chaos bot 2.1.0 user guide

Chaos Bot 2.1.0 Chaos Bot 2.1.0 User Guide Chaos Bot 2.1.0 by TrueMu Page 1 of 30

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Page 1: Chaos Bot 2.1.0 User Guide

Chaos Bot 2.1.0Chaos Bot 2.1.0User Guide

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Directory of ContentsList of Changes.............................................................................................4

Changes in Version 2.1:............................................................................4Changes in Version 2.0:............................................................................4

Introduction...................................................................................................5Quick Start Guide – Basic Use.....................................................................6

For all Classes..........................................................................................6Running as EE..........................................................................................7Running as AE..........................................................................................8Running as DW / DK...............................................................................9Running as DL.......................................................................................10Running as MG......................................................................................11

The User Interface Reference.....................................................................12The EE Tab........................................................................................13The AE Tab........................................................................................14The DW Tab......................................................................................15The AFK Tab.....................................................................................16The Opt Tab.......................................................................................18

The Hotkeys................................................................................................19Fixing Color Detection Issues.....................................................................20

Fixing Item Detection............................................................................20Fixing Inventory Open/Close issues......................................................22

Known Problems.........................................................................................23ATI Catalyst...........................................................................................23Windows Vista.......................................................................................23

Disclaimer:..................................................................................................24Appendix A: The .ini File...........................................................................25Appendix B: How to make your own Bot..................................................28

Prerequisites...........................................................................................28Building the Bot.....................................................................................28

Appendix C: Keydefinitions.......................................................................29

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List of Changes

Changes in Version 2.1:Added a Free Buff Mode for EE to buff up to 5 players AND herself. Also added a slider to make speed adjustments of the Bot easier to match different PCs and network speeds.

Inventory Clear will now drop items to bottom center position, if not set otherwise.

Some smaller changes that increase stability, at least for me ;)

Updates to this user guide to make it easier to use for new players.

Changes in Version 2.0:Most important, the Chaos Bot is now completely done in AutoIt, as Gameguard now detects all higher versions of the AutoIt as hack.

Secondly, I addressed many of the issues with the old release, namely Bot stopping, problems with Inventory Clear / Auto Repair and the MU Path.

I will no longer override the Y-Axis of the drop position for Inventory Clear, so you can determine the drop position all by yourself.

Another important new feature is related to all color detection issues. When you enable Debug Mode, Chaos Bot will actually capture and write to disk small segments of the screen (3x3 to 5x5 pixels), so you can measure the color and thus correct the color detection. This allows you to set your inventory clear to ignore up to 3 colors, leaving for example Mana pots and HP pots untouched. Default is to ignore large Mana pots.

In the ini file the option Use ColorDetect is now working. If you set it to false, Inventory clear will clear all slots, and it will just send single “i” to open inventory.

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IntroductionThe Chaos Bot is written in the AutoIt scripting language. It was developed on Windows XP, but runs fine on 2000 and Vista with Admin rights as well. For Vista, please enable the Win XP SP2 compatibility mode in the File Properties dialog.As Far As I Know, IT MAY NOT RUN ON 64-bit Versions of Vista!!

As a script it is not a HACK, it can not Autokill, teleport, repot or such things. It is just a basic AFK tool, that allows users to leave the PC unattended and still gain some experience and items. It will move the mouse for you, send keys to use different skills at different intervals, and can also send <space> to pickup items.

The Bot supports all classes, switching between multiple skills for each class, auto-picking items and dropping items from inventory. It features automatic repair, logging with screenshots, shutdown timers and more. Feel free to explore.

As for the features of this bot, it will save many of its settings in an ini file, that will reside in the same directory as the bot. The settings that you can change in the GUI are stored at HKCU\Software\Webzen\Chaos Bot in the registry to make the ini file smaller.It does not perform any sanity checks on the options you enter, so if you enter invalid time or skill keys, you will not be warned, the bot will just not work properly. This also leaves you some freedom to experiment ;)

A word of warning, you WILL get problems when using the keyboard a lot while the bot is running (semi-afk). It is most stable if you hit <ENTER> and wait for the chat to open before using the other keys. Due to a limitation in AutoIt pressing several hotkeys at nearly the same time will lead to random behavior, as the functions that are called to process the hotkeys will interrupt each other.So please be patient ;)

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Quick Start Guide – Basic UseThis gives you sample settings per character class, so you can easily start using the Chaos Bot. Follow the For all Classes section first, then move towards the class specific sections on the following pages. Feel free to explore the reference section to unleash the full potential of the Chaos Bot.

