cfc day 16

LEARN – DAY 16 Construction Foundation Course

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Draft lesson guide of Day 16 for the Construction Foundation Course


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LEARN – DAY 16Construction Foundation Course

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Content for the day

• Hour 1: Construction overview

• Hour 2: Construction overview

• Hour 3: Safety/PPE

• Hour 4: Safety/PPE

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Materials for the day - 1

• Resource 4.1: Trades in Construction Chart AO (Duplicate one for each student)

• Resource 4.1: Trades in Construction Chart AO (Enlarge one copy to chart paper size, laminate and put on wall where all can see. Have 2 erasable markers available.)

• Resource 4.2: Trades Fact Sheets (Duplicate a copy of each Fact Sheet. Laminate.)

• Carpentry and Building Construction (Text Book)

• Resource 4.3: Construction Working Conditions: Attitudes and Behaviors AO

• Resource 4.4 - Jobs and Agencies Handout

• Resource 4.5 – Hazards

• Vocabulary Chart

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Materials for the day - 2

Read the section. For roles in construction, come to consensus and make out a vocabulary card that has the role on the front and the following on the back:

Reports to Supervises

Role (no more than 3 bullets)

How to remember

For the agencies, come to consensus and make out a vocabulary card that has the agency name on the front and the following on the back:

Purpose What they do

Force of law—yes or no

How to remember

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 1

• Check-in: Shake hands. Remind students: binders, seating. Start class.

• Review the day: Review the day’s activities from the list on the board or chart paper.

• Binder check: This can be done at any time during the day.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 2

5 minutes

Tell students you’re going to provide a brief overview of the Construction Foundation Course from this point and that they should capture information on the graphic organizer in their notes.

Begin by drawing a circle in the center of the board/chart paper and writing “Construction Basics” in the middle. Explain that in the 40-day Construction Foundations Course, students will be learning about many aspects of the construction industry. They’ve already earned their first credential in CPR/First Aid. Up-coming sessions in construction culture, building codes, safety, PPE, green construction and materials handling contribute to the course foundation. 

Big Picture

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 3

Write the words, “safety, basic skills, blueprints, hands-on skills” around the outside of the Construction Basics circle. Explain that these four aspects of the industry are woven throughout their work. And each of these 4 areas of concentration has 2 focus points which you write in bubbles at the end of lines radiating out from the 4 concentration areas: safety—PPE and Equipment/Tools; Basic Skills—Math and Communication; Blueprints—Reading/Creating and Aspects of Building; Hands-on Skills—Tool/Equipment Recognition and Tool/Equipment Use. [See drawing below.] Tell students that this is the Big Picture for what they’ll be learning through the rest of the course.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 4


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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 5

20 min. Trades in Construction. Explain that there are many different construction trades. That is, very different jobs within the construction industry. Ask students to name some of the trades they have seen on tours or heard about so far.  

Pass out Resource 4.1 - Trades in Construction Chart Advance Organizer, one per student. Explain the categories. Note that students should have only the most important 2-3 “jobs” under “What they do” and that these must be very brief, for example “hang sheetrock.” (You may have to define “sporadic.”)

Explain also that this AO is a bit different from those they’ve used before. Put a Top Hat diagram on the board/chart paper, with Typical AO on one side and Trades Chart AO. Tell the students that what they’ll have to remember is the name of the trade and the trade worker and what the job entails.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 6

Take 3 minutes to generate the following in discussion, using the Top Hat: 

Chart AO unique qualities: Information organized in advance, student assumes questions, folded along different vertical lines for learning, no summary

Typical AO unique qualities: Student organizes information, student writes questions, fold always in middle, summary at the end

Similarities: Contain information not in questions, folded to use for study  

Explain that sometimes a chart is actually better than a typical AO for studying because it is very efficient, but it works best when you have quite a few very similar items to learn, as is the case in the trades.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 7

Pass out Resource 4.2 - Trade Fact Sheets. Each Team will get 3 different trades (5 teams) or 2-3 trades (6 teams), e.g., Team 1 gets carpentry, brick masonry, and electrical. 

