center for aviation competence annual report 2016 · annual report 2016. publisher: center for...

Center for Aviation Competence Annual Report 2016

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Page 1: Center for Aviation Competence Annual Report 2016 · Annual Report 2016. Publisher: Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG) Universität St.Gallen ... konnte viele Inputs aus der

Center for Aviation Competence

Annual Report 2016

Page 2: Center for Aviation Competence Annual Report 2016 · Annual Report 2016. Publisher: Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG) Universität St.Gallen ... konnte viele Inputs aus der

Publisher:Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG)Universität St.Gallen

Dufourstrasse 40aCH-9000 St.Gallen

Tel. +41 (0)71 224 25 00Fax +41 (0)71 224 25 36

[email protected]

Editor: Dr. Andreas Wittmer

Layout:Nicole Denk, CFAC-HSG und Beate Reichel,

Photos/Copyrights:University of St.Gallen (HSG)S. Wunderlin AerodocS.24 csp_travnikovstudio/fotosearch

Page 3: Center for Aviation Competence Annual Report 2016 · Annual Report 2016. Publisher: Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG) Universität St.Gallen ... konnte viele Inputs aus der

3 Content


Introduction by the president 4

Einleitung des Präsidenten 5

The Center for Aviation Competence of the University of St.Gallen 6

Organization 7


Staff and Finances 9

Our Work 10

Academic and Executive Education 11

Dissertations, Bachelor- and Master Theses and Seminar Papers 14

Presentations 16

Publications 16

Projects 17

Public Relations 18

Conferences and Conventions 19

Exhibitions 19

Memberships 19

Media 19

Supporters 20

Our Supporters 21

Benefits for Supporters 22

Preview 23

Page 4: Center for Aviation Competence Annual Report 2016 · Annual Report 2016. Publisher: Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG) Universität St.Gallen ... konnte viele Inputs aus der


Introduction by the President

Review/Forecast CFAC 2016/2017We look back into a very interesting year with positive changes for the CFAC. In research, a new project was launched together with the SBB Research Fund, which gave the CFAC a new orientation in research. With this project the CFAC positions itself in the research field of future mobility trends and consumer behavior. Through the study, the CFAC was able to differentiate itself from other future and mobility researchers thus making a great contribution to a better understanding of the future of mobility and aviation in Switzerland. In the media, the CFAC was regularly present and was able to transfer many insights from research into impacts. For the CFAC, the year 2016 was also a year of networks. With its active participation and leading role within the network of the Swiss Aerospace Cluster, the CFAC played an important role in establishing a new working group in the Helicopter industry. Together with Swiss Global Enterprise, the CFAC was also able to launch a branch of the Swiss Aerospace Cluster in Dubai. Throughout that partnership, the CFAC strengthened its network within the Aviation industry in Switzerland. The idea of a Swiss Aviation Research Center was further developed towards a successful implementation in the year 2017. The Swiss Aviation Research Centre is supported by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation and the three institutes involved thus have formed an alliance that addresses the concerns of aviation research in Switzerland and plays an important role as interme-diary between business, research and the state.

There has also been a few changes in HR at the CFAC in 2016. Managing director, Dr. Andreas Wittmer, was elected as the academic director of the CEMS Master of International Management on 1st August 2016. He has

received a position at the university as a senior lecturer in management with special consideration of aviation. Dr. Andreas Wittmer will continue to lead the Center for Aviation Competence and the various networks around the Research Center. A new research associate, Erik Linden, was hired at the CFAC. Erik Linden is doing his PhD in the field of Consumer Behavior in Mobility, manages projects and was elected as the new Cluster Manager of the Swiss Aerospace Cluster. Furthermore, the team was supplemented by two student employees, Naomi Bechtold and Rahel Baltens perger. The CFAC team is very pleased to also welcome three professionals as CFAC Fellows, namely Joel Hencks, Claudio Noto and René Puls. With this support, the Center for Aviation Competence is well organized and positioned for the future. Strict according to our motto: The sky is full of opportunities….

The highlight of the past year was the ten-year anni-versary of the CFAC-HSG. On 17th August 2016 over 100 guests from different areas of the aviation industry accepted the invitation and met in Zurich to discuss the future of Aviation. The opening words of the President were followed by the welcoming addresses of Stephan Widrig, CEO Airport Zürich AG and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieger, Rector of the University of St.Gallen. Exciting input papers were presented by four of our Executive partners. The sponsors, Flughafen Zürich AG and SwissRE, made a great contribution and thereby allo-wed the team of the CFAC to organize an exciting event in a breathtaking location on the visitor’s terrace of Terminal 2 at Zurich Airport. It was an honorable and successful occasion for the anniversary of the CFAC. Thanks to all participants, sponsors, speakers and co-workers who made the event special.

In 2017, the CFAC will continue its research in the field of Aviation, Mobility in general and keep its focus on Aviation Management and Consumer Behavior. The program for 2017 also includes a research project in the area of regional airfields, organizational planning of airlines, risk monitoring in the financial sector of airlines and various legal assessments regarding near-misses as well as mobility management and Consumer behavior in the Mobility sector. The CFAC is also continuing to focus on education and training for students of the HSG and executives. For example, a certificate course of the University of St.Gallen with the title "Global Aviation Management (GAM-CP)" will be held for the first time in 2017. This course covers the topics of Account able Aviation and International Management as well as Aviation Safety Management and Aviation Auditing. In the CFAC education, Aviation Systems of the Integrated Aviation Value Chain and Aviation Management Asia Compact will continue to be offered. On 19th October 2017 the Forum Risk, Safety and Liability in Aviation will be held at the Hotel Radis-son Blu at Zurich Airport.