For all ClassesOpen the Chaos Bot and select the Opt tab.

Enable Window Mode and click Browse. Select the mu.exe file and open it. Note: This will not open the file, but select the path.Leave the Bot Speed unchanged. If you encounter problems with execution of skill, changing between skills, buffs being missed and so on, move the slider towards Slow.

Select the AFK tab.

Enable Request Off and AutoPick.Enable Full AFK Mode and AutoRepair.Disable Use PotsEnable Clear Inventory and input 1 and 5 for First Drop Col/Row.

Note: This will clear the lower 4 rows of the inventory.Disable Save Screenshots for now.

Setting the Drop Position for Inventory Clear

As default, the items will be dropped at the experience bar near the center position. If there is an obstacle in the way, you will need to change this position as directed in the next steps.

When you are at the AFK spot, open your inventory.Now move the mouse onto the experience bar and press ALT-F5.

Note: Any rock, wall, or such will prevent item dropping.Now you can test the settings, use a time of 0.5 min. for testing. If it doesn't drop, select a different position and repeat.The drop position must be in the following area:

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Running as EESelect the EE tab.

Set the Skillkeys for Defense, Damage, and Heal buffs.

Select the correct Partysize

Select the interval for buffing. Do NOT select numbers higher then 57 seconds, as buffs will run out then.

For lower level EE's it is possible to deselect some buffs. So anybody not attacking will not need the damage buff, any high level might only need damage buff and no healing, and so on.

Enter MU the normal way (or using F5 hotkey) and move to you AFK spot. To make Clear Inventory work, you need to set the drop position. See above.

Hit F9 and the Chaos Bot starts buffing. After all party members have been buffed, the bot will wait till the delay is over before buffing again. The Buff order is always Heal -> Defense -> Damage.

Additional Hints:You can use Hotkeys to change the party size, the Buff Delay, and also the HPTime.

Heal Buff will always be given with the other buffs. If HPTime is smaller then Buff Delay, the party member will receive an additional heal buff, if the normal buffs are not yet due.

If Free is selected for any party member, the bot will ask you for the position of each Free-Buff-PM when you start it. As for free buffing, the EE will always first buff herself with all 3 buffs. Any PM that has not the Free mode checked, will be buffed at the normal position in the party list. Then it will buff at the position that has been set for PM 1, then PM 2, and so on.So there are up to 6 buffs given per round.

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Running as AESelect the AE tab.

Set the AE Skill to the key for Tripleshot.

If you have enough mana, select power mode, else uncheck it.

Set Delay to 1000 to shoot 1 sec. in same direction.

Set Angle Inc. to 90 to shoot up, right, down, and left. To shoot in more directions, reduce the Angle Inc to 60 for 6 directions, and 45 for 8 directions.

Set Distance and Dist2 to 100.

If you are high level, and want to use Infinity Arrow, select it and set the Skill.

Uncheck Use Raven. .

Enter MU the normal way (or use the F5 hotkey) and move to you AFK spot. To make Clear Inventory work, you need to set the drop position. See above.

Hit F9 and the Chaos Bot starts shooting. If you have selected Use Infinity it will first activate Infinity Arrow, and then start to shoot using the Angle Inc setting.

Additional Hints:Hybrid Mode will use the settings for PM1 on the EE tab to perform a self buff of the AE.

Party Mode will use all settings of the EE tab to buff the full party, and use AE settings when no buffs are due. This can be useful if EE wants to use a crossbow to lure mobs while BK kills with TS.

No Skill Mode will perform right clicks, this way a low level DK can kill without TS, or elf can kill with normal shots instead of triple shot.

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Running as DW / DKSelect the DW tab.

Set the DW Skill to the key for Evil Spirit or Twisting Slash.

