chantilly wellbeing - ellington...

November 2-8, 2016 online at Calendar, Page 11 Classifieds, Page 14 Photo by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection Chantilly Fair Oaks Fair Lakes Chantilly Fair Oaks Fair Lakes Presenting ‘White Christmas’ News, Page 5 Murder Charge Goes to Grand Jury News, Page 4 Presenting ‘White Christmas’ Murder Charge Goes to Grand Jury A Man of ‘Selflessness, Heroism and Humility’ News, Page 3 Wellbeing Wellbeing Page 12 A Man of ‘Selflessness, Heroism and Humility’ News, Page 3 From left are Pete and Lauren Kirby and sons Kevin and Michael.

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Page 1: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖ 1www.ConnectionNewspapers.comNovember 2-8, 2016 online at

Calendar, Page 11 ❖


lassifieds, Page 14



by Bo

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ChantillyFair Oaks❖Fair Lakes

ChantillyFair Oaks❖Fair Lakes

Presenting ‘White Christmas’News, Page 5

Murder Charge Goes to Grand JuryNews, Page 4

Presenting ‘White Christmas’

Murder Charge Goes to Grand Jury

A Man of ‘Selflessness,Heroism and Humility’

News, Page 3

WellbeingWellbeingPage 12

A Man of ‘Selflessness,Heroism and Humility’

News, Page 3

From left are Pete andLauren Kirby and sonsKevin and Michael.

Page 2: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

2 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016

Page 3: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖


See Kirby, Page 8

See A Man, Page 8

By Bonnie Hobbs

The Connection

During Pete Kirby’s retirement cel-ebration Saturday night, a videohighlighting his career was shown.

He then received several awards.Dave Parker and Sue Yamashita, who rode

with Kirby when he drove an ambulancefor Centreville’s volunteer fire department,presented Kirby with a Lifetime Achieve-ment Award. “No one made me laugh likePete,” said Parker.

Kirby has done public-safety consultingfor Booz Allen Hamilton since the early1990s, and still does, and that company’sPaul Torpey presented Kirby with an awardfor his 40 years of “loyal and dedicated ser-vice to the citizens of the Commonwealthof Virginia.”

Charlie Singleton, former Vienna VFDchief, gave Kirby a plaque of his name readinto the Congressional Record. Noting thatKirby also served as the third vice presidentof the Virginia State Firefighters Associa-

By Bonnie Hobbs

The Connection

It takes a special person to be afirefighter, and Pete Kirby is all that,and then some. That point was abun-dantly clear, Saturday night, as fam-

ily, friends and colleagues marked his re-tirement by celebrating his four decades asa volunteer firefighter/EMT (emergencymedical technician).

He’s a veteran of both the Vienna andCentreville volunteer fire departments, andmore than 100 people gathered Oct. 29 atVienna’s fire station to honor, roast andshare stories about Kirby. But mostly, theycame to thank him for all he’s done and tellhim how much they appreciate him.

“It was on Pete’s watch, 19-1/2 years ago,that I became chaplain [for Centreville’s FireStation 17], and he’s always supported me,”said the Rev. Jerry Foltz, giving the pre-mealbenediction. “Tonight we recognize howhe’s contributed to people’s lives, savingboth them and buildings; and, God, wethank You for Your spirit in him.”

Kirby, 56, and wife Lauren, with theVienna VFD Auxiliary, live in Centreville’sCountry Club Manor community. And Sat-urday, their two grown sons, Kevin andMichael, praised their dad together.

“I’m proud to say that, in a way, I grewup at the firehouse,” said Michael. “My nick-name was ‘Fire Pup.’ I spent lots of time inthis very building, or asleep in my mom’scar at some late-night fire. My father and I

even saw some action as Rescue Team Twowhen I was in kindergarten. I even visitedthe Pierce factory [which builds fire en-gines] once, as a reward for good grades.”

“My memories begin with second-grade,Bring Your Parent to School Day,” saidKevin. “Your dad installed carpet or soldinsurance. Mine went around helping theinjured and fighting fires in his free time.I’d be asleep on a school night and wouldawake to the sound of an ignition outsidemy window and jump up to see my dad turnon the red lights and take off. It was alwaysso exciting in our house.”

“We shared our father with the commu-nity,” said Michael. “But he never missedmy soccer games on Saturday mornings af-ter Friday nights driving the ambulance.

Other Saturdays, I awoke to find he’d al-ready left, returning after dinner from a dayas incident commander at the Bull Run Jam-boree or the Fairfax Fair.”

Kevin said Friday night, Oct. 28, was hisdad’s last high-school football game man-ning the standby ambulance. ChantillyHigh, where Michael went, played atCentreville High. “How bittersweet,” saidKevin. “Dad would spend Fourth of Julydriving the brush truck; he’d drive Santaaround town on the engine. But his recordbegan here at Vienna before I was born. Hejoined Co. 2 as a junior at Oakton High and

was soon its youngest officer.”Michael said there’s a wall in their home

full of their father’s plaques and commen-dations. “Firefighter of the Year, Officer ofthe Year, most annual hours — the list goeson,” said Michael. “He was made an officerin his first year at Centreville and was chieffor over a decade. He created a wildlandteam, a bike team and got a Gator [an all-terrain ambulance]. He formed a platoonsystem and driver training and hired thedepartment’s first chaplain.”

Pete Kirby retiresafter 40 years as afirefighter/EMT.

A Man of ‘Selflessness, Heroism and Humility’

Photos by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection

This cake with firehose and hel-mets symbolizes Pete Kirby’sservice with the Centreville andVienna volunteer fire departments.

The Kirby family: From left are Pete’s sister Ann Marie, Pete and Laurenand sons Kevin and Michael, and Pete’s brother Michael.

Awards and Reminiscences

tion, it read that he leaves office “with alegacy of hands-on leadership and deepcommunity ties.”

Tom Eisenhardt, who was a volunteer firecaptain at Centreville when Kirby was chiefthere, said, “This man speaks from theheart. He’s honest, sincere and thinks ofeveryone else. I’m honored to have servedwith you, Pete, and I thank you for every-thing.”

Then, addressing the crowd, Kirby said,

“I never expected anything like this. I lookaround this room and see parts of my life,and I can’t express how much you all meanto me.” He said how heartwarming it was,not just to see family and friends, but peoplehe’s served with at Centreville’s Fire Sta-tion 17, Vienna’s Station 2, the state asso-ciation and the police 911 call center, wherehe dispatched fire calls.

Inspired by his uncle, Austin Kirby, whowas a fire chief, and a firefighter cousin,

Kirby was fascinated with firefighting froman early age. “Growing up in Oakton, Iheard the Fairfax fire sirens,” he said. “Andwhen I was 12, I went to a fire at the DrugFair on Jermantown Road. Everyone wasinside fighting the fire, and one firefighteroutside saw me and called, ‘Hey, Kid.’ Heneeded help and asked me to fill the pres-sured-air bottles for the firefighters when

Kirby looks back while preparingfor the future.

From left:Dave Parkerand SueYamashitagive aLifetimeAchieve-ment Awardto PeteKirby onSaturday.



s by Bo


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From leftare Dave


Yamashitaand PeteKirby inthe late1980s.

Chantilly Connection Editor Steven Mauren

703-778-9415 or [email protected]

Page 4: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

4 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016


By Bonnie Hobbs

The Connection

On the surface, an argumentover folding chairs after anAug. 6 wedding at Cabell’sMill in Ellanor C. Lawrence

Park led a woman’s fatal stabbing and a mancharged with murder. But according to awitness and a video of the seven minutesleading up to the tragedy, tensions betweenthe man and the wedding party had beensimmering all during the event.

Monday afternoon, in Fairfax CountyGeneral District Court, defense attorneyPeter Greenspun argued that his client,Kempton Bonds, had no malice towardTyonne Johns, the woman he allegedlystabbed to death. If anything, saidGreenspun, the crowd there was verballyabusing and threatening Bonds. But ulti-mately, the judge found probable cause tobelieve Bonds is guilty as charged and cer-tified his case to the grand jury.

Johns, 35, of Washington, D.C., was theevent’s chef and caterer. Bonds, a 19-year-old Clifton resident, is a 2015 RobinsonSecondary School graduate and was a sea-sonal employee of the county Park Author-ity. Police had already responded to theChantilly park around 9:24 p.m., afterBonds reported the wedding guests’ disor-derly conduct. But the next call they re-ceived, about 10:50 p.m., was about the

stabbing.The chairs for the wedding were supplied

by both Chef Tyonne Catering Co., ownedby the victim, and the Park Authority. Wit-nesses said Johns was starting to pack upthe folding chairs, but Bonds told her thechairs belonged to the park, and the twobegan to argue.

