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FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to enrich the students’ experiences in developing and utilizing appropriate technology to facilitate learning. It shall also provide exposure and hands-on opportunities in the use of information and Communications Technology (ICT). Field Study 3 can be anchored on the following Professional Education subjects: Educational Technology 1 Educational Technology 2’ GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1.Select the teaching materials that best suit the needs of the learners; 2.Apply the principles of developing instructional materials; 3.Develop and utilize instructional materials appropriate to a chosen subject area. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES FOCUS SPECIFIC TASKS LEARNING EVEDENCE DOMAIN COMPETENCI ES The School’s Episode 1 NAME AND TELL Curricu lum Identifies and

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FS 3 Technology in the Learning



This course is designed to enrich the students’ experiences in developing and utilizing appropriate technology to facilitate learning. It shall also provide exposure and hands-on opportunities in the use of information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Field Study 3 can be anchored on the following Professional Education subjects:

Educational Technology 1Educational Technology 2’


1. Select the teaching materials that best suit the needs of the learners;2. Apply the principles of developing instructional materials;3. Develop and utilize instructional materials appropriate to a chosen

subject area.




The School’s Learning



Make a ocular visit to the learning resources center of a school (media center, AVR, computer room, library, internet facilities, resources center)

Make an inventory of its

An Inventory and

classification of

Learning Resources

Curriculum Identifies and classifies resources that facilitate teaching and learning processes

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available learning resources

Classify them according to their functions and characteristics

Bulletin Board Displays


Look around a school for bulletin board displays.

Evaluate the display.

Propose enhancements to make the display more effective

An evaluation Report on Viewed Bulletin Boards Displays

A Proposed Bulletin Board Design Enhancement

Curriculum Appraises the effectiveness of

displays as learning


Designs a bulletin board


Utilization of Teaching Aids

Episode 3SEE AND SAY

Observe a class on its regular schedule.

Note down the various teaching aids that were utilized in the teaching-learning processes.

Comment on the appropriateness of the teaching aids to the learning task.

A list of Teaching Aids that were utilizedComments on the appropriateness of the Teaching

Curriculum Determines the appropriatenes

s of teaching aids to learning


A Teaching Aids Bank

Episode 4AID BANK

Decide on a specific content area (i.e., your major field, area of

A Bank of Varied Teaching


Curriculum Prepares instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content.

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concentration) or theme. Develop a pile of each of

these teaching aids:- Flashcards- Word cards- Pictures- Cut-outs- Transparencies- Others

Organize them in a box.

Classroom Handouts


Prepare handouts for a selected topic (i.e., flowcharts, schema, and graphic organizers).

Describe your handouts

Present it you your FS Teacher before reproducing it.

A Compilation of Sample Classroom Handouts

A Description of the Classroom



Prepares instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content.

Slide Presentation

Episode 6SLIDESHOW BIZ Select a topic or subject

matter Develop a slide

presentation to support a learning activity on the topic (using transparencies, still slides, or relevant computer programs)

Try out your presentation to a group of learners

Write a narrative pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of your presentation.

A Slide Presentation on a Selected Topic

A Narrative on the Strengths

and Weaknesses of the Materials


Curriculum Develops and utilizes materials which involve students in meaningful learning.

Recognizes strengths and weaknesses of slide presentations in facilitating teaching-

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learning process.

On-Line Learning

Episode 7MY E-WORLD

Observe a class. Take a note of the topic being presented.

Surf the net to find sites that provided support materials and/or interactive programs on the topic.

Evaluate the materials/programs.

An Evaluation Report ob

Visited Websites

Curriculum Determines the appropriateness of the internet resources to the learning tasks.

Note: The Field Study Teacher may decide:

1. To choose all or any of the suggested activities. However, “The School’s Learning Resources” Activity is required as a preparatory task of the course.

