chancellor...mike bittner for decorating for the outdoor mass. thanks for all your ministry!! all...

Chancellor January 3, 2021 St. Thomas a’Becket Catholic Church 555 S. Lilley Rd., Canton 48188 Website:

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Page 1: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Chancellor January 3, 2021

St. Thomas a’Becket Catholic Church 555 S. Lilley Rd., Canton 48188


Page 2: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Page 2 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor

Children’s Faith Formation I want to use this column to thank all the people responsible for making the liturgies of this Christmas Season such beautiful celebrations of faith. All the musicians, cantors and the choir, under the direction of Kevin Ryan, did a fantastic job with the music! This year we have a new addition to our Music

Department - John Assenmacher. John has been playing his guitar and singing for our weekday Masses. He does a good job keeping us on key. Prior to John we always sang a capella. This year John also provided the inspiring music for our 4 PM Outdoor Christmas Eve Mass. Nina Smithpeters and her crew (Jim Smithpeters, Bill and Mary DesOrmeau, Glen and Pat Rossow) of liturgical artists and decorators, did a great job creating a peaceful and sacred environment for the celebration of the Lord’s birth. I truly appreciate the extra effort on the part of Eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters, lectors, money counters, sacristans and our Pastoral Associate - Lisa Bittner. Thanks, also, to the Filipino community and Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec, our maintenance people and their helpers, who assisted us with setup and who do such a great job keeping the walks and parking lot free of snow and ice all throughout the winter months. If I have forgotten to thank anyone, please forgive my oversight. THANKS AGAIN ONE AND ALL!!! All of us are called by God, through Baptism, to use our gifts and talents to build up the Body of Christ through service in our parish and in our greater community. With our website (, it is easier than ever to find volunteer ministry opportunities here at Becket. Ministry descriptions and a sign-up form can be accessed from your computer in the comfort of your own home. Please pray and discern what ways God may be calling you to serve. If you have any questions, contact information for the given ministries is provided. Obviously, things have greatly changed in the way we do ministry here since COVID. Some ministries are admittedly dormant, but we will need volunteers to call when we get the all clear to fully institute all our ministries from pre-COVID days. There is a link to this volunteer ministry page on the home page of Becket's Website. I hope that you will take time to prayerfully discern where God is calling you to serve.

Have a very Happy New Year full of God's Blessings!

Fr. Chris

Throughout this troubled time, our members have kept in touch through text and phone calls. Our members have made masks for a lot of different organizations and mostly for the hospitals, Police and fire departments, and even workers at the church and Library. We were able to make a quilt for the St. Pat's virtual festival in the Fall, And we made Fr. Manny a quilt for his Birthday, which was December 25th.

As much as we all enjoy doing our activities at the church, many of the ladies prefer to stay at home right now. Maybe after all the vaccinations are given we will feel safer to get together. Until then we will let you know what we are all doing. The Peaceful Piecers Quilting Group

ANSWER Moo Year’s Eve!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I pray you all have a joyful, safe, healthy, and happy 2021! We do have classes on Monday, January 4th. Please let me know if your child will be absent and I can email the assignment to be completed at home. I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas vacation with your family and we look forward to seeing the kids! Gospel Reading: The Epiphany of the Lord Mt 2:1-12 Key Passage: On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother. Family Questions Adults: When have you found the presence of Christ in an unexpected place? Children: Where and in whom will you look for Jesus this week? I pray you all remain healthy and safe. Have a blessed week!

Betsy For the Kids: Just for fun! What is a cow’s favorite holiday? For the Adults: Thought of the Day! “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.” -St. Gianna Molla

Page 3: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Page 3 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor

Join us on

Facebook! Our parish is always in the

process of improving our social media outreach. If you haven't connected with us on Facebook yet, we highly encourage everyone to follow us. It's a great way to keep in touch with our parish community and stay up to date on the latest news and events here at St. Thomas.

You can find us on Facebook at St. Thomas a'Becket

Catholic Church.


555 S. Lilley Rd., Canton, MI 48188 Main Office: (734) 981-1333

Rel. Ed. Office: (734) 981-6680 Office Fax: (734) 981-1481



Saturday - 4:30 PM; Sunday - 8 AM, 10 AM & 12 PM

Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. - 9:00 AM Reconciliation by appointment


Fr. Christopher Maus, Pastor [email protected]

Fr. Manny Chircop, Weekend Asst. James Ward, Deacon

[email protected] Lisa Bittner, Pastoral Minister

[email protected]


Betsy Crapps, Director [email protected] Anne Truax, Asst. Director [email protected]


Patrick Gauthier, Director [email protected]

ADULT FAITH FORMATION Deacon Jim Ward, Director

MUSIC MINISTRY Kevin Ryan, Dir. of Music and Liturgy

[email protected] Janine Grady-Creedon, Associate Dir.