Without the circle of patrons who, on the one hand, support with industrial competence and on the other hand, with a financial contribution, the work of the CFAC would not be possible. Many thanks for this generous support of your resources.

Prof. Dr. Roland MüllerPresident of the Academic Advisory Board

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Risiko Monitorings im Airline Finanzbereich und ver-schiedene juristische Gutachten im Zusammenhang mit der Bewertung von Luftfahrzeugen und von Nearmisses auf dem Programm. Ebenfalls fokussiert das CFAC wei-terhin die Aus- und Weiterbildung. So wird im Jahr 2017 zum ersten Mal einen Zertifikatskurs der Universität St.Gallen mit dem Titel «Global Aviation Management (GAM-CP)» durchgeführt. Dieser Zertifikatskurs bein-haltet Themen des Accountable Aviation Management, International Management, Aviation Safety Management und Aviation Auditing. In der Ausbildung werden die Kurse Aviation Systems-Management of the integrated Aviation Value Chain und Aviation Management Asia Compact weiterhin angeboten. Am 19. Oktober 2017 wird das Forum Risk, Safety and Liability in Aviation im Hotel Radisson Blu am Flughafen Zürich durchgeführt.

Weiterhin werden interessante Aufträge abgewickelt und damit gelernt. Besonders schön ist es, dass das CFAC auch in Zukunft auf die Gönner und Sponsoren zählen darf. Ohne den Kreis von Gönnern die einerseits mit Industriekompetenz und andererseits mit einem finanziellen Gönnerbeitrag unterstützen, wären die vielfältigen Aufgaben die für die Luftfahrtindustrie der Schweiz erbracht werden, nicht möglich. Herzlichen Dank für diese grosszügige Unterstützung.

Prof. Dr. Roland MüllerPräsident des Fachrats


Einleitung des Präsidenten

Rückblick/Ausblick CFAC 2016/2017Das vergangene Jahr war für das Center for Aviation Competence der Universität St.Gallen sehr interessant und von positiven Veränderungen geprägt. In der For-schung konnte ein neues Projekt zusammen mit dem SBB Forschungs-Fond initiiert werden, welches dem CFAC in der Forschung eine neue Orientierung gab. Mit diesem Projekt konzentriert sich das CFAC sehr stark auf die zukünftigen Mobilitätstrends und das zukünftige Mobilitätsverhalten der Kunden oder Passagiere. Mit der Forschungstätigkeit, die sehr vielfältig war, konnte sich das CFAC von anderen Zukunftsforschern und Mobili-tätsforschern differenzieren und einen grossen Beitrag für das Verständnis der zukünftigen Mobilität leisten. In den Medien war das CFAC regelmässig präsent und konnte viele Inputs aus der Aviatik für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft transferieren. Das Jahr 2016 war auch ein Jahr in dem sich das CFAC sehr stark für neue Netzwer-ke eingesetzt hat, wie beispielsweise im Swiss Aerospace Cluster, wo die Neugründung der Fachgruppe Helikop-ter unterstützt wurde. Ebenfalls konnte das CFAC zu-sammen mit Swiss Global Enterprise einen Ableger des Swiss Aerospace Clusters in Dubai ins Leben rufen. Zu-sammen mit der ETH Lausanne und der ZHAW konnte die Idee des Swiss Aviation Research Centers weiterver-folgt werden. Die drei Institute haben zusammen eine Allianz gegründet, welche die Anliegen der aviatischen Forschung in der Schweiz, wie sie im Luftfahrtpoliti-schen Bericht beschrieben ist, aufnehmen.

Auch personell hat sich im Team des CFAC einiges ge-tan. Der Geschäftsführer, Dr. Andreas Wittmer, wur-de per 1. August 2016 zum Akademischen Direktor des CEMS Master of International Managements gewählt. Er hat eine Anstellung an der Universität zusammen mit

einer Dozentur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre unter speziel- ler Berücksichtigung der Aviatik erhalten. Dr. Andreas Wittmer wird weiterhin das Center for Aviation Com-petence und die verschiedenen Netzwerke um das For-schungscenter führen. Die Forschungstätigkeit am CFAC wird dadurch nicht beeinträchtigt. Neu wurde ein neuer wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Erik Linden, am CFAC eingestellt. Erik Linden setzt Projekte um und leitet die Geschäftsstelle des Swiss Aerospace Clusters. Weiters wurde das Team durch zwei studentische Mitarbeiterin-nen, Naomi Bechtold und Rahel Baltensperger, ergänzt. Besonders erfreulich ist, dass das CFAC Team drei Persönlichkeiten als CFAC Fellows gewinnen durfte. Es sind dies Joel Hencks, Claudio Noto und René Puls. Mit diesem Zuwachs ist das Center for Aviation Competence gut organisiert und auf bestem Weg in die Zukunft, treu dem Motto: The sky is full of opportunities….

