celebrating 73 success stories

73 success stories Celebrating

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A look at 73 of our greatest accomplishments in the past couple of years.


Page 1: Celebrating 73 Success Stories



Page 2: Celebrating 73 Success Stories

2 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

Seventy-threesuccess stories.

Seventy-threereasons to celebrate.

This booklet could just have easily been called 173 Success Stories. Or 1,073 Success

Stories. The point is that the last two years have been a period of incredible achievement for all of us here at The Scarborough Hospital.

We have done the impossible. We have racked up accomplishments and achievements that would have been unthinkable 24 months ago. We’ve kept growing and building and moving the organization forward, all while provid-

ing the excellent patient care that is our core business.

And by “we” I mean every single one of us. The successes in this booklet are what happens when everyone rows together—when everyone is determined to do better, to make improvements, to put patients first.

My only regret is that we couldn’t list all of our achievements here. Seven-ty-three is far from an exhaustive list, and I know many of you have per-

sonal or department accomplishments of which you are very proud. Also, it is important to keep in mind that this list is in no way ranked—the numbers are merely to showcase the volume of achievements, not to suggest some are more or less significant than others.

Today you should be proud. Of what you have achieved personally and what we have achieved together. Every single one of you is part of this TSH success story.

Yet our journey is far from over. Striving for excellence is now a part of our cul-ture, and we will continue to improve as a hospital. Two years from now, I hope we can celebrate another 73 accomplish-ments that equal those presented here.

I am proud to be the CEO of this hospital and I would like to thank each and every one of you for your commit-ment and all your hard work. It’s been a tough two years and the journey wasn’t always smooth, but just look at what we’ve accomplished.

Thank you!

Dr. John Wright President and CEO

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 3March 2011

1 dramatic staff satisfaction gains: When it comes to physician and staff satisfaction, a 2 per cent

increase is considered good. Five per cent is considered re-markable. So what do you call an improvement of 13 per cent? Monumental. in fact, the organization that collected our survey data tells us they have never seen such dramatic gains—anywhere. at TSh, every single category showed significant improvement, clearly signaling a renewed commitment to our hospitals and our patients.









Jan-Dec 2008 Current Period

Employee Commitment% positive score

2 social media leaders: The

Scarborough hospital was an early adopter of social media, and remains a leader with hundreds of engaged Friends and Followers across several channels including Twitter, Facebook, linkedin and YouTube. We were one of the first hospitals in canada to promote a dialogue with our community using a wide range of social networking platforms.

3 staying safe: We underwent a major shift in the way we report a wide range

of events and incidents, thanks to SaFe (Safety & accountability For everyone). This electronic reporting system—which captures everything from minor safety concerns like potholes in the parking lot to unexpected events—has been an overwhelming success and well-received by clinicians at all levels.

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4 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

4 c. diff: TSh could have used excuses when it had poor c. diff rates two years ago—aging

buildings, no storage space, few private rooms, many shared bathrooms—but it didn’t. instead, everyone got on board and made changes result-ing in an unprecedented 94 per cent drop in cases. impressive results for a hospital that posted one of the worst rates in the province just a few years ago.

5 Vre: public reporting of patient safety measures like Vre was welcomed by TSh

and coincides with our commitment to be transparent and accountable. current rates are posted regularly on the hospital’s website, and an aggressive screening process for patients has contributed to consistently low Vre rates at TSh.

6 mrsa: Strengthening TSh’s infection control department and putting a strong focus on

infection control practices in all departments of the hospital have had a positive impact on quality of care. MrSa rates, for example, are typically well below the provincial average.

8 new di system a world first: We may not be a big downtown hospital, but that doesn’t stop us from being on the leading edge. an

investment in new digital technology made TSh the first in the world to run two key diagnostic imaging systems on an integrated platform—a major benefit for cardiac patients who can now get faster, more accurate diagno-ses and treatment.

