celebrity 1

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER SUBJECT PAGE NO. Ch.# 1.0 Introduction………………………….. 7 Ch.# 2.0 Research Methodology………………. 10 2.1 Primary Objective……………………. 11 2.2 Hypothesis…………………………… 12 2.3 Research Design…………………….. 12 2.4 Sample Design………………………. 13 2.5 Scope of the Study………………….. 14 2.6 Limitations…………………………… 14 Ch.# 3.0 Critical Review of Literature…………. 15 3.1 Communication Theories…………….. 16 3.2 Models in Celebrities Endorsement…… 21 Ch.# 4.0 Brand, Celebrity and Consumer……… 29 4.1 Brand…………………………………. 31 4.2 Celebrity……………………………... 32 4.3 Celebrity Endorsement……………….. 33 4.4 Celebrity and Brand…………………. 34 4.5 Understanding Consumer Behavior…. 34 Ch.# 5.0 The Advantages and Disadvantages of using Celebrities as endorsers………… 39 Ch.# 6.0 Celebrity Endorsement- An Indian Perspective 47 Ch.# 7.0 Findings and Analysis………………… 51 Ch.# 8.0 Suggestions……………………. 60 Conclusion…………………………… 63 Ch.# 9.0 Bibliography and References………… 67 Annexure……………………………. 70 Ch.# 10.0 Case Study…………………………… 74

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Page 1: Celebrity 1

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement



Ch.# 1.0 Introduction………………………….. 7

Ch.# 2.0 Research Methodology………………. 10

2.1 Primary Objective……………………. 11

2.2 Hypothesis…………………………… 12

2.3 Research Design…………………….. 12

2.4 Sample Design………………………. 13

2.5 Scope of the Study………………….. 14

2.6 Limitations…………………………… 14

Ch.# 3.0 Critical Review of Literature…………. 15

3.1 Communication Theories…………….. 16

3.2 Models in Celebrities Endorsement…… 21

Ch.# 4.0 Brand, Celebrity and Consumer……… 29

4.1 Brand…………………………………. 31

4.2 Celebrity……………………………... 32

4.3 Celebrity Endorsement……………….. 33

4.4 Celebrity and Brand…………………. 34

4.5 Understanding Consumer Behavior…. 34

Ch.# 5.0 The Advantages and Disadvantages of

using Celebrities as endorsers………… 39

Ch.# 6.0 Celebrity Endorsement- An Indian Perspective 47

Ch.# 7.0 Findings and Analysis………………… 51

Ch.# 8.0 Suggestions……………………. 60

Conclusion…………………………… 63

Ch.# 9.0 Bibliography and References………… 67

Annexure……………………………. 70

Ch.# 10.0 Case Study…………………………… 74

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The use of celebrities endorsing brands has been steadily increasing over the past 20 years or

so. Marketers visibly acknowledge the power of celebrity in influencing buyer's purchase

decision and thereby extending the market share of the company. They believe that likeability

or a favorable attitude towards a brand is created by the use of a celebrity. Different kinds of

celebrities are used for endorsement purpose, but two of the most common types are

entertainers and sports persons.

The purpose of this study is to understand the kind of impact these endorsements have on

consumers and there by on the brands. In order to achieve this purpose three research

questions have been considered:

Why and when do brands use celebrities as endorsers? What are the risks involved in celebrity

endorsements? What impact does celebrity endorsements have on consumer behavior?

Research uses primary source of data. The research tools applied for the analysis of data were

mainly statistical tools. The scope of the research is limited to the responses of 100 people

living in Delhi NCR region. On the basis of analysis and the interpretations of the results

obtained certain recommendations and conclusions have been derived from the research.

The main limitation of this research is that the scope of this research is limited to the response

of 100 people who will be filling the questionnaire and thus cannot be generalized for the

whole population.

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It is a known fact that the best endorsements achieve an eclectic balance between the product

(brand) and the celebrity. Giving a brand a 'face' is more than just a marketing strategy to

increase sales or gain market share, it is a decision that can change the future of the brand


Choice of the celebrity, hence, is of utmost importance and is usually done based on many

different parameters - appeal, looks, popularity or even just a fantasy figure to endorse a


In today's highly competitive markets, big brands are at logger-heads when it comes to

products, each having a similar product to that of a rival. Where does one brand gain that

quintessential advantage - advertising, service, promise of trust, or even the all important price

factors? Advertising seems to be the best platform where brands prefer to compete on - right

from hiring the best advertising agencies to getting the biggest celebrities.

The general belief among advertisers is that brand communication messages delivered by

celebrities and famous personalities generate a higher appeal, attention and recall than those

executed by non-celebrities. The quick message-reach and impact are all too essential in

today's highly competitive environment.

India is a country where people are star-struck by film stars, cricketers, politicians, and even

criminals. Why? Populations of 1 billion and ticking, everyday people need something or

someone to look up to. A sense of security, admiration, comfort, familiarity, and above all,

someone they aspire to be at some hidden level in their lives. And clever marketers leverage

this very celebrity appeal and are successfully carrying out their jobs by giving the bottom

lines of all the brands what they want - profit, market share and even recall.

Now, despite the potential benefits derived from celebrity endorsements, they increase a

marketer's risk manifolds and should be treated with full attention and aptitude. A brand

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should be cautious when employing celebrities to ensure promise believability and delivery of

the intended effect. The growing importance of mythical characters as celebrities and their

sway over the target segments are ample proof of public demand for icons to look up to. As

the celebrities traverse from a mere commercial presence to public welfare message

endorsements, a whole new dimension is added to this process and helps us in achieving a

holistic view of the impact which celebrities generate in every sphere and segment through

their well-versed endorsements.

At the end of the day, the questions that need to be answered are: does a company benefit from

a celebrity endorsement? Does anyone buy a product because a Bollywood or TV actor/actress

stands up and reads a script in somewhat convincing manner? Are their distinctions in how

consumers perceive these types of endorsements and respond to them? What happens when a

celebrity endorser gets involved in a public scandal, or worse, dies? Will the product lose

consumer support or perish?

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Research Methodology is the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates

employed by a discipline, the development of methods, to be applied within a discipline and a

particular procedure or set of procedures. It is the maneuver of doing research of particular

problem. This includes type of research, sampling method and data collection sources etc.


The primary objective of this research is to analyze the effect of Celebrity Endorsement on

Consumer Behaviour.


The secondary objectives of this research are as follows:

1. To examine why does the brand uses the celebrities as endorsers

2. To find out when does the brand uses the celebrities as endorsers

3. To find what are the various risk involved in using celebrities as endorsers

4. To examine whether Celebrity endorsement leads to brand enhancement or not

5. To find whether consumer focuses on their needs and cost factor or gets carried away

by brands enhanced by the famous people

6. To find the motivating factors that affects the buying decision of a consumer?


(H0)1 = Celebrity Endorsement does cast an impact on consumer buying behaviour

through advertisements.

(H1)1 = Celebrity Endorsement does not cast an impact on consumer buying behaviour

through advertisements.


A research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain

to research problem and control variances. It is the specification of methods and procedures

for acquiring the information needed. It is overall operational pattern or framework of the

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project that stipulated what information is to be collected and from which source and by what


Research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. A design is used to

structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research project -- the samples

or groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of assignment -- work together to

try to address the central research questions.

Type of research design- DESCRIPTIVE

The research is descriptive in nature. In this project report, firstly primary data was collected

regarding how a celebrity can help a consumer in identification of a product. A questionnaire

was then drafted for the same, to understand the psyche of the customers to know their needs,

expectations and their attitude, their liking and disliking and their views and comments about

Celebrity Endorsement and towards the brand that they see on various media mode.

On the basis of analysis of the result collected from the survey, certain conclusions have been

derived, which are clearly mentioned in detail in the later part of this project report.


Sample design is about choosing how many elements (businesses, people etc) to include in a

survey in order to provide a good basis for measuring economic and social phenomena.

Estimation is about producing aggregate information from data collection in samples. It

includes calculating quality measures based on sampling (sampling errors).

The procedure by which a few subjects are chosen from the universe to be studied in such as

way that the sample can be used to estimate the same characteristics in the total is referred to

as sampling.

The data collected is in the form of a questionnaire as primary data and certain studies which

have already been conducted are also considered which will be used as secondary data.

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Type of sample design- CONVEYNCE

The research is to be based on non probability sampling technique which attempts to obtain a

sample of convenience element. The survey conducted involves a sample of 100 elements.


The research conducted attempts to find out the effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer

buying decision. In order to achieve this purpose a survey has been conducted which include

100 elements from Delhi NCR region.

Thus the scope of the study is limited to the response of 100 elements only.


Research project are hindered in their smooth flow by some unforeseen problems. The

problems arise in the form of constraints with time and scope of study. Some of the limitations

in the course of research are as follows-

Sampling error- the research included a small sample size, which can not determine the

characteristics of the total population.