Have Teams divide into 3 sub-groups of 1-2 people each. Each sub-group gets one trade. Allow 3-4 minutes for sub-groups to find and fill in the information from the Fact Sheet. Then have sub-groups Trade Fact Sheets and fill in the information. Use 2 minutes to compare answers among sub-groups and come to consensus as a Team on the best answers for their 3 trades.

25 min. Each Team names a reporter and recorder. The Team will have 4 minutes to present their findings to the class, with the reporter reading the findings and answering any questions while the recorder writes the findings on the laminated chart. All other class members fill in their charts as each Team presents.

10 min. Pair-share groups fold AO for study and practice quizzing each other. 

Stretch Break

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 8

15 min. Jigsaw the readings on the Resource 4.4 - Jobs and Agencies Handout. Each team gets 2 assignments from the following list of job titles and oversight agencies:  

• Apprentice• Journeyman• Foreman• Direct Supervisor• General Supervisor• Subcontractor• General Contractor• US DOL• Office of Apprenticeship• OSHA

Put up the chart for Vocabulary Terms.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) -9

Read the section. For roles in construction, come to consensus and make out a vocabulary card that has the role on the front and the following on the back:

Reports to Supervises

Role (no more than 3 bullets)

How to remember

For the agencies, come to consensus and make out a vocabulary card that has the agency name on the front and the following on the back:

Purpose What they do

Force of law—yes or no

How to remember

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) -10

15 min. Each Team takes 3-4 minutes to present their findings to the rest of the class. Each listener makes out his/her own vocabulary cards during the presentation, so, at the end, each student has 10 new cards—2 generated by their Team and 8 from listening to other Team presentations. 

30 min. Guided reading and note-taking using the note-taking format. Tell students that you’re going to help them hone their skills in reading and note-taking for the next half hour as you explore the careers and related issues in the construction industry. Have them create the note-taking format by putting their name and date at the top right and Topic:_____ in the top middle. Then fold the paper to create ~2.5” and 6” columns vertically and draw a line across the bottom that leaves 3 lines below.  

Ask students to turn to p. 6 in the text. Discuss bolded titles, bolded sub-titles, and highlighted vocabulary as reading aids. Look at sub-titles: what questions do they answer?

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 11

Read the paragraphs under Construction Specialties aloud. Help students frame a very brief summary statement about each of the 3 specialties to write in their notes. Do the same for Related Careers and Remodeling. Then help students frame the questions for the left column: What are the 3 types of construction specialties? What are the 2 types of remodeling? 

Follow the same procedure for Education and Training, pp. 9-10: Certification (What is certification and what are the advantages?), Apprenticeships (What is apprenticeship and what are the advantages?), Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees (What are these degrees and what are the advantages?), Military Training (What are the advantages?), and On the Job training (What are the advantages?)

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 12

Have students turn to p. 15, Work Ethic. Read the 4 paragraphs aloud. Ask pair-shares to take 2 minutes to figure out the best question to ask to include the information. Call on one pair-share. Get several other opinions. Work to come to the conclusion: What are the 5 major elements of a work ethic? Then ask students what these elements are. Wait time. Call on one student. Get a second opinion. Have them enter questions and answers in their notes. 

Finally, give pair-shares 1 minute to scan the section on pp. 16-17 on Managing Resources and come up with a question. Call on one pair-share. Get a second opinion. Have students put the question in their notes. On the “notes” side, give pair-shares 3 minutes determine the best very short response for each area. Compare responses as a group. Determine the best qualities. 

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)First and Second Hours (7:30 – 9:30) - 13

Give Work Teams 3 minutes to come up with 2-3 summary sentences at the bottom for all of the reading. Call on one Work Team for their wording. Discuss. Call on the others. Determine with the whole group what are the best summaries and why. 