7 Balanced Budget: it’s a lot more complex than our budgets at home,

but the principles are the same—the money coming in has to cover the costs going out. Through a consistent program of fiscal responsibility and hard work at the unit level, TSh has maintained a balanced budget for the past three years, putting us in a strong position when seeking addi-tional investments to improve patient care.

Battling Superbugs

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 5March 2011

10 i care aBout Values: The

buttons worn by so many of our staff, physicians and volunteers say it all. integrity, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence resonate as important values, and as more than words in a document. i care has become more than a slogan. it is now a way of providing outstanding care to our patients, and for welcoming visitors to our hospital.






ICAREIntegrity • Compassion • Accountability

Respect • Excellence

11 from i care to eye care: a great example of our ongoing

pursuit of healthcare excellence, The eye centre, located at the birchmount campus, performs close to 6,000 cataract surgeries a year, and is the largest provider of cataract surgery of its kind in canada.

12 yee Hong dialysis satellite: providing life-saving dialysis for hundreds of patients at TSh each day is something we do

well—and our regional Nephrology program is the largest in North america. The opening of a satellite dialysis unit in partnership with Yee hong is just one more way we are providing excellent patient-centred care, closer to home.

9 Breastfeeding rates increase: Breast milk is best for baby and we’re making sure

newborns get the best start possible at TSH. New moms get all the facts here about breast-feeding—including the risks of formula feeding. The results? A 127 per cent increase in babies who are exclusively breastfed at discharge. Re-markable results for a hospital that was criticized less than a year ago for having one of the worst breastfeeding rates in the GTA.

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6 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

15 community adVisory council: The structure is

unique in the province—a community advisory council (cac) that is indepen-dent, and reports directly to the board of Directors. bridging the gap between the community and the hospital, the cac has already racked up some impres-sive accomplishments in its short his-tory, including assisting with the budget process and helping obtain the go-ahead for the new Mri at birchmount.

16 etHics: ethics is every-body’s business at TSh.

a new program was created in 2010 that aims to integrate ethics through TSh in clinical and non-clinical areas. hospital staff and physicians now have more resources including a clinical ethics decision-making tool.

13 telecommunications improVements: TSh is answering the phone faster, providing better customer service. a leaner workflow and new technol-

ogy have improved efficiency in the Telecommunications Department. response times for callers to the hospital have decreased by 66 per cent.

17 emergency wait times: There’s no ‘magic

bullet’ when it comes to improving wait times in ontario’s emergency Departments, as a recent auditor general’s report states. Still, several of our frontline initiatives, such as the performance improvement project and rapid assessment unit, have improved most Ministry of health and long-Term care targets for wait times in our emergency Departments.

14 Hand Hygiene cHampions: When the province first announced in 2009 that it

would be publicly posting hand hygiene rates, TSh’s were far from impressive. after a focused campaign and plenty of hard work, staff moved that rate up—way up, as it turns

out—posting the best rates in the province. Since then, TSh continues to be a leader in hand

hygiene in the province.

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 7March 2011

20 foundation restructured: renewal

and restructuring hasn’t been limited to the hospital—TSh’s Foundation has un-dergone a similar process of rebuilding. The result is a stronger Foundation and a committed Foundation board ready to take on the big campaigns the hospital will need to move forward.

21 ortHopedic wait times: TSh has a high volume of hip

and knee replacement surgeries but our skilled orthopedic team ensures our patients don’t wait any longer than necessary. in fact, at 124 days for hips, and 130 days for knees, TSh is well below the provincial wait time target of 182 days.

22 mental HealtH consolidation: a bright,

newly renovated space greeted patients and staff when Mental health Services consolidated from three separate loca-tions into one 50-bed unit at the birch-mount campus last year.