Der Höhepunkt des vergangenen Jahres war zweifel-los der 10-jährige Jubiläumsanlass am Flughafen Zürich. Über 100 Persönlichkeiten aus der Luftfahrt Branche ehrten das CFAC mit ihrer Anwesenheit. Verschiedene Fachräte des CFAC referierten und provozierten teilwei-se im Sinne eines 10-jährigen, pubertierenden CFAC. Die Sponsoren, Flughafen Zürich AG und SwissRE, ermög-lichten die hervorragende Location auf der Zuschauer-terrasse des Terminals 2 und die delikate Verpflegung im Anschluss an die Referate. Es war ein ehrenvoller und gelungener Anlass. Danke allen Teilnehmern, Sponso-ren, Referenten und Mitarbeitern.

Das Jahr 2017 wird das CFAC in der Zukunfts-forschung im Bereich Mobilität weiter voranbringen. Im Weiteren sind Forschungsprojekt im Bereich der Regionalflug-plätze, der organisatorischen Planung von Airlines, des

Page 6: Center for Aviation Competence Annual Report 2016 · Annual Report 2016. Publisher: Center for Aviation Competence (CFAC-HSG) Universität St.Gallen ... konnte viele Inputs aus der

The Center for Aviation Competence of the University of St.Gallen

Mission: Due to the complex interrelation and the heterogeneous fi elds of application in systemic industries such as the Aviation or related industries, we provide scientifi c, applied and practice-oriented research as well as training and education for managers in systemic industries, governmental or non-profi t organi zations. We also serve as discussion partners or counterparts for experts and interested parties in the fi eld of Aviation and related industries.

Vision: The CFAC is the number one independent university institution in Switz erland when it comes to research, trainings and further education in the fi eld of management, economics and law in the aviation and related systemic industries such as mobility.

Values: independent, refl ective, systemic, practice-oriented, collaborative

Stakeholder: Managers in systemic industries, public or non-profi t organizations as well as experts andinterested parties.

As one of Europe’s leading business universities, the University of St.Gallen is globally recognized as a place for thought leadership on current economic, business and societal matt ers and for the development of talents able to integrate perspectives and act both entrepreneurially and responsibly.

The Center for Aviation Comeptence (CFAC-HSG) is an independent institution of the University of St.Gallen. We off er services as well as basic and advanced training courses in aviation and provide service projects, such as market research and studies, using the knowledge that has been generated through research, publications and the experience of our academic advisory board members, partners and our Managing Director and Team.

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7 The Center for Aviation Competence of the University of St.Gallen


The Center for Aviation Competence is supported by six institutes. The Center’s academic advisory board is made up of the managing professors of the partici pating institutes. The CFAC-HSG is administratively managed by the Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance (IMP-HSG) and is led by Dr. Andreas Wittmer. The six partner institutes are:

• The Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance (IMP-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser

• The Research Institute for Labour Economics and Labour Law (FAA-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiser

• The Chair of Logistics Management (LOG-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle

• The Institute for Operations Research and Computa -tional Finance (ior/cf-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Karl Frauen-dorfer

• The Research Institute for International Management (FIM-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Winfried Ruigrok

• The St.Gallen Institute of Management in Asia Pte Ltd (SGI-HSG) – Prof. Dr. Stefan Morkötter

Additionally, Chair Management of Network Industries and E-Governance at the École Politechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL-MIR), the Institute for Tourism and Leisure Research (ITF) of the University of Applied Sciences, Chur (HTW), the Center for Aviation of the Zurich University of applied Science in Winterthur (ZHAW), and the German Aerospace Academy (ASA) are external partners with whom collaboration in pro- jects as well as in teaching and advanced education at university/other tertiary educational level is being inten-sified. AeroEx, as an associate partner, is part of the exe-cutive education offer of the CFAC-HSG.

• Institute for Tourism and Leisure Research, Universi‐ty of Applied Sciences (ITF‐HTW), Chur, Switzerland The Institute for Tourism and Leisure Research (ITF) of the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Chur, Switzerland develops inter and transdisciplinary methods as well as incorporating knowledge into service and consulting projects relevant to practical applications. The combination of research results and methods with a practical approach to a problem and the close connection with teaching and executive education/advanced training are the man corner stones for success in the specific area of tourism.

• Center for Aviation, Zurich University of applied science (ZAV‐ZHAW) The Centre for Aviation combines various technolo-gies, methods and areas of expertise in a bid to find sustainable solutions for the ever-increasing challen-ges of global mobility, to explore new approaches of making aviation even more efficient and safe. The results of our research are integrated into the Bachelor’s degree program in Aviation.

• AeroEx GmbH AeroEx GmbH is a Swiss-based company and offers a wide range of services with particular focus on the delivery of consultancy and support services to com-panies in the aviation industry. The key competences are seminars and workshops tailored individually to customers’ needs. AeroEx GmbH provides high customer value through a quality expert team with know-how which has been gained overa long period.

• German Aerospace Academy ASA ASA is an institute of the Steinbeis University Berlin and its primary aim is to offer college degrees that can be taken while working full-time. These college

degrees range from bachelor degree courses to doc-toral studies. ASA also offers professional certificates and seminars for a variety of qualification levels and educational backgrounds. Being the innovation cen-ter of the Steinbeis Innovation GmbH, ASA also offers technical education and management courses while promoting equal opportunity in the industry. ASA is known for its knowledge in Aerospace engineering.

