catalysts #7-15 college readiness center fall 2014


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Page 1: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014


FALL 2014

Page 2: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014

Catalyst #7 August 29, 2014

Feedback Friday! This is your chance to provide me with some feedback about our course.

1. In your own words, explain the goal of this class: what should a successful student be able to do in this class by the end of the semester?

2. What have you found to be the most worthwhile, meaningful or enjoyable in this class so far?

3. What music suggestions (school-appropriate) do you have that I can play during the break?

4. If you could change one thing about this course, what would it be? Why?

5. What has gone well/works wells for you about our beginning of class routine? (Catalysts, etc.)

6. Do you have any comments, frustrations, etc. about working on the laptops?

7. What has gone well/works well for you about the end of class routine? (Question discussions, etc.)

8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you feel that you will benefit from being enrolled in this course? Explain.

9. Based on your effort and turning in work, what do you currently believe your grade in this class would be?

10. Will you be bringing your OWN headphones to class?

11. Is there anything else that you would like me to know?

Page 3: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014

Catalyst #8 September 2, 2014 SAT ENGLISH PREP: Record each vocabulary word and its part of speech. Complete parts A and B.

1. NEGLIGIBLE (adj) Context clues: Such a negligible flaw in the diamond would never be noticed except by a professional.A. Write down the word below that is an ANTONYM, or means the opposite, of negligible:

TINY MAJOR INSIGNIFICANT B. Write your own definition for the word negligible, based on the above.

2. INCESSANT (adj)Context clues: Furious about the dog’s incessant barking throughout the night, the neighbor called the police.A. Complete the two SYNONYMS for incessant: conti_ _ _ _ _ non_ _ _ pB. Use the word incessant in a sentence of your own, that shows the meaning of the word.

3. LETHARGIC (adj)Context clues: Mike seems really lethargic today; he barely completed the first part of his workout routine.A. Complete the two ANTONYMS for lethargic: ener _ _ _ _ c enthus _ _ _ _ _ _ B. Write a sentence about a time that you felt lethargic, that shows the meaning of the word.

Page 4: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014

Catalyst #9 September 3, 2014

College Application Prep: The following are this year’s Common Application essay question prompts:>Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. >Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?>Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?>Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?>Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.1. What do all of these questions have in common? Write at least one similarity you find between all

of them.2. Which of these questions do you feel that you could answer well/the best? 3. Write out a short response (1-2 sentences) to the question that you chose in number 2.

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Catalyst #10 September 4, 2014 SAT Math Prep

For each question, show your work! Then, write what you believe is the correct answer (Ex: C. X-5).

1. Several people are standing in a straight line. Starting at one end of the line, Bill is counted as the 5th person, and starting at the other end, he is counted as the 12th person. How many people are in the line?

A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 18 E. 19

2. Which of the following expressions is NOT equivalent to a(bc + d)?

A. abc+d B. abc+ad C. ad+abc D. a(bc+d) E. (bc+d)a

3. If 4^x+1 = 64, what is the value of x?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6

4. All numbers divisible by 4 and 15 are also divisible by which of the following?

A. 6 B. 8 C. 18 D. 24 E. 45

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Catalyst #11 September 5, 2014

College Freshman Friday: Active Learning

We will use the A-B Tech freshmen seminar book to work toward building your skills from the self-assessment.

1. In your On Course text, turn to p. 12-14 and read “Becoming an Active Learner” and “How the Human Brain Learns.” STOP at “Three Principles of Deep and Lasting Learning.” In your journal, write down TWO things that you have learned about the way that the brain operates.

2. Now, turn to p. 18 in the OnCourse text and complete the following:

Complete the first part of the journal entry: Identify something you have learned simply because you enjoyed learning it. Complete this sentence: “One thing I enjoyed learning is…”

Complete the second part of the journal entry: With a focus on the information or skill you loved learning, write answers to at least TWO of the questions in the bulleted list.

Complete the third part of the journal entry, referencing the inside back cover of the book if needed.