Limited time- since we are restricted to just four months to cover the work, which is

less to undergo the entire study.

At times the information given by the respondents were found to be contradicting in


Also, sometimes the respondents were reluctant to give their time in order to fill the


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3.1.1 The one step communication model

3.1.2 The two step flow model

3.1.3 Elements of communication


3.2.1 Source Credibility Model

3.2.2 Source Attractiveness Model

3.2.3 Product Match-up Model

3.2.4 Meaning Transfer Model

When researchers first began to study mass communication, they thought that media was all-

powerful. They developed the ONE STEP FLOW also called the HYPODERMIC NEEDLE

MODEL. In this model, media is seen as a powerful hypodermic needle that injects

information directly into the mind of the masses, which are eager to receive it. This way the

masses would know what they were told to know and do what they were told to do through the

power of mass communication.


The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful

effect on their audiences. In the 1940s and 1950s mass media were perceived as a powerful

influence on behavior change. Several factors contributed to this "strong effects" theory of

communication, including: the fast rise and popularization of radio and television, and the

emergence of the persuasion industries, such as advertising and propaganda.

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By the year 1940, researchers realized that there was more to simple mass communication

cause and effect model. They became aware that while people do get some of their

information from the media directly, it wasn’t the media alone that made them act.

While the mass communication does have some effect, the strongest influence comes from the

interpersonal communication, especially from the people which the researchers called opinion


An opinion leader as a peer to whom others turn for information and influences the opinion of

others. Opinion leaders gather the information from the media and other resources, synthesize

it, think about it and pass it on to others.

This was shown in the TWO STEP FLOW MODEL developed by KATZ and LAZARFELD

in 1955. This model shows information flowing from the media to opinion leaders and from

them to the masses.

The above model shows that the information does not flow directly from the text into the

minds of its audience unmediated but is filtered through "opinion leaders" who then

communicate it to their less active associates, over whom they have influence. The audience

then mediates the information received directly from the media with the ideas and thoughts

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expressed by the opinion leaders, thus being influenced not by a direct process, but by a two

step flow.

The idea of opinion leader became very important, especially for professional communicators

who were trying to influence the opinions and actions of large number of people. There are

two types of opinion leaders:

Formal opinion leaders are people whose opinion is valued because they hold an

important office or position for example film stars, sports celebrities, politician etc

Informal opinion leaders are people who just have a strong influence on the opinions

of their peers.

When a celebrity endorses a product through a mass medium, the form of communication is

considered to be interpersonal as he or she seems to influencing the customer directly into

purchasing a product by giving his or her opinion about it. Since people relate to such

celebrities and are deeply impacted by their endorsements, these celebrities can easily be

categorized as opinion leaders. Therefore there are cases where people get lured into buying a

product without knowing its true characteristics.


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The above diagram represents the actual communication process. As can be seen there eight

elements to any communication process. They are explained below:

SENDER: The sender is the source from where the information originates. There can

be many people involved in originating the information; it can range from 1-2

individuals to a large organization depending upon the type of communication process


ENCODING: The message so generated by the sender has to be passed to the receiver.

The process of putting thought into symbolic form is called as encoding.

MESSAGE: The message is the actual idea which the sender wants to transmit to the

receiver. The message can be verbal or non verbal. It should be such that it is easily

understandable and transmittable through the channel of communication being used.

CHANNEL: A channel is the medium through which the message is send by the

sender to the receiver. The channel used can be audio, visual or audio visual medium.

The channel used should be in accordance to the message.

DECODING: The message so sent by the sender has to be transferred into a form

which is easily understandable by the receiver. The decoding of the message greatly

depends upon the social environment

RECEIVER: The receiver is the person/persons to whom the message is directed at. In

mass communication receivers are large in number and thus are self directed.

RESPONSE and FEEDBACK: Response is a set of reactions that the receiver has after

being exposed to the message.

Feedback is an important part of the communication process, as without it the sender

would not be able to make out if the receiver has been able to interpret the message in

the way it was intended. And on this basis sender modifies his/her message.

NOISE: Noise is the unplanned hindrances in the way of the communication process

due to which receiver receives a different message then that send by the sender. Noises

can be of three kinds: semantic, environmental and mechanical.

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Whilst there is a growing interest in the literature regarding celebrity endorsement, most of the

work can be classified into the following four theory areas. These include “Source Credibility

Model”, “Source Attractiveness Model”, “Match up Proposition” and “Meaning Transfer



“Source Credibility” in a broad sense, refers to a communicator’s positive characteristics that

affect the receiver’s acceptance of a message” (Ohanian 1990, p. 41) and rests on the research

in social psychology. The ‘Source Credibility Model’ is generally considered to have two

main dimensions; namely “Trustworthiness” (the audience's degree of confidence in and

degree of acceptance of the speaker and the message) and “expertness” (the extent to which a

communicator is perceived to be a source of valid assertions). This model suggests that the

effectiveness of a message depends upon how the consumers perceive the endorser (Hovland

et al. 1953).

Previous research established a link between expertise and persuasiveness. An expert celebrity

tends to be more persuasive and generates a higher willingness to buy the brand by consumers.

Furthermore, research has also demonstrated the positive effect of trustworthiness on attitude

change. In a research study McGinnies and Ward (1980) found that an expert a trustworthy

source generated the strongest opinion change by consumers and the trustworthy

communicator was persuasive whether an expert or not (Ohanian 1990). Till and Busler

(2000) found the expertise dimension to be more important than physical attraction as a

match-up factor. Kamins, et al. (1989) indirectly supported source credibility model. In their

study, enhanced credibility and effectiveness was reflected in overall higher ratings on

perceived quality of service and respondents also revealed greater purchase intentions.

It should be noted that it is often difficult to define “source credibility” in exact terms. This is

because of different operationalisations and use of different labels and terminology such as

ethos, prestige, reputation, authority and competence by different researchers and authors

(Ohanian 1990 p. 41). Ohanian’s (1990) study is considered to be a key research paper in the

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area of celebrity endorsement. Her three factors fifteen-item credibility scale has been widely

accepted and replicated by other researchers. Using two exploratory and two confirmatory

samples, Ohanian (1990) developed a fifteen-item semantic differential scale to measure

perceived expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness. Four celebrities and four products

were selected and to purify and validate the scale. The whole study was divided in two stages.

In the exploratory stage, after assessing the level of familiarity (with Madonna and John

McEnroe), respondents were asked to evaluate 72 semantic differential items. These were

reduced to 27 items representing three dimensions (expertise, trustworthiness and

attractiveness) by factor analysis. Finally, in order to obtain a practical size of five items per

factor, the items with the lowest item-to-total correlations were eliminated while maintaining

an acceptable level of reliability. In the confirmatory analysis, five items per subscale (total of

15 items) along with some other validation items were used to assess the final scale’s

reliability and validity. Two adult samples (138 and 127) and two different celebrities (Linda

Evans and Tom Selleck) were used to support the generalizability of the scale. Following table

represents the final three dimensions source credibility scale.

Source: Construction and Validation of a Scale to Measure Celebrity Endorsers’ Perceived

Expertise, Trustworthiness, and Attractiveness; Ohanian (1990).

Table 2.1 Source-Credibility Scale


Source Attractiveness Model; considered to be a component of the “source valance” model

(McGuire 1985) and draws on the research in social psychology. The source attractiveness

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model is mainly based on four dimensions; namely “familiarity” (knowledge of source

through exposure), “likeability” (affection for source based on his/her physical appearance or

behaviour), “similarity” (resemblance between the source and the audience), and

“attractiveness”. It suggests that effectiveness of the message depends on these four

dimensions. Sources that are familiar, likeable and/or similar to the consumers are attractive

and to this extent persuasive (Ohanian 1990).

Empirical findings posit that physical attractiveness is one of the key factors in an individual’s

initial judgment of another individual as well as influencing attitude change

(Baker and Churchill 1977; Caballero and Pride 1984; Chaiken 1979; Joseph 1982; Mills and

Aronson 1965). Attractive models led to more favorable attitudes toward the advertisement

and stronger purchase intentions. Physical attractiveness of the celebrity endorser was found to

influence subject recall, product attitudes and purchase intention to a greater extent than

endorser likeability or level of product involvement (Kahle and Homer 1985).


The “Celebrity-Product Match” proposition holds that in order to make an advertisement

effective, there should be congruence between the product and the celebrity in terms of

characteristics such as image, expertise or attractiveness. The Match-up model states that

attractive endorsers are more effective when promoting products used to enhance one’s

attractiveness (Kamins 1990) and that the impact will not be significant in the case of an

attractiveness unrelated product. Findings for the research studies conducted by Baker and

Churchill (1977), Friedman and Friedman (1979), Joseph (1982) and Kahle and Homer (1985)

demonstrated consistent results.

