ch32 animal form and function - hopkins academy ......unit 6 animal form and function the activities...

1 C h e m is tr y a n d C e ll s A n i m a l s G e n e ti cs P l a nt s E c o l o g y E v o l u t i o n H i st o r y of L i f e Homeostasis and Endocrine Signaling Animal Nutrition The Immune System Circulation and Gas Exchange Reproduction and Development 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling Nervous and Sensory Systems Motor Mechanisms and Behavior A n i m a l F o r m a n d F u n c t i o n Unit 6 Animal Form and Function The activities of the cells, tissues, and organs that make up the animal body are controlled and coor- dinated by hormones, which are signals from the endocrine system, and by the nervous system. One major result is homeo- stasis, the maintenance of a balanced internal environment. 32 Homeostasis and Endocrine Signaling Animals meet their nutritional needs by the stepwise digestion of ingested food and the efficient absorption of released nutrients. 33 Animal Nutrition Cells and tissues throughout a multilayered animal body rely on circulation and gas exchange systems to carry out an interchange of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes with the external environment. 34 Circulation and Gas Exchange An immune system provides barriers to infection and distin- guishes self from non-self in initiating defense against foreign cells and viruses. 35 The Immune System Sexual reproduction involves the fertiliza- tion of egg by sperm. In animals, a process of embryonic devel- opment involves cell division, specialization, and movement. 36 Reproduction and Development Neurons receive, retrieve, and transmit informa- tion by signaling along cellular extensions and across specialized cell junctions called synapses. 37 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling Sensory receptors tuned to chemicals, light, vibra- tions, and other stimuli transfer information to the nervous system for processing and integration. 38 Nervous and Sensory Systems Animals respond to their environment through motor mechanisms, including muscle contrac- tions, that bring about behavior. 39 Motor Mechanisms and Behavior 640

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    Animal Formand


    Unit 6 Animal Form and Function

    The activities of the cells, tissues, and organs that make up the animal body are controlled and coor-dinated by hormones, which are signals from the endocrine system, and by the nervous system. One major result is homeo-stasis, the maintenance of a balanced internal environment.

    32 Homeostasis and Endocrine Signaling

    Animals meet their nutritional needs by the stepwise digestion of ingestedfood and the efficient absorptionof released nutrients.

    33 Animal Nutrition

    Cells and tissues throughout a multilayered animal body rely on circulation and gasexchange systems to carry out

    an interchange of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes

    with the external environment.

    34 Circulation and Gas Exchange

    An immune systemprovides barriers to infection and distin-guishes self from non-self in initiating defense against foreign cells and viruses.

    35 The Immune System

    Sexual reproductioninvolves the fertiliza-tion of egg by sperm. In animals, a process of embryonic devel-opment involves cell division, specialization, and movement.

    36 Reproduction and Development

    Neurons receive, retrieve, and transmit informa-tion by signaling along cellular extensions and across specialized cell junctions called synapses.

    37 Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling

    Sensory receptors tuned to chemicals, light, vibra-tions, and other stimuli transfer information to the nervous system for processing and integration.

    38 Nervous and Sensory Systems

    Animals respond to their environment through motor mechanisms,including muscle contrac-tions, that bring about behavior.

    39 Motor Mechanisms and Behavior



    Diverse Forms, Common Challenges

    The desert ant (Cataglyphis) in Figure 32.1 is a scavenger, devouring insects that have succumbed to the daytime heat of the Sahara Desert. To gather corpses for feeding, the ant forages when surface tempera-tures on the sun-baked sand exceed 60°C (140°F), well above the thermal limit for virtually all animals. How, then, does the desert ant survive in these conditions? To answer this question, we need to look more closely at the ant’s anatomy, or biological form.

    Over the course of its life, an ant faces the same fundamental challenges as any other animal, whether hydra, hawk, or human. All animals must obtain nutrients and oxygen, fight off infection, and produce offspring. Given that they share these and other basic requirements, why do species vary so enor-mously in makeup, complexity, organization, and appearance? The answer is adaptation: Natural selection favors those variations in a population that

    increase relative fitness (see Chapter 21). The evolution-ary adaptations that enable survival vary among environ-ments and species, but they frequently result in a close match of form to function.

