ceglia v. zuckerberg complaint

O/30/2010 12: 02 60732461ee PAUL ARGEN1TIERI PAG-E 05 Co (0)F SUPREME COURT ZTATE OF NEW YORK ALLEGANY COUNTY PAUL D. CEGLIA SUMOSALLEGANY COUNTY C],ERKY Plaintf SUMN FI LED vs Index #JUJUN 3 0 2010 MARK ELLIOT ZUCKERBERG, Individually RO LERK.CRITA and Face book,inc.CLR Defendants TO THE ABO0VE NA MED D EFENDA NTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the PlaIntiff's attorney within 30 days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, where service is made by delivery upon you personally within the state, or within 30 days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Trial to be held in the County of Allegany The basis of the venue is Residence of Plaintiff Plaintiff resides in Allegany County Dated:.June 2.9, 20 10-------- Paul Argentier Esq. 188 in Street Hornell, NY 14843 607-324-3 232 -o flr- m C- M PAUL A. ARGENTIER1 - A~TTORNEV AT LAW 6e0MAN STPEET -HOPHELL. N V. 14843-7 TE0OWOM rAn?14 2a2 Case 1:10-cv-00569-RJA Document 6-2 Filed 07/09/2010 Page 1 of 16

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Page 1: Ceglia v. Zuckerberg complaint

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Plaintf SUMN FI LEDvs Index #JUJUN 3 0 2010MARK ELLIOT ZUCKERBERG, Individually RO LERK.CRITAand Face book,inc.CLR



YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in thisaction, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is notserved with this summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on thePlaIntiff's attorney within 30 days after the service of this summons,exclusive of the day of service, where service is made by delivery uponyou personally within the state, or within 30 days after completion ofservice where service is made in any other manner. In case of your failureto appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default forthe relief demanded in the complaint.

Trial to be held in the County of AlleganyThe basis of the venue is Residence of PlaintiffPlaintiff resides in Allegany County

Dated:.June 2.9, 20 10--------

Paul Argentier Esq.188 in StreetHornell, NY 14843607-324-3 232 -o

flr- m C-M


6e0MAN STPEET -HOPHELL. N V. 14843-7 TE0OWOM rAn?14 2a2

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To the above named Defendants:

THE NATURE OF THE ACTION IS: Declaratory Judgment

The relief sought is: Monetary Damages and 84% Ownership ofFacebook,inc.


188 MAIN qTPP"~- HOMNr.LL, N.VY 143 - TELEHCNZ (r807) 324-3232

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Index ,3 ?/rM)MARK ELLIOT ZUCKERBERG, Individually,

and Facebook, Inc. C IDefendants

The Plaintiff, as and for his verified complaint against the < -

Defendants, alleges as follows:

I. Plaintiff, Paul D. Ceglia, residing at 2558 Hanover Hill Road,Wellsville, Allegany County, New York, 14895 at all timeshereinafter mentioned as either the Purchaser and/or the Buyer.

2. Defendant Mark Elliot Zackerberg, upon information and beliefresides at 2 Russell Place, Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County,New York 10522, hereinafter referred to as either the Sellerand/or Contractor.

3. Upon in formation and bellef Face book, Inc. is a domesticcorporation having Its principal office located in the State of NewYork having been incorporated in New York on August 6, 2009,hereinafter referred to as Face book, see exhibit A attachedhereto and made a part hereof of this complaint,

4. On April 28, 2003, the Seller and the Purchaser enteredinto a written contract, including but not limited to, thePurchaser acquiring Fifty Percent (50%) interest in the businessof the Seller and Facebook, see exhibit B attached heretoand made a part hereof of this complaint,

S. Upon information and belief, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is theprincipal owner of 'The Face Book" aka "The Page Book" that arethe predecessors in interest to Facebook,lnc.

PAUL A. ARGFENJRI - ArMrnNEV AT LAW100 MAIN S"t aT- HORtIELL. N,V 1.043 - TELEPH-,OW! Ca07) 3223

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6. Under Paragraph 3 of the contract, the Seller and Purchaseragreed that for each day after January 1, 2004, the Purchaserwould acquire an additional 1% interest in the business, perday, unril the website was completed.

7. Upon information and belief, the website, the facebook.com', wascompleted and operational on February 4", 2004,

8- According to the terms of the contract, as of February 411 2004,the Purchaser had acquired an additional 34% interest in thebusiness for a total of eighty four percent (84%).

