cbc archives - radioactivity in 1896, henri bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements...


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Page 2: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

CBC archives - radioactivity

• In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid invisible rays that can penetrate solid material. These materials are now called material. These materials are now called “radioactive”“radioactive”

• The most common unit for The most common unit for radiation is counts per second radiation is counts per second (known as a Becquerel, Bq) (known as a Becquerel, Bq)

RadioactivityRadioactivity: the process by which : the process by which atoms emit energy in the form of atoms emit energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, charged electromagnetic waves, charged particles, or uncharged particles.particles, or uncharged particles.

Page 4: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 5: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 6: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 7: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 8: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• Exposure to radiation is unavoidable because radioactive elements occur in nature.

- some forms of carbon and potassium are absorbed by your body are radiactive.

C 600 Bq/kg of body mass K 110 Bq/kg “ “ “

Alps Iceman: 5,300 years old

Natural SourcesNatural Sources

Page 9: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

-Cosmic rays: high energy radiation coming from space.

- higher exposure than normal when flying at high altitudes

Page 10: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

- Radioactive uranium and radium are found in soil and rocks. When they disintegrate, the produce another radioactive atom: radon gas.

Uranium deposits

around the world

Page 11: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• Nuclear power- Electricity- Submarines- Space probes

February 1, 2005—The U.S. Navy released this photograph last Thursday of the nuclear submarine San Francisco, which crashed headlong into an uncharted undersea mountain near Guam on January 8. Standing more than three stories high and with classified technology veiled by a tarp, the fast-attack submarine is shown awaiting repairs in a Guam dry dock.

The impact shredded the submarine's nose, killed one sailor, and injured 60 more. The sailors were largely protected by the vessel's reinforced inner hull, which did not rupture. After the wreck, the crew quickly ascended and sailed along the ocean's surface back to their base in Guam.

Artificial SourcesArtificial Sources

Page 12: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

The Cassini space probe is powered by energy released from 28.8 g of radioactive Pu. The radiation is absorbed by

ceramic surronding the Pu and the heat is converted ot electricity. Each Kg of Pu emits 556 J each second.

Page 13: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• There is a lot of radiation released inside nuclear reactors and by the spent fuel (but still less than is emitted by x-ray machines)

• Some coal-fired power plants emit more radioactivity than nuclear plants (uranium in coal ash)

Page 14: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

- Nuclear bombs

Page 15: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

-Medical applications:- X-rays are used for diagnosis- Cancer treatment

In medicine: we use a unit called

Sieverts(10 Sv is a lethal

dose for most tissues)

Page 16: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

- Ionizing radiation carries energy values on the order of 1000’s of eV.

- Typical chemical bonds can be broken by radiation energy of 5 or less eV.

Effects of RadiationEffects of Radiation

- Cells do have repair mechanisms, but they are not perfect and they can be overwhelmed.

- Large particle radiation (such as α particles) can do more damage per unit of energy.

Page 17: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

2) Cell survives: Damage is passed on to daughter cells in the form of mutations (some mutations can lead to caner).

• Cells undergoing division are more susceptible to damage

Effects of Cell Damage:1) Cell dies: organelles or

enzymes can no longer function

Page 18: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Radiation StrengthRadiation Strength

Depends on three factors:1) The kind of particles/EMR emitted2) Amount of radioactive material present3) The rate at which atoms disintegrate to emit

radiation (1 count/second = 1Bq) – depends on the isotope.

Page 20: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Which elements are these?(protons are shown in red and neutrons in white.)

They are both carbon. Both have 6 protons. i.e. they both have an atomic number of 6.

These are two isotopes (varieties) of carbon.- same chemical properties, but different physical properties (e.g. how they behaving in nuclear reactions)- different number of neutrons, therefore different atomic masses

Structure of the Nucleus - ReviewStructure of the Nucleus - Review

In nuclear physics, we often call atoms nuclides.

Page 21: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material



Mass number = 12

p+ = 6

n0 = 6

Mass number = 14

p+ = 6

n0 = 8

Mass number = #p+ + #no

Carbon-12 Carbon-14

Atomic number = #p+C12


Page 22: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material


hydrogen-1 H11


(deuterium) H21


(tritium) H31

Page 23: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material


lithium-6 Li63

lithium-7 Li73

Page 24: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

The Strong Nuclear ForceThe Strong Nuclear Force

• Using accelerators, scientists have discovered the forces that hold nuclei together

The big circle marks the location of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European particle physics laboratory in CERN. The tunnel where the particles are accelerated is located 100 m (320 ft) underground and is 27 km (16.7 mi) in circumference. The smaller circle is the site of the smaller proton-antiproton collider. The border of France and Switzerland bisects the CERN site and the two accelerator rings.