19 interprofessional practice: our clinical pro-

fessionals bring a great deal of experi-ence and knowledge to their roles each day, and we are fortunate to have an environment where each profession is encouraged to work to full scope, to use current evidence-based practices and to be supported in being the best we can be. The interplay of professions, where each discipline is valued, where no dis-cipline is more important than another and the sharing of expertise towards meeting patient goals ultimately results in safer care, better outcomes and in-creased satisfaction.

18 worsHip centre: both of our campuses were founded as strong faith-based organizations, and our new Worship centre in the general campus’s

West Wing reflects that proud history. The Worship centre, which welcomes patients and visitors from all faiths, features a beautiful stained glass window made from the previous chapel’s window inserts, and furniture made from the original chapel’s pews.

“Despite the many challenges and criticisms facing healthcare in Ontar-io in recent years, The Scarborough Hospital has evolved into a leaner, more transparent and more account-able organization that is recognized

for a number of governance best practices. Our Board bylaws, which hardwire community engagement, are a model for

other hospitals. Our Board members are skills-based, bringing invalu-able governance experience to their role. And our commitment to the hospital’s Mission, Vision and Values is transforming the way we care for our patients. I am proud to have been a part of this evolution, and I look forward to even greater achieve-ments in the years to come.”

—Michael MuellerChair, Board of Directors

“The nurses in the Palliative Care Unit did a really good job caring for my wife. They have a very tough job, but they do it very well. And when we needed them, they were there for us.”

—Harvey WalkerThe exceptional care his wife received inspired Harvey to make a $100,000 donation to TSH in her memory.

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8 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

23 Hospital goes smoke-free: We’re walking the walk and talking the talk. as healthcare workers we know we need to set a good example for our patients

and visitors, so we decided to butt out, making the hospital a smoke-free facility. Many employees have even quit for good.

24 critical care consolidates: our old icu,

ccu and aMu at the general campus were dreary and cramped spaces where the only thing separating patients was a drape. The new critical care centre is a 22-bed unit with state-of-the-art technology and private rooms with natural light, where the nurses’ stations are strategically located to allow for optimum visual monitoring of patients.

“Creating a unified organization following the amalgamation of two different hospitals has been no easy task for The Scarborough Hospital, but our physicians have been mak-ing great strides in achieving just that. Over the past couple of years, The Scarborough Hospital has begun to appoint corporate medi-cal chiefs for our programs, helping standardize processes and care across both campuses. Many of our programs are already led by a single chief, and our Diagnostic Imaging program is currently recruiting for that role. I am proud of our physician leadership for taking an active part in achieving a “one hospital” vision for TSH, and I know our community—and our hospital—will be better served as a result of their commitment.”

— Dr. Steven JacksonChief of Medical Staff

25 sHared Hospital laB: in october 2009, the introduction

of the Shared lab between TSh, Toronto east general and North York general cut the turnaround time for c. difficile test results from two days to less than 24 hours, help-ing to move patients out of the emergency Department faster. having such critical test results faster helps us identify and mitigate the spread of c. diff.

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 9March 2011

28 Hospitalists: everyone involved in the hospitalist program benefits

when there’s daily access on the floor to a physi-cian and an interdisciplinary healthcare team. From improved communication between physi-cians and the team, to enhanced coordination and continuity of care, the hospitalist program is having a positive impact on patient satisfaction.

29 fundraising successes: Sev-eral events held by the Foundation

have proved to be excellent ways to raise funds for the hospital and to engage both new and existing community and corporate donors. golf and hockey tournaments, as well as a successful Scarborough garden party, have set the stage for future events that will help raise money and build the profile of The Scarborough hospital in our community.

27 pain management: Managing pain in a way that focuses on

the whole patient and takes into account culture and language is important at The Scarborough hospital. recently, more than two dozen nurses became pain champions to help assess and minimize patient pain.

30 complaint resolution: resolving patient complaints quickly and effectively is a key goal of patient relations, and is so impor-

tant for a positive patient experience. That’s why we’re proud of the steady improvement from an average of 27 days in 2009 to our current average of 11 days for resolution. a more timely resolution of complaints leads to increased patient and family satisfaction.