Johns’s assistant, Shaina Mason, testifiedOct. 31 that “There was a conversationabout the chairs and the bride was upsetand yelling.” She said that after Johns askedBonds why he was upsetting the bride,Johns “yelled at him and he stabbed herand she stepped away and said, ‘Youstabbed me!’ Mason said she didn’t see theactual stabbing, but saw Johns back awayfrom Bonds, “who had a knife in his hand.”She also said Johns never touched him.

Mason then called 911. After that, shesaid, crying, “Someone put [Johns] in achair, and [Bonds] went down the steps onthe side of the building.”

Under Greenspun’s cross examination,Mason said that during the event, guestswere upset with Bonds turning off the mu-sic and taking down the decorations. Shesaid for 10 to 20 minutes, people were yell-ing and cursing at him. She also said that

Bonds didn’t curse, scream or threaten any-one, but “he was rude.”

During the seven minutes or so before thestabbing, Bonds videotaped on his phonewhat the others were saying and doing, andGreenspun played that tape in court. In it,the bride yells at Bonds, “Boy, I’m about tof*#k you up, I swear to God, on my wed-ding day.”

Then the groom yells at Bonds, “I guar-antee, you’ll be fired; you ruined my wholewedding.” He and another woman also callBonds derogatory names, and a female tellshim, “I’m going to knock you out.”

Next is the stabbing, and Bonds says,“Stay away from me.” Mason said shecouldn’t tell one voice from another on thetape and was in the driver’s seat of a U-Haul during the altercation. However,Greenspun got her to admit that, when sheheard a voice threaten to “f*#k [Bonds]up,” Johns was “within arm’s reach” of him.

“It wasn’t Bonds who was acting out ofcontrol, with malice, it was the group,” saidGreenspun.

County police officer Jason Reichel wasthe first officer responding to the stabbing.“There were people running and scream-ing, all over the place,” he said. Reichel saidthey told him their friend had been stabbedand they pointed out Bonds as the culprit,so Reichel handcuffed him.

The officer then found Johns slumpedover in a chair. “I tore her shirt and saw awound underneath her left breast,” he said.“I applied pressure to her wound and sup-ported her head to protect her airway.”When more officers arrived, he directedthem to take custody of Bonds and he re-turned to the victim. “The only thing shesaid to me was, ‘I can’t breathe,’” said

Reichel. Then an ambulance came andrushed Johns to a hospital, where she waspronounced dead.

Also testifying was Officer Jason Deal,who arrived at the scene to find Bonds onhis knees, in handcuffs. “Officer Reichel saidit appeared he’d stabbed someone, andBonds said, ‘Yes, that’s correct; that was me.’I found a folding pocket knife on him –about 4 inches, folded up.” He then tookBonds to the Adult Detention Center, wherehe was arrested and charged with second-degree murder.

Summing up, Greenspun said, “This isclearly a tragic situation, but there’s no evi-dence of malice. There was a blistering,ugly, aggressive, assertive assault by numer-ous people there. But [Bonds] didn’t inviteor provoke this horrible, verbal assault. Itwas the vitriol, hate and aggression of thewords – and Johns gets in his face, as he’sbacking up to the railing, and yells at him.If it’s anything, it’s manslaughter, not mur-der.”

But Assistant Commonwealth’s AttorneyBrandon Shapiro stressed that Bonds “hada knife in his pocket – a deadly weapon. Hehad the ability to leave and didn’t. Therewas no physical altercation; at no point wasBonds touched. There’s probable cause forsecond-degree murder.”

Agreeing, Judge Michael Lindner said,“Words can be very hurtful, [but] thedefendant’s responses to the anger were notwords of peace. There was a knife insidesomeone’s body. There’s a fair probabilitythat Mr. Bonds killed somebody in malice.”

Lindner then certified the case to thegrand jury for possible indictment. He alsocontinued Bonds’s bond of $250,000 plushouse arrest.

Murder Charge Goes to Grand JuryCaterer stabbedafter E.C. LawrencePark wedding.

Kempton Bonds Tyonne Johns,the victim.

By Tim Peterson

The Connection

Fairfax County will try to make themost of voters’ time on election dayNov. 8, having them weigh in not

only on the Presidential and Congressionalelections, but also proposed Constitutionalamendments, a referendum and bond ques-tions.

The so-called “Meals Tax” referendum isa proposal for voters to allow the Board ofSupervisors to levy up to a four percent taxon prepared foods and beverages. Thatwould include restaurant food, as well asready-made meals at grocery and conve-nience stores.

The referendum specifies 70 percent ofthe annual revenue generated by the mealstax, an estimated $70 million, would bedesignated for Fairfax County PublicSchools. The remaining 30 percent would

go to a combination of county services andcapital improvements.

Opponents of the meals tax have arguedit’s a regressive move that will unfairly eataway at the restaurant and catering indus-try in Fairfax County by making it more dif-ficult for smaller businesses to survive. Alsothey’ve said there will be an unnecessaryextra financial burden on low income par-ents to feed their families.

Supporters of the tax point to surround-ing areas including Vienna and Alexandriathat already have meals taxes, saying theyhaven’t suffered the way opponents predict.At a recent joint budget meeting with thesupervisors and Fairfax County SchoolBoard, Supervisor John Cook (R-Braddock)observed that without the boost from themeals tax, the school system won’t be ableto raise teachers’ salaries enough in the nextyear to make them more competitive in themarket.

The bonds, which is a way for the countyto finance public facilities and infrastruc-ture through long-term borrowing over sev-eral years, fall into three categories: trans-portation, parks, and human services and

community development facilities.For the first category, citizens are asked

if Fairfax County may issue up to $120 mil-lion in bonds to fund road improvementsand a share of the Washington Metropoli-tan Transit Authority Capital ImprovementProgram. The Metro CIP covers eight cat-egories over six years: vehicles and vehicleparts, rail system infrastructure rehabilita-tion, maintenance facilities, rail power sys-tems and technology, track and structure,passenger facilities, maintenance equip-ment, and other transit-related facilities.

$107 million in parks bonds includes$94.7 million for the Fairfax County ParkAuthority’s capital needs — such as parkrenovations and upgrades, stewardship ofcultural and natural resources, land acqui-sition and new park development — plus$12.3 million in capital contribution to theNorthern Virginia Regional Park Authority.

If the parks referendum passes, there willbe funding for general park improvementsat Burke Lake and Lake Accotink, system-wide renovation and renewal and replace-ment at the Mount Vernon RECenter.

For human services and community de-

velopment, Fairfax County is seeking autho-rization to issue $85 million in bonds, $48million of which would be used to renovate,expand or replace bonds four shelters op-erating at capacity that aren’t able to meetcrisis or emergency needs of homeless in-dividuals.

The remaining $37 million of bonds, ifthe referendum passes, would be used toreplace the Sully Senior Center inCentreville and build a new Lorton Com-munity Center, which also provides spaceand programming for seniors and is cur-rently housed in a leased space that expiresin two years.

For more information from Fairfax Countyon the upcoming Nov. 8 election, includingsample ballots, candidate information andballot questions, visitwww. fa i r lec t ions/upcoming.htm. Additional descriptions ofthe bond items are available More detailon the specific park bonds is available atw w w. f a i r f a x c o u n t y. g o v / p a r k s /2016bond.htm.

Breaking Down the Bonds on Fairfax County’s BallotVoters asked toapprove funding.

Page 5: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖


By Bonnie Hobbs

The Connection

With their former, WWII Armycommander in danger oflosing his country inn in Ver-mont, song-and-dance team

Bob Wallace and Phil Davis come to the res-cue. They join with singing sisters Judy andBetty Haynes to put on a sparkling holidayshow that, hopefully, will save the inn.

That’s the storyline of “White Christmas,”the upcoming Irving Berlin musical beingperformed by Lord of Life Lutheran Church,across from Little Rocky Run, nearCentreville High. Set in the 1950s and fea-turing a cast and crew of 50, it’ll take thestage Nov. 4-12.

“We have four fantastic leads, and thewhole cast is amazingly talented at not justacting, but also singing and dancing,” saidDirector Suzy McCarthy. “We have three,specialty dancers performing in the produc-tion numbers, and our choreographer is theaward-winning Susan Brock, who’s donecommunity theater in this area since 1980.”

There’s a live combo including pianistMichael Thompson, who plays at the churchregularly. One of the pastors has a main role,and the lead pastor, Nathan Swenson-Reinhold, makes a cameo appearance. Thescenes take place at the Ed Sullivan The-ater, a New York nightclub, the inn, a barnand on a train.

“People will enjoy seeing this belovedstory performed in front of them,” saidMcCarthy. “They’ll catch the energy andexcitement of live stage. We like to do some-thing Christmas-themed to get everybodyin the holiday mood.”

Retired Centreville High teacher JohnTotten, of Clifton’s Cavalier Woods commu-nity, plays Bob Wallace, the more famousof the song-and-dance duo. “Phil keeps try-ing to set Bob up with a girl, and Bob keepsresisting,” said Totten. “But this time, withone of the Haynes sisters, he might succeed.Bob likes to appear stoic and serious; butunderneath, he has a tender heart. He andPhil were in the Army together and havebecome successful in show business.”

