ch09 pt2

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  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Chapter 9

    Gas Power Systems

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Learning Outcomes

    Performair-standard analysesof internalcombustion engines based on the Otto,

    Diesel, and dual cycles, including:

    sketchingp-vand T-sdiagrams and evaluatingproperty data at principal states.

    applyingenergy, entropy, and exergy

    balances.determiningnet power output, thermal

    efficiency, and mean effective pressure.

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Learning Outcomes

    Performair-standard analysesof gasturbine power plants based on the Brayton

    cycle and its modifications, including:

    sketchingT-sdiagrams and evaluatingproperty data at principal states.

    applyingmass, energy, entropy, and exergy

    balances.determiningnet power output, thermal

    efficiency, back work ratio, and the effects of

    compressor pressure ratio.

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Learning Outcomes

    For subsonicand supersonic flowsthroughnozzlesand diffusers:

    demonstrateunderstanding of the effects ofarea change, the effects of back pressure on

    mass flow rate, and the occurrence of choking

    and normal shocks.

    analyzethe flow of ideal gases with constantspecific heats.

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    Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

    Gas turbine power plants are more quicklyconstructed, less costly, and morecompactthan thevapor power plants considered in Chapter 8.

    Gas turbines are suited for stationary powergenerationas well as for powering vehicles,

    including aircraft propulsion and marine power


    Gas turbines are

    increasingly used for large-scale powergeneration, andfor such applications fueled primarily bynatural gas, which is relatively abundant today.

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    Considering Gas Turbine Power PlantsGas turbines may operate on an openor closedbasis, asshown in the figures.

    The open gas turbineis more commonly usedand is themain focus of our study of gas turbines.

    Study of the individual components of these configurationsrequires the contro l volume formsof the mass, energy, and

    entropy balances.Opento the atmosphere Closed

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

    The openmode gas turbine is an in ternal com bust ion

    power plant.Airis continuously drawn intothe compressorwhere it is

    compressed to a high pressure.

    Combustion productsexit

    at elevated temperatureandpressure.

    Combustion productsexpand through the turbine

    and then are discharged to the


    Airthen enters the combustion

    chamber(combustor) where itmixes with fueland combustion


    The remainder is

    available as net work

    output to drive an

    electric generator, to

    propel a vehicle, or

    for other uses.

    Part of the

    turbine work

    is used to

    drive the


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    Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

    The closedgas turbine operates as follows:

    A gascirculatesthrough four components: turbine,compressor, and two heat exchangers at higher and loweroperating temperatures, respectively.

    The turbineand compressorplay the same roles as in theopen gas turbine.

    As the gas passes through thehigher-temperature heat

    exchanger, it receives energyby

    heat transfer from an external

    source.The thermodynamic cycle iscompleted by heat transfer to the

    surroundingsas the gas passes

    through the lower-temperatureheat exchanger.

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    Considering Gas Turbine Power Plants

    The heat transferassociated with the higher-temperature heat exchanger of the closedgasturbine originates from an external sou rce, which

    may includeExternal com bus t ionofbiomass, municipal solidwaste, fossil fuels such as

    natural gas, and other


    Waste heatfrom industrialprocesses.

    Solarthermal energy.A gas-cooled nuclear


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    To conduct elementaryanalyses of opengas turbine power

    plants, simplifications are required. Although highly idealized,an air-standard analysiscan provide insightsand qualitative

    informationabout actual performance.

    An air-standard analysishas the following elements:

    The working fluid is airwhich behaves as an ideal gas.Ideal gas relations are reviewed in Table 9.1.The temperature rise that would be brought about bycombustion is accomplished by heat transfer from an

    external source.

    With an air-standard analysis, we avoid the complexities ofthe combustion process and the change in composition

    during combustion, which simplifies the analysis

    considerably. Combustion is studied in Chapter 13.

    In a co ldair-standard analysis, the specific heats are

    assumed constantat their ambient temperature values.

    Air-Standard Analysis of

    Open Gas Turbine Power Plants

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    Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    The schematic of a simple open air-standard gas turbine

    power plantis shown in the figure.The energy transfersby heat and work are in thedirections of the arrows.

    Aircirculates through the components:

    Process1-2: the airiscompressedfrom state 1to

    state 2.

    Process2-3: Thetemperature risethat would be

    achieved in the actual power

    plant with combustion is

    realizedhere by heat transfer,

    At state 1, airis drawn into thecompressorfromthe surroundings.


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    Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    Airreturns to thesurroundingsat state 4with a

    temperaturetypically muchgreater than at state 1.

