ccnsp v3 0el module 1

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  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights


  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Trainer Introduction

    Ajay Nawani (AJ)

    AVP (Global Presales Operations)

    Email-id: [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Welcome to CCNSP Training

    Please Introduce Yourself

    - Your name

    - Your company, position, and


    - Your network experience

    - Specific UTM appliance or Cyberoamproduct experience

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Kit

    Verify your take away

    - Cyberoam Brochure/Techsheets

    - Writing Aids

    - Cyberoam Paper Bags

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Schedule / Breaks (Variable)

    Sessions starts at 09:00 hours


    - Coffee Break (around 11:00 hours)

    - Lunch (around 13 hours)

    - Coffee Break (around 15:30 hours)

    Sessions ends at 17:00 hours

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Pre-requisites

    The training programme assumes

    participants to have operational

    familiarity with following concepts

    - Operational OS understanding

    - Networking Basics

    - Protocols like HTTP/HTTPS, IMAP, POP3,SMTP

    - TCP/IP Protocol Suite

    - Network Security Fundamentals

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Verify your Registration on Cyberoam eConnect, if not

    Register before starting training.

    From the invitation mail, click on

    register link to register for CCNSP


  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Registration is mandatory for each attendee as registration

    will enable Cyberoam Global Training Team to ensure all the

    training processes for registered attendee like

    - Exam

    - Certificate Management, etc

    Note: Due care should be taken to enter correct NAME andEMAIL on the registration form

    - The same email will be used for all further communication from Cyberoam

    - The given Name will be printed on the certificate on as-isbasis.

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Registration Screen from eConnect.

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Get your Registration Email

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Ask the trainer to enroll, Get your enrollment email.

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Login to eConnect, download your training material

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Login to eConnect, download your training material

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Training Process Introduction

    Go Ahead !!! Gear up for your Training.

    Welcome Aboard to Cyberoam CCNSP Training

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Module 1Cyberoam Product Overview

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Product Overview > Agenda

    Evolution of Firewalls

    Cyberoam Overview

    CCC (Cyberoam Central Console)

    CCMS (Cyberoam on Cloud Management Service)

    Cyberoam iView

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls

    - A Firewall can be hardware or software, used to secure network access

    - Previously, Companies would place their systems directly on the Internet with

    a public IP address.

    - Later, border router connected the Internet to the local network

    - Need for better security gave rise to new types of firewalls for an Internet-

    enabled office

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > Packet Filters

    - Filters packets based on Source/Destination IP, Source/destination port, and

    on a packet-per-packet basis

    - Provides the minimum amount of required security.


    port 80


    port 8080

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > Application Filters

    - Situated between protected network and the Internet

    - Secure, because entire packet, including the application portion of the packet,

    can be completely inspected

    - Apart from being Packet filters, they also check for source/destination IP

    Destination IP

    Destination IP

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > Stateful Inspection

    - Monitors the stateof a communication.

    - Not only work as packet filter and application proxies, but also maintain the

    state, meaning that the packet goes via the similar route in which it was


    - Advantage - it does not check any rule on sending the response packet.


    session live


    session expire

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > UTM

    - It is a firewall device with all security features bundled in a single product.

    - Traditional UTM functions as a network firewall, network intrusion prevention

    system, anti-virus, anti-spam, VPN solution, filtering web content solution and

    load balancing solution in one box.

    - Can also generate reports, and maintain the state

    No Virus

    Found virus

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > UTM > Pros and Cons

    - Can be deployed as a single appliance, taking control of network as a single

    Rack mounted appliance.

    - Is capable of generating reports, but becomes essential to connect the UTM

    appliance to a reporting server.

    - There is a need to secure the reporting server, especially from externalattacks.

    - If the reporting server goes down, it becomes difficult to maintain and fetch


  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > UTM > Challenges with current UTM

    Unable to Handle Dynamic Environments

    - Wi-Fi

    - DHCP

    Lack of user Identity recognition and control

    - Inadequate in handling threats that target the userPhishing, Pharming

    Unable to Identify source of Internal Threats

    - Employee with malicious intent posed a serious internal threat

    - Indiscriminate surfing exposes network to external threats

    - 50 % of security problems originate from internal threatsYankee Group

    - Source of potentially dangerous internal threats remain anonymous

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Evolution of Firewalls > UTM > Challenges with current UTM ( Continued.. )

    Lack of In-depth Features

    - Sacrificed flexibility as UTM tried to fit in many features in single appliance.

    - Inadequate Logging, reporting, lack of granular features in individual solutions

    Unable to Handle Blended Threats

    - Threats arising out of internet activity done by internal members of


    - External threats that use multiple methods to attackSlammer

    Need for Identity based UTM

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Product Overview > Agenda

    Evolution of Firewalls

    Cyberoam Overview

    CCC (Cyberoam Central Console)

    CCMS (Cyberoam on Cloud Management Service)

    Cyberoam iView

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights


    Next Generation UTM: Cyberoam

    - Cyberoam is the identity-based UTM solution that offers Integrated Internet

    - Security with fine granularity through its unique identity-based policies.

