soiling throughout. Offers rubber hoses and belting for industrial use. There is also fire hose and couplings. Some illustrations. Two pages at the

back offer other items such as jar rings, wagon bumpers, wringer rolls, billiard

cussions, ball valves and other miscellaneous rubberized items. $60.00

758) Coles & Co., Fruit Packages, Baskets, Crates, Etc. New York, NY:

1913. 64 pp., oblong 12mo. Illustrated catalogue of wicker, oak stave and other baskets, most of which are designed for fruit. Includes peach, grape,

apple, corn, berry and other general baskets in a wide variety of sizes. $75.00

759) Continental Paper Co., Bigger Business Through Better Bags n.p.:

NA: c. 1920. 10 pp., 4to. Catalogue consists of 10 sample bags of the type

used by small candy shops, many printed in color. The maker seems to have been located in the midwest (Illinois?) given the locations of the businesses on

the sample bags. $50.00

760) Coraline Sponge & Chamois Co., Inc., Silver Seal Sponges and

Chamois Binghamton, NY: c. 1925. 16 pp., 4to. This is the first catalogue we

have seen for sponges. These are not the processed, neatly cut and colored sponges we see mostly now, but raw sponges as harvested from the sea. There

are dozens of sizes, sources and qualities. $50.00

761) Dennison Mfg. Co., What Next? Christmas 1935 Framingham, MA:

1935. 16 pp., 4to. Disbound. Promotional brochure aimed at store owners to

use Dennison paper products for window displays, gift wrapping, in-store decorations, etc. in an effort to increase holiday season sales. $30.00

762) Federal Schools, Inc., A Road to Bigger Things Describing How

Success May be Won through Illustrating and Cartooning Minneapolis,

MN: 1928. 64 pp., 8vo. An interesting catalogue for an artists' school which taught cartooning and related illustrating. 6 pages in color. $65.00

763) Foote, J. B., Foundry Co., No. 19, Your Gold Mine - Catalog of

Novelties Needed Every Day in Every Home Fredericktown, OH: 1906. 32

pp., 8vo. A wonderful little catalogue, on cheap paper, of inexpensive, offbeat,

or unusual products for the home. These include a clothes pin bag, 8-in-1 tool (hammer, hatchet, screw driver, nail punch ...) a Mend-a-Rip device, and

many more. A piece of rural Americana from the turn of this century. $65.00

764) Forman Co., Bronze Tablets & Letters New York, NY: c. 1928. 16

pp., oblong 8vo. Designs and materials for identifying and commemorative

plaques and tablets, as well as cast bronze lettering for buildings. Creased near spine. Illustrated. $60.00

765) Geigy, J. R., Union Colours n.p.: na: c. 1920. 30 pp., 8vo. Hard covers, good condition. Sample book of dyes, showing color examples on a wide

variety of fabrics. Over 100 sample swatches are present. The book is divided

into sections for cotton dyes, wool dyes, and dyes which dye those fibers differently. $125.00

766) Goodrich, B. F., Co., A Wonder Book of Rubber Akron, OH: 1937. 48 pp., 8vo. Some soiling to wrappers, contents loose. Describes many aspects

of Goodrich rubber, from the raw material to its processing to the many

products (tires, clothing, hose, building materials) made from rubber. $35.00

767) Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc., Handbook of Goodyear

Mechanical Rubber Goods Akron, OH: 1930. 126 pp., 8vo. Stiff black cloth binding, gilt-stamped. A comprehensive catalogue, with descriptions, of

Goodyear's non-tire rubber products, including hoses for industrial and home

use, belting, rubber bands, mallets, and printers' materials. $50.00

768) Hammacher, Schlemmer, Gifts New York, NY: 1934. 24 pp., 8vo.