2. On the mode of implementing the tasks (i.e., individually, dyad, or by group).

3. On the time allotment for each activity to sufficiently cover the 17-hour requirement of the course.


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Name of FS Student _________________________________________________

Course _____________________ Year & Section ____________

Resource Teacher ____________________ Signature ________________

Cooperating School _______________________________________________

You’re Target

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that facilitate teaching and learning processes.

You’re Map

It will be an interesting journey to the world of educational technology. A chance to visit and observe a learning resource center of a school will start you off.

For this process, explore the world through these steps:

1. Visit a school’s learning resources centerLook around and see what resources

And facilities are available inside.2. Ask the learning resource center in-charge about

How some equipment or facilities are used3. Make inventory of its available

Resources and classify them accordingTo their characteristics and functions.

4. Write down a brief reflection of your experience.

Your tools

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As you visit and observe the learning resource center, use activity forms provided for you to document your observation. Ask the assistance of the one manning the center courteously.

An Observation Guide for aLEARNING RESOURCE CENTER

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.2. See what learning resources are present.3. Examine how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are

they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?4. Look for the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these

guidelines/procedures posted or available for the users to refer to?5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. You may choose to

take photos of the center (if allowed).

The learning resources/materials are arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics. The books, magazines, article news are properly arranged by each place. The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers because the books are free from dust moisture, arranged by each type and easy to get by the learners. Library serves as permanent sources of information. The books present accurate facts and details. They are reusable. Students can control their own pace of learning by using books at a convenient time.

The material that I already confident to use are the books because it widen my knowledge and the one that I need to learn more is using of the new computerized library system.

The learning resources/materials are arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics. The books, magazines, article news are properly arranged by each place. The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers because the books are free from dust moisture, arranged by each type and easy to get by the learners. Library serves as permanent sources of information. The books present accurate facts and details. They are reusable. Students can control their own pace of learning by using books at a convenient time.

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The material that I already confident to use are the books because it widen my knowledge and the one that I need to learn more is using of the new computerized library system.

After you have observed, classify the resource available in the learning resource center. Please use the activity form provided for you.

Name of Center Observed: ____________________________________________Date of Observation: ________________________________________________Name of Observer:_________________________________________________Course/Year/School: ________________________________________________

List of Available Learning Resources

Available LearningResources

(Enumerate in bullet form)

Characteristic and Unique Capabilities

Teaching Approaches where the Resource is

Most Useful

1. Print Resources Books in Science,

(Biology, Chemistry and Physics), also for English, Literature, Values Education.


The bo appropriate, relatively oks age new and is used by a good n for their studies. Encyclopedia,umber of students

The books are used mainlyfor research purposes ofthe students for theirreports in class.

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Research studies of students

2. Audio Resources There were no

audio recordings


3. Non-electronic Visual Resources

Globes, maps

The non-electronic visual resources like their globe and their maps are still in good condition despite being used widely by the students in their history class.

The globe and the map are used in their history class as an instructional tool.

4. ICT Resources

The ICT resources of their school are relatively new but still in tip-top condition.

The computer units are used for hands-on computer laboratory activities, while the overhead projector is for transparency slide presentations.

Impression: In all, the Iligan City East High School (ICEHS) has a very good number of available learning resources, which are still very relevant to the needs of the students and the teachers and the same time it is also congruent to their curriculum. Hopefully, when budget warrants, they will be able to obtain more resources to fully establish their science, arts and basic education curriculum.

Name and Signature of Observer:

Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge:

You’re Analysis

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1. Were the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics?


At ICEHS the learning resources/materials are arranged properly according to their functions, although they

were assigned to different areas

2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilities easy access to the materials by the teachers? Why? Why not?


Yes, the guidelines are pretty much simple and the teachers can easily access the materials because the in-

charge of the facilities is always around

3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?


The main learning resource center of ICEHS is their library. One good thing about it is that it is always open

even though the persons-in-charge are teachers. They have arranged their schedule well so that they can

accommodate library users anytime of the day. Aside from this, the library also has a good number of books

and encyclopedia that the students can use.