26 rapid assessment unit: No man is an island, and no medical

unit in our hospital can work successfully in a bubble. When there’s collaboration—such as the eight-bed rapid assessment unit de-veloped and implemented between Medi-cine and the eD—great things happen. The rau has helped reduce the average length of stay (aloS) for patients in the eD who are waiting for an inpatient bed to 11 hours from 17 hours.

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10 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

35 paedlink: an innovative approach to ‘fast track’ children and their families from the emergency Department to a pediatric clinic— called

paedlink— has reduced wait times. More importantly, paedlink has alleviated much of the fear and anxiety experienced by children and, of course, their par-ents, in visiting the hospital.

33 decision support: You can’t run a modern hospital

without detailed data and information analysis, and when it comes to under-standing key performance indicators, wait time data and other clinical and non-clinical business information, staff and management are able to turn to our performance and Decision Support Department. armed with their expertise, staff and management are better able to understand emerg-ing trends and make confident deci-sions that help us improve efficiency and patient care.

36 ems offload rn: TSh is help-

ing paramedics get out of the emergency Depart-ment quickly and back on the road responding to 911 calls. Through a partnership with eMS, a dedicated nurse handles patients brought in by paramedics so that they don’t have to stay with pa-tients for several hours in the emergency Department.

31 new logo: as part of the organization’s renewal process,

a revised TSh logo was unveiled. The new logo is sleeker, brighter and more modern—just like the new TSh.

34 accreditation: Staff, physicians and volunteers all

contributed to the success of TSh achiev-ing a full three-year accreditation from accreditation canada in october 2009, while our laboratory services met all of the requirements of the ontario laboratory accreditation, awarding a full four-year certificate for both campuses.

38 Better waitingrooms: The new West

Wing afforded us the opportunity to enhance patient comfort by design-ing larger and brighter waiting rooms in the emergency Department—including a children-friendly area—and for patient registration. The birchmount recently revamped its eD waiting area with new seating and a more efficient registration process.

37 compliments are up: patients are happier with

their experiences at the hospital, saying staff and physicians are more compassionate and caring. in fact, compliments received by patient relations are up close to 50 per cent year over year, a true testament to staff and physicians living the Mis-sion, Vision and Values.

32 Patient satisfaction on its way uP: Throughout

TSH, staff and physicians are launching TSH, staff and physicians are launching initiatives designed specifically to improve patient satisfaction, and their work is paying off. The most recent survey results show four units have patient satisfaction rates above the GTA average: CP3 (Orthopedics) and 4Central Surgery at the General campus and Cardiac Stepdown and 4A (Surgery) at the Birchmount campus.

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 11March 2011

40 rotman: Developing our leaders is a priority

for the hospital, and our second round of staff and physicians are currently enrolled in the prestigious rotman leadership Develop-ment program. The projects being completed by this group are geared toward improving patient care and internal business processes, helping TSh better fulfill its Mission, Vision and Values.

42 reVitalizing Volunteer

serVices: We couldn’t function without the dedication of our hun-dreds of volunteers, so we embarked on a total revitalization of Volunteer Services by providing enhanced training and more support staff. This has led to added responsibility for art shows displayed in the art gallery, increased outreach to the commu-nity and a renovated gift shop at the general campus. our volunteers continue to raise funds for hospital equipment through new and exciting events, not to mention the tradition-ally popular bazaars and gift shops.

41 planning for surgical expansion: TSh keeps getting better. While celebrating the completion of the West Wing at the general campus, local Mpp

brad Duguid delivered more good news: a $3 million planning grant for the redevelopment of the general’s outdated surgical suites and expanded pre-surgical services.

39 code stemi: every 75 minutes, a patient comes

to the hospital with chest pain. To provide the best care possible for cardiac patients, TSh imple-mented code STeMi in partnership with rouge Valley. This successful partnership helps ensure cardiac patients are immediately routed to the right test or procedure and is resulting in better outcomes for patients.