Disbound. An early version of this famous company's catalogue; its format has

changed very little over the years, with an assortment of gadgets, games,

grooming devices and tools. $25.00

769) Hammett, J. L., Co., Books-Materials for Basket Making - 1926-27

Cambridge, MA: 1926. 40 pp., 8vo. Supplies, tools and books on

basketmaking and caning chairs. Also waxes and dyes for wood furniture. Front wrapper soiled. $35.00

770) Hawbaker, S. Stanley, Hawbaker's Trapper's Catalog of Trapline

Tested Supplies - No. 15 Fort Loudon, PA: 1952. 22 pp., 4to. Illustrated

catalogue of a small trapper's supply house. Printed in red and blue. Order

form laid in. $35.00

771) Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., Safe, Safety Deposit and Bank Vaults

- Catalogue No. 99 Boston, MA: c. 1908. 72 pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of a full line of installed and portable (if that term can be applied to models

Page 38: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

weighing up to 7 tons) safes and vaults. Includes arrays of safe-deposit boxes.

All models are illustrated and dimensions given. $200.00

772) Horstmann, Wm. H., Co., Catalogue of Art Embroideries and Fancy

Goods Philadelphia, PA: c. 1905. 98 pp., 8vo. Minor soiling at top of back wrapper. Materials, patterns and supplies for embroidery and crocheting, as

well as a few items for knitters. Also has dry goods-related items such as

curtain cords, carpet binding, and drapery loops. $75.00

773) Howe Fur Company, The Trappers' Supply House of America

Coopers Mills: ME: 1936. 130 pp., 8vo. Every thing needed by outdoorsmen is offered in this unusual catalogue. Traps for the trapper and clothing for

people exposed to cold weather as well as many small items such as knives,

lamps and axes are all illustrated. $35.00

774) Huff Paper Co., Continental Glassine Bags Philadelphia, PA: 1923. 2

pp., 4to. A folder containing 16 samples of actual printed bags made for confectioners and bakers in addition to the product line of 17 white glassine

envelopes, each printed with its size, weight and style. Letter from company

and price list laid in. $65.00

775) Indianapolis Brush and Broom Mfg. Co., Capital Brushes and

Brooms Indianapolis, IN: 1912. 39 pp., tall 12mo. Printed in red and black. Illustrated. Many full-sized brooms along with whisk brooms, push brooms

and many brushes, including a type rarely seen, the cuspidor brush. $50.00

776) Ingalls, J. F., Ingalls' Fancy Work Book - 1897 Edition Lynn, MA:

1897. 20 pp., 4to. Small catalogue of doily and placemat patterns and

reproductions of artwork. Today, the art would be deemed quite suitable as wall decoration in any inexpensive chain motel. $35.00

777) Japan Camphor Co., Something about Camphor and the Japan

Camphor Company's Exhibit at the World's Fair Chicago 1893 Kobe: JP:

1893. 16 pp., oblong 12mo. Photographically illustrated brochure on the company and its processing of camphor. The text, in English, describes the

procedures involved in processing this material from tree to moth ball. $50.00

778) Jonas Bros., Field Guide - Directions for Preparing Trophies and

Specimens for Mounting Yonkers, NY: c. 1930. 32 pp., 12mo. Illustrated

manual for hunters designed to help them prepare deer, moose, elk, etc. for stuffing and mounting. Their are tips for the best time to take certain animals

as well as preparation and preservation tips for the hunter in the field. $40.00

779) Jonas Bros., Taxidermists' Supplies - Everything for the Naturalist,

Oologist, Entomologist and Relating Subjects No. 10 Denver: CO: 1941. 48

pp., 4to. Illustrated catalogue of supplies for taxidermists and furriers including a wide variety of mounts. Order blank and envelope laid in. $30.00

780) Kaempfer, Fred, Priced Catalogue of Taxidermists' Materials.

