centre bourse brochure

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  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure

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    Bourse,la valeur sre de Marseille

    Nouvelle vagueen hyper centre

    A new wavein the very heartof the city

    Bourse, a sure bet in Marseille


  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    Le point dancrage historiquedu parcours shopping de MarseilleThe historical anchorof any shopping trip in Marseille

    04 CONNECTto the right market Sduction plein sud /

    Southern seduction Marseille : plus belle la ville ! / Marseille: making life even sweeter!

    08 CONNECTto the right shoppers La rfrence de tous les Marseillai s / The gold standard for Marseille residents deux pas du Vieux-Port /

    A stones throw from the Vieux-Port

    12 CONNECTto the right place Nouvelle vague en hyper centre /

    A new wave in the very heart of the city 14 La parenthse dpaysante / Escape for an hour or two 16 Bien-tre et design / Wellness and design 18 Les tendances prennent leurs marques ! / Brands and trends

    20 Destination dtente / Destination relaxation

    22 CONNECTto the right partner Centre Bourse 2015, une promesse forte / Centre Bourse 2015, a very promising future


  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    Quelle gure au palmars des rgions les plus frquentesdEurope na rien dtonnant : borde par la mer et lesmontagnes, dote dun climat exceptionnel, la rgion ProvenceAlpes Cte dAzur est particulirement gte par la nature.Le tourisme et la culture restent ses atouts conomiquesles plus ables, mais son pouvoir dattraction semble agir distance, puisquelle est, en 2013, la 3 e rgion franaisepour les investisseurs trangers.

    Its hardly surprising that it should be one of Europes mostvisited regions: bordered by the sea on one side and mountainson the other side, and boasting and exceptional climate,the Provence Alpes Cte dAzur has been blessed by nature. Although tourism and culture remain its most reliable economicassets, the regions magnetic power also seems to workremotely: in 2013, it was 3 rd-ranked French regionin terms of foreign investment.

    CONNECT to the right market

    Sductionplein sudSouthern seduction

    3 e rgion de Franceen termes derichesses naturelleset dinvestissementstrangers.

    La rgion PACA

    de touristes par an / tourists per year

    34 M.

    3 rd -ranked French regionfor natural resources andforeign investment.

  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    Bouillonnant carrefour des civilisations ,ville deux fois millnaire ; la porte du mondese moque du temps qui passe et nen nit pasde briller de tous ses feux. En 2013, Marseillea fait peau neuve pour honorer son titre

    de capitale europenne de la Culture.Rnove, modernise, la ville accueille denouveaux quipements tels que le MuCEM,le stade Vlodrome et au cur du centreBourse, le Muse dHistoire de Marseilleentirement rnov. La ville phare est,plus que jamais, un centre nvralgiquede la Mditerrane.

    This vibrant crossroads of civilizationsis a two thousand year old city; the doorto the world laughs at time, shining evenmore brightly with each passing year. In 2013,Marseille got a fresh look to honor its title

    as the European Capital of Culture.Renovated and modernized, the city nowoffers new facilities like the MuCEM,the Vlodrome stadium and, in the heart of theBourse shopping center, the fully refurbishedMarseille Museum of History. More than ever,this beacon of a city is a nerve centerof the Mediterranean region.

    ville de France / city in France 2 e

    habitants / residents861 000

    de touristes / tourists

    de croisiristes / cruise visitors

    4 M.

    2 M.

    Marseille, plus belle la ville !Marseille: making life even sweeter!

    CONNECT to the right market

    Muse des Civilisations delEurope et de la Mditerrane(MuCEM) inaugur le 7 juin2013.

    The Museum of European andMediterranean Civilizations(MuCEM) opened its doorson June 7, 2013.

  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    CONNECT to the right place

    Nouvelle vague

    en hyper centre R u

    e d e B i

    r H a k

    e i m

    C o u r s B e l s u n c e R u

    e N e u v e

    S t - M a

    r t i n

    accsrue St-Ferrol

    RDC /ground oor

    Des faades compltement redessines,un intrieur entirement repens et agrandide 5300 m 2 GLA pour accueillir 10 boutiqueset 3 moyennes units supplmentaires ;le centre Bourse rejoint le mouvement derenouvellement initi par la ville et devient lasource de respiration shopping des Marseillais.