Kahle and Homer (1985) found that in the case of attractiveness related products, the use of

physical attractive celebrities increased subject recall, product attitudes, and purchase

intention. However, they did not demonstrate that an attractive celebrity is less effective when

endorsing a product not used to enhance one’s attractiveness, such as home computers.

Kamins (1990) set up a full test of the match-up proposition. He paired attractive and

unattractive celebrities with either attractiveness related or unrelated products. He paired a

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celebrity with a product and found interaction effect between attractiveness and product type.

Predicted interaction was found for “spokesperson credibility” and “attitude toward the

advertisement” but not for “brand attitude” or “purchase intention”. Erdogan et al. (2001)

investigated practitioner’s perspective and found that while selecting celebrity endorsers,

managers considered a number of factors. Consistent to meaning transfer model (McCracken

1989), managers view the celebrity as a multidimensional personality with a bundle of

meanings. Moreover, the study demonstrated that there should be a proper fit between

celebrity characteristics and product types. Implicitly, they supported the product-match up

proposition. Agencies considered congruence, credibility, profession, popularity, and

obtainability issues to be more important while deciding upon a celebrity. They also rated

trustworthiness and expertise more important in the case of technical/attractiveness-unrelated

product (Erdogan et al. 2001). On the other hand, they indicated that celebrity’s physical

attractiveness, familiarity and likeability were more important for a non-technical or

attractiveness-related product.

Till and Busler (1998, 2000) examined attractiveness versus expertise as a relevant match-up

factor and found a general attractiveness effect on brand attitude and purchase intent but no

match-up effect was found based on attractiveness. Based on their findings, Till and Busler

proposed that though attractiveness is important, expertise is more appropriate for matching

products with a celebrity endorser.


McCracken (1989) addressed the endorsement process from a cultural perspective. He argued

that the endorsement process depends upon the symbolic properties of the celebrity endorser

and the celebrity served the endorsement process by taking on the meanings that then carry

from advertisement to advertisement. McCracken has described the Celebrity Endorsement

process as a special instance of a more general meaning transfer (McCracken 1986;

McCracken 1989). In the model, cultural meanings move through a conventional path to

individual consumers. Meanings begin as something inherent and resident in the culturally

constituted, physical, and social world. Meanings move from culturally constituted world to

consumer goods through advertising and fashion systems and than it is transferred to

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individual consumer through the efforts of the consumer. Thus, meaning keeps on circulating

in the consumer society (McCracken 1986; McCracken 1989).

McCracken (1989)’s meaning transfer theory has direct implications for the celebrity

endorsement process. He argues that for the purpose of communication, a celebrity has a set of

fictional roles and when consumers respond to celebrity’s specific characteristic, they are in

fact responding to a very particular set of meanings. A celebrity is a persuasive communicator

not only because of being attractive or credible but also because he/she has made up certain

meanings the consumer finds compelling and useful. The effectiveness of the endorser

depends upon the meanings he or she brings to the endorsement process.

McCracken has described the whole Meaning Transfer Process in three stages. As shown in

figure in the initial stage, the meanings generated from distant movie performances, political

campaigns, or athletic achievements and performance, reside in celebrities themselves. In the

second stage, meanings are transferred to the product through advertisement and the

endorsement process. In the third stage the meanings are transferred from the product to the

consumer where the properties of the product become the properties of the consumer

(McCracken 1989).

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Marketers generally use individuals who have achieved some form of celebrity status for their

companies to serve as spokespersons. Most of the people that are hired by any company to

pitch their products or services are popular people that can be movie stars, entertainers,

athletics, or pop-stars, and occasionally a politician or some other well-known public figure

may be used (Belch & Belch, 2001). Further, when a company decides upon using an

endorsement strategy for their marketing communication tool, the main focus lies in exposing

their brand (Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders, & Wong, 2001).In an endorsement strategy a new

sort of product is given a new brand name that is unique for that product (Riezebos,

2003).along with the unique brand name, companies also get provided with the name of an

endorser. In such case, the endorser is a celebrity and function is endorsement which means an

approval or support that can be seen as a guarantee or recommendation to the consumers.

According to Riezebos (2003) it is only advisable to use endorsers for brands if there is a high

level of brand-added value. This means that the name of the endorser should be clearly visible

next to the name of the branded article.

Companies have jointly been using their brands and their own name, through the use of

celebrity endorsers, in a hope that celebrities might boost effectiveness of their marketing

attempts in the long-term (Belch & Belch, 2001).Basically, a company is trying to send

various types of information to their target audience.

In order to be able to develop an effective advertising and promotional campaign, a company

has to select their endorser who are appropriate to different channels and media (Till & Shimp,

1998),such as source, message, and receiver (Belch & Belch, 2001).Thus, the brand can be

seen as the message the company is trying to send to their audience. Moreover, the source

which is intended to send this message in an endorsement strategy becomes the celebrity and

the receiver in the communication process becomes the consumer (Belch & Belch, 2001)

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4.1 B RAND



4.3.1 Types of Celebrity Endorsements


4.4.1 Celebrity Brand Compatibility


4.5.1 Consumer Decision Making Process

4.5.2 Impact of Brand on Consumer Decision Making Process

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4.1 BRAND:

Brand is the proprietary visual, emotional, rational and cultural image that a consumer

associates with a company or the product. Few examples to clarify its meaning are Amul -

utterly butterly delicious; Coke – thanda matlab coca-cola; Pepsi – Yeh dil mange more;

Kurkure- Masti bole to kurkure.

The above examples convey one message that when people watch these advertisements a

connection is created which results in people wanting to go for the experience of buying.

People feel that by using the brand, they will receive certain traits or characteristics that they

otherwise do not have, thus generating sense of fulfillment.

Advertisements enforce what exactly the brand stands for and what to expect by its

consumption and also what all factors, features and attributes makes it better and different

from its competition. Advertisements force people to think about what they see or hear. This

gets enhanced when a celebrity endorses the brand. The subjective intangible feelings of a

customer become objective and tangible in the form of celebrity and the level of expectations



Celebrities are people who enjoy public recognition and are the experts of their respective

fields having wider influence in public life and societal domain. Attributes like attractiveness,

extraordinary life style or special skills, larger than life image and demigod status can be

associated with them.

Celebrities appear in public in different ways. They appear in public when fulfilling their

professional commitments or they appear in public by attending special celebrity events.

Celebrities have universal presence and appeal, and are present everywhere, in news, fashion

shows and magazines, tabloids and above all advertisements.

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McCracken's (1989) definition of a celebrity endorser is, "any individual who enjoys public

recognition and who uses this recognition on behalf of a consumer good by appearing with it

in an advertisement (marcoms), is useful, because when celebrities are depicted in marcoms,

they bring their own culturally related meanings, thereto, irrespective of the required

promotional role."

Friedman and Friedman (1979) found empirical evidence that, in the promotion of products

high in psychological and/or social risk, use of celebrity endorser would lead to greater

believability, a more favorable evaluation of the product and advertisement, and a

significantly more positive purchase intention.

Thus, companies use celebrities to endorse their products; however, there are deeper attributes

that are involved in celebrity endorsement. Celebrities might endorse as a brand ambassador

or a brand face.

4.3.1 Types of Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity branding has many aspects. A slight change in the type of branding used can result

in either a great success or a dismal failure. Celebrity branding falls into five general


Testimonial: The celebrity acts as a spokesperson for the brand.

Imported: The celebrity performs a role known to the audience.

Invented: The celebrity plays a new, original role.

Observer: The celebrity assumes the role of an observer commenting on the brand.

Harnessed: The celebrity's image is integrated with the ad's storyline.


According to Advertising research companies that actors bring reliability and trust in the brand

and above all, they help in increasing the sales revenues. Celebrity endorsements are powerful.

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This power is offered by the following elements, which also creates a 'Top of the Mind


Instant Awareness, knowledge about the brand and easy recall.

Values and image of the brand is defined, highlighted and refreshed by the celebrity.

The celebrity adds new edge and dimension to the brand.

Credibility, trust, association, aspiration and connectivity to brand.

Belief in efficiency and new appearance that will result in at least trial usage.

4.4.1 Celebrity and Brand Compatibility:

A celebrity is used to impart credibility and aspirational values to a brand, but the celebrity

needs to match the product. A good brand campaign idea and an intrinsic link between the

celebrity and the message are musts for a successful campaign. Celebrities are no doubt good

at generating attention, recall and positive attitudes towards advertising provided that they are

supporting a good idea and there is an explicit fit between them and the brand. On the other

hand, they are rendered useless when it comes to the actual efficiency of the core product,

creating positive attitudes to brands, purchase intentions and actual sales.

Certain parameters that postulate compatibility between the celebrity and brand image are:

Celebrity’s fit with the brand image.

Celebrity—Target audience match

Celebrity associated values.

