cb write up...online shopping behaviour

Executive summary The growing use of Internet in India provides a developing prospect for online shopping. If E-marketers know the factors affecting online Indian behavior, and the relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, then they can further develop their marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones, while retaining existing online customers. This project is a part of study, and focuses on factors which online Indian buyers keep in mind while shopping online. This research found that information, perceived usefulness, ease of use; perceived enjoyment and security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of Online purchasing. Consumer behavior is said to be an applied discipline as some decisions are significantly affected by their behavior or expected actions. The two perspectives that seek application of its knowledge are micro and societal perspectives. The online purchasing behavior of online shoppers and factor influencing online shopping behavior and its future perspective. Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies also use the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if theypurchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for companies to

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Page 1: cb write up...online shopping behaviour

Executive summary

The growing use of Internet in India provides a developing prospect for online shopping. If E-marketers know the factors affecting online Indian behavior, and the relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, then they can further develop their marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones, while retaining existing online customers. This project is a part of study, and focuses on factors which online Indian buyers keep in mind while shopping online. This research found that information, perceived usefulness, ease of use; perceived enjoyment and security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of Online purchasing. Consumer behavior is said to be an applied discipline as some decisions are significantly affected by their behavior or expected actions. The two perspectives that seek application of its knowledge are micro and societal perspectives.

The online purchasing behavior of online shoppers and factor influencing online shopping behavior and its future perspective. Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies also use the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if theypurchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers. Although most of the revenue of online transactions comes from business-to-business commerce, the practitioners of business-to-consumer commerce should not lose confidence. It has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first evolved. Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an improved insight into consumer behavior in cyberspace. Along with the development of E-retailing, researchers continue to explain E-consumers‟ behavior from different perspectives. Many of their studies have factors or assumptions which are based on the traditional models of consumer behavior, and then examine their validity in the Internet context.

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Internet is changing the way consumers shop and buy goods and services, and has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. Many companies have started using the Internet with the aim of cutting marketing costs, thereby reducing the price of their products and services in order to stay ahead in highly competitive markets. Companies also use the Internet to convey communicates and disseminate information, to sell the product, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers. Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices, product features and after sale service facilities the will receive if they purchase the product from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of online business. In addition to the tremendous potential of the E-commerce market, the Internet provides a unique opportunity for companies to more efficiently reach existing and potential customers. Although most of the revenue of online transactions comes from business-to-business commerce, the practitioners of business-to-consumer commerce should not lose confidence .It has been more than a decade since business-to-consumer E-commerce first evolved. Scholars and practitioners of electronic commerce constantly strive to gain an improved insight into consumer behavior in cyberspace. Along with the development of E-retailing, researchers continue to explain E-consumers, behavior from different perspectives. Many of their studies have posited new emergent factors or assumptions which are based on the traditional models of consumer behavior, and then examine their validity in the Internet context.

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Theoretical Foundation

The Internet has developed into a new distribution channel and online transactions are rapidly increasing. This has created a need to under how the consumers perceive onlinepurchasing price. Trust and Convenience were identified as important factors. Price was consideredas to be a most important factor for a majority of the students. The internet has created aparadigm shift of the traditional way people shop. A consumer is no longer bound toopening a times or specific location. So he can become active at virtually any time anyplace and purchase the products or services.The internet is relatively a new medium for communication and the information exchangethat has present in everyday life. The number of internet user is constantly increasingwhich is also signifies that online purchasing is increasing. The rapid increasing isexplained by the consumer behavior. The internet is considered a mass medium thatprovides the consumers with purchase characteristics as no other medium. Certaincharacteristics are making it more convenient for the consumer compared to thetraditional way of shopping, such as the ability to any time view and purchase productsvisualize the needs with products and discuss products with other consumers. Onlineshopping is the process of consumer go through the when they decide the shop on theinternet.The internet has developed into a new distribution channel and the evaluation of thischannel. E-commerce has now identified. Using the internet to shop online has becomeone of the primary reasons to use the internet combined with searching for products andfinding the information about them. Therefore internet develop the h Companies alsouse the Internet to convey, communicate and disseminate information, to sell theproduct, to take feedback and also to conduct satisfaction surveys with customers.Customers use the Internet not only to buy the product online, but also to compare prices,product features and after sale service facilities they will receive if they purchase theproduct from a particular store. Many experts are optimistic about the prospect of onlinebusiness.Due to the rapid development of the technologies surrounding the Internet, a companythat is interested in selling products from its web site will constantly has to search for anedge in the fierce competition. Since there are so many potential consumers, it is of theout most importance to be able to understand what the consumer wants and needs.