    Because form and function are correlated, examining anatomy often provides clues to physiology—biological function. In the case of the desert ant, researchers noted that its stilt-like legs are disproportionately long, elevat-ing the rest of the ant 4 mm above the sand. At this height, the ant’s body is exposed to a temperature 6°C lower than that at ground level. The ant’s long legs also facilitate rapid locomotion: Researchers have found that desert ants can run as fast as 1 m/sec, close to the top speed recorded for any running arthropod. Speedy sprinting minimizes the time that the ant is exposed to the sun. Thus, long legs are adaptations that allow the desert ant to be active during the heat of the day, when competition for food and the risk of predation are lowest.

    In this chapter, we will begin our study of animal form and function by examining the organization of

    cells and tissues in the animal body, the systems for coordinating the activi-ties of different body parts, and the general means by which animals control their internal environment. In the second half of the chapter, we’ll apply these general ideas to two challenges of particular relevance for desert ani-mals: regulating body temperature and maintaining proper balance of body salts and water.

    32Homeostasis and Endocrine SignalingKEY CONCEPTS

    32.1 Feedback control maintains the internal environment in many animals32.2 Endocrine signals trigger homeostatic mechanisms in target tissues32.3 A shared system mediates osmoregulation and excretion in many animals32.4 Hormonal circuits link kidney function, water balance, and blood pressure

    ▼ Figure 32.1 How do long legs help this scavenger survive in the

    scorching desert heat?



    Many organs contain tissues with distinct physiological roles. In some cases, the roles are different enough that we consider the organ to belong to more than one organ sys-tem. The pancreas, for instance, produces enzymes critical to the function of the digestive system and also regulates the level of sugar in the blood as a vital part of the endo-crine system.

    Just as viewing the body’s organization from the “bottom up” (from cells to organ systems) reveals emergent properties, a “top-down” view of the hierarchy reveals the multilayered basis of specialization. Consider the human digestive system: the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large in-testines, accessory organs, and anus. Each organ has specific roles in digestion. One function of the stomach, for example, is to initiate the breakdown of proteins. This process requires a churning motion powered by stomach muscles, as well as di-gestive juices secreted by the stomach lining. Producing diges-tive juices, in turn, requires highly specialized cell types: One cell type secretes a protein-digesting enzyme, a second gener-ates concentrated hydrochloric acid, and a third produces mu-cus, which protects the stomach lining.

    The specialized and complex organ systems of animals are built from a limited set of cell and tissue types. For ex-ample, lungs and blood vessels have different functions but are lined by tissues that are of the same basic type and that therefore share many properties. Animal tissues are com-monly grouped into four main types: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous (Figure 32.2). In later chapters, we’ll provide examples of how these tissue types contribute to the specific functions of the organ systems that are summa-rized in Table 32.1.

    CONCEPT 32.1Feedback control maintains the internal environment in many animalsFor animals, as for other multicellular organisms, having many cells facilitates specialization. For example, a hard outer cover-ing can protect against predators, and large muscles can enable rapid escape. In a multicellular body, the immediate environ-ment of most cells is the internal body fluid. Control systems that regulate the composition of this solution allow the animal to maintain a relatively stable internal environment, even if the external environment is variable. To understand how these control systems operate, we first need to explore the layers of organization that characterize animal bodies.

    Hierarchical Organization of Animal BodiesCells form a working animal body through their emergent properties, which arise from successive levels of structural and functional organization. Cells are organized into tissues,groups of cells with a similar appearance and a common function. Different types of tissues are further organized into functional units called organs. (The simplest animals, such as sponges, lack organs or even true tissues.) Groups of organs that work together provide an additional level of or-ganization and coordination and make up an organ system(Table 32.1). Thus, for example, the skin is an organ of the integumentary system, which protects against infection and helps regulate body temperature.

    Table 32.1 Organ Systems in Mammals

    Organ System Main Components Main Functions

    Digestive Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, anus

    Food processing (ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination)

    Circulatory Heart, blood vessels, blood Internal distribution of materials

    Respiratory Lungs, trachea, other breathing tubes Gas exchange (uptake of oxygen; disposal of carbon dioxide)

    Immune and lymphatic

    Bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, lymph vessels, white blood cells

    Body defense (fighting infections and cancer)

    Excretory Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra Disposal of metabolic wastes; regulation of osmotic balance of blood

    Endocrine Pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal, and other hormone-secreting glands

    Coordination of body activities (such as digestion and metabolism)

