channel equalization and phase estimation for reduced...

Channel Equalization and Phase Estimation for Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM Systems Qunbi Zhuge Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering McGill University Montreal, Canada December 2011 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering. © 2011 Qunbi Zhuge

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  • Channel Equalization and Phase Estimation for

    Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM Systems

    Qunbi Zhuge

    Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

    McGill University

    Montreal, Canada

    December 2011

    A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

    degree of Master of Engineering.

    2011 Qunbi Zhuge

  • i


    Reduced-guard-interval (RGI) coherent optical (CO) orthogonal frequency-division

    multiplexing (OFDM) is a potential candidate for next generation 100G beyond optical

    transports, attributed to its advantages such as high spectral efficiency and high tolerance

    to optical channel impairments. First of all, we review the coherent optical systems with

    an emphasis on CO-OFDM systems as well as the optical channel impairments and the

    general digital signal processing techniques to combat them. This work focuses on the

    channel equalization and phase estimation of RGI CO-OFDM systems. We first propose

    a novel equalization scheme based on the equalization structure of RGI CO-OFDM to

    reduce the cyclic prefix overhead to zero. Then we show that intra-channel nonlinearities

    should be considered when designing the training symbols for channel estimation.

    Afterwards, we propose and analyze the phenomenon of dispersion-enhanced phase noise

    (DEPN) caused by the interaction between the laser phase noise and the chromatic

    dispersion in RGI CO-OFDM transmissions. DEPN induces a non-negligible

    performance degradation and limits the tolerant laser linewidth. However, it can be

    compensated by the grouped maximum-likelihood phase estimation proposed in this


  • ii


    Le multiplexage rpartition en frquence orthogonale (MRFO) optique la dtection

    cohrente avec intervalle protection rduite (IPR) est un candidat potentiel pour la

    prochaine gnration des systmes de transport optique au-del de 100G. Cette mthode

    dmontre un rendement spectral lev et une grande tolrance aux dgradations du canal

    optique. En premier lieu, nous prsentons un bilan sur les systmes optiques la

    dtection cohrente avec lemphase sur MRFO, les dgradations du canal optique, et

    ainsi les techniques gnrales de traitement numrique du signal pour corriger ces

    dgradations. Ce travail se concentre sur lgalisation du canal et lestimation de phase

    des systmes MRFO optique la dtection cohrente avec IPR. Nous commenons par

    proposer une nouvelle faon dgalisation base sur MRFO optique la dtection

    cohrente avec IPR pour rduire la marge de la prfixe cyclique zro. Ensuite, nous

    prsentons que les non-linarits intra-canal devrait tre considres pendant la

    conception des symboles de rfrence pour lestimation du canal. Prochainement, nous

    proposons et analysons le phnomne du bruit de phase la dispersion amliore (BPDA)

    qui est cause par linteraction entre le bruit de phase du laser and la dispersion

    chromatique dans les transmissions MRFO optique la dtection cohrente avec IPR. Le

    BPDA entrane une dgradation de performance non-ngligeable et limite la tolrances de

    la largeur spectrale du laser. Cependant, le BPDA peut tre compens par lestimation de

    phase groupe la vraisemblance maximum propose dans ce travail.

  • iii


    This thesis would not have been accomplished without the help and support of many


    Above all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. David V. Plant for his generosity

    and encouragement in supporting my studies and research works. Ive really enjoyed

    working with him throughout my Masters degree. I appreciate everything he has done

    for me, and Im also very thankful for the example he has provided as a successful person.

    I would like to thank my colleagues Dr. Chen Chen and Mohamed Osman. It is my

    privilege to collaborate with both of them. They provided me with many useful

    suggestions on the projects involved in this thesis and spent a lot of time editing my

    papers. Ive learned a lot from both of them on how to do good research and how to

    write a good paper.

    I am also grateful to all people around me at McGill for their help and supports in both

    research and life.

    I would like to thank my girlfriend Huanhuan Shui for being with me during the past

    two years. She makes me happy and motivates me to become a true man. Without her,

    my life in Montreal would not have been so wonderful and so peaceful.

    Finally, I would like to thank my parents. They selflessly support me in pursuing my

    dream. They provided me a great environment to grow up in and become a happy and

    positive person. Making them proud of me is my biggest motivation in life.

  • iv

    Contribution of Authors

    The work presented in this thesis has been published in the following journals and

    conference proceedings:

    [1] C. Chen, Q. Zhuge and D. V. Plant, Zero-Guard-Interval Coherent Optical OFDM with Overlapped Frequency-Domain CD and PMD Equalization, Optics Express,

    vol. 19, pp. 7451-7467, 2011.

    [2] C. Chen, Q. Zhuge and D. V. Plant, Coherent Optical OFDM with Zero Cyclic Prefix Using Overlapped Frequency-Domain CD and PMD Equalization, Optical

    Fiber Communications (OFC) Conference, paper OWE7, 2011.

    [3] Q. Zhuge, C. Chen and D. V. Plant, Impact of Intra-Channel Fiber Nonlinearity on Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM Transmission, Optical Fiber

    Communications (OFC) Conference, paper OWO3, 2011.

    [4] Q. Zhuge, C. Chen and D. V. Plant, Dispersion-enhanced phase noise effect on reduced-guard-interval CO-OFDM transmission, Optics Express, vol.19, pp.

    4472-4484, 2011.

    [5] Q. Zhuge, and D. V. Plant, Compensation for Dispersion-Enhanced Phase Noise in Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM Transmissions, Signal Processing in

    Photonic Communications (SPPCom) Conference, paper SPMB4, 2011.

    [6] Q. Zhuge, M. Osman, and D. V. Plant, Analysis of dispersion-enhanced phase noise in CO-OFDM systems with RF-pilot phase compensation, Optics Express,

    vol. 19, pp. 24030-24036, 2011.

    I co-authored the papers [1] and [2] with my colleague Dr. Chen Chen. Chen proposed

    the novel equalization scheme and wrote the papers. I provided my code of reduced-

    guard-interval CO-OFDM in both Matlab and Optisystem to help him build the

    simulation setup. I also provided suggestions to improve the scheme, analyze the

    performance and calculate the complexity. In addition, I edited the papers and

    commented on them.

    I co-authored the papers [3] and [4] with my colleague Chen. I developed the ideas,

    did the simulations and wrote the papers. Chen provided a lot of useful suggestions and

    edited the papers very carefully. He also taught me how to write a good paper in this


    I co-authored the paper [6] with my colleague Mohamed Osman. I developed the idea,

    did the simulation and wrote the paper. Mohamed gave me many helpful suggestions on

    how to make this idea more convincing. He also spent a lot of time editing and

    commenting on this paper.

    Other publications not directly related to this thesis:

    [7] Q. Zhuge, B. Chtelain, and D. V. Plant, Comparison of Intra-Channel Nonlinearity Tolerance between Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM Systems and

    Nyquist Single Carrier Systems, accepted to Optical Fiber Communications

    (OFC) Conference, 2012.

  • v

    [8] Q. Zhuge, M. E. Pasandi, X. Xu, B. Chtelain, Z. Pan, M. Osman and D. V. Plant, Linewidth-Tolerant Low Complexity Pilot-Aided Carrier Phase Recovery for M-

    QAM using Superscalar Parallelization, accepted to Optical Fiber

    Communications (OFC) Conference, 2012.

    [9] M. Osman, Q. Zhuge, L. R. Chen, and D. V. Plant, Joint Mitigation of Laser Phase Noise and Fiber Nonlinearity for Polarization-Multiplexed QPSK and 16-

    QAM Coherent Transmission Systems, Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. B329-B336,


    [10] M. Osman, Q. Zhuge, L. R. Chen, and D. V. Plant, Feedforward carrier recovery via pilot-aided transmission for single-carrier systems with arbitrary M-QAM

    constellations, Optics Express, vol. 19, pp. 24331-24343, 2011.

    [11] Q. Zhuge, B. Chtelain, C. Chen and D. V. Plant, Mitigation of Equalization-Enhanced Phase Noise Using Reduced-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM, European

    Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), paper Th.11.B.5, 2011.

    [12] Q. Zhuge, C. Chen, and D. V. Plant, Low Computation Complexity Two-Stage Feedforward Carrier Recovery Algorithm for M-QAM, Optical Fiber

    Communications (OFC) Conference, paper OMJ5, 2011.

    [13] J. D. Schwartz, Q. Zhuge, Y. Zhu, J. Azaa, and D. V. Plant, Broadband Microwave and MM-Wave Dispersion Using Periodic Structures, IEEE

    Microwave Photonics Conference, paper WE4-7, 2010.