Artificial Glass Eyes, Taxidermists' Tools, ... Mounted Specimens of All

Kinds . Chicago, IL: 1887. 16 pp., 8vo. Original blue wrappers, lightly

creased, back wrapper with small tears. Extensive catalogue of materials for taxidermists and mounted specimens. Priced, extensively illustrated. $225.00

781) Kellogg, Robert W., The Quest of the Gift Unusual - 1929 Springfield, MA: 1929. 52 pp., 8vo. A quirky little gift catalogue, lightly soiled. Has little

knick-knacks, picture frames, bookmarks, etc. There are roughly 10 items per

page, laid out irregularly. The inside front cover prominently features an electric tie presser. $30.00

782) Kensitas Flowers, Kensitas Flowers London, UK: c. 1920. 13 pp., 4to. An album of 26 (8x12 cm.) brilliantly colored small embroideries, each of

two different flowers. The cards were originally included as cigarette inserts.

Each is covered by a flap on which is printed information and a short poem about the flowers. Among the flowers shown are poppies, sunflowers, daisies,

roses and many more. $1,150.00

783) Lange, Louis, Publishing Co., Gifts - Christmas 1931 St. Louis, MO:

1931. 40 pp., 4to. Disbound. lacks back wrapper. Assorted reproduction

prints, clocks, manger sets, toys and other Christmas gift ideas. Many Christmas cards, including several pages with cards and descriptive text in

German. An unusual catalogue of inexpensive holiday item. $35.00

784) Macy, R. H., & Co., A Pleasant Surprise New York, NY: 1923. 10 pp.,

8vo. Bags and baskets utilizing raffia tapestry designs. Uncolored illustrations

of many baskets. $25.00

785) Meilink Mfg. Co., Specialty Manufacturers - Catalogue 1907-1908

Toledo, OH: 1907. 48 pp., 8vo. Fully illustrated catalogue of safes for homes and businesses. Most are floor models, though there is also a discussion of

wall safes. Text at the beginning attests to the fire-proof, dampness-proof and

pick-proof qualities of the safes offered. At the back are some office devices such as phone brackets and desk arms. Price list laid in. $150.00

786) Michigan State Industries, Catalogue A Jackson, MI: c. 1935. 118 pp.,

4to. This appears to be an ordinary catalogue of office furniture, brooms and brushes, stamped-metal signs and lockers, textiles and twine, and overalls. The

unusual aspect of this is that all of these products were produced by state

inmates at prisons and the state institution for the blind. This catalogue was sent only to Michigan governmental departments. An unusual state fund-

raising endeavor. $75.00

787) Ox Fibre Brush Co., Vegetable Fibre Brushes of the Highest Class

Frederick: MD: 1909. 40 pp., tall 8vo. Original wrappers. Fully illustrated

with 12 color photos of the line of brushes. Includes scrubbing brushes for housework, horses, whitewash, etc. Also heads for push brooms. $75.00

788) Parkhurst, J. F., & Son Co., Hand Book of the J. F. Parkhurst & Son

Co., Suit Case Makers Bangor: ME: 1908. 22 pp., oblong 12mo. Leather,

wood and heavy board suitcases, all illustrated and priced. Last leaf stained,

back cover repaired. Parkhurst also made leather goods for horses. $50.00

789) Perry Pictures Co., Catalogue of the Perry Pictures Boston, MA:

1907. 32 pp., 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of a wide range of photographs for collecting, decoration, etc. Two examples are laid in. Waterstain. $35.00

790) Pioneer Broom Co., Brooms & Whisk Brooms - Catalogue D Amsterdam, NY: 1916. 32 pp., tall 12mo. Never having thought about it, it is

hard to have imagined a single catalogue with 29 different models of whisk

broom. Price list laid in with prices manually typed. There is also a large

number of full-size brooms. $45.00

791) Pioneer Broom Co., Prices Lists of Brooms Amsterdam, NY: 1916. 30 pp., tall 12mo. This is a grouping of 6 unillustrated price lists for brooms.

There are updated wholesale and retail lists for September, October and November 1916. All are enclosed in the original mailing envelope from the

company. $50.00

792) Robinson Household Mfg. Co., Robinson Turkish Bath Cabinets

Toledo, OH: 1925. 4 pp., 8vo. Small brochure for an at-home Turkish bath.

