cfk parish news fl creich is k kilmany · december 2015, that steps should be taken towards the...

CFK PARISH NEWS Spring 2016 Your District Elder is: CREICH KILMANY F L I S K & Creich, Flisk & Kilmany Church

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Page 1: CFK PARISH NEWS FL CREICH IS K KILMANY · December 2015, that steps should be taken towards the disposal of Kilmany Church. Two meetings of the congregation have since been held over


Spring 2016

Your District Elder is:




Creich, Flisk & Kilmany Church

Page 2: CFK PARISH NEWS FL CREICH IS K KILMANY · December 2015, that steps should be taken towards the disposal of Kilmany Church. Two meetings of the congregation have since been held over

Creich Flisk and Kilmany Church of Scotland

Scottish Charity No. SC001097


The Afternoon Club meet in Luthrie

Hall on the first Monday of the

month , 2pm till 3.30pm.

For a fun afternoon, of games, sing-

along songs and speakers together

with a selection of lovely home

baking- come along and see what it’s

all about.

Everyone welcome.

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Dear friends Tommy and the Tulips

It was Tommy’s birthday and he had been given a shiny new penknife. He was soon using it to whittle down a long straight branch from a nearby hedge into a fine stick. As he made his way through the meadow, he saw a dandelion and, with one swish of his stick, the yellow head went sailing into the air. “That was great fun,” he said and repeated it again and again. Tommy was soon a champion knocker-off-of-dandelion-heads. He drew near to a house. Right up each side of the drive that led to the house there was a border of tall tulips, some yellow, some red and some orange. Before Tommy had really thought about it he was walking up the drive, beheading the tulips as he went. He was quite carried away at being a champion knocker-off-of–tulip-heads and didn’t realise what a terrible mess he was making of someone’s garden. All of a sudden, a firm hand was placed on Tommy’s shoulder. He wheeled round and, to his horror, looked into the face of the owner of the garden. He began to blurt out his apologies and said “I – I didn’t mean to do it. I won’t do it again sir.” He thought that the man would report him to the police or tell his grandfather about it. He was very scared when the man led him towards his house and through to a large greenhouse at the back. The greenhouse was filled with every plant imaginable. “Now lad, I want you to tell me which is the most beautiful flower in the greenhouse?” Tommy was surprised but he chose the most beautiful, which he could see had been given a special place. “That one sir,” he said pointing to the brilliantly coloured flower. The man lifted the plant and gave it to Tommy saying, “Well, I want you to have it as a present.” Tommy was at a loss for words. He couldn’t understand this man who had caught him breaking all his lovely tulips. Now, instead of punishing him, he was giving Tommy the most beautiful flower he possessed. The man was smiling and said, “You can go now” but Tommy didn’t want to go. “Oh thank you sir for being so kind to me. Please can I come back and help in your garden sometimes? I would really like to.” When they sat down to a warm bowl of soup, the man told Tommy about the awful mess people had made of God’s world because of the wrong things they did. “Just like you today,” he said. “God ought to punish us,” the man went on, “but instead of that he has given us the most wonderful present - His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Tommy thanked the man for his kindness and for the present. He told the man that he remembered his Sunday School teacher saying “Thank God and try to please Him for giving us such a wonderful present in the Lord Jesus Christ.” “That’s right,” said the man and sent Tommy on his way.

Are we pleasing God for all He has done for us in Jesus?

I understand that this magazine will be coming out on what used to be called Passion Sunday. Today the tendency is to link Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday into one but I like the old custom of separating the two, even though in many places the Passion or suffering of our Lord is still remembered during the latter part of Holy Week. The suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ begins with his incarnation, when He gave up all that He had with the Father to come down to earth to accomplish, through his death, our salvation. We forget the Cross too easily. It is easy to forget the price that was paid for our redemption and therefore we do not have sufficiently grateful hearts for all that Christ has done for us.