Delighted with his part, Totten said, “Fora guy like me, who loves Bing Crosby [whoplayed Bob in the movie], it’s a dream role.I get to sing a bunch of great songs, do somemusical comedy and work with some neatpeople. His favorite song is “Count Your

Lord of Life LutheranChurch presents“White Christmas.”

Getting into Holiday Spirit

See Holiday Spirit, Page 10

KatherineIooss and BuzRingler playJudy Haynesand Phil Davis.

John Tottenand Kate Ives

rehearse asBob Wallace

and BettyHaynes.

Photos Courtesy

of Suzy McCarthy

Page 6: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

6 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016


Newspaper ofChantilly

Fair Oaks / Fair LakesA Connection Newspaper

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Who knows what will happen onElection Day? Voters can avoidthe uncertainty of possible traf-fic gridlock, bad weather or

other impediments by voting “absentee-in per-son.” If you work, you qualify to vote absenteebecause of the possibility you could be com-muting and working for 11 hours on ElectionDay. There are many other reasons votersqualify to vote early in Virginia.

Voters can vote absentee-in person atFairfax County Government Center, Con-ference Room 2/3, 12000 GovernmentCenter Parkway, Fairfax, now throughFriday Nov. 4, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday,Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Nov. 5 is the last dayto absentee vote in-person.

Absentee voting is also available at 10 satel-lite locations, now through Friday, Nov. 4, 2-8p.m. and Saturday Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Satellite voting locations:❖ Providence Community Center - 3001

Vaden Dr., Fairfax❖ Franconia Governmental Center - 6121

Franconia Rd., Alexandria❖ McLean Governmental Center - 1437 Balls

Hill Rd., Community Room, McLean❖ North County Governmental Center, 1801

Cameron Glen Dr., Community Rooms, Reston❖ West Springfield Governmental Center -

6140 Rolling Road, Springfield❖ Mason Governmental Center - 6507 Co-

lumbia Pike, Annandale❖ Mount Vernon Governmental Center -

2511 Parkers Lane, Alexandria❖ Sully Governmental Center - 4900

Stonecroft Blvd., Chantilly❖ Lorton Library - 9520 Richmond Hwy.,

Lorton, Saturdays only.

VOTING ON THE QUESTIONS:Here are our recommendations:Vote YES for the MEALS TAX. Fairfax County

needs to find alternatives to the real estate tax,and in Virginia, there are not many optionsallowed to localities. This is one of the few al-ternatives available, and it requires a referen-

dum.Vote YES for the three Fairfax

County Bond Questions: Vote YES forTransportation; vote YES for Parks;

Vote Yes for Human Services.Vote NO on on Question One. This anti-union

language is already Virginia law; it doesn’tbelong in the Virginia Constitution.

For Voters Who Arrive Without Identi-fication

If you arrive at your polling place on Elec-tion Day without an acceptable form of photoidentification, or you face any other challengeto voting at your polling place, don’t panic orgive up. You will be given the opportunity tovote a provisional ballot. Ask for a provisionalballot if one is not immediately offered. Youwill then have until Monday, Nov. 14 to resolve

the issue and demonstrate your right to vote.After completing the provisional ballot, you

will be given written instructions from the elec-tion officials on how to submit a copy of youridentification so that your vote can be counted.

A voter will have until noon on Monday, Nov.14, following the election to deliver a copy ofidentification to the local electoral board or toappear in person to apply for a Virginia VoterPhoto ID Card. Voters may submit a copy oftheir ID via fax, email, in-person submission,or through USPS or commercial delivery ser-vice. Please note that the copy of the ID mustbe delivered to the electoral board by noon onMonday, or the provisional ballot cannot becounted.

Also by noon on Monday following the elec-tion, the voter may appear in-person in theoffice of the general registrar, in the locality inwhich the provisional ballot was cast, and ap-ply for a Virginia Voter Photo ID Card. At thecompletion of the application process, the votermay request a temporary identification docu-ment. This document may be provided to theelectoral board to suffice the identification re-quirement.

CORRECTIONVoters who do not present photo ID and vote

by provisional ballot have until noon on Mon-day, Nov. 14 after the election to present theiridentification. Previous coverage reported thatthe cutoff was Friday.

— Mary Kimm

[email protected]

Vote No Later than Tuesday, Nov. 8Vote early (“absenteein person”) throughSaturday, Nov. 5.


To ServeNot AttackTo the Editor:

With the election a week away,I want to highlight few Islamicteachings related the elections.The Holy Qur’an describes a voteto be a trust.

It says: “Allah commands you tomake over the trusts to those bestfitted to discharge them.” (SurahAl-Nisa [4]:59).

So as an Ahmadi Muslim, it ismy civic and religious duty to dis-charge this trust.

On selecting the rightful candi-date, the prophet Muhammadstated, “A leader of the people isone who serves them” (Sakhavi).I hope and pray that candidates atall levels understand this messageand serve their constituents in bestpossible manner.

At the same time, I hope thatcandidates are involved in positivediscussions how they can servebetter instead of attacking eachother by finding weaknesses in oneother.

Ahmed BajwaChantilly


Email announcements to [email protected]. Include date,time, location, description and contact forevent: phone, email and/or website. Pho-tos and artwork welcome. Deadline isThursday at noon, at least two weeks be-fore event.

ROTARY CLUBChantilly/Centreville Rotary Club,

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. every Tuesdayat Eggspectation Restaurant, 5009Westone Plaza, Chantilly. Join themen and women of the Rotary Clubfor their weekly luncheon meetingand meal. Rotary is a service clubactively involved in the community.Email [email protected] join the group as their guest.

THROUGH NOVEMBERAqua Exercise Flex Passes will be

on sale throughout the month ofNovember at Fairfax County ParkAuthority RECenters and online. Passholders can use the flex passes toattend any water exercise class, spacepermitting, at the county’s nineRECenters. The Park Authority isoffering a 10 percent discount on thepurchase of a 20-visit pass and a 15percent discount on a 30-visit pass.The passes are valid for four monthsfrom the date of purchase.

FRIDAY/NOV. 4Canned Food Drive. 7 p.m. at

Chantilly High School, 4201Stringfellow Road, Chantilly.Chantilly High School is holding theirannual “Best Fans Bring the MostCans” Food Drive competition against

Westfield High School during thevarsity football game. Communitymembers are asked to donate cannedfood. The fans with the most cans byweight will win and be announcedduring halftime. Food will bedonated to Western Fairfax ChristianMinistries Food Pantry and willdirectly benefit members of thecommunity. [email protected] for more.

SATURDAY/NOV. 5American Red Cross Blood Drive 7

a.m.-12:30 p.m. at St. TimothyCatholic Church, 13809 Poplar TreeRoad. The American Red Crossencourages eligible donors to giveblood to help stock the shelves beforethe holiday season. Contact Regina E.Boothe Bratton for more informationat 410-764-6386 [email protected].

Free Water Workouts. 2-5 p.m. atall nine Fairfax County RECenters.The Fairfax County Park Authority ishosting Aquathon 2016 events. Thisfree program for teens and adultsallows participants to sample thewide variety of water exercise classesavailable at the RECenters. or call703-324-8662.

WEDNESDAY/NOV. 9Dulles Regional Chamber

Luncheon. 1:30 pm, at the NationalConference Center, 18980 UpperBelmont Place, Leesburg. DullesRegional Chamber topic “A BusinessCase for Drones?” Tickets are $50-65.To register,

THURSDAY/NOV. 10Registration Open House. 9:30-

11:30 a.m. at Clifton Children’sAcademy, 14315 Compton Road,Centreville. Bring your child andcome take a tour of the campus.Clifton Children’s Academy will beholding registration for spring andfall 2017.Call 703-968-8455 formore.

SATURDAY-SUNDAY/NOV. 12-13Dulles Access Road Overnight

Detour. On or about Nov. 12 at 10p.m. to Nov. 13 at 6 a.m., traffic onthe westbound Dulles InternationalAirport Access Highway (DIAAH) willbe diverted to the westbound DullesToll Road (DTR) between milemarker 8.3 and mile marker 1.8while Dulles Corridor MetrorailProject crews erect steel beams at thesite of the Silver Line’s futureInnovation Center Station.

TUESDAY/NOV. 15Application Deadline. Home Works

Painting is now acceptingnominations for our Paint-It-Forwardproject. Winner will receive $5,000worth of interior painting for free.Paint-It-Forward project is forpersons, families, or nonprofitorganizations who are in need ofinterior painting/drywall repair/carpentry but can’t afford it due tosome difficulties in life that they mayhave experienced. Contact CharlotteWright at 703-629-6543 [email protected].