If you have enough mana, select power mode, else uncheck it. You kill faster, but it eats much more mana.

Set Delay to 600 to use the skill every 600ms, if Power Mode is unchecked, or any value you think is best

If you want to use Soul Barrier or Fortitude, select Use 2. Skill. Set DW Skill2 to the key for SoulBarrier or Fortitude. Set the Delay a bit smaller then the skill duration.

Make sure, Combo is unchecked.

Enter MU the normal way (or use the F5 hotkey) and move to you AFK spot. To make Clear Inventory work, you need to set the drop position. See above.

Hit F9 and the Chaos Bot starts skilling. If you have selected Use 2. Skill it will use the second skill and then continuing using the normal skill.

Additional Hints:If you run out of mana, the second skill will usually not be activated. So if you want to make sure that you always use the second skill you must deactivate Auto Attack option in MU options and set the delay long enough that you always recover enough mana.

To use Nova, select power mode to make sure the mouse key is held down for charging. Activate 2. Skill in an interval to cast nova, as mouse will be released before the 2. Skill is activated.

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Running as DLSelect the AE tab.

Set the AE Skill to the key for FireBurst.

Select power mode.

Set Delay to 100 to move the cursor fast across the screen.

Set the angle increment to 30.

Set Distance to 80 and Dist2 to 200.

Enter MU the normal way (or use the F5 hotkey) and move to you AFK spot. To make Clear Inventory work, you need to set the drop position. See above.

Hit F9 and the Chaos Bot starts skilling.

Additional Hints:To use Critical Damage select EE tab and set Def Key to Critical, uncheck Dmg and HP for PM1. Select AE again and select Hybrid Mode.

If you are a Command DL with Raven and Horse, you can select Use Raven so it automatically activates Random Attack before starting to skill. Time is the Delay, after which the Raven Attack will be disabled to avoid the death of the Raven.

To also use the horse skill, you can set the EE Heal key to the Horse Stomp skill. Then select HP for PM1 and set the HPTime to 12. Switch back to AE tab and make sure that Hybrid Mode is selected.

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Running as MGA MG is really not that different to some other classes in regards to bot settings, as its skills can be used very much the same as one of the other classes. So here I list just some guidelines on how to use the setup for the other classes to run your MG.

Running as eMGThat's just like a DW or SM, of course you will mainly rely on ES, and not use many other skills, but depending on your mana recovery and the map you may want to use Inferno or hellfire as second skill.

Running as sMGThat's just like the AE when you are using Power Slash, or as a DK when using Twisting Slash. Since you will need tons of mana when using Powerslash, you might want to limit the area of attack by using Start Angle and Stop Angle and stand in a corner.

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The User Interface ReferenceThis section describes the user interface in more detail. The different options are grouped by character class.

EE options will also be usable from the AE and DW tab if this is selected. Some basic settings like skill interval and autopick can be influenced with hotkeys while the bot is running.

To AFK with your character leveling you will need to select the proper character specific tab. When you select the AFK tab, only the options from this tab, and the Opt tab are used. NO SKILLS WILL BE USED.

When the Opt tab is active, settings on all other tabs will be ignored.

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The EE TabThe Buff Delay can be changed with the ALT-UP and ALT-DOWN keys. You can also change the Party Size on the fly with the ALT-+ and the ALT-- keys from the numeric keypad!.With ALT-PgUp/Dn you can change the Heal-Timer.

All Buffs can be enabled for each PM individually. This is especially useful when you use the EE settings from AE or DW tab to control additional SM, DL, or hybrid Elf skills.

The Heal Buff will always be given with all other buffs when it is enabled. When HPTime is smaller then Buff Delay the PMs will get additional HP Buffs after HPTime seconds. But when Buff Delay time is up, the additional Heal Buffs will be interrupted.

With release 2.1 a new Free Buff mode was added. When Free is checked for any PM, the Bot will ask you to set the position for the FreeBuff using the ALT-F8 hotkey for that PM. Then the EE will first buff herself with all 3 buffs, and start buffing each PM according to the settings. If Free is not checked for a PM, the EE will buff at the proper position in the party list.