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Online Shopping In India

It is a fact that a great online shopping revolution is expected in India in the comingyears. There is a huge purchasing power of a youth population aged 18-40 in the urbanarea.

Rising ConnectivityIf we observe the growth of Internet Subscribers from the above graph, it is gettingdoubled year by year. The usage of internet in India is only 4% of the total population.This is also getting increased day by day as the costs of computers are decreasing and netpenetration is increasing. The cost of internet usage is also getting lower, with goodcompetition among the providers. Wi-Fi &Windex system has also started in India. Thiswill increase the usage as itgoes more on wireless internet. Indians are proving everytime that they can beat the world when it comes to figures of online shopping. More andmore Indians are going to online shopping and the frequency of India’s online buying iscrossing the overall global averages.

Few Factors That Boost Online Shopping in India

Rapid growth of cybercafés across India

Access to Information

The increase in number of computer users

Reach to net services through broadband

Middle-class population with spending power is growing. There are about 200million of middle-class population good spending powers. These people havevery little time to spend for shopping. Many of them have started to depend oninternet to satisfy their shopping desires.

Few Facts about Online Shopping

The figures from IAMAI show that the internet users in India will grow to 200 million by 2012. Around 25% of regular shoppers in India are in the 18-25 age groups, and 46%are in the 26-35 year range.

Indian online matrimonial sector is worth around $230 million.

Worldwide E-commerce is only growing at the rate of 28%, since India being ayounger market, the growth of e-commerce is expected at 51% in the comingyears.

In line with global trends finally India has also started shopping online these days. As per the study by IAMAI online shopping in India has rose from$11million in 1999-

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2000 to $522 million in 2007 and it is expected to rise above$700 million by end March 2013.

Changing Attitude towards Online Shopping:

“Awareness, Future Demand Focus for Emerging Markets & Current Issues” MallsSpringing up everywhere and yet people are E-shopping! And not in small numbers either. Consumers are more rational nowadays and have ability to get the choices from the market. Awareness among the consumers is spread through internet. The number of internet users is increasing day by day which attracts people who have an option to buy online. It was never thought that Indians would go in for e-shopping in such a big way. Ticketing, travel bookings and even books and movies seem fine to buy online. Knowing that in India sizes vary from brand to brand and quality is inconsistent, even of some electronic items, how is it that there are people buying these items online? In India there are some segments of people who have not yet tried purchasing over internet.

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Review of Literature

1. Petrovic Dejan (2006)in his study on Analysis of consumer behavior online explained that the most relevantbehavioral characteristics of online consumers and examine theways they find, compare and evaluate product information. Comparison of the newlycollected survey data with the existing consumer behavior theory resulted in detection of a number of issues related to a specific consumer group. The purpose of this report is totranslate these findings into a set of implementation activities on strategic andtechnological level. Execution of these recommendations will result in better conversionof visitors into customers and encourage customer loyalty and referrals.The focus groupof this study will be young adults aged between eighteen and thirty-four interested inbuying a mobile phone or a related product.

2. Bikramjit Rishi (2010) in their study on online shopping is an innovative option of distribution available in the hands of marketers. It is innovative and creative because marketers can experiment with it in form, content, visibility and availability. In India online shopping is considered as a relevant alternative channel for retailing and it is now an important part of the retail experience. This research study is an empirical study to find out the motivators and decisional influencers of online shopping. The sample has been selected from the youth population as this group of people actually use internet to buy online. The study highlights that reliability; accessibility and convenience are the major motivator factors which motivate the Indian consumer to buy online. Similarly, reluctance and preference are the two decisional factors which influence the decision.

3.Shun &Yunjie (2006) in their study showed that there are product types, which are more likely to be sold online such as software, books, electronics and music. Reason for this is that when purchasing these types of products, one does not require personal inspection and most, if not all features, can be outlined in the product description and images. Most products in the mobile phone family belong to this category. According to the recent research on consumer behavior on the Internet users (Cotte, Chowdhury, Ratenshwar& Ricci, 2006), there are four distinct consumer groups with different intentions and motivations:





Music Videos, Lyrics

- Daily updated collection of music videos and lyrics. Majority of young adults interviewed for purpose of this research tend to be active information seekers. A high level of technological

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confidence within this group tends to be an encouraging factor when it comes to product information research online. The following analysis presents both, focus group results and behavioral theory in a parallel fashion divided into two main research topics: Information Retrieval and Search Patterns Perception of Product Information Online These two areas is mutually dependent and particularly important in a market where consumers have the power to choose the right 20product from a number of competing suppliers. Well-structured product information that cannot be found easily online is as much of a problem as is having easily accessible information that does not meet the consumer's expectations.