Bulletin Board

Page 7: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖

See Exploring, Page 9


By Julia Luigs

McLean High School

It’s a simple question, really— what do you want? If youcould have anything in theworld, would you want trea-

sure, to stay young forever, or eventhe power to fly? Imagination andchildhood whimsy collide inChantilly High School’s “Peter andthe Starcatcher,” a play filled with

unending quirks andenough “starstuff” tomake the whole com-pany dazzle.

“Peter and TheStarcatcher” follows the adven-tures of Molly, the aforementioned“Starcatcher.” as she tries to com-plete the mission assigned to her,and the Boy, an orphan with noname and a hatred of grownups.The show is based on the 2006novel by Dave Barry and RidleyPearson, which was written as aprequel to J.M. Barrie’s “Peter andWendy,” the original Peter Panstory known and loved by many.The production premiered Off-Broadway in 2011 before transfer-ring to Broadway in 2012, then

returning to Off-Broadway at NewWorld Stages through 2014.

The cast brought flexibility andfluidity to the narrative. In the roleof Molly Aster, Caroline Barnesstruck the perfect balance of intel-lect and insecurity to model a 13-year-old on the cusp of woman-hood. Alongside Barnes, EvanBelsky soared as the Boy (Peter),drawing on tales of a traumatiz-ing childhood and a grounded de-meanor to construct a heartbreak-ing performance. The innocentromance that blossomed betweenthe two was entirely genuine, com-plete with the common misstepsof young love, such as a sponta-neous kiss that led to heated dis-cussion, as well as unending com-petitive spirit.

Of course, heroes are only asgood as their villains. Luckily, thevillains did not disappoint. Theflamboyant tendencies of roman-tic pirate Black Stache (AdamLeKang) coupled with the zanytheatrics of his right-hand manSmee (Maria Benincasa) made forhilarious moments throughout theshow. LeKang and Benincasa’s en-thusiasm for whatever crazy

scheme they had just cooked upmade the two standout perform-ers delightful to watch. Contrast-ing the crazy was the sweet rela-tionship between Molly’s nannyMrs. Bumbrake (Adriana Castillo)and shiphand Alf (RandyWeidmann). Both actors had mo-ments of charm and hilarity, anddid a fantastic job of portraying

older characters despite little no-ticeable age makeup. Wrappingeverything together into an enter-taining package was the ensemble,whose fluidity as a whole helpedthe show transition smoothly fromone scene to the next.

The technical aspects of theshow combined quirky and classi-cal to create scenes straight out of

a child’s imagination, set andsound especially. The set featureda myriad of different shaped andsized platforms as well as a 4-foot-tall slide decorated with naturalelements that cultivate the idea ofthe ocean and a starry night sky,with just a touch of magic thrownin. Sound added key elements of

On Stage: Exploring a Child’s Fantasy



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8 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016


From Page 3

From Page 3

they came outside, so I did.”Another time, still age 12, he helped di-

rect traffic while Fairfax City and Viennafirefighters were battling another blaze onJermantown. Afterward, one of them toldhim he could volunteer at the Vienna sta-tion when he was 16, which he did — andthe rest is history.

After serving 14 years there, Kirbyswitched to Centreville’s Volunteer FireDepartment in 1990. But it wasn’t in hisplans. “We bought a house in Centrevillewhile I was working [dispatch] shifts forthe police department, and I thought ofgetting out of the fire business,” he said. “Ihad two young boys and we took them toan open house at Station 17, and the peoplethere asked me to join them.”

At the time, he said, “Centreville had sixriding members. But with the past chiefs,we worked to develop the volunteers. Andnow we have one of the strongest depart-ments in the county. When I left as chief,we had 35 operational members and hadbuilt great relationships with career staffthere.”

And Kirby always knew he was making adifference. “My youngest patient was a 24-hour-old baby having trouble breathing,” hesaid. “We took it to the hospital and the babymade it; we saved a life.”

In the early days, he drove both an am-bulance and a fire engine. He later becamea command officer but, since the majorityof calls are for medical emergencies, hecontinued driving an ambulance. He servedas chief from 1992-2006 and then assistantchief. He also became qualified as an inci-dent safety officer.

As chief, Kirby modernized Centreville’s

fleet by buying different types of ambu-lances and fire engines with better capa-bilities. He also campaigned for an all-ter-rain vehicle called a Gator, so they couldreach off-road patients and then transferthem to a regular ambulance.

“There were so many wooded areas inwestern Fairfax County where it was diffi-cult to retrieve patients, such as Bull RunRegional Park and at special events likeCentreville Day, where it wasn’t practicalto get an ambulance through the crowds,”he explained. “The county was slow to re-spond to our request, but the 9/11 attackchanged that.”

During Kirby’s tenure, he helped developan agreement with the Board of Supervi-sors for Station 17 to co-operate the newWest Centreville Station 38. So both stationsprovide its people and vehicles. Kirby alsoacquired two, fire-hazard houses to teachchildren about fire safety. And his stationstarted the Emergency Medical Bike Teamto provide medical care at special events,such as festivals.

Among the big fires was a three-alarmblaze at an apartment complex onWoodmere Drive. “It was challenging be-cause a lot of the fire was in the attic, wherewe couldn’t reach it,” said Kirby. “SoChantilly [firefighters] came and broughta special piece of equipment.” Another time,two residential buildings on BraddockSprings Road caught fire. “It was well-ad-vanced before anyone notified us,” saidKirby. “We had a close call because a ceil-ing collapsed and separated our crew mem-bers and we worried that we’d lost some-one in the fire. But everyone made it outsafely.”

Station 17 became a shelter for the peopledisplaced by that fire, and the station’s La-

dies Auxiliary provided comfort and aid. Itwas also used to shelter 25-30 scared andsoggy Cub Scouts who were stranded by aflood. “Heavy rains flooded the western partof the county while a Scout troop fromMaryland was camping in Bull Run RegionalPark,” said Kirby. “The water rose quicklyand they became trapped, so we had to res-cue them. The Ladies Auxiliary providedblankets and hot food and even opened theBingo game so they had something to do.”

On 9/11, Kirby was on duty for five daysstraight after the attack. The first three days,he was on an engine, countywide, coveringempty stations that had responded to thePentagon. The next two days, he served asbattalion commander for other officers whowere also at the scene. “On 9/11, we mobi-

lized everything we could muster to respondto the attack,” he said. “If the Coke machinehad had a red light on it, I’d have put acrew on it and sent it, too.”

Even during regular fire calls, firefighterscan’t always save everyone. “It’s tough whenyou have to tell someone about the loss ofa loved one, and I did that many, many timesin my 40 years,” said Kirby. “It never goteasier; but the training I received as a vol-unteer prepared me to be strong, and myGod above gave me the strength to know Icould get through it.”

But, he stressed Saturday, “This is a teamsport. I’m humbled by the honor and ap-preciative that you all took time out of yourlives to be here tonight.” Afterward, Kirbysaid he was “overwhelmed. It was an amaz-ing turnout, and I’m humbled by all the nicethings people said. I thank everybody in thecommunity for their support while I waschief, and everybody in the fire departmentfor what I’ve gotten to do. But I couldn’thave done any of it without my family’ssupport.”

Noting the many friendships he madewith both career and volunteer firefightersthrough the years, he said, “So many peoplereally wanted to do the best they could, andhelping the community was the most re-warding part. I’ve enjoyed everything I’vedone, but I wanted to retire before suffer-ing any permanent injuries.”

“It’s a very challenging and demandingjob, physically and emotionally,” continuedKirby. “It’s not easy work. You do difficulttasks and see things people shouldn’t everhave to see. I’ll miss responding to calls,working with the career staff and being acommander for special events. But it’s timefor younger folks to do it and for me to starta new chapter.”

“The fire department also brought ourparents together,” said Kevin. “They metright here [at the Vienna station], as teen-agers. She loitered at ball games across thestreet and he was a straight-laced sergeant.But after a chance meeting through friends,they grew on each other.”

Mike said they were married by a justiceof the peace in 1980 while wearing bluejeans. Years later, he said, “There was a timeat Centreville when he was the chief andshe was the president.”

Growing up, recalled Kevin, “Dinnertimeat our house was the best. We got to hearall about the daily mayhem. Dad would in-terrupt his own stories to pull out his pager— sometimes he had two — read an as-signment and jump up from the table. Ashe suited up to respond, my brother and Iwere so excited when he kissed us goodbye.Mom would say, ‘Go get ’em, honey.’ Forsome reason, I always told him, ‘Bring backa cheese pizza,’ [and] sometimes he did.”

Michael remembered being 14 and home

alone one summer day and calling his dadat work as a tornado touched down inCentreville. “His colleague said he was busy,which I knew, because I had the scanneron,” said Michael. “But he called me rightback with instructions for taking cover.

“I remember him leaving for duty beforeHurricane Hugo and loading a relief truckafter [Hurricane] Andrew. And I rememberwhen he toured Mississippi in a helicopterafter Katrina. He told us about seeing afirehouse that had blown away. The imageof just the front bays left standing on a con-

crete slab is still haunting.”All their lives, added Kevin, “Mike and I

have seen, heard and learned directly fromour father about what and who and whenand even where it takes a man to be at theright place for someone else in need —whether they’re in pain or they could justuse a few motivating words — down to howto serve an entire community, wherever andwhenever needed.”

“Our father embodies selflessness, hero-ism and humility,” said Michael. “He isgreat, good man. He’s earned people’s re-spect as a public servant and our admira-tion as his sons. Neither of us became fire-men, and he never pushed us to.”

But, said Kevin, their dad taught them“how to be gentlemen, how to treat womenand how to treat ourselves after a job welldone. He also taught us how to work hardat a goal or a passion and know deep downthat, no matter how wild it may be, nomatter where on the totem pole you reside,you can reach it. Basically, a little manpowercan move a mountain.”

Michael then led everyone in a toast to

those attending who “answer the call ofstrangers — and to our father, who woulddo it all over again.”

Kirby’s brother Michael said how muchhe appreciates everything Pete’s done, andhis sister Ann Marie said he’s always been“a steady, guiding force” in her life. LaurenKirby said her husband is all about servingthe community and earned any recognitionhe received.

“He put the department and its membersfirst and helped train them,” she said. “Hecares deeply for the things his volunteerscare for. Our home phone rang at all hoursof the day and night, with both operationaland personal questions, because they knewthey had a chief they could count on.

“Pete went to all the funerals offirefighters [throughout the U.S.] to honortheir service and served during 9/11. Andhe went to hospitals many times to checkon patients he’d transported, the day be-fore. He gave his time, talents, compassionand sense of humor. And, Pete, we love andhonor you and thank you for giving 40 yearsof service.”

A Man of ‘Selflessness, Heroism and Humility’

Photo by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection

Pete Kirby addresses the crowd.

Kirby Looks Back While Preparing for the Future

Photo by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection

Charlie Singleton (left), formerVienna VFD chief, gives Pete Kirbya plaque honoring him in theCongressional Record.

Page 9: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖


To highlightyour faith




bThe Church of the Ascension

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and the King James Bible with Apocrypha (703) 830-3176

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in the “Old Stone Church”of Historic Centreville

The Church of the Ascension(703) 830-3176

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Centreville UnitedMethodist Church

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From left:EvanBelsky,CalebMitchell,GabeRibeiro,andCarolineBarnes.

From Page 7

Exploring a Child’s Fantasyrealism to the show, including shipcreaking noises, magical tinklingbells, and a cacophony of storm

sounds to close out Act 1.Chantilly High School composed

a child’s fantasy with their produc-tion of “Peter and the Starcatcher.”

With outrageous characters, phe-nomenal tech, and enough sur-prises to fill a trunk, playing pre-tend has never seemed so real.

Photo by

Stu Cooper

Free CarseatInspections

Certified technicians from theSully District Police Station willperform free, child safety carseatinspections Thursday, Nov. 10,from 5-8:30 p.m., at the station,4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly.No appointment is necessary. Butresidents should install the childsafety seats themselves so techni-cians may properly inspect andadjust them, as needed.

Because of time constraints, onlythe first 35 vehicles arriving oneach date will be inspected. Thatway, inspectors may have enoughtime to properly instruct thecaregiver on the correct use of thechild seat. Call 703-814-7000, ext.5140, to confirm dates and times.

Food DonationsWestern Fairfax Christian Min-

istries’ food pantry needs dona-tions of 1-2 pound bags of rice;fruit juice; jelly; red, white or blackbeans (can or bagged); cannedvegetables (no green beans of cornneeded); macaroni and cheese;can pasta; pasta sauce; and pasta(spaghetti, rotini, elbow, etc.).

Contact Terri Kelly [email protected] if willing tocoordinate a food drive.


Page 10: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

10 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016

Adopt Volunteer DonateThe Treasure Hound

14508-D Lee Road,Chantilly, VA

(Corner of Rt. 50 and Lee Rd.One light West of Rt. 28)


A No-Kill Shelter for Cats & Dogs

Varietyof BeautifulTreasures


Your LocalUpscale Resale StoreAll Proceeds Benefit

Friends ofHomeless Animals

From Page 5


Blessings,” which he sings alone andas a duet with Kate Ives, who playsBob’s love-interest, Betty. “It’s got agreat sentiment,” said Totten. “Themessage is; No matter how badthings seem, you can count yourblessings and get through it.”

Calling it a show good for thewhole family, Totten said, “Mostpeople are familiar with the story,and Irving Berlin’s music will appealto all ages. And you can’t get anybetter entertainment for $15.”

Portraying the financially strug-gling inn-owner, Gen. Waverly, isthe Rev. Bruce Burslie. “He’s toughon the exterior, but soft on the inte-rior,” said Burslie. “He’s having ahard time not being in the Army,anymore. But his former troops re-ally love him, so they’re trying tohelp him. I love this part because Ispent 27 years in the Army, andWaverly’s a fine example of leadership. And I likethat he’s a general on the outside, but a caring per-son on the inside.”

Burslie especially likes the title song, “White Christ-mas,” which he sings with an ensemble. “It’s senti-mental, represents the meaning of Christmas to meand embodies the Christmas spirit,” he explained.“This is a nostalgic, family show, and the audiencewill enjoy the music, the period setting and the hu-mor – and it’s basically a love story.”

Fairfax resident Katherine Iooss, an FCPS elemen-tary-school music teacher, plays Judy Haynes. “Sheand her sister Betty are looking for their big break,”said Iooss. “Judy tries to make it happen by gettingPhil and Bob to come see them perform in New York.Then they all end up performing at the inn together,and Phil plays matchmaker between Bob and Betty,while he and Judy connect.”

“Judy is fun-loving and outgoing, but Betty’s morestraight-laced,” continued Iooss. “Judy’s smart, wantsa career for a while and wants to help her big sistermake it in show biz. She sees Betty as the real star-let.”

Saying she’s “having a blast” with her role, Ioosssaid, “It’s fun to find out I can do some things I didn’tthink I could, like dancing onstage. My late momwas a dancer, and I carry her makeup case onstagewith me. I teach music to kids all day long; but ev-

ery night, I get to do it, myself.”She loves singing the harmonies in “Sisters” and “I

Love a Piano.” Because she’s a soprano, she doesn’tusually get to perform harmonies. So, said Iooss, “Thislets me challenge myself, and it’s fun.” She said thiscleverly written show will let the audience escapefrom the serious news of today’s world into a simplertime. “They’ll love the music and our fabulous pia-nist – the whole experience,” said Iooss. “And withthe witty lines, plus the songs of Irving Berlin, youcan’t go wrong.”

Portraying Phil Davis is Buz Ringler. “He’s a ladies’man who likes to play the field,” said Ringler. “Al-though he doesn’t want to give up his single life, he’ssmitten with Judy. He and Bob are good buddies; inthe Army, Phil was a private, and Bob, a captain, soPhil always feels intimidated by the general.”

“I love my role,” continued Ringler. “It’s fun to playa playboy and flirt with the females in the cast. AndI also get to sing and dance, which is great. My fa-vorite number is ‘I Love a Piano.’ I saw this show onBroadway and always wanted to do it because of thatsong. It’s a fun, upbeat tune that Judy and Phil singtogether.”

Overall, he said, “‘White Christmas’ is a great showfor this time of year, and you can’t beat the music.The audience will leave the theater not humming,but singing, the songs.”

This Saturday, Nov. 5, Cub Scouts and BoyScouts will be out in Centreville andChantilly neighborhoods delivering empty

grocery bags with a flyer asking for food donations.The hope is that people will fill them with food forWestern Fairfax Christian Ministries’ (WFCM) foodpantry for local families in need. They should thenplace the bags outside their front doors by 9 a.m. onSaturday, Nov. 12, for pickup.

The Scouts will collect non-perishable items,such as canned soup, meats, vegetables, fruit, ce-real, rice, oatmeal, macaroni and cheese, pasta andsauce (no glass jars), peanut butter and jelly, driedbeans, canned tomatoes, etc. Scouting for Food is

the largest food drive of the year for WFCM’s foodpantry.

More than 150 youth and adult volunteers areneeded to help throughout the day. Shifts are avail-able between10 a.m. and 4 p.m. for set up and teardown, sorting, crating and transporting of food onFriday, Nov. 11. Individuals, small groups, families,service clubs, and students needing community ser-vice hours are encouraged to volunteer.

WFCM also needs volunteers with trucks and strongbacks to help transport 30- 50-pound crates from thesorting site to the food pantry and/or local storageareas. For more information and to sign up, contactAnnette Bosley at [email protected].

Volunteers Needed for Food Drive

Getting into Holiday Spirit

Photo Courtesy of Suzy McCarthy

From left: Bruce Burslie (General Waverley), JuneJohnson (Susan), and Kathy Young (Martha) are per-forming in “White Christmas.”

Page 11: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖

36th Annual

Over 100 Crafters, the Gently Used Book Sale,a wonderful Bake Sale, & Raffles.

Breakfast and Lunch items available throughout the day!Saint Timothy Catholic School

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Special thank you to

Email announcements to [email protected]. Include date,time, location, description and contact forevent: phone, email and/or website. Pho-tos and artwork welcome. Deadline isThursday at noon, at least two weeks be-fore event.

ONGOING.Fields of Fear. Through Nov. 5, 7:30-

11 p.m. at Cox Farms, 16521Braddock Road, Centreville. Thefriendly Imaginature Trail takes adark turn for Fields of Fear,transforming into The Forest: Back40. The Forest has doubled in lengthfor 2016, and now consists of half amile of fear. The Forest joins twoother haunted attractions at Fields ofFear, the Dark Side Hayride and theCornightmare. The Firegroundsfeature several bonfires, a six-laneslide, music, entertainment, tastytreats, and Fear Games, including thedark maze, Nyctophobia. Tickets are$6-17. Visit formore.

White House Ornament Sale.GFWC Western Fairfax CountyWoman’s Club is selling 2016 WhiteHouse Christmas ornaments. Thisyear’s ornament honors our 31stPresident, Herbert Hoover. Theornament, inspired by a White Housefire on Christmas Eve, 1929, is a firetruck carrying a Christmas tree.Ornaments are $21. Call 703-378-6841 or 703-378- 6216. It is possibleto order previous years’ ornaments.

Art Guild of Clifton Exhibit. 10a.m.-8 p.m. at Clifton Wine Shop,7145 Main St., Clifton. Includes oilpaintings of European settings;doors, windows, and flower shops.Free. Call 703-409-0919 for more.

Carolina Shag Dance. Wednesdays,6:30-10 p.m. at Arlington/FairfaxElks Lodge, 8421 Arlington Blvd.,Fairfax. Free lessons at 7:30 p.m.; nopartners needed; dinner menu at6:45 p.m. Tickets are $8. for more.

Open Rehearsal. Wednesdays, 7:30p.m. at Lord of Life church, 13421Twin Lakes Drive, Centreville. TheFairfax Jubil-Aires barbershop chorusinvites men of all ages who enjoysinging. Free. for more.

Toddlin’ Twos. Tuesdays, 10:30 and11:30 a.m. at the Chantilly Library,4000 Stringfellow Road. Earlyliteracy storytime with songs andactivities included. Age 2 withcaregiver, free. Call 703-502-3883 toreserve a spot.

Storytime for Three to Fives.Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. at the ChantillyLibrary, 4000 Stringfellow Road.Stories and activities for children age3-5 with caregiver. Free. Call 703-502-3883 to reserve a spot.

English Conversation Group.Thursdays, 7 p.m. at the ChantillyLibrary, 4000 Stringfellow Road.Practice English with a group ofstudents and adults. Free. Call 703-502-3883 to reserve a space.

English Conversation Group.Selected Saturdays, 3 p.m. at theCentreville Regional Library, 14200St. Germain Drive. Practice Englishwith a group of students and adults.Free. Call 703-830-2223 for a list ofdates.

English Conversation Group.Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. at the ChantillyLibrary, 4000 Stringfellow Road.Practice English with a group ofstudents and adults. Free. Call 703-502-3883 to reserve a space.

Plant Clinic. Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. atthe Chantilly Library, 4000Stringfellow Road. A neighborhoodplant clinic with horticultural tips,information, techniques, and advice.Free. Call 703-502-3883 to reserve aspace.

ESL Book Club. Mondays, 7 p.m. atthe Centreville Regional Library,14200 St. Germain Drive. Meet and

discuss a book chosen by group. Free.Call 703-830-2223 with questionsand to reserve a spot.

ESL Book Club. Every other Saturday,11 a.m. at the Chantilly Library, 4000Stringfellow Road. Adults learningEnglish are welcome to meet anddiscuss a book chosen by the group.To find out book title, call 703-502-3883.

Lego Block Party. Every otherTuesday, 3 p.m. at the ChantillyLibrary, 4000 Stringfellow Road.Legos will be provided for anafternoon of building. Grades 3-6.Free. Call 703-502-3883 to reserve aspot.

Duplo Storytime. Every otherWednesday, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. atthe Chantilly Library, 4000Stringfellow Road. Develop andreinforce early literacy skills forreading success. Ages 1-3 with adult.Free. Call 703-502-3883 to reserve aspot.

Legos Kids Club. Every otherTuesday, 10:30 a.m. at theCentreville Regional Library, 14200St. Germain Drive. Thousands ofLegos for children to play with. Ages6-12. Free. Call 703-830-2223 toreserve a space.

Starlight Storytime. Every otherWednesday, 7 p.m. at the CentrevilleRegional Library, 14200 St. GermainDrive. Stories under the stars for ages4-8. Wear pajamas and bring stuffedfriends. Free. Call 703-830-2223 toreserve a space.

PET ADOPTIONSAdopt a Cat or Dog. Fridays, 6:30-

8:30 p.m. at PetSmart, 12971 FairLakes Center, Fairfax. for more.

Adopt a Dog. Saturdays, 12-3 p.m. atPetco, 13053 Lee Jackson Highway.Visit for more.

Adopt a Dog. Sundays, 1-4 p.m. atPetco, 13053 Lee Jackson MemorialHwy. Adopt a puppy or for more.

Adopt a Dog. Saturdays, 1-4 p.m. atPetSmart, 12971 Fair Lakes Center,Fairfax. Adopt a puppy or dog. for more.

FRIDAY/NOV. 4Author Event. 7:30 p.m. at the Fairfax

County Government Center’s BoardAuditorium, 12000 GovernmentCenter Parkway, Fairfax. BrandonMull is the author of the bestsellingFablehaven, Beyonders and FiveKingdoms series as well as titles inthe Spirit Animals series. Booksavailable for sale and signing.Cosponsored by the Friends of thePohick Regional Library and theFriends of the Richard Byrd Library.Ages 7 to adult. Sign up at 703-324-8428.

FRIDAY-TUESDAY/NOV. 4-8Cox Farms Fall Festival. 10 a.m.-6

p.m. at 16521 Braddock Road,Centreville. The Fall Festival featureshayrides, giant slides, rope swings,the Cornundrum Cornfieldadventure, the Imaginature Trail, andall sorts of farm animals and theirbabies. Tickets are $6-17. for more.

SATURDAY/NOV. 5Civil War Soldier Campfire. 5:30

p.m. at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park,5040 Walney Road, Chantilly. In1861 and 1862, Confederate soldierscamped at Walney Farm, and theproperty was overrun by Unionsoldiers after the Second Battle ofManassas. Join a reenactorportraying one of these soldiers andsettle in for a Civil War SoldierCampfire. Practice drilling with thereenactor, and see a musket-firingdemonstration. Try some hardtack

that soldiers commonly ate, followedby s’mores. Tickets are $10. or call 703-631-0013.

15th Anniversary HomeAidNorthern Virginia Gala &Auction. 6:30-8 p.m. at WestfieldsMarriott Washington Dulles Hotel,14750 Conference Center Drive,Chantilly. HomeAid NorthernVirginia celebrates its 15thAnniversary. Tickets are $200. for more.

SATURDAY-SUNDAY/NOV. 5-6Cox Farms Pumpkin Madness. 10

a.m.-5 p.m. at 16521 Braddock Road,Centreville. Bring an old Jack-O-Lantern and destroy it by using thehigh drop, squisher, smasher, orstomping ground. Tickets are $6-17.Visit for more.

Mini Maker Faire. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. atBarnes & Noble, 12193 Fair LakesPromenade Drive, Fairfax. A widerange of events for every age, abilityand interest. Weekend-longcelebration will feature coding andprogramming, 3D drawing,exploration of mechanical builds,motorized enhanced mechanisms,augmented and virtual reality, andFlint Hill School students willdemonstrate some of the team’scurrent project. Free. Call 703-278-0300 for more.

SUNDAY/NOV. 6Dancing With My Baby. 10:30-11

a.m. at NOVA Natural Birth Center,4200a Technology Court, Chantilly.Connect through movement, dance,yoga, and the expressive arts as youand your family share in learningsimple dance routines to music,practice yoga poses, relax, and createart. Admission is on “pay what youcan” basis. Visit for more.

MONDAY/NOV. 7Animal Vets at Ellanor C.

Lawrence Park. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. atEllanor C. Lawrence Park, 5040Walney Road. Learn what goes intotaking care of all the exotic andanimals at a nature center. Thisprogram costs $65 per child in-county and $80 out-of-county. Callthe park at 703-631-0013 or

SUNDAY/NOV. 13Dancing With My Baby. 10:30-11

a.m. at NOVA Natural Birth Center,4200a Technology Court, Chantilly.Connect through movement, dance,yoga, and the expressive arts as youand your family share in learningsimple dance routines to music,practice yoga poses, relax, and createart. Admission is on “pay what youcan” basis. Visit for more.

SUNDAY/NOV. 20Dancing With My Baby. 10:30-11

a.m. at NOVA Natural Birth Center,4200a Technology Court, Chantilly.Connect through movement, dance,yoga, and the expressive arts as youand your family share in learningsimple dance routines to music,practice yoga poses, relax, and createart. Admission is on “pay what youcan” basis. Visit for more.

NTRAK Scale Model Train Show. 1-4 p.m. at at the Fairfax StationRailroad Museum, 11200 FairfaxStation Road. Adults 16 and over -$4; children 5 to 15- $2; 4 and under– free; museum members – free. or call 703-425-9225.


Page 12: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

12 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016

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By Marilyn Campbell

The Connection

Holiday weight gain between Halloweenand New Year’s Eve is not only com-mon, a new study published in the NewEngland Journal of Medicine found the

issue to be global. Researchers tracked the weight ofnearly 3,000 people in the United States, Germanyand Japan, and found that every single person stud-ied gained weight during theperiod of time from October toJanuary.

“Some people … just give upon [weight management] dur-ing the holiday season. WithHalloween candy, Thanksgivingand then Christmas, I thinksome people say, ‘I’m just goingto deal with it in the New Year,’”said Domenica M. Rubino,M.D., of the Washington Cen-ter for Weight Management andResearch in Arlington, Va. “It’seasy to get derailed that way.It’s better to say, ‘How am I go-ing to manage it?

What different ways can I cel-ebrate?’”

In fact, Rubino advises pa-tients to consider starting aweight-management programbefore the holiday season. “Itgives them a little extra struc-ture during the holidays,” shesaid.

There are a few, simple ways to combat those holi-day pounds today. “From a nutrition perspective, startthinking about it now,” said Dietician LaurenTrocchio. “Know that you’ll beat a party or a dinner and therewill be a lot of food accessibleto you and have a plan.”

Avoid arriving at a party onan empty stomach. “Keep upwith a routine so you’re not toohungry,” said PsychotherapistRaquel Willerman. You willhave a better chance of makinga wise food choice if you’re notstarving.”

Also, be aware of what foodtraditions may be most impor-tant or memorable. “For somepeople, it doesn’t feel like it’sthe holidays if we don’t havesweet potatoes with marshmal-lows on top or mashed potatoes with gravy, even ifthose food choices are a detriment to their health,”said Rubino.

Therefore, watching alcohol consumption andpracticing portion control rather than forgoing tempt-ing foods altogether are among Trocchio’s recommen-dations.

“If you’re going to have holiday cocktails, your in-hibitions might be lower, so you can try limiting yourcocktails and alternating them with seltzer,” saidTrocchio. “Rather than substituting fat free versionsof food that you want, practice portion control.”

Caring for one’s emotional well-being can mitigatethe risk of over eating as well. “Know ahead of timethat a lot of things will be overwhelming,” saidWillerman. “There will be an increased number offamily members in close proximity, there could be

traveling, the amount offood, there are a lot of over-whelming things happeningat once.”

Such mindfulness prac-tices can help people avoidemotional eating traps. “Go-ing home can be stressfulduring the holidays,” saidRubino. “It can be a triggerto use food to help calm andcope.”

To manage feelings ofanxiety or stress in suchsituations, Willerman rec-ommends diaphragmaticbreathing — also known asbelly breathing or deepbreathing. “Take 10 breathsand push your stomach outlike a balloon, she said. “Itforces a kind of relaxationresponse to help you notfeel overwhelmed. Whenpeople get overwhelmed,you become more of an

emotional thinker and it’s more difficult to thinkthrough and activate the plan.”

In addition to a dietary plan, an exercise plan iscritical, too. “Ask yourself,‘What am I going to dowhen the weather getscolder?’ said Rubino. “Plan-ning is most important go-ing into the season. Youneed winter transition exer-cises.”

Among the activities thatRubino recommends iswalking at an indoor loca-tion like a museum or shop-ping mall. “It is harder whenit gets colder and darker, butthe idea is to get peoplemoving in a way that buildsit into their day-to-day life,like taking the stairs,” she

said. “It should be a sustainable change like brush-ing your teeth, so that it feels really weird if youdon’t do it.

“You can get the whole family involved with anactivity like dancing with a Wii. You can start somekind of tradition with an activity that gets peopleoutside.”

Advanced planning is key to keeping off pounds.

Managing Weight GainDuring the Holidays

Photo by Marilyn Campbell

Develop a plan now to combatholiday weight gain.

“Some people … justgive up on [weightmanagement] during theholiday season. ... Somepeople say, ‘I’m just goingto deal with it in the NewYear.’ It’s easy to getderailed that way.”

— Domenica M. Rubino, M.D.


Page 13: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016 ❖


By Tim Peterson

The Connection

By its Dec. 6 meeting, the FairfaxCounty Board of Supervisorsshould have the opportunity tovote on creating a Civilian Review

Panel for police oversight, a first in Fairfax.That’s the goal of supervisor John Cook

(R-Braddock), who chairs the board’s pub-lic safety committee. The committee metTuesday, Oct. 25 to consider a draft of theaction item that would establish the reviewpanel.

The independent panel was one of themore controversial of the 142 recommen-dations from the Ad Hoc Police PracticesReview Commission created by board chair-man Sharon Bulova in 2015.

The commission, with representativesfrom law enforcement, the media and thecommunity at large, was set up in responseto a lack of transparency and accountabil-ity surrounding the 2013 shooting death ofunarmed Springfield man John Geer byFairfax County Police officer Adam Torres.

Fairfax County Police and the supervisorsdidn’t release information about the casefor more than a year after Geer’s death, evento his family. It took a wrongful death civilsuit filed by the family and a court order tofinally get investigation files and Torres’name released.

Torres was fired in July 2015 and indictedby a grand jury for murder in August 2015,a first charge of that kind for any officer inthe history of Fairfax County Police.

The former police officer pleaded guiltyto involuntary manslaughter and was re-leased in June, after receiving credit for timeserved for a 12-month sentence.

On Sept. 20, the supervisors unanimouslyapproved another recommendation fromthe commission: creating an office of theindependent police auditor.

The auditor will review all use of forceincidents that result in serious injury or

death, as well as other citi-zen complaints about policeuse of force not resulting inserious injury or death.

In addition, the auditorcould engage in policy andpractice analysis, as sug-gested by the Board of Su-pervisors, County Executiveor Chief of Police.

BY CONTRAST, the civil-ian review panel would “re-view completed police in-ternal administrative inves-tigations of civilian com-plaints concerning allega-tions of abuse of authorityand serious misconduct,”according to the draft ac-tion item.

At the Oct. 25 meeting,Cook specified the civilianreview panel would notconduct investigations.Rather, the panel would re-view investigation files anddecide whether the police’sown review was “well done,not well done or needsmore work,” Cook said.

If they determine morework is required, the panelwould be able to send the issue back to thepolice.

Citizens could initiate that process in twoways, Cook explained: If they file a com-plaint with the police department but areunsatisfied with the results of an investiga-tion, they can bring the matter to the civil-ian review panel. Or they could submit acomplaint to the panel directly, which couldrequest an investigation be conducted bypolice, that could then be reviewed by thepanel.

Review of the investigations would hap-pen at public meetings held by the panel.Fairfax County Chief of Police EdwinRoessler and an officer from the InternalAffairs Bureau would attend these hearingsto offer additional explanation, but involvedofficers can’t be required to come before thepanel or answer questions, under the Code

of Virginia.Adrian Steel, a member of the Ad Hoc

Commission, said the goal of the meetingwas to provide the public with a “full andfair presentation” of an investigation review.

The meeting before the panel would pro-vide a place for the complainant to appear“and have his or her day,” Steel said. ButCook raised questions about whether thecomplainant should speak at the meeting,and if so, what limits might be in place.

Cook and Deputy County Executive DaveRohrer said the complainant could state thereasons he or she asked for a review. Rohrersaid that since police investigators will ap-pear before the panel to answer questions,it would be fair to allow the complainantto speak as well.

The board will also need to finalize crite-ria for who would be eligible to serve onthe nine-person panel. All panel memberswould be appointed by the supervisors, butthey would encourage communities and or-ganizations to nominate candidates. Otherpotential criteria would exclude current andformer Fairfax County employees, as wellas current law enforcement officers andanyone holding public office.

Panel access to sensitive documents thatwould be part of the investigation files cre-ated another area of controversy.

Police Officer 1st Class Richard Barronsaid members of the department are “veryconcerned” with the fact that volunteer ci-vilians would have that type of access.

Det. Sean Corcoran, president of theFairfax Coalition of Police Local 5000 and amember of the Ad Hoc Commission, saidit’s about “who has access to what, andwhen, and why.”

Corcoran echoed a suggestion made by

Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) and separatelyby Supervisor Kathy Smith(D-Sully) that the boardcould wait to establish thecivilian review panel untilafter the independent audi-tor office is up and running.