  • vi


    Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1

    1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................................. 1

    1.2 Thesis Problem Statement ......................................................................................... 2

    1.3 Thesis Contribution and Organization ...................................................................... 3

    Chapter 2 Literature Review ............................................................................................... 5

    2.1 Coherent Optical Communication Systems .............................................................. 5

    2.2 Coherent Optical OFDM Systems ............................................................................ 7

    2.2.1 Conventional CO-OFDM Systems ..................................................................... 7

    2.2.2 Reduced-Guard-Interval (RGI) CO-OFDM Systems ......................................... 9

    2.3 Fiber Channel Impairments and Digital Signal Processing .................................... 11

    2.3.1 Dispersion in Single Mode Fiber ...................................................................... 11

    2.3.2 Laser Phase Noise ............................................................................................. 16

    2.3.3 Fiber Nonlinearities .......................................................................................... 20

    2.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 23

    Chapter 3 Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM ...................................................... 24

    3.1 Zero-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM ............................................................................. 25

    3.1.1 Channel Equalization Algorithm Description .................................................. 26

    3.1.2 Numerical Results and Discussions .................................................................. 31

    3.1.3 Complexity Comparison ................................................................................... 36

    3.2 Impact of Intra-Channel Fiber Nonlinearities ......................................................... 40

    3.2.1 Impact of Intra-Channel Fiber Nonlinearities on Training Symbols ................ 40

    3.2.2 Simulation Results ............................................................................................ 42

    3.2.3 Improvement in Tolerance to Intra-Channel Fiber Nonlinearity...................... 44

    3.3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 45

    Chapter 4 Dispersion-Enhanced Phase Noise (DEPN) ..................................................... 47

    4.1 DEPN with Pilot Subcarrier Phase Estimation ....................................................... 47

    4.1.1. System Model .................................................................................................. 48

    4.1.2. Performance Analysis ...................................................................................... 51

    4.1.3. Numerical Results and Discussion .................................................................. 54

  • vii

    4.2 DEPN with RF-Pilot Phase Compensation ............................................................. 58

    4.2.1 Analysis of DEPN with RF-pilot Phase Compensation ................................... 59

    4.3.1 Simulation Results and Discussions ................................................................. 62

    4.3 DEPN Compensation .............................................................................................. 64

    4.3.1 Grouped Maximum-Likelihood (GML) DEPN Compensation ........................ 64

    4.3.2 Improved GML Algorithm with PS-based Phase Estimation........................... 68

    4.4 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 70

    Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work .......................................................................... 71

    5.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 73

    5.2 Future Works ........................................................................................................... 74

    Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 75

    References ......................................................................................................................... 77

  • viii

    List of Acronyms

    ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter

    ASE: Amplified Spontaneous Emission

    AWGN: Additive White Gaussian Noise

    BER: Bit Error Ratio

    CD: Chromatic Dispersion

    CDP: Correlated Dual-Polarization

    CO: Coherent Optical

    CP: Cyclic Prefix

    CPE: Common Phase Error

    DAC: Digital-to-Analog Converter

    DCF: Dispersion-Compensating Fiber

    DEPN: Dispersion-Enhanced Phase Noise

    DFT: Discrete Fourier Transform

    DGD: Differential Group Delay

    DP: Dual Polarization

    DSP: Digital Signal Processing

    EDFA: Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier

    FDE: Frequency Domain Equalizer

    FDI: Frequency Domain Interpolation

    FFT: Fast Fourier Transform

    FWM: Four-Wave Mixing

    GML: Grouped Maximum-Likelihood

    ICI: Inter-Carrier Interference

    IFFT: Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

    ISFA: Intra-Symbol Frequency-Domain Averaging

    LO: Local Oscillator

    LPF: Low-Pass Filter

    MC: Monte Carlo

  • ix

    MIMO: Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output

    NLS: Nonlinear Schrdinger

    OFDE: Overlapped Frequency Domain Equalizer

    OFDM: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

    OSNR: Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio

    OOK: On-Off Keying

    PAPR: Peak-to-Average Power Ratio

    PDF: Probability Density Function

    PMD: Polarization Mode Dispersion

    PDM: Polarization-Division Multiplexing

    PRT: Phase Rotation Term

    PS: Pilot Subcarrier

    QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

    QPSK: Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying

    RGI: Reduced-Guard-Interval

    RF: Radio Frequency

    RMS: Root Mean Square

    RPS: Residual Phase Shift

    SINR: Signal-to-Interference-Plus-Noise Ratio

    SP: Single-Polarization

    SPM: Self-Phase Modulation

    SSMF: Standard Single Mode Fiber

    SSFM: Split-Step Fourier Method

    TS: Training Symbol

    WDM: Wavelength-Division Multiplexing

    XPM: Cross-Phase Modulation

    ZGI: Zero-Guard-Interval

  • x

    List of Figures

    Fig. 1. Block diagram of a coherent optical communication system. PBC: polarization

    beam combiner. PBS: polarization beam splitter. LO: local oscillator............................... 6

    Fig. 2. OFDM subcarriers in the (a) frequency domain and (b) time domain. ................... 8

    Fig. 3. Illustration of the OFDM channel equalization with CP. ........................................ 8

    Fig. 4. Block diagram of CO-OFDM system. ..................................................................... 9

    Fig. 5. (a) Block diagram of RGI CO-OFDM; (b), (c), and (d): illustration the CD

    compensation for RGI CO-OFDM signals. ...................................................................... 10

    Fig. 6. The effect of CD on the transmitted signal of (a) single carrier systems for one

    pulse and (b) OFDM systems for one symbol including many subcarriers. ..................... 12

    Fig. 7. Illustration of a PMD model in conventional fibers. ............................................. 13

    Fig. 8. Block diagram for DSP-based dispersion compensation. ..................................... 14

    Fig. 9. (a) single carrier systems and (b) OFDM systems with two-stage dispersion

    compensation. TDE: time domain equalizer. .................................................................... 15

    Fig. 10. The illustration of single-polarization TS ............................................................ 16

    Fig. 11. (a) Model of the laser phase noise applied to the signal. (b) Illustration of the

    evolution of laser phase noise. .......................................................................................... 17

    Fig. 12. Constellation of (a) transmitted QPSK symbols, (b) single carrier symbols

    applied with laser phase noise, and (c) OFDM subcarriers applied with laser phase noise.

    ........................................................................................................................................... 18

    Fig. 13. Block diagram of the Mth

    power scheme ............................................................. 18

    Fig. 14. Illustration of the PSs allocation. ....................................................................... 19

    Fig. 15. (a) The spectrum of the OFDM signal with a RF pilot tone. (b) The estimated

    phase from the RF-pilot based scheme and the CPE based scheme. ................................ 20

    Fig. 16. Illustration of using the SSFM to model the signal propagation in a fiber link. . 23

    Fig. 17. (a) CO-OFDM receiver structure and (b) OFDM frame. S/P: serial to parallel .. 27

    Fig. 18. (a) Schematic of FDI. (b) OFDM spectrum before and after applying HFDI- 1


    top curve shows the real part of a in the channel matrix H (open dot) and the interpolated

    channel matrix HFDI (thin line). Phase variations across modulated subcarriers before and

  • xi

    after PMD compensation in Step (4) for a (c) deterministic DGD=320ps and (d)

    stochastic PMD with =100ps. .............................................................................. 30

    Fig. 19. Q vs. deterministic DGD for three different CO-OFDM systems. ...................... 32

    Fig. 20. Contour plot of the estimated phase variations across modulated subcarriers on x-

    polarization before (a) and after (b) Step 4. =5 ps is assumed............................. 33

    Fig. 21. Contour plot of the estimated phase variations across modulated subcarriers on x-

    polarization before (a) and after (b) Step 4. =10 ps is assumed........................... 34

    Fig. 22. Contour plot of the estimated phase variations across modulated subcarriers on x-

    polarization before (a) and after (b) Step 4. =25 ps is assumed........................... 34

    Fig. 23. Q factor distribution after transmission over a fiber link with 500 different PMD

    for (a) ZGI-CO-OFDM (0% CP) (b) ZGI-CO-OFDM (0.8% CP) and (c) RGI-CO-OFDM

    (3.13% CP). We assume =10 ps. ......................................................................... 35

    Fig. 24. Q factor distribution after transmission over a fiber link with 500 different PMD

    for (a) ZGI-CO-OFDM (0% CP) (b) ZGI-CO-OFDM (0.8% CP) and (c) RGI-CO-OFDM

    (3.13% CP). We assume =25 ps. ......................................................................... 35

    Fig. 25. Q factor distribution after transmission over a fiber link with 500 different PMD

    for (a) ZGI-CO-OFDM (0% CP) (b) ZGI-CO-OFDM (0.8% CP) and (c) RGI-CO-OFDM

    (3.13% CP). We assume =50 ps. ......................................................................... 36

