cgw4u unit 1 globalization and sustainability. globalization trend toward greater interconnectedness...

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Globalization and Sustainability

CGW4UUnit 1Globalization and SustainabilityGlobalizationTrend toward greater interconnectedness of the worlds financial, economic, technological, political, cultural, sociological, ecological, and geographical systemsFinancial GlobalizationInterconnectedness of the worlds financial systemsStock markets for exampleNot network of nations, rather network of world cities with significant financial marketsEconomic GlobalizationCorporations becoming multinationalCoca Cola, Toyota, Ikea for examplePro: efficiency and global wealthCon: increase differences between haves and have nots transnational corporations become more powerful and influentialTechnological GlobalizationGrowth of communications world wideUse of cell phones and internet accessWealthier countries progressing toward developing countries

Political GlobalizationAdoption of uniform policies world wideRefer back to Social and Economic perspectivesTrade agreements

Cultural GlobalizationHarmonization of worlds culturesTelevision, music, foods, values for exampleCon: loss of cultural diversity, threat to religion, development of American cultureEcological GlobalizationGrowing acceptance of treating planet as a single ecosystem rather than a collection of separate ecosystemsMontreal Protocol for ExampleWorld nations treaty to combat ozone depletion Sociological GlobalizationDevelopment of concept that we are all members of a single world society rather than distinct national and cultural societiesCommon attitudes, standards of behaviourGeographical GlobalizationRelationship of network of world cities and surrounding regions rather than separate countriesBorderless

Issues with GlobalizationLoss of unique culturesCorporate profits before workers rightsThreat to religious beliefs and moralityThreat to contemporary culture

Complex issue.....Case Study: Globalization and the Golden ArchesRead the case study on page 29In pairs, answer the three questionsBe prepared to share your responses with your teacherCase Study: DubaiWatch the National Geographic program on Dubai

Make notes on the various ways that Dubai exemplifies globalizationRecord specific examples to discuss after the programSustainabilityDevelopment that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their own needsSustainability IssuesDubai: water usageCanada: Mountain Pine Beetle and Lodgepole Pines (p. 32)Sustainability PerspectivesExpansionist World View18th Century EuropeansIndustrial Revolution city jobs loss of rural values wealth = progress unlimited natural resources in new landEcological World ViewLate 18th Century reaction to environmental destruction resulting from Industrial revolution & colonial expansion Emotional and spiritual relationships between humans and environmentNational ParksEnvironmentalismEarth day, environmental awareness, scientific dataCurrent World ViewsSpaceship Earth ConceptRegards Earth as a fragile, finite self-contained sphere with limited resources and a rapidly growing population whose life-support system is in jeopardy, therefore, we must change the way we live as there is no where else to go...

Gaia HypothesisThe world is self regulating, living entity made up of organisms that modify Earths atmosphere, oceans, climate, and crust to ensure their survivalThe word Gaia comes from Greek Mythology it is the name for the Greek goddess that personifies the Earth (the Greek version of Mother Earth)Current World ViewsLimits-to-Growth ThesisIf the trend in population growth, economic development, resource use, and consumption continue, limits to human growth would be reached within 100 years

Cornucopian ThesisScientific and technological advances will develop new resources to take the place of depleted resources

Which view best represents your world view? Why? Write a paragraph explaining your stance.ResourcesTotal stock: all the material components of the environment taken togetherIncludes energy, living organisms, and non-living materials

Resource:Any of the total stock that becomes useful to human beingsIncludes natural resources (water, air) , human made items (labour , technology), items appreciated for aesthetic qualities (landscapes, ecosystems)ResourcesIn order for something in the total stock to become resource, the following must occur:Technology must exist to develop the item for human useReturn on investment must be greater than cost of developing resource (eg. Oil sands in Alberta)Must be culturally acceptable to develop the resource

ResourcesRenewable resource:Nature replenishes them Air, forests, water, solar energy

Nonrenewable resource:Once reserve is used up it is goneSustainable DevelopmentMaintenance of essential ecological processesSustainable use of resourcesPreservation of genetic diversity