    Reproductive Ovaries or testes and associated organs Reproduction

    Nervous Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory organs Coordination of body activities; detection of stimuli and formulation of responses to them

    Integumentary Skin and its derivatives (such as hair, claws, skin glands) Protection against mechanical injury, infection, dehydration; thermoregulation

    Skeletal Skeleton (bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage) Body support, protection of internal organs, movement

    Muscular Skeletal muscles Locomotion and other movement

  • Epithelial TissueOccurring as sheets of closely packed cells, epithelial tissuecovers the outside of the body and lines organs and cavities. Epithelial tissue functions as a barrier against mechanical injury, pathogens, and fluid loss. It also forms active interfaces with the environment. For example, the epithelium (plural, epithelia) that lines the intestines secretes digestive juices and absorbs nutrients. All epithelia are polarized, meaning that they have two different sides. The apical surface faces the lumen (cavity) or outside of the organ and is therefore exposed to fluid or air. The basalsurface is attached to a basal lamina, a dense mat of extracellular matrix that separates the epithelium from the underlying tissue.

    Epithelial tissuelining small intestine

    Nervous tissue in brain


    Loose connectivetissue surroundingstomach

    Skeletal muscle tissue


    Red blood cells


    Whiteblood cells

    Elastic fiber


    Apical surface



    Basal surface

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    Axons ofneurons



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    10 µm

    Nervous TissueNervous tissue functions in the receipt, processing, and transmis-sion of information. Neurons are the basic units of the nervous system. A neuron receives nerve impulses from other neurons via its cell body and multiple extensions called dendrites. Neu- rons transmit impulses to neurons, muscles, or other cells via extensions called axons, which are often bundled together into nerves. Nervous tissue also contains support cells called glial cells, or simply glia. The various types of glia help nourish, insulate, and replenish neurons and in some cases modulate neuron function. In many animals, a concentration of nervous tissue forms a brain, an information-processing center.

    Connective TissueConnective tissue consists of cells scattered through an extracellular matrix, often consisting of a web of fibers embedded in a liquid, jellylike, or solid foundation. Within the matrix are numerous cells called fibroblasts, which secrete fiber proteins, and macrophages, which engulf foreign particles and cell debris. In vertebrates, the many forms of connective tissue include loose connective tissue, which holds skin and other organs in place; fibrous connective tissue, found in tendons and ligaments; adipose tissue, which stores fat; blood, which consists of cells and cell fragments suspended in a liquid called plasma; cartilage, which provides flexible support in the spine and elsewhere; and bone, a hard mineral of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate ions in a matrix of collagen.

    Muscle TissueVertebrates have three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. All muscle cells consist of filaments containing the proteins actin and myosin, which together enable muscles to contract. Attached to bones by tendons, skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is responsible for voluntary movements. The arrangement of contractile units along the cells gives them a striped (striated) appearance. Smooth muscle, which lacks striations and has spindle-shaped cells, is found in the walls of many internal organs. Smooth muscles are responsible for involuntary activities, such as churning of the stomach and constriction of arteries. Cardiac muscle, which is striated like skeletal muscle, forms the contractile wall of the heart.

    (All photos in figure are LMs.)

    ▼ Figure 32.2 Exploring Structure and Function in Animal Tissues


    Regulating and ConformingMany organ systems play a role in managing an animal’s inter-nal environment, a task that can present a major challenge—Imagine if your body temperature soared every time you took a hot shower or drank a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Faced with environmental fluctuations, animals manage their internal envi-ronment by either regulating or conforming (Figure 32.3).

    An animal is a regulator for an environmental variable if it uses internal mechanisms to control internal change in the face of external fluctuation. The otter in Figure 32.3 is a regula-tor for temperature, keeping its body at a temperature that is largely independent of that of the water in which it swims. In contrast, an animal is a conformer for a particular variable if it allows its internal condition to change in accordance with external changes. The bass in Figure 32.3 conforms to the tem-perature of the lake it inhabits. As the water warms or cools, so does the bass’s body.

    Note that an animal may regulate some internal condi-tions while allowing others to conform to the environment. For example, even though the bass conforms to the tempera-ture of the surrounding water, it regulates the solute con-centration in its blood and interstitial fluid, the fluid that surrounds body cells.