9. Purchaser paid consideration to the Seller for the contract, uponinformation and belief, by a check in the amount of OneThousand Dollars (S$7,000.00) to Mark Zuckerberg, on orabout November 2 4 11, 2003 among other considerationtendered, see exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereofof this complaint.

10. Upon information and belief, the Seller simply transferred theoriginating website business from TheFacebook.com intoFace book.com, and ultimately into Face book, Inc. which is a

*continuum of the Purchaser's acquisition from the date of thecontract until the present time, and also a continuum of thebusiness from pre-incorporation to incorporation of Facebook.

I1I Since April 2811', 2003, the Purchaser has complied with theterms and conditions of the contract and the Seller has failed tosimilarly comply with the terms of the contract to the detrimentof the Purchaser,

12. Upon information and belief, Facebook is a closely heldcorporation of which the Seller is presently the majoritystockholder, see exhibit D attached hereto and made a parthereof of this complaint,


ISMt SrneET - HOMNF IL. N y 1 A04a - TCLeOHONF MYO) 32 3232

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WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, Paul D. Ceglia, hereby demands byDeclaratory judgement against the Defendants, Mark ElliotZackerberg, Individually, and Facebook, Inc. for an enforcement ofthe terms and conditions of the April 23r" 2003 con tract whereinPlaintiff would acquire 84% interest of Facebook, Inc. arnd for aJudgment for an Accounting wherein Plaintiff would obtain afurther Judgment against the Defendants in the amount of 84%6of any and all monies realized by the Defendants from April 28J12003 to the present time, along with the costs, disbursements, andattorney fees for this action.

June 29, 2010 Paul .Arg ntieri, sq.

Attorney for Plain iff188 Main StreetHornell, New York 14843607-324-3232


108 MAIN GTRCST - HIORNELL, N.YV 14ASA - ThUe,NONIr <0O, 2-3232

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P -D Cegi


Paul D, Ceglia, being duly sworn, says that the deponent is thePlain tiff in the within action; that deponent has read the foregoingVerified Comnplaint, and knows the contents thereof ; that the same istrue to his own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to bealleged on information and belief and that as t se ma ers de onentbelieves it to be true.

---------------------- ---- -----------PD. Ceglia

Sworn to before Wme thi2tDay of June, 20




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Entity Information Page I of 2

NYS Department of State

Division of Corporations

Enfity Information

The information contained in' this database is current through June 25, 2010,

Selected Entity Name: FACEBOOK, INC.Selected Entity Status Information

Current Entity Name:' FACEBOOK, INC.Initial DOS Filing Date: AUGUST 06, 2009


Current Entity Status: ACTIVE

Selected Entity Address InformationDOS Process (Address to which DOS will mail process if accepted on behalf of the entity)CORPORATION SERVICE COMPAN~Y80 STATE STREETALBANY, NEW YORK, 12207

Registered AgentNONE

This office does not record information.regardingthe names and addresses of officers, shareholders ordirectors of nonprofessi ona] corporations except thechief executive officer, if provided, which would belisted above. Professional corp orations.rmust include

the name(s) and address(es) of the initial officers,directors, and shareholders in the initial certificateof incorporation, however this information is niot

recorded and only available by vievAng thecertificate.

"~Stock Information

# of Shaires Type of Stock S Value per ShareNo Information Available

*Stock information is aDDlicable tn dr)mp,qtjr )iipc rnrnnra+-,c

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* Entity Lnformation Page 2of 2

Name History

Filing Date Name Type Entity NameAUG 06, 2009 Actual FACEBOOK, INC.

A Fictitious name must be used when the Actual name of a foreign entity is unava ilable for u~se in NewYork State. The entity must use the fhctitious name when conducting its activities or businet~s in New

York State.

NOTE: New York State does not issue organizational identification numbers.

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***(<~ ..


EXKI~JT A'4>7 .