Page 25: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• Nuclear forces act over very small ranges. (3 x 10-15 m)• Over 100 times greater than the electrostatic force.• The strong nuclear force is independent of the charge

• The attraction is the same between:p+ - p+

n0 - n0

n0 – p+

Page 26: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Unstable (Radioactive) NulcidesUnstable (Radioactive) Nulcides

• Unstable nuclides tend to disintegrate causing: A different nuclide is to be produced Energy to be released as radiation

• Unstable nuclides have too few neutrons in relation to the number of protons.

In general, the more protons in a nucleus, the more neutrons that are required to overcome the electrostatic repulsion.

• All elements with atomic numbers greater than 82 exist only as unstable nuclides.

Page 27: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Types of RadiationTypes of Radiation

• Rutherford discovered three types of radiation

• Also discovered that elements transform into different elements during the process (called transmutation).

• The original element is called the parent nuclide. The newly formed element is called the daughter nuclide.

Page 28: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Alpha Alpha DecayDecay

• Alpha particles (α) are helium- 4• They are ejected at high speeds but can be stopped by aluminum foil

) as written be could(or He Po Rn 42



Page 29: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

i.e. The sum of the mass numbers on both sides of the arrow must be equal and the sum of the atomic numbers on both sides of the arrow must be equal

For all nuclear reactions: NUCLEONS AND CHARGE ARE CONSERVED

He Po Rn 42



222 nucleons222 nucleons

charge = +86charge = +86

Page 30: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Beta DecayBeta Decay

) : writtenbe also(can e Pa Th 0-1



• A neutron decays into a proton and an electron.• The electron is ejected from the nucleus at a high speed – called a beta particle (β).• β particles can penetrate several mm of lead.

Page 31: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

e Pa Th 0-1



228 nucleons228 nucleons

charge = +90charge = +90

Page 32: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Gamma Gamma DecayDecay

• Gamma rays can be emitted along with an alpha or beta particle.• When a nucleus emits only a gamma (γ) ray, the energy of the nucleus is reduced but the mass number and the atomic numbers stay the same.• γ rays can penetrate many cm of lead.

Co *Co 6027


exited unexcited

Page 33: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• Often, the same nuclide can undergo different decay modes…

Page 34: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Decay Decay SeriesSeries

… or go through a series of decays.

Page 35: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material


21083 HeBi

Nuclear charge: 83 – 2 = 818181According to my periodic table, that must be

Example 1: Complete the balance equation:

Nucleons: 210 – 4 = 206206206TITI

What type of radiation is this?

Alpha Decay

Page 36: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

____eU 0


Example 2: Complete the balanced equation and identify the radiation type.


Beta Decay


Page 37: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Other Decay Other Decay ModesModes• Some radionuclides can transmutate by capturing an electron from the lowest energy level.

A proton is converted into a neutron



4120 neutrinoK e Ca

eIn Sn 0




• Positron emission: (same mass as an electron, but a positive charge)

Page 38: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Fission and FusionFission and Fusion

• The reaction used in all of the world’s nuclear power plants. The fuel is usually uranium, put plutonium can also be used.

Nuclear Nuclear FissionFission

Fission Animation

More animations

• Can be used in nuclear bombs. Involves “splitting” an atom into smaller nuclides.• Initiated by a slow moving neutron.

Page 39: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 3: Predict the missing fission product.

Page 40: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Nuclear Fission Chain ReactionNuclear Fission Chain Reaction

• The emitted neutrons strike more uranium atoms, causing them to undergo fission.

• This reaction is very hard to control.


Page 41: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Canada’s Canada’s CANDU CANDU ReactorReactor• Canadian Deuterium

Uranium Reactor

Page 42: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 43: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Nuclear Nuclear FusionFusion• The process that

made the atoms that make you.

• Two nuclide with extremely high energy collide to form a bigger nuclide.


Page 44: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 3: Predict the missing reactant.

Page 45: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Nuclear fusion as an energy source on earth is still experimental

Page 46: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 47: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• A sample of radioactive material consists of vast number of nuclei that don’t all decay simultaneously.

• We can’t predict when a single nucleus will decay (it is governed only by probability)

• The decay from parent nuclide to daughter nuclide follows a characteristic decay curve.

Page 48: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Radioactive Decay Radioactive Decay CurveCurve











• Rutherford noticed that the radioactivity of a sample of radon gas was reduced by half every ~1 minute.

•This called the half-life of the isotope.half-lives can vary from 10-22s to 1028 s, depending on the isotope.

• Half-lives are always a uniform interval of time for a

particular isotope.