    HomeostasisThe steady body temperature of a river otter and the stable concentration of solutes in a freshwater bass are examples of homeostasis, which means “steady state,” referring to the

    maintenance of internal balance. In achieving homeostasis, animals maintain a relatively constant internal environment even when the external environment changes significantly.

    Many animals exhibit homeostasis for a range of physi-cal and chemical properties. For example, humans maintain a fairly constant body temperature of about 37°C (98.6°F), a blood pH within 0.1 pH unit of 7.4, and a blood glucose con-centration that is predominantly in the range of 70–110 mg per 100 mL of blood.

    Before exploring homeostasis in animals, let’s first consider a nonliving example: the regulation of room temperature (Figure 32.4). Let’s assume you want to keep a room at 20°C (68°F), a comfortable temperature for normal activity. You adjust a control device—the thermostat—to 20°C and allow a thermometer in the thermostat to monitor temperature. If the room temperature falls below 20°C, the thermostat re-sponds by turning on a radiator, furnace, or other heater. Heat is produced until the room reaches 20°C, at which point the

    100 20Ambient (environmental) temperature (°C)

    30 40











    River otter (temperature regulator)

    Largemouth bass (temperature conformer)

    ▲ Figure 32.3 Regulating and conforming. The river otter regulates its body temperature, keeping it stable across a wide range of environmental temperatures. The largemouth bass allows its internal environment to conform to the water temperature.

    Response:Heating starts.

    Response:Heating stops.

    Sensor/control center:Thermostatturns heater off.

    Sensor/control center:Thermostatturns heater on.








    Set point:Room temperature

    at 20°C

    ▲ Figure 32.4 A nonliving example of temperature regulation: control of room temperature. Regulating room temperature depends on a control center (a thermostat) that detects temperature change and activates mechanisms that reverse that change.

    WHAT IF? How would adding an air conditioner to the system contribute to homeostasis?


    thermostat switches off the heater. Whenever the temperature in the room again drifts below 20°C, the thermostat activates another heating cycle.

    Like a home heating system, an animal achieves homeo-stasis by maintaining a variable, such as body temperature or solute concentration, at or near a particular value, or set point.Fluctuations in the variable above or below the set point serve as the stimulus detected by a receptor, or sensor. Upon re-ceiving a signal from the sensor, a control center generates out-put that triggers a response, a physiological activity that helps return the variable to the set point.

    Just as in the regulatory circuit shown in Figure 32.4, ho-meostasis in animals relies largely on negative feedback, a control mechanism that reduces, or “damps,” the stimulus. For example, when you exercise vigorously, you produce heat, which increases your body temperature. Your nervous system detects this increase and triggers sweating. As you sweat, the evaporation of moisture from your skin cools your body, help-ing return your body temperature to its set point.

    Homeostasis moderates but doesn’t eliminate changes in the internal environment. Additional fluctuation occurs if a variable has a normal range—an upper and lower limit—rather than a set point. This is equivalent to a heating system that begins producing heat when the temperature drops to 19°C (66°F) and stops heating when the temperature reaches 21°C (70°F).

    Although the set points and normal ranges for homeostasis are usually stable, certain regulated changes in the internal en-vironment are essential. Some of these changes are associated with a particular stage in life, such as the radical shift in hor-mone balance during puberty. Others are cyclic, such as the monthly variation in hormone levels responsible for a woman’s menstrual cycle (see Figure 36.13).

    Thermoregulation: A Closer LookAs a physiological example of homeostasis, we’ll examine thermoregulation, the process by which animals maintain an internal temperature within a normal range. Body tempera-tures below or above an animal’s normal range can reduce the efficiency of enzymatic reactions, alter the fluidity of cellular membranes, and affect other temperature-sensitive biochemi-cal processes, potentially with fatal results.

    Endothermy and EctothermyHeat for thermoregulation can come from either internal metabolism or the external environment. Humans and other mammals, as well as birds, are endothermic, meaning that they are warmed mostly by heat generated by metabolism. In contrast, amphibians, many fishes and nonavian reptiles, and most invertebrates are ectothermic, meaning that they gain most of their heat from external sources.

    Endotherms can maintain a stable body temperature even in the face of large fluctuations in the environmental

    temperature. In a cold environment, an endotherm generates enough heat to keep its body substantially warmer than its sur-roundings (Figure 32.5a). In a hot environment, endothermic vertebrates have mechanisms for cooling their bodies, enabling them to withstand heat loads that are intolerable for most ectotherms.