Costs of acquiring the celebrity.

Celebrity—Product match.

Celebrity controversy risk.

Celebrity popularity.

Celebrity availability.

Celebrity physical attractiveness.

Celebrity credibility.

Celebrity prior endorsements.

Whether celebrity is a brand user.

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Consumer Behavior is the study of how people buy, what do they buy, when do they buy and

why do they buy. It blends elements from psychology, sociology, socio-psychology,

anthropology and economics. It tries to understand the buyer decision-making process, both

individually and in groups. It studies the characteristics of individual consumers such as

demographics, psychographics, and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people's

wants and also assess influences on the consumer from various groups such as family, friends,

reference groups, and society in general.

The study and knowledge of consumer behavior is essential to the firms as it helps them to

improve their marketing strategies and product offerings. Following are some of the important

issues that have significant influence on consumer's psyche that affects their buying


The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different

alternatives (e.g., brands, products);

The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g.,

culture, family, signs, media);

Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence

decisions and marketing outcome;

How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in

their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and

How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing

strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.

Their Age, Religion, Culture, Income, informal group and Referent Group.

4.5.1 Consumer Decision Making Process:

Page 28: Celebrity 1


The above process is explained here:

The first step to consumer buying process starts with problem recognition or with an

unsatisfied need of a consumer. Something, that a consumer would like to have or purchase in

order to attain satisfaction. This need can be Psychological, attitudinal or Physiological.

The next stage includes the ability to purchase, level of involvement, people whose opinion

will count and other relevant details that will help in optimizing the consumer satisfaction.

Based upon information search various alternatives are generated i.e. which brand or product

is affordable to the consumer, where will it be comfortably available and in comparison to

other brands or products how better or economical it is.

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The next stage is the Evaluation stage which takes into consideration cost benefit analysis and

based upon maximum value or utility per rupee spend, consumer decides or shortlist the

product or brand. This is the decision and confirmation stage where the consumers prepares

him for the purchase of a particular brand and give preference to one and only one over and

above the others.

Next stage in the consumer decision making process is the purchase when the consumer

finally goes to the market and looks for the brand or the product, physically verifies it and

purchases it.

Last stage is the post purchase Evaluation in which the customer justifies his consumption or

purchase decision. He tries to find out whether his purchase decision was right or not.

Companies make a lot of effort to tackle this situation successfully and they want the customer

to be satisfied with their product.

The last stage may result into three situations:

Satisfaction where customer is satisfied as he got expected results but this does not

necessitates the repeat purchase by the consumer.

Dissonance where the consumer is not satisfied as he got less utility or less than

expected result from the consumption or product performance.

Delight where the consumer gets more than expected satisfaction and utility and this

will assure the repeat purchase and creation of brand loyalty.

4.5.2 Impact of Brand on Consumer Decision Making Process

Research studies have proven that known products and names are sold more than unknown

ones. Therefore, a known brand or an optimally exposed brand will find more recognition and

buyers in the market in comparison to completely unknown or unexposed brand. Recognition

of brand and its significance along with the traditional factors plays a very significant role in

consumer decision-making process.

Page 30: Celebrity 1


The above given model explains the important role that a brand plays in three different stages

of consumer's purchase decision making. A consumer start collecting data or information

about his favorite brand, than he keeps his favorite as one of the alternatives and he evaluate

his selected brand against all available options and on finding it suitable or best among all

options, based upon a qualitative and quantitative evaluation he ultimately purchases the

selected or favorite brand.

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The Argument for Celebrity Endorsement

Brands have been leveraging celebrity appeal for a long time. Across categories, whether in

products or services, more and more brands are banking on the mass appeal of celebrities. As

soon as a new face ascends the popularity charts, advertisers queue up to have it splashed all

over. Witness the spectacular rise of Sania Mirza and Irfan Pathan in endorsements in a matter

of a few months. The accruement of celebrity endorsements can be justified by the following

advantages that are bestowed on the overall brand:

Establishment of Credibility: Approval of a brand by a star fosters a sense of trust for

that brand among the target audience- this is especially true in case of new products.

We had the Shah Rukh-Santro campaign. At launch, Shah Rukh Khan endorsed Santro

and this ensured that brand awareness was created in a market, which did not even

know the brand.

Ensured Attention: Celebrities ensure attention of the target group by breaking the

clutter of advertisements and making the ad and the brand more noticeable.

PR Coverage: is another reason for using celebrities. Managers perceive celebrities as

topical, which create high PR coverage. A good example of integrated celebrity

campaigns is one of the World’s leading pop groups, the Spice Girls, who have not

only appeared in advertisements for Pepsi, but also in product launching and PR


Time Saving: Celebrity is able to build brand credibility in a short period of time.

Higher Degree of Recall: People tend to commensurate the personalities of the

celebrity with the brand thereby increasing the recall value. Golf champion Tiger

Woods has endorsed American Express, Rolex, and Nike. Actress Catherine Zeta-

Jones is used by T-Mobile and Elizabeth Arden. 007 Pierce Brosnan promotes Omega,

BMW, and Noreico.

Page 33: Celebrity 1


Associative Benefit: A celebrity’s preference for a brand gives out a persuasive

message - because the celebrity is benefiting from the brand, the consumer will also


Mitigating a Tarnished Image: Cadbury India wanted to restore the consumer's

confidence in its chocolate brands following the high-pitch worms controversy; so the

company appointed Amitabh Bachchan for the job. Last year, when the even more

controversial pesticide issue shook up Coca-Cola and PepsiCo and resulted in much

negative press, both soft drink majors put out high-profile damage control ad films

featuring their best and most expensive celebrities. While Aamir Khan led the Coke

fight back as an ingenious and fastidious Bengali who finally gets convinced of the

product's `purity,' PepsiCo brought Shah Rukh Khan and Sachin Tendulkar together

once again in a television commercial which drew references to the `safety' of the

product indirectly.

Psychographic Connect: Celebrities are loved and adored by their fans and

advertisers use stars to capitalize on these feelings to sway the fans towards their


Demographic Connect: Different stars appeal differently to various demographic

segments (age, gender, class, geography etc.).

Mass Appeal: Some stars have a universal appeal and therefore prove to be a good bet

to generate interest among the masses.

Providing Testimony: Another benefit of using celebrity endorsers is that s/he can

provide testimony for a product or service, particularly when the product has

contributed to their celebrity. The more familiar an endorser, the more likely

consumers are to buy the endorsed product.

Rejuvenating a Stagnant Brand: With the objective of infusing fresh life into the

stagnant chyawanprash category and staving off competition from various brands,

Dabur India roped in Bachchan for an estimated Rs 8 crore.

Celebrity endorsement can sometimes compensate for lack of innovative ideas.

Page 34: Celebrity 1


The Argument Against Celebrity Endorsement

The Reputation of the Celebrity May Derogate After he/she has Endorsed the

Product: Pepsi Cola's suffered with three tarnished celebrities - Mike Tyson,

Madonna, and Michael Jackson. Since the behaviour of the celebrities reflects on the

brand, celebrity endorsers may at times become liabilities to the brands they endorse.

The Vampire Effect: This terminology pertains to the issue of a celebrity

overshadowing the brand. If there is no congruency between the celebrity and the

brand, then the audience will remember the celebrity and not the brand. Examples are

the campaigns of Dawn French—Cable Association and Leonard Rossiter—Cinzano.

Both of these campaigns were aborted due to celebrities getting in the way of effective

communication. Another example could be the Castrol commercial featuring Rahul


Inconsistency in The Professional Popularity of The Celebrity: The celebrity may

lose his or her popularity due to some lapse in professional performances. For

example, when Tendulkar went through a prolonged lean patch recently, the inevitable

question that cropped up in corporate circles - is he actually worth it? The 2003 Cricket

World Cup also threw up the Shane Warne incident, which caught Pepsi off guard.

With the Australian cricketer testing positive for consuming banned substances and his

subsequent withdrawal from the event, bang in the middle of the event, PepsiCo - the

presenting sponsor of the World Cup 2003 - found itself on an uneasy wicket

Multi Brand Endorsements: by the same celebrity would lead to overexposure: The

novelty of a celebrity endorsement gets diluted if he does too many advertisements.

This may be termed as commoditisation of celebrities, who are willing to endorse

anything for big bucks. Example, MRF was among the early sponsors of Tendulkar

with its logo emblazoned on his bat. But now Tendulkar endorses a myriad brands and

the novelty of the Tendulkar-MRF campaign has scaled down.

Celebrities Endorsing one Brand and Using another (competitor): Sainsbury’s

encountered a problem with Catherina Zeta Jones, whom the company used for its

recipe advertisements, when she was caught shopping in Tesco. A similar case

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happened with Britney Spears who endorsed one cola brand and was repeatedly caught

drinking another brand of cola on tape.

