chap8 natural convection

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  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection



    1Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection



    8.1 Natural Convection

    8.2 Equation of Motion & Grashof Number

    8.3 Natural Convection over Surfaces8.4 Natural Convection from Finned Surfaces

    8.5 Combined Convection

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011 2

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection



    At the end of the lesson, students should be able


    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011 3

    Understand the physical mechanism of natural convection

    Derive the governing equations of natural convection, and obtainthe dimensionless Grashof number by nondimensionalizing them

    Evaluate the Nusselt number for natural convection associated

    with vertical, horizontal, and inclined plates as well as cylinders

    and spheres

    Examine natural convection from finned surfaces, and determine

    the optimum fin spacing

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection



    8.1 Natural Convection

    Buoyancy force: The upward force exerted by a fluid on a body completely or

    partially immersed in it in a gravitational field. The magnitude of the buoyancy

    force is equal to the weight of the fluid displacedby the body.

    The net vertical force acting on a body

    It is the buoyancy force that keeps the ships

    afloat in water (W = Fbuoyancy for floating objects).Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    8.1 Natural



    The thickness of the boundary layer increases

    in the flow direction.

    Unlike forced convection, the fluid velocity is

    zero at the outer edge of the velocity

    boundary layer as well as at the surface of the

    plate. At the surface, the fluid temperature is equal

    to the plate temperature, and gradually

    decreases to the temperature of the

    surrounding fluid at a distance sufficiently far

    from the surface.

    In the case ofcold surfaces, the shape of thevelocity and temperature profiles remains the

    same but their direction is reversed.

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    The flow regime in natural convection is governed by anotherdimensionless number, Grashof Number (Gr)

    The Grashof number provides the main criterion in determiningwhether the fluid flow is laminar or turbulent in natural convection.


    8.2 Grashof Number

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection



    8.2 Grashof Number

    For vertical plates, the critical Grashof Number is observed to be 109. the flow is turbulent for higher than 109 Gr number

    The coefficient of volume expansion is a measure of

    the change in volume of a substance with

    temperature at constant pressure.

    ideal gas

    Tis referred to average temperature

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection



    8.3 Natural Convection

    over SurfacesNatural convection heat transfer on a surface depends on the geometry of the

    surface as well as its orientation. It also depends on the variation of temperature

    on the surface and the thermophysical properties of the fluid involved.


    The constants Cand n depend on the geometryofthe surface and the flow regime, which is

    characterized by the range of the Rayleigh number.

    The value ofn is1/4 usually for laminar flow and 1/3

    for turbulent flow.

    All fluid properties are to be evaluated at the film

    temperature Tf= (T

    s+ T


    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    10Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    11Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    1. Find the fluid properties based on filmtemperature (Tf) where Tf= (Ts+Tg) /2

    2. Calculate the Rayleigh Number (Ra)

    3. Identify the characteristic length, H (from table)

    4. Determine/find from table, the right correlationof Nu based on range of Ra obtained.

    5. Calculate the heat transfer/heat loss

    Usually radiation analysis should accompany natural convectionanalysis unless the emissivity of surface is low.


    Methodology for Solving


    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    A 6 m long section of an 8 cm diameter horizontal

    hot water pipe passes through a larger room

    whose temperature is 20rC. If the outer surfacetemperature of the pipe is 74 rC, determine the

    rate of heat loss from the pipe by natural

    convection. (Ans: 443 W)

    14Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

    Problem 8.1

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    Consider a 0.8 m x 0.8 m square plate in a room at28rC. One side of the plate is maintained at atemperature of 106rC, while the other side isinsulated. Determine the rate of heat transfer from

    the plate by natural convection if the plate is :

    a) Vertical position

    b) Hot surface facing up

    c) Hot surface facing down

    (Ans : 115 W, 128 W, 64.2 W)

    15Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

    Problem 8.2

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    8.4 Natural Convection

    over Finned Surfaces


    Natural convection flow through a channel

    formed by two parallel plates are commonly

    encountered in practice

    When the plates are hot, the ambient fluid

    enters the channel from the lower end, rises

    as it is heated under the effect of buoyancy And the heated fluid leaves the channel from

    the upper end

    The plates could be the fins of a finned heat

    sink, or the PCBs of an electronic device.

    The plates can be approximated as being

    isothermal (Ts = constant) in the first case,

    and isoflux (qs = constant) in the second case.

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    8.4 Natural Convection

    over Finned Surfaces


    Characteristic lengths

    (Sfin spacing orL fin height)

    for vertical




    The Rayleigh Number:

    The average Nusselt Number:

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    8.4 Natural Convection

    over Finned Surfaces



    The rate of heat transfer:

    When the fins are essentially isothermal and the fin thickness tis small relative

    to the fin spacing S, the optimum fin spacing for a vertical heat sink is

    All fluid properties are to be evaluated at

    the average temperature Tavg = (Ts + Tg)/2.

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    8.5 Combined Convection

    Forced convection always accompanied by natural


    Error in ignoring natural convection is negligible at high

    velocities but may be considerable at low velocities

    Criterion to assess the relative magnitude of natural

    convection in the presence of forced convection is Gr/Re2

    Gr/Re2 < 0.1 Negligible natural convection

    Gr/Re2 > 10 Negligible forced convection

    0.1 < Gr/Re2 < 10 Both non-negligible

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011 19

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    Natural convection may help or give load to the forcedconvection heat transfer, depending on the relativedirections of buoyancy force and forced convectionmotions

    Basically, there are three types of relative directions :

    a) Assisting flow

    b) Opposing flow

    c) Transverse flow

    20Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

    8.5 Combined Convection

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    Assisting flow

    the bouyant motion is in

    the same direction as the

    forced motion.

    Heat transfer increases.

    21Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

    8.5 Combined Convection

    Opposing flow

    the bouyant motion is in

    the opposite direction

    as the forced motion.

    Heat transfer


    Transverse flow

    the bouyant motion isperpendicular direction asthe forced motion.

    enhances fluid mixing andfinally increases heat


  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    22Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011

    When both convections cannot be ignored, use the

    following correlation

    nnnaturalnforcedcombined NuNuNu/1


    + for assisting and transverse flow

    - for opposing flow

    8.5 Combined Convection

  • 8/6/2019 Chap8 Natural Convection


    Problem 8.3

    A 12-cm-wide and 18-cm-high vertical hot surface in 30oC air

    is to be cooled by a heat sink with equally spaced fins of

    rectangular profile. The fins are 0.1 cm thick and 18 cm long

    in the vertical direction and have a height of 2.4 cm from the

    base. Determine the optimum fin spacing and the rate of heattransfer by natural convection from the heat sink if the base

    temperature is 80oC.

    (Ans: 7.45 mm, 1.30 W)

    Faiza M Nasir, Jan 2011 23