4. What are its weaknesses?

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The library needs better lighting especially during cloudy days and better ventilation on warm and humid


5. What suggestion can you make?


When finances can suffice, it would be better to add more lighting fixtures and ventilation measures to the


You’re Reflections

1. Which of the materials in the learning resources caught your interest the most? Why?


Among the materials in the learning resources at ICEHS, the books really caught my interest because ever

since I was a kid I really love reading books, despite some difficulty in relating to some topics.

The learning resources/materials are arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics. The books, magazines, article news are properly arranged by each place. The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers because the books are free from dust moisture, arranged by each type and easy to get by the learners. Library serves as permanent sources of information. The books present accurate facts and details. They are reusable. Students can control their own pace of learning by using books at a convenient time.

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The material that I already confident to use are the books because it widen my knowledge and the one that I need to learn more is using of the new computerized library system.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?Answer:

Among the gadgets that I am confident to use are the computer and the overhead projector.

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?Answer:

Although I am confident that I can use the computer as an instructional tool, I definitely would like to learn

more about the Web 2.0 tools like blogging and social bookmarking as well as the issues that may be

encountered in using them for distance learning

4. Read an article about your answer in number 3. Paste a copy of the article here.

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The article I have read for my answer in number 3 is from the Internet written by Laddie Odom, the

multimedia producer of the Center for Support Instructio, University of Maryland University College. Its URL is


*the pdf version of the article will be submitted along with this portfolio


Name of FS Student ______________________________________________

Course ___________________________ Year & Section _____________

Resource Teacher ______________ Signature __________________

Cooperating School _____________________________________________

You’re Target

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in appraising the effectiveness of display boards as learning resources.

You’re Map

Display boards, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most readily available and versatile learning resources.

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To reach your target, follow the boards below:

You’re Tools

As you look around and examine board displays, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see?

2. Where is the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them?

3. What are the displays about? What images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information arranged?

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies

and the like)6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?7. You may choose to take a photo of the displays board (if allowed)


Look around a school for bulletin board displays.

Pick one and evaluate the display.

Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.

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Name of the SchoolObservedLocation of the SchoolDate of VisitThe board display design reflects the likes/interests of its target audience because it’s information. The language used was cleared and simple for the target audience to understand because it has no corrections in grammar.

The skills that teachers have to be able to come with effective board displays are creative, artistic, and imaginative, have knowledge in doing board display, well-organized in doing board displays and have a good time management.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation from below.

BOARD DISPLAYS EVALUATION FORM ¹Topic of the Board Display ___________________________________Location of the Board Display in School _________________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings. 4 – Outstanding 3 – Very Satisfactory 2 – Satisfactory 1 – Needs Improvement

Criteria NI1





Effective CommunicationConveys the message quickly and

The over-all impact of the display

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clearly would really make you think twice about or donot even consider smoking as habit.

AttractivenessColors and arrangement catches and holds interest

Although the depiction of the diseases one would suffer due to smoking is very vivid somewhat morbid even but the chosen colors for its design compliment it in a way giving it aesthetic value.

BalanceObjects are arranged so stability is perceived

The design itself has stability but somehow lacks elements of balance.

UnityRepeated shapes or colors or use of borders holds display together

There is unity among the elements used in the display. There are no repeated shapes because the design does not call for it.

InteractivityThe style and approach entice learners to be Involved

The style actually entices learners to do the reverse of so that they will not get sick.

Legibility The letters

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Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance

are not that visible from a good distance; the viewer needs to one to two meters from the display.

CorrectnessFree from grammar errors, misspelled words, ambiguity

Despite its scientific nature, there are no mistakes, grammatically and conceptually.

DurabilityWell – constructed, items are securely attached

The display is very durable because it is made of tarpaulin.

An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

(Option 2)

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:Location:Brief Description of the Board:

EVALUATIONStrengths Weaknesses


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Judgments / Evaluation of educational content and other aspects:

Recommendations orSuggestions forImprovement

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

You’re Analysis

1. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?

