ch. 4 sec 4

Chapter Four: The American Revolution Section Four: The War Changes American Society A. New Political Ideas 1. When the United ____________ became __________, they established a new type of ________________. 2. Republic – a ______________ in which the power resides with a group of voting ____________. a. New State Constitutions b. Many states wrote_______________ after independence. c. Many of these ___________ the power of the government and _______________ certain rights to the _________. B. The War and American Society 1. Women a. Women took over ________, businesses, and families while the _________ were away during the ________. b. Some __________ with the __________, serving as nurses or __________. Others served as ________ and even fought in __________. 2. African Americans a. Many gained their ___________. Some were freed by the ___________, while others earned their ___________ fighting in the Continental ____________. b. After the war, some ____________ states began _____________ slavery.

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Chapter Four: The American RevolutionSection Four: The War Changes American Society

A. New Political Ideas1. When the United ____________ became __________, they

established a new type of ________________.2. Republic – a ______________ in which the power resides with

a group of voting ____________.a. New State Constitutionsb. Many states wrote_______________ after independence.c. Many of these ___________ the power of the government

and _______________ certain rights to the _________.

B. The War and American Society1. Women

a. Women took over ________, businesses, and families while the _________ were away during the ________.b. Some __________ with the __________, serving as nurses or __________. Others served as ________ and even fought in __________.

2. African Americansa. Many gained their ___________. Some were freed by

the ___________, while others earned their ___________ fighting in the Continental ____________.

b. After the war, some ____________ states began _____________ slavery.