Snack Break (9:30-9:40)

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 1

5 minutes

Note-taking: Explain to students that from now on in the safety section, they will create their own notes without an AO from the instructor. To do so, they will use 3-hole punched lined paper (regular notebook paper) on which they will draw the vertical line to separate the question and notes sections and the horizontal line toward the bottom for the summary. They label those sections and put the topic name at the top. Have students create the note sheet.

5 minutes

Introduce the topic of safety on the construction site. Have students brainstorm about what they know already about safety issues. Point out the relationship between work quality and safety. (See right hand paragraph in text, p. 78.)


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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 2

5 minutes

Read Housekeeping and Sanitation, pp. 79-80 while students take notes. Give pair-shares 1 minute to come up with the best question for Housekeeping/Sanitation. Call on one, get second opinion, and come to consensus.

Stretch Break 

10 minutes

Give a mini-lecture on the 6 kinds of complaints OSHA responds to and the potential penalties for violations. Continue the lecture with the 4 highest hazard components of construction (See Resource 4.5 - Hazards). Have students do a pair-share note check. Call on one or more groups to Review student notes to ensure.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 3

15 minutes - Have students work in Work Teams to fill out vocabulary cards for the following and practice:

• Workers’ compensation• Danger• Be on guard• Caution• Storage or boundaries• PASS• Class A fire extinguisher• Class B fire extinguisher• Class C fire extinguisher• Class D fire extinguisher• Barricade• Caught in/between hazard• Imminent danger inspection• Programmed inspection• Monitoring inspection• Catastrophe inspection 

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 4

While students are working, circulate to offer help, but use some time to develop prompts for each vocabulary card; prompts need to be answerable in 1-2 words, for example: 

• Red (Danger)• Extinguisher for grease, oil, chemicals

(Class B)• Has safety rules employers have to follow

(OSHA)• A cave-in• Etc.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 5

10 minutes

Play one round of First Down. To play this game, each Work Team lines up vertically facing you, so you can see the first 5 players (if you have 5 teams) with their team-mates lined up behind them. The winner is the first person who writes the answer on a scratch paper and tapes it on the Board or chart paper which is positioned about 10 yards away (or as close as you can get); the winner earns 1 point for his/her Team. Each Team gets enough scratch paper for each member, a marker, and a roll of scotch tape. Give an example. Tell students that the student in the front of the line can get NO HELP from his/her Team!

Explain that the prompts are something like Jeopardy in that you’ll give a definition, description, or key characteristic, and the answer will be no more than 1-2 words.  

Play until you run out of words or time.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 6

5 minutes Give a mini-lecture on “struck-by” hazards, including vehicles, falling objects, and flying objects. (See Resource 4.5 –Hazards). Have pair-shares check notes.  

10 minutes Introduce “caught in/caught between” hazards explaining that you and the book will be resources on this topic. You’re going to start while students take notes. Using Resource 4.5, explain  

• the causes of cave-ins;

• what the “competent person” looks for as potential dangers;

• the difference between a trench and other types of excavation.

Also explain that the book discusses how to prevent cave-ins by not making the sides of the cut too steep for the soil. You want students to know the types of soil and the maximum allowable slope for each type. Provide the information on types of soil and MAS, drawing the angles for each type as shown in the diagrams in Resource B.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)Third and Fourth Hours (9:40 – 11:30) - 7

Finally, discuss the spoil pile placement and access and egress issues. 

Have students do a pair-share note check.

5 min. Have pair-shares read Excavation Safety on p. 82, take notes, and compare their notes with other pairs in their Team to come to consensus on what’s most important.




Out the door: Model Notes, Reflection, binders on the shelf, shake hands.

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Week Four: Day 16 (Monday)AFTER HOURS

• Academic extended day individual work (approximately 1 hour)

• Open Computer Lab

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Content prepared for the National Office of Job Corps through Contract No. DOLJ111A21695 Job Corps Professional Development Support - KUCRL