[email protected]


Grace Pellerito, Dir. of Finance & Admin. [email protected]

Barbara Palazzolo, Office Mgr./Editor [email protected]

Pam Michels, Parish Secretary/Website [email protected]

Rick St. Peter, Maintenance - [email protected]


Celebrated Monthly - Must be registered in the parish at least 3 months

prior to Baptism date - Contact Lisa Bittner, Ext. 16

[email protected]


Contact the parish office

All Saints Catholic School (734) 459-2490




Monetary Christmas Gifts Our Christmas Window is

opening soon. All donations marked as “Christmas” and given between December 10

th and January 10

th, OR

given on Christmas, are not assessed the 7% Archdiocesan

tax. And Gifts given by December 31st are, of course, tax deductible for you.

Your gift remains with the parish 100%. Your gift will be recorded on your family donor statement for the year it was received.

As always, your generous support of St. Thomas a’Becket is most appreciated!

Please Consider Online Giving Online Giving is a direct payment program whereby your contribution is debited automatically from your checking, savings, or credit card account into St. Thomas a’Becket’s bank account. It makes it easy to fulfill stewardship commitments, even when you can't attend church. Please seriously consider using Online Giving for your regular or one-time donations. You can set up your own account at https://www. You indicate the funds you wish to support, the amount you wish to give, and the frequency of your donation – weekly, monthly, annually, or one time only. If you are hesitant or cannot set up your account, you can contact [email protected] with questions, or to have Grace set your account up for you. Online giving is safe, secure, and confidential; electronic contributions cannot be lost, stolen or destroyed and have an extremely high rate of accuracy. Online gift records are imported directly into parishioner donation accounts. Your participa-tion saves our parish the cost of the envelopes, postage, and staffing hours.

As we begin this year, we are grateful for the blessings that God has given us. We first must thank you for your support in 2020. We also thank Fr. Chris, Deacon Jim, and all of the parish staff who help us along the way. It was a year like no other that we have had. Hopefully with vaccines on the horizon we can get back to ministering to the poor in person and live out our Vincentian vocation more fully. We are called to emulate St. Vincent. We know that God gives us gifts and talents. They always should be shared with others. We cannot achieve anything of eternal value without God’s grace. We follow humbly by Christ’s example of not to be served, but to serve others. We as Vincentians are driven by this desire to serve others through home visits. We go out to meet with our neighbors bringing with us a spirit of compassion and an openness to hear their story. Once we get back to venturing out to meet those who seek our help, consider joining us. While right now, the tasks that we complete are limited, we hope to be able to do much more in the future. The Vincentians in our parish are always willing to speak to others who desire to know more about us. Please continue to pray for our ministry and those whom we serve.

Page 4: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Page 4 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor

January 3, 2021 / Epiphany of the Lord

Entrance Hymn: We Three Kings (John H. Hopkins, Jr.) 1. We three kings of Orient are; Bearing gifts, we traverse afar Field and fountain, Moor and mountain, Following yonder star. O star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to the perfect Light.

Greeting & Introduction Penitential Act

Response: Lord/Christ, have mercy. Glory to God:

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Responsorial Psalm: Every Nation (David Kauffman)

Antiphon Every nation on earth will adore you, Lord. (Psalm 72)

Verses 1. Give every king and every king’s son your righteous ways, O Lord; May he judge with compassion, and be justice for the poor.

2. May the king reign over all the earth, from river to sea to sea: And may peace shower like rain, again and again and again.

3. Blessed be the name of our God, the God of Israel; Who alone does wondrous things, may His glory fill the earth!

Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gospel Acclamation Gospel Verse: Matthew 2:2 We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage. Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12


2. Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, Gold I bring to crown him again; King forever, Ceasing never, Over us all to reign.

Page 5: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Page 5 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor

Homily Nicene Creed:

I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Prayer of the Faithful

Response: Lord, hear our prayer.

For the Church: that we may be a Light to those who are searching for direction and illuminate the path through our words and deeds of compassion and justice, we pray to the Lord: For God’s blessing on the New Year: that God will fill the coming days with health of body, mind, and spirit; lead us into a deeper relationship with Christ, and inspire us to live the Gospel faithfully each day, we pray to the Lord: For all who are seekers: that God will lead those who are confused or searching for a new beginning onto a new path that will be filled with meaning and purpose, we pray to the Lord: For greater unity and cooperation within the human family: that God will heal the wounds of racial bias, open hearts to the gifts of every person, and help us work together against violence, drug abuse, and poverty, we pray to the Lord: For all of us gathered here at St. Thomas a’Becket: that, like the Wise Men, God’s Light may guide us into the uncharted future, calm our fears, and help us to trust God’s love and care for us, we pray to the Lord: For all who are ill: that God will heal the sick, comfort loved ones who are struggling, and brighten the day for those in isolation, especially….., we pray to the Lord: For all who have died in faith: that they may be welcomed into the eternal light of God’s presence forever, especially…… Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them

Preparation of the Gifts

Response: Blessed be God for ever.


Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

Memorial Acclamation:

When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.

Doxology/Amen (continued…..)

Page 6: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

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Lord’s Prayer All: Our Father…

Lamb of God:

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

A Prayer for Spiritual Communion:

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, Come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

Communion Hymn: What Child Is This? (William C. Dix)

1. What child is this, who, laid to rest, On Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet While shepherds watch are keeping?

This, this is Christ the King, Whom shepherds guard and angels sing; Haste, haste to bring him laud, The babe, the son of Mary.

2. Why lies he in such mean estate Where ox and ass are feeding? Good Christian, fear; for sinners here The silent Word is pleading.

3. So bring him incense, gold and myrrh; Come peasant, king to own him. The King of kings salvation brings; Let loving hearts enthrone him.

Meditation: Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem (Bob Hurd)

Refrain Your light will come, Jerusalem; for on you will dawn the glory of the Lord, and all nations will walk in your light, alleluia, alleluia.

Communion Prayer Final Blessing Sending Forth: Go, Tell It on the Mountain (John W. Work, Jr.)

Refrain Go tell it on the mountain, Over the hills and ev'rywhere; Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born!

Page 7: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

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Page 8: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

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Page 9: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Page 9 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor

Please remember these people who are sick

and have asked for our prayers:

Baptisms A Parent of child to be baptized must contact Lisa Bittner at 981-1333

four to six weeks before desired baptismal date. Family must be registered In the parish at least three months prior to Baptism date.

Pray for the Sick

God Bless All Our Service Men and Women, including:

*Kim Adams Christopher Andrews

*Tina Annin *Frank Austin *Janice Bailey Holly Bendeur Marty Bogart

*Patricia Boljesic *Kathy Brunton

Alan Brunton Orville Bushman *Patti Cappuccitti Robert Catalano

Jim Clagg Cliff Cook

Edwina Cook Rich Cook

Alex Cooper Christine Dick Jake DiPonio

Joseph Dondzila *Teresa Duncan

*Ted Duprey *Richard Emerick *Joanne Erpelding

Tomas Flores Jerry Franks Diana Freese Randy Fritz

Frances Gagne *Liam Gasca

*Richard Gordon


1st Lt. Stephen J. Kilijanczyk Capt. Kristen Lovio, MD Capt. Vincent Malainy

Lt. Luke Masiarak Christian Mejia

Cpl. Kyle David Mimnaugh Sgt. Joseph M. Nelson USMC

Lt. Nicholas Norville SSgt Melissa Ann Nyman

Michael Pelot SN Alexander S. Petrarca

CW4 Stephen Piku, Jr. Spec. Anthony Piotrowski

PFC Jesse Pointer 1st Lt. Michael Pool

PFC Ryan Porter LCpl. Daniel Quaine

Sr. AMN Addison W. Queen David M. Rhein, SFC

Nelson Rodriguez, SFC Spec. Michael Rusaki

Michael Sadler Cpl. Todd F. Schuller Capt. Thomas Scott

SPC Adam Seidl SGT Eric Simoneaux Sgt. Jason Simons SN Jannel Skiver

Sgt. Nathan P. Smith LCpl Mark A. Smith

LCpl Michael A. Smith AMN Nathan Staugler

Lt. CMdr. Steven Stefaniak LCpl Richard Strayhan Lt. Jeffrey Strohman

PFC Derrik Trace TSgt. Susan Van Vliet

Pvt. John Ward Sgt. Jason Wilburn

SSgt. Paul J. Abel Col. Kenneth Amidon Spc. Anthony C. Barth 1st. Lt. Brad Bentlage

AME3 Richard C. Bernard 1st Lt. Randall Bittner

MS2 Christopher Boulton Cpl. Mike Burton

PFC Jeremy Burton Major Monica Bury

PFC Kaitlyn Bury Pvt. Amber Bury

Sgt. Brian Chun-Ming PFC Gregory Cox PFC Mitchell Cox Cpl. Chris Crocker

SSgt. Michael Cousins CW3 Edward David

Cpl Joseph Dempsey Capt. James R. Driver

Michael Driver CW03 Joseph Dziuban

A1C Devin Dziuban Pvt. Tyler Ehnis

Cpl Maya Euliss, USMC FN Adam Farmer USN PFC Terry D. Fichtner

PFC Timothy Fry Spec. Joseph Furca Lt. Michon Girardot

LCorp. Justin Goleniak USMC Sgt. Michael Grigorian Sgt. Dennis Hendzell

LCpl. Benjamin Howie AO3 Joseph Hubel

LSSN Steven Hyland Cpl. Timothy Iverson

Cpl. Junior Novas Jaquez Major Craig Jayson Pvt. 2 Robert Kelly

NOTE: As military personnel return home, please call Parish office and notify us.