    Fig. 26. (a) Number of complex multiplications per useful bit as a function of NFFT for the

    conventional, RGI- and ZGI-CO-OFDM. (b) Percentage of extra computation complexity

    of ZGI- over RGI- CO-OFDM, as a function of NOFDE and oversampling factor. ........... 39

    Fig. 27. Illustration of the non-uniform power for SP-TSs induced by the large CD

    relative to symbol duration in RGI CO-OFDM systems. ................................................. 41

    Fig. 28. The constellation of payload data symbols estimated by SP-TSs. Left: total

    subcarriers; Middle: first subcarrier; Right: last subcarrier. ............................................. 41

    Fig. 29. Illustration of the uniform power for CDP-TSs in RGI CO-OFDM systems

    during the transmission. .................................................................................................... 42

    Fig. 30. Block diagram of the RGI CO-OFDM system. ................................................... 43

    Fig. 31. Simulated Q-factor of RGI CO-OFDM and conventional CO-OFDM (Con) with

    different channel estimation methods. .............................................................................. 43

    Fig. 32. Mean PAPR versus the number of subcarriers for OFDM signal. ...................... 44

  • xii

    Fig. 33. Comparison of the nonlinear tolerance for RGI CO-OFDM and conventional

    CO-OFDM (Con) with different clipping ratios. .............................................................. 45

    Fig. 34. Block diagram of RGI CO-OFDM systems. ....................................................... 48

    Fig. 35. The communication channel model. .................................................................... 49

    Fig. 36. (a) The applied laser phase noise at the transmitter side; (b) the applied laser

    phase noise at the receiver side. ........................................................................................ 50

    Fig. 37. The normalized variance of PRT for each subcarrier obtained from both theory

    and simulation using either UD-PSs or C-PSs with no ASE noise (left) and with a SNR

    of 11 dB (right). L = 3200 km, = 1 MHz and Nc = 80. ................................................. 54

    Fig. 38. The constellation of the received symbols after phase estimation with UD-PSs. L

    = 3200 km, = 1 MHz and Nc = 80. (a): total subcarriers; (b): center subcarriers; (c):

    edge subcarriers. ............................................................................................................... 55

    Fig. 39. The normalized average variance of PRT and ICI versus the number of

    subcarriers Nc. L = 3200 km, = 1 MHz and SNR = 11 dB. ............................................ 56

    Fig. 40. BER versus (a) SNR with L = 3200 km and (b) transmission distance with SNR =

    11 dB. = 1 MHz for both systems. ................................................................................. 57

    Fig. 41. Required SNR at BER = 10-3

    versus transmission distance L with (a) different

    numbers of subcarriers Nc with = 1 MHz and (b) varying linewidths and Nc = 80. ... 57

    Fig. 42. The illustration of DEPN with RF-pilot phase compensation. (a) The dispersion-

    induced walk-off between OFDM subcarriers within one symbol and the RF-pilot tone.

    The constellations of (b), the middle subcarriers, and (c), the edge subcarriers for systems

    with 320 subcarriers, 2 MHz linewidth and 3200 km transmission. ................................ 59

    Fig. 43. The illustration of the relationship between RPS & ICI and the number of

    subcarriers. (a) RGI OFDM with 80 subcarriers. (b) RGI OFDM with 320 subcarriers. (c)

    Conventional OFDM with 1280 subcarriers. For each figure, the left constellation is for

    back-to-back case, and the right constellation is for L = 3200 km. The curves correspond

    to the right constellation with = 2 MHz and no ASE noise. For RPS, the unit is rad2. . 61

    Fig. 44. OSNR penalty at BER = 10-3

    versus the transmission distance L. (a) 28 Gbaud.

    (b) 56 Gbaud. Conv denotes conventional CO-OFDM. ................................................... 62

    Fig. 45. OSNR penalty at BER = 10-3

    versus the laser linewidth . (a) 28 Gbaud. (b) 56

    Gbaud. ............................................................................................................................... 63

  • xiii

    Fig. 46. Required SNR at BER = 10-3

    versus (a) the number of subcarriers in each group

    Ng with Np = 4 and (b) number of PSs Np with Ng = 20 for PS-based phase estimation. 65

    Fig. 47. Illustration of the effectiveness of GML phase estimation with (a) = 1 MHz and

    (b) = 2 MHz. .................................................................................................................. 67

    Fig. 48. BER versus OSNR for DP-QPSK transmissions. Solid: RGI CO-OFDM. Dashed:

    Conventional CO-OFDM. (a) 28 Gbaud. (b) 56 Gbaud. .................................................. 68

    Fig. 49. Required SNR at BER = 10-3

    versus (a) the transmission distance L with a

    linewidth of 2 MHz and (b) the laser linewidth for both Tx and Rx lasers at L = 4800 km.

    ........................................................................................................................................... 70

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    Chapter 1


    1.1 Motivation

    High capacity optical communication technologies are being actively investigated and

    researched in order to satisfy the unabated exponential growth of data network traffic for

    local area networks, wide area networks, and especially data-centric users [1, 2]. High

    spectral efficiency and adequate transmission distance along with cost-effective

    underlying techniques are the key attributes for next generation optical transports with a

    target of 20 b/s/Hz capacity and over 1500 km links in about 5 years [3]. Since it enables

    an increase in channel capacity and suppresses the channel impairments [4], coherent

    detection with digital signal processing (DSP) has been adopted as the underlying

    technology for 100G products [1, 2].

    Coherent optical (CO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems

    have been considered a potential candidate for high speed optical transports [5], with

    advantages such as high spectral efficiencies, low required sampling rates, and flexible

    bandwidth scalability and allocation [5]. More recently, a reduced-guard-interval (RGI)

    CO-OFDM system, which compensates the chromatic dispersion (CD) prior to the

    OFDM demodulation in order to reduce the cyclic prefix (CP) overhead, was proposed in

    [6]. Several 100G beyond transmission experiments using RGI CO-OFDM have been

    conducted [6-9], with impressively high spectral efficiencies (up to 7.76 b/s/Hz) and long

    transmission distances (up to 4800 km), demonstrating its potential for next generation

    100G beyond transports. However, for this novel system, DSP algorithms developed for

    conventional CO-OFDM are not necessarily the most appropriate approaches to

  • 2

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    compensate for the channel impairments and recover the data, considering the special

    system structure, the shortened symbol duration and the impact of dispersion and fiber

    nonlinearities. Therefore, there is motivation to optimize the conventional DSP

    algorithms, or design new algorithms, in order to fully take advantage of RGI CO-OFDM


    1.2 Thesis Problem Statement

    Channel equalization (including the polarization demultiplexing) and phase estimation (or

    carrier phase recovery) are mandatory for coherent optical systems [4, 5]. OFDM

    provides the computational efficiency and ease of channel and phase estimation for the

    two aforementioned DSP procedures, at the cost of increased overhead for training

    symbols (TSs) and pilot subcarriers (PSs). However, the largely required overhead is

    considered to be a limiting factor for the deployment of OFDM systems when compared

    to the corresponding single-carrier format [10].

    Contrary to conventional CO-OFDM, RGI CO-OFDM implements the dispersion

    compensation in two stages: 1) CD compensation using a frequency domain equalizer

    (FDE) and 2) polarization mode dispersion (PMD) compensation and polarization

    demultiplexing using the conventional OFDM channel estimation. Since CP length and

    OFDM symbol length is no longer determined by the considerably long channel memory

    caused by CD, an OFDM signal with much shorter symbol duration can be used with an

    even smaller CP overhead (around 3%) [6]. However, it is still important to further

    reduce the CP overhead in order to make OFDM competitive with single carrier systems,

    which do not require CP for channel equalization at all.

    When symbol duration is shortened, the CD-induced walk-off between subcarriers

    within each OFDM symbol becomes relatively larger, and it will not only influence the

    design of TSs for channel estimation, but also enhance the laser phase noise. Therefore,

    it is also important to characterize the impact of these effects and to propose new DSP

    techniques that make the system more robust in various scenarios.

  • 3

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    1.3 Thesis Contribution and Organization

    Chapter 2 reviews the background of optical communication systems. Conventional CO-

    OFDM and RGI CO-OFDM are described separately, focusing on the structure and

    merits of each. The main fiber channel impairments, including the dispersion, laser phase

    noise and fiber nonlinearities, are briefly introduced and the corresponding DSP

    algorithms are discussed.

    Chapter 3 focuses on the issue of channel equalization for RGI CO-OFDM. Firstly, a

    novel cost-effective equalization approach based on the structure of RGI CO-OFDM is

    proposed, which enables the removal of the CP and thus reduces the CP overhead to zero.

    Secondly, the impact of intra-channel fiber nonlinearities on the design of TSs for

    channel estimation is investigated. In addition, we demonstrate that RGI CO-OFDM is

    more tolerant to intra-channel fiber nonlinearities than conventional CO-OFDM.