    With completely redesigned faades, a rethought interior with an additional 5,300 sq.m GLA to house an additional10 boutiques and 3 medium units,the Bourse shopping mall is joining therenaissance initiated by the city to offer abreath of fresh air for Marseille shoppers.

    A new wave in the very heart of the city

    + 5300 m 2 GLA /sq. m GLA

    + 10 boutiques / shops

    + 3 moyennes units /medium units

    niveau 2 /level 2

    Nouvelles faades : printemps 2014 Ouverture de Lafayette Gourmet :

    printemps 2014

    Fin de la rnovation des

    Galeries Lafayette : n 2014/dbut 2015 Ouverture de lextensiondu centre Bourse : printemps 2015

    New faades: spring 2014

    Opening of Lafayette Gourmet: spring 2014

    End of renovations on GaleriesLafayette: late 2014/early 2015

    Opening of the extension toCentre Bourse: spring 2015


    niveau 1 /level 1

  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    Matriauxet vgtaux

    rsonnent aveclenvironnement

    et lhistoirede la ville.

    Plants andmaterials reect

    the environmentand historyof the city.

    Lgret, harmonie, gnrosit : le nouveau centreBourse propose un retour vers la simplicit et loriginel.Cest un lieu inspir, qui invite au voyage en jouant avecla lumire, en mnageant des transitions uides. Ludique,il offre une parenthse dtente et fracheur labridu buzz de la ville.

    Airy, harmonious, and generous: the new Bourseshopping center is a throwback to simplicity and authenticity.This inspired setting invites visitors to step into another place, playing with light to create uid transitions. It playfullyoffers a moment of relaxation and refreshment away fromthe buzz of the city.

    La parenthsedpaysanteEscape for an hour or two

    CONNECT to the right place

    Une agora zen, gnreuseet rsolument moderne.

    A generous, calm, and decidedlymodern concourse.

    Clin dil intemporel :le tarot de Marseillesinvite sur la verrirede la place centrale.

    A nod to the timeless:the Tarot of Marseilletakes over the glass roofcovering the central


  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


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    CONNECT to the right place

    Quiatu voluptatur idmin opta nobiti

    Bien-tre et design

    Un mobilier tendance, audesign chaleureux quipeles espaces ddis au repos.Des couleurs douces, desmatires nobles, retantla patine de la mer et du temps;tout est prvu pour garantirune exprience intemporelle.

    Trendy xtures witha welcoming designfurnish the seating areas.Soft colors and valuablematerials that reectthe patina that comes fromtime and the ocean; everydetail has been designedto create a timeless experience.

    Le parcours client, trs ar, sorganise autourde deux agoras spectaculaires.Le visiteur ne au gr de ses envies. Il longeles courbes de larchitecture et du designet croise des objets i nsolites, comme

    la cascade qui scoule de la verrire,sous le regard bienveillant des guresdu tarot de Marseille...

    The bright and airy atrium is organizedaround two spectacular concourses.Customers can stroll to their hearts desire.As they follow the curves of the architectureand design, they come across unexpected

    sights, like the waterfall that pours outof the glass roof under the benevolent eyeof the Tarot de Marseille gures.

    Wellness and design

  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    CONNECT to the right place

    Savant mlange denseignes tablieset doffres innovantes , le mix-merchandisingde Bourse repose sur une gamme complte :mode, dcoration, culture, cadeauxLoffre fashion et enfants sera plusparticulirement renforce grce cette opration dextension.

    Brands and trends

    Les tendancesprennent leursmarques !

    With a skillful blend of establishedbrands and innovative new offerings,the merchandising mix at Centre Bourseis full service, with fashion, homedecor, culture, gifts, and more.The fashion and childrensselection in particularwill get a boost withthe new extension.

