ch. 9 launching the new government. essential questions in what ways did leadership influence the...

Ch. 9 Launching the New Government

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Ch. 9 Launching the New Government

Essential Questions• In what ways did leadership influence the

creation of our government? • What challenges faced the founding fathers?• What were the mistakes and successes of the

federal government in its first years?

•Objective: We are going to analyze the creation of the federal government and the first two administrations.

What do you Know and Want to Know about the launching of the new government.

Know • GW stepped down after two

term• The system has served us

well for over 200 years

Want to Know• How was the government

started• Who was in the cabinet• What year did the states

become united? • What was the reaction of

the public?• What were the challenges

and successes? • Were there any rebellions?

What do you Know and Want to Know about the launching of the new government. • Know• Alexander Hamilton

created National Bank• GW-First President• JA – Second President•

• Want to Know• What were the

problems/mistakes?• Who helped launch the

government?• How did they settle the debt? • What alliances were forged? • How did they solve conflicts

among themselves? • What happened to the Native

Americans?• Hamilton whats up with the gun

fight? • Why Washington DC as a location?

What do you Know and Want to Know about the launching of the new government.

Know• GW first President• GW free mason

Want to Know• How did the US pay its

debts? • What are free masons? • Problems facing GW• What was the confict with


What do you Know and Want to Know about the launching of the new government.

Know• 1st President: G.W.• 1st V.P. , 2nd Pres.: J.A

Want to Know• How did the U.S. Gov. pay their

debts?• What was the French Revolution

and how was the French involved? • What were the early mistakes

made by the federal government? • What other leaders helped to

influence our country? • What made the people select G.W.

as a leader? • How was the new government

launched, ideas?

9.1 Washington Takes Office

• April 30, 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the first President. Washington appointed a cabinet to help him.

GeorgeWashington- President

Henry Knox- War

Alexander HamiltonTreasury

Thomas JeffersonState

Edmund RandolphAttorney General

• The Judiciary Act of 1789 created a Supreme

Court consisti

ng of a Chief Justice and

five Associate Justices

John Jay- Chief Justice

• Alexander Hamilton’s plan called for a central bank to repay all state debts. Madison argued against this concept. As a result the Bank of the United States was created and “Washington DC” was built in the south.

Do Now: Take out your section review. What is happening in this image?

The Whiskey Rebellion• To raise revenue Hamilton suggested a tax on all

alcohol that was produced. Farmers in Pennsylvania tarred and feathered tax collectors. Washington sent militia to crush the rebellion but the farmers fled in fear. Washington then pardoned the farmers.

• Was Washington wise in his cabinet selections? • Who works with President Obama in his cabinet? • Was Hamilton wise to consolidate debt and

create the Bank of the United States? • Do we have a national debt today? • Was anyone to blame for the Whiskey Rebellion?• How do you think Washington handled the

Whiskey Rebellion?

9.2 Creating a Foreign Policy

• In response to the French Revolution George Washington issued the “Neutrality Proclamation.” In 1793 John Jay created Jay’s Treaty with Britain after Britain seized 250 American ships.

1796 Washington’s Farewell Address.

“Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent

alliances, with any portion of the foreign world…The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations is…to have with them as little political

connection as possible. “

• How should the United States have responded to the French Revolution?

• Was Washington unfair to King Louis XVI?• What was the legacy of George Washington? • What were Washington’s accomplishments?• Why was Washington’s retirement important

to the future of the United States Government?

• Imagine two 7th grade boys are planning a joint birthday party. One night on Ichat they have a bitter disagreement over the theme of the party. (One of them really like pirates, and the other really likes dinosaurs.) The argument turns ugly, what would be the next logical thing for each of them to do?

9.3 Political Parties

• Bitter disagreements between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson led to the

creation of Political Parties.

Hamilton Jefferson

Government should encourage trade and manufacturing.

Government should support small family farms.

Favored cities Favored rural communities

Wanted a large strong federal government

Wanted a small federal government

Designed Bank of the United States Opposed the Bank of the United States.

Wanted close ties with Britain Wanted close ties with France

Democratic RepublicansFederalists

• If you were alive during the late 18th century would you have been a Democratic Republican or a Federalist?

