change your food change your mood

Change your food, Change your mood Dr. Patrick Garrett, DC, B.Sci, DCCN, DABFM

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Change your food, Change your mood

Dr. Patrick Garrett, DC, B.Sci, DCCN, DABFM

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Who is Dr. Garrett?

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Dr. Patrick Garrett

Chiropractic College / Medical School

12 Years of Functional Lifestyle Practice

Specializing in reversing acute & chronic conditions naturally

Patients / clients all over the country & world

Clinical focus on reversing diabetes, asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, migraines and epigenetic food therapy.


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Postgraduate Educator300 Hour / 2 Year Diplomate Functional Medicine / Clinical Nutrition Program in Denver, Colorado

National Speaker Internal DisordersFunctional MedicineApplied Nutrition & Clinical ChemistryClinical NutritionFunctional Approaches to Reversing Diseases

National Speaker

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Lifestyle Medicine ProgramCeliac DiseaseLifestyle Medicine – Metabolic Syndrome & NutritionLifestyle Medicine – Stress ManagementLifestyle Medicine – Weight ManagementLifestyle Medicine – Prescribing ExerciseLifestyle Medicine – OsteoporosisLifestyle Medicine – The Biology of Normal Sleep & Consequences of Insufficient SleepInfertility & Endocrinology & More

 Postdoctoral Education

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Lifestyle Medicine ProgramLifestyle Practices for Weight Management & Health PromotionModels of Behavior ModificationThe Pressure System Model of Lifestyle Counseling in Primary CareRationale for Lifestyle & Weight Management CounselingWeight Bias in Clinical Settings: Improving Health Care Delivery for Obese Patients

 Postdoctoral Education

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 Diplomate of the American Board of Functional Medicine

Board Certified in Integrative Medicine

Diplomate of the American College of Clinical Nutrition

Senior Fellow of the American Academy of Functional Medicine

Diplomates & Certifications

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  Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Association– Member

American Academy of Integrative Medicine – Member

Physicians Committee on Responsible Medicine - Member

American Board of Functional Medicine - Past President

American Academy of Functional Medicine - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Green Med Info – Board Member

Bloodid - Medical Director

Leadership / Membership

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US HEALTH GRADE CARDWhat it means to be American

Depression 1:10Anxiety 1:5Adrenal Fatigue 1:2Thyroid Disorder 1:13

What are we missing?

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Who this talk is for…Those who – are sick and tired of

being sick & tired!– want to have control

over what they eat– want to understand the

connection between food and mood

– want to feel good– change their family’s


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Is there a connection between food and mood?

• So what do you think or believe?

• Do you feel better when you eat certain things?

• Do you feel worse when you eat other things?

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Some famous

thoughts on Food Therapy

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Food As Medicine

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” 

by ?

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Food As Medicine

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food."


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Food As Medicine

"An old-fashioned vegetable soup, without any enhancement, is a more powerful anti carcinogen than any known medicine."

James Duke M.D.(U.S.D.A.)

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Food As Medicine

“Money brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintances, but not friends.”

Henrik Ibsen, Norwegian playwright (1828-1906)

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Food As Medicine

“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

Thomas Jefferson

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Food As Medicine

“Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food.” 


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Food As Medicine

“Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks.” 

Lin Yutang

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Food As Medicine

“Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means.” 


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Food As Medicine

"One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The

other three-quarters keeps your doctor Alive."

Hieroglyph found in an ancient Egyptian tomb

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Food As Medicine

  "Doctors give drugs of which they know little, into bodies, of which they know less, for Diseases of which they know nothing at all."


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Food As Medicine

"The physician should not treat the disease but the patient who is suffering from it."


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Food As Medicine

"The work of the doctor will, in the future, be ever more that of an educator, and ever less that of a man who treats ailments."

Lord Horder

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Food As Medicine

"All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the challenge of science is to find it."

Paracelsus (1493-1541)

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Food As Medicine

"One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedents of chemical therapy over nutrition. It's a substitution of artificial therapy over nature, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation."

Dr. Royal Lee, 1951

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Food As Medicine

 "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Dr. Mom

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Concentration on the good

Consider this:

“Imagine what it would be if, as a national policy, we said would be only successful if we had fewer people going to the hospital next year than last year?

