chap 1_introduction to leadership

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  • 7/31/2019 Chap 1_Introduction to Leadership


    Introduction to LeadershipChapter 1

    Teena Y. Sharma 1Intro. to Leadership

  • 7/31/2019 Chap 1_Introduction to Leadership


    Prologue - Leadership:Definitions & Overview Ability to influence a group toward the

    achievement of goals

    Requires a leader and follower(s)

    Different from management?? Leadership = doing the right things

    Management = doing things right

    Successful vs. effective managers (It has been observed, most of the times,

    effective managers possess leadershiptraits)

    Teena Y. Sharma 2Intro. to Leadership

  • 7/31/2019 Chap 1_Introduction to Leadership


    Prologue - Managers vs.Leaders


    Rational, problem-solving, control

    React and respond

    Interact rationally with

    other people


    Mystical, define

    problems, inspire

    Vision, proactive

    Emotional relationship

    with other people

    Teena Y. Sharma 3Intro. to Leadership

  • 7/31/2019 Chap 1_Introduction to Leadership


    Famous Quote Boss or Leader

    The boss drives his/her team; the leader coaches them. The boss depends upon authority; the leader depends upon

    good will.

    The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm.

    The boss says, "I"; the leader says "WE."

    The boss assigns the tasks; the leader sets the pace. The boss says, "Get here on time"; the leader begins on


    The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixesthe breakdown.

    The boss knows how it is done; the leader shows how it is

    done. The boss makes work drudgery; the leader makes it a game.

    The boss says, "GO"; the leader says, "LET'S GO."

    Author Unknown

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    Prologue - What is Leadership?

    The process of influencing others tounderstand and agree about whatneeds to be done and how it can be

    done effectively, and the process offacilitating individual and collectiveefforts to accomplish the shared


    A role -- a process

    Teena Y. Sharma 5Intro. to Leadership

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    SoWhat is Leadership ?

    There is no universal or standardizeddefinition of Leadership, becauseLeadership is complex, and it studied indifferent ways with different perspectives,thus they all require different definitions.

    But, according to Lussier and Achua, itcan be defined as Leadership is

    influencing process of Leaders and alsofollowers, in order to achieveorganizational objectives throughchange.

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    What is Leadership?

    The definition has five elements.





    Leader -Followers

    Teena Y. Sharma 7Intro. to Leadership

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    Leadership :- Influence

    Influencing can be defined as the process of a leader communicating ideas,gaining acceptance of these ideas, and finally motivating the followers tosupport and implement these ideas through change.

    Influence is the essence of Leadership.

    Most of the organizations have two major classifications of their employees:Managersand Sub-ordinates.

    Managers have the formal authority to tell the sub-ordinates about what is tobe done, whereas, employees do what is told to them.

    In this relationship, a manager has to perform all the functions ofmanagement i.e. Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling.

    A manager may perform the management functions well, but may not be aneffective leader, which in a way may affect his effectiveness.

    At the same time, there may be an employee, who takes part in decision-making and influences people. This makes him a good leader.

    Influencing is about How great is the impact which you make on your


    To be a successful leader, a person must be highly influential, but not bossy.

    Teena Y. Sharma 8Intro. to Leadership

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    Leadership:OrganizationalObjectives Effective Leaders are not just concerned with the

    growth of self.

    Rather, they themselves work, and influence followersto work for the interest and growth of the organization.

    Leadership occurs when the followers are guided to

    understand what is ethical and beneficial for theorganization and themselves.

    Apart form encouraging the followers, to work for thegrowth of the organization and thus themselves,another task of a leader is to set specific, difficultobjectives, which lead to higher levels of performance.

    An effective leader sets clear, achievable and highgoals.

    Teena Y. Sharma 9Intro. to Leadership

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    Change talks about transformation.When objectives are set for theemployees, they undergo a Change.

    Leadership involves influencingfollowers, to bring about a Change,

    towards a desired future for the


    Teena Y. Sharma 10Intro. to Leadership

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    Leadership:- Leaders-Followers

    A Leader is a person who leads and aFollower is a person, who gets influenced bythe Leader. A Follower can be manager ornon-manager.

    Good Followers are not Yes !!! People, whofollow the leader without giving any inputs tothe leader.

    It is not just that a leader influencesFollowers, the Leader also gets influenced by

    followers. Followers give a direction to leader for

    formulating the objectives. Leadership is a continuous process between

    Leaders and Followers.Teena Y. Sharma 11Intro. to Leadership

  • 7/31/2019 Chap 1_Introduction to Leadership


    Leadership:- People

    People is an important element ofLeadership.

    Leadership is about leading People.

    Effective Leaders, enjoy working withPeople and helping them succeed.

    Teena Y. Sharma 12Intro. to Leadership

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    Leadership Managerial Roles

    Managerial Roles talk about thefunctions, a Leader needs to perform.

    The ten roles a Leader performs, in

    order to accomplish organizationalobjectives, and make people succeedare:

    Interpersonal Roles Informational Roles Decisional RolesFigurehead Monitor Entrepreneur

    Leader Disseminator Disturbance-Handler

    Liaison Spokesperson Resource-Allocator

    NegotiatorTeena Y. Sharma 13Intro. to Leadership

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    Leadership Managerial Roles

    They can be divided into three major categories. The categories are:

    Interpersonal Roles: Revolves around people. They include people and duties which are symbolic in nature. Has three types: Figurehead, Liaison and Leader

    Informational Roles: These are the duties which involve information. Receiving, Collecting and Disseminating information. The three types are: Monitor, Disseminator and Spokesperson

    Decisional Roles: Revolves around making choices Has four types: Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler, Resource

    Allocator and Negotiator.

