ch. 7: early china lesson 5: chinese philosophies and life pp. 178-183 get your 2 handouts from the...

Ch. 7: Early China Lesson 5: Chinese Philosophies and Life pp. 178-183 Get your 2 handouts from the back counter

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Ch. 7: Early China

Lesson 5: Chinese Philosophies and Life

pp. 178-183

Get your 2 handouts from the back counter


• What is important about these words in the Chinese Culture?



–Filial piety


• SPI 6.33 Analyze the structure of the Zhou Dynasty and the emergence of Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism

• SPI 6.34 Identify the political and cultural patterns prevalent in the time of Confucius and how he sought to solve them

Review: Period of Warring States

• Rulers and aristocrats fighting amongst the territories

• War for decades

• Needed to stop the killing

• Wanted to bring order to society

Part 1: Chinese Philosophies

• Chinese thinkers develop

• 3 major philosophies– Confucianism– Daoism (Taoism)– Legalism

– All 3 = Main Goal was to create a well-run and peaceful society

What Ideas Did Confucius Teach?

• Confucianism was based on teaching of Confucius– Criticized kings– Urged people to follow ancestors– Tried to bring peace and

harmony to China– Duty is central idea of

Confucianism• Parents love children• Children respect parents• Seek knowledge• Rulers should rule justly

The Influence of Confucius

• Confucius believed the government service should be open to men of ability, not just nobles

• Book = Sayings of Confucius called The Analects

• His ideas continued to shape Chinese society until 1900s

The Philosophy of Daoism (Taoism)

• Daoism promoted a peaceful society– Began with the ideas of Laozi– Believes people should free

themselves from worldly desires and live simply

– Turn to nature and the Dao-the spiritual force that guides all things

– This will cause people to live a happy life

Confucianism vs Daoism (Taoism)

• Confucius taught people should work hard to make the world better

• Daoism taught people to turn away from worldly affairs and live in harmony with nature


• Legalism-School of Law– Believes humans are evil– Strict laws and harsh punishment were

necessary to force people to do their duty– EMPHASIZED FORCE

Part 2 : Chinese Life

• Chinese society was divided into 4 classes– Landowning aristocrats– Farmers– Artisans– Merchants

Lives of Aristocrats

• Aristocrats were wealthy

• Owned large plots of land

• Family’s land was divided equally among all of the male heirs

Lives of the Farmers• 9 out of 10 Chinese

farmed• Lived in rural villages

surrounded by mud walls

• Rented the field• Paid taxes• Farmers forced to serve

as soldiers

Lives of the Artisans and Merchants

• Artisans are skilled workers

• Wealthy

• Not respected members of society– People believed merchants worked for their

own gain and not for the good of society

What were Chinese Families Like?

• Family was at the center of early Chinese society

• Practiced filial piety-people’s responsibility to respect and obey their parents

• Required people to take care of their parents

Roles of Men and Women

• Men were respected because of their jobs• Considered the jobs of men more important

than the work of women

• Women raised children and saw to their education

• Women managed household and family finances

Ancient Chinese Philosophies Confucianism Legalism Daoism

Founder Confucius Hanfeizi Laozi

Beliefs •Family values•Knowing your place in society•Positions in government should be based on merit not hereditary

•People are born wicked•Must be taught proper behavior through punishment and rewards•Aristocrats favored this belief

•In search of the Dao•Finding peace with nature•Searching for harmony with nature

Compare and Contrast Social Hierarchies of Many Civilizations

Draw the pyramids.

Egypt India

China United States