Yes, the display actually reflects the interests of its target audience because teenagers actually like to

experiment on things like smoking.

The board display design reflects the likes/interests of its target audience because it’s information. The language used was cleared and simple for the target audience to understand because it has no corrections in grammar.

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The skills that a teacher have to be able to come with effective board displays are creative, artistic, imaginative, have knowledge in doing board display, well-organized in doing board displays and have a good time management.

2. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?

Yes, the language used is clear and simple – in fact the diseases are written in Filipino and in English.

3. What do you think was the purpose of the board displays? Was it effective? Why? Why not?

I think the display is very effective, in a sense that one would not smoke or even inhale secondhand smoke

because of the visual message it delivers.

4. What suggestion can you make?

Although the display is very effective, there must be another display to balance its somewhat negative

impression, like perhaps what happens when one maintains a healthy lifestyle.

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Based on your suggestion, propose an enhanced version of the displays board. Use the form below.

My Proposed Board Display


Board Title:



Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

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(Optional Activity) Based on your suggestions, make your own board display lay – out. You may present your output through any of these:

A hand – made drawing or layout An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout A collage

My Board Display lay – out

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You’re Reflection

1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

2. Which of the skills do you already have? Recall your past experience in making board displays? How do you practice these skills?

Artistic- I was a member of the an art organization during my year level before. I, together with my group mates usually given a tasked to design our bulletin board and if ever there were programs held in our school. But we don’t mind the contents of it only the design so that the students will look at and read what is on the board.

The skills that I already have are creativity, resourcefulness and innovativeness. I do not have much experience

in making board display, the one that I could clearly remember was in elementary, but I am able to practice

these skills through the lessons in the EdTech course I am taking right now.

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3. Which skills do you still need to develop? Reflect on how you can improve on or acquire these skills.

I think I need develop my thinking skills when it comes to organizing the content of the article or announcement displayed on the board. I must research more about the ideas I will post on the board so that students will be attracted as well as understand what’s on the board.

I feel that I need to develop more elegance and ingenuity in coming up with designs not only in making a

board display and other instructional materials. I can improve on these skills by constant practice and by

research on various designs helpful in coming up with instructional materials.

SEE AND SAY (Utilization of Teaching Aids)

You’re Target

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in determining the appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks.

You’re Map

To reach you target, follow the steps below:

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Step. 1. Observe a class on its regular schedule.

Step 2. Note down the various teaching aids that were utilized in the teaching learning process.

Step. 3. Comment on the appropriateness of the teaching aids to the learning asks.

Step. 4. Reflect on your learnings.

You’re Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observations.

Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.1. What is the lesson about?2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning

resources.4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning

resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness and

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understanding?5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they leaning forward showing

their interest on the lesson and the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?

OBSERVATION REPORTDate of Observation __________________________________________School ____________________________________________________Subject ___________________ Topic ____________________________Grade/Year Level _____________________________________________

The lesson of the class that I observed was all about Multiplying terms by another term. The visual aid/material/learning resource is only chalk and blackboard. The teacher write all the equation on the board , then discuss the topic on the students.

The chalkboards were used effectively because it is convenient to use both for formally prepared lessons and for spontaneous sessions. I would do similarly the teachers’ strategy that I observed by establishing discipline.

You’re Analysis

UTILIZATION OF TEACHING AIDS FORMGrade or Year Level of Class Observed:

Date of Observation:

Subject Matter:

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Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:

Teaching Aids used

(Enumerate in bullet form)

Strengths Weaknesses Comments on Appropriateness of the Teaching

Aids used

You’re Analysis

1. What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/learning resources that she/he used?

Activity 3If I were in the place of the teacher, I will also use books as a learning resource. I will also use flashcards about polynomials; this will serve as an appetizer in presenting my lesson. I will give individual task so everybody in the class will have their participation. I know it will be fun, and it will develop the abilities of my student in solving math problems.