    Chapter 4 investigates the interaction between the accumulated CD and the laser phase

    noise for CO-OFDM, denoted as dispersion-enhanced phase noise (DEPN). The origin of

    this phenomenon is studied analytically for PS based phase estimation and RF-pilot phase

    compensation, respectively. Numerical results show that DEPN limits the laser linewidth

    tolerance to hundreds of kHz for 112 Gb/s quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) systems,

    which implies that high-cost external cavity lasers might be required. Fortunately, DEPN

    mainly induces phase shifts for RGI CO-OFDM, which can be easily compensated. We

    propose grouped maximum-likelihood (GML) algorithms to compensate the DEPN

    induced phase shifts, and the laser linewidth is increased to the level of MHz, enabling

    the use of low-cost distributed feedback lasers.

    Chapter 5 summarizes this work, and discusses potential future research on this topic.

  • 4

    Chapter 1: Introduction

  • 5

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    Equation Section 2

    Chapter 2

    Literature Review

    2.1 Coherent Optical Communication Systems

    In the 1980s and 1990s, coherent detection attracted a great deal of research interest, and

    was considered a promising technology with potential to improve the receiver sensitivity

    [11]. However, following the invention and commercial availability of the erbium-doped

    fiber amplifier (EDFA), a device which improves the noise tolerance in a more cost-

    effective way, the interest in coherent detection diminished until a decade later. Yet

    coherent detection has another even more important capability, which is to linearly map

    the optical field to the electrical field. Therefore the receiver obtains access to both the

    amplitude and phase information of the optical signal. This capability enables channel

    impairment compensation, polarization demultiplexing, and carrier recovery using DSP.

    Also, attributed to the rapid development of high-speed silicon-based DSP technologies,

    great improvements in both spectral efficiency and transmission distance are achieved

    based on the DSP-assisted coherent detection. Therefore, coherent technology dominates

    not only research work, but also commercial products, nowadays [2].

    Fig. 1 depicts a general coherent optical communication system. At the transmitter, the

    bit sequence is first mapped to modulation symbols, such as QPSK symbols. Then the

    DSP can be used to do pulse shaping for single carrier systems, inverse fast Fourier

    transform (IFFT) for OFDM systems, or channel pre-compensation. It should be noted

    that for single carrier systems, DSP is not a must at the transmitter since the symbol

    modulation can be done using analog components [12]. In contrast, DSP and digital-to-

    analog converters (DACs) are required for OFDM systems at the transmitter for the IFFT

  • 6

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    operation, unless all-optical OFDM systems are employed [13]; a subject which is outside

    the scope of this work. Two optical IQ modulators are used to convert the electrical

    signals to the optical domain and a polarization beam combiner combines the two optical

    signals, forming one polarization-division multiplexing (PDM) signal.


    and DSP


    and DSP





    Data X

    Data Y













    Data X'

    Data Y'


    Span N





    LO LaserPBS












    Fig. 1. Block diagram of a coherent optical communication system. PBC: polarization beam combiner. PBS:

    polarization beam splitter. LO: local oscillator.

    For this link, unlike non-coherent systems where the dispersion-compensating fiber

    (DCF) is inserted at the end of each span in order to compensate CD, there are only fibers

    and EDFAs for coherent systems; this is referred to as dispersion-unmanaged

    transmissions, as all the dispersion is compensated at the receiver. In addition, Fig. 1

    shows only a single channel model, and in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM)

    systems more components are required in the link such as arrayed waveguide gratings

    and wavelength-selective filters. Moreover, in optical networks, a reconfigurable optical

    add-drop multiplexer is used to add or remove channels from WDM transmissions.

    The received optical signal is passed through a 90o optical hybrid along with the

    output light of the local oscillator (LO) laser, followed by four balanced photodetectors

  • 7

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    converting the optical signal to an electrical signal. By doing so, the optical field is

    linearly mapped to the electrical field, which is then sampled at or above the Nyquist

    sampling rate. Having the DSP include channel equalization and phase estimation at the

    receiver is a key part of coherent systems, and it will be discussed throughout this work.

    After symbols are recovered using DSP, decisions are made to obtain the received bit


    2.2 Coherent Optical OFDM Systems

    2.2.1 Conventional Coherent Optical (CO)-OFDM Systems

    As a special form of the multicarrier modulation family, OFDM has been widely

    deployed in wireless communications thanks to its ability to combat channel impairments

    such as multipath-induced frequency-selective fading. When DSP-assisted coherent

    detection emerged as a promising technology for pushing the capacity of the optical

    channel, OFDM was brought to optical communications as a competitive candidate

    [14, 15]. There are several advantages of OFDM: 1) ease of channel and phase estimation,

    2) high spectral efficiency and low required sampling rate, 3) modulation format (e.g.

    quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)) scalability, and, 4) flexible bandwidth

    scalability and allocation [5]. Although OFDM suffers from fiber nonlinearities due to its

    high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), it has been shown that in dispersion-

    unmanaged transmissions, the difference of the tolerance in terms of fiber nonlinearities

    between OFDM and single carrier systems is actually very small since the dispersion also

    induces a large PAPR for the latter [16].

    Instead of one wideband carrier, OFDM systems transmit a large number of

    narrowband subcarriers, which are orthogonal to each other and closely spaced in the

    frequency domain as shown in Fig. 2. The most efficient way to generate an OFDM

    signal is to use the IFFT, which avoids a large number of modulators and filters at the

    transmitter. Fig. 2 shows the OFDM subcarriers in the frequency domain and time

    domain. In the frequency domain, in spite of the significant overlap between them,

    subcarriers can be perfectly recovered at the receiver due to the orthogonality between

    them. As a consequence, the spectral efficiency of OFDM signals is inherently high. In

  • 8

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    the time domain, data is transmitted by a number of carriers with different frequencies at

    the same time, as shown in Fig. 2 (b).

    ... ...



    ( )a ( )b

    Fig. 2. OFDM subcarriers in the (a) frequency domain and (b) time domain.

    Cyclic Prefix (CP) is required to prevent inter-symbol interference caused by linear

    impairments of the fiber channel such as CD and PMD. In particular, CP is a copy of part

    of the signal. For example, in Fig. 3 (a), the CP highlighted in blue is a copy of the red

    part of the signal. After transmission in the fiber, there is a walk-off between subcarriers

    as shown in Fig. 3 (b). The guard interval provided by CP ensures that there is no leaking

    signal from adjacent symbols. At the receiver, after the CP removal and FFT, the

    subcarriers will be recovered by channel equalization without any inter-symbol

    interference, as plotted in Fig. 3 (c) and (d). However, CP contains no useful information

    and therefore induces an overhead. Since the CP length should be greater than the CD

    length, which is generally very long in long-haul optical communications, the OFDM

    signal has to be generated with a long symbol duration in order to limit the CP overhead.

    Fig. 3. Illustration of the OFDM channel equalization with CP.

  • 9

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    Fig. 4 depicts the block diagram of a general CO-OFDM system. At the transmitter,

    the input data bit sequence is first mapped to modulated symbols. Then training symbols

    (TSs) and pilot subcarriers (PSs) are inserted before the IFFT. CP is inserted for each

    symbol in order to combat the inter-symbol interference. At the receiver, after sampling

    by the analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with an oversampling factor typically from

    1.2 to 1.6, CP is removed, and the data symbols on each subcarrier are obtained by the

    FFT operation. The channel estimation is then implemented using a 22 multiple-input

    and multiple-output (MIMO) processing to compensate for the inter-symbol interference

    caused by CD and PMD. The phase information acquired from the PSs is used to

    compensate for the common phase error (CPE). Finally, the recovered symbols are

    decided on and decoded to obtain the bit sequence. Note that there are other required DSP

    procedures such as the time synchronization, frequency offset compensation, and clock

    recovery, which are out of the scope of this work and will not be discussed further.

    Fig. 4. Block diagram of CO-OFDM system.

    2.2.2 Reduced-Guard-Interval (RGI) CO-OFDM Systems

    CD is one of the major fiber channel effects. The CD parameter of a standard single mode

    fiber (SSMF) is typically 17 ps/nmkm. For a 28 Gbaud signal with a 1500 km

    transmission distance, the CD length is 5.7 ns. As introduced in the previous subsection,

    the CP length should be larger than the CD length in order to prevent the inter-symbol

    interference. Thus the OFDM symbol duration has to be larger than 57 ns to make the CP

    overhead less than 10%. Such a symbol duration corresponds to 1596 subcarriers. With

    the increasing of either the baud rate or the transmission distance, the symbol duration

    has to be longer for a fixed CP overhead. There are several issues with large symbol

    durations: 1) FFT/IFFT with such a large size is complicated to implement in real-time

    systems, 2) long symbol duration suffers from a more severe laser phase noise induced

    Receiver Transmitter

    Optical Channel Data







    to P




























    IQ Mod

    IQ Mod



















    el E






    to P










    l to









    l to










  • 10

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    inter-carrier interference [17], and, 3) the PAPR increases as the number of subcarrier

    increases, leading to a reduced fiber nonlinearity tolerance [18].