The old mode of setting Party Size to 1, where the EE will buff at current mouse position, works as well. With ALT-F6 you can “fix” the cursor at that mouse position. ALT-F6 will set the Full AFK option on the AFK tab. If this option is set when the bot is started, it will use the center position for AFK.

These settings will also be used in AE and DW mode, when Hybrid or EE (for AE) or Party (for DW) is enabled.

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The AE TabHybrid Mode enables Self-buffing using the EE settings for PM1. With Party Mode the AE will focus on buffing party members and shoot while not buffing.Power Mode will hold the left Mouse button down for permanent shooting. ALT-UP / DOWN will change the Delay. The Delay will determine how long the AE shoots in one direction. ALT-LEFT / RIGHT will change Start and Stop angle simultaneously. Can be used to aim your shoot direction. If Angle is set to 180°, you can shoot both directions in a tunnel. Or with Stop Angle = 180 you can stand against a wall and shoot only towards the room. Just think about the first Hot Spot in LT7, AE in corner can cover all angles with this.Use Infinity will invoke the Infinity Skill and reactivate it every 2min.Changing Party size on the fly works also from here.Use Infinity will enable Infinity Arrow and also cancel it after a certain time, and re-enable it.With ALT-PgUp/Dn you change the Distance on the fly. Very helpful for DL and FireBurst. Also mainly for DL is the Dist2 value, that will make the cursor travel a star shape. Some recommended angle settings for this are 11 or 13 degrees and delay 0.Use Raven will enable raven random attack mode with bot start, and every 5min afterwards. I have noticed in longer AFK session, that raven sometimes stops attacking. Also when you die and are summoned again, this will re-enable the raven. Time is the delay after which Raven will be stopped to avoid that the raven dies.

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The DW TabUse 2. Skill enables the second skill, the 2. Delay is given in seconds, the main Delay is in msec. Power Mode holds the left Mouse button down. ALT-UP / DOWN will change the main skill timing, ALT-LEFT / RIGHT changes the 2. Skill timing. With Party Mode the DW will use the EE Def Skill on Party Members. So you can use Soul Barrier on all Party Members.

When you select Combo, all other skills will be disabled. This option is not for AFK, but for support active play. Honestly, it is not as good as doing combo yourself, but a lot easier ;)Your center mouse button will start the combo sequence. Make sure that the first mob is selected and close enough to get hit. When you select area skills (twisting and rageful) you have the best chance to succeed.It will be a good idea to turn off Auto Attack in the Mu Options to make it more reliable.

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The AFK TabRequest off will automatically send /request off or on when starting or stopping the bot. Autoparty allows you to select 4 positions for auto party and sends /party after positioning the mouse. Timing for this can be set in the ini file.Full AFK Mode will center mouse each time a button is clicked. When activated via Hotkey while the bot is already running, it will move mouse to current position for each skill.Autorepair will use repair (lvl 50+) on all items equipped. The current release should also work when Raven turns yellow or red. Note: If the inventory can't be opened / closed successfully, repair will be disabled.Use Pots will just send the selected keys after the set time has passed.Note: This is not using pots when you need it, it is just drinking them to prevent them from filling your inventory.

Clear inventory will drop items from the lower right corner of your inventory. The screenshot shows the result of a 5-5 setting. To activate it, use the ALT-F5 hotkey to set the drop position as shown in the image below. Drop will occur after the set delay when an Item is detected in the inventory. Note: Since detection is color based, it is not 100% reliable. I found that DL scrolls are usually not detected. When inventory turns yellow or red, it will try to drop from every position.

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The Drop position must be set in this area to work:

Open the inventory before you set it, to make sure any blocking objects like walls, rocks and so on are displayed in the proper location.

Save Screenshots will do exactly that, with clear you can delete screen shots older then 24h by default. In the ini file is an option to modify this time. Also you can select whether you use the MU screenshot function or the built in. Default is to use the built in. Also with the current release Clear will no longer remove screenshots from the MU directory.

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The Opt TabWhen you run the bot with this tab being active, all other functions will be ignored. So this is good for pure auto picking.

