ch. 4 sec 2 aod pt.2

Chapter Four: The American Revolution Section Two: The Revolution Begins (Continued) C. The Decision for Independence a. Even after the fighting broke out at __________ and Concord most colonists did not support the idea of independence. b. Most had hoped for ____________________. c. Common Sense i. _______________ published by Thomas Paine. ii. Attacked King George III and specifically _____________ him for the colonists problems. iii. Called him a ________________ and made a very strong argument for American independence. iv. The pamphlets sold _______________ of copies and helped change the minds of the colonists. d. June 1776 – a resolution on independence was proposed in the ________________ Continental Congress. e. Congress decided to write a ________________, formally declaring independence. f. Thomas __________________ was selected to write the document. CHUNK #3 – Turn to pages 134-136. List the four parts of the Declaration and explain each part. Part One – Part Two –

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Chapter Four: The American RevolutionSection Two: The Revolution Begins


C. The Decision for Independencea. Even after the fighting broke out at __________ and Concord most colonists did not support the idea of independence.b. Most had hoped for ____________________. c. Common Sense

i. _______________ published by Thomas Paine. ii. Attacked King George III and specifically _____________ him for the colonists problems.

iii. Called him a ________________ and made a very strong argument for American independence.

iv. The pamphlets sold _______________ of copies and helped change the minds of the colonists.

d. June 1776 – a resolution on independence was proposed in the ________________ Continental Congress.e. Congress decided to write a ________________, formally declaring independence.f. Thomas __________________ was selected to write the document.

CHUNK #3 – Turn to pages 134-136. List the four parts of the Declaration and explain each part.

Part One –

Part Two –

Part Three –

Part Four - D. The Declaration of Independence

a. Purpose: to _____________ a revolution, to declare independence

and to express the values of the new nation.b. Part One: the ______________ (Introduction)c. Part Two: Declaration of Rights – declared “all men are ______________ equal”.

i. Mentioned the ________________ Contract Theory.

Page 2: Ch. 4 sec 2 aod pt.2

d. Part Three: List of ______________ – listed all the freedoms, rights etc. that had been denied to the colonies.e. Part Four: Formal Declaration of ______________________.