• Chair Management of Network Industries & e‐Governance (EPFL‐MIR) The Chair MIR studies the de- and reregulation, as well as the governance and the management of the different network industries, namely postal services, telecommunications, electricity, water distribution and sanitation, railways, as well as air transport. They focus especially on the role the Information and Com-munication Technologies (ICTs) play in governing and transforming these industries.

Furthermore, the CFAC-HSG, ZAV-ZHAW and EPFL-MIR integrated their activities under the brand Swiss Aviation Research Center. By this the three initiators aim to be the contact point in Switzerland for Aviation Research and Education.

The CFAC-HSG provides scientific research, training courses at university level as well as services for private companies and public institutions. The results of market research and consulting concentrate on the competen-ces of the institutes involved which employ around 120 scientific researchers. The goals of CFAC-HSG are sup-ported by sponsors from industry as well as from public institutions.

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Prof. Dr. Christian LaesserIMP-HSG

Dr. Andreas Wittmer, Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Karl Frauendorferior/cf-HSG

Prof. Dr. Winfried RuigrokFIM-HSG

Prof. Dr. Stefan Morkoetter SGI-HSG

Naomi Bechtold,Junior Researcher

Rosi Hess, HR / Accounting

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang StölzleLOG-HSG

Rahel Baltensperger,Junior Researcher

Prof. Dr. Thomas Geiser FAA-HSG

Prof. Dr. Roland Müller, President, FAA-HSG

Erik Linden,Research Associate

The Center for Aviation Competence of the University of St.Gallen



Nicole Denk, Administration

Associate Partners / Academic HSG-Partners


Joel Hencks Dr. René PulsDr. Claudio Noto

CFAC FellowsAssociate Partners• AeroEx • ASA• ME Advocat AG • ITF-HTW Chur• ZAV ZHAW• EPFL-MIR

Center for Aviation CompetenceCFAC-HSGPhone: +41 (0)71 224 25 00 Fax: +41 (0)71 224 25 36 [email protected]

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9 The Center for Aviation Competence of the University of St.GallenThe Center for Aviation Competence of the University of St.Gallen

Staff and Finances


In 2016, the following employees worked for the Center for Aviation Competence:• Andreas Wittmer (Managing Director)• Erik Linden (new, Research Associate)• Rosi Hess (HR / Accounting )• Nicole Denk (Administration)• Naomi Bechtold (Junior Researcher)• Rahel Baltensperger (Junior Researcher)• Malena Haenni (Research Associate)• Laura-Virginia Birrer (Research Associate)• Joel Hencks (Fellow)• Dr. Claudio Noto (Fellow)• Dr. René Puls (Fellow)

All employees are involved in various projects. In addi-tion to staff directly employed at CFAC-HSG, there are around 120 employees split among the other partner-in-stitutes at the University of St.Gallen who can be ap-pointed depending on their expertise for project works of the CFAC-HSG.


The financial year of 2016 closed with a positive result. The independent scientific research can be continued thanks to our generous benefactors.

Andreas Wittmer, Erik Linden, Nicole Denk, Laura Birrer, Naomi Bechtold at the 10 years anniversary


Academic Board and CFAC Team at 10 years anniversary of CFAC-HSG Photo: HJ. Bürgi

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Besides our academic education, we off er in-house seminars and executive modules, including the CAS in Global Aviation Management. At the same time we are committ ed to academic research in the fi eld of Aviation and Mobility.

Our Work

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CFAC-HSG offering: • Risk Management (1 module)• Corporate Governance (1 module)• Service Management (1 module)• Leadership (1 module)• Business Model and Strategy (1 module)• Overview of the Future Air Traffic Market and Aerospace Industry (1 module)• Liability and Insurance (1 module)• Air Traffic Corporations and Air Traffic Standards (2 modules)• Aviation Management Module• Accountable Manager and nominated Person Module• Commander Upgrade Module• Safety Management System Manager Module• Aviation Auditor Module• Civil Aviation Instructor Module

Together with AeroEx:• Overview of EASA Regulation (1 module)• Documentation and Management of Records (1 module)• SMS Essentials (1 module)• Internal and External Auditing including Compliance Monitoring (1 module)• Industry Standards in Aviation (1 module)• Authority & Organization Requirements for “Operations” (Part ARO/ORO) (1 module)

Aviation Management ModuleThe Center for Aviation Competence at the University of St.Gallen (CFAC-HSG) offered the Aviation Manage-ment executive module for the third time in January 2016. It took place from 11th until 15th January 2016 at the Hotel Radisson Blu in St.Gallen.

This module included the following courses:• Aviation Governance• Certification Management• International/ EASA Regulation• Leadership• Project Management• Quality Management• Risk Management• Introduction to the Aviation System

Aviation Auditor ModuleThe Aviation Auditor Module took place from 8th until 10th February 2016 at the Hotel Radisson Blu in St.Gallen. Following courses were included:• Introduction to quality management• Regulations of QM-Systems (ISO/EASA)• Legal bases of quality assurance• Introduction to auditing• Audit preparation• Audit implementation• Audit follow-up• Structure of EN ISO 19011• Audit-Software AMAS (Aviation Management Audit System)

New in 2017: Global Aviation Management Certification Program (see Preview page 23)

CFAC 10 Years Anniversary of Research in AviationOn July 1, 2005 the Center for Aviation Competence was founded by the four institutes IDT-HSG, FEW-HSG, FAA-HSG and LOG-HSG. Since then, the CFAC-HSG has been successfully addressing the needs and interests of the aviation industry, in particular research, training, consultancy and consultancy. During the ten years, three other HSG institutes (SGI-HSG, ior / cf-HSG, FIM-HSG) joined the Center for Aviation Competence. Exter-nal partners such as EPFL-MIR, ZAV-ZHAW, ITF-HTW, German Aersospace Academy and AeroEx have also joined forces with the CFAC-HSG to provide services for the aviation industry.

Our Work

Academic and Executive Education

Dr. Andreas Wittmer and Prof. Dr. Roland Müller at the 10 years anni-

versary of CFAC-HSG Photo: HJ Bürgi

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12Our Work

HSG Master core elective: Aviation SystemsThe Master core elective “Aviation Systems” was offe -red for the ninth time in the spring semester 2016. The course was held by Prof. Dr. Christian Laesser and Dr. Andreas Wittmer. Around 40 students including exchange students regularly attended the lectures and actively contributed to the lessons/classes. The evalua-tion of the course by the attendees was very positive.

The following subjects were conducted in 2016:• Introduction to the Aviation System• The Systems of Aviation• The Value Chain of Aviation• Network Management and Business Models• Marketing in Aviation• Air Transport Technologies• Regulation and Competition• Air Transport and Tourism

Guest speakers Erich Rindlisbacher (Slot Coordina-tion Switzerland), Karl Isler (Swiss Int. Airlines) and Jan-Christian Schraven (Swiss Int. Airlines) made presentations to the following subject:• Risk Management and human factors in Aviation

HSG Asia Compact course: Aviation Management (including Excursion)Twenty-four Master students chose to join the course Aviation Management Asia Compact which took part from 31st October 2016 to 6th November 2016 at the SGI-HSG in Singapore followed by an excursion to Dubai for two days. Students received a broad overview of aviation and in depth knowledge about the system of aviation. The lectures were accomplished by various company visits, such as a Q&A-Session with the CEO of Jetstar Asia Airways at the Jetstar Asia Headquarters, a visit to Singapore Aviation Academy, a visit of Changi Airport and IATA Singapore. In the lectures the follo-wing subjects were discussed:• Introduction to the Aviation System• The Environment of Aviation• The Value Chain of Aviation• Network Management and Business Models• Marketing in Aviation• Air Transport Technologies• Regulation and Competition• Risk Management and human factors

Besides the very rich program, the students had time to explore the very dynamic city, eat delicious foods and experience the multicultural environment of Singapore.

HSG Marketing Tutorials: Focus on AviationDr. Andreas Wittmer has led a marketing tutorial group at the University of St.Gallen focussing on air trans-port since the winter semester 2006/07. At the end of the event, eight seminar papers were submitted on marke-ting topics in aviation.

University of Applied Sciences, Chur, Switzerland (HTW): Aviation Management, Transportation & MobilityTwo courses were offered on the subject “Transportation and Mobility” and “Aviation Management” byDr. Andreas Wittmer. The following subjects were considered within the Transport Major:

Aviation Management• Network management in Aviation• The value chain of aviation• Airline business models• Business Aviation• Plane technologies• Human factors• Aviation marketing and demand• Customer value in aviation• Revenue management at Swiss International Airlines• Slot coordination• Risk Management in Aviation

The following guest speakers made presentations as part of this course:• Erich Rindlisbacher, Managing Director, Slot Coordination Switzerland• Karl Isler, Head of Rev Mgmt Strategy and Operational Research of Swiss International Airlines

Transportation & Mobility• Introduction to the Aviation Systems• Systems (environments) of Aviation• Air Transport Case Studies and Introduction to Air Transport & Tourism• Transport evolution (Past-Present-Future)• Cases in Transport

Academic and Executive Education

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Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Winterthur, Switzerland: Air Transport Economics This course was offered by Dr. Andreas Wittmer during the spring semester 2016.

The following subjects were considered:• Introduction to the economic system and environment of aviation• Case study: air transport and tourism, Air Malta• Economics and its characteristics with regard to airlines, airports and the national economy• Revenue management (costs, pricing, revenue management) and operation of airlines• Supply of air transport, value chain, network management• Ethical issues in Aviation• Schedule planning and slot coordination

The following guest speakers made presentations as part of this course:• Jan Christian Schraven, Vice President Head of Operations Planning and Steering, Swiss International Air Lines• Erich Rindlisbacher, Managing Director, Slot Coordination Switzerland• Karl Isler, Head of Rev Mgmt Strategy and Operational Research of Swiss International Air Lines• Markus Maibach, Managing Director, Infras

Mae Fah Luang University: Aviation ManagementThis course was held for the second time by Dr. Andreas Wittmer during February 2016. Following subjects were considered:

• Introduction to the Aviation System• The Environment of Aviation• The Value Chain of Aviation• Network Management and Business Models• Marketing in Aviation• Air Transport Technologies• Regulation and Competition• Air Transport and Tourism

Commander Training for Helvetic AirwaysThe commander training was held on May 10th by Prof. Dr. Roland Müller and focused the subject “Duties, competence and responsibility of the commander of an airplane”.