Paul said “Thanks be to God for Jesus, His indescribable gift.”

Your friend and locum,

Gordon Jenkins

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March 2016

20 Palm Sunday Kilmany Church 11.00am

To be followed by annual stated meeting, and

congregational vote on the future of Kilmany Church.

27 Easter Sunday Creich Church 11.00am


22 Communion Creich Church 11.00am


4 Strawberry Teas Luthrie Hall 2.00pm


1 Strawberry Teas Luthrie Hall 2.00pm


9 Harvest Thanksgiving Creich Church 11.00am

30 Communion Kilmany Church 11.00am


13 Remembrance Day Kilmany Church 11.00am

Make a date in you diary for the annual Strawberry Teas, to be held

on Monday 4th July, and Monday 1st August

in Luthrie Hall 2.00pm to 3.30pm.

All Welcome.

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Many thanks to all who contributed to this edition of CFK News.

Contributions, suggestions and comments about the CFK Newsletter are always welcome– see editor’s details on back, or email:

[email protected]

From our Interim Moderator

Dear Members of CFK,

On Easter evening, Jesus came among his disciples and spoke a word of peace. He showed them his hands and his side as evidence that he was their crucified Master, raised from the dead. He breathed the Holy Spirit on them and said, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” There is a wonderful simplicity about that picture: a small bunch of frightened people with Jesus standing at the centre, sending them out beyond their protective walls to continue his mission of love in the world. When all the debates about the future of our church are over and done, it comes down to this – that we live with the Risen Christ at the centre of our lives, individually and together; and that we are ready to go wherever he sends us. Jesus started a movement, not a settlement. As we approach this Easter, making decisions about buildings and patterns of ministry, I invite you hold this image in your heart - Jesus standing at the centre; Jesus sending us to the edges. What does that mean for you? Let’s make the words of this worship song our prayer over this Easter:

Jesus, be the centre, Be my source, be my life, Jesus.

Jesus, be the centre. Be my hope, be my song Jesus.

Be the fire in my heart Be the wind in these sails Be the reason that I live, Jesus.

May this Easter be a time when Jesus takes that central place in all our lives.

Rev. Peter Neilson Interim Moderator

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Data Protection

Members of the Kirk Session & Congregational Board recently attended a presentation on meeting the requirements of Data Protection Laws. It was highlighted that for a record to be kept of our members, we must gain explicit permission from each member for there details to be held. Without this permission, members details would regrettably have to be removed from the register of church members. It would be very much appreciated then, if members would complete the form which has been circulated with this magazine. Having obtained the consent of members, the other main requirements of the legislation are that the information must be held securely, and that it is only available to those with a “need to know”, steps will be taken to ensure that this is complied with. Our Treasurer, Effie Trail has kindly taken on the role of overseeing Data Protection processes within CFK, to ensure that we meet all the legal requirements.

Alive, Immortal, and Just Like Jesus!

“Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.” John 11:25 NLT

The story is told of a nine-year-old boy named Philip who suffered with Down’s Syndrome. In Sunday school the other kids made fun of him because he was different. The Sunday before Easter, the teacher gave each of the kids a plastic egg and asked them to look for symbols of new life, like seeds and leaves, and then place them inside the egg. The idea was to open their eggs on Easter Sunday and discuss what they had found. When the children gathered, they had collected all sorts of things like flowers, butterflies, and rocks. But when the teacher opened Philip’s egg it was empty. One child said, “that’s not fair, he didn’t do it right!” But Philip tugged at the teachers sleeve and said, “I did do it right. It’s empty because the tomb is empty. That’s why we have new life.” The class gasped– and from then on Philip rose to a new level of respect and became part of the group. But Philip’s family knew his time was short– too many problems for one small body. So that summer he died. As the class of eight-year-olds faced the reality of death, they marched up to the altar– but not with flowers. Together with their teacher, they each placed an empty plastic egg on their friends tiny casket. Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important? For two reasons: 1) His resurrection guarantees yours. 2) If you live long enough you will experience the heartache of losing someone you love. Easter guarantees you will meet them again– alive, immortal, and just like Jesus!

