cell division sexual reproduction = egg & sperm or asexual reproduction = single parent, no...

Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division : reproduction of cells; “cells come from cells” * Basis of all life 2 Main Roles : 1) development of fertilized egg 2) continuation of life

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Page 1: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Cell Division

Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm


Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm

Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come from cells”

* Basis of all life2 Main Roles:

1) development of fertilized egg

2) continuation of life (growth, repair)

Page 2: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Prokaryotes = binary fission (split in half)


Eukaryotes = more complex; more genetic material

chromosome: structure which contains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

chromatin: long, thin fibers of DNA & protein clumping together to form chromosomes

Page 3: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 4: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

gene: specific region of DNA on chromosomes

somatic cell: all body cells except egg & sperm; contain chromosomes

(humans= 46)

Human egg & sperm (gametes) have 23 chromosomes

Prior to Cell Division…

* All chromosomes duplicate…result in 2 identical parts = sister

chromatids (X-shaped)

* joined at centromere

Page 5: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

When Cells Divide

* sister chromatids separate..each goes to separate cell (daughter


* each daughter cell has complete set of chromosomes

Overview of Cell Division

* eukaryotic cells divide according to cell cycle

cell cycle: sequence of events including time a cell divides until its daughter cell divide

Page 6: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 7: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Phases in the Cell Cycle

1) Interphase: most of cycle here

- chromosomes duplicate

- cell grows

2) Mitotic Phase: cell division phase

Includes Mitosis & Cytokinesis

* Mitosis unique to eukaryotes* Mitosis = continuous process but separated into defined stages

Page 8: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 9: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Stages of Mitosis

1) Prophase

- chromatin fibers coil to form discrete chromosomes

- sister chromatids

- nuclear membrane breaks near end2) Metaphase

- sister chromatids line up along center of cell

Page 10: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 11: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 12: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Stages of Mitosis

3) Anaphase

- sister chromatids separate & migrate to opposite ends of cell4) Telophase

- nuclear membrane reforms around chromosomes

Page 13: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 14: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Cytokinesis: division of cytoplasm

- usually occurs along with telophase

- daughter cells separate

Page 15: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

- Certain drugs can stop cell cycle by preventing DNA synthesis, or inhibiting synthesis of necessary proteins

Ex: cancer drugs target rapidly dividing cells – including hair follicles and digestive tracts

Page 16: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

homologous chromosome: matched pair of chromosomes; same length, genes for same traits at same loci

e.g., each chromosome has gene for hair color at same loci, but the gene may be for any color of hair … impt pt = gene results in some color of hair

locus (loci = plural): specific location of a gene on a chromosome

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Page 18: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 19: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

• homologous chromosomes have matching loci &

• One chromosome of each pair inherited from mother & father

Human Example

Somatic cells = 46 chromosomes

23 pairs of homologous chromosomes

22 pairs = autosome chromosomes (F & M)

1 pair = sex chromosomes; specific to the sex (M or F)

Page 20: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Sex Chromosomes

Human females 1 pair (2 XX)

Human male 1 pair (1X, 1Y)

• Are human male sex chromosomes homologous?

diploid cells: cells with 2 homologous sets of chromosomes in nucleus

total # chromosomes = diploid # = 2n

human diploid # = 46 (2x23=46)

Page 21: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

• Humans = diploid animals because most of our cells = diploid (e.g., somatic cell)

• But, eggs & sperm are not diploid

gametes: egg & sperm cells (sexual reproduction only)

haploid cells: cells with 1 homologous set of chromosomes

haploid # = n

human haploid # = 23

• Human gametes are haploid

• Fertilized egg = zygote = ????

Page 22: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Why is there so much variety among species? (e.g., diversity in humans)

1) Independent orientation of chromosomes

- in Metaphase I --- way that tetrads line up is due to chance (random)

- Results in different possible combinations of chromosomes in gametes

- For humans = 8 million possible combos.!

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Page 24: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Random fertilization (1 egg & 1 sperm)

What is probability that 1 of 8 million possible sperm fertilizes 1 of 8 million possible eggs????

Humans = (8 M) * (8 M) = 64 trillion possible combinations of chromosomes due to random fertilization!

Page 25: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

3) Crossing Over

- can result in genetic recombination

genetic recombination: producing gene combinations different from those carried by original chromosomes

* During synapsis, tetrad formed – crossing over possible

1) homologous chromatids break at similar locations & chromatids join

2) h. chrom. separate at Anaphase I – crossing over

3) Meiosis II, sister chromatids separate

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Page 27: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 28: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Mendelian Genetics

genetics = science of heredity

gene: specific region of genetic material (DNA) that provides provides the cell with a “map”

Goal: determine patterns of inheritance

Mendelian Genetics

Gregor Mendel – 1860’s monk

significant findings = offspring obtain discrete heritable factors (genes) from their parents

Page 29: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Mendelian Genetics

Gregor Mendel – 1860’s monk

-carefully chose organisms to study (garden pea), controlled pollinations, chose traits that were easy to observe, used statistical methods to analyze data