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12 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

46 senior team more VisiBle:

Safety rounds, bed meetings, walkabouts, job shadow-ing, leaN exercises, morning huddles—you name it, and members of the senior man-agement team can be found actively participating at the front line. “in moving to a leaN culture, we want to get away from long meetings in meet-ing rooms, and really focus on front-line, real-time problem solving,” explains lindsey crawford, TSh’s Vp of patient Services. “being a support at the front line is where man-agement can really make a difference.”

“The Scarborough Hospital gave me the gift of life—twice. I am really grateful for all of the doc-tors and nurses who saved me. If they hadn’t, I wouldn’t be here today. I wouldn’t be able to hang out with my friends. I would have died at a young age. I’m extremely grateful.”

— MICHELLE LYMichelle is a former patient who had a massive heart attack last year and was brought by ambulance to the Birchmount campus—the same hospital where she was born just 14 years earlier.

45 clinical action planning: our clini-

cal action plan (cap)—the most intensive project undertaken by us, engaging staff and physicians from every corner of the hospital—is nearing its ultimate goal as business cases for nine out of the original 32 recommendations will soon be presented to the Steering commit-tee. From there, a final report will be submitted to the board of Directors later this year.

43 surgical cHecklist: Since province-wide imple-

mentation of surgical checklists, our compliance rates have consistently remained around the 100 per cent mark. This speaks volumes to our emphasis on patient safety. The surgical checklist is the final check prior to surgery used to ensure everyone in the or has all the medical information they need about the patient.

44 clinical pastoral education: our unique

Spiritual and religious care department’s clinical pastoral education program attracts theological students and ordained clergy from diverse backgrounds, denominationally as well as ethnically and culturally. These students bring broad education and experience in the care they provide for our patients and families.

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 13March 2011

47 gain clinic: caring for our diverse community is a priority,

and that includes our large and growing seniors population. To help seniors live independently, safely and with dignity, we have opened a geriatric assessment and intervention Network (gaiN) clinic, where referred patients are seen by an interprofessional geriatric team outside of the emergency Department. The result is specialized geriatric care, which may include home support—allowing elderly patients to avoid unnecessary hospital visits and admissions.

48 new mri for BircHmount: Mpp gerry

phillips said it best when he announced a second Mri for The Scarborough hospital: “This isn’t a gift. You’ve earned it.” The new Mri—to be located at the birchmount campus—will help us better serve the Scarborough community.

49 GOING GREEN: Green projects

help the environment and, at TSH, are saving money. The IS Department implemented a green project by updating technology, eliminating physi-cal servers and adding more virtual servers. This greening initiative reduces the hospital’s carbon footprint and saves about $50,000 a year in energy costs.

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14 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

50 improVed relations witH moHltc, lHin: Senior staff at TSh

have made a concerted effort to improve relations with the ce lhiN and the Ministry of health and long-Term care through better communications and more face-to-face meetings. This is resulting in real benefits to the organization, such as the recently approved Mri for birchmount.

51 master plans: Where is TSh going? Staff in Facilities can tell you, at least

for the next 25 years. as part of the application process for the new operating rooms at the general site, a master building plan (with the required expansions) has been created for the general, and this will be done at the birchmount in 2011. These plans allow staff to plan ahead, starting the planning (and fundraising) for much needed improvements now.

53 Better food: Meeting the unique needs of each and every patient isn’t limited to clinical care—it means all aspects of the

patient’s journey. To this end, Food and Nutrition Services is working with a local mosque to create better halal meals, and has added additional menu choices to serve other populations. in the coming year, the plan is to add a full roster of choices, ensuring all patients have access to healthy and ap-propriate food.

55 a great place to work: The word is out on the street—TSh is a great place

to work. advertised jobs typically have plenty of qualified applicants, and staff members attending industry events are often asked if there are any openings. and did you know TSh is Scarborough’s largest employer?