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u*ac Ir the mers nw&As kor If; opwailofi

Thefolowig ei~a hve~eemeain apcl~~lselm iadheritPaFr "Dic P=,o* u" Weir itom to mdiu aid tit udw Amt we,mmimrPMJCHASER PaWi Cogia adt pay Ib oil damm an d hogfin e9mo tom tI e, Nin& mo6vi underCONTRACTOBJSUE1R - ?Imt Zuckmber& hh Aim, thi oofn n alrM fi he will mawanim cootml of the= 2urvim~

employecsaupplkes, or suonintm Imish;ng nVheluli f rsoe or at an timm

CUSTOSIret .,* 6.. Ai iiy~1oIg exu.s~dl~ a M&aio md wry odimerconstruion or odwe wervioms form 1he Paralme r 'o~Ado ~o ~ulma~pi4eSleimetgodrm b

rvqut,ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tw,s t4wa Mbed.inpek f aare t*ti n~ ttty ~ Str to e mde oda mem Lbeonm

The omftm, b"wme gm Pumbua wd Seller m-A arhme mWeament and'*ork mak ft h rfe m l , wo 90arm 11*11411 VOuu,M, 4097 Ift 6. SdIWUMt of C0C f6t8.m,aPat the work to be IM*ieithd &mcitly ft 'be SteedPax Dcabme an kb In t eveart *.M &bi purmw ~ tni of 0galprnent: wtkh bProgmitnIS ImqmW teo be pmVdby Sll= sia;la" ftm Otis Primn i mckfiil ceof diggiits b&wwn theScond it is J ftesawg-poX adfxPuete n gm Qrs The Petm ad & efa

fbrt6eprqmotSae:r hw rcVuir;hg reterWo or ea~pawl to be fetesb by Ibe, Sellcr, the Sellera1rad irft Oa s dsiedtooffffIhDslWcW of £ffawd uixivansity WMeatDbe boatodwoi&smhev i1hatbarePuweirlbonnelby6me

wmto a weshe Aimilir toa Hlincttion1oig yearbook with time work6g rto tePlm om.~lb ~l$1lI1ia adttnimkatMe dnU~ Vwx BW mme theemmft. protj&d A theSA1.olltm tiAe r4ft to PAftaicte in

Im eduemat of 3*y d;gpmE t flm utImbt weler 'wil) be asomweIti s agreed iedf Porrhner wMl own A half Iterest (50%) int the mfhim atmb

tlgmiimen~bwlz7 Inatd~dedl~rIbexpovbo~ofNo intemt dtall aceme ony pwnoW) offiAwkm dw IkeSdIff, whiiah iqthat simice bo a larger modier-~ withheld or dbL*Me m a rmtut of ainy sucdlv" mwxrAa to dwe V%ctwt OVd

3. P"nxmt Tam, e Porter ig ultimrateiy paid h.fttson mWot olt 0*elae1c Sellir2. NYm~~~( Teams aball not be dIM1bl if fit 361le Mnlom brmoitl6m of ike PttwA Rod it

No losorme or premium dwagmi or picle maiaue wiln be allowed iglwdtrmndta be hm;0a' iumow wvme not i cMiPncneWment an0worerid by Prortaw In wrating. No latm In price Runm wffi h irm ad vpcclitJlalom of t Prime Co*wtmt Pending finelthal steed o tht flie heref ivill be ortaidered thoghit thiediplto of a &Rptft hcrojnthe (M Selker "e OeM an be work undea"diadioftbearda. W-wo*MdIwth*glby fte Pufet aThe 49ltesf Op Cast Otsnt tiz Sellf and Mwe Buiyew ltm bvemd Is all kgattz" the fidal ieMoW4 Sanid rev wi&h the 13mi] Spedliacion.mpm 1 mt owt Ba)w agrees to pay t m id* ft-m of 1000 apktbr doe wot gobeperRiftnid Ji orelftid $1,000 Wo dve wtrk to beptrfinmibr lot PluV Bfoor.Lift fie" ame agreed so b a 5% dedoctimub t gellet7 Pmtdoxt

if~~~ ~~ tieplic t2ne~Iadby 1We e dae ad ar kddMdotat 1% Parcher hold scuff r mtm ftr an b&R4n"in sellen, w.ort maydediictinoeac sddy %' otheij" Im dIekytA kWMco Ilig poinL APTMj bopmim ld by and *Hir P"rs &wmeaft ftom tlm dJrrxT requm

The pTJlA L2 du %w )j 1r hZworkmde by puier In 6& vm wkmt*l Ir him- WgementmMay 3l,2003.e el" no~ SIar ktvby,~aWme t be ramumble for anf claleng ROOM t tm

