central africa story-1964-africa.pdf

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  • 7/28/2019 Central Africa Story-1964-Africa.pdf


    0 Wisri uoii m a m^ 0ikssims at GkxstmascVolume 4


  • 7/28/2019 Central Africa Story-1964-Africa.pdf


    Qn^eeimcjA^to- Ifou

    From Africa it is ou r privilege an d joyagain to extend to you, our bre threnal l over the world, our prayerfulfor a joyous, blessed, Christ-

    te red Chr istmas ,and a happy NewYear.We also take this way, through thisissue of our Central Africa Story,thank you for your constant prayers andinterestand support of the Lord'sr k i n Afr ica .Your constant undergirding, throughprayerful gifts, is an e xamp le o f th e

    concept of th e message ofGod gave the greatest gift of

    ll H is only begotten Son. You havereceived Him, and by your continuedand gifts to th e African mission

    you ar e helping to share the eternalyou first of al l received.We use this special Christmas i ssue

    our Sroryto sincerely say, "Thank you,"sharing.


    Jack, Paul, Joyce, and Peggy Pennington.Zambezi Valley, Southern Rhodesia.

    Above: Peggy Pennington treatingthe sick. Zambezi Valley, SouthernRhode s i a .

    Left: Jack Pennington holdingblack cobra. (I t is dead.) ZambeziValley, Southern Rhodesia.

    Rod Cameron showing Tonga brethren new Tonga Bible.Zambezi Valley, Southern Rhodesia.Central Africa Sfary

  • 7/28/2019 Central Africa Story-1964-Africa.pdf


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    December 1964

    .s A -


    Thomas Courtney preparing signs to mark new schools Frances Courtney hangs meat out to dry in makingand mission site. Nuanetsi Mission, Southern Rhodesia. biltong. Nuanelsi Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    Page 3

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    V;.- V

    Above: Mic ha el Courtney helps tol l the family "larder" with 800 poundbull he shot. Nuanetsi Mission,Rhodes i a .

    Be low :Shakumbi la

    C hu rch o f Chris tMumbwa Mission

    Zamb ia



    Pamela Courtney with a sma ll l iz ard thatbecame too friendly. Nuanelsi Mission, SouthernRhodes i a .


    L ead ers of th e U niv ersal C hristian Church with whom Max Ward Randal las labored. Ghana, West Africa.

    Max Ward Randa l l ' s f amous St insonStation Wagon airplane, VP-RUA. Mumbwa mission, Zambia.

    Central Afr ic a Sto ry

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    S vv - r ^ AMax Ward Randall speaking at dedication of Shakumbila

    School. Mumbwa Mission, Zambia.


    Bill and Jackie Brant.Mashoko Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    December 7964

    Jeannette Randall.Mumbwa Mission, Zambia.

    Cl , '7 i


    :Morris and Dwight RandallMumbwa Mission, Zambia.

    < t. > '>

    B il l B ra nt w ith Ch i e f Chundu .

    Gulu Area, Southern Rhodesia

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    Dr. Denn i s Prue t t .Mashoko Missloti, Southern Rhodesia.

    D rs . D e nn is Pruett an d D ale Er ickson.Mashoko Mission. Southern Rhodesia.

    Piper Super Cub VP-YVY belonging to Dr. Pruett.Mashuko Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    Dr. Jerry and .Mrs. (Marietta) Smith.Maslioko Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    jr .

    Patients sunning themselves at Mashoko Hospital..Nhislioko Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    Central Africa Story

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    Lester Cooper with sorae of African brethren.Mashoko Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    December 1964

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    Lester and Carmie Cooper,Mashoko Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    > v

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    ' S'S* ' * -> . -,r- _ *. '

    The four Mashoko sixth graders Alan Smith, Danny This classroom building serves the teacher traininguet t, Debbie Thurman and Lynn Johnson. Mashoko Mis- school, the nursing school , and the Bible col lege . MashokoSouthern Rhodesia. Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    ft Blessed gHfiismAs to Uou /I ff

    tw i< m v


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    Wendell and Ruth Freeman studying languageGwelo, Southern Rhodesia.


    f r r


    Jocelyn and Gregory Van Dyke shakinghands with a new young friend. Hippo Valley,Sou thern Rhodes i a .

    December 1964

    rRuth Freeman's Sunday school class of African teen-agers

    Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia.