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The lesson of the class that I observed was all about Multiplying terms by another term. The visual aid/material/learning resource is only chalk and blackboard. The teacher write all the equation on the board , then discuss the topic on the students.

The chalkboards were used effectively because it is convenient to use both for formally prepared lessons and for spontaneous sessions. I would do similarly the teachers’ strategy that I observed by establishing discipline.

2. What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed?

The difficulties that the teacher had while the class was going on, is primarily on making the students relate

to the story (it was “Ang Tipaklong at ang Langgam”, although the story was relayed in Cebuano by the

teacher). She was able to manage by gently explaining the story and by pointing out experiences that they

may have that relates to the story

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3. Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used effectively? Why? Why not?

Yes, the big book really was effective in keeping the students attention at the same time it enhanced their


You’re Reflections

1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently if you will teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?

reflection activity 3

If i will given a chance to teach, i could probably say that i will not do similarly like the teacher do in her class during my observation.her method on teaching mathematics is to

give a quiz after she finished discussing in order to met the stated objectives.She like giving a quiz and it is good. If  I  will become a teacher someday  I would like to do something which may help them to have a self  confidence.I  used to give a recitation rather a quiz wherein they can answer me individually with that we can say less cheating with their

seatmates.thats it

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I would probably do the same with the recitations of the syllables and I would also have a storytelling session using a big book because of the positive response of the students. But I will probably not include the writing activity after the recitation because some students found the activity not so interesting, so they began standing up and began talking.

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TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS Student _________________________________________________

Course _________________________ Year & Section _____________

Resource Teacher _________________ Signature ________________

Cooperating School ______________________________________________

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content.

Your Map

To reach your target, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Decide on a specific content area.

Step 2. Find out the learning resources relevant to

your topic that are available from your school/university learning resource center.

step 3. Develop a pile of teaching aids (flash cards, pictures, cut-outs transparencies).

Step 4. Organize them in a box.

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You’re Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation / Survey Guide1. Are there learning resources useful for your topic in the resource

center you visited?2. Are the available materials appropriate for your target grade/year

level?3. List down those that can be useful for your topic?4. What other materials can you make? (like flash cards, posters, cut-

outs, transparencies, etc)


Name of the School Observed:Location of the School:Date of Visit:

Surveying of materials have many benefits in preparing for making lessons. One their benefit is to identify the appropriate instructional materials and activities that I need for every topic and objective.

The material I like making the most is visual aid. I like making visual aids because you can use it again and again. I had fun of making visual aids, I want to express my creativity in doing this.

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Learning Resources on the Specific Content Area

Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the line inside the box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE (by you, of course!)

TOPIC ___________________________ Grade/year level ________________


___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________

___________________ ___________________



Specific content Area

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You’re Analysis

Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own materials? Explain each.


The topic of the class that I observed was Linear equation. The good features of a hand out are have strong title, clear layout, underling connections and using of bulletin form instead of paragraph.

I found difficulty in getting information about my topic in making these hand-outs. It is also hard to make graphic organizers.

If I do a survey of available materials before making my own, I can save time – instead of making my

own and figuring out how my lesson will proceed, I can just focus on how to use the available materials for the

lesson. Another is I can save money and material resources. Why do I have to spend when there are already

appropriate resources available? Obviously, this is very trivial in these times of trying economic times. Third, I can

also find out what other resources are available which can be used in the future lessons. This way I only need to

have a yearly inventory and then plan the materials I will use throughout the school year.

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Activity 4The material I liked the most are mock-ups, because, this material is fun and it can captures student attention. Students will learn easy about the topic. I have difficulty in preparing visual aids. I asked for help and tip how to make a good visual aid. We should always remember that learning resources should be appropriate with the lesson to be discussed

You’re Reflection

1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why?

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Although most of the materials I have listed are not fabricated nor synthesizes personally, I especially liked

the using the video analysis software because it enables the class to analyze the components of motion of a certain object.