Our Work

Academic and Executive Education

Class of HSG Asia Compact-Course Photo: Erik Linden

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14Our Work

Dissertations, Bachelor- and Master Theses and Seminar Papers

The following theses and dissertations were completed in 2016:

Subject Student

Chancen und Risiken einer Schweizerischen Regionalflughafengruppe (Bachelor Thesis) Caroline Lebrecht

Vergleich der Tarifstrukturen von Airlines (Bachelor Thesis)) Clemens Klein

Wahrnehmung von Preisen und Leistungen bei Airlines (Bachelor Thesis) Daniel Gämperli

Competition among Swiss airports: An analysis based on perceived substitutability by airlines and passengers (Bachelor Thesis)) Jonas Lépine

Auswirkungen der Überregulierung auf die Sicherheit in der Luftfahrt (Bachelor Thesis) Julian Flessati

Customer Value Factors of Airline Loyalty Programs (Bachelor Thesis) Kevin Schaelchlin

Entscheidungskriterien von Familien mit Kindern beim Flugticketkauf (Bachelor Thesis) Martin Dallago

Kritische Analyse der Hybridisierung der Airline-Geschäftsmodelle in Europa (Bachelor Thesis) Philipp Steiner

The Future of European Airports – Options for Business Growth (Master Thesis) Dominic Sommer

The Impact of Flight Time on Air Passengers Value Drivers (Master Thesis) Pascal Sax

Evaluation Customer Value and Satisfaction Delivered by Customer Credit Risk Management in BASF Group (Executive MBA)) Pietro Pavone

Optimal aircraft replacement with special focus on aircraft age-related cost factors (Master Thesis) Hans Christian Hammerschmidt

The Influence of Marketing Instruments on Consumer Behavior in the Purchase of Leisure Flight Tickets – An Empirical Analysis (Master Thesis) Maximilian Klein

Benefits of Airport Lounges – the Case of Swiss Passengers (Master Thesis) Yves Lenzinger

The Competitiveness of Zurich Airport (Master Thesis) Bettino Feltscher

Are airlines economic precursors or they react subsequently to economic effects? (Master Thesis) Patrick Zukowski

The Impact of Price Setting on Image - Applied on the Example of Swiss International Air Lines (Seminar Paper) Fabio Bondini

Impact of the new pricing concept of Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. on Swiss university student’s travel behavior (Seminar Paper) Marlies Menzi

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15 Our Work

Subject Student

Videoanalyse des zweiten Emirates Werbespots mit Jennifer Aniston (Seminar Paper) Team

Ryanair – Meister des Ancillary Revenue? (Seminar Paper) Team

Analyse des Marketingmix von JetSmarter (Seminar Paper) Team

Singapore Airlines – Einfluss der Service-Innovationen auf die Kundenbindung (Seminar Paper) Team

Skywards – eine Partnerschaft zwischen Ertrags- und Dienstleistungsinnovator Airlines (Seminar Paper) Team

First Class Vergleich zwischen Emirates und Swiss auf der Strecke Zürich-Singapur (Seminar Paper) Team

Business model analysis of low-cost carriers (seminar paper) Team

Expansion of Gulf Carriers into the European Air Travel Market (Seminar Paper) Team

The Importance of Human Factors in Risk Management - The case of US Airways flight 1549 (Seminar Paper) Team

Social Seating: ‘s Meet & Seat - A critical examination of social seating systems based on the case of KLM’s Meet & Seat (Seminar Paper) Team

Doing more with less in the Airline Business (Seminar Paper) Team

Turnaround Management in the Aviation Industry – The Application of the Practical Approach of Contintental Airlines to Theoretical Models Team

Is Iceland the new Dubai? A Comparison between Middle East carriers and Iceland airlines (Seminar Paper) Team

Long Haul Low-Cost Airline Business Model – Case Study of AirAsia X and Norwegian (Seminar Paper) Team

Online Travel Agencies – A Business Model Analysis (Seminar Paper) Team

Sharing Economies in Aviation – Case Studies on Business Model Patterns (Seminar Paper) Team

Aviation Management Asia Compact Class 2016

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16Our Work

Presentations and Publications


The CFAC made the following public presentations:

Andreas Wittmer Entwicklung und Rahmenbedingungen der Luftfahrt (1. Schweizer Aviatik Symposium Zurich Airport, April 2016)

Andreas Wittmer, Sebastian Daum The Concept of Well-being and its Effect on Airline Ticket Purchasing (ATRS Conference Rhodes, June 2016)

Andreas Wittmer, Sebastian Daum The Concept of Well-being and its Effect on Airline Ticket Purchasing (AIEST Conference Malta, August/September 2016)

Andreas Wittmer Luftfahrt Heute und Morgen (10 Jahr Jubiläumsveranstaltung CFAC-HSG, August 2016)

