ch 22.1 living in africa south of the sahara. agriculture colonial legacy –used as resource for...

Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara

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Page 1: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,

Ch 22.1

Living In Africa South of the Sahara

Page 2: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• Colonial Legacy

– used as resource for raw materials

– countries only grew one crop

• cacao, coffee, rubber, oil,

Page 3: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,
Page 4: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• Farming Methods

– commercial farming – business

• 75% world’s palm oil

• 80% world’s peanuts

• 75% world’s cacao

• 66% world’s sisal – rope

Page 5: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• subsistence farming – farm to live

• shifting farming – move to find better soil

• sedentary farming – permanent settlement

Page 6: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• Problems

– lack technology to increase food production

– lack money to improve farm machinery or buy fertilizer.

Page 7: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,

Forests and Seas

• Forest cover 25% of Africa

– teak, ebony, walnut, rosewood

• Lumber industry hurt by poor transportation and lack of capital

– coastal countries with rainforests

• export less than 10% of world’s supply

Page 8: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,
Page 9: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,

Forests and Seas

• Commercial fishing developed slowly – mainly SW

– tuna, sardines, anchovies, mackerel

Page 10: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• South Africa has most minerals

– Gold deposit 300 mi. long – Transvaal – 1/2 the worlds known gold reserve

– Leading producer of gem diamonds, platinum, chromium, vanadium, manganese

– One of richest nations in region – GDP $215 billion most goes to outside investors or owners.

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Page 12: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• S. Africa continued

– Gap in household income between Blacks and Whites – B = $3,614 W = 21,707

• Guinea – bauxite reserve

• Congo – diamonds, and copper

• Nigeria – huge oil, OPEC member

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Page 14: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• Small part of economy

– Many raw material but few processing centers

– Late 1990’s only 15% of regions GDP from manufacturing – varies depending on country

– Obstacles – lack of capital, political turmoil, lack of skilled workers or transportation.

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– Hydroelectricity remains untapped

• leads to poverty

– Regional trading association – Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

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Page 17: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,

Transportation and Communication

• Efforts to create not been successful

– few paved roads

– few phones

– more radios

• Train and airplane are most successful method

Page 18: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,
Page 19: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,


• Kenya National Railroad – Nairobi to coastal cities

– built by British

– allowed hauling of raw material to port

– other railroads followed

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Page 21: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,

Improving transportation

• Wars and lack of funds have caused a decline in highways and railways

• regions size and unfavorable terrain made difficult to find new routes

• few harbors and navigable rivers

• government owned airlines have international and domestic service

• Intl. airports – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nairobi, Kenya, Johannesburg, South Africa, Dakar, Senegal

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• pipelines in Tanzania, Zambia, Sudan, South Africa, and Nigeria

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Page 24: Ch 22.1 Living In Africa South of the Sahara. Agriculture Colonial Legacy –used as resource for raw materials –countries only grew one crop cacao, coffee,

Railroads –

• Great Uhuru Railroad – Congo to Tanzania

• overland routes stopped by war or lack of funds

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D.R. Congo

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Mass Communication

• lack of newsprint, low literacy rate

• telephone service is limited

– Chad 1-1,209, Kenya 1-111

– most effective is radio Chad 1-4, Kenya 1-11

– T.V. – rerun American shows, urban areas, educational tool.