    Transmitted OFDM symbol with CP










    cy After transmission





    cy After CD compensation( )c ( )d

    ( )a( )b























    el E






    to P















    l to













    Fig. 5. (a) Block diagram of RGI CO-OFDM; (b), (c), and (d): illustration the CD compensation for RGI

    CO-OFDM signals.

    RGI CO-OFDM was proposed to decouple the CD compensation from the

    conventional OFDM channel estimation, in order to reduce the CP overhead as well as

    the symbol duration [6]. RGI CO-OFDM has the same transmitter setup as conventional

    OFDM, but the DSP procedures at the receiver are different; the RGI CO-OFDM receiver

    is shown in Fig. 5 (a). In particular, CD is compensated by a FDE prior to the OFDM

    demodulation, and the OFDM channel estimation is used to only compensate for the

    residual inter-symbol interference such as PMD and the filtering effect. Consequently, the

    CP length is independent of the CD length and thus can be much shorter. As illustrated in

    Fig. 5 (b), (c), and (d), the CD induced walk-off is compensated by the CD equalizer, and

    therefore the symbol duration can be much shorter while still being able to reduce the CP

    overhead. Although the computational complexity of RGI CO-OFDM becomes larger

    than conventional CO-OFDM due to the two-stage dispersion compensation, it is almost

    the same as that of single carrier systems employing a similar two-stage dispersion

    compensation [19]. More importantly, RGI CO-OFDM is more tolerant to fiber

    nonlinearities and laser phase noise compared to conventional CO-OFDM because of the

    reduced PAPR and symbol duration, while preserving its advantages such as high spectral


  • 11

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    2.3 Fiber Channel Impairments and Digital Signal Processing

    2.3.1 Dispersion in Single Mode Fiber

    CD and PMD are the major linear impairments in single mode fibers, and should be

    carefully handled when designing transmission systems. CD induces wavelength

    (frequency) dependent group velocities, i.e. different spectral components transmit at

    different group velocities. Therefore, it is also referred to as group-velocity dispersion.

    PMD results from the randomly varying fiber birefringence, which leads to a pulse

    broadening and the varying state of polarization. For the previous on-off keying (OOK)

    system, CD and PMD both broaden the pulse width and increase the crosstalk between

    adjacent pulses, therefore limiting the achievable data rate. Moreover, bulky and high loss

    DCFs are deployed in each span in order to compensate for CD. However, in coherent

    systems, CD and PMD can be easily compensated using DSP, so DCF can be removed

    from the link to save cost and simplify the system design. Chromatic Dispersion

    The group velocity for a specific spectral component is defined as






    where is the propagation constant, which is related to the index n, frequency , and

    light speed in vacuum c, as n c . After travelling through a single-mode fiber of

    length L, the group delay g can be thus obtained by



    L dL

    v d


    Then the group delay difference (or the pulse broadening) g can be calculated as





    d dL L LD



    where 2 22 d d is known as the group-velocity dispersion parameter. The transfer

    function of the CD effect is given by



    2( )j L

    CDH e


  • 12

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    It is more customary in optical communication systems to use the dispersion

    parameter D [ps/nmkm] instead of 2 because it is related to the wavelength difference

    . D is defined as:


    22 2 2

    2 2c d cD



    It can also be expressed as the sum of the material dispersion DM and the waveguide

    dispersion DW:

    2 2

    2 2 2 2 2 2

    2 1 2 2 2, M W M W


    c d dn d n dn d nD D D D D

    d v d d d d


    The material dispersion occurs because the refractive index of the fiber core material n, is

    a function of the wavelength , while the waveguide dispersion arises due to the fact that

    the propagation constant is dependent on fiber parameters such as the core radius and

    the refractive index difference between the fiber core and cladding materials. Normally,

    D ranges from 15 to 18 ps/(kmnm) for the single-mode fiber near 1.55 um, which is of

    considerable interest for optical communications due to the benefit of low loss.











    ( )a ( )b




    Fig. 6. The effect of CD on the transmitted signal of (a) single carrier systems for one pulse and (b) OFDM

    systems for one symbol including many subcarriers.

    CD influences single carrier and OFDM systems in different ways, as is illustrated in

    Fig. 6. For the single carrier signal, since each symbol (or pulse) contains all the spectral

    components, CD will broaden the pulse as different spectral components travels at

    different speeds. For the OFDM signal, because the spectrum of each subcarrier is very

    narrow the pulse broadening for each subcarrier is negligible. But CD will cause a

    frequency-dependent walk-off between different subcarriers within each symbol, leading

    to an inter-symbol interference if CP is not inserted.

  • 13

    Chapter 2: Literature Review Polarization Mode Dispersion

    Due to the departure from the perfect cylindrical core with a uniform diameter, real

    single-mode fibers acquire birefringence, the degree of which is characterized by the

    index difference of orthogonally polarized modes m x yB n n , where nx and ny denote

    the indices of the orthogonally polarized modes. The birefringence results in a periodic

    power exchange between the two modes. The period is known as beat length and is given






    Unless a linearly polarized light is polarized along one of the principle axes, in which

    case it will remain linearly polarized during the transmission, state of polarization of the

    light will periodically change from linear to elliptical and then back to linear over the

    length LB.

    Another important phenomenon associated with PMD is the differential group delay

    (DGD). In particular, for a constant birefringence, the components of different

    polarizations travel at different speeds due to the different group velocities. The

    difference of the arrival time at the output of the fiber is referred to as DGD, and can be

    calculated by

    1 2 1x y

    gx gy

    L LL L

    v v (2.8)

    where x and y represent the two principle states of polarization and 1 is related to the

    group velocity difference between the two states.

    Different Fiber Sections

    Birefringence Axes

    Fig. 7. Illustration of a PMD model in conventional fibers.

    For conventional fibers, however, because the birefringence randomly varies along the

    fiber as well as with time, PMD is much more complex to analyze and deal with. One

  • 14

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    way to model the PMD in conventional fibers is to divide the fiber into a large number of

    sections. The birefringence changes from section to section and the birefringence within

    each section remains the same as shown in Fig. 7.

    For non-coherent systems, such as OOK and differential phase shift keying (DPSK)

    systems, the state of polarization is not of concern since the photodiode used at the

    receiver to detect the light power is insensitive to the polarization state. However, the

    PMD-induced pulse broadening is a limiting factor for such systems, especially for long

    distances and high bit rates. Since PMD is a random process, its effect on pulse

    broadening is characterized by the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the DGD, which is

    typically in the range of 0.01-10 ps/(km)1/2


  • 15

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    temperature and vibrations, the coefficients of the equalizer should be adaptively updated

    over time using adaptive algorithms such as the constant modulus algorithm. On the other

    hand, in dispersion-unmanaged (without DCF) systems, the accumulated CD is normally

    very large, requiring a large number of coefficients. Therefore, it would not be cost-

    effective if all the coefficients were updated every time, since most of them remain the

    same because CD is static. Consequently, it is customary to implement the equalizer with

    two stages for single carrier systems as plotted in Fig. 9(a). The first stage employs an

    overlapped frequency domain equalizer (OFDE) to compensate the static CD using the

    inverse transfer function CDH , while the second stage uses a butterfly time domain

    equalizer applied to adaptively compensate PMD. For OFDM, two-stage equalization as

    shown in Fig. 9(b), is also preferred for different reasons, e.g. reduced overhead and

    higher tolerance to fiber nonlinearities and laser phase noise as already introduced in

    Section 2.2.











    C DH







    C DH

















    C DH





    C DH











    ( )a

    ( )b


    Fig. 9. (a) single carrier systems and (b) OFDM systems with two-stage dispersion compensation. TDE:

    time domain equalizer.

    In order to equalize the channel, it is crucial to estimate the channel transfer function.

    Single carrier systems use blind adaptive algorithms, such as the constant modulus

    algorithm and the least mean square algorithm, to converge to the inverse channel

    transfer function. OFDM systems normally use the TS-based channel estimation. For

  • 16

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    PDM optical transmission, single-polarization (SP) TS can be transmitted and processed

    at the receiver to estimate the channel [5]. In particular, as shown in Fig. 10, we first

    transmit only one TS in one polarization and in the next symbol time slot we transmit

    only one TS in the other polarization, so that the TSs pair occupies two symbol time

    slots and can be expressed as

    1 2[ ,0] , [0, ]T T

    x yt t t t (2.9)

    Then, with the received TSs given by

    1 1 1 2 2 2[ , ] , [ , ]T T

    x y x yt t t t t t (2.10)

    the channel transfer function can be estimated by

    1 2

    1 2

    ' ( ) / ( ) ' ( ) / ( )( ) ( )

    ' ( ) / ( ) ' ( ) / ( )( ) ( )

    x x x y

    y x y y

    t k t k t k t ka k b k

    t k t k t k t kc k d k


    where k is the index of the subcarrier.









