centers for medicare and medicaid services urinary incontinence and catheters satellite broadcast...

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Urinary Incontinence and Catheters Satellite Broadcast October 27, 2004

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Page 1: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Urinary Incontinence and Catheters Satellite Broadcast October 27, 2004

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Urinary Incontinence and Catheters Satellite Broadcast

October 27, 2004

Page 2: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Urinary Incontinence and Catheters Satellite Broadcast October 27, 2004

Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary tract conditions Neurological disorders Impaired functional status Environmental barriers

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Potentially Reversible Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Acute symptomatic urinary tract infection Atrophic vaginitis Severe constipation and fecal impaction Conditions that cause a decrease in

mobility and toileting ability Caffeine intake Drug side effects

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Urge Incontinence “Overactive Bladder”

Signs: • Urine loss Urine loss • Urgency Urgency • Frequency > 8x/24 hrsFrequency > 8x/24 hrs

• Involuntary Bladder Contractions

• Severe Bladder Hypersensitvity

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Stress IncontinenceStress Incontinence

Increase in intra-abdominal pressureIncrease in intra-abdominal pressure

Symptoms: Symptoms: Small losses of urine when:Coughing LaughingExercisingChanging positions

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Overflow Incontinence Urethral Obstruction

Enlarged prostateUrethral StrictureFecal Impaction

Neurologic ConditionsDiabetic NeuropathyLow Spinal Cord Injury


Symptoms Bladder Distention Reduced Urine Flow

Dribbling Frequency

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Functional Incontinence


Cognitive ImpairmentCognitive Impairment

Chronic Functional Chronic Functional DisabilityDisability

Psychological Psychological ImpairmentImpairment

Environmental Environmental BarriersBarriers


Inaccessible toilet Inaccessible toilet or lack of staff or lack of staff assistanceassistance

Nocturnal enuresisNocturnal enuresis

Combined fecal Combined fecal and urinary and urinary incontinenceincontinence

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Objectives of the Assessment

Identify causes and contributing conditions

Co-morbid conditions and medications

Degree of bother to resident Resident and family preferences for


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Goals of Assessment1. Determine if the resident is incontinent,

nature of lower urinary tract symptoms, and type of incontinence

2. Determine the type of assessment conducted of the resident’s incontinence status before admission and any interventions

3. Determine reversible factors4. Determine conditions that may require further

evaluation5. Implement a prompted voiding trial6. Determine resident’s risk for complications and

preferences for treatment

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Reversible Causes of UI Delirium Impaired mobility Infection Fecal impaction Frequent urination Medications

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Key Elements to Include in Resident’s History Duration and characteristics of the

incontinence Precipitants Voiding patterns Previous treatment and/or


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Factors that Increase Resident’s Risk for UI

Impaired cognitive function Impaired mobility Decreased manual dexterity Poor upper and lower extremity strength Visual problems Neurological conditions Medications

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Factors that Increase Resident’s Risk for UI

Medications: Diuretics Narcotics Anticholinergics Psychotropics (Sedatives,

Hypnotics, Antipsychotics) Calcium channel blockers

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General Physical Assessment

Neurological conditions Mobility Cognition Manual dexterity

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General Physical Assessment

Abdominal: Bowel sounds Surgical incisions Masses Suprapubic bladder fullness

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General Physical Assessment

Female Perineum: Atrophic tissue changes Pelvic organ prolapse Perineal skin condition Color, odor, discharge Structural abnormalities

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General Physical Assessment

Perineal assessment for men: Determine lesions of the shaft/skin Inspect scrotum for lesions and


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Additional Testing

Urinalysis - clean catch Nursing home residents should not be catheterized

to collect a urine specimen unless it is an urgent situation

Testing to exclude a UTI should only be done if the incontinence is new or worsening, or other symptoms of UTI

Post-Void Residual (PVR) Risk factors: all men, diabetes, neurological

disorders, medications

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How to Perform PVR

PVR: Conduct within a few minutes of

voiding Record voided and PVR volume Done through sterile in-and-out

catheterization or bladder ultrasound

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Behavioral Programs

Required skills for residents: Ability to comprehend and follow

education and instructions Identify urinary urge sensation Learn to inhibit or control urge to

void Kegel exercises

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Bladder Rehabilitation or RetainingResident: Should be able to resist or inhibit the urge

to void Void according to a timetable Independent in activities of daily living Experience occasional incontinent episodes Aware of need to void Usually assessed as having urge


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Bladder Muscle - Detrusor


Pelvic Floor Muscle

Lower Urinary Tract

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Habit Training/Scheduled Voiding

Requires scheduled toileting, at regular intervals, on a planned basis, and match the resident’s voiding habits

Maintain record of resident’s voiding patterns

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Prompted voidingResident: Assessed with urge incontinence Cognitive impairment Dependent on facility staff for

assistance Able to say name or reliably pint to

one of two objects Requires training, motivation, effort

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Risk of Complications for Indwelling Urinary Catheter Bacteriuria Febrile episodes Bladder stones Epididymitis Chronic renal inflammation Pyelonephritis