• Who had a greater impact on American society Hamilton or Jefferson?

The Election of 1796

Democratic Republicans• President: Thomas Jefferson• VP: Aaron Burr

Federalists• President: John Adams• VP: Thomas Pinckney

President: John Adams

Vice President: Thomas Jefferson

• What do you notice about the voting habits of Americans in 1796? How does this compare to 2008

• If you were alive during the late 18th century would you have agreed with Jefferson or Hamilton?

• Who had a greater impact on the development of the United States? Jefferson or Hamilton?

• What is the legacy of this disagreement? • Are political parties bad for a democracy?

9.4 Conflict with France

• After American ships were seized by France. Three French agents described by Adams as X, Y and Z demanded bribes to begin negotiations. The XYZ affair enraged the public and Hamilton called for war with France. Adams sent diplomats to France to make a treaty with Napoleon Bonaparte.

• Who won the election of 1796? What party was he?

• Who became Vice President what party was he? • Who did Hamilton and the Federalists support in

foreign policy? • Who did Jefferson and the Democratic

Republicans support with regard to foreign policy?

• Why was there a conflict between France and the United States during the beginning of the Adams administration?

• How did John Adams respond?• What was the XYZ affair? • What did Hamilton suggest? • Why would Jefferson have disagreed with Hamilton?• If the year was 1798 what effect could war with

France have on the election of 1800? • Do modern politicians make decisions with their

next election in mind?

The Alien and Sedition Acts

• The federalists pushed the Alien and Sedition Acts through Congress during the conflict with France.

• Alien Act: Any foreigner can be expelled from the country. Immigrants must wait 14 years to become citizens.

• Sedition Act: You can be fined or jailed for criticizing the government.

States Rights

• Jefferson and Madison argued that States had the right to nullify federal laws. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions stated that each state has the right to judge for itself if a law is constitutional.

• Were the Alien and Sedition Acts constitutional?

• Should there be limits on the lives of immigrants?

• Should there be limits on free speech?

The Election of 1800

• During the election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson won the popular vote. In the electoral vote Jefferson and Aaron Burr each received 73 electoral votes. The House of Representatives had to vote 36 times to break the tie.

President: Thomas Jefferson

Vice President: Aaron Burr

The Federalist Era Ends

• Congress passed the 12th amendment having electors vote separately for President and Vice President. The Federalist party faded after Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel.

• Was President Adams successful in his dealings with France? What if would you have done differently?

• How does America currently struggle with foreign policy?

• Was Adams right to sign the Alien and Sedition Acts?

• Is there any legislation today that is anti-immigrant? • Why did the Federalist party decline and come to an

end?• Is Alexander Hamilton an American hero?

• In April of 1789 George Washington was ________________ in Philadelphia.

• _________________ became the first secretary of war. • ________________ became the first Attorney General.• The ______________________ created a Supreme Court of the

United States. • __________________ was the first chief Justice of the Supreme

Court. • __________________ Washington issued the ___________________

to keep the US out of the conflict between England and France.• __________________ Rebellion proved that the Constitution was

working. • During his Farewell Address Washington warned against

______________ and ____________________.

• Alexander Hamilton wanted to _______________ the nations debt and create a _________________.

• _____________ was built in the South as a compromise between Hamilton, Madison and Jefferson.

• Jefferson disagreed with Hamilton on the following issues___________________.

• As a result of their disputes the following political parties were created__________ and _______________.

• In the end Washington declared himself a ____________________.

• After the election of 1796 _____________ became president and ______________ became VP.

• Conflict with France over some _________________ led to the XYZ affair where French agents asked for a _____.

• Adams eventually made peace with ___________ and kept the US out of war with France.

• The Federalists passed the _________ and ____________ acts which were unpopular among Democratic Republicans.

• _______________ and ___________ passed resolutions in protest to the Alien and Sedition Laws.

• __________________ won the election of 1800 though the election had to be decided by the ___________________.

• _____________ became the Vice President though he later shot Hamilton in a _________. This marked the end of the _________________ party.

• What was the greatest challenge for the founding fathers?

• What challenges does our modern government face?

• Who was the MVP of either of the first two administrations?

• Does Alexander Hamilton deserve to be on the ten dollar bill?