4. Harris Interactive (2009) in their study of online customer experience. The survey found that online customer experience reached an inflection point in 2009. The percent of consumers who have experienced problems when conducting transactions online showed its first substantial decrease in five years -- from approximately 87% in all previous Tealeaf surveys to 80% in 2009. While the percent of consumers experiencing online transaction problems, at 80%, remains high (the potential online shopping dollars impacted by transaction problems rings up at $47.6 billion), this improvement points to a growing business focus on delivering better customer experiences. The survey sheds light on forces driving this accelerated online customer experience focus, including the down economy and increased consumer power due to experience-sharing via social media. It also examines consumer behavior when transacting online, call center behavior related to online issues and mobile commerce. Verticals represented in the findings include retail, insurance, travel and financial services.

5. JianweiHou, Cesar Rego(2007) in their study in traditional auctions, it is often assumed that bidders are a homogenous group. However, since most online bidders are average consumers instead of professional bidders, we suspect that online bidders are a heterogeneous group. The purpose of this paper is to explore the types of online bidders based on their real bidding behavior in the context of consumer-to-consumer online auction market. A cluster analysis is employed and four types of online bidders are finally identified in a private value auction, namely, goal-driven bidders, experiential bidders, focused bidders, and opportunistic bidders. The profile and performance of each group are also discussed.

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Objective of the study

To study the online shopping behavior of customers

To study the factors influencing online shoppers and consumers

To study the customer’s level of satisfaction with regard to online shopping.

To examine whether customers prefer online shopping to physical stores.


The need of this research is to identify and get insight into what main factors the online consumer takes into consideration when most he buy products on internet what affects their shopping behavior, basic need of this research is to find out what are the main factors affect the online consumer when considering and making a purchase over Internet.

Scope of the study

At any given time there are millions of people online and each of them is a potentialcustomer for a company providing online sales. Due to the rapid development of thetechnologies surrounding the Internet, a company that is interested in selling productsfrom its web site will constantly has to search for an edge in the fierce competition. Sincethere are so many potential consumers, it is of the out most importance to be able tounderstand what the consumer wants and needs. The importance of analyzing andidentifying factors that influence the consumer when he or she decides to purchase on theInternet is vital. Since the Internet is a new medium for there have been new demands setby the consumer. That is why it is crucial for the online retailers to know what influences the online consumer. Analyzing consumer behavior is not a new phenomenon. Therenowned marketing expert Philip Kotler has published several works on the topic of consumer behavior theories. These theories have been used for many years not only tounderstand the consumer, but also create a marketing strategy that will attract theconsumer efficiently Hence, understanding and identifying the consumer is closelyrelated to the directions a company will take with their marketing strategy. These theoriescan also be applied to identify the online consumer and to create certain consumersegments. However, some distinctions must still be made when considering traditionalconsumer behavior and online consumer behavior.Since online retailing is a new retailing medium and online consumer behavior is diversefrom traditional consumer behavior, one must identify what influences the onlineconsumer. Analyzing the process that the online consumer goes through when decidingand making a purchase over the Internet, shows some factors that consumers considerthese factors need to be identified and taken into account by online retailers in order tosatisfy consumer demands and compete in the online ma

Research Methodology

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Data for this study was collected by means of a Survey conducted on internet. The sample size was 100. .The Questionnaire (shown in Annexure) was used .Mainly to test the model proposed for Attitude towards online shopping. The type of research was both exploratory as well as Descriptive. Likert five point scales rangingfrom Strongly Agree to strongly disagree was used as a basis of Questions.

Research Strategy

When collecting data to approach the purpose of a research there are two ways in which the data can be collected. In order to acquire a General knowledge about the topic, secondary data is primarily used and is one of the ways by which data can be collected. The second way to collect data is the primary data collection. Usually when a study is conducted, secondary data is not sufficient enough and needs to be completed with primary data which is collected by the research.

Descriptive Research Method

We will conduct our research in order to collect primary data . We will also be discussing which differenttypes of Methodologies that were used. Since our research is of descriptivecharacter our primary intention was to collect secondary data and analyze it. We thencollected primary data through a survey. The main purpose of the survey wasto collect data about Online Consumer Behavior and the significance of theestablished factors, Price, Trust, and Convenience In order to be able to findand establish Online Consumer Segments, Consumer Traits and Online Behavior had to be identified.