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Assessment to Determine if Indwelling Catheter is Medically Justified

Used for short-term decompression of acute urinary retention

If used beyond 14 days, restrict to-• Urinary retention not managed by other means• Presence of multiple pressure ulcers for which

healing is compromised by urinary incontinence• Pain or impairment is compromised

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Assessment to Determine if Indwelling Catheter is Medically Justified

If indwelling urinary catheter is not medically justified-

Remove catheter Complete a voiding trial Determine best bladder management

program for resident

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Risk Factors for Urinary Tract Infections Fecal incontinence Urinary retention Diabetes Structural abnormalities of the

lower urinary tract Atrophic vaginitis in women

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Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Common in geriatric population Should not be treated

Unnecessary risks of antibiotic therapy Excess costs Potential to develop multi-drug resistant


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Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)Residents without an indwelling urinary catheter include at least three of the

following: Fever of at least 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit

above the resident’s baseline temperature New or increased incontinence, burning or

pain on urination, frequency or urgency New flank pain or tenderness Change in character of urine such as blood,

new pyuria or hematuria Worsening of mental or functional status

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Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)Residents with an indwelling urinary Catheter include at least two of the following :

Fever of at least 2.4 degrees Fahrenheit above the resident’s baseline temperature

New flank pain or tenderness Change in character of urine such as

blood, new pyuria or hematuria Worsening of mental or functional status

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Assessment for Absorbent Products

Assess resident’s; Functional ability to ambulate, toilet,

disrobe, use of assistive devices Ease in self-toiletingAssess product for: Contain urinary leakage Comfort Ease of application/removal

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Bladder Rehabilitation/Retraining

Goal is to achieve a normal voiding pattern, or

Achieve the longest possible interval

Resident should be able to hold urine until reaching the toilet

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Prompted Voiding

Three components:

regular monitoring with encouragement prompting the resident to toilet on a

scheduled basis praise and positive feedback when the

resident is continent and attempts to toilet.

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Prompted Voiding (PV)Predictors of responsiveness to PV

Resident’s response to a therapeutic trial of PV

Normal bladder capacity (>200 and <700cc) Recognizes need to void Baseline incontinence < 4 times/12hours Maximum voided volume > 150 cc Post void residual < 100 cc Able to void successfully when given

toileting assistanceEvidence from properly designed and implemented

controlled trials by University of Iowa Gerontology Nursing Intervention Research Center

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Habit Training/Scheduled Voiding

Goal is to prevent incontinence fromOccurring:

Provide access to the toilet based on the

resident’s voiding pattern

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Key Considerations for Medication Therapy for Urge Incontinence and Overactive Bladder

Identify residents with symptoms known to be responsive to medication therapy

Ongoing incontinence despite treatment of reversible causes

Risk for anticholinergic side effects Costs

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Anticholinergic Medications

Side Effects: Dry mouth Constipation Development or exacerbation of

gastroesophageal reflux Urinary retention Impaired cognitive function Delirium

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Determination of Urinary Tract Infection

Review several test results in combination with

clinical findings: Microscopic urinalysis showing the

presence of pyuria; or Positive urine dipstick test for leukocyte

esterase (indicating significant pyuria) or Nitrites (indicating the presence of


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Determination of Urinary Tract Infection

Nonspecific symptoms, look for: Hematuria, Fever or Evidence of pyuria

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Urinary Tract Infection Prevention Strategies

Infection control policies and procedures

Identification of high risk residents Perineal hygiene, especially for

women with fecal incontinence Hydration Treatment of atrophic vaginitis

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Complications of Indwelling Catheters

Urinary Tract Infections Encrustations Leakage around catheter Inadvertent removal of catheter

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Catheter Related Urinary Tract Infections

Risk method and duration of catheterization quality of catheter care host susceptibility

Most common complication seen with long-term use of indwelling catheters

MRSA E-coli most common organism Urosepsis –results from frequent and

repeated UTIs

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Risk factors: alkaline urine poor mobility decreased fluid intake

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Leakage Around Catheter

Contributing factors: Detrusor (bladder) overactivity Infection Urethral/catheter obstruction Catheter or balloon size too large Constipation or fecal impaction

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Other Care Practices to Reduce Complications Educating the resident or responsible

party on the risks and benefits of catheter use;

Recognizing and assessing for symptoms of complications;

Attempts to remove the catheter; Monitoring for post void residual; and Keeping the catheter anchored to

prevent urethral tensions

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Skin Problems Related to Urinary Incontinence

Early: Irritant dermatitis Inflammation Caused by prolonged

contact with moisture

Advanced: Blistering Erosion Exudate

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Decline or Lack of Improvement in Continence

Practices that prevent or minimize a decline or lack of improvement:

Assessment and documentation of the resident’s

baseline continence status Interventions to improve functional abilities Environmental modifications Treatment of the underlying cause Adjustment of medications Fluid management program

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Qualidigm Medicare Information

AHRQ National Guideline Clearinghouse National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates National Association for Continence The Simon Foundation for Continence