-significant findings = offspring obtain discrete heritable factors (genes) from their parents

Page 30: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come


self-fertilization: plant’s egg fertilized by it’s own pollen

cross-fertilization: plant’s egg fertilized by another plant’s pollen (hybridization)

P generation: parental generation

F1 generation: filial generation; hybrid offspring of the P generation

F2 generation: offspring produced by F1 generation via self-fertilization

Page 31: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Mendel’s Principles

1) Principle of Segregation – pairs of genes segregate during gamete formation; fertilization pairs genes again

monohybrid cross: cross of 2 individuals that differ in 1 trait

allele: alternate form of a gene found at same loci of homologous chromosomes

Page 32: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

1) Principle of Segregation

Ex: Flower color (P = purple, p = white)

P = 1 Purple (PP) & 1 white (pp)

F1 = all Purple (Pp)

F2 = ¾ Purple (PP & Pp) ¼ white (pp)

homozygous: identical pair of alleles

heterozygous: 2 different alleles for a trait

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Page 34: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

phenotype: physical trait; appearance of organism; expressed as phenotypic ratio

genotype: genetic makeup of organism; expressed as genotypic ratio

• In the flower color example…..

What is the phenotypic ratio?

What is the genotypic ratio?

** For monohybrid cross… phenotypic ratio is always 3:1 & genotypic ratio is always 1:2:1

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Page 36: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Principle of Independent Assortment

• each pair of alleles segregates independently during gamete formation

dihybrid cross: cross of 2 individuals that differ in 2 traits

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Page 38: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 39: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Principle of Independent Assortment

ExampleP generation: Round (RR) & Yellow (YY) seeds = RRYY

Wrinkled (rr) & Green (yy) seeds = rryy

Gametes = RY and ry

F1 gen: All RrYy (Round & Yellow seeds)

Gametes = RY, Ry, rY, ryFemale



ry RrYy

Page 40: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Principle of Independent Assortment

Example (continued)F2 gen: (Do Punnett Square



RY ryRy rY





Page 41: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Principle of Independent Assortment

Example (continued)F2 gen: (Do Punnett Square



RY ryRy rY






Page 42: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Principle of Independent Assortment

Example (continued)F2 gen: (Do Punnett Square



RY ry


Ry rY






Page 43: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

2) Principle of Independent Assortment

Example (continued)F2 gen: (Do Punnett Square



RY ry


Ry rY








RRyy RryyRrYy




Page 44: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 45: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Probabilities• Probability (chance) of an event occurring ranges

from 0 to 1

Probability = 0 = event will not occur

Probability = 1 = event will occur always

Tossing a Coin

What is the probability of getting a “tails”?

= 0.5 (1/2)

What is the probability of getting a “heads”?

= 0.5 (1/2)What is the probability of getting a “heads” or a “tails”?

= P(heads) + P(tails) = 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.0

Page 46: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Tossing 2 Coins

What is the probability of getting a “heads” on both coins?

= P(heads) x P (heads) = (0.5)*(0.5) = 0.25

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Page 48: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Flower Color Example

F1 = Pp = 0.5 P & 0.5 p gametes

F2 = Pp x Pp

1 P (female) x 1 P (male) = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 PP

1 P (female) x 1 p (male) = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 Pp

1 p (female x 1 P (male) = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 Pp

1 p (female) x 1 p (male) = 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 pp

• What is the probability of getting a heterozygote?• What is the probability of getting a homozygote?

Page 49: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Why are some flowers pink?

• Complete dominance = dominant & recessive alleles

• Incomplete dominance = F1 offspring have phenotype somewhere between that of the 2 parents = both alleles expressed

Ex: Flower color (R = red, r = white)

P = 1 Red (RR) & 1 white (rr)

F1 = all Reddish-White = Pink (Rr)

F2 = ¼ Red (RR), ¼ white (rr), ½ pink (Rr)

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Incomplete Dominance

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Pleiotropy vs. Polygenic Inheritance

• pleiotropy = 1 gene influence many traits

e.g., sickle-cell anemia = homozygous recessive disease

sickle-cell gene influences:

- shape of RBC’s

- health of heart, brain, spleen, kidneys• polygenic inheritance = many genes

influence 1 trait, e.g., skin color

- many genes interact to give diverse skin color ranging very dark to very light

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Page 53: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come
Page 54: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

Chromosomal Basis

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Review Problem / “Test-Like Question”

Cross the following (assume complete dominance)


Where: A = no anemia a = anemia

B = brown eyes b = blue eyes

C = climb trees c = don’t climb trees

Page 56: Cell Division Sexual Reproduction = egg & sperm OR Asexual Reproduction = single parent, no egg/sperm Cell Division: reproduction of cells; “cells come

1) Find genotypes & phenotypes of F1 offspring & express in ratio format

2) Do a F1 X F1 cross using the AABbCC (one of the F1 offspring) & find the genotypes and phenotypes of the F2 offspring; express in ratio format

3) What is the probability of a F1 offspring having anemia, brown eyes, and tree-climbing abilities?