ceaacp – tróia summer school 2015 · 2014-11-06 · roman site of tróia, portugal. the ceaacp...


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Page 1: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool
Page 2: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015

Program offered The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School is a Summer archaeological fieldschool program offered by the Centro de Estudos de Arqueologia, Artes e Ciências do Património (Centre of Archaeological, Arts and Heritage Studies), Portugal - www.uc.pt/uid/cea), Unity of Research 281 of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of the Ministry of Education and Science (Portugal) - www.fct.pt in collaboration with Troiaresort – Investimentos Turísticos, S.A. - www.troiaresort.pt, the company that has the safeguard of the Archaeological Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool at Tróia, Portugal (fig. 1), offering students the opportunity of participating in a scientific archaeological project in the largest fish-salting production center known in the Roman Empire, today known as the Roman Ruins of Tróia and a National Monument since 1910.

Fig. 1 – Location of Tróia, Portugal.


Page 3: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

The fieldwork campaign will take place in June and is opened to undergraduate as well as graduate students, from all majors. The fieldschool includes archaeological excavation, lectures, workshops, pottery washing and study visits. English will be the language employed in all situations. Prof. David Soren (University of Arizona) and Prof. Inês Vaz Pinto (CEAACP) will be the coordinators of this summer program and the excavation will be directed by Prof. Inês Vaz Pinto, Dr. Ana Patrícia Magalhães and Dr. Patrícia Brum, responsible for the site of Tróia. University of Arizona (UA) credit will be available for students applying through the UA Office and Study Abroad and Student Exchange.

The archaeological site of Tróia The fieldschool will take place at Tróia, a beautiful sand peninsula 17 km long that is today a touristic resort due to its white sand beaches on the Atlantic Ocean (fig. 2). Part of it belongs to the Sado Estuary Natural Reserve and a specific area is classified as a Botanical Reserve due to the rarity of a number of plants in the sand dunes of Tróia. It is located in the center south of Portugal, only 50 km from Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and only a 15 minute boat trip from Setúbal, a city that goes back to the Roman Period and Middle Ages and has 120,000 inhabitants. The Setúbal Bay, that also bathes Tróia, is classified by UNESCO as one of The Most Beautiful Bays in the World (http://www.world-bays.com/setubal-bay-47-49.html).

Fig. 2 – The Tróia peninsula.


Page 4: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

It is in this sand spit between the Sado River and the Atlantic Ocean, belonging in Roman times to the city of Salacia Imperatoria Augusta, in the province of Lusitania, that were built a number of fish-salting factories (fig. 3) to produce salted fish and fish sauces like the famous garum. These were

put in amphorae and carried by boat to many different regions of the Mediterranean and to Rome, the capital of the Empire. The production center founded in the early 1st c. employed many people and developed into a town with houses, baths, wells, cemeteries and at a late moment, an early Christian basilica with well-preserved painted walls (fig. 4).

Fig. 3 – Fish-salting factory.



Fig. 4 – Buildings of the Roman Ruins of Tróia. a: houses; b: baths; c: painted wall from the basilica; d: mausoleum; e: cemetery.



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Page 5: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

When the Roman settlement was abandoned in the 6th c., it was buried in sand dunes that were responsible for its exceptional preservation. A number of walls are preserved up to 4 m high and a number of the fish-salting vats are complete, and some still reveal the fish bones from the last production in the bottom when they are excavated. The intense economic activity caused by the proximity to the ocean and the river and the early abandonment make the site very rich in archaeological finds (fig. 5), specially different types of pottery like terra sigillata (including African Red Slip Ware) and amphorae but also metal objects like coins or bone objects.

Goals, schedule and conditions The fieldschool, which started in 2014, takes place in this site continuing excavating a large fish-salting workshop, only partially dug in the 70’s, still half covered by sand and with large vats 2.30m deep. In the 2014 campaign two new vats were uncovered (fig. 6), one of which with fish remains from the last production in its bottom, and abandonment levels from the late 4th – early 5th century (fig. 7). The goal to 2015 is to continue excavating the southwest line of vats, trying to understand the late remodeling of the workshop and its abandonment. The ultimate goal is to uncover the hole factory.


Fig. 5 – Archaeological finds from Tróia.


Fig. 6 – Fieldwork at Tróia.

Fig. 7 – Fieldwork at Workshop 4 in Tróia.

Page 6: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

The weekly schedule will be the following:

Lectures and workshops

There will be three lectures or workshops a week, in a total of twelve. The lectures will be taught by the on-site team and visiting scholars. Themes will be related to the archaeological site of Tróia, the excavation work, archaeological finds and Portuguese history.

