cd analysis

CD Analysis Amy Tse

Upload: amytse

Post on 27-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Cd analysis

CD AnalysisAmy Tse

Page 2: Cd analysis

The front cover of this CD consists of the artist and they are positioned in the centre, suggesting their importance. The colours are very simplistic, full of the use of white, grey, a grey toned blue, black. The title of the CD is called ‘Contrast’ and this separate word is in a standout colour of yellow, which links to the title of ‘Contrast’.

Also at the front, there is a sticker in the top left and tells the buyer the songs that the album includes. This suggests that these could be the artist’s well known songs.

Page 3: Cd analysis

This is the first slide as you open up the cover and it is again the artist and he is positioned in the centre. The title is in the centre again with the same font and the artist’s name. The colour of ‘Contrast’ is again yellow which is contrasting against the black and white colours, which consists in the artist’s clothing and background.

When this little booklet opens up, it contains a poster on one side and then on the other the lyrics to all his songs and the acknowledgements.

Page 4: Cd analysis

The colours are consistent within the CD, the yellow, black, white and grey. The CD itself continues with this colour theme and at the bottom of it, it gives the record label that the artist worked with and the year it was produced in.

When the CD is removed the yellow is shown again. This suggests that the artist is consistent with the bright colours, but also with the dark colours too, implying that his music could be a mixture of genres.

Page 5: Cd analysis

On the back of the CD the artist is again on the cover, but this time positioned to the right hand side, posing. To the left of him is the list of his songs in the same, simple font. As the font is really simple it works consistently with the rest of the CD case. The barcode is located at the bottom of the screen along with the artist’s website for fans to look at. On this side of the CD there is no yellow to contrast against - I feel as if there should have been a burst of colour to again contrast and link to the title to show consistency.