Mismatch Between the Celebrity and the Image of the Brand: Celebrities manifest

a certain persona for the audience. It is of paramount importance that there is an

egalitarian congruency between the persona of the celebrity and the image of the

brand. Each celebrity portrays a broad range of meanings, involving a specific

personality and lifestyle. Madonna, for example, is perceived as a tough, intense and

modern women associated with the lower middle class. The personality of Pierce

Brosnan is best characterized as the perfect gentlemen, whereas Jennifer Aniston has

the image of the ‘good girl from next door’.

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The latter part of the '80s saw the burgeoning of a new trend in India– brands started being

endorsed by celebrities. Hindi film and TV stars as well as sportspersons were roped in to

endorse prominent brands. Advertisements, featuring stars like Tabassum (Prestige pressure

cookers), Jalal Agha (Pan Parag), Kapil Dev (Palmolive Shaving Cream) and Sunil Gavaskar

(Dinesh Suitings) became common. Probably, the first ad to cash in on star power in a

strategic, long-term, mission statement kind of way was Lux soap. This brand has, perhaps as

a result of this, been among the top three in the country for much of its lifetime.

In recent times, we had the Shah Rukh-Santro campaign with the objective of mitigating the

impediment that an unknown Korean brand faced in the Indian market. The objective was to

garner faster brand recognition, association and emotional unity with the target group. Star

power in India can be gauged by the successful endorsement done by Sharukh for three

honchos- Pepsi, Clinic All Clear and Santro. Similarly, when S Kumars used Hrithik Roshan,

then the hottest advertising icon for their launch advertising for Tamarind, they reckoned they

spent 40 - 50 per cent less on media due to the sheer impact of using Hrithik. Ad recall was as

high as 70 per cent, and even the normally conservative trade got interested.

In the Indian context, it would not be presumptuous to state that celebrity endorsements can

aggrandize the overall brand. We have numerous examples exemplifying this claim. A

standard example here is Coke, which, till recently, didn't use stars at all internationally. In

fact, India was a first for them. The result was a ubiquitously appealing Aamir cheekily stating

Thanda matlab Coca Cola. The recall value for Nakshatra advertising is only due to the

sensuous Aishwarya. The Parker pen brand, which by itself commands equity, used Amitabh

Bachchan to revitalize the brand in India. According to Pooja Jain, Director, Luxor Writing

Instruments Ltd (LWIL), post Bachchan, Parker's sales have increased by about 30 per cent.

India is one country, which has always idolized the stars of the celluloid world. Therefore it

makes tremendous sense for a brand to procure a celebrity for its endorsement. In India there

is an exponential potential for a celebrity endorsement to be perceived as genuinely relevant,

Page 38: Celebrity 1


thereby motivating consumers to go in for the product. This would especially prove true if the

endorser and the category are a natural lifestyle fit like sportspersons and footwear, Kapil-

Sachin and Boost or film stars and beauty products.


Globally, firms have been juxtaposing their brands and themselves with celebrity endorsers.

Some successful ongoing global endorsements are as follows:

Celebrity endorsements have been the bedrock of Pepsi's advertising. Over the years,

Pepsi has used and continues to use a number of celebrities for general market and

targeted advertising, including Shaquille O'Neal, Mary J. Blige, Wyclef Jean, and

Busta Rhymes, who did a targeted campaign for their Mountain Dew product.

George Foreman for Meineke. He has also sold more than 10 million Lean Mean Fat--

Reducing Grilling Machines since signing with the manufacturing company.

James Earl Jones for Verizon and CNN.

Nike golf balls, since the company signed Tiger Woods in 1996, have seen a $50

million revenue growth. Nike's golf line grossed more than $250 million in annual

sales. In 2000 he renegotiated a five-year contract estimated at $125 million.

Other successful endorsements like Nike—Michael Jordan, Dunlop—John McEnroe,

Adidas—Prince Naseem Hamed, and so on.

Venus Williams, tennis player and Wimbledon champion has signed a five-year $40

million contract with sportswear manufacturer Reebok International Inc.

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Age group Percentage of people

18-25yrs 66%

25-35 yrs 28%

35-50 yrs 6%

Above 50 yrs 0

This research project is based on the responses of people belonging to the age group of 18 to

25 years of age, around 28% belongs to the age group of 25 to 35 years of age and only 6%

belongs to the category of 35 to 50 years of age group.

Therefore this research project is based on the perception of youth. That is how the consumer

belonging to this age group reacts to the celebrity endorsement strategies taken by the




52%48% MALE


The number of respondents taken to fill this questionnaire has been equally divided into males

and females, so that there is no biasness between the responses. Due to this reason perceptions

of both the gender have been taken into consideration.

Page 41: Celebrity 1






According to the survey done it can be inferred that most of the consumers feel advertisements

are very informative, whether they are in any form i.e. media, newspaper, magazines etc.

Majority of people thinks that advertisement helps them to get the brief information about the

product even before its launch. As a result it influences their buying decision to some extent.


Motivating factors to buy a product













degree of importance

% o

f res


ents celebrity endorsement

Latest trends

Discounts and offers



According to the survey, it can be concluded that majority of consumers (44%) give utmost

importance to quality while going for a particular product, followed by price, discounts, offers

etc. While celebrity endorsement is the least important feature that most of the consumers

(44%) consider while making their purchase decision. Thus latest trends and celebrity

Page 42: Celebrity 1


endorsement does not play such an important role in influencing a consumer’s buying decision

as compared to other factors.


Do celebrities cast impact through advertisement



yes no

From the above chart it can be concluded that celebrities cast impact through advertisement.

88% of respondents feel that Celebrities ensure attention of the target group by breaking the

clutter of advertisements and making the ad and the brand more noticeable. Besides this,

people perceive celebrities as topical, which create high PR coverage.

Thus the above graph proves that in the Hypothesis, Null Hypothesis is accepted, that is

“Celebrity Endorsement does cast an impact on consumer buying behaviour through

advertisements”. And Alternate Hypothesis is rejected.


if yes, how?



20%Attracts attention

Build desire tohave a productinitiate an action tobuy a product

Page 43: Celebrity 1


Attracting attention, building desire to have a product and initiating an action to buy a product

are the various basis through which celebrities cast impact through advertisement. Majority of

the respondents are of the view that celebrities attract the attention of their target group.

People tend to commensurate the personalities of the celebrity with the brand thereby

increasing the recall value. Whereas 26% people think that celebrity of their choice build

desire in them to make a purchase. Some stars have a universal appeal and therefore prove to

be a good bet to generate interest among the masses.


Do celebrities help in increasing the market share of the company



On the basis of the survey it can be inferred that celebrities helps in increasing the market

share of the company. 52% of people support this point. Besides this, it also helps in

rejuvenating a stagnant brand. Whereas, 34% of people thinks the other way round. According

to them they (celebrities) not always help in increasing the share of company i.e. the

reputation of the celebrity may derogate after he/she has endorsed the product.


Page 44: Celebrity 1


Do celebrities use the product they endorse




yesno cant say

According to the responses in the questionnaire, 82% of the respondents believe that

celebrities do not use the product that they endorse. 12% of them believe that the celebrities

does use the products so endorsed by them in their daily lives. And 6% are not sure whether

the celebrities use the products they endorse or they do not. Thus we can conclude that in

today’s world consumers are educated and do not get carried away by the celebrities they see

endorsing the product.


if no, is it ethical?

26, 63%

15, 37% no yes

This chart shows whether the consumers believe that when celebrities do not use the product

they endorse then is it ethical for them to endorse such a product. The majority of the people

believe that is 63% of them say it is not ethical for celebrities to do such a thing. And only

37% says it is ethical.

Page 45: Celebrity 1


Thus it can be inferred that most of the consumers are infect against the wrong perception that

celebrities try to make in the mind of the consumers. They say that it is not morally correct on

the part of the celebrities to do such a thing.



companies investing huge money for using celebrities help them in increasing their total



16% somewhatagreesomewhatdisagree

The above chart explains that when companies invest huge amount of money for using

celebrities, does according to the consumers it actually help the companies to increase their

total revenue. Majority (i.e 84%) somewhat agrees to the fact that the celebrities does help in

increasing the total revenue of the company from their endorsements. A small percentage (i.e.

only 16%) somewhat disagree to this statement. This small number of people does not agree

Page 46: Celebrity 1


and thus say that investing such huge amounts in celebrities are not necessary if their products

are good enough.










Filmstar TV star Politician


what kind of celebrity are most affective?

Not affectiveaffectivevery affective

The above chart explains what kinds of celebrities are most affective in endorsing the

products. Film stars are the ones who have the most prominent impact on the buying

behaviour of the consumers. Next comes the sports persons who easily connect to the people

and have power to change the purchasing decisions. T.V stars are not very affective but they

do have some impact, may be because people see them on television daily and thus becomes a

part of their lives. The least affective celebrities are the politicians who hardly have any

impact on the consumers. We can say that people do not perceive politicians as topical which

creates high PR coverage.