  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    CONNECT to the right place

    Reducingmicro stressors Refreshment stands, cafsand bars, cozy relaxation areasopen to everyone, an excitingnew childrens area, and clever,exclusive services available in theLounge club round out the offering. Anticipating shopper expectationsand doing everything in our power to provide a welcomingexperience and ideal shoppingconditions; this is our missionand our duty.

    Balade entre amis, visite en famille, djeuner surle pouce ou bien longues pauses gourmandes,Bourse offre de multiples possibilits et propose

    un cadre convivial, propice la dtente. Il incarnenotre ambition : faire de Bourse le point de rencontreincontournable du centre-ville marseillais.

    For a stroll with friends, a family visi t, a quickbite, or a lingering meal, Bourse offers somethingfor everyone in a friendly atmosphere thatencourages relaxation. It embodies our ambitionof making Bourse the go-to meeting place indowntown Marseille.

    Destination dtente

    Rduireles micro stressDes pauses rafrachissement,cafs ou bars, des espacesde repos cosy mis dispositionde tous, un parcours enfantindit, des services exclusifs etmalins disponibles au club Lounge.Anticiper les attentes des shoppers,mettre tout en uvre pour leurgarantir un accueil irrprochableet des conditions de shoppingoptimum, cest notre missionet notre devoir.

    Destination relaxation

  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    CONNECT to the right partner

    Adding a touch of daring, inventiveness,and effervescence to its downtown shoppingcenters is Klpierres solution for becoming afavorite among customers. By 2015, we will havetotally reinvented the Bourse shopping center.With new faades, a new offering, and a newinterior design, the historical heart of Marseillewill beat stronger than ever.

    Insuffler de laudace, de linventivit et deleffervescence ses centres commerciaux decur de ville, cest la rponse de Klpierre pourcrer la prfrence auprs des clients. En 2015,nous aurons totalement rinvent le centre Bourse.Nouvelle faade, nouvelle offre, nouvelle architectureintrieure, le cur commercial historiquede Marseille battra plus fort.

    Centre Bourse 2015,une promesse forte. Centre Bourse 2015, a very promising future.

    Laurent Morel,Prsident du Directoire de Klpierre

    Chairman of the Board of Directors at Klpierre

    de visiteurs / 1.5 bn visitors1,5 Mds

    destinations shopping / shopping destinations 333

    grandes villes dEurope / major cities in Europe



  • 8/10/2019 Centre Bourse Brochure


    Marie CaniacChef de Groupe Sud-Est / Leasing team manager Tl. : +33 (0)1 40 67 36 03 / Mobile : +33 (0)6 33 94 30 [email protected]

    Jean-Marie LetardCommercialisateur / Leasing officer Tl. : +33 (0)1 40 67 36 68 / Mobile : +33 (0)7 87 59 19 29

    [email protected]

    Chaque jour, le groupe Klpierre met en place dans sescentres les preuves de son savoir-faire et de lattentionquil porte aux clients. Klpierre se xe une ambitionforte pour chacun de ses centres et vise lexcellence.Ses nouvelles exigences concernent aussi bien le design,la slection denseignes, les services que les outils digitaux,et bien sr, les vnements qui rythment la vie des centres.Pleinement associs aux enjeux des retailers, les centresKlpierre se rinventent et font de la dlit clientune priorit.

    Every day in its shopping centers, the Klpierre groupdemonstrates the expertise and attention it devotesto customers. Klpierre has high ambitions for each ofits centers, and excellence is its goal. Its new standardsgovern not only design, brand selection, and services,but also digital tools and, of course, the events that bringits shopping centers to life. Klpierres shopping centersreinvent themselves, prioritizing customer loyaltyto support the aims of their retailers.

    Lengagement KlpierreThe Klpierre commitment

    Il faut retrouver lespritcommerant. Fidliser,cest tre attentif, attentionnet exigeant.The key is adoptingthe retailer attitude.The way to build loyalty isbeing attentive, thoughtful,and demanding. Jean-Marc Jestin,Directeur des oprations,membre du Directoire de KlpierreDirector of Operations,member of the Board of Directorsat Klpierre