Sample Design

The factors that we intended to examine can be applied to and investigated at any population that uses the Internet and buys online products Online. Since there are time and resource restraints, a specific Population had to be identified in order to generalize and create relevant segments. We decided that the sample size should contain over 100 respondents and we collected answers from100 respondents. Convenience sampling involves using samples that are the easiest to obtain and is continued until the sampling size that is need is reached. Type of research: Descriptive ResearchSample Size:- 100

Data interpretation & analysis

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1. Gender

Particular Male Female

Respondents 51 49




Out of the 100 respondents 51 respondents were male and 49 respondents were female. Which shows that data is not gender biased.

2. Internet used by people everyday.

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Particular Less than 1 hr 1-2 hr 2-3 hrs 3 hrs & more

Respondents 35 15 20 20

less than 1 hr 1-2 hr 2-3 hr 3 hrs & more0









Internet used by people everyday

internet used by people everyday


It can be easily seen that majority people spent less than 1 hr on internet as majority of the people who were surved were working people. Then we can see that 20 respondents spends 2-3 hrs

3.Internet used by people prior to purchase

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particular Very often often sometimes rarely never

Respondents 28 25 24 9 14

time spent on internet prior to purchase

vey oftenoftensometimesrarelynever


Majority of people spent time on internet prior to purchase because of easy availability of information on internet &at the same time we can also see that there are people who still do not use the internet prior to purchase.

4.Internet often used for shopping

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particular Very often often sometimes Rarely Never

Respondents 30 10 29 16 15

very often often sometimes rarely never0







Internet Used for Shopping

Series 1


Majority of the respondent very oftenly buy products through internet as it a time saver medium & at the same time it provide a large variety of goods.

5.Products mainly purchased by customer over the internet

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Particular flowers Electronic Appliances

Clothes&shoes Cds/books others

Respondents 23 10 25 20 22



onic applia



and sh


CDs & book








Products purchased Over the internet

Series 1


Clothes and shoes are the most commonly products that people buy. At the same time flowers is also the most sellable products over the net. Electronic appliances is least preferred product over the internet.

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6.Approximate maximum amount spend on a single online purchase:

Particular Less than 500

500-1000 1000-2000 Above 2000

Respondents 10 20 45 25

Amount spend on single purchase

Less than 500500-10001000-2000above 2000


Many people like to spend Rs. 1000-2000 on a single purchase over the internet. People also like to spend above Rs.2000 on the shopping over internet.


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Q.NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13V. SATISFIED 28 29 20 28 22 42 30 8 36 24 32 46 55RATING 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5SUB-TOTAL 140 145 100 140 110 210 150 40 180 120 160 230 275

SATISFIED 28 28 18 44 32 31 35 16 27 32 42 32 28RATING 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4SUB-TOTAL 112 112 72 176 128 124 140 64 108 128 168 128 112

NEUTRAL 28 17 29 21 27 18 26 27 23 18 19 19 17RATING 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3SUB-TOTAL 84 51 87 63 81 54 78 81 69 54 57 57 51

DISSATISFIED 6 16 25 5 10 4 5 29 9 16 5 3 0RATING 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2SUB-TOTAL 12 32 50 10 20 8 10 58 18 32 10 6 0

V. DISSATISFIED 12 10 8 2 9 5 4 20 5 10 2 0 0RATING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1SUB-TOTAL 12 10 8 2 9 5 4 20 5 10 2 0 0

TOTAL RESPONDENT 360 350 317 391 348 401 382 263 380 344 397 421 438

MEAN 3.6 3.53.1



8 4.013.8


3 3.83.4


7 4.21 4.38MEAN 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4

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Data interpretation

1. Is shopping on the internet saves time?

People agree to this statement because shopping on internet actually saves times. They can access the internet 24*7*365.There is also no need of visiting the physical location.

2. You prefer traditional/conventional shopping to online shopping?

People agree to this statement because E-commerce is still at nascent stage in India.Still people hesitate to shop online because of hidden charges and security issues.

3. Is it more difficult to shop on the internet?

People are neutral to this statement because out of the sample we can conclude that some of them are computer literate and if they are tech savvy then only they can explore various features available.

4. Will you prefer online shopping only if online prices are lower than actual price.?

People agree to this statement because online shopping provides them huge discounts and extended sales duration which invokes customer to make purchases.

5. A long time is required for the delivery of products and services on the internet?

People are neutral to this statement because in online sales, delivery is done keeping in mind that many of them have distant physical locations,which usually takes around 24hrs.

6. Is Selection of goods available on the internet is very broad?

People agree to this statement because by viewing the websites regarding the products, they receive ample of characteristics of products.