Tho eedpDromvw&MbIc Pmrhmm of the CadosToe Aid lewod iftfi*wwtm fIRM by meorm or"The Pace Booe" ffhan be Jmapwiy I 2004 imd M:aMidllonml 1% bftrnt int (be pommes or Cusormes pomsiaron.ue or awk of mVy umkism fr

thme buinma will bo d=e Mle bv),vr AirmT day ftne c8 sitis delyedlirm qdoemab1IewdrblmeSlrorbrieiofT psrmtC&Ao date. of anty work bm,uniler by fie Sefkr 7be Seller mva to defotd at irs HoleAMmal lijbil may be prmidad Jbr eiWwe pjedt a a a neeided bm%i3 it pm n %aimie**U*t tho OMZOme wn/rtn'Ctmw si o aridffic sole dilacrctloi of (be Buyer. boid hams t membtr andi the Cagmuctre DOW nwd floiris all Gomt,

expaedadpmteer. md dtiaof airy kInd whioh tke Punhawe or Eha4. Cummw mity be oblijmd to "it or iocur by roamm of amy much lmkReo or

actumal Jehienof a patimat or pebtLa The Promirpew aind the CurnmerA) BYPURCHAME - Parhwer agmm &hat Do fi;47ewilon shelt wwwroncwhaw agisiitrmuti Ycm~Idmhewaqof

be iinplrmnrud untO or antem appered by the seller. Thomo irffo ind. m to reor for fte &Rom of MY iso&sunitrevi0ion Thig Indanrftl ann-D ot mmmed to alleRcd or muronal imJY4%mxmAsul multing

shall be tramaittitil fix wrtbmn TpurvE Do mflleE. ft b Scee wifioeth doPmltnurat&A or Cuitawrimn desivi,b) RY SELLERt - The StUaer apmee dme no flarM-Ww rv sio hall be I itoctiom prmmm, or ftnmah"f prridod, boweme. awstt Same opra

imp1miented wntll or aai approved1 by Buyer TIxost be i wpo,Ribole if it 4ini~obntr io asum The line Sellr sbmuld linme beenrevigiomt Sb&n be taiw lt fer wommte iqpia bo Ite Stee avemm of a pcm%blo alk$Sd or namWe irdnlhgarveint meif* &Qom lhoPox Purchsing Deptartnment Porchanen or Cuaowes degign. ftwienictiome procnim or formulan and

f01%b moeJ *e Parde"MI of On&2 l iiy

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T 9

8, Ansiuorrurnt of Subtataneru-mg A) Whenever the SellRu hus knowledge dat amy a=41 mt prtentWa laborhiih hsOdrnrU ih,olpig tmnc due hcucnder gipu dk gor threabona to delaydthe time4 cm or oamassigable m0 WnieraTle (n k'cudiy .Or Ld"nes ar thrio)s orer the shal % imed ngie notc t

I Pda ur e rhasoe?a prior wrenc contsent, And except As to inding tul rdx:I,nM inromaditan vith rexpee theret. to &Ceputchancy of -vffutLrieg om KundaIrd cornmirca Artices nm p". die postlneer.StIlet chAll not tubtomact:e any rta6oIr portion. of rabs work encopaaIIed b) The Sell"r ahxll inart seanee of thiA clausc including &itby daig Order %,it)hout the uthacharre'a prior witten tplaoa). Tne pawagraph (h) in miy subt6vr aipply %gmenin heo=udet i. toPurchterrshnn not be reqiured to =OIertaAgnmrvntOf which a labor I:R"p "it d&Ay the tisnely p rensof that

aushornscr nid ridcis taprio wd~ eaien ~'order mcial rinat tch "ach vulatir upply wgene hofThc buyer acrialI that there will be mwo 6than cubcnoracm warling provide thariin the emAent imelroy parforrnee is dtixytd or

ontis prceaec thiz wor wil be *aerieLd pmovided a rnomapett: And Tbretened bT delry by =i achn) or pmventW et b dimputr, the.wotk rnwld for Ir asWeent e no place, vubticr Sellearha" irnmediabdyyn.Afy ita tiert ig ia We Sler orSelltats, a the ct: may kc ofiII zdevn mnlon;tion' with.,Hpxc9. PM76CM7asyRWo to Much cliapure.