Page 47: Celebrity 1





Price as mostimportant

Quality asmost important

Discounts &offers as most


Latest Trendsas mostimportant


as mostimportant

Motivating factors to buy a product



of re





If we segregate the consumers into male and female and then see what factors motivates them

the most then we can say that for both males and females Quality is the utmost important

factor to buy a product. Then while price is the second most important factor for males,

discounts and offers are considered by females. And for males discounts and offers are not

Page 48: Celebrity 1


even considered while purchasing the product. While for both males and females celebrity

endorsements have been the least motivating factor.

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Page 50: Celebrity 1



Companies must try and use a celebrity whose personality matches the brand attributes

and branding strategy. Only a good match helps to enhance the brand value.

Companies should avoid using a celebrity who is endorsing many brands

simultaneously. In such a case the consumers get confused and may fail to associate

the celebrity with the brand. Moreover using a multi brand endorser does not influence

the rate of brand recall as much.

Companies should try and focus on the product quality, price, and promotional

schemes rather than primarily focusing on the Celebrity. As per the research the

consumers give more importance to these factors as compared to the celebrity

endorsing the product.

Since celebrities are better at attracting attention than leading to purchase

behavior, companies must also keep this factor in mind while choosing a


Though the intelligent consumer of today understands that the celebrity endorsing a

product does not necessarily use it, the percentage of such consumer is small. Also

most people feel it is unethical to proclaim such a thing. Hence a company must be

careful that a celebrity endorsing product A is not seen publicly using the competing

brand. This may lead to negative publicity.

When it comes to celebrities, Film stars and Sports persons have a greater impact on

public as compared to Television stars and Politicians. As the image of politicians and

T.V stars is frequently variable they may hamper the brand image. Companies must be

careful to use politicians and T.V stars for selective brands whose target audience is

influenced essentially by such celebrities.

While using celebrities to endorse a product the cost factor should always be kept in

mind. The revenue might not be as high as the cost incurred in using a particular


While planning the advertising, the company must make sure that the celebrity does

not overpower the brand. In all advertising messages and PR activities the brand must

be highlighted more than the celebrity.

Page 51: Celebrity 1


The aim of any promotional activity is enhancement of the brand. The celebrity must

act according to the brand and the branding must not change according to the celebrity

as they may prove fatal to the product’s individual image in the long run.

While choosing a celebrity, only his present must not be considered. Celebrities in

general have a long term effect on brands hence a conscious decision must be made

considering their past, present and gazing into their future projects and actions.

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In India today, the use of celebrity advertising for companies has become a trend and a

perceived winning formula of corporate image-building and product marketing.

Advertisement is a medium through which a brand gets a personality and endorsers are

perceived as the personalities of the brand. Therefore, as it is essential to bring a synergy

between an individual's outfit and his personality, the same way it is essential to bring a

synergistic effect between the brand and the endorser

Brands rely on celebrities for the following reasons: -

Credibility: Approval of a brand by a star fosters a sense of trust for that brand among

the target audience

Attracts Attention: Celebrities ensure attention of the target group by breaking the

clutter of advertisements and making the ad and the brand more noticeable.

Associative Benefit: A celebrity's preference for a brand gives out a persuasive

message - because the celebrity is benefiting from the brand, the consumer will also


Approval of a brand by a star fosters a sense of trust for that brand among the target audience.

This is especially true in case of new product. There is a demographic and psychographic

connection between the stars and their fans. Demographic connection establishes that different

stars appeal differently to various demographic segments i.e. age, gender, class, geography

etc., while psychographic connection establishes that stars are loved and adored by their fans.

Some stars have a universal appeal and therefore prove to be a good bet to generate interest

among the masses. Another invaluable benefit from celebrity endorsements is the public

relation opportunities.

Selecting a celebrity involves a lot of financial risk. At some point in the decision to use

celebrity endorsers, advertisers have to consider the cost effectiveness of their choice. The

Page 54: Celebrity 1


endorser who appears to have the highest potential, tend to be the most popular, and therefore,

the most expensive to hire as an endorser. The demand for entertainment and sports celebrities

has increased, and these individuals are sometimes very expensive to use as endorsers. In this

situation, the advertiser must decide whether the celebrity is worth the investment.

The impact of an endorser cannot be sustainable in all product categories and in all the stages

of brand life cycles. It really depends upon the type of product. If it is a 'functional brand', then

the product itself is the hero. Here any celebrity association with the brand without

corresponding performance of the product will not be sustainable. While in case of 'image

brands', like the categories of soaps, soft drinks, cigarettes etc., where it is difficult to

distinguish between the products, celebrity endorsements help to distinguish between the

brands at an emotional level.

It would be difficult to judge the direct effect of celebrity endorsement on the sales or profits

of the company. On Amitabh Bachchan endorsing RIN, HLL could not comment much on its

sales and that though Dabur healthcare products' sales had improved. Similarly, there are also

cases wherein there was a dramatic change in the sales figure after the endorsements. For

example, Celebrity endorsement helped Head & Shoulders promote their brand and within a

year they became market leaders with over 45% market share.

A celebrity does help in increasing brand sales, but only if he/she is selected carefully and

used effectively. The personality of the brand and the celebrity have to complement each other

and the selection of the celebrity is, therefore, very important.

With the help of the literature we have managed to close the knowledge gap and created a

literature review about Celebrity Endorsement. In broad terms one can conclude that

endorsement does work, consumers do respond to an endorsement of a product by a celebrity.

The fact of associating a product with a well-known individual acts to increase the positive

view of the consumer. The potential benefits from endorsement for the brand owner are clear,

so long as the links are indisputable and match links in the consumer's mind.

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1) Belch, G.E., & Belch, M.A. (2001). Advertising and Promotion: An integrated

Marketing Communications Perspective (5thed.). Boston: Irwin/MaGraw-Hill.

2) Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., & Wong, V. (2001).Principles ofMarketing.

Prentice Hall: Harlow

3) Kotler, P., Bowen, J., and Makens, J. (1999) Marketing for Hospitality and

Tourism,2nd Ed., Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall Inc.

4) Kotler, P. (1997), Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation, and

control, 9th Ed., London: Prentice Hall International.

5) Kotler, P. (1984), Marketing essentials, London: Prentice-Hall

6) Riezebos, R., Kist, B., Koostra. G. (2003), Brand Management. A theoretical and

practical approach. Prentice Hall

7) Till, B.D., & Schimp, T.A. (1998).Endorsers in Advertising: The case of Negative

Celebrity Information: Journal ofAdvertising,27

8) http://www.rediff.com/money/2003/dec/05guest.htm,Country Manager - Discovery,

Ogilvy and Mather India

9) Aaker, David A. (1996), Building Strong Brands. New York, NY: The Free Press.

10) Daneshvary, Rennae and R. Keith Schwer (2000), "The Association Endorsement and

Consumers' Intention to Purchase," Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17 (3), 203-213.

11) Friedman, Hershey H. and Linda Friedman (1979), "Endorser Effectiveness by Product

Type," Journal of Advertising Research, 19 (5), 63-71.

12) McCracken, Grant (1989), "Who Is the Celebrity Endorser? Cultural Foundations of

the Endorsement Process," Journal of Consumer Research, 16 (3), 310-321.

13) http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2008/04/09/stories/2008040950750500.htm

14) http://www.marketingprofs.com

15) http://www.brandchannel.com

16) http://papers.ssrn.com

17) http://hull.aug.edu/thoughtLeadership/research/Amos-Holmes-Strutton-IJA-2008.pdf

18) advertising.about.com/od/celebrityendorsements/Celebrity_Endorsements.htm

19) www.merinews.com/catFull.jsp?articleID=183

Page 57: Celebrity 1


20) http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/nov2008/sb20081114_106175.htm

21) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/westburn/jmm/1999/00000015/00000004/art0


22) http://lifestyle.in.msn.com/fashion/article.aspx?cp-documentid=1671484

23) http://www.indianmba.com/Faculty_Column/FC706/fc706.html

24) http://www.ibsaf.org/icfai_books/Celebrity_Endorsements_Perspectives_%20and_Cas


25) http://www.indiantelevision.com/tamadex/y2k8/sep/tam38.php

26) http://www.theindiastreet.com/celebrity-endorsement

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Name :

Income :

Gender :

Age : 18-25yrs 25-35yrs 35-50yrs above 50yrs

Occupation :

1) Do you think Advertisement informative?

Yes No

2) What is a motivating factor to buy a product? Rank the below according to your

preference (keeping 1 as the highest and 5 as the lowest).



Discounts and offers

Latest Trends

Celebrities endorsing the product

Any other______________________________

3) According to you do Celebrities cast impact through Advertisements?

Yes No

Page 60: Celebrity 1


4) If Yes?