Surveying of materials have many benefits in preparing for making lessons. One their benefit is to identify the appropriate instructional materials and activities that I need for every topic and objective.

The material I like making the most is visual aid. I like making visual aids because you can use it again and again. I had fun of making visual aids, I want to express my creativity in doing this.

2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome them?

Making most of these materials on my own would be really difficult but some can be made with the help of professionals who have expertise and the proper equipment. In order to overcome such difficulties, I will just find alternative materials that are readily available and affordable

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3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

reflection activity 4

As a teacher, It is your responsibilities to teach kids effectively as much as possible we should do a wonderful job for them as a  part of our job.It is our responsibilities to think an appropriate learning materials for the specific lesson/ topic. yet if you asked me, if what materials that  I  would used in my lesson? for me i used to do a hand-outs rather than writing on the board.Because heres you can introduced your lesson in a less effort, the hand-outs you can write only the summary or the important part in your topic. it is also the responsibilities of the students to read and understand your topic  for their own  learninng. the good things with the hand-outs is we can keep it and then used again.but it is not easy to do because you just not only write anything yet you must think the idea that is appropriate to learned that you can included  in the hand-outs...

The best tip I can give to teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials is make use of the resources

available at home, in the school or can be bought at the convenience store for a low price. They can also

search the Internet for creative ways to utilize such commonly found items in their lessons.

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PAPER WORKS! (Preparing Hand-outs)

Name of FS Student _________________________________________________

Course _______________________ Year & Section _____________

Resource Teacher _______________ Signature ________________

Cooperating ____________________________________________________

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional materials (hand-outs) that are appropriate to the learning content.

Your Map

With a lot of reflective thinking coupled with your creativity, you can design hand-outs that will truly work well to make learning effective. You will see that preparing hand-outs is not just any paper work. When you produce high quality hand-outs and eventually try them out, you will discover that, indeed, paper works! To reach you target, follow the steps below.

Prepare handouts for a selected topic (i.e., flowcharts, schema, graphic organizers).

Describe your handouts. Present it to your FS

teacher before reproducing it.

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You’re Tools

As you prepare your hand-outs, use the activity form below.

Hand-out Planning Guide

1. What topic do I like to work on?2. For what grades or year levels is my handout for?3. What components do I include in my outline?4. What type of graphic organizers/flow-charts/schemas do I need to use?5. What references do I use?

HAND-OUT PLANSubject MatterGrade/Year Level


The topic of the class that I observed was Linear equation. The good features of a hand out are have strong title, clear layout, underling connections and using of bulletin form instead of paragraph.

I found difficulty in getting information about my topic in making these hand-outs. It is also hard to make graphic organizers.

Type of Graphic Organizer/s/flow-chart/schema to use:

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You’re Tools

After working on your handout, answer the following questions:

1. What are the good features of a handout?

What are the features of a good handout?

-Easy to follow-Short bullet point format-Your presentation should follow the same order (so that it is easy to understand what you are saying)-Put keywords in bold type-Make sure that all the important points of your presentation are on the handout-Don't include too much info (otherwise it can become cluttered)-Your topic should be easily recognizable-Best if it is only one side of a sheet of paperHope that helps :) Good Luck.

4 years ago -Subtitles make it easier to read

Handout is book just like a textbook prepared by a particular Lecturer/teacher to give the students tips/hints of a particular topic to be treated in the class. Therefore, the features of a good handout are that it must contain all the details of a particular topic, it has to serve as a teacher to guide you in knowing what a particular topic is all about.

A good handout helps students prepare for the coming lesson. Also, it must give the students a clear description of the activities or procedures that they have to do in order to understand the lesson. Another, it should include pictures, graphs and other illustrations related to the lesson.

2. Which of these features are present in the handout I made?

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In the sample, I have already given a good

contrast between the two circuits which also

includes circuit diagrams.

3. Which features are not present in the handout I made?

The sample I made lacks concept elaboration and examples for application and problem solving.

You’re Reflections

1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handouts? How did you overcome them?