    Fig. 10. The illustration of single-polarization TS

    2.3.2 Laser Phase Noise Impact of Laser Phase Noise

    Laser phase noise is caused by spontaneous emission, which broadens the spectral

    linewidth of the laser output. For coherent signals, the broadened laser linewidth denoted

    as applies a phase shift from both the transmit laser denoted as ( )t t , and the LO laser

    denoted as ( )r t , to the optical signal as plotted in Fig. 11(a). The evolution of the laser

    phase noise ( )t is shown in Fig. 11(b) and is modeled as a Wiener process:

    0( ) 2 ( )


    t n d (2.12)

    where n(v) is a Gaussian variable with a zero mean and a variance of /(2).

  • 17

    Chapter 2: Literature Review



    ( )rj te( )tj te

    ( )s t ( )r t

    ( )a ( )b

    Fig. 11. (a) Model of the laser phase noise applied to the signal. (b) Illustration of the evolution of laser

    phase noise.

    Laser phase noise is not an issue for non-coherent systems such as OOK and DPSK,

    because they either utilize no phase information or detect the phase difference between

    adjacent symbols where the laser phase noise is quasi-static. However, for coherent

    detections, since the optical signal is linearly mapped to the electrical signal, the detected

    signal r(t) becomes

    ( ) ( )( ) ( ) t r

    j t tr t s t e


    The impact of such phase noise is different for single carrier and OFDM systems. Since

    the single carrier symbol is very short, the phase noise over the symbol duration remains

    the same. However, for different symbols there will be a phase shift, thus we will observe

    constellations with random phase shifts as shown in Fig. 12(b) with respect to the original

    QPSK constellation as shown in Fig. 12(a). It is impossible to decide the received symbol

    unless the carrier phase is recovered. Therefore, carrier phase recovery is an

    indispensable procedure for single carrier systems. As for OFDM, over the much longer

    symbol duration the non-negligible phase fluctuations partially destroy the orthogonality

    of the subcarriers. Consequently, each subcarrier experiences the interference from the

    other subcarriers; a phenomenon known as inter-carrier interference (ICI). As expected,

    we observe not only the phase shift but also the amplitude noise induced by ICI in

    Fig. 12(c). Therefore, OFDM is considered to be more sensitive to laser phase noise than

    single carrier systems. In Section IV, we will show that employing RGI CO-OFDM

    systems can significantly reduce ICI, but another phenomenon called DEPN arises and

    should be carefully approached in order to increase the linewidth tolerance.

  • 18

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    ( )a ( )b ( )c

    Fig. 12. Constellation of (a) transmitted QPSK symbols, (b) single carrier symbols applied with laser

    phase noise, and (c) OFDM subcarriers applied with laser phase noise. Carrier Phase Recovery and Phase Estimation

    For coherent single carrier systems, the procedure to approach laser phase noise is called

    carrier phase recovery. Traditionally, either an analog or digital phase-locked loop is used

    to synchronize the phase of the LO laser with the transmit laser for the purpose of phase

    recovery. However, its performance in high data rate optical transmission systems is

    limited by the propagation or implementation delay, which is usually very large due to

    the massive parallelization and pipelining in such high-speed, real-time circuits at the

    receiver. Therefore, feedforward algorithms are preferred, such as the Mth

    power scheme

    [20], also known as Viterbi and Viterbi algorithm, and blind phase search [21]. Next, we

    will briefly introduce the Mth

    power scheme as an example of carrier phase recovery


    [ ]r n

    ( )M LPF

    1arg( )




    [ ]j ne

    [ ]r n

    [ ]S n

    Fig. 13. Block diagram of the Mth

    power scheme

    The Mth

    power scheme applies to M-ary PSK modulations including QPSK. The block

    diagram is plotted in Fig. 13. By omitting any noise interference, the received M-ary PSK

    symbol r[n] can be expressed by

    2[ ]

    [ ] , 0,1,..., 1

    mj n

    Mr n e m M


  • 19

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    where [ ]n is the combined phase shift of both the transmit laser and LO laser on each

    symbol. By raising the symbol to the Mth

    power, the modulation can be removed as


    [ ]2 [ ] [ ][ ]

    mj n M

    M j m jM n jM nMr n e e e e


    Then, by taking the argument and dividing the result by 1/M, the phase shift [ ]n is

    obtained. Since the noise interference is unavoidable, a low-pass filter (LPF) is required

    to remove the noise in order to estimate a more accurate phase. In addition, the argument

    function only provides the wrapped phase angle in the range of to , so the estimated

    phase is limited from /M to /M. Therefore, phase unwrap is needed to extend the

    range of the estimated phase. After that, the obtained phase is applied to the received

    symbol to complete the process of the carrier phase recovery.

    The situation for OFDM systems is much simpler in terms of phase estimation.

    Traditionally, it is considered that subcarriers within each OFDM symbol experience

    exactly the same phase drift because they are overlapped and travel simultaneously in the

    time domain. This common phase drift is called CPE, and can be estimated by sending

    PSs. Basically, we allocate several PSs that are known to the receiver in the transmitted

    symbols as shown in Fig. 14. Then, at the receiver, the phase of data subcarriers can be

    easily estimated from the phase of PSs because they have been acted on by the same

    phase noise. Averaging over the phase of PSs is required in order to remove the noise


    ... ... ... ...


    pilot subcarriers


    data subcarriers




    Fig. 14. Illustration of the PSs allocation.

    Although the computational complexity of the PS based CPE estimation is very low, it

    induces extra overhead, as these subcarriers are not transmitting data. More importantly,

    this method is unable to compensate for ICI, which limits the laser linewidth tolerance for

    conventional CO-OFDM systems. Another phase estimation scheme employing the RF-

    pilot tone was proposed to combat ICI [22]. Fig. 15 plots the spectrum of an OFDM

  • 20

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    signal with a RF-pilot inserted in the middle. The subcarriers in the middle should be

    turned off to avoid interference with RF-pilot. Therefore the RF-pilot based scheme also

    consumes some spectrum space, similar as that of the PS based scheme. The RF-pilot

    tone will collect the same phase noise as the OFDM symbols; therefore, at the receiver,

    the phase noise can be compensated for by inverting the phase of the RF-pilot and

    multiplying it with the signal in the time domain. As shown in Fig. 15(b), since the phase

    is compensated sample by sample instead of symbol by symbol which is the case in the

    PS based CPE compensation, the ICI can be significantly reduced [23]. The details of the

    RF-pilot phase compensation will be discussed in Chapter 4.


    RF-pilotOFDM spectrum

    ( )a ( )b

    Fig. 15. (a) The spectrum of the OFDM signal with a RF pilot tone. (b) The estimated phase from the

    RF-pilot based scheme and the CPE based scheme.

    2.3.3 Fiber Nonlinearities Impact of Fiber Nonlinearities

    Fiber nonlinearities are considered to be the main factor limiting the achievable fiber

    channel capacity [24]. There are two major groups of fiber nonlinearities. The first group

    is related to the Kerr effect, which is attributed to the dependence of the refractive index

    on the light intensity. The second group includes the stimulated Raman scattering and

    stimulated Brillouin scattering. In this section, we will focus on the nonlinearities in the

    first group including self-phase modulation (SPM), cross-phase modulation (XPM) and

    four-wave mixing (FWM), since these nonlinearities dominate over the long-haul


    We first introduce the well-known nonlinear Schrdinger (NLS) equation, which

    describes the propagation of the optical signal in fiber and has the following form:

  • 21

    Chapter 2: Literature Review


    22 2

    iA AA i A A

    z T


    where A is the complex amplitude of the field envelope, which is a function of the

    distance z and the time T. Also, 2 is the group velocity dispersion parameter, is the

    attenuation coefficient, and is the nonlinear coefficient given by






    where n2 denotes the nonlinear Kerr coefficient and Aeff denotes the effective fiber core

    area. Note that the third-order dispersion is neglected in Eq. (2.16), since it is negligible

    in practice.

    SPM occurs in one WDM channel as a result of its own power. To show the SPM

    effect, we first neglect the fiber dispersion and attenuation, and the NLS equation (2.16)

    has a solution as follows

    2exp( )A A jz A (2.18)

    Basically, SPM applies a phase shift 2

    NL z A to the signal in the time domain, which

    is proportional to the power of the signal itself. However, in practice it is not as simple as

    this because the dispersion, as well as the attenuation, will change the envelope of the

    signal and subsequently change the nonlinear phase shift.

