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Certified Public Manager Program Management Development Institute College of Business Administration Missouri State University May 6, 2009

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Page 1: Certified Public Manager Program Management Development Institute College of Business Administration Missouri State University May 6, 2009

Certified Public Manager Program

Management Development Institute

College of Business Administration

Missouri State University

May 6, 2009

Page 2: Certified Public Manager Program Management Development Institute College of Business Administration Missouri State University May 6, 2009

What is a Certified Public Manager®®?

A trademark professional designation A graduate of a nationally accredited CPM

program An government manager with a specific set

of knowledge and skills A professional credential

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Who Participates

State Government County Government City Government Federal Government Not-for-profit Organizations

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History of the CPM Program

Developed in the mid-70s in Georgia National CPM Consortium created 1979 for


--Assist new programs American Academy for CPMs

(professional organization) Almost 9,000 CPM graduates

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What is the CPM Program?

Nationally accredited Comprehensive leadership/management

development program Designed for supervisors/managers in

government and non-profits—no prerequisites

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National CPM Consortium

Purpose: Promote CPM programs Provide & monitor accreditation standards Facilitate program development Encourage innovation and development of

linkages with organizations with similar interests

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CPM Consortium Vision

World-class leaders and managers for the public service.

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CPM Consortium Mission

Promoting professionalism, excellence & quality principles in public management through:

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CPM Consortium Mission

Endorsement of dynamic leadership, high ethical standards, development & training, dedicated to serving the public interest.

Adherence to the Certified Public Manager Program as the ideal comprehensive management development process

Performance as a professional association/accrediting body to maintain the highest standards

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CPM Program Benefits

Enhanced leadership skills & increased knowledge of government practices

Increased productivity & quality of work in government organizations

Organizations & individuals exposed to new ideas & approaches

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CPM Program Benefits (2)

Graduates join network of professional public managers at state and national level

State level: Missouri Society of Certified Public Managers - TBD

National level: American Academy of Certified Public Managers


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Current CPM Programs

35 accredited programs—30 states, Federal & DC, Metro DC COG

Management Development Institute of MSU – Active Member August 2008

- Only one membership granted in each state Programs vary widely

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Member States

Alabama Kansas New Hampshire

USDA Graduate School

Alaska Kentucky New Jersey Utah

Arizona Louisiana North Carolina


Arkansas Massachusetts Ohio Washington

District of Columbia

Metropolitan Washington Council of Government

Oklahoma Wisconsin

Florida Mississippi South Carolina


Idaho Nevada Texas

Page 14: Certified Public Manager Program Management Development Institute College of Business Administration Missouri State University May 6, 2009

Program Requirements

Address CPM Competencies 300 hours of ‘structured learning activities’ At least 250 hours are instructor or facilitator directed

(these do not all have to be in-class hours, they can be independent study, projects, etc.)

At least 200 hours are related to the CPM Competency Model

Written demonstration of effective application of core materials to job environment (normally a major applied project)

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National CPM Competencies

1. Personal and Organizational Integrity

2. Managing Work

3. Leading People

4. Developing Self

5. Systemic Integration

6. Public Service Focus

7. Change Leadership

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Program Standards

Program Design: General Administration & Organization Technical & Conceptual Analytical & Conceptual Human Skills

Program must provide substantive evaluation of subject matter in these four areas.

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O rg . G o a l S e ttngO rg . D e s ig n

O rg . A sse ssm tO rg . C h a ng e

P la nning M o d e ls

R o le o f th eM a na g e r

1 . A d m in is tra tion& O rgan iza tion

A d m inis tra tiveL a w

&R isk M g m t

A p p lie d I.T .

B ud g e ting &Fina nc e

2 . Techn ica l &Q uan tita tive

T e c h niq ue so f A na lys isT re nd s &P a tte rns

R e se a rc h D e s ig n

D e c is io nM a k ing M o d e ls

3 . A na lytica l/C oncep tua l

H R issue s ,E ffe c tive G ro up s ,

C o nflic tM a na g e m e nt

L e a d e rsh ip

E ffe c tiveC o m m unic a tio n

4 . H um anS k ills

C P M P rog ram D es ig nF ou r A reas of C om p etency

Page 18: Certified Public Manager Program Management Development Institute College of Business Administration Missouri State University May 6, 2009

Program Overview

Phase I-Management Academy 56 hrs.

Phase II-CPM Modules– CPM Workshops 175 hrs.– Capstone Project 50 hrs.– Reading/Assignments 42 hrs.

Total Program Hours 323 hrs.

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Phase I-Management Academy

– The Academy is an open enrollment program and is a prerequisite for obtaining certification. However, it may be taken concurrently with Phase II.

– State agency employees may obtain Phase I hours by attending Division of Personnel training programs. A list of pre-approved classes can be found on MDI’s website or with the Division of Personnel.

– Completion of MDI’s Supervision Certificate or Supervision Boot Camps qualify toward completion of Phase I.

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Capstone Project

– Provides a unique opportunity to apply and integrate classroom learning with the real world

– Meets the National CPM Consortium requirement of a “written demonstration of…effectiveness in applying core materials to the job environment.”

– Joins theory and practical application that will benefit the participants and the public who will benefit by the results of a “real project”

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Missouri CPM Program

Length: Phase I is 56 hours and can be taken concurrently with Phase II. Phase II, 10 months over a traditional semester format beginning September, 2009 and ending June, 2010

Format: mix of residence and online, monthly courses that a cohort takes in sequence.

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Cohort Locations

September, 2009 Cohort Jefferson City

Future Locations Kansas City Springfield Cape Girardeau St. Louis

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Missouri CPM Program (2)

Cost: Phase I $1,395. Phase II $3,195 includes books and resource materials. (Lodging,

food & travel extra)

Eligibility Requirements: Current public agency managers & supervisors (1yr.), with recommendation from supervisor and approval from advisory board.

No prerequisites

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CPM Program Topics

Public Service 101 Team Building The Foundation of Leadership Motivation and Ownership Managing Different Generations Problem Solving and Decision

Making Organizational Culture In the Public

Sector History and Culture of Politics in

Missouri Strategic Visioning Policy Analysis

Business Writing Legal Issues for Public

Managers Public Personnel Management Financial Management &

Budgeting Intergovernmental Relations Safety and Security in the

Public Sector Process Improvement

Techniques Organizational Change

Professional credential involving study, practice, application, and testing.

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Contact Information

National CPM Consortium– See the website:– www.cpmconsortium.org– E-mail: [email protected]– Call us: 919-306-1787– Fax us: 919-845-9622– Write us:

National Certified Public Manager Consortium

2516 Wertherson Lane, Raleigh, NC 27613-170

- Jack Lemons, Administrator

American Academy of Certified Public Managers www.cpmacademy.org.

Missouri CPM (MOCPM)– See our website: www.m

di.missouristate.edu– E-mail:

[email protected]– Call us: 800-733-3203– Fax us: 417-836-7666– Write us:

Missouri Certified Public Manager ProgramMDI/Missouri State901 S. NationalSpringfield, MO 65897

- Stacey Trewatha-Bach, Asst. Director

- Scot R. Scobee, Proj. Mgr.