Page 7: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014

Catalyst #12 September 8, 2014

Question of the Week:

What is one problem or issue in Asheville/your neighborhood that you believe can and should be fixed/changed? (Avoid using any ‘typical’ city problems such as crime and instead consider what our particular city/your particular

neighborhood is missing or lacking, such as resources, programs, etc.)

Write the name of the problem/issue, then answer the following:

1. Explain this problem/issue in more detail. Write 1-2 sentences describing specifically what is not going well or working properly.

2. Why is this problem more important than other problems? Why is this the problem that we need to focus on as a city?

3. Explain why you think that this problem exists: Why has it not been solved already?

4. What is one possible solution to this problem? How could the city, or certain groups of people in the city, work toward fixing this problem?

5. What resources would be needed in order to fix the problem? (Consider time, money, technology, equipment, etc.)

Page 8: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014

SAT/ACT/MFL Vocabulary 1. POMPOUS (adj) Context clues: Joel, the most pompous senior in the entire school, struts around the halls like he’s royalty. A. Write a definition of pompous based on the above sentence. B. Write down the SYNONYMS for pompous from this list: Conceited; self-righteous; humble; modest; stuck-up; shy

2. ZENITH (n) Context clues: At the zenith of her career, she had won more championships than any other player and was ranked #1 for three years in a row.

A. Complete the three synonyms for zenith: p _ _ k su _ _ _ t t _ _ B. Write a sentence of your own using the word zenith that shows what the word means. 3. BENEVOLENT (adj) Context clues: The benevolent woman donated large sums of money to community non-profits, in hopes that their services could benefit as many people in the city as possible.A. Complete the two synonyms for benevolent: gen _ _ _ _s c_r_ _g

B. Write two antonyms for benevolent

Catalyst #13 September 9, 2014

Page 9: Catalysts #7-15 COLLEGE READINESS CENTER FALL 2014

Catalyst # 14 September 10, 2014COLLEGE INTEREST INVENTORY

1. Write out the names of any colleges (at least 2) you are interested in researching or applying to.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does the type of school (2 year vs. 4 year) matter to you?

3. Would you prefer to attend a 2-year school, a 4-year school, or both? Why?

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is location to you? (How much do you want to be near/far from home?)

5. How far from home would you consider being? (10 miles away, 100 miles, over 100 miles, etc.) Why?

6. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is the size/”community” of a college to you?

7. What size college are you considering? (Small <2,000) (Medium 2,000-15,000) (Large >15,000)

8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is cost in your college choice?

9. Have you made an account on CFNC or FAFSA to apply for financial aid?

10. What majors/programs (at least 2) are you interested in? (Use the A-B Tech flyer for ideas if needed.)

11. What type of learning environment do you want in college: (Pick one) Small classes OR large classes? Choosing all of your own classes OR following a set path of classes? Class discussions OR lectures?

12. Have you taken the SAT and/ or the ACT? Which one(s)?

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Catalyst # 15 September 11, 2014

SAT/ACT/MFL Math PrepFor each question, show your work! Then, write what you believe is the correct answer (Ex: C. X-5).

1. If x – 7 = 2y and we know that x= 5 + 3y, what is the value of y? (Hint: Plug in 5 + 3y for ‘x’) A. -5 B. -2 C. 2 D. 5 E. 15

2. Which of the following is equivalent to

A. B. C. 4n D. 4 + n E.

3. At a health food store, the price of peanuts is in direct proportion to the number of ounces bought. If the cost of t ounces of peanuts is d dollars, what is the price of peanuts in dollars per ounce, in terms of d and t?

A. dt B. C. D. t – d E. d – t

4. Luis earns w dollars an hour for 3x hours and then earns y dollars an hour for x more hours. In terms of w, x, and y, how many dollars did he earn in all?

A. x (3w + y) B. x(w + 3y) C. 4x( 3w + y) D. 4x (y + w) E. 4x (w + 3y)