    XPM occurs in one WDM channel as a result of other channels power. Thus in

    multichannel systems, one specific channel experiences not only the nonlinear phase shift

    induced by its own power, but also by the power of the other channels. This can be

    expressed as

    2 2




    NL n n i

    i i n

    z A A


    where n denotes the specific channel, and N is the total number of channels. It is seen that

    the XPM is much more severe than SPM, as shown in Eq. (2.19). Fortunately, the

    dispersion-induced walk-off limits the efficiency of XPM due to the field averaging.

    Therefore, only close channels interact with each other by means of XPM.

    FWM is another nonlinear phenomenon in multichannel transmissions. In particular,

    FWM generates a new optical wave at the frequency ijk i j kf f f f , when three

  • 22

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    signals with frequencies fi, fj and fk co-propagate inside the fiber, provided that the phase

    matching condition ijk i j k is satisfied. In quantum-mechanical terms, FWM

    occurs while photons are destroyed and new photons are created at different frequencies

    such that net energy and momentum conservation is satisfied. FWM will have significant

    impacts as the newly generated frequencies will coincide with existing channels and

    distort the transmitting signals. Also, the dispersion-induced walk-off will prevent the

    phase-matching condition and thus reduce the efficiency of FWM. Compensation and Mitigation of Fiber Nonlinearities

    Fiber nonlinearities compensation in optical long-haul transmissions has been a hot topic

    for decades, especially for coherent systems where both the amplitude and phase

    information is accessible at the receiver. One well-known and effective method is

    backpropagation. Before we talk about this algorithm, we first introduce the split-step

    Fourier method (SSFM), which is used to numerically solve the NLS equation. In order

    to do so, we rewrite the NLS equation as


    D N Az


    where D accounts for the CD and attenuation and N accounts for the fiber

    nonlinearities. If we neglect high order dispersions, they are given by




    2 2




    2N i A (2.22)

    The dispersion and nonlinearity interact with each other along the fiber, and thus the

    NLS equation does not generally lend itself to analytical solutions. The principle of the

    SSFM is to assume that over a small distance L the dispersive and nonlinear effects act

    independently as

    ( ) exp( )exp( ) ( , )A z L hD hN A z T (2.23)

    As introduced in previous sections, the dispersive effect can easily be calculated in the

    frequency domain while the nonlinear effect can easily be calculated in the time domain.

    Therefore, in the first step we calculate only the dispersion in the frequency domain,

  • 23

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    assuming there is no nonlinearity. After that, we calculate the nonlinearity in the time

    domain neglecting the dispersion. Fig. 16 illustrates the process of SSMF.

    ...D N


    D N D N D N

    Fiber Link

    Fig. 16. Illustration of using the SSFM to model the signal propagation in a fiber link.

    The principle of backpropagation is to use the SSFM to build an inverse fiber

    channel, which has the opposite effect of the dispersion and nonlinearity. Ideally, fiber

    nonlinearities and dispersions will be fully compensated for, provided that the parameters

    of the fiber link such as the fiber length, the dispersion parameter and the nonlinear

    coefficient, are known [25]. The effectiveness of the backpropagation has been

    demonstrated through many works, e.g. [25-28]. However, it is quite difficult to

    implement this method in real systems due to its extremely large computational

    complexities. Still, efforts have been made to reduce the complexity of this algorithm

    [29]. Another drawback of the backpropagation algorithm is that it is not able to

    compensate for inter-channel nonlinearities including XPM and FWM, since in WDM

    transmissions the information of the transmitted symbols of other channels are not

    available to a certain given channel.

    In addition to the backpropagation, other approaches have also been investigated to

    compensate or mitigate fiber nonlinearities. For example, it has been demonstrated that

    the pulse shape of single carrier signals can be optimized to improve the nonlinear

    tolerance [30]. The RF-pilot tone has also been employed to partially compensate for

    both intra- and inter-channel nonlinearities for both OFDM and single carrier systems

    [31-33]. Furthermore, fiber nonlinearities can be compensated using Volterra filters [34].

    2.4 Conclusions

    In this chapter, the relevant background and literature have been introduced and reviewed.

    We first discussed coherent optical communication systems, which currently dominate in

    both academic research and industrial products. RGI CO-OFDM is one of the potential

    candidates for next generation 100G beyond transports. We reviewed the principle of

    OFDM systems, and showed that compared to conventional CO-OFDM systems,

  • 24

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    RGI CO-OFDM benefits from lower CP overhead and higher tolerance to optical channel

    impairment. Afterwards, we discussed the main optical channel impairments including

    fiber dispersion, laser phase noise and fiber nonlinearities. The general DSP procedures

    in coherent transmissions such as dispersion compensation, carrier phase recovery and

    nonlinearity compensation were also briefly presented.

  • 25

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    Equation Section (Next)

    Chapter 3

    Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    In this chapter, we focus on the channel estimation and equalization of RGI CO-OFDM

    systems. In Section 3.1, we propose a novel equalization scheme, which uses the OFDE

    to compensate all inter-symbol interference, including CD and PMD [35, 36]. By doing

    so, the CP can be removed from the data symbols and the CP overhead is therefore

    reduced to zero. The details of the proposed equalization scheme are described and its

    performance demonstrated through simulations. Afterwards, its complexity in terms of

    operations is discussed. In Section 3.2, we analyze the impact of intra-channel

    nonlinearities on the design of TSs [18]. We show that the correlated dual-polarization

    (CDP) TSs should be used for RGI CO-OFDM rather than conventional SP TSs when

    considering the CD-induced walk-off and the intra-channel nonlinearities. Moreover, we

    demonstrate the improvement of RGI CO-OFDM systems in the tolerance to intra-

    channel nonlinearities compared to conventional CO-OFDM systems when CDP TSs are


    3.1 Zero-Guard-Interval CO-OFDM

    As already introduced in Chapter 2, using RGI CO-OFDM can significantly reduce the

    required CP length, enabling to reduce the CP overhead as well as the FFT size. However,

    CP is still required to accommodate the residual linear effects such as PMD and filtering

    effects. In this section, we propose a novel equalization scheme to completely remove CP

    from data symbols [35, 36]. We first describe the operation principle and the algorithm of

    the new equalization scheme which is based on the structure of RGI CO-OFDM systems,

    namely an OFDE for dispersion compensation prior to OFDM demodulation. In the new

  • 26

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    scheme, instead of compensating CD only, the first-stage OFDE simultaneously

    compensates CD and the residual dispersion (for the sake of simplicity, we assume the

    residual dispersion includes PMD only in this work). It offers the key to the zero CP

    transmission, and this system is therefore referred to as ZGI CO-OFDM. Basically, the

    channel transfer function estimated from the OFDM channel estimation is applied at the

    OFDE stage, which then becomes able to compensate both CD and PMD. But a

    frequency domain interpolation (FDI) is required, because the FFT size used in the OFDE,

    NOFDE, is usually larger than that used for OFDM symbols, NFFT. We also show the

    principle of the FDI implementation. In Subsection 3.1.2, we demonstrate the system

    performance of a 112 Gb/s PDM ZGI CO-OFDM. Besides removing CP from data

    symbols, the new scheme provides additional system benefits. We show that it achieves a

    larger PMD tolerance compared to RGI CO-OFDM. Moreover, an even smaller FFT size

    NFFT (e.g. 16 and 32) can be used while CP overhead is still zero. However, this

    improvement in reducing the overhead comes with a tradeoff between the CP overhead

    and the computation complexity of the algorithm when compared to the conventional and

    RGI CO-OFDM. So in Subsection 3.1.3, we provide an analytical comparison of the

    computational complexity between the conventional, RGI and ZGI CO-OFDM. We show

    that ZGI CO-OFDM requires reasonably small additional computation effort compared to

    RGI CO-OFDM, while providing several system benefits.

    3.1.1 Channel Equalization Algorithm Description

    Fig. 17 plots the CO-OFDM receiver structure (based on the structure of RGI CO-OFDM)

    with the proposed equalization scheme. The OFDM transmitter and fiber link are the

    same as those in the conventional OFDM. Besides CD compensation, one key feature of

    the OFDE in our new scheme is to acquire the channel transfer function (in form of a 2-

    by-2 matrix H[k] for each kth

    modulated subcarrier) from the OFDM channel estimation

    based on TSs, and then to compensate PMD by applying the inverse of the channel

    matrix. Therefore, with both CD and PMD compensated at the OFDE, subsequent data

    symbols dont require CP for equalization at the receiver. Fig. 17(b) shows the OFDM

    frame used with the new equalization scheme. Different from the typical ones used in the

    conventional or RGI CO-OFDM, in which the same CP is encapsulated in both TSs and

    data symbols, ZGI CO-OFDM requires a small CP for TSs in order to obtain accurate

  • 27

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    channel estimation while no CP is allocated for data symbols. When compared to

    RGI CO-OFDM in [6], where CP with length NCP=4 was used for all TSs and data

    symbols, in our system NCP=4 is only used for each TS. It is worth noting that a very

    short CP length (for example, NCP=1) can be still inserted to each data symbol, so our

    system would become more robust against any residual inter-symbol interference from

    the imperfect channel equalization at the OFDE. However, a small CP overhead will be

    required as a tradeoff.