It it colde that this s awork masde forAte, ppmrnent And thata11 lntreetus. propergt rK n paet Eitam at i of Scloefix.1ne. 15, Indannity ~rurinafeContcaeovi/SlikAMl cods in porion or in its comIalrebe (orn remain the property of CorartVerWdor tai defend indenity and Wnzs Street Pa fromSreeFalnlfhcnro bcaopplcd hrrundeei'nyeat deiecd any and all clahYsit, in,Isc, drtapoa, cr rarlanItt, wlaether ca&n Dd;n gc&mrdanccArit1b qxcifiatiorus ordainx EmniRhed or ationteod by the or conuibubed Wa by the ncgligraumo &Sea Pax, im dimm.t orPurchasser ar ins Customner, sPmb innmx "hal nort be reproduced "sepc wamplaytex or otherwise. on ancount of.iohytiv to or dci1h of arny Andwith the rMovid of the Yurchmff and, at Applicible, GcaCwo=&'; id alD.Perfo .Is vilort5ioet i"idvMGQAl The CqnraerVor,ldrvuringp, phtInDraphx, data, softwar, and ot$ei-.teen material Or trubeobctan rroftk*ytaif Cnnkwtmf Vado; the ftbeooaect.inf!ortion supplied in contacc6in thanrt sh hall aaltne. emai arid, or Sut VLz6.Ha iA aid AD dat,4r to Propetty to .d,mnsoeethe propoey of ThevcacrorsCtmnandlac:rhrcd, bllo.E.unhi d by rvend no, or i the aare,pmnqdy qspn rc- t Rthe complettion, tanrntion ot ccrlAtion euoa or enra f ln$tn ennirigrpia erroo iof this order. In the evetm that SurrtFat defrulro on ionymoen tnyr 2M ,re connetd wItas unssid erbs d lar dhis ef6ntrAc4 oreights would be granted to selmer clao rmction,hd e. in'y re" of ordiuLg

10. Tnnin dondurig the poso ace6dapMaxo FUe Ifrfy of0,TmiainCon waesoefVerdc sub nru4 th~a~e.Or agrntsr upon orADEFAULTr- Tho llua4vser may trtinate tais oder or any putr in plria,ity in the pC~r of Se& xNqt8fnrigd

rtneof by vhie6fWli*tkx if (he Sellnn foregoing, notig heri cct, rsfa bootodaN ana) faIn 0t make dcelis or to ormnk# performane of im ind"rel,fi CiO st tile sole tieg)igh of siiWat PikcKitationa heareunder v;Iin rThe time uatcig6d men

* oMrarec ridh thle #&ried schedulct uniml~ mch failure i. &V 16. PubIltyto o of God, nie othmctavwih meyond te .Selcalr O bapooaAeojvpvrdean ocontaol of the Seller. mnake vpeedchr Aourt or ohecvise ptiblitize the Citrne ot- HcUpIc ofb) ra4 to comply with thA erms ated coodftionas ofthe ctar tir Prch tOe. or Mel, gmain M t2;1g%;,laour rkil Tilthage

*order And does not mit such kdait rwithin a period oftean (10) Ovrt withouit.firstxitin;I the -6dticortatit ofWEycr.& dedOafter trines, notice therecf.pirdct hc

to proceehsgsWideramty lw adttir(gtobast"wpy, procrager or nrutfacrued it iaWil i elafy&octintol-tncy, or the relief of dcbtwen. the Buyer In conteztioan wtthpeformtance of dur dOnh'= rent4 bShould the Pur-hasaa elect to earm;taw kox 4ciwk tile Pbireb"Cer noay used by The Buyer for cil pup Iosx: elding th de contant and to im

rake p6icivion of a of mry of the zortsa to be Lk~d hereund= performnce without 6lit7hr tlarrefor to the Scbmwhd6 atv; ine Selleres poRmesion wuthoux regard to tag ofcatniActuan ank ty cosntrilcto or tusnihe work to a completed On 18, Graemal Noon

aut ion a ma finy arer f eoet aiasaron~Axty Sellr shal! fatevaer thia puchase order numnber on all doomennadiditimnal coa,Es or caflmm 6,curred lay the Puadhvcr o,rer and above Andilm oaeyesndance related to dhis orderthemidgin9dpunreepricet firont ie StAl,r pkm fceter RhAll be forthe accourvy of sthe Sam .. 'fI aigmMat below w.ill crocutt: this coreIamIn all evnkt the Purchaser shal not be or become Uablrc thde Serlme oramy third party dairning through or under the Seiler fat any portion of Bume - Panthe prie oa'any itarn thAi PanctAner ciects nor TO accept Foallorvingnoat of btanintitn for defhu)l.9-l

T'he Seller Aetna an deliver the itseni to be supplied lieexnder fore and Mr ukt iiti-r or AlD urua, axcaets. andi Cimins OF acur, or nmelill mnand the larEert trayp wiAhol pynmti pending rede;pt of evidence9f( L .re 2Y rin forra Ind vabsaftnce satisleoiy to itc f the ibneana of suach itrtna,cl,rimo antd Ldorammv

12. Goea Ljtvr'Mis lhirch9sc Order Arid Arty mtaterial vreaing thateto oWa be govItmedby die lams ofi Tesatem inted whic Th.sraebaa&al offk%mhnt isvu theordtt iA located.

if the Sencer should srer tamy darrtiTes AAs a meult of antittuet,inluiuwn in Any ninner due rowpeie lrag, on rte pae ofianother

msnutt,eur of Sacr th el sd=hAl pay ov&r ib thS Peaseas. AnyAa Purelwne huasauffereda= a ressul of the ga=i prie fi*ag within aIvaamnalIlirime after- the da"tIxrmaecovered by , Te Seller.

14. Notieof brirputt%

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Division of Corporations - Offline Ser-vices Page I of 2

wv,, ln,L. ToAlOW <Iaosm 1 4!oiraIa .sccrtIy I Cotota' I I~ r)fl ipk I Swui, Ago,rv

Departmoent of Stato; Division of Co'rporationni

2009 Amended Annual Franchise Tax ReportYou.r Sevelan, 10 13 ME3661-S34009 TW fle n rlb e 383ilt once a Station In it sA,rad, oth SpJor1 V ond fIt- num,be, Ag nogdod to signon io thIn e oln gin, The Golon ID wl b 0vaid~ for hY ooK%,s VOw4n R Set sta ID it 3s,,,d, the ArjalI Report is no] =ontdK*d Mee, TheAnrluQl Rupon In ow. ri~,I.~.ub.Tnad ad pFmm olved.s nonry and lmruu riwill be chorpod If comlpqid 0w~t Marh

APQufedIC FI@102

PlomaS hiolthiyour Annual Rapnthas. alreadyboIo filed far the Tax Year 2001).All latorm,tilon Provided onl tha max% m,r,ni.r,nugf r,poni on his will be rapinowd by fIf chil. Aended "Part,You~ mullt" Iir All 6%td aogain wen filing Uilm amended haporrl.In ImS dbirroid farmn,

Flia Nubr' 32358015Corporptlan.Nam,e: FACESOOK INC,

reatraI Employer MD: F- PIncrpoation Data: WrA2DD4

Agent Number: 9030014Agent Wune,l: CORPORATIONJ SERVICE COMPANY


Ellen. DE23p Codcs 191301

rranc,IhIso Taxi & 0.C.S100.0t) Ponao)ty; a D013

I.GVq' MWonthly Intorast I S,4RO.16ArmnuAl FIling Psen 31 5O00)

Pre,,iou. rXrdlJt/D4IanCw v M2.470.415 CRPrseeld Quartery Poyrn.mvnie 1 0.00

Amousnt DUR: 11 0,00

OleIgnaltoni Par Vwlkvoi No. or Taw.sgag~n Ott. End Data I10 CIA"i No. of She"&t sler. llr, la~suad Gro. Aunsn, A8.61 D,ts lmmiooryyyy)

COMMON J.D56C,4 0 O .0DChPPEFERPED 115,B00,280 Q0 F -

OG126=900 11120r0005 COMMON X?11,200,000 .000006

PREFERRED 113,000.200 '001;

Total l D T0274=~Da W12109 COMMON 02&D4G,4Qfl D00215

PREFERRED 11,545,686 DDW5

Fnd DAN W FecalI YGAn. F21f2009 E)ern

Prarn DAt"! W (sefl,rrr I T

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RtcoDfoufof Tax I r

Principal Place of Business U~I I WrJ~I UN D STATES; 0~

Case 1:10-cv-00569-RJA Document 6-2 Filed 07/09/2010 Page 16 of 16