cf~ v,ce-pre8.vol+24+(1868... · cob:t, knows leua~.ood. we waut no paoon in 0 ii n pille to...


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CF~ V,ce-Pre8.




Y. Where thls °cle Is k wn Itia a work or pcrerognUon to Bay one word in i favo 80 well is It estnbliBhed ae 0 unrolling reme or Conghs, 1, Bronchitis, CrouP. Whoop­

Ing Cough, ASI d18""".. oC the Throat, Chest, ond Lung!, DB we.1l DO tho most dread­ed of au dlsenoes, COD51llllptio., wbleh hi&h medical alllh9:llY bas prouounced to he u in­curable dise:lae. Thooe who bove nsed this remedy knoW' Its VBlae'j those who have not, hov" but moke a single trW to be satisfied t t or all otbersit is the remedy.

ntnam, Conn. ~ HI used Dr. Wii.t:lr's B:ll.S1I.m of

Cherry in my Cami for severa years, nn W:l.ya. with the most beneficial results. My being of dellcal<> habito, bas olw • troubled with hard, d t hncking cu'.gU.1 whenever t:1k.1ng cold, nu could obtain no JIer from the vruious re edles ebe employed unlU .he wed Wiota" Bahpm, Ibe e1foct of which was astonlshing. A. year aJtD Il young mao in this place was mken with bleedIng at the lungs, WIth lI. severe coogh, and was given over 1.0 die by our beat physichns, it being ev­ident. to all t his dlseOae ~ Consumption. Upon hearing of his case, my wife sent him bottle of e8alsam, which be too~ nd 800 , to 1I1e:iS nlshment of hls frlends,'"' be WiL8 at bia 3ccnstomed occupation. In other cases w hove ndmlnllltered the to Ibe Consum tIvc, nnd always with the best of' success. These l\t:1tements are simple facts, which can be vouched for Bny time by cBlling on me at my store."

None genuine nDle5S elgned 'I Bcrrs" on the wrop~r,

repared by SEOI'U W. FOWLE & SoN, 1, Boston, and for sale Druggists gene

... Gucx'B C&LEDR..\.TJID SAL' it. - From Mr. ames:Cnrlln, Amesbury. Mass.

., I was afilleted with 0. severe f'clon none of my fi~ers. and tried many remedIes with­out lef. lily friends induced' me to apply your Sal. I, 0 doy •• t extrncled the in­flI:nnmatlou from my 1lDfer 150 IlB to enable mo to resdme- my work.. can almost BlI1 that the Salve worked like ma ie, for it effected a. cure without leaving &. SCIlro unheeitAtmgly pounce Gmee?& Salve an excellent remedYt ond do Dot doubt il jVUl he pprec ea thronghont theis:nd.:

O~LY 25 CE.~T' A BOL

pefllOn or' COB:t, knows

leUa~.ood. We waut no paoon In 0 II

N pille to BWallow down; We WlUlt no bnmlnR' llnJmenta

City, County, 'l'own. We wont to the laWI of heollh,

e woml to oh diIeow!e, We want few DoctofB' B1Ua to paY,

Undertakera' fee.. We know all PIllii have hod theIr

That pby!lc 10 deeel~ e LoUee. and the b~ Bo I We never more BhWl greet.

We lIf h. nol dreneb with Pnrgatl

Bmte In.tinct shon! the h.teflll every ehlld _II ... ,

A EKBLIN MAN-THEREI8AMAN whooe band doea 91 lremblo, 001 lut.ndl • bm.h with dexterity,.ud layo on the PAINT that never leaves color or stain. He pelnle girls, boY". men and w0"!l"'. by the h1llldreds, every do}' nnd eveulng. He removeo .. \( by magic, of lID)' name or nalme, whether eltnmle or .... Ie, fro ... oImp)e mooqnlta Ito

-----'---~------'-~I to the moet frlghtfnl cancer, n d wn, I p •• nllOl'

trembling paliento, are sent b Ibe omeere of hospitals to WOLC<JrT'S ce, No- 170 Chatham "'I""'" N. "and iii pain 11 remov­ed for every appllcatlon, free of exponae, willi­out money or pnce. for the tenant of the BllDk­en celie .. oC Ibe mean .. tenement bonae, or for the owners of brown 8tone and marble P&l­nces oCFiflh Aven.e, All, are treated alike ond each wait llielr tor an application ;;r that wonderflll remedT, P P AJiIT, and all disLres., pain, and nuaery, vnoloh ... inBlantly, .. If eOllllllAnaed by" supernntnrnl agent. The .. epter oC Ibe klnlIdom of pain 10 brol<en under Ibe toueb of !he brosh, and crumble. like • spider', web, where before II b.eld lis victim with an iron grasp for SCOrel of



Eruptive anll Ulcerative Dlaenseo of th Thronl, Nosc, Eyellda, Bc:llp, and Sldn, whleh so dis­figure the Ilppmroncc, purging the eril eft"ects of ert.'Uty, and removing all taints, the rem­nonta of dis...., heredltnry or othenrloe, .... d Is by AdnUs ODd Children wi perf'ec~ ...rety. •

Two Table.poone elmbold'. Ex of SanmparUl&, added 10 " pint of woler, 10 eqWLl to the Llabon DM Drink, nnd ne boltle is eqWLl to • g on of the Symp of Snrsapa-rill:., or the r as UBUally made.


is the grent diuretic. Hclmbolil's Co Oo.I ... led Extract &rsnpnriJ14 Is the Great BlOOd Pnrifler. Both are prepored according

rilles of ley nnd lJhemletry. and a the moat netiv tile t cau be made.