The back page shows the heating unit for creating the steam. A scarce promotional item for an obscure product. $50.00

793) Roycrofters, Modeled Leather East Aurora, NY: c. 1910. 4 pp., 8vo. One sheet folded. Vertical crease at center. 3 illustrations of decoratively

worked leather accessories. Many others are listed as well. Offered with 2

other pieces of Roycroft ephemera: a card with a decorative device stating “Make Your Boys and Girls Immortals, It Is a Liberal Education”, and a card

listing Elbert Hubbard's "The Law of Obedience." 3 scarce epemeral Elbert

Hubbard items. $75.00

794) Schaefer Rubber Co., The Rubber Store Cincinnati, OH: c. 1915. 144

pp., 12mo. A panoply of items made from rubber including, but not limited to, medical supplies, combs, toothbrushes, collars, boots, thimbles, holsters,

raincoats, therapeutic masks, hoses, gloves, and mats. Fully illustrated. $100.00

795) Schmidt, W. & E., Church Goods - Booklet No. 1021 Milwaukee: WI:

c. 1920. 48 pp., 8vo. Self-wrappers, outside leaf loose. Comprehensive

catalogue of materials for Catholic churches including pews, altars, lecturns, collections plates, communion sets, crucifixes, lamps, etc. $35.00

796) Smith, Daniel, Son & Oakley, Devizes Castle London, UK: c. 1930. 32 pp., 4to. Sales brochure for a medieval English castle in Wiltshire, with many

tipped-in photographic illustrations. The castle and grounds (120 acres) was to

be sold with all contents, including furniture, paintings, books. The castle was begun before the 12th century. Includes a list of contents and two maps: a

folding map of the grounds and a map of the area. $100.00

797) Southwick, James M. & Critchley, J. William, Bureau of Natural

History - Catalogue of Birds' Skins & Eggs Providence: RI: c. 1895. 12 pp.,

8vo. Catalogue of supplies and equipment for taxidermists, oologists and entomologists, with a wide variety of bird skins and eggs. Also there is a full

page showing artificial eyes for taxidermy in a wide variety of sizes. Printed

wrappers, very good condition. $75.00

798) Spaulding Fibre Co., Spaulding Fibre Tonawanda, NY: c. 1925. 48

pp., 4to. Fully illustrated, showing the line of products which can be made from Fibre, an early name for plastic. The text emphasizes the lightness and

versatility of fibre and its use in electrical, mechanical and automotive parts;

suitcases and trunks; trays and baskets, etc. There is also a section of Bakelite products. $100.00

799) Standard Mfg. Co., Standard Cash Register E. Stroudsberg, PA: 1892. 8 pp., oblong 12mo. Somewhat worn and soiled, though complete. Illustrates

3 early models of cash registers. Among the 2 pages of testamonials is one

from the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, of Cleveland, which mentions “our branch store”. 3 letters mention NCR machines. $75.00

Page 39: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental

800) Steffens, N., Wholesale Catalogue of Florists' Wire Designs New

York, NY: c. 1895. 44 pp., 8vo. Original blue wrappers, lightly soiled. Lacks 2 leaves (pp. 15-16, 21-22). 5 other leaves torn out but laid back in. One other

leaf has a long tear, with no loss. In spite of its defects, this is nonetheless a

catalogue of very unusual and specialized items, wire stands for florists. These include such items as 32 inch-high wire clocks, a 5 foot, 6 inch fireman and

several hundred others. $100.00

801) Tammen, H. H., Burros Denver: CO: 1903. 32 pp., 8vo. Not a

catalogue, but a souvenir item from Tammen. It is die-cut in the shape of a

burro's head. It contains 64 cute and interesting photos with burros being the common theme. $75.00

802) Tatsumiya, Catalogue of Ivory Work Tokyo: JA: 1907. 28 pp., oblong 8vo. Illustrated catalogue of carvings from ivory. Original illustrated

wrappers, chipped. Items include candlesticks, heads of canes, photo frames,

combs, brushes, cigarette cases, carved animals, etc. There is also a photo of the "factory" showing 4 people carving ivory on what looks like a porch of a

house. There are two pages of text, printed in English and French. $250.00

803) Taylor, J. & J., Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Vaults, Vault Doors,