The idea then would be to have such nutritionally dense,unadulterated food that people who ate it actually felt better, had more energy and weren’t sick as much.”

Joel Salatin, owner/farmer of Polyface Farms in Virginia

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8 Principles to live by

1.The whole is greater the sum of the parts

Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, phytochemicals, macromolecules, & hundreds of chemicals that we haven’t discovered.

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8 Principles to live by

2. Vitamins are not a panacea for good health

In general people who take vitamins also take better care of their body, make healthier choices and are invested in their health.

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8 Principles to live by

3. There are virtually no nutrients in animal based food that is better provided by plants.

– No cholesterol– 9x less fat– Same protein– 3000X more beta carotene– Fiber– 70X more vitamin C– 8X more folate– 20X more vitamin E– 10X more magnesium– Twice the calcium

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8 Principles to live by

4. Genes DO NOT determine disease on their own.

Epigenetics: genes function only by being activated, or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good or bad, are expressed!

You have control over your fate!!!

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8 Principles to live by

5. Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of noxious chemicals.

Eating real food provides nutrition that can counteract all those detrimental chemicals we put on the food.

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8 Principles to live by

6. The same nutrition that prevents disease in the early stage (before diagnosed) is the same nutrition that prevents disease in the later stages (after diagnosed)

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8 Principles to live by

7. Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic condition will support health across the board

We are a map of multiple biochemical pathways which share common nutrients to work.

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8 Principles to live by

8. Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.

You can’t affect one area of the body without effecting others. Think of how drugs create side effects and nutrients have multiple benefits.

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Eating for mood

1. Drink ½ your body weight in water per day

2. Only eat REAL food: mostly vegetables, some fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, omega 3 oils, and whole grains.

3. Try to eat over 51% of your diet raw (not raw meat!)

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Food specific

A handful of cashews equal one dose of prozac, without the suicidal ideation, spontaneous fractures & down regulation of your neurotransmitters.

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Food specific

Vitamin C helps relieve depression:

Rich sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries, melons, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, and dark green vegetables.

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Food specific

B vitamins are essential for normal brain function and a healthy nervous system: a deficiency of any one of which can cause depression.

Riboflavin, B2, is found in milk, yogurt, liver, and dark green leafy vegetables. Niacin, B3, is found in meat, tuna, peanuts, and whole grains. B6 is found in whole grains, fish, dark green vegetables, & beans.

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Food specific

Zinc and chromium were also found low in one quarter of those individuals with depression.

Stress lowers zinc and raises copper which can contribute to agitation.

Zinc is calming and has been found to be decreased in bipolar patients.

A balance of zinc and copper is important.

Zinc is found in whole grains, split peas, and pecans. Chromium is vital in the regulation of blood sugar which is important in controlling mood swings. Good sources of chromium include whole wheat, potatoes.

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Food specific

Omega 3s

Patients with depression had high levels of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-6 fatty acids are found in vegetable products like corn, safflower, and cottonseed oils

Omega-3 fatty acids like fatty fish, walnuts, flax seeds, and soybeans. D

Deficient levels of the omega-3 fatty acid, EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid, were found in 40% of those reviewed. This fatty acid is a precursor to anti-inflammatory and will prevent exaggerated inflammatory response can also depress mood.

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Food specific


Deficiency in those with depression.

Low magnesium can cause depression and insomnia, plus depression can lower magnesium.

One international study showed that higher rates of depression and suicide were seen in countries where magnesium is deficient in the diet.

Magnesium is found in whole wheat, dried beans, nuts, and collard greens (again, a dark green leafy vegetable).

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Additional Considerations

1. Low glycemic diet 2. Test the thyroid3. Test the adrenals4. Food sensitivity testing5. Sunlight & Vitamin D6. Exercise (always comes out on top)

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Closing thoughts

Change your food to change your mood

– Concern yourself with nutrient dense food– Stop being a patient, start being a person– ½ nutrition & ½ detoxification– Education not medication– Your choices will determine your output– Drugs don’t promote health– Bad mood is a failure to get enough vitamins, minerals

If you are malnourished, you should be depressed

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Thank you

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