Tha beBlle>t of thelr purlty nnd superiority will he • companaon willi the properties ... sel forth iU,the United States Dispensntory.

la.bomtory for the manufucture of Fluid hos been vWted by thonlDD y-

sicians nnd dr.ggista from oll of, llie Ullited Stale>, d the mode of pre 'on r ccived their unllDimoll! commenda.tion.

Helmbold's Highly Concenlrnted F! Id Ex-tracts are plc.asa.nt i taste d r, aDd im-medlnte In their act

Noue nre geuulnc, unless done up In Ule steel engmved wrapper, nnd Bigned,


he proprietor was compelled to adopt 8U a Wl'ilP t, bec:lnse of the growing pop ty oC . srtlclea, and to prevent spurious and

ns countenelll.g,

Hutn,dl-ed8 of physicians lut.v. wllnelllJ6(\ Ibe operations with utonl!b.ment, an tllose wh expect to scoff ""d l&uJ:h returned . A faclOry In Brooklyn ~ theomceln e York 10 driven to lis utmost capoclty day nod night. The Doctor's friends urge him to double the price nt once; but the Doctor, with an em­photic No ... ,ti.s the matter, The people shall have It, nod evorybody else, for 25 conll, 50 conto, '1, i3, f5, and f8 per boltle, ODd eon selecl whAt ilie they please. Thooe who are able cerlAlnly will pnrehase the largesl !ize., for tIley contain slx.een or the dollar bottle .. and bold mOil h to drive pWD headlong, In­stend of 0 ttie thet removes pam only b)' Inchea,

Dr, WOLCOTT is man of bn.ine... H. has been in the same o:lllce nearly six y-ond folki know jnst where to tlnd hlm. He baa no time to v1blt 1'OOe courses or baBe ball IDAtclles-b!l.ldl time to snatch a lunch .• Peo­ple of common sense}rno tba.t he means jmt whal he .. ys. He bas too muebbonor to mnke a sina'le falIe statement.

II Is needl ... for us to state the success he bas airendy achieved In e ooIe of his old Atandudremedv, the R. unlver­fally patronised for catarrh nnd colds In the hood, whleb 10 to day the only leadlng and re­llable remedy for that loathsome yet universal. eomJT~ri:. Still ore, h. now Pllta .aj> the AN R In pinls ,tlSlead Of half piw, .nd makes it one-q.arter otnmger imd m ef­ficient. He oWed, the use or thI.o v:ll .... bie medicine, not onl thouonnda of almosl hopeless cases of catarrb, but hu.ndredA of w nerv .. , l!any mnn ooe banda trembled to .uch "degree thaI I. wos Impotl6lble to rend 0 new.paper wllbont loylng lIon a desk, lind who Illd scarcely write Ibeir no e once a week, find immediate benent. Pint botti ... hold Ibree of Ibe 50 botlle., ODd he fifty Inl bottl .. to one of Ibe UIllIlier olu. 'Ibonsande t.uftcr who would be bolJ.y restor­ed from Ibal disgnotlng disease, CA1'AR H, whlehlenda directly to Inng comptalnts, y.­pepols, wonk nerves, poin In Ibe side aud SWmIlch, and liver compl&1nt. DocLorsiD en-

m- eral do nol nud .... tnnll Catarrh, and few are I., bold enough to deny II. NoIbln, ever taken

In Ibe BtonlDeh can cure it, for the _10 head. You mlgbt ..... elI put a Dluter

on , foot to 1m Ulcer on e hand: Ca­tarrh 11 an nlcemlion In the end and & rnunIng sore ; • maUer faIl& In lb. _ and clop it; at nJght rt11lS down to the stomach and un­dermines the whole COD81Un n.

Catarrh snuff will produce catarrh and aggravate the diBense. A sneeze is nature's most emplut.tieNo, ond dnolof nuyltlnd is most ~.ely injurious,

Y u must core e festering nlcer In the hend and the dlfIicnlty in the thront and stomach, from IbIo load of phlegm conot&nlly pouring from the head, is removed. It mwsS; ..clean ... ed 0111, iostend of AddIng snuff ODd more lIith.

B.,. none of Ibe l/oclOrs' remodles unless in plU't! .:1iU wnppel'8.

THIS U~, t Jt up, md never for-et Ibere is ONE LA;E}'ou can go, or be

CarrIed, and. &II pbyolCSl pain removed free of cXJ>CD80.. at No. 170 Clmtbn.m-eq Now York; and. 12 Ha:nover street, Boston, when aU other doctors give yon np as b less.

lke possessed of common Buy bottles thai white w.rup~e .. fit.

Bat fools often. caught and 1oId. With tinted wmppers, brown and old.


B1.m...,. of Special ' ntrncl.! wi GF.N:ER.IIL:;' throng out conntQ- we are en- -.

abled to oll'er to



c WlfG

FIl!K &> TCB",

ANeI 1', It. It.