Joe Quinlan Paul Reiner Kerry Rende

Molly Reynolds *John Rowe Jill Russell

*Brian Schumacher Linda Servello

Denzel & Merna Short Georgia Silliman *Peter Slazinski *Nancy Sleyter Bob Sommeriva Evan Stoecklein Christine Stover

Don Svoboda *Juanita Swatek Ginny Thompson

Kara Timko Tom Tompkins

*Frances Toscano Carolyn Vellucci Kayce Warner

Erik Weber Susan Wirth

Denise Wright *Bob Yancey

Fred Zabkiewicz Nicole Zapinski Jennifer Zhang

Next Available Baptism Dates

January 3 and 24, 2021 at 1:30 PM

And February 7, 2021 at 1:30 PM

Contact Deacon Jim at

[email protected] for

*John Grabowski *Jim Grupa

*Mary Jo Hanson Steve Haycox Kevin Howard Jim Jasnowski

Patsy Jean Niki Jenks

Millie & John Jordan *Anne Kelly-Smirthwaite

Joshua Khan *Chuck Kozub

*Sal Lauto Andrew Linn

*Baby Paisley Long Carmie Loveland

*Jill Maisano Helen Marsh

*Pat Marunich Kathy McCann

*James McElgunn Kim McInerney Paula McNulty Elaine Miller Rick Morga

*Elsie Morin Pat Morrison *Joe Nader Steve Naida

Maylene Naujokas Michael O’Malley

Page 10: Chancellor...Mike Bittner for decorating for the outdoor Mass. Thanks for all your ministry!! all had a fabulous Christmas A big thank you also goes to Rick St. Peter and Mike Mezgec,

Page 10 St. Thomas a’Becket Chancellor

How to Register at St. Thomas a’Becket

Are you new to St. Thomas a’Becket and the Canton area? Have you been coming here for a while, but have never officially registered? Or maybe you’re a guest and you like what you see and want to be a part of it? If any of these describes you, and you would like to become a member of the Parish, stop in or call the Main Parish office at (734) 981-1333 and we would be glad to welcome you!

Readings for the Week

January 3, 2021

Mass Intention Week of January 3, 2021

(as of 12-28-20)

We wish to extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of parishioner Selena Berriman; Sophie Varney; Michael T. Wiacek Jr.; Walter Dunn; and Susan Shay.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Monday – January 4, 2021

9:00 AM John A. Wojcik

Tuesday – January 5, 2021

9:00 AM Steve & Sidney Webber

Elaine Chizick

Laurie Chizick

Wednesday – January 6, 2021


Thursday – January 7, 2021

9:00 AM Bill Stewart

Friday – January 8, 2021

9:00 AM Int. Fr. Steve Mocio

David C. Guastella (2 Anniv)

Saturday – January 9, 2021

4:30 PM Barbara & Nicholas Tomlinson

Elizabeth & Thomas Hoelscher

Terry McKay

Sunday – January 10, 2021

8:00 AM John Paszak

Joseph & Mary Caruana

10:00AM Louis Ross (9 yrs)

Anthony Carlo Calabrese

Antonio Yalo

12:00PM Julia Raffee

Sunday: Is 60:1-6 Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13 [cf. 11] Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 Mt 2:1-12 Monday: 1 Jn 3:22—4:6 Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a [8ab] Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10 Ps 72:1-2, 3-4, 7-8 [cf. 11] Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18 Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13 [cf. 11] Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19—5:4 Ps 72:1-2, 14 and 15bc, 17 [cf. 11] Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13 Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 [12a] Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21 Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a & 9b [cf. 4a] Jn 3:22-30 Next Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 [11b] Acts 10:34-38 Mk 1:7-11 or Is 55:1-11 Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [3)] 1 Jn 5:1-9 Mk 1:7-11

Lectors for January 9-10, 2021

4:30 PM Pam Rossi

8:00 AM Dave Wozniak

10:00 AM Glenny Tjahjadi

12:00 PM Lee Vargas

Celebrants for January 9-10, 2021

4:30 PM Fr Chris Maus

8:00 AM Fr Manny Chircop

10:00 AM Fr Manny Chircop

12:00 PM Fr Chris Maus












Weekly Budget

Enveloped Collection

Loose Offerings

Online Giving

Total Collection

YTD Budget - Wk 24

YTD Collections

No. Registered Fam.

No. of Env. Issued

No. of Env. Used

No. of Online Givers

Financial Statement

Dec. 20, 2020