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CHAPTER ONE Special Education in an Era of Inclusion and Standards by Jenifer York Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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CHAPTER ONESpecial Education in an Era of Inclusion and Standards

by Jenifer York

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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Teaching is a complicated art. It is an interplay between individuals where an idea or skill is shared. It is a delicate process involving timing, encouragement, sharing, and molding. The teacher may model, give

information, and provide feedback, but mastery is ultimately in the hands of the learner. Patience is needed as

is the employment of various skills in the journey of shaping new abilities and ideas.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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PL 94-142 Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)

It initiated funding for states to aid in “development, expansion, and improvement of special education programs” (Palloway, Patton, & Serna, 2007).

The central goal of this law was to provide an appropriate education for students with disabilities that up to this point had not had a change at this kind of education.

This law ensured the rights of all children with disabilities.

It laid the groundwork for IDEA 2004

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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004)

This law has historically gone through four reauthorizations and revisions.

IDEA carries great significance for special education today, and lays six provisions for all children with disabilities:

Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

The school is to provide services and transportation to meet the student’s needs, and if not available at the school, it must provide funding to receive those services elsewhere.

Appropriate Evaluation

An evaluation prior to receiving special ed. services must be conducted. The evaluation must have parent consent, be evaluated by a team, use more than one procedure, test in the student’s native language, and should have re-evaluations as necessary.

Individualize Education Program (IEP)

This is to establish specific, measurable goals for the learner, dependent upon the student’s present level of performance. It must also include transition planning for all students age 14 and older.

This is also to address how much and to what extent the student will be participating in the general curriculum.

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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004) cont.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

This is the mandate for all students to be in the LRE, or the setting/curriculum most similar to the general curriculum--often times the general education classroom.

Parent and Student Participation in Decision Making

Parental consent is required for all decisions regarding and influencing the student.

Parents have the right to obtain an Independent Education Evaluation (IEE) if any disagreement arises.

Procedural Safeguards

Various safeguards have been implemented under IDEA to ensure protection of the rights of parents and their children such as:

right to education records, right to obtain and IEE, the right to request and the right to initiate civil action when appealing a final hearing decision, the need for a functional behavioral assessment, and the xdevelopment of behavioral intervention plans.

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Section 504

“any student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities can qualify for special services.”

This is in essence, a safety net to guarantee services for all those who do not fall under the criteria to qualify for the special education protection provided by IDEA, but still require additional support to succeed.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The definitions and implications for those with disabilities are similar to that of Section 504

It ensure the protection of general civil rights for those with disabilities.

Under this legislature, guidelines are established for employment, public accommodation, transportation, state and local government operations, and telecommunications systems

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No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

This law is the most recent piece of a national, standards based movement. Passed in 2001, it made provisions for:

Increased Accountability

Schools are measured through statewide testing to assess if the established academics standards have been met in the Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) measurement. Participation of ALL students including those with disabilities, is required to ensure equal attention in the educational setting.

Parent and student choice

Parents may move their children from a failing school or choose to obtain supplemental services from a private or public provider.

Greater Flexibility to states, school districts, and schools

Greater flexility in spending federal money received.

Putting Reading First

A strong emphasis on scientifically based strategies for teaching reading paired with lofty goals for literacy.

Highly Qualified Teachers

Firmer requirements on qualifications for educators.

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Under the current situation and the historical movement, instruction is centered around specific standards set for the various grade levels.

There are two types of standards

Content Standards:

“knowledge, skills, and understanding that students should attain in academic subjects

Performance Standards:

“levels of achievement that students must meet to demonstrate their proficiency in the subjects”

(Palloway, Patton, & Serna, 2007).

Student Accountability

Under the legislation of NCLB, all students are required to take the standardized test, including those with disabilities. A small percent of students with severe disabilities will be allowed to take an alternative assessment. An exception is made for a VERY small percentage of students with severe disabilities who may be excused from the testing.

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“the most constant theme in special education has been the commitment to providing persons with disabilities the opportunity to have a place in society” (Palloway, Patton, & Serna, 2007)

There is a strong push in special education for students with disabilities to be included as much as possible into the general education setting, as is aligned with the LRE mandate. However, inclusion is beyond a seat in a classroom and includes proper challenge for the individual, as well as a sense of belonging.

Response to Intervention (RTI)

RTI is a three tiered intervention strategy, in which each tier provides a different intensity of intervention to fit the support needed for an individual.

It uses evidence-based intervention to and systematic documentation to bring general education instruction to the highest quality.

It serves to put more responsibility into the hands of the gen. ed. teachers.

It can be very helpful for identifying possible Learning Disabilities.

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

UDL is the development and implementation of curricula with supports from the start. It is a proactive and discreet way to make the classroom a welcoming learning environment for all learners.

UDL should address:

Recognition System: reception and interpretation of sensory input

Strategic System: ability to plan and take action

Affective System: an individual’s motivation

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction involves tailoring instruction to meet the needs of various learners in the classroom. UDL plays a part in this, but differentiated instruction also involves teaching to different learning styles, strengths and weaknesses, and many other factors that can change the way a student experiences the classroom.

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Evidence Based Practices

This is the requirement to use evidence based practices in the classroom.

Overall, it will make teachers better teachers and puts some backing to the methods of the classroom.

It is a effort to ensure that time is not wasted in the classroom on meaningless or inefficient strategies and to ensure the best opportunity for learners,

Diversity Consideration

Today’s classrooms carry an array of students, with backgrounds differing in areas of: culture, behavior, race and ethnicity, setting, language, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, intellectual or cognitive ability, physically, and possibly in sensory ways. Under Diversity Consideration, the classroom is aware of and equipped to teach to the various backgrounds students may come from. The curriculum should be acceptable and look out for the interests of all students, regardless of differences. This may require the the teacher learn specific skills to address these differences.

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Polloway, Edward, Patton, James, & Serna, Loretta. (2007). Strategies for teaching learners with special needs. Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010