catholic reformation the real reformation. on the transition from renaissance to catholic...


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Page 1: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the


The REAL Reformation

Page 2: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation

The men wandering about the world included the sort of man who says there is no God, the sort of man who says he is himself God, the sort of man who says something that nobody can make head or tail of…It was one of those moments when, as Christ walked on the water, so was Christianity walking in the air

Page 3: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Council of Trent 1545 - 1563

Page 4: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Catholic Reformation: The Council of Trent

The Church’s response to the Protestant Reformation

Over 18 years there will be 25 sessions

Page 5: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Catholic Reformation: The Council of Trent

Pope Paul III (1545 – 1547) Sessions 1 – 10

Pope Julius III (1551 – 1553) Sessions 11 – 16

Pope Pius IV (1562 – 1563) Sessions 17 - 25

Page 6: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Catholic Reformation: The Council of Trent

Sacred Scripture In matters of Faith and

morals, the Tradition of the Church together with the Bible is the source of Catholic belief

Original Sin Original sin does not

destroy human freedom and man’s ability to cooperate with grace

Page 7: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Catholic Reformation: The Council of Trent

Symbol of Faith (Pius IV) Canonical Scriptures  Original Sin & Justification  Sacraments 

Page 8: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Catholic Reformation: The Council of Trent

Seven Sacraments officially defined Eucharist – Communion Under Both Kinds, Sacrifice

of the Mass  Penance And Extreme Unction  Holy Orders Matrimony 

“If anyone says that the sacraments of the new law were not all instituted by Jesus Christ, or that there are more or less than seven, or that any of the seven is not truly and strictly speaking a sacrament, let them be anathema (cursed, banned, condemned to hell)

Page 9: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Council of Trent: Discipline Issues

The Pope is to be more careful in choosing Cardinals Why is this addressed?

Bishops are required to live in their own dioceses They are required to meet often with their

priests Having more than one diocese is strictly

forbidden Why is this addressed?

Page 10: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Council of Trent: Discipline Issues

Celibacy is strictly to be enforced Those who didn’t would

be removed Why is this addressed?

Priests were to wear DISTINCTIVE GARB so they could be distinguished from laypeople

Page 11: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Council of Trent: Documents

A universal catechism of Catholic beliefs will be compiled The first time that this is

done The Catechism of Trent

would be the official Catechism of the Church until 1994

Page 12: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Council of Trent: Documents

One set of prayers for Mass to be said by every priest of the Latin rite…

The first change to the Missal would occur in 1962 with the addition of “St. Joseph” to the Eucharistic prayer

First change in almost 500 years

Page 13: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Catholic Reformation:Age of the Saints

St. Philip Neri Sts. Ignatius of Loyola & Francis Xavier Sts. Robert Bellarmine & Charles Borromeo Sts. Teresa of Avila & John of the Cross St. Vincent de Paul

Where have we seen a stack of saints like this before???

Christendom was thus to all appearance hollowed out from within by doubt and indifference…the difference is that the sons were fanatical for the faith where the fathers had been slack about it. – Chesterton

Page 14: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints:St. Philip Neri (1515-1595)

“The 2nd Apostle of Rome” Started as teacher Engaged in prayer & works of charity Ordained a priest at 36

Organized small communities for prayer, discussion, & recreation Incarnational evangelization

GOAL: change Rome for the better, draw everyone closer to Christ, allow others to share in that joy which he himself experienced

Known for his practical jokes

Page 15: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints: Sts. Ignatius of Loyola & Francis Xavier

St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) Radical conversion after reading lives

of the saints while recovering from battle injuries, became a soldier for Christ

Vowed life of chastity; after much prayer & study formed Society of Jesus

Ran this mission society from Rome while others were out in the world Have we seen this before??? https://

Page 16: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints: Sts. Ignatius of Loyola & Francis Xavier

St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552) Originally a teacher, but joined St.

Ignatius in his mission to spread the Gospel…bring back the Protestants and Muslims…

Patron of Goa, India Died off the shores of China… Give up your small dreams and

come with me to save the world… https://

Page 17: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints: St. Charles Borromeo

St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) Archbishop of Milan in 1564 Instrumental at Council of Trent –

basically responsible for having written the Catechism of Trent

Spent 20 years of his life reforming the clergy and giving pastoral care to his people, zealously implementing the decrees of the Council of Trent Responsible for the modern system of


Page 18: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints: St. Robert Bellarmine

St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1605) Joined the Society of Jesus, ordained a priest in

1570 Taught at University in Louvain & in Rome Archbishop of Capua Proved himself a vigorous and successful

opponent of the Protestants Chief work: Disputationes de Controversiis

Christianae Fidei adversus hujus temporis Haereticos – a systematic and clear apologia for the Roman Catholic position

A new generation of Apologists… A prominent part in the production of the revised

edition of the Vulgate, Defended the temporal authority of the Pope,

though saw this power as indirect and limited – DOCTOR of CHURCH-STATE RELATIONS

Page 19: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints:Carmelite Reformers

Ancient order that had become lax during the Renaissance

Reformers of the Carmelite Order St. Teresa of Avila (1515-

1582) St. John of the Cross


Page 20: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints:Sts. Teresa & John

Teresa had lived a very lax religious life After praying before image of

Jesus scourged, she had a conversion

Sought the aid of a holy young Carmelite priest: John of the Cross

Both were persecuted by fellow Carmelites as “traitors” Brought before the Inquisition Today: they are the DOCTORS

of Prayer & Spiritual Life

Page 21: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Age of Saints:St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660)

Born a peasant France Ordained a priest in 1600 Captured by pirates in 1605

2 years a slave in Tunisia After converting his master, he went back to France

Dedicated all of his efforts to the service of the poor Lazarists (or Vincentians): priests for missionary

work Laymen to help the poor and slaves Founded Sisters of Charity, 1st congregation of

women entirely devoted to care of sick and poor.

Page 22: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the
Page 23: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Pope St. Pius V, Don Juan of Austria, & the Battle of Lepanto

The Defeat of Islam

Page 24: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Defeat of Islam

Pope St. Pius V sees this as his responsibility to help Spain Part 1 – Reform of

the Church Part 2 – Overcome

the heresy of Islam

Reconquista – 700-yr. process of expelling the Muslims from Spain

Page 25: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

The Expulsion of the Muslims from Spain.

Page 26: CATHOLIC REFORMATION The REAL Reformation. On the transition from Renaissance to Catholic Reformation  The men wandering about the world included the

Battle of Lepanto – Oct. 7, 1571

Goal of Ottoman Turks: take over all of Europe Turn St. Peter’s into a mosque like Hagia

Sophia Holy League formed by Pope St. Pius V

All of Europe encouraged to pray before the Blessed Sacrament and to pray the Rosary

At the Last Gospel…There was a man sent by God and his name was John…

Don Juan of Austria leads Christian forces to an unprecedented victory

Marks the beginning of the end for Muslim conquest of Europe