Attracts Attention

Build Desire to have the product

Initiate an action to buy the product

5) Does Celebrities helps in increasing the market share of the company?

Yes No

6) What do you think, do celebrities themselves uses the product they endorses?

Yes No

7) If No, do you think is it ethical to do such a thing?

Yes No

8) Do you think companies investing huge money for using celebrities help them in

increasing their total revenue?

Yes No

9) What kinds of celebrity are most affective?

Very Affective Affective Not Affective

Page 61: Celebrity 1


Sports Person

Film Star

TV star


10) According to you what are other risks involved in using celebrity as endorsements?



Page 62: Celebrity 1




"We have enough of film stock for a whole year. Unfortunately we can't use them


- N Gangadhar, General Manager (Marketing), Siyaram Silk Mills, commenting on the

withdrawal of the J Hampstead advertisement campaign, in April 2000.

The Cronje Scandal

In April 2000, the New Delhi police unearthed one of the biggest scandals ever to hit the

world of cricket. While investigating a local corruption case, officials recorded phone

conversations between Hansie Cronje (Cronje), the captain of the South African cricket team,

and Sanjeev Chawla, a London-based Indian businessman. The conversation in the tapes

seemed to implicate both men in illegal betting on a match played in February 2000 in India.

After initial denials, Cronje conceded that he had accepted $ 15,000 to fix the match.

The news shocked both cricket fans and the media alike - Cronje's face was smeared with

black paint on posters across the country. Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd. (Siyaram), one of India's

leading textile companies, was also affected badly by this controversy. Hansie Cronje was one

of the key celebrity endorsers for Siyaram's J.Hampstead brand of clothing. The campaign

featuring Cronje had been running on the print, electronic and outdoor media from March

2000. Siyaram and its advertising agency, Percept, watched in dismay as their celebrity

endorser turned into an internationally hated sportsman overnight. The issue raised a heated

debate in corporate and media circles regarding the perils of using celebrity endorsement.

Percept sources commented, "This mess is horrible."

Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Arun Jaitley, who was also

president of the Delhi District Cricket Association, said the Delhi police would take the

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scandal to its ''logical end''. ''The tapes have proved beyond doubt the involvement of the

South African skipper,''

What happens when models turn 'villains'? Why did the advertisers choose Cronje & Co? How

much were they paid? These and more questions surfaced.

Siyaram pulled down all the billboards featuring the entire South African team across the

country. The J.Hampstead campaign was completely withdrawn, almost 20 days before it

completed its scheduled run on hoardings and television. The 'match-fixing' scandal seemed

all set to force Siyaram – and other Indian companies – to rewrite the rules of using celebrity

endorsement as an integral part of their media plans.

Background Note

Siyaram was a part of the Siyaram Poddar Group of companies, which had a turnover of $ 209

billion in 2000-01. The group, founded in 1954, was into the textile (yarns, fabrics and

garments), paper/paperboards and tyre (rubber tyres and tubes) businesses. While Govind

Rubber Ltd. (GRL) was into the auto and bicycle tyres and tubes business, Balkrishna

Industries Ltd. (BIL) was into the manufacturing of paperboards, tyres/tubes and synthetics.

Siyaram's businesses comprised fabrics and readymade garments. Its popular brands included

Oxemberg (shirts, trousers and jeans) and J.Hampstead (wool fabric). Siyaram was

incorporated in June 1978 as a private limited company and was converted into a public

limited company in 1980.

Siyaram Finance, its subsidiary, was into the financial services business. Siyaram

manufactured and marketed textiles, cotton, woollen synthetics and synthetic blends – the

main product being polyester blended worsted2 fabrics. In July 1993, Siyaram came out with a

Rs 153 million rights issue to part-finance a Rs 165 million expansion-cum-modernization

project. While the family held 23% of the Rs 51 million equity, foreign collaborators, financial

investors and the public held 26%, 22% and 8% respectively. Siyaram had a strong presence

in the lower and medium segment of the domestic suitings market.

The company had three manufacturing plants situated at Thane and Raigad in Maharashtra and

Silvassa in the union territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, producing over 27.5 million meters of

fabrics annually. Siyaram had a 4% market share in the Rs 50 billion suitings and shirtings


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The other players included Vimal, Mayur, Raymond, Digjam, Gwalior and Reid & Taylor etc.

Siyaram retailed its products through 25 exclusive showrooms, besides its distributor network

of about 400 wholesale dealers and 50,000 retailers across the country. (The number of

exclusive showrooms was to be increased to 75 by August, 2002.) The company also exported

its products to Europe, South America, South Africa, the Far East and the Gulf countries.

Siyaram's sales increased from Rs 20 million in 1978 to Rs 3252.6 million in 2000-01.

Siyaram was one of the few non-FMCG companies in India that was known for its lavish

advertisements. The 'Coming Home To Siyaram' campaign was reported to be one of Indian

advertising's costliest campaigns.

The 'Coming Home To Siyaram' advertisements were much talked about for being of much

longer duration than the usual advertisements, and also for the huge budgets Siyaram set aside

for them. The company believed that good commercials helped it to effectively position its

suitings on a global platform. Siyaram officials said the company's focus on marketing was

responsible to a great extent for its growth over the years. Percept had conceptualized the

'Coming Home to Siyaram' campaign in the early 1990s.

Over the years, the campaign established the brand's association with 'true love for the

motherland,' by showing successful men maintaining lasting, strong ties with their families.

Analysts commented that the campaign was largely responsible for Siyaram's high brand

recall and positive consumer feedback. As part of its brand-building initiatives, Siyaram also

organized major sporting events like the triangular cricket series – Siyaram's Cup, 1997 and

Siyaram's Celebrity Soccer 1998. The company also held Siyaram fabric shows, aimed at

increasing awareness among its target audience about the company's range of products. For

2001-02, Siyaram had increased its advertising and promotion budget to Rs 300 million from

the 2000-01 level of Rs 200 million.

The J.Hampstead Story

J.Hampstead was a very popular suiting brand in Europe, renowned for its premium 100%

wool suitings woven from rich natural fibers like merino wool, cashmere and woolsilk. In

1995, Siyaram tied up with J.Hampstead for marketing its suitings in India.

The company imported the fabric from Italy. It was priced in the range of Rs 1,500-1,600 per

meter. In September 1997, Siyaram decided to begin manufacturing the brand at its plants

with technical assistance from J.Hampstead.

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The product was slightly different from the imported version and was priced in the range of Rs

275-1000 per meter.

Explaining the reason for the decision, Gangadhar said, "The imported J Hampstead faced two

problems: that of maintenance and price. The imported product had to be dry-cleaned and

steam-ironed. The Indian fabric can be hand washed." Siyaram earmarked around Rs 50

million for the marketing, sales and promotion of J Hampstead.

The first phase of this promotion was in the form of commercials featuring Indian tennis

superstars Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupati. These commercials with the positioning line,

'The finest fabric in the world,' were aimed at positioning the brand in the premium segment.

In September 1999, Siyaram held a tennis carnival to promote J.Hampstead, where several

Hindi film stars were invited to play tennis with the brand ambassadors.

Soon after, Siyaram faced problems with the tennis duo when they decided to break their

partnership, reportedly due to personal problems. However, the company continued running

the advertisements. Company officials justified this, claiming that the 'sport was bigger than

the players.' In February 2000, Siyaram signed the South African cricket team for promoting

the brand. The multi-media promotion was spread over television, satellite channels, print,

outdoor and point of purchase advertising. Gangadhar said, "We have taken this opportunity to

associate ourselves with the number one ranked cricket team as they will be popular in the

coming series of cricket matches. And this will enable the brand to be globally focused.

The idea of such a campaign is also to send the message that the product is of international

quality. In India where cricket is almost a religion, these models can be easily identified by

both the masses as well the classes."

Siyaram had decided to use the South African team on the recommendation of Percept.

Gangadhar said, "All along, the South African team had a clean image. So we had signed up

the entire team and not just one individual. When they were coming to Bombay (for the

match), we thought it was a very good opportunity and so decided to shoot with them for the


Shailendra Singh, Joint Managing Director, Percept, said, "Our brief is to project J Hampstead

as a global fashion brand. It is a high fashion brand that is successful and sincere.

Consciously, we thought that Hansie Cronje has a 82% success rate and nine years' experience

as a captain." The advertisements featured the entire South African team wearing the J

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Hampstead premium suitings. Within a month of the campaign being released in the national

media, the Cronje controversy surfaced. Siyaram continued to run the advertisements in

newspapers for a few days after the scandal broke.

However, the company decided to withdraw the campaign completely soon after. Gangadhar

denied that the Hampstead brand image had been affected. He said, "I have had calls from

well-wishers who say that no one could have anticipated this. We do things right and in the

right spirit. And if something goes wrong all we can do is make amends for it. The brand is

bigger than any individual."