Andreas Wittmer Regionalflugplätze und deren Wirkung auf das Luft-fahrtsystem und die Volkswirtschaft der Schweiz (Parlamentarische Gruppe Luft- und Raumfahrt, September 2016)


Various conference papers and articles which were published:

• The Concept of Well-being and its Effect on Airline Ticket Purchasing. 66th AIEST Conference, 28th August – 1st September 2016, Malta, A. Wittmer, S. Daum

• The Concept of Well-being and its Effect on Airline Ticket Purchasing. 20th ATRS Conference, 23th – 26th June, Rhodes, A. Wittmer, S. Daum

• Arealentwicklung und Bahnzugang (Schlussbericht) In: SBBLab Report June 2016. K. Zumbsch, M. Haenni-Emmenegger, R. Scherer, A. Wittmer

• Kooperationen in der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie. In: IMPacts 10, S.22. A. Wittmer

• Arealentwicklungen und Ausbaunotwendigkeiten für erschliessende Bahnhöfe In: Schweizer Jahrbuch für Verkehr 2016. K. Zumbusch, M. Haenni, R. Scherer, A. Wittmer

• Verkehrsinfrastrukturen für die 10-Millionen Schweiz In: Magazin für Zukunftsmonitoring. A. Wittmer

CFAC – The Aviation Series

The Aviation Series of the Center for Aviation Compe-tence are edited by Prof. Dr. Roland Müller and Dr. Andreas Wittmer:

• Swiss Commercial Drone Industry In: CFAC-TAS Volume 9. S. Arora

• Multidimensional Decision Behavior in Air Transport In: CFAC-TAS Volume 10, Anniversary Publication. A. Wittmer, S. Daum

Roland Müller presenting the CFAC Anniversary Publication

Photo: HJ Bürgi

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17 Our Work


Following projects were in progress in 2016:

Subject: Mitgliedernutzen Bewertung

Customer: Swiss Aerospace Cluster

Business partners: CFAC

Description: The goal of this project is to gather all member needs and wishes for future progress within the Swiss Aero space Cluster in a survey. Through the survey it should be possible to locate these factors in a scientific frame - work for cluster organizations to help elaborate and implement a new strategy and roadmap to manage and organize the Swiss Aerospace Cluster.

Subject: COST Action TU1408

Customer: COST Action

Business partner: CFAC, ZHAW, ETH Zurich, ETH Lausanne

Description: This project describes research to identify major economic impacts of Swiss regional airports and its relevance for regional development. The research also seek to identify the governance structure that is the most efficient and productive for regional airports in Switzerland.

Subject: Mobilität 2040

Customer: SBB

Business partners: IMP

Description: This project in cooperation with the SBB Lab focuses on the future of mobility, the customer segments and the needs of future mobility customers in the year 2040. Therefore, the CFAC describes various scenarios for the future of mobility in the year 2040, analyzes segments of customers in the new mobility market and formulates the needs and describes the behavior of mobility customers in the prior mentioned scenarios of the mobility market in the year 2040.

Subject: Swiss Aviation Research Center

Customer: none

Business partner: CFAC

Description: A collaboration among CFAC-HSG, EPFL-MIR and ZAV-ZHAW. The Aim of the Swiss Aviation Research Center is the promotion of further education, research and development of new technologies and processes in the field of aviation in cooperation with universities in Switzerland.

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Public Relations

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19 Public Relations

Conferences and Conventions

The CFAC attended the following conferences and conventions in 2016:

• Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) in Rhodes, Greece (Andreas Wittmer)

• AIEST Conference in Malta, Malta (Andreas Wittmer)

• 1. Schweizer Aviatik Symposium at Zurich Airport, Switzerland

• German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S): Aviation Workshop in Amsterdam, Netherlands (Andreas Wittmer)

• Global Airport Leaders Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Andreas Wittmer)


Dr. Andreas Wittmer took part in the Airport Show Dubai and Singapore Airshow.


The list below shows the organizations in which Dr. Andreas Wittmer represents the CFAC-HSG:

• Aero Club Schweiz and Ostschweiz

• Air Transport Research Society (ATRS)

• Association Internationale d’Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme (AIEST)

• European Air Law Association

• German Aviation Research Society (G.A.R.S.)

• Schweizer Aviatik-Jounalisten (SAJ)

• Schweizerische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (SVWG)

• Swiss Aerospace Cluster

• Transport Research Society, World Conference of Transport Research

• Swiss Aviation Research Center


The CFAC was featured in the newspapers, magazines and news listed below:

NZZ, February 12, 2016 • Provokative Thesen zum Flughafen Zürich (Andreas Wittmer)

SRF, 10vor10, April 27, 2016 • Heli-Hub in Mollis (Andreas Wittmer)

20 Minuten, April 28, 2016 • Glarus soll zum Mekka der Heli Branche werden (Andreas Wittmer)

NZZ, May 9, 2016 • Die Lärmproblematik wird oft übertrieben (Andreas Wittmer)

20 Minuten und Tagesanzeiger, May 9, 2016 • Dübendorf als vierte Poste des Flughafens Zürich (Andreas Wittmer)

SRF, June 27, 2016 • Dringend gesucht: Flugpersonal (Andreas Wittmer)

SRF Schweiz Aktuell, August 9, 2016 • Fluggesellschaft bricht Ticketpreis-Aktion ab (Andreas Wittmer)

FM1 Today, October 2, 2016 • Vor 15 Jahren blieben die Swissair-Flieger am Boden (Andreas Wittmer)

Der Bund, November 11, 2016 • Preiskampf lässt Turkish Airlines und Emirates straucheln (Andreas Wittmer)

Public Relations

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The CFAC now has 27 institutional and 6 private benefactors; two additional new supporters joined in supporting the CFAC in 2016.


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21 Supporters

Institutional supporters: AeCS Aero Club der Schweiz * Aeropers-Swissalpa * AFAC-Agency for Aviation Communication AG * AIC Consulting AG * Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Standortförderung Kanton SG * Amt für Verkehr, Volkswirtschaftsdirektion Kanton ZH * AviSwiss GmbH * AXA Corporate Solutions Assurance

* Belair Airlines * Crédit Suisse St.Gallen * Edelweiss Air AG * Grenchen Airport AG * Helvetic Airways AG * IBC Insurance Broking and Consulting Zurich AG * Jet Aviation Business Jets AG * Kessler & CO AG * Lindberg International * Motorflug-Verband der Schweiz * ME Advocat AG * Raiffeisenbank Engelburg * Rega * RUAG Aviation * Skyguide * Swiss Aerospace Cluster * Swiss Helicopter Association * Swiss Pilot School Association * Swissport International Ltd.

Private supporters: Bettermann Thomas * Dobler Bruno * Erbe Stephan * Gasser Marc B. * Laubscher Reto * Puls René

Supporters of the CFAC anniversary 2016: Flughafen Zürich AG * SwissRe Corporate Solutions


Our Supporters

As an independent institution of the University of St.Gallen, the CFAC-HSG focuses its academic research on relevant aviation topics. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to do research and contribute important insights to the academic debate and also transfer our knowledge directly to the industry.


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Benefits for Supporters

Not only are supporters of the Center for Aviation Competence contributing to the academic research of Aviation significantly, but can profit from several benefits at the same time, as listed below.

• CFAC News (Monitoring of Aviation Law, Literature and Judicative in Air Law, Literature in Aviation Management, Politics, Economics and Society in Aviation) with two editions per year.

• Academic works in the field of aviation can be written to requested topics by our supporters (Master theses or Dissertations which are advised at University of St.Gallen or Bern)

• Project works and applied research projects to requested topics in the field of aviation of supporters (Bachelor and Master level at the University of St.Gallen and at the ZHAW)

• Advisory opinion with special conditions (Opinion papers in the field of regulation or management in aviation for supporters with reduced hourly rates)

• Participation at Events with Aviation lectures and aviation forums with special conditions (free partici- pation at gatherings, participation at forums with exchange of experience and Apéro with 10 % discount)

• Participation at our Aviation Education programs with a price reduction of about CHF 300 (Aviation Manage- ment Module, Accountable Manager Module, Auditor Module, Safety Manager Module, Certificate Program in Aviation, etc.)

• Access to our Aviation publications and information with login on our CFAC Supporters webpage.

• Books published by the CFAC and of the CFAC Aviation Series can be bought with 30 % discount.

• Network of aviation specialists (relaxed exchange of know-how and meetings with direct contact with us)

• Fast and free legal advice about aviation issues (advise by our Professors of the CFAC for free, if an advise can be given by phone without research effort)

• Fast and free advice about aviation topics in the fields of Aviation Management, Aviation Political Issues, Aviation Economy, Air Law, Aviation Environment and Society, Aviation Logistics, Aviation Operation if an advise can be given by phone without research effort.

St.Gallen, February 2017

Prof. Dr. Roland Müller Dr. Andreas Wittmer President Managing Director



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Preview 2017

New Global Aviation Management CAS Program 2017:The Center for Aviation Competence at the Uni-versity of St.Gallen (CFAC-HSG) off ers a unique Certifi cate Program at University Level. Aviation Manager and newcomers to the aviation industry will focus on accountable management issues in the context of global aviation business. Participants will gain an overview and use frameworks to increase their effi ciency in global aviation management.

Accountable Aviation Management ModuleThe goal of this module is to answer pending ques-tions, but also to educate and update the skills of Accountable Managers. This module takes place from 09th until 14th January in St.Gallen.

International Management (in Singapore)Cross Cultural Management and Communication are key to success, when managing staff with a great diversity in culture. The aviation industry grows most in Asia these times. For this reason the module will take place in Singapore from 14th until 16th June.

Aviation Safety ManagementThis module explains how to be compliant with regulation and off ers tools and practices to be effi cient. Furthermore, the module also discusses cultures and how to achieve cultures that increase safety. It takes place from 6th until 9th September in St.Gallen.

Auditing in AviationInternal auditing becomes highly important to con-sistently ensure compliance. This module deals with compliance, the basic regulations to it and with how to install effi cient internal auditing processes.

Further internal and external Education in 2017:The CFAC intends to attend the Air Transport Re search Conference, the AIEST Conference, the European Aviation Conference and various G.A.R.S. workshops of the German Aviation Research Society.

On 19th October the CFAC Forum “Risk, Safety and Liability in Aviation” takes place at the Radisson Blu Hotel at Zurich Airport.

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The sky is full of opportunities...