Activity 5I encountered difficulties on making my hand. A good handout should include all the needed information about the topic and it should reliable. I come up in using two books as a reference so that my handout will contain all the needed information about the topic.In preparing hand-outs, you must always remember to use good books. The physical appearance should be appropriate and must follow guidelines. Make people pay attention to the content of the handout, not its appearance

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Make the handout easy to navigate.

The difficulty that I encountered while making the sample handout is in drawing the circuits. I was able to

overcome it with the help of drawing tools, but it took me a while to finish it. But it is definitely better than

drawing by hand.

The topic of the class that I observed was Linear equation. The good features of a hand out are have strong title, clear layout, underling connections and using of bulletin form instead of paragraph.

I found difficulty in getting information about my topic in making these hand-outs. It is also hard to make graphic organizers

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts?

reflection activity 5

Yes, it is true that hand-outs is not just only paper work yet if you finished preparing that, you will realized that is not easy as they say you should be careful in doing hand-outs the

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idea that are included should related only with your lesson that you wanted emphasized to your students.The first time i do hand-outs, a little bit feel confused with that because i dont have any idea on how to make hand-outs yet thanks to our teacher that gave me strenght to do this, giving idea on how to come up with the hand-outs.and after i finished my hand-outs i was very happy and i  think that i can also do this hand-outs.the only tip that i can share is when making a hand-outs make sure you have an objectives that helps you to do effectively the hand-outs.

In making handouts, it is always best to start with an outline so that one will be guided on what topics to

include. Now, it might be time-consuming to create one’s own illustrations, but then you can always use

this illustrations for other instructional materials like exams and slide presentations.

SLIDESHOW BIZ (Slide Presentation)

Name of FS Student _____________________________________________

Course ___________________________ Year & Section __________

Resource Teacher __________________ Signature _____________

Cooperating School __________________________________________________

Your Target

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At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in developing and utilizing materials (slide presentations) which involve students in meaningful learning.

Your Map

An effective teacher makes it her/his business to create slide presentations that really enhance instruction.

To reach you target, follow the storyboard below:

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4

You’re Tools

As you prepare your slide presentations, use the activity form below. Include an electronic copy of the presentation when you submit it to your FS teacher.

Title of my Presentation:

Title of my Presentation:

Subject Matter/Topic:

Select a topic or subject matter.

Develop a slide presentation to support a learning activity on the topic.

Try out your presentation to a group of learners.

Write a narrative pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of your presentation…

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Enhancements (Check appropriate box)

Graphic Music Hyperlink

Animation Voice Narration Others, please specify Sound effects Stylish fonts ______________

Description of Appropriate Use:This slide show presentation will be used to present the contrast between resistors in

series and parallelresisors.

Presentation Storyboard:Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3

Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 7

Slide 9 Slide10 Slide 11

You’re Analysis

After working on your slide presentation, answer the following questions:

1. What are the good features of a slide presentation?

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Activity 6I thought it is good to use different graphics and pictures to add the content in a slide, but I’m thankful that I’ve read a book about how to prepare power point presentation.  I also learned new things aside from the use of graphics and pictures. A good presentation should eliminate distracting backgrounds, and have consistency in the design. Avoid putting too much information on one screen display. Don’t use decorative clip art to confuse the message. Don’t use too many colors on one screen, and don’t use graphics, animations, or audio without a good purpose.

A good slide show presentation must be concise, direct to the point and insightful at the same time. It can

have transitions and animations to emphasize a point but should not be too much. Its design, lay-out and

formatting should be balanced with the concept presented.

2. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation your made?

Among the features mentioned above, the slide presentation I made has appropriate transitions and

animations, where the format and design is congruent to the concept presented – it does not clutter the


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3. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made?

I am afraid that the slide presentation I made is neither short nor concise. Also, the text lay-out that I have

made does not follow the rule on “six lines per slide, six words per line”.

You’re Reflections

1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them?

