cell as a roller coaster

A Animal Cell To A Roller Coaster By: Kevin Bray and Layne Smith

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Cell as a roller coaster

A Animal Cell To A Roller


By: Kevin Bray and Layne Smith

Page 2: Cell as a roller coaster

The person who controls the whole ride can be compared to the Nucleus because they're both the boss who controls everything about that cell or roller coaster. The Nucleus tells all the organelles what to do and the person who controls the ride tells the roller coaster what to do.

Page 3: Cell as a roller coaster

Cell Membrane/ Height GuideThe hight guide at the entrance can be compared to the cell membrane because they both controls what goes in and out. Only if you are tall enough you can go in the roller coaster. The cell membrane only lets certain things go in too.

Page 4: Cell as a roller coaster

The vacuole holds energy for the cell to use later on. The gas tank can be compared to a vacuole because the gas tank stores gas for the roller coaster to use when it needs it.

Page 5: Cell as a roller coaster

Golgi Body/ CartsThe Golgi body can be compared to the carts of a roller coaster because a Golgi Body receives materials from the endoplasmic Reticulum and sends them to the other side of the cell. The roller coaster carts can be related to the golgi body because the carts receive people and send them around around the roller coaster.

Page 6: Cell as a roller coaster

The Endoplasmic reticulum can be related to the line of a roller coaster because the things that want to get to the nucleus have to go through the maze like Endoplasmic Reticulum. The line can be related to the Endoplasmic Reticulum because to get to the roller coaster you have to go through the maze like line.

Page 7: Cell as a roller coaster

Cytoplasm/ Chain The cytoplasm can be compared to the chain of a roller coaster. The cytoplasm holds all of the organelles for the cell in a gel-like fluid so the organelles can move. The chan helps the cart move around the roller coaster.

Page 8: Cell as a roller coaster

lysosomes/ JanitorThe lysosomes can be related to the janitor because the lysosomes go around dissolving food particles and old worn out organelles. The janitor can be related to the lysosomes because he/she climbs on the roller coaster and cleans the dirt and other things off of it.

Page 9: Cell as a roller coaster

Ribosomes/Snack Machine

The Ribosomes can be compared to the snack machine because the Ribosomes produce protein for the cell and the snack machines unhealthy food produces protein for the peoples body.

Page 10: Cell as a roller coaster

Mitochondria/ HillThe Mitochondria turns proteins into usable energy for the cell. Like the hill on a roller coaster it uses the energy from the engine to bring it up and turns gravity into energy to bring it down. That is how mitochondria is like a hill on a roller coaster.