    Although ectotherms do not generate enough heat for thermoregulation, many adjust body temperature by behav-ioral means, such as seeking out shade or basking in the sun (Figure 32.5b). Because their heat source is largely environ-mental, ectotherms generally need to consume much less food than endotherms of equivalent size—an advantage if food supplies are limited. Overall, ectothermy is an effective and successful strategy in most environments, as shown by the abundance and diversity of ectothermic animals.

    Note, however, that endothermy and ectothermy are not mutually exclusive. For example, a bird is mainly endothermic, but it may warm itself in the sun on a cold morning, much as an ectothermic lizard does.

    Balancing Heat Loss and GainThermoregulation depends on an animal’s ability to control the exchange of heat with its environment. An organism, like any object, exchanges heat by four physical processes. These

    (a) A walrus, an endotherm

    (b) A lizard, an ectotherm

    ▲ Figure 32.5 Endothermy and ectothermy.


    Circulatory Adaptations for ThermoregulationCirculatory systems provide a major route for heat flow be-tween the interior and exterior of the body. Adaptations that regulate the extent of blood flow near the body surface or that trap heat within the body core play a significant role in thermoregulation.

    In response to changes in the temperature of their sur-roundings, many animals alter the amount of blood (and hence heat) flowing between their body core and their skin. Nerve signals that relax the muscles of the vessel walls result in vaso-dilation, a widening of superficial blood vessels (those near the body surface). As a consequence of the increase in vessel diameter, blood flow in the skin increases. In endotherms, vasodilation usually warms the skin and increases the transfer of body heat to the environment by radiation, conduction, and convection (see Figure 32.6). The reverse process, vasoconstric-tion, reduces blood flow and heat transfer by decreasing the diameter of superficial vessels.

    In many birds and mammals, reducing heat loss from the body relies on countercurrent exchange, the transfer of heat (or solutes) between fluids that are flowing in oppo-site directions. In a countercurrent heat exchanger, arteries and veins are located adjacent to each other (Figure 32.7).As warm blood moves from the body core in the arter-ies, it transfers heat to the colder blood returning from the extremities in the veins. Because blood flows through the arteries and veins in opposite directions, heat is transferred along the entire length of the exchanger, maximizing the rate of heat exchange.

    Radiation is the emission ofelectromagnetic waves by all objects warmer than absolute zero. Here, a lizard absorbs heat radiating from the distant sun and radiates a smaller amount of energy to the surrounding air.

    Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid past a surface, as when a breeze contributes to heat loss from a lizard‘s dry skin or when blood moves heat from the body core to the extremities.

    Conduction is the direct transfer of thermal motion (heat) between molecules of objects in contact with each other, as when a lizard sits on a hot rock.

    Evaporation is the removal of heat from the surface of a liquid that is losing some of its molecules as gas. Evaporation of water from a lizard‘s moist surfaces that are exposed to the environment has a strong cooling effect.

    ▲ Figure 32.6 Heat exchange between an organism and its environment.

    processes—radiation, evaporation, convection, and conduc-tion—account for the flow of heat both within an organ-ism and between an organism and its external environment (Figure 32.6). Note that heat is always transferred from an object of higher tem-perature to one of lower temperature.

    Numerous adaptations that enhance thermoregulation have evolved in animals. Mammals and birds, for instance, have insulation that reduces the flow of heat between an animal’s body and its environ-ment. Such insulation may include hair or feathers as well as layers of fat formed by adipose tissue, such as a whale’s thick blubber. In response to cold, most land mammals and birds raise their fur or feathers. This action traps a thicker layer of air, thereby increasing the insulating power of the fur or feathers. Humans, lacking a fur or feather layer, must rely primarily on fat for insulation. However, we still get “goose bumps,” a vestige of hair raising inherited from our furry ancestors.




    10° 9°




    Artery Vein


    1 3Near the end of the leg, where arterial blood has been cooled to far below the animal‘s core temperature, the artery can still transfer heat to the even colder blood in an adjacent vein. The blood in the veins continues to absorb heat as it passes warmer and warmer blood traveling in the opposite direction in the arteries.


    As the blood in the veins approaches the center of the body, it is almost as warm as the body core, minimizing the heat loss that results from supplying blood to body parts immersed in cold water.