&c. Toronto: ON: 1875. 56 pp., 8vo. Original printed wrappers, excellent

condition. 34 models of safe are illustrated. Some prices are written in. Many testamonials and listings of users, all in Canada. A great relatively early

Canadian catalogue. $250.00

804) Traffic & Street Sign Co., The Original and Early Street Sign Newark,

NJ: c. 1930. 12 pp., tall 8vo. One sheet folder in twelve panels. Illustrated catalogue in color of street signs, including the classic New York City signs

with the name of the street below and the cross street in an oval bracket above.

Lists many municipalities using the company's signs. $85.00

805) Union Bag & Paper Co., Base Prices and Discount Tables of Paper

Bags Rochester, NY: 1916. 8 pp., 8vo. Folding flyer with 4 cross-reference tables of prices for different sizes and weights of bags for grocers.

Unillustrated. $15.00

806) Victor Safe & Lock Co., Ephemera Related to Victor Safe & Lock

Co. Cincinnati, OH: 1903. 24 pp., 4to. This is a small lot of 24 pieces of

ephemera including several illustrated envelopes (stamps removed) letters on the company letterhead, promotional flyers, price lists, etc. These all appear to

have been collected by Dr. J. R. Brenscomb of Fancy Gap, VA. $125.00

807) Vulcan Match Mfg. Co., Vulcan Matches Tidaholm: SW: c. 1895. 8

pp., oblong 12mo. A brilliant and fragile catalogue for matches, with bright

colorful illustrations of 7 different matchboxes. Printed on rectos only. The catalogue was printed at the company's works in Sweden, completely in

English for the British market. A remarkable survival given the fragility of the

paper and the quality of the color printing. $250.00

808) Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Catalogue of Specimens of

Mollusca - Catalogue No. 25 Rochester, NY: c. 1910. 117 pp., 8vo. Very extensive, partially illustrated catalogue of shells for sale. Stiff wrappers, fine

condition. Revision list laid in. $125.00

809) Williams, Henry T., Goods for Sale New York, NY: c. 1885. 8 pp.,

12mo. 3 flyers in original envelope, for a variety of items. Many goods relate

to scroll sawing and fretwork, with patterns and saws for sale. There are also

books and patriotic prints. An unusual assortment, from one company $40.00

STATE AND COUNTRY INDEX AL 158 CA 152,360,454,708

CO 116,417,468,779, 801

CT 88,128,176,340,341-347, 362, 365, 383, 388,

391, 393,508, 609, 631, ,655, 705, 733, 739

DC 222

DE 10, 450

FL 594

France 161, 165, 183, 608 Germany 26-28, 175, 319, 320, 397, 527, 717

IA 45, 281

IL 17, 49, 66, 98, 124, 145, 148, 156, 206, 213,

233, 240, 247-8, 264, 307, 310-1, 318, 370, 378, 412,

415, 423, 457, 470, 499, 505, 523, 619, 625, 627, 667,

679, 682, 689, 694, 701, 780

IN 50, 51, 115, 122, 126, 130, 150, 295, 366, 367, 493, 645, 726, 775

Japan 227, 802, 777

KS 392

KY 4, 255, 748

LA 70

MA 1, 2, 6, 7, 19, 29, 35, 37, 38, 71, 72, 81-83, 85,

118, 123, 133, 155, 173, 179, 197, 200, 207, 219, 226,

229, 244-246, 253, 257, 261, 266, 272, 280, 288, 289, 297, 306, 314, 322, 327, 335, 348, 350, 357, 373, 403-