A Percept official said, "Thankfully, the campaign was not centered on one single player but

the entire team. Hence it is not so bad after all. We are also recovering from the incident." He

added, "We have used multiple personalities for the ad. We have not focussed just on Cronje.

It is the entire 14-member South African team that we have signed up. So, we never let the

personality become the brand itself." Siyaram's strategy of opting for multiple brand

endorsements seemed to have diluted the impact of the scandal on the brand. The company

began working on a new series of commercials featuring the Leander/Mahesh duo, but

dropped them as the brand ambassadors in October, 2000. Though company sources denied

that they had given up the celebrity endorsement route for J.Hampstead, the perils of celebrity

endorsement began to be seriously examined by Indian companies and advertising agencies.

The Aftermath

Cronje had to resign from the South African team and was barred from playing cricket ever

again. In South Africa, the Spur Restaurant Chain in Johannesburg ended a multi-million

grand-advertising contract with Cronje. The controversy heated up in the next few weeks, with

many more Indian and international cricket players being named as parties to illegal match

fixing. It was reported that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and the

Mumbai/Dubai underworld were also involved in the scandal.

There were even rumors of South Africa and India suspending diplomatic ties. The Indian

companies who sponsored cricket matches and utilized cricket players as endorsers were

however, reported to be unfazed by the developments. Asserting that the J.Hampstead

association with sports (and cricket) would continue, Singh commented, "Let's not kill the

sport for one moronic guy."

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By the end of the year, the Cronje scandal seemed to have died a natural death and cricket

sponsorship by Indian corporates continued. Siyaram meanwhile, revealed its plans to achieve

a turnover of Rs 4 billion for the fiscal 2001-02. J.Hampstead's contribution to the turnover

was expected to rise from Rs 400 million in 1999-00 to Rs 750 million.

J Hampstead, the readymade garment wear from Siyaram Silk Mills was considering product-

specific campaigns shortly after. The purpose was to support the new launches scheduled for

Diwali season. The company planed to launch three-four products under the J Hampstead


Percept Advertising was still doing the creatives. However, the company continued with the

Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupati ad. Soon the news of the Indian tennis champs separation

started to become big. Now with Mahesh Bhupati and Leander Paes breaking ties, the question

was will the company withdraw that particular ad too? Percept's joint managing director

Shailendra Singh said: ``Even as they have disassociated themselves, we don't see any reason

as to why we will withdraw this particular ad. It is a matter of associating ourselves with the

game of tennis.''

In September 2001, the company launched a new campaign for J.Hampstead, with the new

baseline 'One World One Fabric.' The campaign did not feature any sport or celebrity. Instead,

international models were featured to reinforce the fabric's global appeal. Media analysts were

quick to point out that having learnt its lessons from the Leander/Bhupati and Cronje issues,

Siyaram was deliberately trying to 'play it safe' this time around by avoiding celebrity

endorsements for J.Hampstead.

The Celebrity Endorsement Issue:

Celebrity endorsements began way back in the 19th century with UK's Queen Victoria

endorsing Cadbury's Cocoa. Using celebrities for promotion has been a common marketing

communications strategy, practiced globally.

Marketers believe celebrity endorsers are more effective than non-celebrity endorsers in

generating actual sales from the customers, and positively influence the consumption of the

products they are associated with.

The fact that celebrities remain in constant media focus helps create high recall rates for the

commercials that feature them.

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Their attractive qualities are transferred to the product being promoted. Some of the main

reasons for companies using celebrity endorsers are given in the following table.

Celebrity advertisements stand out amidst the other advertisements

They facilitate attention getting

Celebrity values define and refresh the brand image

Celebrities add new dimensions to the brand image

Celebrities give the brand instant credibility

The use of celebrities gives the brand enhanced PR coverage

The use of celebrities make it easier for the agencies to convince clients

about the campaign's success

However, selecting the right celebrity endorsers is usually a tough task. A wrong choice can

ruin the image of a brand.

The acceptance of an advertisement message is largely determined by the attractiveness of the

celebrity presenting the message. Also, the message conveyed by the celebrity must match the

product message. Relevance is a very important factor in celebrity endorsements.

If there is very little fit between the celebrity and the brand personae, the advertisement could

prove counter-productive. Interestingly, the selection of Hansie Cronje for J.Hampstead was

criticized on these very grounds by an executive from the advertising agency Ogilvy &

Mather. He said, "Cronje is such a casual chap and he looks so awkward and uncomfortable in

a suit."

The man behind the popular Pepsi ads, filmmaker Prahlad Kakkar said, "J Hampstead is a

perfect example of using a celebrity without a script." Following table shows the celebrity

selection criteria’s which must be followed.

Celebrity availability Fit with the advertising idea

Celebrity physical attractiveness Celebrity-Target audience match

Celebrity credibility Celebrity values

Celebrity prior endorsements Costs of acquiring the celebrity

Whether celebrity is a brand user Celebrity-Product match

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Celebrity profession Celebrity controversy risk

Celebrity popularity

In India, celebrity endorsements are believed to be particularly useful as the average consumer

reportedly identifies more strongly with celebrities than in other countries.

Film stars and sports personalities (especially cricket players) are immensely popular among

the masses. This has encouraged the widespread use of celebrities in advertisements over the


The Lux Story is famous in the world of bran endorsement. The Lux Soap in its 75 yrs journey

as a product always used a Film Celebrity to promote the product with the most catchy lines

‘Lux meri Khubsurti Ka raaj’. They used a huge number of celebrities from the beginning to

promote their product & in their 75 years celebration advertisement campaign; they used SRK

as the main endorser who has said the famous ‘Lux mera Khubsurti ka raaj’ along with Hema

Malini, Sridevi & Kareena Kapoor. That is the first time a male celebrity endorsed a female

product in India.

A popular star can help immensely in improving brand image and recall.

But the same star can cause major problems for the brand if he or she lands in trouble – either

in their careers or in their personal lives.

Pepsi faced this problem with two of its most popular celebrity endorsers – pop singers

Michael Jackson and Madonna. In 1989, right after Pepsi aired the first Madonna commercial,

the singer released her sexually explicit and reportedly anti-Christianity music video 'Like A

Prayer' on Music Television. The video led to widespread protests against the singer and Pepsi

had to pull out the advertisement after airing it just twice.

Michael Jackson was signed by Pepsi in 1983 in what was the largest individual sponsorship

deal in history. In 1993, Michael Jackson was charged with child abuse. Though the charges

were not proved, Pepsi had to pull out of the contract after unprecedented media outrage

against the brand's association with the singer.

When Shahrukh Khan(SRK) promoted Emami’s Fair & Handsome cream. It was highly

criticized as saying that if a star with SRK’s stature promote whiteness cream then actually we

are advocating for racism saying black is bad & white is gold. And how SRK could endorse

such products as there will be a huge impact among the masses regarding the skin colors. A

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person must be judged by his/her qualities & not by his/her skin color. But what we basically

forgot that stars get money to endorse products & we shouldn’t eye washed by the

advertisement & there is no point in criticizing a celebrity for endorsing product like Fair &


Shilpa Shetty was also hardly criticized for promoting alcohol. As being a celebrity she must

be a responsible citizen & a responsible citizen should never promote alcohol.

Celebrity branding is all right as long as the celebrity conducts himself in a good manner but if

something wrong happens it will affect the image of the product also. When Salman Khan got

warrant for killing endangered dear ‘Thumbs Up’ has no option but to replace him.

So the product and the celebrity remain good as long as both of them remain individually


The problem of celebrity branding is also that when a particular product is known to the

common people with the effect of the celebrity, it is very difficult to separate the product from

the star. Like Coca-Cola - Aamir Khan, Cadbury- Amitabh Bachan, Santro-SRK. Now, if

any one of the company want to change their endorser they have to redesign the product to let

out their product from the shadow of the old campaign.

Another peril associated with celebrity endorsement is the 'vampire effect,' when the celebrity

overshadows the brand. Also, whether the celebrity endorsing a brand actually uses the brand

or not is an issue of concern. For instance, if a celebrity endorsing Pepsi is seen drinking

Coke, it can reflect very badly on the brand being endorsed.

Celebrity endorsements could become a 'double-edged sword' for most companies. Some

brands did manage to fly high by the use of a good celebrity.

Cadbury India used Amitah Bachan not only to recover their image from worm controversy

but also to establish itself as the leading company in the Indian chocolate market.

Aamir Khan’s ad campaign ‘Thanda Matlab Cocacola’ was also a huge hit. Not only that the

company used the superstar to come out from the pesticides controversy.

Dabur brought in Amitabh Bachan in the stagnant chawanprash market. He brought back

boost in market and helped Dabur to remain the market leader.


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So there are certain positive as well as negative points in celebrity branding in India. A

producer of a product, the company, always wants to minimize the negative sides of the

celebrity endorsement and maximize the positive impact.