The lectures (subject to changes) will be the following: ! “Tróia in Lusitania and in the Roman Empire" by Inês Vaz Pinto ! "Archaeological excavation at Tróia – method and practice" by Ana Patrícia Magalhães ! “Brief overview of the History of Portugal” by Inês Vaz Pinto ! “Funerary practices at Roman Tróia" by Inês Vaz Pinto

The workshops (subject to changes) will be the following:

! “Archaeological finds: how to divide and classify them?" by Patricia Brum ! "Introduction to the study of pottery" by Inês Vaz Pinto ! “Drawing archaeological objects: skills or technique?” by Ana Patrícia Magalhães and Patrícia Brum ! "Roman pottery: types and function" by Catarina Viegas ! “Roman coins” by Maria Conceição Lopes and Patrícia Brum ! "From bones to bodies" by Margarida Figueiredo ! “The study of animal bones” by Simon Davis ! “Metal objects” by Teresa Rita Pereira


Time table Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday07h00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Full-day excursion Breakfast Breakfast Free day07h30 Excavation Excavation Excavation Excavation Excavation10h00 Break Break Break Break Break10h30 Excavation Excavation Excavation Excavation Excavation13h00 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break14h00 Lecture or workshop Half-day excursion Lecture or workshop Lecture or workshop Free afternoon15h00 Pottery washing and inventory Pottery washing and inventory Pottery washing and inventory17h00 Time off Time off Time off20h00 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner

Tróia Summer School ProgrammeSchedule

Page 7: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool


The fieldschool program will include a full day and a one half day cultural trip every week.

Half-day excursions:

! Tróia - sand dunes and Caldeira lagoon: the geological evolution and natural environment. ! Palmela: Moorish and Medieval town. ! Boat trip to watch the famous dolphin population of the Sado River estuary. ! Alcácer do Sal, Roman and Moorish town, and Carrasqueira, fishermen village.

Full-day excursions:

! Setúbal and surroundings (Arrábida mountains, Cabo Espichel, Azeitão) ! Lisbon – Capital of Portugal. ! Évora – Roman and Modern city. ! Sintra – Royal palaces and town.


Fig. 8 – Examples of archaeological activities subject to workshops.

Fig. 9 – Dolphin of Tróia.

Fig. 10 – Jerónimos Monastery in Belém (Lisbon).

Page 8: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

• No Visa required Citizens of the United States of America do not need a visa to enter and stay in Portugal for 90 days or less, but they need a passport valid for six months beyond the length of stay. • Insurance

The students participating in the “Tróia Summer School” program will have Insurance that covers medical assistance and hospital care in case of accident, injury or sickness, and repatriation for medical assistance if necessary.

Housing The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School will be housed at Tróia at a 10 minute-drive from the site, near the urban center of Tróia (fig. 11), 4.5 miles from de site (10 minute-drive). The accommodation will be in well-equipped townhouses or apartments where up to 4 students may share a room. Sheets and towels will be provided. Internet will be available. In leisure times the beach is at a 10 minute walk and there will be access to a swimming-pool.

Fig. 11 – Urban center of Tróia.


Page 9: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

Housing costs are totally included in the program fee; also covered are all the expenses (water, gas and electricity bills), sheets and towels changed once a week, and a weekly cleaning of the apartments.

All meals from Monday to Saturday are included in the program fee, only Sunday meals are not included. Breakfast will be prepared or provided at home, lunch will be at the cafeteria of Troiaresort, except during fieldtrips where meals will be lunch bags or at a restaurant and dinner will be provided at home or at a restaurant at Troiaresort. A mid work snack will be provided at the site. There will be a special welcome meal in the beginning and a farewell dinner at the end.

Program Cost • 2015 Program (31 May-27 June) - € 1700 (price in euros, c. $ 2300)

Students repeating the program will have a 10% discount – € 1530

The cost includes fieldwork training, workshops, lectures, housing, fieldtrips and cultural excursions (transportation and admission to sites/museums), transportation from/to the airport, all meals from Monday to Saturday (Sunday is excluded) and medical insurance.


Applications should be made until February 15, 2015.

Ask for the “Application Form” through [email protected]


(1) David Soren

[email protected]

Principle investigator, Regents Professor of Anthropology, University of Arizona.


Page 10: CEAACP – Tróia Summer School 2015 · 2014-11-06 · Roman Site of Tróia, Portugal. The CEAACP – Tróia Summer School proposes the second edition of a Summer archaeological fieldschool

(2) Maria da Conceição Lopes

[email protected]

+ 351 239 851 600

Professor of the University of Coimbra, Director of the Centre of Archaeological, Arts and Heritage Studies (CEAACP).

(3) Inês Vaz Pinto

[email protected]

+351 265 499 400

Co-director of Tróia Summer School, Universidade Lusíada Ph. D, University of Arizona M.A., Associate Professor of Ancient History and Archaeology on leave at Universidade Lusíada, Lisbon; Director of the Archaeological Excavations at Tróia, Head of the Archaeology Team of the site of Tróia.

(4) Ana Patrícia Magalhães

apmagalhã[email protected]

+351 265 499 400

+ 351 939 031 936 (mobile)

Archaeologist, Universidade de Lisboa M.A., Co-Director of the Archaeological Excavations at Tróia; Member of the Archaeology Team of the site of Tróia; Specialist on Sigillata Ceramics.

(5) Patrícia Brum

[email protected]

+351 265 499 400

+ 351 939 031 936 (mobile)

Archaeologist, Universidade Nova de Lisboa M.A.; Co-Director of the Archaeological Excavations at Tróia; Member of the Archaeology Team of the site of Tróia.