406, 408-9, 418, 426, 432, 433, 441, 464, 491, 501, 506,

536, 548, 563, 569, 572-3, 604-5, 610, 612-614, 621,

623-4, 649, 652-654, 659-661, 663-666, 670, 681, 685,

690, 692-3, 716, 741, 744, 761, 769, 771, 776, 781, 789

MD 73-4, 159, 278, 286, 448, 607, 658, 668, 787

ME 127, 269, 368, 442, 489, 518, 702-3, 773, 788 MI 11, 24, 30, 63, 93, 96, 101-105, 108-110, 141,

157, 258, 259, 267, 332, 364, 380, 385, 414, 443, 463,

500, 516, 521, 561, 596, 683, 688, 747, 755, 786

MN 390, 401, 430, 634, 640, 641, 648, 762

MO 5, 69, 142, 174, 185, 210, 279, 309, 325, 379,

455, 458, 460, 479, 524, 544, 545, 579, 626, 635, 650,

651, 752, 783

NC 395, 396 NE 582, 743

NH 172, 359, 577, 578, 687

NJ 298, 492, 507, 554, 587-590, 595, 599-601,

704, 730, 804

NY 3, 8, 9, 12, 16, 20, 22, 25, 34, 36, 41-44, 46-48,

52-57, 61, 64, 67, 75, 78-80, 84, 87, 90, 91, 99, 100,

106, 112-3, 120-1, 125, 129, 131-2, 134-137, 143, 147, 151, 168, 177, 180-182, 184, 186-192, 201-205, 209,

211-2, 214-218, 220, 223-225, 228, 230, 234, 235, 238-

9, 241-243, 249, 254, 256, 260, 265, 271, 273, 275,

282-3, 291-294, 312, 315-317, 321, 326, 328-331, 336,

351, 353, 355, 358, 363, 372, 374, 376, 381-2, 386-7,

407, 410, 420, 422, 428, 434-5, 451, 456, 459, 465-467,

469, 471-474, 476-478, 481, 483, 486, 488, 490, 495-

497, 503-4, 510-1, 513-515, 517, 519-20, 522, 525-6, 531-2, 537-543, 547, 549-552, 555-6, 558-560, 562,

564-5, 567, 570-1, 576, 580-1, 591-593, 602-3, 606,

611, 615-617, 628, 632-3, 636-7, 644, 646-7, 656-7,

662, 669, 672-674, 677-8, 686, 691, 695-700, 707, 709-

715, 718, 721-2, 731, 734, 737-8, 740, 742, 745-6, 749-

751, 753-4, 758, 760, 764, 768, 778, 784, 790-1, 793, 798, 800, 805, 808-9

OH 18, 21, 40, 60, 86, 117, 144, 146, 149, 153,

154, 178, 193-196, 250, 251, 262, 263, 270, 276, 296,

324, 339, 354, 384, 402, 437, 439, 444, 447, 480, 482,

509, 512, 528, 530, 553, 557, 568, 574, 618, 671, 676,

684, 698, 724, 725, 732, 757, 763, 766, 767, 785, 792,

794, 806

Ontario 424, 475, 735, 736, 803, 440 OR 675

PA 13, 31-33, 39, 58, 59, 65, 77, 89, 119, 160,

164, 198-9, 208, 231, 232, 236-7, 252, 284, 285, 290,

304-5, 323, 333-4, 349, 356, 369, 371, 377, 398-9, 411,

416, 421, 425, 438, 449, 453, 462, 484-5, 494, 502, 534,

535, 566, 597, 598, 630, 639, 642-3, 680, 706, 719, 720,

723, 770, 772, 774, 799 Quebec 337, 529, 586

RI 97, 277, 338, 389, 461, 620, 797

SD 95

SW 807

TX 14, 15, 445

UK 23, 92, 94, 107, 111, 139, 140, 162-3, 166-7,

169-171, 274, 352, 546, 622, 629, 782, 796

VA 299, 452 VT 76, 221, 308, 361, 375, 394, 498, 583, 727-729

WA 62, 419

WI 68, 114, 300-303, 313, 400, 413, 427, 429,

446, 487, 533, 575, 795

WV 287, 436

Page 40: Catalogue 61 Trade Catalogues - · catalogue of plows, rollers, harrows and planters. $50.00 15) Parlin & Orendorff Implement Co., Agricultural Implements - Supplemental














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