Page 49: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 50: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 51: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 52: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material
Page 53: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• More examples of half-lives: - Polonium-214 ---1.6 x 10-4 s

- Carbon-14 --------5730 years

• If you have 10 g of carbon-14 when an organism dies, after 5730 years, you’ll have 5 g. After another 5730 years, you’ll have 2.5g.

• The age of a material can be determined using radioactive dating

Page 54: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• An equation that describes half-life





Amount or mass of the

parent nuclide remaining

Original amount of

parent nuclide

Number of half-lives that have passed

Page 55: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 1:

If a 2.00 g sample of strontium-90 is produced in a reactor, how much will remain after 10.0 years have passed. (The half-life of Sr-90 is 29.1 years.) Effect of Strontium-90 on

Squamous Cell Carcinoma in an Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina); Discussion of Alternative Treatment ModalitiesCheryl B. Greenacre, DVM, Dipl. ABVP - Avian and Royce Roberts, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVR

1.58 g

Page 56: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 2:A baby mammoth found frozen in a glacier is found to contain one quarter of its original carbon-14. Determine its age if the half life for the radioactive decay of carbon-14 is 5.73 x 103


1.15 x 104 years

Page 57: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Extension example:A pregnant ichthyosaur fossil is located just below a volcanic ash layer containing a ratio of uranium-235 to lead-207 of 4:1. Determine the minimum age of the fossil in years. (The half-life of U-235 is 7.13 x 108 a)

230 million years





N N 0




N 0

1log log




0log log1


N Nn

Page 58: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• The mass of a nucleus is always less than the mass of all the separate nucleons (protons and neutrons)

• This difference in mass is called the mass defect

• Energy is required to make a nucleus (called the binding energy)

The binding energy is related to the mass defect by the equation E = mc2

E =


Page 59: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 1Determine the mass defect of an alpha particle.

alpha particle mass (2 protons, 2 neutrons) = 6.65 x 10-27kg

massprotons =2(1.67 x 10-27kg) = 3.34 x 10-27 kgmassneutrons = 2(1.67 x 10-27kg) = 3.34 x 10-27 kgtotal mass of separate nucleons = 6.68 x 10-27 kg

mass defect = - = 0.03 x 10-27kg

• In nuclear reactions, mass is converted to energy or energy is converted to mass

E = mc2

Page 60: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 2:

Calculate the energy produced in the reaction

Mass defect = 8.35002x10-27 kg – 8.3212x10-27 kg = 2.882 x 10-29 kg

mass2H = 3.34341 x 10-27 kg

mass3H = 5.00661 x 10-27 kg

masstotal = 8.35002 x 10-27 kg

massα = 6.6463 x 10-27 kgmassn = 1.6749 x 10-27 kgmasstotal = 8.3212 x 10-27 kg

E = mc2

E = (2.882 x 10-29 kg)(3.00 x 108 m/s)2

E = 2.59 x 10-12 J

2.882 x 10-29 kg

Page 61: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

In oil and coal power plants, 1 kg of fuel produces about 4 MJ of heat


In a CANDU reactor, 1 kg of fuel (natural uranium) produces 3.4 x 105 MJ of heat that is converted to electricity.

Page 62: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

• Energy may create matter through the process called pair Energy may create matter through the process called pair production. The process must produce 2 particles whose production. The process must produce 2 particles whose total charge is zero, since charge must be conserved. Pair total charge is zero, since charge must be conserved. Pair production requires a very high energy photon.production requires a very high energy photon.

• A particle and its antiparticle (antimatter) are often A particle and its antiparticle (antimatter) are often produced. Example: an electron and anti-electron (positron) produced. Example: an electron and anti-electron (positron) have the same mass, but opposite signs.have the same mass, but opposite signs.

Page 63: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material

Example 3:A 8.50 x 1020 Hz photon produces an electron and an anti-electron. Determine the total kinetic energy of the particles.

Law of Conservation of Energy:Photon energy = energy to make 2 particles + Ek

Ephoton = Eelectron + Eantielectron + Ek

hf = mc2 + mc2 + Ek

hf = 2(mc2) + Ek

Ek = hf – 2(mc2)

Ek = (6.63 x 10-34 J•s)(8.50 x 1020 Hz) – 2(9.11 x 10-31kg)(3.00 x 108 m/s)2

Ek = 4.00 x 10-13 J

Page 64: CBC archives - radioactivity In 1896, Henri Bequerel discovered that uranium and other elements emitted invisible rays that can penetrate solid material


P 907: Q 1-3P 928: Q 27

Radioactivity in GeneralP 904, 905: Q 9-13, 15, 16