cdsb’s reporting framework: communicating climate change in mainstream reports

@CDSBGlobal CDSB’s Repor-ng Framework Communica-ng Climate Change in Mainstream Reports

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Post on 29-May-2015




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How to communicate climate change in financial reports to communicate value to investors. This presentation was given by CDSB's Patrick Crawford in the context of the upcoming amendments to the UK Companies Act 2006, requiring UK quoted companies to report GHG emissions information in their Directors' reports. Referenced as a method of compliance, the Climate Change Reporting Framework can assist companies to comply and helps in going beyond to communicate reliable and consistent information to investors. Referenced as a method of compliance, the Climate Change Reporting Framework can assist companies to comply and helps in going beyond to communicate reliable and consistent information to investors. The upcoming amendment to the UK Companies Act is a great opportunity for companies to deepen their engagement with investors through a more comprehensive and meaningful Director's report.


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CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  Communica-ng  Climate  Change  in    

Mainstream  Reports  

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Communicating Climate Change “Reporting from the principle of communication rather than compliance."

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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A  stepping  stone  to  producing  integrated  reports    

CDP  Informa-on  request  

CDSB  Guidance  CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  


Mainstream  Report  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  -­‐  Connec-ng  

Page 4: CDSB’s Reporting Framework: Communicating Climate Change in Mainstream Reports


CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework    •  Complements  the  CDP  process    •  Explains  how  management  should  present  informa-on  in  mainstream  annual  reports    •  Ensures  that  the  informa-on  is  relevant  and  useful  for  investors    •  Harmonises  with  exis-ng  accoun-ng  and  na-onal  standards    •    Connects  Financial  and  non-­‐financial  informa-on      

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework    

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PuIng  it  into  prac-ce    1.  Determina-on:  Decide  what  to  report    2.  Prepara-on:  Gather  clear,  consistent,  complete  Informa-on    3.  Presenta-on:  Ensure  disclosure  is  clear    4.  Review:  Check  accuracy  and  ensure  relevance  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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DETERMINATION  –  Decide  what  to  report  

 •    Iden-fy  the  needs  of  your  investors  regarding  climate  change    •    Reflect  the  Board’s  assessment  of  the  impacts  of  climate  change  on  the  company’s  financial  performance    •    Appraise  your  current  business  model  regarding  climate  change    risks,  opportuni-es  and  challenges    •  Review  regulatory  and  compliance  obliga-ons  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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Requirements  on  Determina-on    2.3  An  organiza*on  shall  determine  the  disclosures  to  be  made  under  the  CCRF  according  to  the  categories  of  disclosure  content  that  are  of  value  to  investors  and  a  process  that  involves  a  thorough  assessment  of  how  climate  change  has  actually  affected  or  has  the  poten*al  to  affect  the  organiza*on’s  strategic  objec*ves.  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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PREPARATION:  Gather  clear,  consistent,  complete  informa-on    •  Provide  clarity  on  the  repor-ng  period  and  repor-ng  boundaries    •  Iden-fy  relevant  standards,  protocols  and  policies    •  Analyse  material  issues  posed  by  climate  change    •  Consider  the  relevant  -me  scales  for  past  results  and  future  prospects    •  Include  a  Statement  of  Conformance  with  CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework    

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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Requirements  on  Prepara-on    2.12  Disclosures  shall  be  made  on  a  consistent  basis  and  shall  include  the  informa*on  that  is  necessary  to  maximize  its  value  to  investors.    

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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PRESENTATION:  Ensure  the  disclosure  is  clear    •  Ensure  informa-on  is  relevant  and  useful  for  investor  decision  making    •  Use  simple  language,  with  enough  context  and  assump-ons    •  Discuss  the  link  between  climate  risk  and  company  prospects    •  Ensure  presenta-on  allows  easy  year-­‐on-­‐year  comparisons    •  Segment  informa-on  to  focus  investor  analysis    •  Use  climate  change  measures  to  show  progress  against  targets  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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Requirements  on  Presenta-on    2.26  Disclosures  shall  be  presented  and  communicated  so  as  to  make  them  useful  for  investors.  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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REVIEW:  Check  accuracy  and  ensure  relevance      •  Check  the  content  against  the  expecta-ons  of  steps  1,  2,  and  3    •  Ensure  the  final  report  has  a  rigorous  internal  review  and  sign-­‐off    •    Alignment  other  company  communica-ons  with  the  mainstream  report    •  Share  the  report  with  selected  external  stakeholders  to  invite  their  perspec-ve  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

Page 13: CDSB’s Reporting Framework: Communicating Climate Change in Mainstream Reports


Summary  of  requirements    2.30  Disclosures  shall  be  clear  and  StraighHorward    2.32  Informa*on  shall  …  explain  the  links  between  the  organiza*on’s  strategy  …  and  climate  change  impacts.    2.36  Organiza*ons  shall  disclose  performance  measures  …  to  manage  the  business  and  ...  against  climate  change-­‐related  targets    2.41  Disclosures  shall  be  consistent  with  the  associated  financial  statements  of  the  organiza*on…  

CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  in  Prac-ce  

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•  Download  CDSB’s  Repor-ng  Framework  and  Guidance  from  

•  ATend  CDSB’s  Webinars  •  Move  from  repor-ng  to  ac-on  •  Communicate  with  your  Management  Team  •  Communicate  with  your  investors  Subscribe  to  our  newsleTer  by  emailing  [email protected]  


Climate  Disclosure  Standards  Board  

Contact:  Patrick  Crawford      Corporate  engagement      [email protected]  

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