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    Leadership Managerial RolesRole Description Examples

    Interpersonal Roles

    Figurehead Symbolic head: perform some duties which

    are legal or social in nature

    Greeting Visitors, Signing Legal documents,

    presiding in meetings etc.

    Leader Motivate followers Motivating followers through counseling,mentoring or promotions, rewards etc.

    Liaison Maintaining self-developed network ofoutside people who give information

    Acknowledging mails on company behalf,attending professional/trade union meetings.

    Informational Roles

    Monitor Evaluating information Reading periodicals and examining annualreports

    Disseminator Transmit the information received fromoutsiders to insiders of organization

    Holding board meetings and passing oninformation received from outside.

    Spokesperson Transmit information to companys outsiders Holding press meetings etc.

    Decisional Roles

    Entrepreneur Improvement, bringing changes inorganization

    Making Strategies, developingproducts/services

    Disturbance Handler Giving solutions to unexpected actions Solving quarrels

    Resource Allocator Responsible for allocating organizationalresources

    Delegating duties and resources

    Negotiator Representing the organization at majornegotiations,

    Participating in union contracts etc.

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    Leadership Management Skills

    A Leader can posses three types of skills: Technical Skills:

    Knowledge and proficiency in a particular field, like computers,engineering, accounting etc.

    These skills are important to Lower level of managers, as they deal withworkers.

    Human Skills: The ability to work well with other people, both individuals and groups. Because managers deal directly with people, this skill is crucial.

    They learn how to communicate, motivate and negotiate. Equally important to all levels of managers.

    Conceptual Skills: The ability to think about abstract and complex situations. This skill helps in decision making, hence it is most important to Top


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    Personality Traits of Leaders

    Traits are distinguishing personalcharacteristics.

    Personality, at the same time, is a

    combination of traits, that state thebehavior of an individual.

    Understanding personality is important

    because, personality affects behavior.

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    Another Way To Look At It

    Personal characteristics





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    Personality Traits of Leaders Traits of effective leaders can be given as:

    Teena Y. Sharma Intro. to Leadership 19




    InternalLocus ofControl






    Sensitivityto Others

  • 7/31/2019 Chap 1_Introduction to Leadership


    Personality Traits of Leaders

    Dominance: Dominance here talks about, governance and taking

    charge of things.

    Effective leaders take charge, and possess the ability togovern the followers.

    However, they are never overly bossy or use a bullyingstyle.

    High Energy: Leaders drive hard to achieve goals.

    They have enthusiasm for doing things without giving up,

    and the stamina to tolerate stress, they also have hightolerance to frustration, and overcome it effectively.

    Leaders take initiative to bring about improvements.

    However, they are not viewed as pushy.

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    Personality Traits of Leaders

    Self-Confidence: Self-Confidence indicates, whether a person is self assured about

    their judgments, decision-making, ideas and capabilities.

    Leaders display self-assurance about their abilities and fosterconfidence among followers.

    Self-Confidence also influences individual goals, efforts and task

    persistence. Leaders are however realistically self-confident, but are not

    arrogant with know it all attitude.

    Locus of Control: Locus of control is on a continuum between external and internal

    belief in control over ones destiny. Externalizers believe that they have no control over their fate, and

    their behavior has little to do with their performance.

    Internalizers are leaders and they believe they control their fate,and their behavior affects their fate.

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    Personality Traits of Leaders

    Stability: Stability talks about adjustment dimension of the big-five model

    Stable leaders are more emotionally controlled, secure andpositive.

    Integrity: Integrity refers to behavior that is honest and ethical, making

    person trustworthy.

    Honesty refers to truthfulness of the leader.

    Trustworthiness is an important part of leaders success, to formlong-term relationships, trust is very essential.

    The ability to influence depends a lot on integrity of the leader.

    Unless the leader is trustworthy it is difficult to obtain the loyalty ofthe followers, which in turn results cooperation and support by thefollowers.

    It is related to Conscientiousness dimension of Big-Five model ofpersonality traits.

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    Personality Traits of Leaders

    Flexibility: Flexibility is agreeableness with others.

    It also talks about adjustment with others.

    It includes traits related to getting along with people.

    A leader is flexible if he is warm, easygoing, compassionate, friendly andsociable.

    Besides this, it also refers to ability of leaders to adjust in different situations.

    Sensitivity to Others: Sensitivity to others refers to understanding group members as individuals,

    what are their positions, how to best communicate and influence them.

    To be sensitive to others require empathy.

    Sensitivity is very important while playing the Negotiator role by the leader. To build good relationships with followers, this trait is useful.

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    Personality Traits of Leaders

    Intelligence: Intelligence refers to cognitive ability of

    leaders to think critically, to solve

    problems, to take decisions. It is the intellectual skill of the leaders.

    It refers to the Openness to Experience

    dimension of Big-Five model of

    personality traits.

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    Big-Five Model of PersonalityTraits








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    THANK YOU !!!

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