    - It offers comprehensive threat protection with:

    Identity-based Firewall

    VPN -Threat free tunneling

    Gateway Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam

    Intrusion Prevention System

    WAF (Web Application Firewall)

    High Availability (HA)

    Content Filtering (Web Filter & Application Firewall)

    Bandwidth Management Multi-Link Manager

    On-Appliance Reporting

    1200+ drilldown reports

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Cyberoams Security Approach

    Cyberoam is the only Identity-based Unified Threat

    Managementappliance that provides integrated Internet

    security to enterprises and educational institutions through

    its unique granular user-based controls.

    CyberoamIdentity Based Security

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Layer 8Patent Pending Technology



  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Layer 8Patent Pending Technology > Firewall

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Appliances

    Hardware UTM appliances Virtual UTM appliances

    CRiV-1C, CRiV-2C, CRiV-4C,

    CRiV-8C, CRiV-12C

    Large Enterprises (NGFW)CR2500iNG/XP





    Small and Medium EnterprisesCR300iNG/XP, CR200iNG/XP

    CR100iNG, CR50iNG

    Small and Remote OfficesCR35wiNG, CR35iNG,

    CR25wiNG, CR25iNG,

    CR15wiNG, CR15iNG

    Kernel based

    virtual machine

    b f d k & f l ( )

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Appliances

    - All Cyberoam models ending with XP come with Flexi port options

    - Eg: 2500iNG-XP has 5 Flexi Ports

    C b C ifi d N k & S i P f i l (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Appliances

    - Flexi Port Options

    - 8x1Gbps Copper Ports

    - 8*1Gbps Fiber Ports

    - 4*10Gbps Fiber Ports

    C b C tifi d N t k & S it P f i l (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Features offered with one time sale of appliance (Basic Appliance)

    - Identity-based Firewall

    - 8 x 5 Support for one month from the registration- VPN

    - SSL VPN

    - Bandwidth Management

    - Multiple Link Management

    C b C tifi d N t k & S it P f i l (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Features offered with Subscription

    - Gateway Anti-Virus Subscription (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection

    included)- Gateway Anti-spam Subscription

    - Web & Application Filtering Subscription

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - 8 x 5 support

    - 24 x 7 Premium Support- (WAF)Web Application Firewall **

    (Subscription services are available on 1 Year, 2 Years or 3 Years subscription


    **Note: WAF is available in models 25iNG and above

    C b C tifi d N t k & S it P f i l (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Features offered with Bundled Subscription

    Bundle can be the combination of or all of the following


    - Gateway Anti Virus

    - Gateway Anti-spam

    - Intrusion Prevention System

    - Web and Application Filter- 8 X 5 Support

    - WAF (Web Application Firewall)

    C beroam Certified Net ork & Sec rit Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Bundled Subscription > Types

    TVS (Total Value Subscription)

    - Gateway Anti-Virus (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection included)

    - Gateway Anti-spam

    - Web & Application Filtering

    - Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - 8 x 5 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    - 24 x 7 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    SVS (Security Value Subscription)

    - Gateway Anti-Virus (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection included)

    - Gateway Anti-spam (Just RBL Based Solution)

    - Web & Application Filtering

    - Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - 8 x 5 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Bundled Subscription > Types (Continued)

    TVSP (Total Value Subscription Plus)

    - Gateway Anti-Virus (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection included)

    - Gateway Anti-spam

    - Web & Application Filtering

    - Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - 24 x 7 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    SVSP (Security Value Subscription Plus)

    - Gateway Anti-Virus (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection included)

    - Gateway Anti-spam (Just RBL Based Solution)

    - Web & Application Filtering

    - Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - 24 x 7 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Bundled Subscription > Types

    CVS (Comprehensive Value Subscription)

    - Gateway Anti-Virus (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection included)

    - Gateway Anti-spam

    - Web & Application Filtering

    - Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - 24 x 7 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    NGFWS (Next Generation Firewall Security Subscription)

    - Available for NGFW devices only

    - Gateway Anti-Virus (Anti-malware, phishing, spyware protection included)

    - Gateway Anti-spam

    - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

    - Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    - Web & Application Filtering

    - 24 x 7 Email, phone and chat Tech Support

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > How to Check Subscription?

    Appliance & Customer My account

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    NFR V/S Regular Appliance

    Regular Appliance (For End Customer)

    - Cyberoam appliance sold to Partner / Reseller for direct customer sale.