    Larry Van Dyke preaching before baptismal service.Hippo Valley, Southern Rh^esia.Page 9

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    Mrs. Bruce Ammerman teaching women's group.Chidamoyo Mission, Southern Rhodesia. Bruce Ammerman with African l*ethren, mixing cement.Chidamoyo Mission, Southern Rhodesia.

    A. Norman Waiters , younger son, with his parents, Mrs. (Margaret) and Dr.A. C. Watters. Picture was taken on Dr. and Mrs. Watters* golden wedding dayin Scotland. Uulawayo, Southern Rhodesia.

    Berry Kennedy.Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia,

    Cenfral Africa Story

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    IMrs. (Amy) Kennedy with a few of her

    c l a s s chi ldren a t Ba ine s In fa nt S ch oo l.Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia.

    New Luveve Church of Christ building.Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia.

    rK - '

    Co l enb rande r Chu r ch of Ch r i s t .Mulawavo, Southern Rhodesia.

    December 1964

    David Millard Family. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia

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    The Central Africa S,rsto%nEtulaa>'oSou the rn Rhodesia , Af ri ca

    KA Mr. Anse l S. Closk2S3ti tvs% S f vms Ro aJLaraberiviUc, Michigan

    Ckim.VMOVO MISSIONP . Rag 56. Katoi^wuch^rn Rhodrsia, Africa

    ami Vfrw* Uroo" \mieni>anFA Sbxy Lou Oiblr

    Ho 17 5Canha^f. Mivou>i\k. and Mrs. ' /. f4vn \ .. .Nai l OKI'A Str . O^stal K. Ngt i

    Route 2 , Box IMLoweW. IndtaAA 46)56

    i'AT.i.O M|S5iaN^V. an Jon^Hin^ OKFA Sir.- LuLil l t %>lch

    72 5 J6h StreetMiUjukic . OtPfonDr. Gaylff Kt-nosvrFA Mr. and Mtk . Bobby J . flkhndr

    o> 637l lufoton, KaouK

    S>kvta MrnhiBJiickFA Ml:s l i inu jcaQue Gabrie l

    B os 5 92Noivata , C>klahpina

    ^V. an d \ l r ^ Of iv i d MllUrdFA Mr. Jame& Phillip?.Grayson. Kentucky 11M3Mr* and Jr^n Petriwriitn O^'FA \fc>- lx) j Luaby

    Gravhon. Krn tuck ) i l l i ^Dr. Will Nk*i. lk*iuiiH Pfwl lFA Sir. an d S i rs . D a n C.olrcr

    2S30 Mon i cl a i t R en dVinstoO'Satem. Nor th l ind

    l)r. and NV. Jerr^ SmithI'A Sir. a nd M r . Vemon Moocc

    Route tSpringfield. Keocucky

    Sarah ist*rrFA First Church of Christ

    S i x t h Av enue a n d N tn ih Stree tAltoona, Pennsylvania

    \k , an d i\>a II. f t iMFA Sit. an d Mrs. A. L. Hei^Jcrsoa

    )016 l ^Rue DriveDayton 29. Ohio

    Marc la ThufTwonF A D r. R ic h ar d L ee

    201 Cali fcsn iaCarterville, i lJ ioois

    S k . a n d Mr. ThumoA ThurmanFA Sir . and S(rs. Hu h Pender

    102] Kast V'lll iams StreetD anv il l e . I l l in o i s 61832Sir. an d ^!ra . Richard Boon1006 South Lee S t r ee tFullerton, Califtyrnla

    MU\a) t A MISSIONDavid F lnncy RSV. and MrH. Ma V'ard RandallP. O. Box 2194, LusakaNorthern Rhodesia, AfricaFA Sbs . S!urie l Sfe tcer

    Fir^c Christian ChurchFour th ar id Cour t Stree tsSfu9Vof(ee. Oklahoma

    NUANirr .SI MISSIONand Nkft.Thi>maCourt n*d Mrs. E va o C . R ee d

    Route 3Sher idan , Ind iana

    Mr. and Mta. LcHter Cooper OFFA Mrs. John Jordan

    Cent r a l Chur ch of Otr i s i1211 Or a ii d v iew Avenu ePortsmouth. Ohtu 45662

    Mr. u ml \%6 , David Crubbf t OFI* A M r. H. A. Crubbs

    Rou t e 2Gloustcr. OItIo

    Sura i\nn lli 'wUl HFA Mrs. Mjrjjarct Demnrift

    Box 126.'^Islcrs, 0reg(nW. und \V**,IXtuKliLsJiiluu4HMFA Mr^. HduJi \ l i . lkcr