Barron challenged theneed for a Civilian ReviewPanel and said the reviewsthe police conduct on them-selves are adequate. “I don’tsee a legitimate need for it,”he said.

“I don’t think there’s anypurpose” for another levelof review, Barron said, add-ing that officers feel thispanel is being “rammeddown their throats.”

Unlike Barron andCorcoran, Chief of Police forFairfax County EdwinRoessler voiced support forthe panel. He acknowl-edged “we have a great de-partment,” but said he be-lieves in moving forwardwith engaging in the com-munity in this way, whileprotecting the rights of of-ficers.

BOARD CHAIRMAN Sharon Bulova askedCorcoran, who voted in favor of the Ad Hoccommission’s final list of recommendations,if he’d changed his mind since then.Corcoran responded he had lobbied againstthe panel prior to the final vote, but wasoutnumbered. Herrity said he supports in-dependent oversight, but is concerned thatthe fiscal impact of the panel is unknown.

“In the face of a $200 million shortfall,”he said, referring to budget projections,“we’re creating a huge workload for thepolice department with no gain.”

The draft item states, the civilian reviewpanel would be created “for the purpose ofbuilding and maintaining public trust andpolice legitimacy.”

Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville)asked that staff begin to develop a signifi-cant education and training program forpanel members on topics including FOIA,handling of sensitive information and othertopics. Supervisor Cathy Hudgins (D-HunterMill) spoke of the importance of formingthe panel. “This is the best for you,” shetold the police organization representatives,noting that the community must be able tosee the process. “I don’t think we have analternative.”

The Board of Supervisors expects to voteon the proposal for Civilian Review Panelat its Dec. 6 regular meeting, with docu-ments posted the week before. The nextpublic safety committee meeting is sched-uled for Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. at the FairfaxCounty Government Center, 12000 Govern-ment Center Parkway in Fairfax. More in-formation is available

Supervisors To Vote on Civilian Review PanelDraft item discussedat Oct. 25 PublicSafety Committee.

Police Officer 1st Class Richard Barron (center) said mem-bers of the police department are “very concerned” thatvolunteer civilians would have access to sensitive files aspart of police investigation packets.

From left, Ad Hoc Police Practices Review Commission and subcommit-tee members Randy Sayles, John Lovaas, Phil Niedzielski-Eichner andGeorge Becerra attend the Board of Supervisors public safety committeemeeting on Oct. 25.



s by Tim



he C




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Not a WeekIn the Knees

This is an easy week. No 24-hour urine col-lection on Tuesday. No pre-chemotherapy labwork on Wednesday. No stress on Thursdaywaiting for the lab results (to determine if I goin for chemotherapy on Friday). No chemother-apy infusion on Friday. No subsequent sideeffects: fatigue, general discomfort, eating chal-lenges, etc., for the following Saturday to 10-days-later-Monday. No CT Scan. No P.E.T. Scan.No M.R.I. of the brain and/or liver. No anxietyconcerning the results, and no follow-upappointment with the oncologist to assess thedamage/discuss the results from all of theabove. And most importantly, no strategy ses-sion (with my oncologist) to consider the treat-ment options because things have changed forthe worse, which at least for this quarterlymoment in time, they have not! For a cancerpatient undergoing treatment for an incurabledisease, this week is as good as it gets.

Given my chemotherapy infusion intervals:alternating between four and five weeks; myCT Scan intervals: occurring quarterly; my P.E.T.Scan and M.R.I. intervals: every six months —and not every infusion/scan is on a similarday/date schedule, I probably experience thekind of relative calm I described in the openingparagraph, one to two weeks out of every fouror five weeks (depending on my infusion sched-ule) per quarter. Every third month, this ‘relativecalm’ is interrupted by my recurring scans andM.R.I.s. To try and summarize, I would saythere’s probably three to five of these one-to-two-week intervals over the course of sixmonths when I can semi inhale and breathenormally (lung cancer-related issues notwith-standing). Hey, I’m not complaining; it’s a livingand one I’m incredibly lucky to still have, nearlyeight years post diagnosis. I’m just saying.

And though I’m generally not in thechicken-counting business (nor am I in the col-lecting my eggs-in-one-basket business, either),I am happy take my life one day at a time, andcount myself fortunate to do so, never presum-ing any facts not in evidence. Nor do I expectany guarantees or clarification concerning mypresent/future treatment and/or any sideeffects, challenges, compromises, relating toyours truly having cancer. As Linda Hunt asStella, a k a “The Midnight Star” (she “alwaysshines at night”) said to Kevin Kline — asPaden, in a bar scene from the movie “Si-lverado:” “The world is what you make of itfriend. If it doesn’t fit, you make alterations.”

As a cancer patient, ‘alterations’ is exactlywhat you make. Every day. Every night. Everylab. Every infusion. Every scan. Every appoint-ment with your oncologist. Change, as hasoften been said, is the one constant. To expectconsistency or predictability — or dare I say,normalcy — in your cancer life, is out of thequestion and beyond the realm of possibility.Thinking otherwise is creating additional stressregarding an outcome/eventuality which notonly is beyond your control, but totally unrealis-tic, too.

Cancer is like a roller coaster, but one with-out any tracks; and one that rarely returns tothe station to allow you to get off and get yourbearings. For cancer patients, the trip is non-stop, with few opportunities to change direc-tion. All you can do is buckle up and enjoy theride, sort of. Much easier said than done, Iadmit.

Nevertheless, viewing one’s circumstanceswithout any hope or humor is hardly the posi-tive attitude worth embracing. There’s good, asthis column seeks to highlight; and more thanenough bad, as any cancer patient/othersimpacted by this terrible disease knows, to goaround. As much as I wish it had gone aroundsomewhere else, the reality is, it hasn’t and itlooks as if it’s here to stay; just like me (frommy pen to God’s eyes).

Light tomorrow with today!.-Elizabeth Barret Browing

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An expert is someone who knowssome of the

worst mistakesthat can bemade in his

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By Will Palenscar

The Connection

When Chantilly and Centrevillemet on Friday night, Oct. 28,playoff implications were at

stake. After consecutive wins at Mclean andOakton, Chantilly came into game losinglast week’s game with Briar Woods 42-3.Centreville defeated Oakton and Herndonbefore being handled by Westfield, 35-0.

Just a minute and a half into the game,Centreville’s Deonte Edmonds burst 53yards to the end zone to take a 7-0 lead.Edmonds was not finished. On the first playof the 2nd quarter Edmonds would score hissecond touchdown on a 2-yard run.

Chantilly would get on the board with9:04 to play in the 2nd quarter when MarkHarper ran in from 5 yards out to pull theChargers closer, 14-7. A little over two min-utes later Centreville’s Julian Garrett wouldbe on the receiving end of QB Jameel Siler’spass and take it 37 yards for the score.Centreville still had more. This time Silerran in from 1 yard out and the Wildcatswere up 28-7 at the half.

Centreville would start the second halfeven faster getting in the end zone with only28 seconds elapsed, as Julian Garrett burst46 yards for a Wildcat touchdown. Trailing

35-7, the Chargers still had fight in them.After catching a pass and bursting towardsthe end zone, Corey Thomas dove and ex-tended the ball over the pylon with 6:23 toplay in the 3rd.

Centreville, still up 35-14, again re-sponded when Julian Garrett scored his 3rd

touchdown of the game on a 1-yard runwith 2:27 in the 3rd. Little more than aminute later Chantilly’s Justin Holl hit CoreyThomas again, this time for a 68 yard touch-down and the Chargers last score, cuttingthe lead to 42-21 with 1:21 in the 3rd.

In the 4th quarter Centreville’s Isaiah Cul-ver scored the game’s final points when heran in from 25 yards and Centreville wouldclose the door on Chantilly 49-21.

Centreville was led by Julian Garrett’s 3TDs, including one through the air and theother two rushing. Deonte Edmonds scoredtwo rushing touchdowns; QB Jameel Silercompleted 7-12 passes for 141 yards and aTD. Chantilly’s Mark Harper scored once forthe Chargers. Corey Thomas scored twice.

With the win Centreville improves to (7-2) (3-1) and will travel to Robinson (4-5)(2-2), who lost to Broad Run on Friday.Chantilly suffers its second consecutive lossand falls to (4-5) (2-2) and will hostWestfield (7-2) (3-0). Westfield defeatedHerndon 48-7 on Friday night.

Centreville Defeats Chantilly



s by W

ill Palen


Keylan Smith #4 and teammate Joey Mazzone work together to stopthe Centreville running game.

MarkHarpers 5yard TDrun pulledChantillywithin 7points inthe 2ndquarter.

Page 16: Chantilly Wellbeing - Ellington · Chantilly Connection ... with Kirby when he drove an ambulance for Centreville’s

16 ❖ Chantilly Connection ❖ November 2-8, 2016