central va well water testing

Upload: rebeccaabruce

Post on 13-Apr-2018




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  • 7/26/2019 Central VA Well Water Testing


    Central Virginia Water TestingDo you have a well or spring? Whats in

    your water?

    The Virginia Household Water Quality Program aims to improve thewater quality and health of Virginians with wells, springs and

    cisterns. We provide aordale water testing, help interpretingtheir water test results, and information aout addressing


    How does it wor!"Participants attend a short Kickof Meeting, where theyreceive information about how to collect water samples anda sampling kit. Participants collect samples on a designatedday and time and drop o at the sample collection point.Water is analyzed on the Virginia Tech campus for !parameters. "nce analysis is complete, results are returned

    at a #nal meeting, water test results are e$plained, alongwith information about how to deal with any problems. %fyou are unable to attend the interpretation meeting, resultswill be mailed to you.

    Testing includes#%ron &anganese 'ulfate (ardne

    ss'odium )opper *itrate +rsenicluoride p( Total -issolved



    E. colibacteria


    $ost# /01 per sample kit. )hecks and cash accepted. &ake checks payableto each locality e$tension o2ce of your testing location.

    %edford $ampell &mherst'(ynchurg


    Pic! up!it

    +pril 3that4567 p.m. at

    8edford )ounty+dministration

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    +pril 1th at

  • 7/26/2019 Central VA Well Water Testing


    Central Virginia Water TestingDo you have a well or spring? Whats in

    your water?samples