    After interacting with thesurroundings, each unit of mass

    returns to the same condition asthe air entering at state 1,

    thereby completing a

    thermodynamic cycle.

    Process 3-4: The high-pressure, high-temperature air

    expands throughthe turbine. The turbine drives thecompressor and develops net power, .cycleW

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    Airreturns to thesurroundingsat state 4with a

    temperaturetypically much

    greater than at state 1.After interacting with thesurroundings, each unit of mass

    returns to the same condition as

    the air entering at state 1,

    thereby completing a

    thermodynamic cycle.

    Process 3-4: The high-pressure, high-temperature airexpands throughthe turbinefrom state 3to state 4. The

    turbine drives the compressor and develops net power, .cycleW

    We imagineprocess 4-1beingachieved by a heat exchanger, as

    shown by the dashed line in the figure.

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    Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    Cycle 1-2-3-4-1is called the Brayton cyc le.

    The com pressor p ressu re rat io, p2/p1, is a keyBrayton cycle operating parameter.

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    Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    Analyzing each component as a control

    volume atsteady state, assuming thecompressorand turbine operate

    adiabatically, and neglecting kineticand

    potential energy effects, we get the following

    expressions for the principal work and heattransfers, which are positive in accord with

    our convention for cycle analysis.



    (Eq. 9.15)

    (Eq. 9.16)

    (Eq. 9.17)

    (Eq. 9.18)

    Heat addition

    Heat rejection
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    Air-Standard Brayton CycleThe thermal eff ic ienc yis

    (Eq. 9.19)

    The back work rat iois

    (Eq. 9.20)

    Since Eqs. 9.15through 9.20have been developed from massand energy balances, they apply equallywhen irreversibilities

    are presentandin the absence of irreversibilities.

    Note: A relatively large portion of the work developed by the

    turbine is required to drive the compressor. For gas turbines,

    back work ratios range from 20% to 80% compared to only 1-2%

    for vapor power plants.
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    Ideal Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    The idealair-standard Brayton cycle provides an

    especially simple setting for study of gas turbine powerplant performance. The ideal cycle adheres to additional

    modeling assumptions:

    Frictional pressure drops are absent during flows through

    the heat exchangers. These processes occur at constantpressure. These processes are isobaric.

    Flows through the turbine and pumpoccur adiabaticallyandwithout irreversibility. These processes are isentropic.

    Accordingly, the ideal Brayton cycleconsists of twoisentropic processesalternated with two isobaric processes.In this respect, the ideal Brayton cycle is in harmony with

    the ideal Rankine cycle, which also consists of two

    isentropic processes alternated with two isobaric processes

    (Sec. 8.2.2).

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  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Ideal Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    Since the ideal Brayton cycle involves internally

    reversible processes, results from Sec. 6.13apply.On the p-vdiagram, the work per unit of massflowing isvdp. Thus on a per unit of mass flowingbasis,

    Area 1-2-a-b-1represents the

    compressor work input.

    Area 3-4-b-a-3

    represents the turbinework output.

    Enclosed area 1-2-3-4-1represents the net work


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    Area 2-3-a-b-2represents

    the heat added.Area 4-1-b-a-4representsthe heat rejected.

    Enclosed area 1-2-3-4-1

    represents the net heataddedor equivalently, the

    net work developed.

    Ideal Air-Standard Brayton Cycle

    On the T-sdiagram, the heat transfer per unit ofmass flowing is Tds. Thus, on a per unit of massflowing basis,

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    Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on

    Brayton Cycle Performance

    That the compressor pressure ratio, p2/p1, is animportant operating parameter for gas turbines is

    brought out simply by the following discussions

    centering on the T-sdiagram:

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    Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on

    Brayton Cycle Performance

    Increasing the compressor pressure ratio from p2/p1top2/p1changes the cycle from 1-2-3-4-1to 1-2-3-4-1.

    Since the average temperature of heataddition is greater in cycle 1-2-3-4-1, and

    both cycles have the same heat rejectionprocess, cycle 1-2-3-4-1has the greater

    thermal efficiency.

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    Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on

    Brayton Cycle Performance

    Increasing the compressor pressure ratio from p2/p1top2/p1changes the cycle from 1-2-3-4-1to 1-2-3-4-1.

    Since the average temperature of heataddition is greater in cycle 1-2-3-4-1, and

    both cycles have the same heat rejectionprocess, cycle 1-2-3-4-1has the greater

    thermal efficiency.