From UCB Word For Today

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Here is Love

“Here is Love” is a Welsh revival hymn translated from Welsh to English by William Edwards (1848-1929).

1. Here is love, vast as the ocean, Loving kindness as the flood, When the Prince of Life, our Ransom, Shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten, Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.

2. On the mount of crucifixion, Fountains opened deep and wide; Through the floodgates of God’s mercy Flowed a vast and gracious tide. Grace and love, like mighty rivers, Poured incessant from above, And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love.

The Original Welsh hymn was written by William Rees (1809-83) Lynwen Taylor

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Future of our Church Buildings

Since the adoption of the Presbytery Plan by St. Andrews Presbytery in 2014, the question of the continuing use of two church buildings in Creich, Flisk & Kilmany has remained unanswered. The proposal at that time that Creich Church should be closed, was strongly repelled by the kirk session & congregation of CFK, and has since been withdrawn by presbytery. It however remains the opinion of the presbytery committee charged with implementing the plan, that it is unsustainable for a small congregation such as CFK to maintain two buildings, and that a decision should be taken to close one of the church buildings.

A decision was taken by majority vote at a meeting of the congregational board in December 2015, that steps should be taken towards the disposal of Kilmany Church. Two meetings of the congregation have since been held over the early months of 2016 to discuss, and seek further clarification on the process and likely outcome of a decision to move towards closure, and potential sale of the building.

A further meeting will be held after worship in Kilmany, on Sunday 20 March 2016 at 11.00am, where a ballot of CFK members will take place on the proposal to close Kilmany Church. Church members should recently have received a letter inviting them to attend the meeting, along with a more detailed explanation of the proposal.

If the proposal is accepted, then the matter will be taken forward to presbytery, and then to the General Trustees of the Church of Scotland for further approvals, before a timescale for the closure of the church is put in place.

Clerk to the Congregational Board

At a meeting of the congregational board in February, Tricia Pearce was formally appointed as Clerk to the Board for CFK.

We are very grateful to Effie Trail for taking on the clerk’s role (in addition to her treasurer duties) on an interim basis, after George Cant resigned from the post last summer due to his long illness, which ended with his sad death in October.

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Cauda Equina Syndrome

C.E.S. is a potentially serious, but luckily uncommon condition, which requires treatment at the earliest opportunity to prevent long term consequences. Thankfully in my case, prompt surgery and excellent care by the Neurosurgery Department at Ninewells Hospital almost a year ago has led to my full recovery.

Matthew Wilson

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Prayer Chain

Jesus said: “Whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” Prayer Chain is a network of church people dedicated to praying for people in need, whenever the need arises. If you need prayer for yourself or anyone else, just phone the number below. All requests will be treated confidentially. You don’t have to give details if you’d rather not; just the name or some indication of the prayer you need.

Telephone May Edgar

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To bring the people of our Parish to Jesus Christ and to make them welcome in the fellowship of His family, to provide the atmosphere and resources to learn more about him, to enable them to use their own skills in our Church, and to serve others in the wider community, in order to glorify God.



The Lord Jesus Christ invites all His followers to gather thankfully at His table to remember His love.

The Kirk Session will be delighted to welcome you to the following celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

Sunday 22nd May 2016 - Creich Church -



Locum Minister Rev Dr Gordon Jenkins Interim Moderator Rev Peter Neilson Session Clerk Mrs Sheena Fowler Clerk to Board Mrs Tricia Pearce Treasurer Mrs Effie Trail Property Mr Jim Wilson The Guild Mrs Sheila Simmers Prayer Chain Miss May Edgar Prayer Group Mrs Lynwen Taylor Newsletter Mr Matthew Wilson