censorship meets sharism

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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tag:Sharism Web2.0summit 2008 tag:Sharism Web2.0summit 2008


  • 1.
    • Isaac Mao
    • Social Brain Foundation
    • Research Fellow
    • Berkman Center for Internet & Society
    Censorship MeetsSharism

2. UGC Booming

  • Universal six degree of separation
  • Sharism behind it
  • Granularity change, world view changed

3. Who Fears?

  • 1.0s
    • Totalitarian
    • Monopoly
    • DRM
    • Authority
  • China Syndrome for 2000+ years
  • Harmonious Society means unify everything?

1. 0 2.0 4. Censorship for All Levels

  • Control, Moral nanny
  • Keep regime safety (not national safety)
  • People don't argue, instead, they compromise

Self-censorship Business conspiracy Technology Political 5. Disruption

  • Economy just 1.x
  • Pattern/Granularity/Spreading (Social Media)
  • Pipeline: The censorship system become no more than one small nut, the hierarchy is now only part ofdense network

6. Future: Social Brain

  • Put into education agenda
  • More truths, journalism 2.0
  • Conversations, and collective Intelligence -> Smarter Solutions

US 2.0,When China, and other countries ? 7. Thanks! This Slide Will Be Shared On Slideshare twitter:isaac skype:isaac.mao http://isaacmao.com [email_address]