catalyzing change: tools and strategies for digital transformation (museums and the web 2015)

Catalyzing Change: Tools and Strategies for Digital Transformation Museums and the Web | April 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL Tweet with us using hashtag #MWchange Emily Lytle-Painter: @MuseumofEmily Dana Mitroff Silvers: @dmitroff Carolyn Royston: @caro_ft

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Catalyzing Change: Tools and Strategies for Digital TransformationMuseums and the Web | April 8, 2015 | Chicago, IL

Tweet with us using hashtag #MWchange

Emily Lytle-Painter: @MuseumofEmily

Dana Mitroff Silvers: @dmitroff

Carolyn Royston: @caro_ft


Emily Dana Carolyn@MuseumofEmily @dmitroff @caro_ft

Let’s warm up!

Members of the United States Army 16th Infantry Regiment gathered around a campfire in 1916 during the Pancho Villa Expedition. Public domain image from Wikipedia.

Context for today

How is digital making us change how our organizations need to function?

Context for today

How is digital making us change how our organizations need to function?

How to kickstart a digital transformation process and introduce different mindsets for working and collaborating?

What is digital transformation?

Changes and challenges associated with digital technology, across all aspects of business.

How to make it happen?

Leadership and Vision



Why now?

Key drivers:

● Disruption● Connected audiences ● Financial

Common Challenges

Lack of:

● Leadership● Prioritization● Resources ● Efficient processes● Clarity around roles● Expertise or skills● Or simply, resistance to change!

Lose Audience Appeal

Lose IncomeFall Behind

Missed Opportunities


Introduce new digital


Build digital confidence

Digital transformation


Transformative projects

Digital Transformation in Action

Design thinking framework

What is design thinking?

Human-centered process for problem-solving and innovation

Image by the Stanford

Engage Observe Immerse

Empathy interviews

Quick interviewing tips

● Avoid binary or leading questions● Allow space for silence● Follow the story and emotions● Take notes● Always ask WHY

Interview your partner + take notes

“What are the biggest challenges around digital inyour organization?”

“Tell me a story about a digital project that you felt went extremely well.”

“Tell me a story about a digital project that you felt did not go so well.”

5 minutes x 2


Leadership through empathy

Empathy map

Image by the Stanford

Empathy mapquotes & defining words

actions & behaviors

thoughts & beliefs

feelings & emotions


Your turn 5 minutes x 2

quotes & defining words

actions & behaviors feelings & emotions

thoughts & beliefs

Digital Confidence

Break (10 minutes)

© IWM Q 12260Q

Brainstorming best practices

● Build on the ideas of others● Go for wild ideas● Capture everything● Be visual● Celebrate small successes

Team Brainstorms

How might we build digital confidence in our organizations?

7 minutes

New Processes

Agile processes

User storiesPrioritizationRapid developmentMeasurable

User story

As a high school history teacher,

I can quickly see which part of the site is for me,

so I don’t have to search for it.


Prototyping your ideas

Prototyping planning

What will you prototype?How can you build it?Who can help you make it happen?

5 minutes on your own


Introduce new digital


Build digital confidence

Digital transformation


Transformative projectsRecap

Make a plan

● Do an empathy interview of a colleague who drives you crazy

● Find a buddy and a champion to build your confidence

● Brainstorm solutions with a colleague ● Your ideas?

Debrief + discussion

I learned…

I wonder…

I’m going to…

Join us for a follow-up to this workshop!

Google HangoutMay 12, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. EST


Keep in touch! Emily Lytle-Painter


[email protected]

Dana Mitroff Silvers


[email protected]

Carolyn Royston


[email protected]
