cause and effect words

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  • 7/27/2019 Cause and Effect Words


    Name: _____________________

    Writing Foundation C

    Cause and Effect words and phrases

    Words and phrases describing cause

    Subordinating Conjunctions:


    * Independent clausebecauseDependent clause (NO comma).

    The problem of obesity is number one in America becausepeople consume a lot of fast and fattening food.

    * BecauseDependent clause, Independent clause (separated by a comma).

    Becausepeople in America consume a lot of fast and fattening food, the problem of obesity has become

    number one.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________



    * Independent clausesinceDependent clause (NO comma).

    A lot of American people become obese sincethey constantly eat in fast food restaurants.

    * SinceDependent clause, Independent clause (separated by a comma).

    Sincepeople in America constantly eat in fast food restaurants, a lot of them become obese.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    Coordinating Conjunction:


    Many people in America become obese, for they constantly eat fast food.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________



    * Because of

    Because ofa great number of fast food restaurants in America, this country has a problem of obesity.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________

  • 7/27/2019 Cause and Effect Words



    * Due to

    Use ofdue to:

    - With a noun phrase:Due tothe amount of sugar and fat in food, American cuisine considered very unhealthy.

    - With the phrase the fact that + entire sentence:Due to the fact that Americans eat a lot of fattening food, the problem of obesity is number one in the country.

    - With a gerund form of the verb:Due tomany peoples eatingfattening food, the problem of obesity has become number one in America.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * On account ofOn account ofthe number of obese people, America is considered the unhealthiest nation in the world.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * Owing to

    America is considered the unhealthiest nation owing tothe number of obese people.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    Other phrases:

    * One/Another cause

    Another causeof obesity is lack of exercises.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * One/Another reason why

    One reason whymany people become obese in America is lack of exercises.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


  • 7/27/2019 Cause and Effect Words


    Name: _____________________

    Writing Foundation C

    Cause and Effect words and phrases

    Words and phrases describing effect

    Coordinating Conjunction:

    * So

    Americans eat a lot of snacks between main meals, somany of them gain weight.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    Transition words:

    * Therefore,

    People in America always drive cars; therefore,they easily gain weight.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * Hence

    American people eat a lot of unhealthy snacks. Hence,they easily gain weight.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * Thus

    There is a big variety of fast food restaurants in America; thus,the problem of obesity is number one in the


    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * As a result,

    Children eat unhealthy snacks every day. As a result,they gain weight at an early age.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


  • 7/27/2019 Cause and Effect Words


    * As a consequence,

    She has been eating healthy and doing daily exercises for more than six months. As a consequence, she lost 4


    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * Consequently,

    He eats chips every day while he watches TV; consequently,he gained three undesirable pounds.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * For this reason,

    Many people want to be healthy. For this reason, they should have a balanced diet and do exercises.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    Other phrases:

    * One/Another effect (result/consequence)

    Another effect of eating fast food is malnutrition.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________


    * One of the effects (results/consequences)

    One of the effectsof eating too much sugar is acne.

    Your sentence: _________________________________________________________________