54 patHology excellence: our laboratory Services have surpassed many other hospitals by being the only lab in

canada to implement the True positive identification (TpiD) system in pathology. TpiD identifies, labels and tracks the specimen throughout the testing process, using two-dimensional barcode technology.

52 Volunteers raising Big Bucks: When we need them, they are always

there. The Scarborough hospital’s volunteers work tirelessly and their fundraising efforts have landed them at the top of the donor wall with more than $1 million raised for the hospital’s Foundation. one of their most recent projects was the successful car raffle, helping to close the deal on two much needed cT Scanners for the hospital.

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 15March 2011

57 Hsmr: When hSMr was first publicly reported a few years ago, TSh made the front page for having one of the worst rates in the

province. Now, after concerted quality improvements, TSh has dramatically lowered its hSMr figure, becoming one of the top performers in the gTa.

56 keeping our staff healthy: Getting our patients healthy isn’t our only goal at TSH. Our staff matter, too.

Our well-equipped fitness centres at each campus, accessible to members 24/7 at their convenience, boast modern cardio equip-ment and weights, and space for fitness classes.

58 HiVe: all clinicians now have immedi-ate electronic access to emergency

Department records, as well as lab results and Di reports, thanks to health information Viewed electronically (hiVe). The next phase of hiVe will tackle day surgery and inpatient discharges.

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16 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

59 interpreter program: as one of the most diverse

communities in the world, TSh needs to ensure language is not a barrier to care. Full-time interpreters are now avail-able to provide interpretation services in Mandarin, cantonese (birchmount campus) and Tamil (general campus) for TSh patients. based in the emergency Departments, the interpreters can be called on for any department in the hospital.

62 partnersHips witH otHer proViders: in

the last 24 months, TSh has forged strong partnerships with many organizations that allow TSh to dramatically improve the care ex-perience for our patients. Some of these partnerships include the Yee hong dialysis satellite and the new lhiN-wide gaiN clinic and home First partnerships. TSh’s oncology clinic also works in partnership with cancer care ontario’s central east regional cancer program and rouge Valley health System to provide cancer care and treatment to Scarborough residents.

61 positiVe media coVerage: There was

a time when it seemed that TSh was always in the papers— for all the wrong reasons. Today, TSh is consistently the subject of positive coverage in local, national and ethnic media outlets.

60 incorporation of pHysi-cian leadersHip into

senior team: in many hospitals, the Senior Management Team is just “management,” with physician partici-pation limited to the chief of Staff. at TSh, a number of physician leaders are members of the senior team, providing their unique perspective to the discus-sions and decisions. “This is a much more inclusive and transparent way of making decisions,” explains Dr. Wright. “our physician leaders are really helping this organization move forward.”

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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 17March 2011

63 skin-to-skin program: giving newborns the best start is

the focus of all care in the Maternal New-born and childcare Department and the new skin-to-skin policy is doing just that. in a well-baby situation, newborns are placed on their mother’s chest for a minimum of one hour immediately following birth. research overwhelmingly supports that this initiative encourages breastfeeding and helps build strong bonds between mother and baby.

66 iV team innoVation: We are the first hospital in the gTa to

introduce a bedside nurse-driven ultrasound guided picc insertion using the Sherlock Tip location System (TlS). This procedure, carried out by our experienced iV team, eliminates a trip by patients to Diagnostic imaging, increasing patient comfort and sav-ing valuable staff resources.

65 new weBsite launcHes: in January 2010, TSh launched a

clean, simplified and user-friendly website that has made it much easier to engage our patients and our community online. The award-winning site has seen a significant increase in traffic, too, providing us with an efficient, cost-effective way to promote our hospital and our programs and services.


huge issue for patients and visitors to any hospital, and over the past couple of years, we have made great strides in standardizing our cleaning practices. For instance, staff-ing classifications have been standardized across sites, as have most of our clean-ing procedures, such as isolation cleaning protocols. The result has been a huge drop in C. diff rates as we continue to implement an integrated Quality Assurance program throughout our cleaning practices.