    Canada goose Arteries carrying warm blood to the animal’s extremities are in close contact with veins conveying cool blood in the opposite direction, back toward the trunk of the body. This arrangement facilitates heat transfer from arteries to veins along the entire length of the blood vessels.

    Warm blood

    Cool blood

    Blood flow

    Heat transfer


    ▲ Figure 32.7 A countercurrent heat exchanger.


    Acclimatization in ThermoregulationAcclimatization—a physiological adjustment to environmental changes—contributes to thermoregulation in many animal species. In birds and mammals, acclimatization to seasonal temperature changes often includes adjusting insulation—growing a thicker coat of fur in the winter and shedding it in the summer, for example. These changes help endotherms keep a constant body temperature year-round.

    Acclimatization in ectotherms often includes adjustments at the cellular level. Cells may produce variants of enzymes that have the same function but different optimal tempera-tures. Also, the proportions of saturated and unsaturated lip-ids in membranes may change; unsaturated lipids help keep membranes fluid at lower temperatures (see Figure 5.5). Some ectotherms that experience subzero body tempera-tures produce antifreeze proteins that prevent ice formation in their cells. In the Arctic and Southern (Antarctic) Oceans, these compounds enable certain fishes to survive in water as cold as −2°C (28°F), below the freezing point of unprotected body fluids (about −1°C, or 30°F).

    Physiological Thermostats and FeverThe regulation of body temperature in humans and other mammals is based on feedback mechanisms. The sensors for thermoregulation are concentrated in a brain region called the hypothalamus. Within the hypothalamus, a group of nerve cells functions as a thermostat, responding to body tempera-tures outside a normal range by activating mechanisms that promote heat loss or gain (Figure 32.8).

    Warm receptors signal the hypothalamic thermostat when body temperature increases, and cold receptors signal when it decreases. At body temperatures below the normal range, the thermostat inhibits heat loss mechanisms while activat-ing mechanisms that either save heat, including vasoconstric-tion of vessels in the skin, or generate heat, such as shivering. In response to elevated body temperature, the thermostat shuts down heat retention mechanisms and promotes cool-ing of the body by vasodilation of vessels in the skin, sweat-ing, or panting.

    In the course of certain bacterial and viral infections, mammals and birds develop fever, an elevated body temper-ature. Many experiments have shown that fever reflects an increase in the biological thermostat’s set point. For exam-ple, artificially raising the temperature of the hypothalamus in an infected animal reduces fever in the rest of the body.

    Although only endotherms develop fever, lizards exhibit a related response. When infected with certain bacteria, the desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) seeks a warmer environment and then maintains a body temperature that is elevated by 2−4°C (4−7°F). Similar observations in fishes, amphibians, and even cockroaches indicate that raising body temperature in this way in response to infection is a common feature of many animal species.

    CONCEPT CHECK 32.11. Is it accurate to define homeostasis as a constant internal en-

    vironment? Explain.2. MAKE CONNECTIONS How does negative feedback in ther-

    moregulation differ from feedback inhibition in an enzyme-catalyzed biosynthetic process (see Figure 6.19)?

    3. WHAT IF? Suppose at the end of a hard run on a hot day you find that there are no drinks left in the cooler. If, out of desperation, you dunk your head into the cooler, how might the ice-cold water affect the rate at which your body tem-perature returns to normal?For suggested answers, see Appendix A.

    Sensor/controlcenter:Thermostatin hypothalamusactivates coolingmechanisms.

    Stimulus:Increased body

    temperature (such as when exercising or in hot surroundings)

    Stimulus:Decreased body

    temperature(such as when in cold surroundings)Response:

    Blood vessels in skinconstrict, diverting bloodfrom skin to deeper tissuesand reducing heat lossfrom skin surface.

    Sensor/controlcenter:Thermostatin hypothalamusactivates warmingmechanisms.

    Response:Skeletal muscles rapidlycontract, causing shivering,which generates heat.

    Homeostasis:Internal body temperatureof approximately 36–38°C

    Body temperaturedecreases;thermostat

    shuts off coolingmechanisms.

    Body temperatureincreases;

    thermostatshuts off warming


    Response:Sweat glands secretesweat, which evaporates, cooling the body.

    Response:Blood vesselsin skin dilate;capillaries fillwith warm blood;heat radiatesfrom skin surface.

    ▲ Figure 32.8 The thermostatic function of the hypothalamus in human thermoregulation.