challenge conventions


Upload: amazingallan

Post on 19-Jul-2015




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• The masthead is the biggest text on the page

• The main image is by far the largest image on the front cover

• The main cover line is the second largest text

• There are other cover lines in a smaller font

• The house style is bright colours to represent the pop genre

• The layout is chaotic like a pop magazine

• I have made use of buzz words to appeal to the target audience

(teen girls aged 12-15)

• The price I have used is appropriate so that the target audience can afford it.



• I have used a title for the contents

• The contents are boxed

• Each story has a little description in a small font next to it

• The main story from the cover is in the contents as a main story

• There is a page number in the bottom right

• I have used the logo on the contents

• I have used the same colour scheme as the front cover to

keep with the house style.


• I have used a big headline for the article

• I had an image take a lot of the room of the two pages

• I have separated a quote as an unique selling point of the article

• The text is in a small font that is readable but gets a lot on the page

• The font is san serif to appeal to the target audience

• I have used the same colours to keep with the house style that revolves

around this article

• The page numbers are in the bottom corners


• The models I have used are young and attractive to appeal to the target


• I have used real posters to also show the genre

• Each model had their own style

• One photo was edited to look like the album cover

• I have included guitar in a few photos to represent the pop genre

• The colours are bright and bold to appeal to the target audience and to

represent the pop genre

• The layout of the front cover is less formal to attract the younger


• The borders of the text are used to stand out and look bold to attract the

target audience


The placement of the barcode varies on a lot of magazines that I have

looked at however the most common place to find it is on the back of

the magazine or on the front cover. When on the front cover, it is on the

left hand side in the bottom corner. I placed mine however on the

bottom right hand side of the front cover. This is because it is

unappealing to look at and the last place to look on a magazine is the

lower right corner due to how we read from left to right and top to

bottom. I wanted it on the front cover so people can see just by having a

look what issue it is without having to fuss with it and the issue is

always with the barcode from what I have found so I placed it on the

front cover.I have decided to use centralised text for the cover lines on the front cover. Nearly every magazine that I looked at, had the text aligned to the left so they can lift the stories at the side of the front cover. I wanted my cover linesto look more bold and I wanted them to stand out and look

more appealing to my target audience so I centralised my text. This looked a lot less formal which appeals to the younger audience that I am aiming for. It also made the text take up more space on the cover which is what I wanted because I wanted it to look like the whole front cover is filled with the great content inside.


My main image doesn’t include and instrument. On many magazines

that I have looked at, it is instantly clear it is a music magazine due to

the use of instruments in the images. I didn’t have an instrument in my

main image because I wanted it to be a pop star instantly recognised

rather than instruments. I still included a guitar in one of the other

images however, just to make sure.

I have used a banner at the top of my magazine like a header to feature

more of the content that is inside because the pop magazines that I

looked at had a lot of the contents on the front cover. I decided only to

use a header rather than both a header and a footer because the front

cover looked too busy when I used both. The banner also adds enough

attention to the magazine because of the bold colour used.


I have used social media logos on my front cover. Nearly all magazines

choose to only write about their social media accounts on their contact

page but because my magazine is meant for younger audiences, I

placed the logos of the social medias used on the front cover to help

attract the attention of the needed audience. It also shows that there will

be featured contents inside the magazine that relate to their social

media account.


All magazines have their text horizontal but I have put my text on an

angle to make it stand out more for one of the featured stories. It

appeals more to the target audience because it looks like it pops out of

the page.

I have used uppercase letters to make the buzz words of the text look a

lot more bold and to make them stand out to the reader because they

are selling points of the magazine.


My main image on the contents (Which contains the singer from the

main image on the front cover like most magazines do) interacts with

the contents. By this I mean, it looks like he is leaning on the box that

contains the contents rather than just having a posed image of him next

to the text. This makes the magazine look a lot less mature which

appeals to the younger audience which is what it is targeted to.

I have the some of the small print for the magazine in the lower left corner of my magazine, along with the social media account names, for some basic contact information. I wanted this on my contents page so that if there was a problem, it wouldn’t be difficult locating where to contact.


I have decided to use three columns for the text on my double page

spread whereas a lot of magazines only use two. I decided to do this so

the questions would be separated by the answers in the same column

more than what they would be in two columns, just to spread the

colours out a little more on the page.

Normal articles would usually have a rather big image for their article

that doesn’t necessarily take up a whole page. There are however

special articles in magazines that use either a whole page or even two

whole pages so I decided that my article could be a special one which

gave me the opportunity to use a page for a special image and the



I made a logo for my double page spread. Due to my magazine being for

a young audience, I wanted to basically have a colour code for each

article type; The same way that the questions are colour coded for the

article. I wanted each story inside to be catergorised, each with their

own logo. Because it’s a Q&A, it would have a different logo to an article

about being backstage or a puzzle page. This, I think, is unique to my

magazine because I haven’t found another magazine to do it.