    Accordingly, the Brayton cycle thermal

    efficiency increases as the compressorpressure ratio increases.



    2 4 6 8 10

    CompressorPressure Ratio

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on

    Brayton Cycle Performance

    Increasing the compressor pressure ratio from p2/p1top2/p1changes the cycle from 1-2-3-4-1to 1-2-3-4-1.

    Since the average temperature of heataddition is greater in cycle 1-2-3-4-1, and

    both cycles have the same heat rejectionprocess, cycle 1-2-3-4-1has the greater

    thermal efficiency.

    Accordingly, the Brayton cycle thermal

    efficiency increases as the compressorpressure ratio increases.

    The turbine inlet temperature alsoincreases with increasing compressor

    ratiofrom T3to T3


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  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on

    Brayton Cycle Performance

    The figure shows theT

    -sdiagrams of two idealBrayton cycles having the same turbine inlet temperature

    but different compressor pressure ratios.

    Cycle Ahas the greatercompressor pressure ratioand

    thus the greater thermal efficiency.

    Cycle Bhas the larger enclosedarea and thus the greater net work

    developed per unit of mass flow.

    For Cycle Ato develop the samenet power as Cycle B, a larger

    mass flow rate would be required

    and this might dictate a larger


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    Effects of Compressor Pressure Ratio on

    Brayton Cycle Performance

    Accordingly, for turbine-powered vehicles, wheresize and weight are constrained, it may be

    desirable to operate near the compressor pressure

    ratio for greater net work per unit of mass flowand

    not the pressure ratio for greater thermal efficiency.

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    Gas Turbine Power Plant Irreversibility

    The most significant irreversibility by faris the

    i r revers ib i li ty of combust ion. This type of irreversibility isconsidered in Chap. 13, where combustion fundamentals

    are developed.

    Irreversibi l i t iesrelated to f low through the turb ine andcompressoralso significantly impact gas turbine

    performance. They act todecreasethe work developed by the turbineandincreasethe work required by the compressor,thereby decreasingthe net work of the power plant.








    marked decrease in net

    work of the power plantirreversibilites decrease

    turbine work

    irreversiblities increase

    compressor work

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  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Gas Turbine Power Plant Irreversibility








    scc hh





    Isentropic compressor efficiency, introduced in Sec.6.12.3, accounts for the effects of irreversibilities within the

    compressorin terms of actual and isentropic compressor work

    input, each per unit of mass flowing through the compressor.

    work input for the actual process from compressor

    inlet state to the compressor exit pressure

    work input for an isentropic process from

    compressor inlet state to exit pressure

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    Gas Turbine Power Plant Loss

    The exhaust gas temperature of a s implegasturbine is typically well above the ambient

    temperature. Thus, the exhaust gas has

    considerable thermodynamic utility (exergy) that

    would be irrevocably los twere the gas dischargeddirectly to the ambient.

    Regenerat ivegas turbines (Sec. 9.7) and gas

    turbine-based com bined cy c les(Sec. 9.9) aim toavoid such a significant loss by using the hot

    exhaust gas cost-effectively.

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    The regeneratorallows air exiting thecompressor to be preheated, process 2-x,

    as the turbine exhaust gas cools, process


    Preheating reduces the heat added perunit of mass flowing(and thus the amount

    of fuel that must be burned):

    Regenerative Gas Turbines

    )( x3in hhmQ

    The hotturbine exhaust can be utilized with a preheater

    called a regenerator.

    )( 23in hhmQ

    The net work per unit of mass flowing is not altered with theinclusion of a regenerator. Accordingly, since the heat added is

    reduced, thermal efficiency increases.

    With Regeneration Without Regeneration

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    Since a finite temperature difference must exist

    between the two streams of the regenerator for heattransfer to take place between the streams, the cold-

    side exiting temperature, Tx, must be less than the

    hot-side entering temperature, T4.

    Regenerator Effectiveness

    As the stream-to-streamtemperature difference becomes

    small Txapproaches T4, but

    cannot exceed it. Accordingly,

    Tx T4.

    As the enthalpy of the airvaries only with temperature, we

    also haveh

    x h



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  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    In practice, regenerator effectiveness values

    range from 60-80%, approximately. Thus, thetemperature Txat the combustor inlet is invariably

    below the temperature T4at the turbine exit.

    Selection of a regenerator is largely aneconomic decision.

    Regenerator Effectiveness

    With regeneration less fuel is consumedby thecombustor but another component, the

    regenerator, is required.

    When considering use of a regenerator, thetrade-off between fuel savings and regenerator

    cost must be weighed.