AutoAccept will automatically accept trade and party requests by left clicking at the proper location. This is good when you play on multiple PCs.Run Macros will activate all loaded macros in sequence. The Load button looks for a file messages.txt in the current directory and loads each line as macro.Shutdown timer is helpful when you leave PC running at work and need shutdown before next morning.MU Launcher Settings allow you to enable/disable Window Mode and Sound from the Bot UI. This writes the proper registry settings to the current users registry keys. Set these before running MU.If you specify an account name in the ini file, it will show here and be written to the proper registry key as well. Also, if you specify a password in the ini file, the password will be copied to the clipboard, so that you can insert it with CTRL-V. Made for faster server switching, especially when you want to do 3 CC's on P2P and use a secure password. ;)If you create a section [LOGIN] in the ini file, you can select between multiple accounts. Just put <account>=<password> in the ini and it will appear in the list.Please locate the mu.exe yourself using the Browse button. This should help anyone not using a default installation.Bot Speed is a multiplier for the timings in the Chaos Bot.ini setting. Fast is half the delays given in the ini, Slow is 4 times the delay in the ini file. Most users will not need to edit the ini file anymore.

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The HotkeysF5: Launch MUF6: Toggle AutopickF7: Pause Bot for 10 sec.F8: Toggle Right Click (Shopmode)F9: Start / Stop BotALT-UP: Increase Skill DelayALT-DOWN: Decrease Skill DelayALT-LEFT: Decrease OptionALT-RIGHT: Increase OptionALT-NUM+: Increase Party SizeALT-NUM-: Decrease Party SizeALT-PgUp: Increase Heal or DistanceALT-PgDn: Decrease Heal or DistanceALT-F5: Set Item Drop PositionALT-F6: Toggle Full AFKALT-F7: Toggle Power Mode (AE/DW)ALT-F8: Set Free Buff positionsALT-F9: Use current window as MU windowALT-F10: Enable Logging to file (Debug Mode)F10: Disable Logging to file (Debug Mode)

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Fixing Color Detection IssuesIf you have problems with the Auto Repair and Inventory Clear due to Color variations, you can add a section [COLOR] to the ini file and set the following parameters to make it more reliable:

Here is a complete list of the options in the [COLOR] Section with their default values:[COLOR]InvOpen=0xF8BC20 Standard Color for XInvOpenY=0xC48205 Color for reduced (yellow) durabilityInvOpenR=0xC33810 Color for red durabilityInvEmpty=0x3C3C3F Color for empty inventory slotIgnore1=0x0B01DB Ignores Large Mana in Inv.Ignore2=0xFF00FF Can be used to ignore SM Scrolls or suchDisconnect=0x131313 Detects DC BoxTolerance=4 Tolerance for Color Detection

The InvEmpty and Ignore1/2 Colors are the values found at the center of an empty or ignore slot in the inventory.

The other values are found near the center of the yellow X to close the inventory. Since this will change color when your equipment loses durability there are 3 values for the comparison.

Fixing Item DetectionThis works only on items that do not change their color (no jewels, Exc, Devils Eyes/Keys). Use Colordetect must be enabled in the ini file (default)!On the next page I will show how to setup Chaos Bot to avoid dropping SM Scrolls. You can do this yourself with whatever item you want. Keep in mind that items with similar colors might also be ignored after this is accomplished.

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You start out by getting any DW scroll and place it at an inventory slot, where it will be dropped:

Go to the Chaos Bot, and set up Inv. Clear with a short time, like 0.2 (about 12 sec.) to speed up things.

Press <ALT><F10> to enable logging!

Start the Bot and wait for the scroll to be dropped. Now stop the Bot, close it completely, get the scroll back, and browse to the Screenshot folder. Select the jpg that says ItemDetected.... with the current time stamp and open it.The file has just like 4x4 pixels, measure the color any of the center pixels. In IrfanView, this is done by clicking it, the color will display in the title bar. For me this value was 0x232325 for DW scrolls.

Then add the following lines to the ChaosBot.ini:[COLOR]Ignore2=0x232325

Put in [COLOR] only if there is no section with this name yet.Instead of 0x232325 enter the color value you got from the previous step.

Save the file and start Chaos Bot again. This time the scroll will not be dropped. If it still is dropped, read on:

Note: This works most reliable on all SINGLE-slot items. For DW scrolls it worked for me too, if you encounter problems, you might have to use Ignore1 AND Ignore2 for 2 slot items, and give up the ability to ignore mana pots.It will not work with any shiny items, like Large HP+1

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Fixing Inventory Open/Close issuesUsing the same procedure as above, this time CLOSE the inventory while the inventory is being cleared. This will create a screenshot CloseInvFailxxx.jpg. You can analyze it in a similar way and then you know your current InvOpen color value. Put this in the ini file as described above.

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Known Problems

ATI CatalystWhen you have ATI Catalyst Control Center installed, the ALT-F5 hot key is used by it. Either close the Contol Center, or change its configuration to use a different hot key.

Windows VistaFor Windows Vista, make sure that you are logged on with administrative rights. Also right-click on the Chaos Bot executable (Tablet.exe) and select properties. Select the tab Compatibility and select the option Win XP SP2.

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User name and password will only be used to speed up login. If you don't trust me, don't use the functionality.

Chaos Bot does not connect to external networks, the client – server communication is run through standard input/output queues and not any networking.

Do not hold me accountable for any hacking of your account, or account banning that K2 or other server admins might do to you because of the use of this bot.

This software is released as is, I consider it in no way as bug free. I do not promise to maintain it, or support it in any other way.

If you would like to show your appreciation, please post your remarks at or message me directly. If you feel like donating jewels or zen, just let me know, I am sure we can arrange something ;)

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Appendix A: The .ini FileThis describes the options in the Chaos Bot.ini file, that can't be changed through the GUI and are useful for general control of the bot. Some of these options are optional and will only be used if you actually add them to the ini file.

[GLOBAL]OptKeyDelay=80 AutoIt internal keystroke delayOptKeyDownDelay=120 AutoIt internal keydown delayServerName= Name for the keysender part of bot,

if it needs to be different.ServerDelay=100 Delay for server internal operation(Autopick)KeyDelay=100 additional delay between some keystrokesClickDelay=100 AutoIt internal delay between mouse clicksClickDownDelay=150 AutoIt internal mouse button down timePYFactor=0.04 vertical distance of party list (*Y Res.)PYBase=-11 vertical offset for first party memberPXFactor=0.933 horizontal distance of party list (*X Res.)PauseLength=10 pause duration in sec. after pressing F7MouseSpeed=3 1 is fastest, 5 is slowestModifierKey=! ! is ALT key, + is SHIFT keyUse ColorDetect=True Set to False to disable due to problemsDetect DC=False You can enable this option to stop the Bot

after a DC is detected. May stop the bot on certain maps like Dungeon and LostTower

MU_Path= This stores the path to the mu.exe, if needed

[AGILTY]Skill Time=500 Duration of Mouse Down for AE skillInfinity Delay=120000 Delay until infinity will be disabled (=2min)Raven Delay=300000 Delay till raven will be reactivated(=5min)

[DW-DK]Combo Hotkey=4 Hotkey for Combo, see Appendix A

Default is center mouse button.

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[AFK]Drop X=0 Will store the pixel position for Inv. Clear.Drop Y=0 vertical pixel position for Inv. ClearDropClicks=2 Number of Clicks that will be used to drop

items, higher numbers increase drop reliabilty, but slow down the speed of inventory clear.

Party Intervall=15000 Autoparty every 15 secondsParty Delay=1000 hold mouse in position for 1 secParty Distance=0.1 distance multiplier for mouse positionMU Screenshot=False Does a Printscreen if True, False puts screenshots in directory Screenshots in Bot directoryHours2Keep=24 Age of screenshots in hours that will not be

deleted when pressing clear[OPT]Macro Delay=11000 Delay for macros, 11sec is long enough

to show shop nameShutdownMode=13 0: Logoff 1:Shutdown 2:Reboot 4:Force

8:Power down 32:Standby 64:HibernateOr any binary combination of those.A negative value will only stop Bot and Mu

LoginID= Your MU ID / last used IDLoginPass= Your MU Password (of last used ID)

Create a section Login like this to allow fast account switching:[LOGIN]User1=pass1User2=pass2

This will allow you to select the user account from the Combobox and paste the password to the clipboard.

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The color section is completely optional, if you do not experience any problems, you will not have to make changes to this section.

[COLOR]InvOpen=0xF8BC20 Standard Color for XInvOpenY=0xC48205 Color for reduced (yellow) durabilityInvOpenR=0xC33810 Color for red durabilityInvEmpty=0x3C3C3F Color for empty inventory slotIgnore1=0x0B01DB Ignores Large Mana in Inv.Ignore2=0x00FF00 Can be used to ignore SM Scrolls or suchDisconnect=0x131313 Detects DC BoxTolerance=4 Tolerance for Color Detection

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Appendix B: How to make your own Bot

PrerequisitesAutoIt from March 2007Auto3Lib from Paul Campbell

You can download all of this at:

Also you will need the resource hacker so that you can have a custom icon, change the file version, and such. This can be obtained from here:

and must be copied to the ...\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\ directory.

The sources for the Chaos Bot are only available via email. Please contact me using the email address specified in the file properties of the Chaos Bot executable. If you still don't know how to contact me, there is no use for you in having the source in the first place ;)

Building the BotInstall AutoIt, then SciTe, then Auto3Lib. Now you can unzip the sources to a folder created for this project. Copy the resource hacker as written above.

First open Chaos_Bot_KServer.au3Press F7 to build the KeyServer.exe component.Now open Chaos_Bot_2.1.0.au3 and also hit F7. This will build the Tablet.exe and include the the KeyServer.exe component with it.

You are now ready to explore AutoIt and create your own personal bot.Have fun :)

For more information about AutoIt visithttp://www.autoitscript.comYou may join the forum to get tons of help.

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Appendix C: Keydefinitions

These are the possible Keydefinitions for the Combo-Hotkey. Please make sure that your selection does not cause any conflict with an existing hotkey assigned to another functionality used by the Chaos Bot or any other application in use at the same time.

01 Left mouse button02 Right mouse button04 Middle mouse button05 Win 2000/XP: X1 mouse button06 Win 2000/XP: X2 mouse button08 BACKSPACE key09 TAB key0C CLEAR key0D ENTER key10 SHIFT key11 CTRL key12 ALT key13 PAUSE key14 CAPS LOCK key1B ESC key20 SPACEBAR21 PAGE UP key22 PAGE DOWN key23 END key24 HOME key25 LEFT ARROW key26 UP ARROW key27 RIGHT ARROW key28 DOWN ARROW key29 SELECT key2A PRINT key2B EXECUTE key2C PRINT SCREEN key

2D INS key2E DEL key30 0 key31 1 key32 2 key33 3 key34 4 key35 5 key36 6 key37 7 key38 8 key39 9 key41 A key42 B key43 C key44 D key45 E key46 F key47 G key48 H key49 I key4A J key4B K key4C L key4D M key4E N key4F O key50 P key

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51 Q key52 R key53 S key54 T key55 U key56 V key57 W key58 X key59 Y key5A Z key5B Left Windows key5C Right Windows key60 Numeric keypad 0 key61 Numeric keypad 1 key62 Numeric keypad 2 key63 Numeric keypad 3 key64 Numeric keypad 4 key65 Numeric keypad 5 key66 Numeric keypad 6 key67 Numeric keypad 7 key68 Numeric keypad 8 key69 Numeric keypad 9 key6A Multiply key6B Add key6C Separator key6D Subtract key6E Decimal key6F Divide key70 F1 key71 F2 key

72 F3 key73 F4 key74 F5 key75 F6 key76 F7 key77 F8 key78 F9 key79 F10 key7A F11 key7B F12 key7C-7F F13 key - F16 key80H-87H F17 key - F24 key90 NUM LOCK key91 SCROLL LOCK keyA0 Left SHIFT keyA1 Right SHIFT keyA2 Left CONTROL keyA3 Right CONTROL keyA4 Left MENU keyA5 Right MENU keyBA ;BB =BC ,BD -BE .BF /C0 `DB [DC \DD ]

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