    - Will be registered once to get 3, 15 days trials for all subscription based


    Not for Resale (NFR) Appliance (Demo Appliance)

    - Cyberoam appliance sold to Partner / Reseller for conducting demos.- Can be registered unlimited number of times under different credentials after

    factory reset.

    - Will get 3, 15 days trial for all subscription based modules after each


    - Incase of Virtual Appliance, CRiV-TR model is available

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Select the Right Appliance

    - Choosing the right product for an organization depends on

    - Number of Concurrent Users

    - BandwidthUpload/Download

    - Number of Servers to be published

    - Number of VPN tunnels and users

    - Additional requirements (Authentication, Unified Threat Control, HA)

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Select the Right Appliance

    - Case 1:

    - Small Business customer with 15 concurrent users having 4Mbps Internet

    Connectivity with 3G as a backup link.

    - Customer is looking for a solution to protect network from internal and external

    threats as well as to increase employee productivity by blocking unproductive


    - Which model of Cyberoam?

    - Subscriptions Required

    CR15iNG or CR15wiNG


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Select the Right Appliance

    - Case2:

    - Case 1 customer has expanded business in country by opening 4 new

    branches. Each branch has got 3-5 internet users accessing central

    accounting system hosted at Central Office. Branches also need wireless

    connectivity. Internet bandwidth at Central Office also has increased to


    - Customer would like to extend Central Office network in secure way to allowaccess of accounting system.

    - Central Office?

    - CR50iNG by considering 15 + 5 (Each Branch) x 4 branches = 35

    Concurrent Users

    - Branch Offices?- CR15wiNG

    - Subscription?

    - Central OfficeTVS

    - Branch OfficeSVS

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam > Select the Right Appliance

    - Case3:

    - Same customer has created DMZ zone and added 5 business critical servers

    to protect from various network attacks. Server includes 1 email server, 1 web

    server, 1 FTP server and 2 accounting servers.

    - Customer is expecting 100 concurrent users to surf their corporate web

    site and approximate 350 emails per day.

    - Internet Bandwidth has increased to 20Mbps.- Customer is looking for replacement of existing device:

    - Appliance Model:

    - CR100iNG

    - Considering 30 additional users (30% of 100 external users) apart

    from 35 existing users. This makes total 65 users and email traffic.- Inbound traffic has increased due to Email & Web Server. This needs

    increased new sessions per second.

    - Subscriptions:

    - CVS

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Product Overview > Agenda

    Evolution of Firewalls

    Cyberoam Overview

    CCC (Cyberoam Central Console)

    CCMS (Cyberoam on Cloud Management Service)

    Cyberoam iView

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    CCC (Cyberoam Central Console)

    - Offer the flexibility of hardware CCC appliances and virtual CCC appliances

    - Provide centralized security management across distributed Cyberoam UTM


    - Enables high levels of security for MSSPs and large enterprises.

    - Layer 8 Identity-based policies and centralized reports and alerts, CCC

    hardware and virtual appliances

    - Provide granular security and visibility into remote and branch offices across

    the globe.

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    CCC > Key Highlights

    - Centralized Management

    - Security Management with Reduced Policy Deployment Time

    - Ease and Flexibility of Management

    - Security Against Misuse of Administrator Privileges

    - Centralized Visibility

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    y y ( )

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    CCC > Key Highlights

    - Centralized Management

    - Security Management with Reduced Policy Deployment Time

    - Ease and Flexibility of Management

    - Security Against Misuse of Administrator Privileges

    - Centralized Visibility

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    y y ( )

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    CCC > Appliances

    Hardware CCC appliances Virtual CCC appliances

    CCCV15, CCCV50, CCCV100,

    CCCV200, CCCV500CCC15, CCC50, CCC100,

    CCC200, CCC500, CCC1000

    Kernel based

    virtual machine

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    y y ( )

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Product Overview > Agenda

    Evolution of Firewalls

    Cyberoam Overview

    CCC (Cyberoam Central Console)

    CCMS (Cyberoam on Cloud Management Service)

    Cyberoam iView

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    y y ( )

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    y y

    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    CCMS (Cyberoam Cloud Management Service)

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam Product Overview > Agenda

    Evolution of Firewalls

    Cyberoam Overview

    CCC (Cyberoam Central Console)

    CCMS (Cyberoam on Cloud Management Service)

    Cyberoam iView

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam iView

    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam iView > On-Appliance Logging & Reporting

    Logs & Events


    Logging Reporting









    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Copyright 2014 Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Cyberoam iView > Appliances

    Available as:

    - In built in Cyberoam UTM series of appliances

    - Dedicated Hardware Appliances

    - Open Source Software




    Cyberoam Certified Network & Security Professional (CCNSP)

  • 8/10/2019 Ccnsp v3 0el Module 1


    Next -> Module 2 (Deploying Cyberoam)