    Fig. 17. (a) CO-OFDM receiver structure and (b) OFDM frame. S/P: serial to parallel

    A. Two-stage equalization algorithm

    The algorithm is described step-by-step as follows:

    Step 1: The OFDE compensates CD for the incoming TSs (t1 and t2) and

    produces the output t1 and t2. Note that t1 and t2 are received from the x and y

    polarizations, respectively. The CD compensation is done by simply multiplying the

    incoming signals with the inverse of the CD transfer function HCD,

    2 ( /2) /[ ] , 1, ,OFDE OFDE nOFDE OFDE OFDECD

    jDL k N f cH k e k N (3.1)

    where D is the dispersion parameter, L is the fiber transmission distance, is the

    optical carrier wavelength in vacuum, nf is the frequency spacing in the OFDE, and



    300 data symbols4 training symbols (TSs)

    NCP = 4 NCP = 0



    optical hybrid









    T &







    Channel estim


    with I



    Channel com






















    OFDM demodulator












  • 28

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    c is the speed of light in vacuum. The FFT size used in the OFDE, NOFDE, is often

    larger than that used for OFDM symbols, NFFT, thus nf is smaller than the subcarrier

    spacing. kOFDE is the frequency index at the OFDE.

    Step 2: At the OFDM demodulator, estimate the channel matrix H[k], which only

    includes PMD, for each of the Nsc modulated subcarriers. The intra-symbol

    frequency-domain averaging (ISFA) can be applied, but the averaging length m is

    limited by the amount of the uncompensated PMD [37]. For the kth


    subcarrier, the estimated channel matrix is

    [ ] [ ]

    [ ] , 1, ,[ ] [ ]

    a k b kH k k Nsc

    c k c k


    Step 3: The OFDE acquires H from the OFDM demodulator, and performs the

    frequency-domain interpolation (FDI) to map H to HFDI. H represents Nc 2-by-2

    matrices, while the number of 2-by-2 matrices in HFDI is equal to ( / )SC OFDE FFTN N N ,

    and NOFDE is usually larger than NFFT.

    [ '] [ ']

    [ '] , ' 1, , ( / )[ '] [ ']




    a k b kH k k N N N

    c k c k


    Step 4: At the OFDE, multiply t1 and t2 by HFDI-1

    to produce t1 and t2. In

    essence, this is a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) demodulation process,

    which compensates DGD and de-multiplexes the two polarizations. In the

    conventional and RGI CO-OFDM, however, this MIMO demodulation occurs at the

    OFDM demodulator instead of at the OFDE stage. This step is the key to enable our

    system to operate with zero CP overhead.

    Step 5: At the OFDM demodulator, estimate the new channel matrix H[k] for

    each of the Nsc subcarriers now using t1 and t2. Same as H, H represents Nsc

    2-by-2 channel matrices. Now a large ISFA length m can be used to improve the

    estimation accuracy of H, because both CD and PMD have been compensated. H

    will be saved and used to demodulate the subsequent data symbols. Subsequently, we

    can perform phase noise estimation and compensation after applying H to the data


    Unlike the channel estimation/compensation used for the conventional and RGI CO-

    OFDM, our new scheme relies on a collaborative effort between the OFDE and OFDM

  • 29

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    channel estimation, and it requires processing the same TS and performing channel

    estimation twice. To understand our algorithm from a mathematical standpoint, we

    express each of the Nsc demodulated OFDM subcarriers rout obtained after Step 5 as,

    1 1 1

    [ ] '[ ] [ ]out cd FDI ink H H H k kr r (3.4)

    In Eq. (3.4) rin[k] is the kth

    received OFDM subcarrier at the OFDE input. Both rout and

    rin are the 2-by-1 column vectors, representing symbols on both x- and y-polarization.

    1 1( )cd FDIH H

    is applied to the received signal at the OFDE, while

    1'[ ]H k

    is multiplied at

    the OFDM demodulator. Also1 1

    ( )cd FDIH H is a function of NOFDE frequency points, and

    we dont express it as function of k, because there is a lack of the explicit one-to-one

    correspondence between n and k. Note that the term for phase noise compensation is not

    included in Eq. (3.4), since it is the same process as that for the conventional and RGI


    In comparison with ZGI CO-OFDM, RGI CO-OFDM uses a relatively straightforward

    two-stage equalization process but it has to incorporate a larger CP. In RGI CO-OFDM

    the OFDE only compensates CD, while the channel compensation for PMD, polarization

    de-multiplexing and phase noise estimation are performed at the OFDM demodulator.

    Mathematically, we can express the equalization process of RGI CO-OFM as,

    1 1

    [ ] [ ] [ ]out cd RGI ink H H k kr r (3.5)

    All the channel equalization operations at the OFDM demodulator are lumped in

    1[ ]RGIH k

    , which is obtained using the TS based channel estimation. Finally, the channel

    equalization for the conventional CO-OFDM is even more straightforward, which can be

    simply expressed as


    [ ] [ ] [ ]out CONV ink H k kr r (3.6)

    But this system must have a very large CP to avoid the inter-symbol interference

    mainly caused by CD. Comparing Eq. (3.4), (3.5) and (3.6), a tradeoff can be observed

    between the equalization algorithm complexity and CP overhead. We will compare the

    computation complexity of the three CO-OFDM algorithms analytically in

    Subsection 3.1.3.

  • 30

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    B. Frequency domain interpolation (FDI)

    As mentioned earlier ZGI CO-OFDM requires FDI to map H to HFDI at Step 3, due to the

    mismatch between NOFDE and NFFT. To illustrate FDI implementation, we use a

    ZGI CO-OFDM system with NOFDE=2048 and NFFT=128, so the interpolation factor is

    NOFDE/NFFT=16. In Fig. 18(a) the open circles are used to indicate the channel matrix H,

    and the curve connecting the open circles is the result from FDI. In this particular

    example, we assume each OFDM symbol contains 64 modulated subcarriers occupying

    the center half of the NFFT=128 window, so that the oversampling factor at the DAC/ADC

    is 2. Fig. 18(b) illustrates the spectrum of the real part of the x-pol OFDM signal before

    and after applying HFDI- 1

    at Step 4, where we assume that the fiber link has a

    deterministic DGD of 320 ps. We show only the real part of the signal in order to

    highlight the difference in spectrum before and after applying HFDI- 1

    , because HFDI- 1


    imparts a phase rotation given our assumption of a deterministic DGD.

    Fig. 18. (a) Schematic of FDI. (b) OFDM spectrum before and after applying HFDI- 1

    .The top curve shows

    the real part of a in the channel matrix H (open dot) and the interpolated channel matrix HFDI (thin line).

    Phase variations across modulated subcarriers before and after PMD compensation in Step (4) for a (c)

    deterministic DGD=320ps and (d) stochastic PMD with =100ps.

    )1(H )2(H )62(H )63(H)3(H )64(H

    Interpolation factor = FFTOFDE / FFTOFDM (a)


    0 256 512 768 1024 1280 1536 1792 2048-150






    FFT index at OFDE




    e (



















    0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64-15







    Subcarrier Index

    Phase (



    0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64-40





    Subcarrier Index

    Phase (



    x-pol w/o PMD EQ

    y-pol w/o PMD EQ

    x-pol w/ PMD EQ

    y-pol w/ PMD EQ

    (c) (d)DGD=320ps =100ps

    ( )c ( )d

  • 31

    Chapter 3: Channel Equalization for RGI CO-OFDM

    Moreover, the OFDM signal is confined in the center half of the OFDE FFT window

    as expected from only modulating 64 middle subcarriers, and HFDI- 1

    is only multiplied by

    the OFDM signal within this center half of the spectrum. On the top of the signal

    spectrum, the curve shows the real part of aFDI (see Eq. (3.3)), and the open circles

    connected by the curve indicate the real part of a from 64 channel matrices H (see

    Eq. (3.2)). It is worth noting that the periodicity of the curve is inversely proportional to

    DGD, and it would become irregular when considering higher-order PMD [38].

    Therefore, in order to compensate a large DGD for which the periodicity will become

    small, one must increase TSs NFFT to ensure a fine frequency resolution before FDI.

    Otherwise, a coarse frequenc