7. The information given about the products and services on the internet is sufficient?

People agree to this statement because of all the information which influences the buying decisions are present.

8. Is Online shopping as secure as traditional shopping?

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People are neutral to this statement because people there are getting aware about the secure transactions and in busy schedules it is easy to select wide variety of products online and nowadays people are switching to the modes of payments.

9. While shopping online, you hesitate to give my credit card number?

People are agree to this statement because some of them are insecure about the transaction being processed and nowadays, people are switching to the modes of payments.

10.Does the fact that only those with a credit card or bank account can shop on the internet is a drawback?

People are neutral to the statement because people are still unaware of the other payment options and some of them don’t even have a credit card. These days people are also availing cash on delivery options also.

11. You would be frustrated about what to do if you are dissatisfied with a purchase made from the internet?

People are agree to this statement because people think that they made a wrong choice of doing a transaction on internet and moreover some websites provide 15 day exchange offer which majority doesn’t want to avail because of their impatient behavior and moreover some people are also not aware about this facility.

12.Do you think Reputation of the company is an important feature while shopping online?

People agree to the statement because everybody who shops online for them, brand matters as they are quality products and also the stores are offering huge discounts for promoting their brand.

13. Do you think Guarantees and Warrantees offered by a company is another important feature while shopping online?

People agree to this statement because this guarantees and warrantees provide satisfaction to the buyers as in case if there is any defect in the product,the product can be replaced.

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FindingsFollowing are the findings that are drawnfrom the study:

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Respondent taken for this study are those who are purchasing online products in their daily


51% respondents are male &rest are females.

Mostly respondent use internet less than 1 hr everyday

30% of the respondents very oftenly used internet for online shopping.

70% of respondents use internet prior to the purchase of product.

Clothes followed by flowers are the commonly products purchased on internet.

45% of respondets are willing to spend between Rs. 1000-2000.

95% people agrees that shopping at internet saves time.

Mostly people agreed that traditional shopping is better than online shopping.

50% respondents feel that online shopping is as secure as online shopping.



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Barriers to the Growth of the Market

Consumer Bias

Consumers often display a bias for brands that they know well and have had a goodexperience in the past. Thus products of brands with a favorable bias will score over theproducts of less popular brands. A few would risk buying expensive jewelry from anunknown jeweler online.

Lack of “Touch – Feel-Try” Experience

The customer is not sure of the quality of the product unless it is delivered to him andpost-delivery of the product, it is sometimes a lengthy process to get a faulty or theunsuitable product changed. Thus, unless the deliverables are as per the customers’ expectations, it is hard toinfuse more credibility in the e-Tailing market.

Mounting Competitive Pressures

To attract customers, the competing online players are adopting all means to provideproducts and services at the lowest prices. This has resulted in making the consumerschoice-spoilt, who in turn surf various websites to spot the lowest price for the product.Thus, although the number of transactions is increasing, the value of the products sold iscontinuously falling owning to high competition and leaner margins.


E-Commerce Market is faced by seasonal fluctuations. As told by an Industry player,August to February is the peak seasons for sale, while March to July is the dry seasonsfor sale. During the peak season, occasions that drive the sales are Diwali, Rakhi, valentin’s Day, New Year, Christmas, Mothers Day, Friendship Day etc. are. On these occasions younger generations prefers buying and sending gifts online.

Credibility in Payment System

Online frauds and breach are the biggest barriers to online sales. As a result, prospectivebuyers prefer staying away from revealing their credit card and bank details.

Untimely Delivery of Products

It might take a few minutes to search, book and pay for products and services online, butthe delivery of the product may take unreasonable time.


As we came to know after researching on this topic we recommend that, the online sellers have to make their payment transparent, and as people are coming on their sites and they are buying

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their products , so retailers have to give more discounts to their customers so that they can visit again and again to their site , and it also helps to make people more aware about the low rick shopping of the net, and one more thing is that there should be transaction of money is very slow they have to make it fast so that customer don‟t have to face much problem to pay for the product, if customer is going to face some problem he is not going to visit our site and buy product .Following implications should be followed

Discount prices

A transfer and reliable retailer

Fast transactions

Focus on customer satisfaction

Limitations of the Study

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Costs can be incurred in producing the paper for questionnaires or the equipment for an experiment of some sort.

In order to be done properly, primary data collection requires the development and execution of a research plan. It takes longer to undertake primary research than to acquire secondary data.

Some research projects, while potentially offering information that could prove quite valuable, may not be within the reach of a researcher.

By the time the research is complete it may be out of date. Low response rate has to be expected.


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