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18 The Scarborough hoSpiTalMarch 2011

67 mission, Vision and Values: integrity, compassion, accountability,

respect and excellence aren’t just words on the wall at TSh; they’re how staff, physicians and volunteers deliver care. The new Mission, Vi-sion and Values set the stage for a new day and strengthened the organization as it strives to be recognized as canada’s leader in providing the best healthcare for a global community.

69 new emergency department: open to much fanfare, with dignitaries, donors, tours and multicultural entertainment, the $72

million emergency and critical care centre more than doubles the size of the old eD. State-of-the-art infection control and isolation protocols were in-corporated in the design, and five care zones—pediatric, rapid assessment, critical care, acute care, and ambulatory care—means more efficient care for patients and easier patient flow for emergency staff.

68 connecting witH ourcommunity: Making strong con-

nections with other healthcare providers, social service organizations and cultural and religious organizations is one way TSh has begun to help

patients better navigate the healthcare and social service system. Through the access and equity Department, health-based events are linking the hospital with

hard-to-reach communities and providing better information—and ultimately, better care. We have also introduced a speaker series called “it’s Time to Talk” that shares valuable information about impor-tant health topics with members of our community.

To be recognized as Canada’s leader in providing the best healthcare

for a global community.

I CARE: Integrity • Compassion • Accountability • Respect • Excellence

To be recognized as Canada’s Vision

the best healthcare for a global


I CARE: Integrity • Compassion • Accountability • Respect • Excellence

To be recognized as Canada’s leader in providing the best healthcare Values

To provide an outstanding care experience that meets the unique needs of each and every patient.VisionTo provide an outstanding care







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The Scarborough hoSpiTal 19March 2011

70 doula program: having a baby is one of the most exciting things a family

ever experiences, yet it can also be confusing—especially for first-time moms and those who face language barriers. Now, any expectant mother here can have a doula to help guide her through labour and delivery thanks to a new partnership with Discover birth. The only partnership of its kind in an ontario hospital, this program offers doula services at rates that are based on income.

71 di goes filmless: converting from film-based medical imaging systems to

digital systems in 2004 was similar to changing from a film camera to a digital camera, eliminat-ing messy chemical film processors. The real ben-efits, however, have been enhanced images and electronic storage of medical images for easier access by multiple users. TSh now participates in the canada infoWay electronic medical record initiative, which means authorized users from partner hospitals can access images that were ini-tially produced at other facilities. This reduces the need for repeating studies, saves time, eliminates unnecessary irradiation of patients and reduces costs of duplication.

72 cleaner facilities: Two years ago, you told us in the staff satisfaction survey that we needed to focus on reducing clutter

and improving the overall cleanliness of our hospitals. and we did just that. a staff-led clear the clutter program and a renewed dedication to keeping our workplace clean has made a tremendous difference—both to infection rates and overall aesthetics.

73 tHree million reasons to smile: They’ve barely begun, and the new TSh Foundation has already brought in a mega-gift—$3.1

million—the largest in TSh’s history. and just last year, they presented the hospital with a cheque for another $3 million, earmarked for the West Wing and medical equipment.

“Scarborough is a great community with a vast array and blend of voices. These community voices have been instrumental in helping bring about the improvements that are occurring at TSH, and in the future they will continue to advocate for the unique and diverse health needs of the community.”

—Karen GordonChair, Community Advisory Council

“The many achievements of both the hospital and Foundation are already translating into increased financial support from our community. This is critically important as we continue fundraising for medical equipment and

facilities to better serve our patients.”

—Paul TorrieChair, Board of Directors The Scarborough Hospital Foundation

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E-copies of this publication, along with a longer, unabridged list of recent success stories, are available in the Publications section of our website at www.tsh.to