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    A modification of the Brayton cycle that increases

    the net work developed is mult is tage expansionwith reheat.

    The figure shows a cycle with two turbine stagesand a reheat combustor between the stages.

    Gas Turbines with Reheat and Regeneration

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    Cycle with reheat

    The ideal Brayton cycle with reheatis 1-2-3-a-b-4-1.

    The ideal Brayton cycle without reheatis 1-2-3-4-1.The reheat cyclehas a larger enclosed areathanthe cycle without reheat and thus a greater net work

    developed per unit of mass flowing, which is the aim.

    Gas Turbines with Reheat and Regeneration

    Cycle without reheat

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    The figure also shows that the temperature at the exitof the second-stage turbine, state 4, is greaterthan at

    the exit of the single turbine of the cycle without reheat,

    state 4. Accordingly, with reheat the potential for

    regeneration is also enhanced.

    When reheat and regeneration are used together, thethermal efficiency can increase significantlyover that for

    the cycle without reheat.

    Gas Turbines with Reheat and Regeneration



    G T bi ith

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Another modification of the Brayton cycle thatincreases the net work developed is compress ionwith intercool ing.

    The figure shows two compressor stages and an

    intercooler between the stages.

    Gas Turbines with

    Intercooling and Regeneration

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    Gas Turbines with

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Recalling that for such internally reversible processes the

    work input per unit of mass flowing is given by vdp, thefollowing area interpretationsapply, each per unit of mass


    Gas Turbines with

    Intercooling and Regeneration

    With intercooling, area 1-c-d-2-a-b-1

    represents the work input.Without intercooling, area 1-2-a-b-1represents the work input.

    The cross-hatched areac-d-2-2-c

    represents the reduction in workachieved with intercooling.

    If the total turbine work remains the same, a reduction incompressor work results in an increase in the net work

    developed, which is the aim.

    Gas Turbines with

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    While compression with andwithout intercooling each

    bring the air to the same final pressure, p2, the finaltemperature with intercooling, T2, is lowerthan the final

    temperature without intercooling, T2.

    Gas Turbines with

    Intercooling and Regeneration

    Comparing states 2and 2on the T-sdiagram, T2< T2.

    The lower temperature at the compressor exitwithintercooling enhances the potential for regeneration.



    Gas Turbines with

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    Gas Turbines with

    Intercooling and RegenerationWhen compression with intercoolingis used together with

    regeneration, the thermal efficiency can increase significantlyover that for the cycle without intercooling.

    The T-sdiagram also shows that for cooling to thesurroundings the temperature Tdat the intercooler exit

    cannot be less thanT1, the temperature of the air enteringthe compressorfrom the surroundings: Td T1.



    R ti G T bi

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Shown here is a regenerative gas turbinethatincorporates reheat and intercooling.

    With these modifications to the basic Brayton cycle:

    Regenerative Gas Turbine

    with Reheat and Intercooling

    The net work


    The thermalefficiency is


    R ti G T bi

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Applying mass and energy ratebalancesat steady state, weobtain the following expressions,

    each per unit of mass flowing:

    Regenerative Gas Turbine

    with Reheat and Intercooling

    Totalturbine work:

    (h6h7) + (h8h9) = ht1(h6h7s) + ht2(h8h9s)m




    where t1and t2denote the isentropic efficienciesof turbines 1and 2,


    Totalcompressor work:

    (h2h1) + (h4h3) = (h2sh1)/hc1+ (h4sh3)/hc2m




    where c1and c2denote the isentropic efficienciesof compressors 1

    and 2, respectively.

    R ti G T bi

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Applying mass and energy ratebalancesat steady state, weobtain the following expressions,

    each per unit of mass flowing:

    Regenerative Gas Turbine

    with Reheat and Intercooling

    Totalheat added:

    (h6h5) + (h8h7)m




    In this application, the regenerator effectivenessis:


    For cooling to the surroundings, the temperature at theexit of the intercooler, T3, cannot be less than the

    temperature of the air entering the compressor from the

    surroundings: T3 T1.

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    The exhaust temperature of the simple gas turbine

    is typically well above the ambient temperature, andthus the hot gas exiting the turbine has significant

    thermodynamic utility (exergy) that can be used cost-


    Waysto utilize this potential include:The regenerative cyc lepreviously considered.A combined cyc lenamely, a cycle thatcouples two power cycles such that the energy

    discharged by heat transfer from the higher-

    temperature cycle is used as a heat input for the

    lower-temperature cycle.