The topic that I make slide presentation was Operation on Rational Expression. The good features of a slide presentation are use links in the presentation, make the presentation not too long, keep it simple, include transitions/effects in your slide to put emphasis on your point, and use the same theme for the whole presentation.

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I found difficulty in making the slide presentation by typing the information of my topic because it is more on numbers.


A little bit difficulties, i encounted on making a slide presentetion, however this difficulties i overcome.At first honestly i could say that i dont have any prior knowledge or idea on making a slide presentation or on how to used a computer, yet i remember the first time i see personally a computer when i was first year college and that time im very happy because its my first time to see a computer personally.may be for others this experience is very mababaw(tagalog haha) for me it is unforgettable experience.In mangsee island they dont have that computer in schools limited learning materials and with thta it really to my mind that life is simple.yet, im very thankful to those teachers help me to realized that life is beautiful not just simple.

In making the slides, so far, the difficulty encountered is choosing the information that should appear on

the slide, since there is a lot of information being discussed in the reference materials. To overcome them, I read

the summarized form of the lesson and from there come up with an outline that would make the preparation of the

slide easier.

Page 16

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The topic that I make slide presentation was Operation on Rational Expression. The good features of a slide presentation are use links in the presentation, make the presentation not too long, keep it simple, include transitions/effects in your slide to put emphasis on your point, and use the same theme for the whole presentation.

I found difficulty in making the slide presentation by typing the information of my topic because it is more on numbers.

MY E – WORLD (Websites)

Name of FS Student ______________________________________

Course _________________ Year & Section ____________

Resource Teacher ____________ Signature ______________

Cooperating School _________________________________

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Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will be decisive in terms of using on-line resource materials and interactive programs.

Your Map

For this process, explore the world through these steps:

1. Observe a class

and take note of the topic

being presented.

2. Surf the net to find sites that

provide support materials and/or

interactive programs on the topic.

3. Evaluate the materials or programs.

4. Reflect on your FS Experience.

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You’re Tools

Please use the activity form provided for you.

Note: For every website visited, this format may be used.

Name of SiteAuthorName of Site:

Posting or Revision Date:

Organization represented:

URLBrief Description of the material in the website:

Evaluation of the Website:


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Name of Evaluator:

Please write your reflections on your FS experience on this page.

On my experiences in surfing the net to find sites that provide support materials and interactive programs on my topic, I found out that it easy to get information about your topic because there is a website that can assist you in your field of specialization like in mathematics, the “the virtual Math Lab”. I feel comfortable in searching information about my topic that I was observed. I saw and understand what is really the point of my topic and I learned how easily to come up about my topic.

reflection activity 7

field-study 3, this experience in fs3, is really unforgettable one, i still remember during my fs1, tried, hungry, and sacrifice are there,,yet even though that,still you can find hope.Don't lose hope and i believed in that. Life is all about believing in yourself if you think that you can do this even a lot of effort you must exert then try you will be find a success.But eventually i can say that this profession is really a noble one yet EDUCATION is the most important materials in ones life. It is something important wherein nobody can steal. this will involve hardship and commitment of someone who has the love for

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teaching.fortunately, many of our fellowmen indulge themselves in a teaching career but unfortunately, many were not able to be in-in the job. learning process is not easy as they say, someone may be disappointed and others mau be succeed. I believed that this experienced may help me in the future.

Through this episode, I was able to come across the role of the teacher in making a responsible choice in

determining the appropriateness of the instructional tools especially when it comes from the World Wide Web.

The teacher has to spend time in previewing and evaluating prospect sites to be used in the class. Although, the

teacher has all the help he or she will need when looking for materials to use in class because there are a lot of

sites that cater to their needs.

On my experiences in surfing the net to find sites that provide support materials and interactive programs on my topic, I found out that it easy to get information about your topic because there is a website that can assist you in your field of specialization like in mathematics, the “the virtual Math Lab”. I feel comfortable in searching information about my topic that I was observed. I saw and understand what is really the point of my topic and I learned how easily to come up about my topic.