    Gas Turbine-Based Combined Cycle

    C G C

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Illustrated here is a combined cycleinvolving gas and vapor power cycles:

    The cycles are combined using aninterconnecting heat-recovery

    steam generatorthat serves as the

    boiler for the vapor power cycle.

    The combined cycle has the gasturbines high average temperature ofheat additionand the vapor power

    cycles low average temperature ofheat rejection.

    Thermal efficiency is greaterthaneither cycle would have individually.

    Combined Gas Turbine-Vapor Power Cycle

    Increasingly, combined gas turbine-vapor power plants arebeing used world-widefor electric power generation.

    C bi d G T bi V P C l

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    Combined Gas Turbine-Vapor Power Cycle

    The net power developed by thecombined cycleis the sum of the net

    power developed by each cycle.

    The thermal efficiency of thecombined cycleis the net power

    output divided by the rate of heat


    For an adiabatic heat recovery steamgenerator, mass and energy rate

    (Eq. 9.28)

    balances reduce to give the following relationship involving the

    mass flow rates of the two cycles:

    (Eq. 9.29)

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    Combined-cycle District Heating

    Alternatively, steam exitingthe turbinemay be sent

    directly to the community

    while its condensate returns

    to the pump, thereby

    eliminating the condenser.

    Shown here is a combined gas turbine-vapor power cycle

    applied for dis tr ict heating. District heating plants arelocated within communities to deliver steam or hot watertogether with electricityfor domestic,

    commercial, and industrial use.

    G T bi f Ai ft P l i

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Because of their favorable power-to-weight ratio, gasturbines are well suited for aircraft propulsion. Theturbojet eng ineis commonly used for this purpose.

    The figure provides the schematic of a turbojet engine.

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion

    Va V5

    G T bi f Ai ft P l i

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Va V5

    The increasein velocityfrom diffuser inlet, Va, to nozzleexit, V


    , gives rise to the th rus tdeveloped by the engine

    in accord with Newtons second law of motion (Eq. 9.31).In harmony with air-standard analysis, we assume airmodeled as an ideal gasflows through the engine shown

    in the schematic and the temperature rise that would be

    obtained with combustion is achieved by heat transfer

    from an external source.

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion

    G T bi f Ai ft P l i

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Va V5

    If the air flows through the components of the turbojet enginewithout irreversibilities and stray heat transfer,air undergoes

    the five processesshown on the T-sdiagram:

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion

    Process a-1: Air at velocity Vaenters the diffuser anddecelerates isentropically, while experiencing an increase in


    Process 1-2: The air experiences a further increase inpressure isentropically, owing to work done by the compressor.

    G T bi f Ai ft P l i

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    Va V5

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion

    Process 2-3: The temperatureof the air increasesat constantpressure as it receives a heat transferfrom an external source.

    Process 3-4: The high-pressure, high-temperature air

    expands isentropicallythrough the turbine, driving thecompressor.

    If the air flows through the components of the turbojet enginewithout irreversibilities and stray heat transfer,air undergoes

    the five processesshown on the T-sdiagram:

    G T bi f Ai ft P l i

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Va V5

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion

    Process 4-5: The air continues to expand isentropicallythrough the nozzle, achieving a velocity, V5, at the engine exit

    much greater than the velocity, Va, at the engine inlet, and

    thereby developing th rus t.

    If the air flows through the components of the turbojet enginewithout irreversibilities and stray heat transfer,air undergoes

    the five processesshown on the T-sdiagram:

    Review: Nozzle and Diffuser Modeling

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    If the change in potential energy from inlet to exit is

    negligible, g(zize) drops out.

    If the heat transfer with surroundings is negligible,

    drops out.





    cvcv eiei

    ei zzghhmWQ

    Review: Nozzle and Diffuser Modeling





    ei hh


    The one-inlet, one-exit energy rate balance atsteady state reads:

    For a control volume enclosing a nozzle or diffuser,

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    G T bi f Ai ft P l i

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Theenergy rate balanceapplicable to the nozzle

    takes the form

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion





    54 hh





    54 hhhh

    h4V4 0




    For the nozzle, i= 4and e= 5. Then,

    2VV)(0 22 eiei hh

    Since inlet velocity is negligible, the energy ratebalance reduces to

    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion

  • 8/13/2019 ch09 pt2


    Since the final expressions obtained for thediffuser and nozzle are deduced from massand

    energy rate balances, they apply equally when

    irreversibilities are present and in the absence of


    Gas Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion